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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1967, p. 16

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.-~. -- - - - - - ------~-v-, 'III. a n a die Stafr m m n~ R w n~ a n v e, N o v 2 9, i ? 3 a$ 2 ,0 5 0 an d ; 1 r. R m M M P L NRay MW bull Davidin f2Bthnyacquired Toronto. I Betel Seool et $2,6w. Mr. Mma DoeoUiy Blt ted Sé e ai T op o y Murray Malcolmn of aur com- ed a bus drivercovnona 7virlrswelcome to aur township Mr-. scheduled to enter hospital 'elle D ist T 1and Mrs. Law of Toronto who thia week han postponed hMs -A bout NO0 Twirlers from ail The Majorette Parents pre-i Novice Strutt - Michelle La- at a price of $3,400. Messrs. able beda. arsof Ontario cmee i sented beautiful traphies ta mont lst, Janet Lovekin 2nd Ted Spencey and Ted Jack- Little Miss Lynn MeGili la b o w m a n v illongNovcTaenDit" the Uford S7h-8,vBarbarcauseo! lck avili dawa on Nov. llha te"ougNvieTletwni78BabrnHnig r Idid theIr usuai capable vlslting wlth her grandparents O'relU Collegla-oe. There were ner Janet Lovekin of New- in 9yr. Kathy Blake lst In job as auctioneers, whereas the Haraid Masons in Janet- e4trIes from Ottawa, Peter- castie, and "Novice Teen Tai- 10 yrs., Elizabeth Aiderton t1th members af school board ville durlng her mother's stay bboih iceeG a i t, lent", Linda McLaughlîn, Osha- In il yrs. Janice Giiroy 4th aco edaejbinr-nRosM araHaptl Guelh, andon Hamilton, St. wa, and the two runners up. In 13 yrs., Nancy YulUl 3rd in! ranging the necessary details Cpi. Jim and Mrs. Hunter Qatharinesan many ather Local Championship "Motor 14 yr2. Advanced "T" 'Strutiof oreparation and dlsplay. and Douglas of Trenton and cibles as well as Buffalo, N.Y. City Sweetheart" was won byl-Nancy Rletmuiler in 7-8,lThe board have spent many Mr. Lloyd Hunter o! Port ,be levent Whlcji lasted ail day Irene Rietmuller, Bowmanvillei 4th; Irene Rietmuller 3din or n asi xr u-PryWr ecm alr fatured Fancy Drill Corps, and Miss Oshawa Teen Twirl- 11-12. iricular activity ta the detri- this week et Malcanla. The Dbnce and Teain Twlrl, Mlli- er was Cheryl McCune of Novice Solo - 7-8 - Mcel ment of their own private Hunters just recentiy return- tuT Mrch ad Fany StrMicheawa.e farming business. We question ed from Germany where they tor Mrchan FacyStrttOshwa Lamont lst; 9 yrs. - Barbara If this dedication ta duty have been stationed wlth the Izý the mornlng. Open cham- Local winners in other class- Hennin 4th; 17-20 - Marilyn would be given sa freely In R.C.A.F. the last three years. pignships, solos, duet, two es were - Juvenile Corps Marks 3rd. Novice Boys Solo - the soon to be formed county Mr. Frank Glasbergen Jr. JDton, flag and local champion-. Sailor Cadets lst; Tartan Ralph Harrison 2nd, Johnnie unit. - It Is wlth considerable had the misfortune ta have eMswere in the afternolon. Blues 2nd (these two were Gravelle 3rd. Intermediate apprehension that many of considerable damage done ta The contest was sanctioned 4/10 of a point apart); Ajax Sola - 11-12 - Irene Rletmuller us view the announcement of is 1967 Chev. when it came lw heNaioal atn wîî-Majorettes 3rd. Junior Drum 3rd; 15-16 - Gayle McNaily the dissolution of the present in contact with a deer that Id sscato ndte -ot and Baton Corps - Tartan 4th. Advanced Solo - 15-16 - system of school administra- dlsputed the car's right f way. iesses were the Tartan Twirl- Lansies Ist; Woodview Major- d Bake 2nd. Duet 0-20 - tion for a much smaller board.- ers' Parents assisted by the ettes 2nd. Senior Drum and rP atyN n y fiule t is o r p rs nl vi w t a Sailorette Parents; with Ron Baton - Tartanteens lst. Drum 1rend Nnc Retu e t soueron l etatdTPT1~ Kopas as chairman and Irenie Uine- Lassies the ý"Imperials Fîag Twil - 15-20 - Patsy aperates under the scrutiny of O IU R Harvey as director. Adjudi- lst, Tartanteens 'Blue Note Blake 3rd. Two Baton Twirl - the taxpayer, the more con- JOHN~ WILDER OGDEN caorsweeEaeJaosf Girls" 2nd. Color Party - Patsy Blake 3rd. scientous and efficient Its op. The death of John Wilber fuflJoan Cousins, Stoney TatnLsies 2nd. Young Novice Talent - Janet leration and the deeper 1î is Ogden, aged 77 years, occur- Crek; ett LynsHaml r. ac TiS - ete Lovekin lst, Janice Manning concerned In stretching the red on Thursday, November ton; Wayne Kopas, Port Cred- Ettes 3d. Sr. Dance - Osha- 2nd, Carol Ann Sandberg 3rd. tax dollar to the limit. 