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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1967, p. 13

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"t Graduates in the B.H.S. Arts'and Science Cours.- Photo shows the Arts & Science graduates at ,$.H.S. who received their diplomas at the Commence- &-Inent exercises on Friday, Nov. 24th. They are, front .row, left to right, Kathy Foster, Dale Gibson, Janice eurdy, Hattie Johnson; back row, Rick Bromeil, James B L Mr.Russel Mountjoy was ,,,iosteas for the Anna Unit, ,4..Ëesday afternoon. Leader .kvrs. Skeldlng welcomied ail ,"ind opened meeting with a v'erse. lirs. Kenneth Samells lgave the chapter of Study ,ý4ook - The Hope af the Christian Worid, which was * .Iolowed with a discussion. -'The Wdrship on "The Parable :cf the Talents" was ably deait ,ýwith by Mrs. Skelding. MA questionnaire on the work '.of the -U.C.W. was dealt with ..nd questions answered, ta be sent to general meeting. Ar- rangements for caterlng to the 'Corn Growers Banquet, Dec. 15th were made. Attendance, * Candace Unit met at home of Dolly Lee Tuesday morn- Ing. Leader Jean, Mahaffy opened with a poemn and Lord's Prayer. Joan Paisley conducted the devotional with scripture passages, P s a i m 103 and Luice 15, and a medi- tation an Forgiveness. A gaod dleal of discussion was spent an th-equestionnaire sent out by GIVE ... G L E NN FRY A TRYI FO~R COUNCIL Voté Mon., Dac. 4 IMPROVED SERVICES Dilling, Fred Strikwerda, Ronald Sutch,. Gordon Boyd, IHoward Edmondson; absent, John Hughes, Elizabeth IJohnson, James Kitney, Allan Maguire, Nadio Quinton, Dennis Rudman, Peter Tordiff and Drien Van Hattum. CKSTOC-K General President lira. G. Pnize winners at the euchre Larmer. in aid of Port Perry's new The Dorcas Unit which met hospital, Wednesday night, 1at Mrs. Cecil HIl's Wednesday which ail are happy ta know iP.M. openeal with quiet music has been started, were: high andl hymn "Take Miy Lufe", lady, Mrs. Gardon Strong; lins. HiIi andl Mrs. J. Brad- high gent, lira. W. Happa; law, burn gave the devotional from Mrs. Mervyn Graham; lucky ithe theme "Take MY' Hanals". draw, lirs. A. Duivcstcyn. lira. Fred Dayes gave the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Conden chapter of Study Book, Into maved into their new home In a Nation - "The Church andl North Blackstock, Saturday. the Arts". Ms o vr h a A playlet, "Once Upon a s. R toy Aery wha as Sometime S e a rsn-mather, Mrs. J. A. Johnston, ed by Mesdames S. Van Camp, netunncd home ta Tilbury on G. Larmen, F. Dayes, W. Wednesday. Wright, L. Byers and C. Hil . At the Cartwright nomina- Mrs. Glenn Larmer led a tian meeting, Nov. 24th, Mer- discussion on "Is Our U.C.W. nul Van Camp anal Lawrence Meeting Our Nccds?". At- Malcolm were naminateal for tendance, seven. Reeve. John Hamilton and Elleen McLaughlin was hast- Dalton Dorreil for Deputy ess for the O.N.O. Club meet- Reeve. Ail the aid council. Ing, Novemben 16. TwentY- namely: Osmond Wýright, Gor- four ladi 'es attended. Presi- don Gettins and Ernet Swain; dent Doreen Lee thankeal Jean also, Henry Snowden, Walter Mahaffy anal Elaine