-~ -c. . ~4~4 lime e..~1.5 Utatoem~, Uowmanyi~ Nov. 29, 196? Articlrsffor SFOR ArticlesIfo fComing Events ArilsfrSl rilsfrSle WorkWanted Work Wanted Recl Estate for SafleRelstefoSa Real Etat fo I . I W O C a d B t n M n d a y ec . t h v o t e S T R A W f o r s a le . T e l e p h o n e C O I c o r n , $ 3 2 .5 0 t o n ; f o r s e l i - A T INù G a n d d e o r a i ,- R E U P O S T ER I N G - S a t i s - S r ~ a i Yea ; ;yk afrTo n Counil. 723-1308. 47-3* ed, $55.00 ton; 2 tons or more also odd jobs. Phone 623-5390. faction guaranteed at W yte L B A OJ c kod sr g 1 B wm vlI f flr 12 e a- o fr E ~5 Gbson amplifier. Phn delvered. J. A. Carscadden, 48-1 Bros., Phone 623-5251 or RR i c A R D~B w avje hn M0 , Ad sa d D a v i d aE uy T y r o n e H a ll, ; 6 2 3 -7 1 0 4 . 4 8 -1 1 O r o n o . _ P h o n e 9 8 3 -5 7 6 9 . _ 4 8 - E I B E e e a e i h c - 2 5 5 .2 - fe a l t o r6 2 - 3 5 a e r i x st ri gELECTRIC train set, c omplte FR excelen uality p a n, erience n e baby-sitting M OUN TJOY B k oe Se vie623-746 1 Ltd .,ON 1a4,Not a dI G 8J G P a r e n t s a r e S e rt . y . FA d i s s in ,i nh a n d P o e 6 3 2 . 8 -îý a p p le s , a p p le id e r , lo w p r ic e s , j o b , a f e r s h o o l a n d d u n g F u d a o n - S e p tic ta n k s L A J * J S to l Cyrl Av ry m Mr md ~ Ad issi n, unch- - b y at Fred's Fruit M arket, week nds. 623-2383. 48-1 dug and backfilled. Ivan Handym an'. Specal62 25 3h tl g fe r : ' l V d l u o . 4 8 - 1 0 r m . ï e î - o ý ; P O O L t a b l e . l i k e n i l s - i g h w a y I I s v i i oo86 - 7 3 .lo r h i b a C hartere a b ses to or-icessories. Î86-2419. 48 1 o t f O o o U STO M chain saw ing by the M u to , B a k t c 8 - 7 7 $500 dow n f r t t b ds o p n e t e . P I .CPPCLLI' 4 1 6-&JêhÙ ad Marilyn dle and downtown Toronto, 4t hour; snow ploughing drive- ________ 6 w 3 bedroom bungalow, ,P."Ne oulander) are hippy to Nov. 27, 30, Dec. 2, 6- and 13 QUATITY of oat straw for MAE sure you get the ways, parking lots, service sta- --aiV. sa le 1 -_ ---lb.. gl H o p e 8 8 5 - 2 5 2 7 . -K3,s0 0.tF o urs ,ee to.m b rick6h o me35 4r voc eA .o n p a veFo u rrbet1.c WMam 6lb oz. Hp 85-52.48-2 WATER-for sale- and-delivered. aluminum doors, windows, 623-7619. 48-5* 1 $2060Doe ~P . ê ~ d a , N sr m b r 2 , o w a n v lî L o- C h ris t- i C a ll C liff P e th ic k , 6 2 3 -2 3 1 .3 . s id in g . L o r n e A ll n , 6 2 3 -3 8 7 1. - -- - - -- l u m D n g & H e a t i n g 1 k itc h e n . S e p a r a t e d n n o m a s D i i T e a- ____________27, 'TÉOw7F DTkTT. Brown St. - 2 storey home Dnfnse 2,, flKicener Hospital. mas Turkey Roll at Lions 1 38-tf1 47-2 FRANK BR.\ flINK. 35 Nelson St. Bowmanviiie'wlth new aluminum siding, en inLagewtwodan OSEr 48-1 C nr n Fia. D c th.1 MAN'S grey w nter coat, size VO E Bb Dy kistra for Coun- 1-t n w ur ac. skng 1-fOnly1 Near- Taunton Ro d bt enl Bfuffet lunch, refreshments. 40, nearly new. Phone 623-2946. cil on Monday, Dec. 4th. 48-1 Tecir RI 7 .O liki e ta i-. members. 41GAN-e efbyqatrtable for sale. Cal987-4646. INSTALLTION, uk tr Celuibsw lIbldtrm7U ifa< e .h~ lrtr' or half. Phone Blackstock -4.