%"ne Cànadia, Sta e= ow vfflMeNov. 29, 1987 1f nead uv rono News iWthDnoNr& Mr.Gordon Guyithe late, Mr. James E. Ich- Zst, sister of Agnes i Orono 12, r rea t el e ii e we e w eeke nd rds 0 f O ron o and cou s. n îai and H elen of T oronto. Fun- ice wltthe D e ar m e t ddon hi "aEBs of Mr. and Mrs. Sterli the late Dr. Donald A. Lucas eral was on Friday from the c eieer IntMather and famlly. i who was also kllled ln a car Barlow Funeral Home. In- Ic thheD Sr. JOhn Leshman of Osha- accident, one week before ln terment Qi-ono Cemetery. L ns& F rss wa vitd M- and Mrs. Mil- New Orleans, La., U.S.A. Fun- Mrs. hai-eafWfd atend to n T a bl n.e ra l w a s ln B a rrie o n T h u rs- d th e 4 th W e d d in g A n n i- . dsay , N o n b e h a f o hri - t o b u u t f f o e s t M r s . A l b e t M u n n e k e s p e n t dd a yo vN o v e m b erh .2In e rM i-.rA .y th e n u r s e ryr s ta ffalp rt ,teds_ _ _ Bunday withliher parents, Mr, 1 ment 6th Line Cem~etery, In- versi-yaymlyonnnerpart and Mirs. Harvey Aiken andt nisfil (Lake Simcoe District). a h lIgDtha oa nt th Flyi g Duchman Motorier, oMrLndsd .1on Tomn at Mllbrook. i Inn, Bowmanville, for Mr. and ~ . - Mrs. Mary Luxon of Kendal, Mrs. H. W. Salter (nee Johns). porbented Mrhs. Mai-shall Chatterton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, ipentdM.E Mr. and Mrs. rvillMr.haEddy Mrthana EddyHwill MenjoyMas&long, halliye.and Mr toCarol and David werefvisited Mrs, Wmn. Mercer at St Ron Best were Sunday dinner gl ure e Su0ùnda inrget fD.JonsCnaecn oe guests of hier grandparents, honnur of his longevcwthrTes and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Bnnie Newtonbrook on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Challice____ Mr-. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins aesie spent the weekend Miss Edra Sharpe, formerly or ripent the weekend with hier! with her friend, Miss Donna of Orono and late of Clark- ister, Mi-s. Joe Agner at!Challice and family. wood Residence. C. N. I.B., ýn 2 Ja m eslEtRichar s Mne- s n d M rs. D ouglas S i p- T oronto, passed aw ay S atu r- . n S t r a v n n . N v i r t dw h f o e sa d . ceived word i-e the sudden1 Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Dal. Hospital, Toronto. Funeral O audye death due ta a car-train acci. j Hilborn and family at Vern- service was held ln Toronto on ~ d elw de t a ery nai, o n il.Nov. 2st. Interment Parkte s ga 1the r e nia h rn w s c nrd wt dent t Leroy, Ontara'. n on ille ____ ____ _____ W t Weloming the uest wer 'Tuesday, Nov. l4th, of Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middle- Lawn Cemétery, Toronto. and FMros. eneHa lsn June Mowat Hislop, age 37, ton visiter! Mrs. Judd Wagarocainothr 5hWdth imeael wife of John Hislp, mother of Oshawa on Sunday. anUL .ding A nn esr.e Hls of David, Stephen and Cathy,I Miss M ary Elizabeth Burg- occasionZTT rI faf t, Mn. &II at h MON . aLd Mrs.AnJohersar- ilahomne; only daughter of ess, age 90 years, passed away _Th Bkl An gmemers Chailes and Gladys Mowat of at the Memorial Hospital, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. RobertCm-ac ro.ntesnyugetDnead Toronto and granddaughter of, manville, on Tuesday, Nov. eron andi family were Sunday!qujtIsaacok, ateneci uAn supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. autograph mae ilhetetHili ~w uf M 'J Iut M. Kellett, Janetville. ladies of Clarke N WOV L EMr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson Lovekin. 