Ti.Canadian Statem,, BownvMfe, Nqov. 20, 1967 randvîew Public School in Manvers Shows Architectural Imagination New 16-Classroom School Features Attractive Reference Library -57' Grade 1 students, taught by Mrs. Ernestine Robi mson enjoy a bito e tn a h a' n _ _ e d~~~~~~m o m e n t f o r e v e r y o n e c o n c e r n - , u n i q u e s c h o o l " H e p r a i s e d A r c h i t e c t J , W . i p t r ' l n h f l o i g t e p o e.the Manvers Township Area sented the scheolwihabozgrm ~ ~ ......................................."Inof eu ati o f tWellim G and dediato in r vd g he ch l b ad a d co "In the nam ofthe Mînste Shool Bord on their work plaque b aî g t e n m s OI cpi 0 h c o l - ~ --~-~ rema ks ex resse of fdct ,Wlla .ad deiatp n epri hesholba Davis, I now declare this ths facility Addressing hs memoratîng theoenn nJh Cubrad BA.wa Grandview School formally rmrsto the taxpayers of his remarks hehs :e0ZThespe ker wasthaby tr. eat an -~~ ,~ - . The speaker was thankd b y have ade a very sound in-- ng wherein chil dr n c ud b r u, Mr. Ese B i, M s trusee os.ucthdMr.e mu b ran n truste MrsRuth kuce vestment n the future of yourhapanhuousyube Dedicating the sehool the young people, in the future the school boardas er Ms.Lna Je Fethr .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ...Perey-. » . led the o y ur comm unity and your siste t pe p , ...........hs dl.gtfu exErne i th has t e changed fromm I etin , p piteachinger b t hoMrsbe hscagdfo ecigtheir own rates. from prejudice, have a conàlalike, will surely do their to work with"'. Gogiel sn Ms I mt subjeets to teaching child- "Textbooks will no longer tinued desire for' learning, and best". accepted the plaqueo eafc s -~~~~~ ~ren and to get at the basic enforce the rigidity they do a sensitivity to the society!1 A provincial flag, the gift of the school boar.epes orin mtMs et o d O f c a e n no f principles underlying the su- at present, but pupils en- around hm. i of the Royal Canadian Legion 1n hi hns losyn a e er r.Tem Jects they are learning. To- couraged ko learn for them-IthGeorge Neals. chairman of 'Branch 402 at Millbrook was "We hope the taxaesap isC dictator, he is trained to be books. The Library is becom- M ,aster 0 Ceremonies for the Trustees Cari Smith accepted concernîng our beigprit 'iît ide ra n dc vievw C Jenitra I S c I .1 more the stage-director type ing the central unit. evning.' Mr. Neals extended it on behaf of the school. ent and exactingin urd-Jnischocutda e new ranthe wpblCschool of Trtok, R Rilsuper.n-, Chntnig r.Rsdpkeo rinsetres'bidng b en teCnratr .J.Fnjt an d students do the work. "The new changes in cur-la welcome on behaîf of th The Canadian flag, the gift mands." Gradviw Cntrl uest speaker, itBApoachatoeducation. 'In the olden days the visit rculum esecially in Mathe- ord eltng a few of their of the Frank Cowan InsuranceMrCubrad as an proel aod thtpubliCo.,hwasRepresentederby E.iG.SJoseph Horrigon. rp e e t n u c d a P rnsiih ~,pl fManvers Township tendentfo the East Central of the enormity of the changes 'thing dreaded by pupils and alyecting. This new en« "Nothing is more essential ta Pulford and accepted by the Const. Co., exprse i netjae 0 esn 4s loiffcially opened and dedi Aea. "r Rist Is well In education today. The new teachers alike. Recent de- vironment will make the hild society, than the way we pre-r school board vice-chairman pleasre In tebidn.atne h pnn n or Waed on Wednesday night. j qualiied for his position. He methods are based on the be- velopments have changed the more eager to attend school. pare our children to takethi Wilfred Richardson. ieb The School Inspector, J. H. received is elementary and lief that al chidren should be functJon of the inspectors to We hope for less drop-outs place in the future. The R. H. Lunney of Oshawa, Merrill Van Campadne h colatrtepo ettes, B.A., M.Ed.. of Lindsay, secondary schooling In Picton, educated as fully as possible, that of consultants, who help and more sit-ins, as pupils de- broadening educational system representng the Gideons, pre- of the Counties ofNrhc rm hool with Its modemn and Teces ollege and the Uni- interests and needs. grams geared to the needs of The speaker also referred to member of society. It is with for each of the cassrooms, onratulations and etwsiI d coli iut tional facilities is the re- verity of Toronto, spent some "Our whole educational