9, 1967, at Memorial Hospital, I; Joy Tawnsley and Sonia wa Starlettes lst. Tiny Tots Novic- Tee Talent - Linda Bowavle olwn nil Alberico, Peterborugh; Elaine Teamn - Wee Indians 2nd. JMcLaughîîn lst, Carol Mc- Mr. Floyd Stinson and Mr neowmanville, foandown a ii Hardman, Scarborough, and Juvenile Team - Sharonettes Laglin ;Znd, Susan Jay 3rd. Lorne McKee spent a few eonss feee adoeh Anne Suetta, Ottawa. 3rd. Novice Junior - Sailor- Moo1Ct Sweetheart - days this week deer hunting mon thae on ge In the Open Champîonshîp ettes lst, Tartan Jrs. 2nd. Ad- IreneletCmuller lst, Kathy up north. on lz o! t he ate J ohne "Little Miss Twlrler" was won vanced Sr. Team - OshawaiRoss 2nd, Cheryl Young 3rd. Your scribe evaded domestic ai Kendai in Clarke Township by onn Stcey Sone Strletes2n NoiceMii- shawa Teen Twirler - responslbîîîîy two days this and attended school at Ken- Creek; "Oshawa Princess", tary - Bella Marie Parish 4th Cheryl McCune îst, Patsy week ta attend a United Ca- dal. On Octcber 8, 1910, he fleardra K in g, Kitchener; in 15 - 20. Advanced Mlitary - Blake 2nd, Joan Major 3rd. aperatives meeting at the married the former Emily M. "Oshawa Twlrl Queen", Patsy Kathy Blake lst in 9-10 years;, Thank you one aIl for a Ascot Hotel near Toronto, Milîs of Bowmanvijle who Bjake, Bowmanvlle. Patsy Blake lst in 1520. wonderful day. where ail the chairmen o! survives. -local U.C.O. branches In On- A farmer, the deceased re- C en ten la U r w Y LVE TON tario met with the U.C.O. sided in Clarke Township for YELVE TON Bard f Directors. Mr. Art 43 years, carrying on farming C ente nial D rawSmltherans, aur escort, re- operaions there for 33 years. (Intended for last week) presented Fenelon Fails Co-op, He retired 10 years ago. Mr. H eld a i egi n D n c Wih te cnclsio 0fthewhereas it was aur pleasure Ogden also resided ini Oshawa Withthe oncusio of tat represent the Lindsay- for a tîme. He was a member H eld t Le ion ance sale on Saturday, Nov. 18, the Grasshill Coop and Coop Lum- o! Newtanville United Church era of the little Red Schooi- ber o! Lindsay. and was aIso a member o! The highlight o! the month- Ambassadors wvasta delight ta bouse in Manvers Township Is rnLogA..& .MN. ,Iy egin Dace as te dncean sten ta, and their nothing but a memory - ta Mr. Terry Malcolm partîci- OooLdeA.&AM o Centennial Draw, when Stanising-along i,7 very popular. some tinctured wlth melan- pated in the Queen Guinea 325. ii srie iashl Dunn announced they had Door pies were won by cholic nostalgia - ta others Class at the Royal Wlnter Ain asoeiic ervice wathd reached their target. The win- IMrs. J1._ ,Bruton, Orono, and fraught with bitter inemories Fair tbis week with his Angus evn tg henapel on Saiurn ning tiktwsdanb r. R 0Cows of Oshawa. -a fitting conclusion ta an era steer entry. eeigwe nn eei Mrs. D. Miller o! Whitby and Spot dance was won by Mr. better forgotten, and the quick- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm, Sriig eie i ie the lucky winner was Mr. E. and Mrs. Ab Mavin and a er the sooner. - the Howard and Murray Mal- urvivisnsdesobrs wife, . Macauley, 252 King Si., Novelty Statue Dance won by South Janetville School was colms and Mrs. Dorothy Bris- aeretDougsan f s a a;ou rdah- .Bowmanvile. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rase. Mr. H. auctioned off ta high bidder tow and Cathy were, Sunday ioers oulasJf.Osawa; Mar- The music o! the Royal Brown was M.C. 