'nlwo h rd n ro 193 1, w as also sh o wc y M ' . r R n R c a d , b o h r Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D ew D o Vinke to Toronto on were Friday evening visit.rsEab vsin Ist ue pr.o 23 eas vs m ser a of Oshawa were supper guests JFonday and tayed oven the of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Parkin-mga. Ms rg on Monday with M i-. andl week nd with er mother, son, Courtice. vider! a number fo1h r- ee one o h v nn Mi-s. George Stapleton, while!Mrs. Cecil Burley. Mr. andi Mrs. Wni. Johnson!j Mi-. and Mrs. Qi-ville Hender-lle gfaven ra! an a drs t h M.adMs ril e Der The funci-ai of the late Mr. and Linda of Lifford; Mrs. Mrs. McCuillough 0 etn; iet ut a aeb son f Toronto werc venr-,I ave Shaw, Newcastle, a e- Fletcher andi Mr. John John- ville, a rading, ad Ms h anl. Ohr lvl it night guests, aso with thej sident of iis district many son, Oshawa, wce Sunday Baker nnda Miss Pe1 ccwr -ccvdb h ap Stapletons. i ,,cars ago, took place on Fni- guests of their parents, M. 0 oin, ahum oru kt cul lo Those who were unable toi day. Interment was in Lake- and Mrs. Bet Johnson.r The birthday cen wt W Knehan il hn attend the Travelogue i view Cem etery. c n i s w s m d y M s .t c r fi n s f r t e ] v l N ew t nvile U nited! C hurch,! T ow ns ip C ouncil m em ers M n.a c. i-. .ve Hal,. tS t e w at a d b a t f l y i e ! g f s a d g o ! w s e n M onday evening , m isse r! ai w r c a l ie-appointe r! by ac- oH a pton; M n. .and M rs. i h ,a nc d co at r by M s. W - vi e ! a I b i it h m s m - raie tiet. The pictues of' clamation,. at Orono, on Fri- John Baker and Ricky w Ci-C ' i- m-b he o Tdet me br a the Holy Land, taken by Mr.!I day, Mr-. John Stone ncpîac- zna uprgetofM.b th ols m and M rs. . H enderson on ling M r. im e Falls w ho bas u d y pp r g st of M . . L x n, and c c e s n t e d l c o s lue e e M s their trip a year or so ago, retire . aneMr. G rdoin g Ba kr a d 'st - present w as given a g n i o s~ i k L lI , M s o i h r s were excellent, while the de-' Mr.and Mrs.TrumnHenfamily cebrtn Riys -. pceoca. sciiptive explanations by M .j derson, with M . and M s. se o dEtd y siteo f Mr. oi. Mr. e Henderson, together with hisý Fred Henderson, spent Satur- Congratulations aie extnd - u en, e p ss d he ha k J dy R i r. A o pes t fo - MrsntE. Crouou-p-en Mse Let n evident wonderful knowledge day in Toot.eioGryCriho ecv of oui- Institute tothPT.»isapvocinwe M. of Bible history, wre trulyý Quite a number from eie Ing the Locust Cottage Farm an dal those xho hr epdW.Riemte h remaikable, as he used nol w nt to Bowmanvlle n Sat- Trophy donateci by Mr. and wuith the pogiam. Th ev n brd of2 yas, nd a ot r notes f any knd, a factl urday to watch the Santa Mrs. Be. Gray andi family, ing oser! with th ng g55 i- Ms Ma ie R ti- o ,whch acdeci to the njo-1 Clas Parade. R.R. 1, Port Hope, for be- -1 t"Gor! Save the Q cn. Poiec ý ent of the audience, I think., M. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer ing the top member out of 17 - The Christmas eingojDnn h vnn uia .ev. T. J. Sncgrove, acting; motard to Niagara Fals in Durham 4H Beef Caf Clubth UCW. iI be ei!ee plvr at nu bî. y h as chairman, caler! on theI oer the weknd to visit her a he Awad Night helr ln tie home of M s. KetFO dMse dns ad a h m r popular young piani-t, Doug-i sister, Mrs. M. Leushner, and ono,«aurday night, Nov.ontevnigf las Peri-rn, to start the po- i were dinnen guests with M . 