their schools and pupils. the values of the new educa- a sense of satisfaction and whch was accepted by the es- hpa h otenjnto tolog months of plan- years In England and Egypt. picture Is changing. The in- Mr. Rist said the Commis- tional television programs. pride that we present this secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Bris- The school choir ietd0 Aad3 ihas ul Ig, hard work and personai He was frmerly vice-princi. creasing number of students sion led by Justice Hall into In conclusion, Mr. Rist said: schoul to our children and tow. by Miss Mildred 1onsn w tre ih h oe itrifice on the part of the PalT f Bathurst Street School cals for new methods. In On- aims and objectives in educa- "Students, you have amazing hope they benefit from it". N. J. Sidey presented the two patrotic numbesco-sye copetotîsî ea School Board. This n oronto, teaching Chemstry tario we have one single am. tion would bring about vital opportunities ahead in your Reeve Lewis MGili f!school with a portrait of the panied by Mrs. Ernetn o-casoms h rnia' n levemnent Is one in which nd Biy. He is co-author Everything we do In the way changes in education. Sub- new school. Staff members, Manvers Tonship sad the Queen, on behaf of Dominion Insoi.scrtr' ofcsa wl le whole township should feel 1f tseveral Science books, co- of new buildings or new teach- jects will no longer be neat in your teaching years you school sas 0one of the finest Stores, which was accepted by Mr. Neals thanke hsfe-eupe kicnadstf 4»tly proud. Now the cha- autor of the Biology text ng methods Is designed to parcels, but would deal ln have seen all changes fromlin Ontario and he was honor- trustee Norman Wilson. ow members ofth scolrmrtrom hethui oigge Is passed on to parents, book used through Grades 11- give the very best Individualiz.. clusters of related subjects, minimal equipment ta the ed ta be reeve when the school A copy of "The Rolling board, Wifred Rchrsnan a lre dm-had hers, boys and girls to sec 12: a producer of school shows ed Instruction we can for even with young pupils. They best. Board members, you wa built in this Centennial Hills", a history of Manvers Mrs. Ruth Skuce, Nra I-lbay ue atlclr facilities of this new shoo '1 andoha been a Secondary every child In the province. In woud core under broader have no doubt spent sleep- year. Township and token of 20 son and Carl Smith,teScr-weusdt dcoae ah re sed w ae ndan fuly Sc oo In pecor ma y ounris a go d e ucash ads gs xu h s E vion- les nght, ad ous c ds-foerCarut erieMs.. f r opis a b pace in thIna y rtheo oth Bist w, he clasr om, w t natc in young people will then be r. Rist congratulated the tion Is only avalable to the mental Studies, and subjects cussion and probably argu- Du ham. Ciding, brought the library, was presented fromn oCntractor, Architetan Inldssndcir.Temn tepared to meet problems Boardof Trustees on the ex- top 10 or 15 per cent of the like English and History under ments over plans for the build- congratulations of Premier the Township Council by their spector Bates for 1terfih uioimwl et40pr vlopportunities more ca-ceptionally fine school. He pupils; but In this province we Communications. More and Ing of this new sehool. You John Robarts and the pro- Centennial Chairman, Harvey fui coopemation; also h em os bly and with greatr assur: said the architecture and in try to provide 100 per cent More students would learn fot have shown foresight and vincial government and ex- Malcolm, and accepted by Mrs. bers of the Janetvlead Teeae40ppl n îe, i the years to come. te particular the library of the education for every child. 1 as grades or classes, but would courage to provide the facili- pressed his personal congratu- Margaret Kuhlmann, school Bethany Women's Isîue oldi hssho hc a r. Bates_Introduced th school showed a different ap- The- emphasis in educatIon move throu htes bet tt e e e h si a proud lations on "This beautiful and librarian. for their assistance evn eni s ic etubr AN g.~fF fr pCO ~1 / M î bv MnIgCIl PRICED YEIPAT ARN. $Lebour chares me Vred W rone vear. I BUDGET INSTALLMENTS PAYABLE $9-. WITH YOUR GAS BILL Matching Washer Available m ~ ~ ~~Get a G I t e m5 un p ~WATER IAE LOTS end LTU .5 end LOTS loi 1-n ~~ HOT WATER f r5 Authorized OI U mw(f5 Dea ler For Only ..'7DY5 276 IBERTY ST. N. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-3613- EENSALTO-