'Mr. Allan Dangerfield of evening dinner guesîs of Mr. onr; Gy (Mrs. .J.T a),Cob Farrow), Dorathy (Mrs. Walt- er Clark), Aileen (Mrs. More- ion Henderson), ail of Hope [lUI Township, and Jack of R.R. 1, Newtonville. He was prede- ceased by a son, Harold, in IL 1962. The largely atiended fun- eral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- TOWN F DU MAN ILLEmanville, an Sunday, Navem- T WN F OW AN ILEber l2th and acodte by Rev. R. C. White of Osh- awa and Rev. T. Snelgrove o! Newtonville. Interment was In Orono Cemetery. Numerous lovely floral tok- N O TrICE e ttstd o heeseeNo.i25 among which were those fromi The Council of the Town cf Bowmanville proposes ta pass Local U.A.W. 1136, Oshawa, and Imperial Oji, Cobourg. Palibearers were -Messrs. Lorne Paeden, Sid Hallowell, Petr KsslrCarl Todd and being a by-law ta provide for the ore Rbnsnal e!h Friends, and relatlves ai- 8m. LI LA P aap . 0 tended the service fromi Port umoe umma uoe N I>Huron, Mich., Oshawa, Cob-. ~VIIft L IlRIRIJ MLN vr ourg, Bowrnanville, Orono, CONT OL A D MA AGEM NT F Newcastle, Newonville and PotHope. 1THE WATER WORKS AND AELfffIh s Ken, Larry and Ron Dinner, Arnold, Harold, Truman and AsbDon Robinson, Dick Haskell and Edgar farrow- by te C rportio ofthe ownof owma vile.clough, ail have returned by te C rpoatio oftheTow of owm nvile.safeîy. and mosi of the deer The final passing of the by-law requires' the assent of the electors we ide n fery caceor kepi and the votes cf the electors will be taken i the sme im as th huier iyea gt tei 4. ýo cofirmthe contrai and management Of the distribution of elec- cmhueh evc a tWl amedoSunday orningsu trical power by the Public Utili ties Commission who shall be lhee t Gog ufdi known as The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Town of chr1Teewr 2pe sent with teachers for l Bowman iile.classs. C. Dickinson and Miss If the assent of the electors is obtained ta the passing of By-lawditctmengothW- men's Institute ai Bowman- theni replaced Mrs. W. Nich- of Bowmanville at their regular meeting ta be held on December 18, 1967, ois as delegate. Mrs. Nichais which date is af ter the expiration of one month f rom the date of the first bouig wh lnherspiiatent publication, November 15, 1967. for broken bones lu iiragres- sing !avourably. Mrs. Harold Barrvwlough The Mayor will attend in the Clerk's Office at the Town Hall on accomIdanedby eTronsteo Thursday, the 3th day of November at the hour of 4:00 o'clock in the aJiraded:bi oweMryfor cfternoon to appoint in writing, if requested so to do, two persons ta at- Meay in Oshawa Iast Sat- tend at the final summing Up of the voters by the Clerk and one person urday night, Nov. 18th. Hockey. practice has start- ta attend at each polling place on behalf of persons interested in and ed for Junids, a Donald desirous of promoting in the affirmative on the said by-law and a like and Alain Wilson are three busy boys. numer f ersns ntresedin nd esrou ofprmotngin the neg- 14M Wm Ashby and Mrs. clive on t e sad bylaw.Doug Bee led the 4-H group a fi v o n t h e s a i d b y - a w .a t a m e e tin g I n th e form e r'. home ôn Monday night, Nov.1 ROBET L.20. The study for this year'sl BYRONcentennilal praject is "Thr, ROER L BROWorld q9,1od.Un sP red Town Clerk. nosywre h oaly1s ýpreuites well as four sWrl Hiope. FLEECY PLE:ý SLIPPERS Cuddly and warm slip-ons in aeryie Pile w,îh long-wearing vinyf sofes. Pretty pastels of pink, blue, or white. Small, Medium, large. .Values up t0 2.59 pair 109 EVENING GLOVE & BAG SET In lustrous satin. One-size stretch glove fits aIl. In black, white, royal, gold, or red. Gift boxed. Reg. 2.98 set 1099 C ANT RE C E' Walker's - <CelebritY' nylons, fashloned with nude heels and demi-toes. In macha, or spice. A, B, C and D to fit sizes 8% ta1 '12. Reg. 89e pair 3 pair 2.00 5 KING ST. E ~1~NTED SLIPPER SOCKS 'Gay striped combiratïons of manV col. Ors, including blue, brown andi red. Leather soles. Chuldrens' sizes 6, 6%4, 7. Re,;. 4 pair 990 emes Ssi.L Mbo< sa. Reg.i. Teens' and Ladies- sîzes sraTwe:~ ium, large. Reg. 1.59 pair 1.39 1 1.I BORG"-" PILE M[TTS A gift winter sports enthusiasts will applaud. Lush, plush pile is warmly lined. Black, brown, or beige. Misses' sizes small, medium, large. Values up to 1.98 pair 1A7 .. , '. ,. -'*~ -.4~.i'~ *. e e G 4, ,~~~U il' u'I BOMAYIL E R' ~ BOWMANVI LIE ) 'b ~ 4 - I s'

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