*j R R , B I M N I L r.Ietebit 811 ..6 OWAVLEPUmDlng -Haig 8 room house with extrai Elegant. four bdombikapoc osa euiu MaieVI'JNSeO CUTER BINGO upYERTRS . 2stairs apartment rented ut home on large ted1 48-1Prt opCan hmber oi ComeJuirce Fai imsr, ..1,E:terms, rentais, service. Bill __________~lt x15 47,Hoead puoc y i1Jno COB Corn, bargain in big lotâ-kl, ashiers, adders. Trades, 623-7201-3-ho40 1 Askln only $17,500.vilg.eutulal Ital. n, 6343-6 iHamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160, ÀN GID 78 î ONTAJO STEET12.000 Down sa iniin telvigrom Lbrt t S ow aill. ' ___ I - IION nik 843.45-tf A .BOKBWAVLENorth of Bowmanvilîe, ad3 nn om.Lre o-Lw onPyet-A i~~ ( e ii ma r pe s d e ea1 ve D n eand used parts. G ahm's T A S O o d s e tT ri t o l ~ % ltr. t tê 52tflmàe t &rrivla 0f Cetenna Temple Hauni a',46-6-23.4-fonable prices. Phone 987-4474 ALKINDS 0F CEMENT lot. Asklng only $11.000 and deails tWf ~ n ayit R b r, o S r e . O v l Se l c ' r h W A SH IN G m achine, so fa-bed B row n , B row view F a r ni s any point in i i llrain oin ty : de tial and C om m ercial W ork ' H am ntF u e r o o e w t i Wbpi~ . 20 1187, nt M e- estra. B uffet and bar. $12 and chair . tool box, table, 1N ew ca tle. 46-7 P.C .V . Four Prex o n Phon 623-2263rBow manvû 2* I I l om Ia;b ô man vIta . per couple. R eservations, tele - planer, sash and doors, buck -LIOreee EstintaiatesDitanoeNnRTHexceî o. nen ec e n 1 2 2 7 riJhzadaphphn62-3555 or 623-503.5. i saw. 623-.5898. 48-1LIoNELrlcticsetrabhin, il ovndng. P..V tanc', EXPERT CMNRICA lent return on lnvestm-ent ean____rIn Ste br. Ituzdle *nd48JIUE bert auto aigst ohi oig ..."" EPR EETWRK Asking only $2 1,000 with $5,00 man re icue. 1,0 4 - U N Y coal and wood furn- good condition. David W atson, P o e 623-3821 lot Finished- rec. rooni. Wash- I ' 35-trm2 41You are cordially inx'iteci ace, convcrsion ohl burner and No. 2 Highway West, Bow- Phon R epe 23-0729 3Solna d. ownerm .,Ra sIi 01 Jh dte McMullen's Crest Hardware,"900 gallon oil tank, good con- manville 623-5893. 48-1 46-4_ Aftne Ave., Oeasha'iv JonadShopping Party on Thursday 1dition.-78-2459. 4-l'd_-_-__ 4-6--4Phne_73-02 Afte hoorlpleas cmlh A" t Dk> thank God evening, December 7th, fro m;- n 8 -_ _ 8ý-USED 2pe hstri ; Auction Saesi42 wrdW8ht*2-N24teo lltforromct ë -zo ï.f arriva i of a Bon, 7 to 9 p.m . Com e to 36 Kiing U IN or selling furniture trade-In chesterfie d suite, like nearo msopping centre. deal 21 Kln728t.4W9, flowrshopping lier.o.Sudy ov tM. hl elcinI t or appliaices, caIl Elmer,inew; one oval kitchen table VEL P Patnr Dc oak- 6376 i o rthèr fr Rchard, best. 8-2 residence 263-2695. 33-tf 155 King St. E., Bowmanvile Audrey Plain 623-315-63 $,01,0o n ýadZDub.Rat hr onvSales Arena PBoardCtt ai Fyrg Duntty trStaff.tclder kthe (fE AL2SelngH rss attle, Sî me pualconveniences on 5 i~n ane-5 ce 1 ot . St plad erone davenport, deS O lve e p t. J. A Red ! Geo ge , Stoe -D h Inn. Dancing 9 p.m. until ??, siik. 1P hone 693- 5086. -4 8-. 