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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1967, p. 14

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- ~*- ~ - have devoted thel Ev,,.. wvmmawwgn MEWI Iast two years to making * ls'c certain changes that 1 feit1S lomday, Dec. were necessary for theI Profits Decrease well-being of the people lI Domiion-tore of Bowmanville. It is my sinçere desire to continue working in the common interest of ail thE peoples of our town. *Dominion Stores Llmnited,1 in Toronto, anc in Montreal,i taday reponted record sales ci1 and one in Mitilanti, Ontario.; i$277,22 1,722 in-the six monthsIMr.M rmack said 12 others1! endeti September 16. This wai are in various stages of con-J aimait $1,ooo,WO hlgher than struction and will open this sales in the correspondkng year. No stores were closeti in periad lait year, president the fint bal!. Thomas G. MeCormack saiti. Mn. McCormack said the Net profit amounted ta $5,- compans belief 'that the 145,482 or 63 cents a ahane. nelztio ndt acceptance af This was a decrease of $224,931i its respansibiîuty ta its cus- fnom the sarne period a year tomera as the kcy ta is con- aga when profit arnountedti t tinuing success, remains flrm". 66 cents a shane.' Customnens, be said, "Imuai be "Ail coats of daing. business, des<rved anti helti on a day- 1 particularly employee salaries ta-day basis." anti benefits, taxes snd occup-1 ancy caîts, wene substantially highen thgn in the correspond- H Y O ing perioti lait yesn," Mn. R Y O McCormnack saiti.1 Net profit per dollar ai sales Mn. and Mns. Bert Ashton ', was 1.86 cents camparect t Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Clay-l 2.02 cents the year befone. ton Reati anti boys, Bowman-t He attributeti the increased ville, were recent visitors of sales ta the company's policy Mr. and Mns. Arthun Rend. f dlstributing top quality Mn. and Mns. Gardon Dudi- menchanduse ta the shopping ley, Bunlington, spent the public at evcnytiay low prices." wcckend with Mn. anti Mrs.J Sa fan this year, Dominion Arthur Reati. Stores has openeti four new Mn. anti Mrs. E. R. Thomp-1 supermankets,__including__twol son, Bowmanvilîîc were Sun-1 ~day callens at Mns. Thomp-! TYRONE son's. Cy nt h ia Thompson' TYRONE spent the weekend with han, Explrer ani Jr Chir*grantimother, Mns. Thompson.' Explrersand r. Coir Mrs. Ralph Clark, Niagara, will continue having their Falis, spent the weekenti meetings Montiay evening at with ber parents, Mr. antil the usual time. Mrs. J. Potts.i Tyros at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- Mrs. W. Rombough and, 1. day evening in the Communi- Kathy, Pickering, were Sun-' ty Hall. day visitors of Mn. anti Mrs.'ý Sigmo-C meeting was held J. Jonsat ai Thurstiay evcning with nine Mn anti Mn. Lloyd Ashton present. The main topic wasl anti Ronald anti Mn. Russelli12. the organlzirig af a papen Ormiston wene Sunday din-1 drive ibis Satuntiay morning,lner guests of Mrs. Walterý Dec. 2nti. This incluties Hay-IMurnay, Toronto, anti calleti3 don community. Please have on Miss Emma Werry. your papens tieti secureely. Mrs. D. Malcolm visiteti' UC.W meeting is beigMn. anti Mns. Walter Love-: held a week carlier, Dec. 6th, itige anti famuly on Suntiay. j at the home of Mns. S . E. Mn. and Mns. Morris Pol-, White. lard anti family visiteti Mr. Fnitiay evening the Euchne and Mns. Art Pollard, Clare- Party was well away wîtb i11 mont, on Sunday.a tables. Prizes were awantietiMný. Cowling is visiting ta Siti Reyenga, Mn. J. Falk- Mn. anti Mrs. M. Elford, Port ýaj ner, Mn. R. Gibbs, Mrs. A. Penny. Reati, Mns. J. Crawford, Mns. A numnber from Haydon i9 R. Kloster, Mn. T. C. Dotit. 