125. Gery as came 3rd iii 161 h. Each member wil gv by om of bc r at es g r i o n thaecu pveningtrof Dnca ym bn d o use rw c d dinghrs kitaSw as p utC lob m en ta l n u m b e rs, a fte r w h ic b a d fa i lv o f slin g to n , en - M nr n i M s I e ! G - h h h h v M r. C laude Ives of B ow m an - - te o e u dy n g t. a , N w castle, w ce Thursday w 'a x h n e o a n o e i l t r i h v n ville, an aId friend andi Mrs. R. Farrow was a din- evenîng guests of Mn. and Mrs. Tetopoo bv eetkna h eetvsro Music, Barough of Etobicoke, pruovxidîîîg the Cîîe rss ntsPcs scoo-at f r.HndrIne us audy hMr-. Sidney Cornish. IRegional Music Educators Workshop held at Bowman- instruction, In the lower pictuî e, Mrs. Elsie DobsonfthA PenTy.a. ile ir!o son r se te inro uc t e at1 an M s. J m F r o a d Club 50 ladies m et Tu s a ville H igh School. Top picture, features G rade 1 pupils Superivsor of M usic, A jax, is de mnon 'stratîîg t aching i th e v n n f D c .- ter. At interm ission, M ns. fam ly, Bowm anville . v nn ,No .froith o1 ve i g o e Cari-al N ichols of ïW esley- H eather and W cndy Lane einn, N v. 2 st a esdavB w a v l e w th M s a y S il a , u e - m t o s a p ic b e t i h r g a es i s C t ei e S ville favorer! with a vocal of Port Hope spent Sunday of Mrs. J. Woodley with 10 m ow avilewthMisMay tlinaSue- etosppiabeoh'hG_.ae riumber, the ever pleasinglwith their aunt and uncle, members present and one UJ'ITho-ruse of Oshawaspnte Bess This House." U. C. W. 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jons. ' visitor. Pes. Mrs. C. Pen- . UVI I D 1XLJ4 J-i weekend in London wt n President Mrs. George Sta- Mi-. and Mrs. Cccil Hen- warden opener! the meeting e ,and nE4uByantI pleton expressed appreciation derson of Bawmanvilîe were and conducter! the business. B o rd A g e s n ren c p i ! vrypcaaRteviiig- .'ti ~rt M- enesnM-~Nc Stray ecnn . e.Mrs. Woodley i-ar! the Scrip- i ..'ct..,,.. - '..and M.... Rg tMr edro.Ms ihSaudy eeig vstorturc andi gave a fine Devo- wUAI*uI hylMr M,- n's1n- Mr M r. C ecil C arv th of N w - 1 derson. tional. R eports w re given 1 E.O 5si t e an g c t on v s er w th M . nd M .II an $6280wa ralze f mWednesrav ast. TeAccsin ..sEliotfn castle who so kindly tak the1 Cheryle Cornsh of Orono anhe$162,80 sreier! rom J.W II5M E b a rEI' rop o sa i iv as the 30th Arniversay of1 Conwall.T.AM ~J./4U trouble to drive teO shawa ta was a visiti- bei-c with ber tetre upe.Ms .oui- Instifute, anr!in spite oiSm forpo obtain the lban f a iagr grandmother, Mi-s. Bea Joncs. oVan ie c or16t .: th e s electldision d diiof i ani le oui nepe ted sci-een, Ms .Vny ieP-s~O . which showed off the M. and Mns. Genaîr! Quinn, ofafcr-o 98:Pi-es. i1.11 pictures tomuch greate ad- LakelildIwireySJday iiui_ Ms. W. Vanck;oVscenFoeyoudinnerhsenBoerd Thes weatberdwasr favorablee wVathe ,vantage. Refeshment cnsist- tois with M. andi Mrs. Boyd Mrs. ADon Dav; ey rearyber .rofhe rTA aditi etmae w e r eg s ef v eo f i e n i gth e u n c h a r n i s a K t nf i oy r o L t to i s G r c m t S c o i T h e p r o p o s a i a n n o u n e d b y a b o u t 7 , 5 0 0 p u b l i c s c h o o l s t u - 1 t a i l s a r e n e b u l o s a t i V i e i le o u t -an d i fateo ften d n ews lat2 700 e î c a s I , ee by memGers 0f thend .T.A. 