Baiiey for Lawrence andl Vernon Assels- their work on Husbands' tune were nominateal for Coun- Banquet. Plans were made cil. for caterlng ta the Purina Dalton Dorreli dedllncd ta Feeds banquet. Agricultural quaiify, sa election wIii be helal Society sent word thcy do not December 4th, 9 a.m. ta 7 p.m. wish ta sponsor New Ycar's for Reeve and three Coun- Eve dance nor do the O.N.O. cillors. Several ex-members af O.N.O. Members o! Cartwright sent letters o! thanka for Invi- Central School Board are: tatign ta banquet. Eleanor Bob Wheeier, Doug Slcep, Werry sent thanks for book Harold Kyte, Harvey Graham, she received while Ill. Sev- Neil Malcolm anal Donald eral games were played and a Frew. deliciaus lunch partaken of. The Thursday Evening Guild1 The Purina Feed Company o! St. John's Church met at entertaineal approxlmately 50 the home o!flira. Haroldl Hamn-1 men ta a del clous hot beef Ilton with nine members banquet and an Interesting present. Devational pcnlod evening's ententainment In the was In charge o! Mrs. Hamil- Recreation Centre, Wcdnesday ton andl was followed by a evcning, Navuiben 22. The hymn anal poern on "Ncigh- O.N.O. Club catered ta the bours". It was decidcd that meal. the roll cail for next meeting Ilc EV~TDIJINAa be a wrapped Christmnas ait for the Golden Plough Loage The Guild will purchase nov decorations for the Churci Christmas tree. There will be Corporate Communion Dec. Srd for al] members of the A.C.W. and the Guild. Mrs. Romeril bas offered the use o! the United Church film strips ta St. John's ladies. Next meeting the ladies wII] meet first at the church tu decorate and wlll then go to the home o!flira. Jack Green for their meeting. A conteat "How Popular Are You?" was enicysal, and a dellous lunch. was served. Miss Joyce Mahaf!y, Toron- to, spent the weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magll, Co. lumbus, were Sunday gueste of Mr. and lirs. Bill Mahaffy and boys. Mr. anal lrs. Wallace Mar- low left Sunday for their win- ter home in Florida. Mr. and lira. Lamne nsal- bunn, Toronto, wcre weekend c ests o!flMr. and lira. Joe radbum andl Roy. Mir. and Mns. Bill Ferguson, Alan anal Kevin, vIsiteal ber mother, lira. H. McKee and brother, Mr. Hugh. McKee, Norwich, Sunday. Mr. snd lira. Elmer Arch- er, Miss Marilyn anal Jim, Archer, Wbitby, visiteal Mn andl lis. WIlbert Archer, Sunday. Rev. anal lra. C. H. Fergu- son, Don Mila, anal Mr. Roy Perguson were Sunday sup- per guesta o!flira. Ceciil iiîl. Miss Janice Byers and Mr. Leslie Bush!ield, Guelph, spent the weekcnd with ber parents, Mir. and Mrs. Miurray Byera and Mn. anal lra. Jim Byera. lir. anal lra. Richard Van Camp, Louise, Lois and Law- rence vlsited Misa Doneen Van Camp, Toronto, on Sun- day.. Brian viulted bus grand- parents. lira. Jck Purdy anal MiW Judy Gallagher, Tononto, were Wednesday suppen gesta of Mdr. anald, s Sanfrd Van Camp. Mn. anal Mns. Edagar Horn, Oshawa, anal Mr. anal lra.i Earl Trewin, Doreen and Don- al, Enniskillen, were Sunday suppen guestu of Mn. anal lra. !red Trevin anal sons anal lin. Bob Smith, Toronto anal ,!rs. M. P. Philp, Scarbonough, were Suüiday