50-50 tiaw was won by Mns. J. Crawford. FOR At the Sunday monning ser- vice, Mn. anti Mrs. Atinian DEDICATED SERVII Haines anti Mn. Ray Davey wene welcomed anti receiveti SUPPORT iflto membersbip of Tyrone Unitedi Church. Rev. Daviti Northey spoke on the Book M urycK i ofi Mark, which ia a gooti M radc n stanting place for reading of the Bible. The Junior choir COUNCILMAN - DE( sang a hymn. Congratulation's ta Mn. anti M.ns. C. D. Hotigsan af Ajax who recently celebrateti their 40th wetiding anniversany. Verna anti Dean were bnoughi O O N up in ibis community anti are well known hene. fayapatat the Skinner AND) EFFICI af their sister, Mns. Etiith Scotof Oshawa. A EIII ITI Mn. Wayne Gaskin anti fnientis, Oakville, were Sun- day guests of Mn. anti Mrs. G. Alldreati. Mn. anti Mn. 1 Harvey Strong, Salem, wene 'Sunday evening callens.E Mr .andi Mn. J. Waatileyl anti chiltinen visiteti. ber par- ents Mn. anti Mn. R. D. Hodg- kinson, Aurons. Miss Margaret Thieshurger.j L Toronto, 'spent the weekenti at ber home~*' jMn. anti Mn. Douglas Jack-j __ son, Bawmanvillc, wene Sat-J E untiay suppen guests af Mn.E anti M. J. Brown. ~ TMiss Mary Nititeny, Hamp-___.. ...... iton, was Sunday supper guest . of Mr. anti Mn. W. Rahm. Mn. anti Mn. Ralph Shaw, Mnrs. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa,j Mn W.Cossey, Bowman-1 ville, visiteti lait week with Mn. anti Mn. E. A. Virtue. Mn. anti Mn. F. L. Byam, T Mns. R. Vintue, Mn. anti Mn. E. A. Vintue were Sunday guests of Mrs. R. Hotigson - Toronto. LL Mn. anti Mn. J. Holtistocki'ru 1manvile, were Sunday visi-, tons ai Mns. Annie Rivens. 1 Ju Mn. anti Mn. Earl Prescoti rUN ILuu - I199 wene Sunday dinnen guesis of Mn. anti Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa. Served on Council 196à Mn. anti Mn. Walicr PaîkI FOR PýROGRESS TOGETHER WITH EFFKCIENCY AND ECONOMY' VOTE K.NICKS i MAYOR MONDAYr, DEC,. 4 FOR TRANSPORTATION OR BABYMSITTING SRVI PIHON E 623U5580 FOR AN UNBIASED . DECISION ON BROUGHT COUNCIL AND ELECT John T. Fowler FOR TOWN COUNCIL T- "y Mondy Dsomhr 4th VOTE AN!D ELECT Reg Wilatts If éected I1 'viiide my utm st t. »e. Bowmanvile 'take à tep forward i: RECREATION- PARS - INUSTRY- OFFTEEET PARKING MONDAYo DEC. 4:k For Trin MtaIo unhe .6U37084 He is concerned with: - GOOD MANAGEMENT -PROGRESS - PLANNING Remember Monda y, Dec. 4th Transportation Phone 623-3345 Tawn -Dà%ue UNI DAà É%àâmm a . . IL- £ vpii7 .W O10 fl Wîth'a e 4th NoAdvace oliServiceauni SExperience SA 1 rnotored ta o wmmnville Worklo CHigi rie.Mr Saturdày morning to wstchColn.lwld Mr Mii PO ru L W kCol the Santa Clatis parade. son- high gent, Russieli faort the.Futu Club 21 held a card partYlo gent, Doug. Blackburn;I For 50 years Colin Richard-Is U ln the school on Saturday door prize, Mn. Thompsan. son had resided in Pontypool. of Bowmani nlght with live tables bn Congratulations ta Mrs. E.I Suddenly he was taken when 1hm1bys progress. Prizes were Won as C. Ashton on celebrating berihe passed away fromn a hearti 8 5 t h b i r t h d a y . a t c n D . W i h ' f i e u b y s - Glad to hear Mrs. L. Grif-Jata kin M roo go hSt urda. I y ur su po Dfi ~ n 1Is out of hopital after. alboo n athe<.1 yu spo th ler oPeration and is with her,With bis sons and aohr M on., ec dht and son-bn-law, Mr.1mnechanIc lhe had operated the;I thepolso nd Mn. A. Garrard. HopeRichardson Bras. Garage rep-! se Imay have a speedy ne-Iresenting General Matons în i. MON., DÉ, V O TE M1 rs.DavidNorthey took ithis area. Deceased was a! O T~the church service on Sunday great citizen and always will- k aftrnon, sp akn on the îng to promote community L e Bible. betterment. He was a keeniI AND -j U.C.W. Bazaar wau quite a sportsman andi keenly interest- 1 succe ed in the local bail clubs Just ------- recently he was one of twoi EL CUlocal citizens who treated our F HÂMPTON 1 two cup winners toa aturkey! ýof the Ch a berof C om m erce , Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dadson