'aci i setmtr t Scolhala tec Ls fis nd Ket c irnoupMree s. .Kyc niMsJmPremier John Robants on dents and 3,000 secondary momnent. "We %wiii have the rigogaie waeshe cafei th ie e r er!m . win the Sundayand unelring. of Lafe aednber Shipota Scholhal t heclsecfisspndnga ouleweksWoodley; Git Corn., Mrs. C. Tuesdy onsolidate con- scbool students- under itsý wait until we sec the legisla- i lour ofthelic embers w'ho har! A number cf local Insti- and Mrs. Boyd Harris. Audtor eeleft opn. o o the province's educa- jurisdiction." Mr. MacLear! tion,", he sair!. seciver! the W. 1. the loniges-i. tute members were at the Mrs. Howard Moore andi tian in 100 county size boards stater! in bis report. jone ar!vanltage of tire îew; Mrs. W. H. Fstrp-enr! Centennial suppen at Kendal daughters wene recet is-Tlank you cards wcre bcbng was endonser! in piinciple by Bo __rsete on Wednesday evening, mark- toi-s with Mrs. Phil Gilmerl sent ta Mi-. R. Roy and Russell the Durhami County District H arr! CarmanhJe Foees legi sitat Mt.heylann aw1 ,rins ndccrtificatt r. and hesm elgtu ad Ing the 3 th anniversary or andi fam ly. Honey, M .P. High Scooi Board, w ich the prafess h e mei e ti ng, s h a tc onth e enîr t u or, i s. W li m Me- g n q e prty th a t B xa n ch . A m o n g th o se M i. a n d M s, C . R. F a rro w M e e tin g e do se r! ln th e s na îl am e t W !int e pr p o er e g si ti n ' t r i ra rc . h s îî ol ' M i s at e in S e w r . n ,,r gh i a r da ry O d attendting were Mesdames Mv. wce Snday visitors with manner wth hostess srving eea vnn. thnk it will be a heavicrId our be tea<ching puilJt fotunat ely, Mrs. Mrcr xas NEIHMPER -tw urt . Pd Samis, A. Wade, R. Farrow, Mi-. and! Mrs. Ernest Wright, a anylch M. A. MacLeor!, the Ad- la nbadmmes fn u n i vrwîtb) noable ta epeen.Ms W . M i li a , . r w n , H . L in d sa y . d i t u c .m in istra to r an r! S e c r ta ry - b r! oebar em bes. I rfn d o nt e ffo rt s c oe.hb n e ! h n t t Tii, G. McCuilougb, and Mn. and Mrs. Chai-lie Trîm Mr-. andi Mns. Han-y Segers, Treasurci-, outlined in a me- members, espccially aghi- ow fots;ebrsfrte înu tbn twl icuagecsa i îott rt helon giv-AC SDdFa hind Miss B. Milligan. of Bawmanvile were supper Baltimore, were Sunday even- morandnm ta the board de- man" he declarer!. A. H. Strike. Chah-mnarin :cit hefu-mmeS. , jr Fi-e of unknown origin gncsts. Snnday, witb Mr. and Ing cailers af Mn. Robent Sim. tails af the annonnceemcîît -- -Gudan undI1 onld gness tlîat tbere 1 Cornmmitte for the las-t three Reg. i1,ovekjn or ec' pe t f M . E r G i-en, . and M s. Sir! Simipson Bowm anvillc, were Satnrday The rep art statcd: "Pre mi r w nd be2îe b ns o .y as, n c to ed'uh b n - lo w s iyrdr-r ehr3' o ceio.nEle r 1yo oMi-.wredne velgcler iteSmt l board," Boar-d C ha i rm a nfits as rencdial reauling for-*Stewart. She ngave ai nc- Thid oncsson, e nI yafPor Hpewen dnne eenig alensattheSmthJohn Robants bas announcer! Heyland stater!, and indicater! prirary students, servi-es- of cstin.,lîislory of the LvknP T h u r s d a y m o r n in g . T h e O - g n e s ts , S n n d a y , w ith M i-. a n di h o m e . th a t e ffe c tiv e J a n a i-y ls t, th a t i n i p n o n a g r a p ,ý * h l g s n p c a ; F r i y w o w r , i r o g t e ona