1* for recreation room: one dress- t o, ae M ngr. 52-f Phone 728-3636 'u ~ e . A A v Pigeon River lt. E lyPr ie o mnll letrn auosbuffet. Res- l& on, alesManaers ' r At insoly urhrinfor- INSULATION, blowing meth- er-ad beddF. A o ta owmanvffe, on maton by Phoning 623-3373. od, with rock wool. W ork-ILtd., 37-1 in St , w Auction sal, Deu. 2,' :30o COMPLETE Phone 623-5300 r oi so e h ue wt e 26, 1 67. 6-tf m an.,hip guaran teed . F r e e m an ville. _ _ _.m , B w n a vi î u( l on C r or G rdon B ee h 623-5265 Inc are P r e t u f r a e 4 p e e b t . O Fnier2s1o7,, - festimates, Harry L. Wade, P.Bar1 Applianle ton ConHarvesting Tosm-e cinUÉ lnb bis 2nd yer; ea Woodview Community Centre Phone Newtonville 786-2256. '%zI rl. - dab' rtr nsere , us b s Fergu- BNGO __ cabines TV stands: iII, iHigh moisture. ear ana green Bowmanville North End: homes with $175 mn noe ioc.Akn 4.0 3 tfSkill1 saivs, pipe cuttlpi pe ý ilage, corn pieking, shelling Weil bult and kept 1l'/2-storpy Good location. $14.0.Trs ens 'd. i atle, and the ]aLLierconitinedi car- SU G ST O S wrenches. coffee tables, sPace and drying 6 rooni ouse, garage and! Ontario St A es ( a. W . N . B uckley). N e t M n a a e , c oti s l n e s i- T O S - A P P L IA N C E S heater, coal andi w oo ri stoVes ,'N e w vc a s tle 9 8 7 -4 4 1 3 ' l r e v te l tTAk n r Ke dai Mli. 2 0 A re Ia l hel In the Morris 7:45 P.M lw. towel sets, toys for boys jhockey eqcpment. skates. çîcî- $16500. Terns. ~bpeE~nmnîle RD ~ nt ~il. ron Vret, SPORTING GOODS3 hm Ilfra t av'loCmte In- HA A Higl,\t'îv2, Newcastle East. SLEIGHS -TOBOGGANS utensils. teel cabinets, tires', 473 home.mOuefurnaO.HLarge lot,-econdaspringpfdrstreasi Ont vie___47. CYC ES2-M a ny othr items. Ternis cash.1 ACKERM ANJ i apt. has 3 bedrooms and is After lieurs Peusa mi 4elf1conîaîneICYCLrtmeRtsYCLeSrJpond sites. 3 road frontac- s USDwaslier parts, motors, 1;-, . I y eaed ange MTabacco Paroi Maple Grve monthly Euchre 'Simplicitv., Thor and Moffat AUTO ACCESSORIES tiocs- 728-1005, 7213 976.1 XAAIN obehtd gaage w Mkul UtflP, June- Mowat--Sud- Party, Saturday, December i applianccs. nationally adver- Cmlnwiesec 8- LOADING - TRENCHING basement. Gond învestment ut WIlf Hawke --9357 or ihs e. m i,ýNoveniber -14, 1967, donated for total nu nber of!M arket 1-Hampton, 263-2241. is t its best W edIIrsday. Dec. fiulî Ciclar- Sa d Gr v , To SaI nd $ ,9 0 G ve u an o e.I e1th ,resuli of an accident, lone hands and total highest _ _ -_ _ 42-tfj ing fanm auction Of modern, Fill DeliveredI Centrally located: Large 9 Harold Peck - 98-22 roi odm h eb n 4'x JUM Zow mt, -ge 37, beloved score. Month1fv pizes a d n w ndlieb pc and ' farm macfiinerv~, inctndi 31 2--Hour IVATER SERVICE roi sld bik h m, bt _ _ 81j8' i oe qi m n n i-------_-_ cluded!.rOnly $63,brick-ho15,0h0 ,èM. -of Joh Hialo, dearlunch.Admisson 75c 48tractorIs,,ou oodd lne fo FordanSe-acReasonable Ratesor Se-ateronheatRangwa2ewashroo Ternis.oom ~t heèrof David, Stephen and .e t y u w h it a r e lector-Speed 6,51 hr. M assev- 623-5756 - BOW M ANVILLE w tr s fe er ih a h r John IF. DE W l hs c ~ ail at h me; oved Recording of "The M essiah" com e to Junction of 115 H igh - __ _ newKCogkShutW . No. 437 mowr,-IFO R !cluded lot, garage and paved, R EA LT O Rc osIr m Qiiz'1 ofMrw. ai T rn to (the L the, vo ls I orand o2 , (331 be on R d.. n t yasp o rner. ilPh ne 62 -3 34k n d Co ha co N o u . 