Secretary-rreasurer of the, and children, Peterborough, local Cemetery Board, He a vsited Mr. .and Mns. Clar- la member of Orono A.F.A.M. ece Tink on Saturday. Mrs. and Lotige of Perfection Scot- E d Lie Harrei and daughters,itish Rite Lotige of Peterbon. Oshawa, were also Saturday ough. Besides bis widow and visitors with Mn. and Mrs. four chiltiren he is survivedi Tink. by two sisters Ruth (Mrs.I u n d ieMr. and Mrs. Tomn Wray,!Bruce Fisk); Madeline (MrsÀ .! Rnl Nrab Horn were visitors ther, Clifford. We extend our : ~h~ with Mr. and Mrs. Sam most sincere sympathy to Keae, shaaon Sunday,ýthose h mourn. FOR celebrating the birthdays ofý The Orange Hall w;as pack- j Mr. Wray and Miss Minnie dt the rafters on Saturday1 Horn. evening for a party and pre-: EftUITMr. and Mrs. Reynard, Osh- ýentation for Mr. andi rs. DEPUTY ~a werc Sunday night sup- Allie Bowins <recently wd' per 'guests with Mr. andi Mrs. AtIrnidnight, Ex-Reeve Robet George Yeo. Brown calleti the group ta, ItEEV E Mr. and Mns. Ray SmithIoi'der and reati a humorousi Eleanor, Gladys anti Law-address (poetical) and pre-1 THE RÛORDrence, Milton, were Saturday sented the young couple with; dinner guests with Mr. ati 1 purse of money. Both the . Four Years Mîrs. Hosken Smiith. bride and groom responded; expenience on Mr. andiMs W .Cu-Ibrlefly. Having served Town Concil. Sunday afternnn with Mr.Ito hear of the serjous accident! wth a perfect Sre on eerl andi Mrs Hosken Smith. IJn Cartwright lnvolving a car you sporo S e v d o e e a and m llk truck w lth tw o kil]- u p n important committees. ced. andi four or llve 'njured. Most of those on the Nauly IQualified to represent j OUIN'A list were workers with the!M Bowmavillhrafe Golti Star Xmas Tree Co. and Bowanvll rae- The Solina Centennial Chf were from Newfoundland. payers at Counties ihelti thein sventh meeting on CouncilNov. 6th. EcjmsMs Our hockey team got a set- C ounel. Th H orn Econ mist, Missiback Sunday w hen t e e e Your s pportHa mnilI was present at thisl defeated h Ceasarea. er Your s pport meeting and she dscusseti the1 Mui pa Election Dec. 4th PO and influence wiIl be ;plans for Achievement Day wt an Election for Reex e, Deputy, Council anti Schoil ppreciated on Dec. 4th. with us. Bad. We disussed the topic of' "Foodi with an Oriental Fia-I Vote as you like but Vote]i von." Group one made the almouti cakes and Mrs. His VOTES matie steak andi spinach, Chin-1 CE1963 esc style.>1 IE416 For aur lait meeting wei decidedti t have an embnoidery vj o . bee. Each gnoup will bringi 1965 foond fromn a diffenent country. 81 We aIl enjayeti a deliejous ight lunch of spinach and steak, 1967 almoud cakes and milk. 1967 Mn. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- :C. 4t1i THANK lin, spent a few days last wek with Mr. andi Mn. Bruce'INS The Eldad C.G.I.T. girls met at the home af Mrs. G. ae -' on Weduesday evcning, Nov. lSThe minutes were reati andi IEN T approved. The ralll eau was lEN T answer:dan hcol- ATION te icse was about the Ç.G.ILT. nitt ici andi it was decidedti t go Caroling an the evenig of Déc. 22nd. Mn .Fraser then demon-i ~ strated making fancy Christ mas cantiles. The next me ng is ta be on Nov. 29th at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tînk Neil aud Herb, were Sunday , dinnen guests with Mr. anti Mns. Perc Dewell and family, Hanmpton. 0Sunday evening, Mr. and r Mrs. Bruce Tink accompanied'~ by Mr. and Mns. Pene Dewell visited Mr. and Mns. O. Cru ick- -.., shank, Peterborough. le Coombes. OR COUNCIL VOTEU AND V MAURICE PROUT FOR CUNCI 1three yeans on Town Council attendance record, I again solicit il Maurice rEHý cord of 4 I .7 s, 7. w * e e * e. e. 1~ i v b Desireto actively re No.d ilicit ir at VOTE T DEPUTY -REEVE

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