Fine Brigade responded Mns-. Jack Elliott. iClub 50 are holding a 1969, boards of education wilîîbnahis opinion ny lner apyîolgs nc pcalFniv h -u- ia to the caîl, se the blaze was Mns. V. Boni-gere sPentIChristmas Social cvening for blassesforgani-zer! on a canntfyClakeo1nwd preventcd from sprcading ta the weekenr! in Toranto witb their familles ln Haydon Corn- basis except thos;e for langer I dr o semt eiijdnshaigdfiuliswtr hp casosui LindsayaccompforniedMi-sanizybonoakcHospitHel. d onld e mer s o n e npsych i g ica c ules wfor s- ii-st ndsll rso o nClark erP OI E!G l n a e D a r the house, ncarby. Mn. Nelson Phillips, andimunîty Centre, Satnrr!ay ev- cities andi nortbenn ai-cas. favra aigbbt u- schîool work as a resuit or ccnrîc:- or cmijv daysins h, Mrs. Clarence Gilmenofvisiter! Mr. Boni-gene at Sun- Dc2,sting at Mn. M2,cods mmat-ari- hani Connty anr! Northuni- ernational cistrurbances at township. Mrs. LeinoelacvCanye"Idokntboi ar!inc ot j-g - ORHO EDEIVR p.m. ~durn stater: "The annonce-l tirk any board would re- H ]a g dh ment affects this hoard as qui-e four- ieprcsentatives1 o6-12a3-ihve331H N bJ~4 Weil as sorne1,000 other, froni a townîship to look af- boardcouï l aa s i vr! b ilslVlg h S Shiela d b o a d s h i c w i l c a s e t a 1 t e r G r a d e s 1 t a 1 3 , " h e s a i . ,ird e s i g n s h a is s I a m a r e c c re i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ exist at the cor! of 1968. Mn Headster cr-AW w "Tbis ncws bas- been ex- the ne w boa rqi shoîr! be pecter! for sanie tume.Bill 54: eltig ailtbb c acixiies, 'r-*II II ziJ Helfor public4- -- by Popular Demandi cxxpçz inzo inttv o rs t o r h ri n H ia Music Directors Show Workshop How it Should be Don-q o pees2 er OUR CHEF'S COMPLETE DINNER SPECIAL - cdont that: "Joint meetings GOOD SELECTION - 3 Or 4 Sccti TRI STURAyAN SUDA * shonir! be helr! in the latter 'n- THSSAUDA NDSNDYpart of 1968 ta make recom - la addition te our regular menu. mendations te the new board. LABLS IStuffedu Pork Tend 'roi $2.7,5mmbn fth e Choice of Fabrics and or Dhln oerur . o 9n m.al municipalities in the 1PIE RM- ------ $199000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a c t s e s t a b l i s h t h e n u m b e r f ý Make your reservations now for our famous board of thr-ecor more muni- cipalities, but it is quite like- L Ç MI Dl <fQI <\ NEW YEAR'S EVE SUPPER DANCE ly that the acts will be r v r u u w n w Le.S E OU E E T O F O L P I T N S Lim îted Reservations On y a ender! s-o that the boards'itts burgh Glas S UITE5 Phone623-373 "he matter- of boards cal-i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e cin g O th ir o w nb t t a s S T IL L T IM E T O H A V E O U R C H IE S T E R F IE L been donc sncccssfully i , l n As eubeR P O S E E F R C R S M .the United! States for somte!I Aa sesieR PHLTRDFRCHITA time. ýson of Mn. andi Mrs Ver-noný 'It is nated tbat legisîn- Asselstine, R. 3, Bunketon,!ý tion for the pncposcd changes was awarded his Master ofl MOTOR INN -i ob n-dc late in Arts degi-ce n Economis '0inYE S a J~anuary or arly in Februai-y abstentia durig fali convoca- Bswman'vilIe, ont......................ready te tu rn aven a well Alan and Mrs Asselstine are -- iun secondai-y system ta thelncsiding in Sydney, Austi-alia, 5 IN T.E BOWMANVILLE P O E 6355 new board. It is cxpectediwhene he is teaching and hopesý