visitons wlth lin. ald lira. Chas. Smiith anal Oliver. Mir. anal lra. Arthur Van Camp anal lra. Hanry Car- negia anal Elizabeth, Port Penny and Susan Thompson were Sunday guests of Mn. anal Mns.'Harry Van Camp. t ENNISKILLEN accuqmmnJA. am who all visited Mir. and lr au"y McVety, Toronto. M lr. andl -MMs.J.m Rowan, Oshawa ver. Saturday visite en. at un. and MMr. R.Rowan's. Mir. audlira.Allan West, Oshawa, were weekend guests et Mr. and Uir. IL.RoWan. Mir. and lMrm.Adam. Sharp were last Tuesday caflersata Mr. and lUr, W. I. Heur liarkham, andl tes get Mir. and lirs. W. B. Sanderson, Columbus. .Memas. eHarold andl Ronny, Union, were Sunday evening dinner guesta of Mr. andllia C.Avery's. Misn Ruby VIrtue, Toronto vas weeknd guest of ?&. auJ lira. R. Virtue. Mr. and Mré. David Stainton aud Deanna, Cobourg, were *unday andl Monday visitors of, U~ Stalnton'a andl B. Niel- Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan were guests at the Supryka- Rundle wedding at Oshawa on Saturday. Master Trent Masters, Bow- manville, spent the weekend wlth Misses Judy and Laurle Virtue. Mr. and lira. Herman Tais- ma, Mary Lynn andl Niel, L*ýcepont, lira. Philip Balsam,~ Bowmanville were Monday visitons st kr. andlin. R. Rowan's. Mir. and Mrs. Don Lamb andl family, Bailléboro were with Mr. and Mlrs. L. Lamib. Mir. andl lrs. Jim McLaugh- lin andl Brenda, Union, were Seturday evening caflers at lir. andl lis. A. J. Werny's. Mn. and lira. K. Pooler and girls, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mir. and lira. H. Ashton. Mir. and lira. Floydl Pethick andl BUl Scarborough, were 'visitors with Mir. and lira, S. R. Pethikk. Mr. and lira. Wallace Grif- fin, Heather andl Daie, were Sunday evenlng dinner guesta of A. J. Werry's. OBITTJARY Wvi. SPENCE GORDON *The death occunreal on Tbunsday, Nov. 16, 1967, at eMemonial Hospital, Bovinan. ville, o! Wm. Spence Gardon. 1The deceaseal, who bad bec] rsick for ane week, was in his 7Oth year. A son of the late William anal Joiephine Gardon, the de- ceasealwas boninluProton Township. Mn. Gardon, who liveal at R.R. 1, ICendal, vas a fÈriner. Mr. Gardon la sunviveal by bis w1fe, the former Edith Curtis, anal tbree daughters anal twa sons, Inez (lins. W. Bougben>, Newtonviile, June (Mns. E. Munford), licCord, LSask ., Ruth (lins. A. Yeo>, John anal Don, ail o! Orono. Also survlvlng are two sis- ters,. Mn.. J. Hannon (Mae) of Moose Jaw, Sask anal Mns.. Thedon! (Inez) ;Ï Mount For.- est; one brother, John, o! 0mb. ava; anal 12 grandchildren. Rie vas prodeceaseal by asaister, AMe, anal tva brothens, The -funeral service was helal at the Barlow Yuneral Home, Orono,. at 3 e.m. on Satur ay, Nov. 18, 1967. Inter- ment vas i Oôno Cerneteny. The service vas conducteal by Rev. Suelgrove and Rey. White o! iCendal Unitedl Chunch. STARK VILLE Mn. andl lra. Morley Rob- ison wene dinner guesta with Mn. anal Mns. Boy Austin, Sunday. lir&. 14ew Halloveill ith Mrs. Bill Reial upent a !ew ays with Miss Beulah Halo- well, Toronto, anal attendeal the Wlnter Fair. lins. Lawrence Farrow was Liostea for a demonstration at Eier home recently. Mn. M. J. Hobbs attenalec i pent tev enaatbre kthe officiai opening of Grand- Rv.T. J. Sucigrove vas à vlew School, Manvens Town- Sunalay lu per gust vlth Mr. ship. anal Mns. -mie Falla. Mn. anal Mns. Gea. Irwin mns. Carl Todal anal Mn. were recent visitons o! Mn. anal Rosa Todal vere boiteuses for lira. Joe Brown, Newcastle, a plaque demonstratian at the andl Mn. Ernest Imvii, Mrs. M. church Wedncsday ovening *Brown anal Mns. A. Justus. lait week wben 20 ladies t SBobcaygeon. ed. Mn. anal Mn.. Thomas IDlck. Mr. anal Mni. Llew Hallo. Ison, Bewdley wene Sunda.' Weil wene aluner guests ai visitons wlth r analMn R.Mn. Maurice Halloweillo, Mon. Howe. rlsh, lait veek. lin. anal lis. L. Stainton lin. anal lis. Clanence Allen, vere cailers at Mr. andt Mrs.Wooavie, vers recent visit- PK. Crydenman's, Zion anal bad OrsvthMnr. Victor Farrow. Sunday tes with Mr. anal Mn.. lis. Stone entertainea saine SRay Hope, Prince Abert. o! ber famfly, Sunday. p lis. Peter Leenti os, Mnal. Grant Hierron, Linda anal Peter, courtice, Mnu. Tom O IU R Sabil, Taunton, vers lait OBTJR Monday callera at Mn.. Aflan A DvW cfS W Wenrya, DV iACSB Our chaln's Christmas Can- The. deth of Davidl Fraulo ta "Teestival a! CaroIs" Shaw occurnad on Weduesclay, Dec. 17t%, 196?I hi the dsiznch. November 22, 1967, at liem- Please reserve tht. date asud anal Rospital, Eowmvpavle. ,tell your frienals. Mr. Shsv, vho had 'been in .Please take -alvantage o! talling heslt for the lait year, the law subeciption rate for vas lu hi& Snd yean. thec Unitedl Cbuncb observer The deceaseal vasborninl fo 98byg Yln oun onden Liverpool,Enanaalu ta Mns.. . aton befon, 1009 mnined the former Marg- December 16th, 1967. anet Jane (Jeuny) Ros who The speclal White Glft Son- survives. vice wil be observeal at the Mr. Shav vas an atuherent Sunclay School session on Dec. o!fté Unitedl Chunch. Rievas 17th. a former employes o! the Mn. Chas. O. Ashton t. at. Village o! Newcstle and bad tending a Ba4 o!f Mastrealraskin uNvwcastle andl the 'course on forelgn exchauge lusurosdlg area for 75 years. Tarante thu-'eeek ereeal)5Yeasom i Mrn. anal Un. Frank Jkdog f,8zvv u k besde Miss Clans Page, Toronto are tvo. daugtnMunisi lins. Annie Willoughby, Osi- (l.»&M&Mano at ,Omo. swa, wn -,vom uftmàw# ~h XM yam (b Mm. W.. EIt) E. Page. JI*wcaatl. Mrn. anal Mn.. S. Preston The. faneraiservice va anal Mr. Kemip, Courtice, ve.heal on Fnday, November 24th, callers at Mns.. . Page. from 9w Morris J'uneral Cha- Mn. and Uln. Ralph Sadier pal, Bovmanvue n a of Nestieton vere Thursday ànu v *Ril. Le, sd va guests at lr. F. Toms. ot mgwoatJ. Intermeut vawu Mn. anda>%i. F. Donlanal in ;.akwvlevCemetery, New- *ere Sun a.vistons 'i in tsvfl auid Mns. S. Ta ne, ahva . afhmoe ae Moes=n. lins. E. Pettifer, anal family 14rî W à, George Graham, Willowale, vers Mondsyandfour nehev Mes=r. visitons at A. L. Weâras, -d.. loorJscIja Bou, Allen1 Viitais vith lin, aMdl li. Zdrsm 4"analMaRSAM 't Is n n 1 - h THURS. NIGUT OPENING 6:00 pin. - 9:00 P.m. eCampbells 10-as. Tins TOMATO SOU P 8for 1.00 Fr FRIDAY NIGHT OPENING Rialmelo Instant 6-os. Jar Fresh Produce F 1 Forda Grown Sweet and Julcy Taongelos Californis Grown New Cnop Cnisp, Grei 0La Hsfwsil Grown PineappIe S Ontario Gnown Faucy Grade IP@McntohAppIes Save On Dominion's C Mix 'em or Match 'cm Domino Plain - Pimetito - Nippy CHEESE SLUCES -tDomino Choice - 19.oz. Tins CUT GREEN BEANS CUT WAX BEANS Bayside Fancy Red - 7¾-oz. Tin SOCKEYE SALM Domino - 24-oz. Container LIQUID DETERG Mbx 'cm or Match 'em Country Girl 24. APPLE OR PIES RAISIN 1ilchmello Orange - 16-oz. $ize CHIFFON CAK Domino Dry - 30-oz. Bottlés GINGER ALE' OR SODA WATER Values En AU M King Sta'obuSinms )r * l'h. Ci~idhiia Statem, Eowma.wIfls, Nb,. 88, tUt IT*T)WTtheèmkiÈ ts*y1jm EWOtDR F1 DEEP CUT FEATURES ~ÇMaxwell Hanse SAVE 16o Ail Purpose - 1-lb. Bat AIL PURPOSE COFFEE 79C SSt. Williams - 24-os. Jar SAVE 4o Raapberry or Strawberry flJAM ........................ 49C &UAllen, Orange - Grape - SAVE lie ýfPineapple Grapefruit - 48-os. Tins FRUIT DRINKS .... 3 for 1.00 General Miii. Snack Foods SAVE 9a .Z@- Bugles - 7-os. %MWhistles - 5-os. pkg. 49c .&£ Dalale. - 4Vs-oz. TUDainty Parcbment Wrap SAVE 14a 2211.Pkgs. 40MARGARINE .... o 9 z FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS and other 4q Respiratory Diseases_ HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS FEATURES Scope Oral Hygiene SAVE 15o 6-os. Bottle ~MOUTH WASH ........59C -ePGlant Sise Tube ffTOOTH PASTE ........59C lmNouzema - 10-os. BIse SAVE 35o SKIN CREAM .... ... 1.34 *ue.idm Iob b usaei ym - ham hm înhe w ma Mlk u pyg yowTey s Qeul akiwe e cie etS d hs ut f e im Sm u O MMflCoFcEI FRESH 80,L YOUNG CANADIAN PORK ALE Tenderloin End - 2% - 3 lb. Average PORK LOIN c ROAST 7h Pork Loin Centre Cuts77c or Chops 7 1 Dominion's Own Brand Pure -lbc Lucas or Mary Miles Pkg 651b Tssty Beef STmlyAEd-tAK o e TES 5 Iuraly ged Cu AaYou ikeThe tUB STEAKS 99, l FRESH FISH Nai mii Sole FILLETS 75c Featu res ;lze [25's 4 Ben grge unch 3 c Sdz imbo4 3-lb. Poly )wn Bra nds SAVE lc 3 5-oz. Pkg. 3for $1,00 SAVE 7e 5 for $1,00 SAVE 10e LON 49C COMPARE ENT 45c [oz. Siz. SAVE 13e 2for 85c I SAVE 10e L-E49c 7 for95',c AMPLE FREE PARKING betÎve Uâtil Closing, Saturday, Dec. 2, '67, lu BowmanvMle lerchanilim. la Guaranteed To Give 100% SatIsfactlon tESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Thur&. and Fr1. Nights 'tii 9 p.m.4' Iled Spriug By the 11w. SALMON 99" CENTENNIAL CONTEST WINNERS WEEK No. 2 - Mm. Suzanne .Janklewlo, 1.1. No. 3, site 5, sudlbury, Ontarlé WEEÉ NO. a - mm . ..Lune 8 Checkendon Drive, Roudais, Ontario- WEEK NO. 4 - Mn. sylvia roie Lakoside P.O., DayrBd., Balifax, NN70, WEEK No. 5 - Mrs. B. Kane 282 Lockwood Street, Winipeg 9, Mmm. ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS IN TORONTO NEWSPAPERS and1 OSHIAWA TIMES AVAILABLE IN THIS STORE SAVE 50- MOH t h$ coupon frouayoisrFamly Swvings Book tagot hotwthéh English box top fron 0"ih giant or kingasize Ajax Iidydtr gent and rouie. 4 cuelit. voth 5 o ym m wci A J A X ~ LAUNDRY DETERGBITf 8e.Your IFaM91Y svinp oo ek For Complèe .Detais Luat Wsek t Rdem Coupo ns For:I 7e Off sw TOirLE t 185J et Off omournw MTOES 1 [ON STORES LIamIE SAvenue (Nghwoy N. 2# East) 1 39C

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