1 îýo\v(r B ric k & S to n e X Vo rk ý drive. M ust be seen to be p-j1 R EA L ESTA TE I TE37 Ac e D l y ar ~o ~ i r G 1 d s i c a r s ! s a l e D e . 1 . L i m i t e d n u m b er ,r s iz e s . V a n c e A l le n , t e l e p h o n e 4 8 - [ s ee1a d p a k r M C r n i q I. 1 1 11 4 F a k t B w m v l î o o v i e m m T r i i Ho e, Buri.tact 623-3431, 623-3786. At-' 48 4 BEA V ER peitd OXFORD CAomLarieLcic manville, service station, gar- Poo6335 0 ~6'wt uo at n oaievebrwas on Thur$- tend the performance of TeLZ-BOY, $89-50; swivel F.TRBUL I odpo\~naln(W; XFRDBRICKLAYERS Exe andbody shop combined.3 CE n41Hgwy hqe nqmldvlea 'Nvme ah ne.MsihDec. 9th. ai thoader.LZY $2.000 mon oýim b.0yspmlik, 4fomaniîe.481ral . ou caisSbfftxvl nw:neJaeenran ox hl Li.Cemetervy. oI hnch,$2u9og , r crn4 su ichairs.50;la.rg'e siZ', gooci: balle:, ike PH-ONE ORONO 983-5606 Ja h ants to be Inde- Partly workable m mty$500-Tra -_____ $29;kitchen suies, $54.50; H O MrE9S3 SUNNYSIDE PARK nut finish, 3,129.50: Sealey mat- I L SAVE YOU MONEY, obuch er, cha .îa w, etc.. or1.983-5626f Pe nent.us kfrl nre $ o8.50 o deAR Skng 12 .T rns *ÔNALD-It Is wlth M MQIS E P T C tresses from $39.95. Murphy so E ANTLABOUR Just one lot left with front- pond site. Prced tsÈo. Rceto a t 8 14 t w . announce and J.1 . LL B NG Furiture, King W., Bowman- other articles not listed, the ~to a c vil,62-71 4- vr 5mdlst hos rm!po__yo oer ono EPOLSTER ageont rasf hepi Tm. -' . e 7f ohe "n" y hREDANTOVESBnglwhSltLee ron Don Mills Road, 4 miles YOUR CHESTERFIELD o! $4.800. .BALTIMORE AE:11bm. ny$500 o! Auroranior (being 6 OR CHAIRS yBancroft ares, within live acres, 9 roomed, 2-steyhe. 10ArFui Stor7eofdBoy9 E BR miles S.E. of Newmarlket). S THM EVCE minutes of four lakes, 1,8(0)Born. Excellent soi sîg~ o!Ot1 as ....... bis......y.-.OS H A6-tf$S H A i A Free Plan Brochure froni Note: Fan sold. Immediate I623-5252 su r t.bnh stlutgo-$200. T r s 6t OSA Apossession makes tisssale a sq ue rahstye bg. 22,0.Tens dungohas.5ars exT htrgodimle. esse UrareL1L I two fireplaces, 3 washrooms ville with 5 roimdhm rdcinsg. ia DAim Mnetta. 48.1 * Thu sday, Frday, Saturday , Taunton Rd. E , O shaw a L- B E2or yo2sl. al 13 ô__ _ __ _ esr10 00 T r is00 oL rgr~' Nov. 30, De . 1, Dec. 2, under Jns Eat of RitonrRad iki son .ad l son3 I. Sl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n w e sure to co re and sce b. e s ld for $19' bor s Larg0. e r s auspices o!Bowinan vil le-Wes! Jsîato'iso odltisn an isn ae4- 100 ACRE FARM wth g c onI. Î Ô S . W ., T o ro n to , D m a i A vl o y B a d to D a y o r ii g h t - B ill L ea sk , P m o p . 6 K n . -FPo eo2r3848 1B A R e n t m t n a' lè f 00rval,- Que.); CNIB, Abernethy's Paint &96KnrS.E-Phe62388 PLUMBING & HEATING mti. distance b a. - la e S o ,K ng S .W ,SALES & SERVICE G jT O r om d c tae, nu n si g $ 20 0 e m .3 b do n s e.r oe 4 op~ n t , o f C a n a d a . W ll a p e S o p , K i g S . .,O W N 4 8 -1 T h ~e u n d e rs ig n e d a îc tio n e e r îsh7 d._ 6 23m 3 7 3 c8t*t aE DO O M R I C K b u - g a r a g.$4 2 ,u00 0 . *T e . t< na y- at Bla kstock, Bowm anvlle. You are crod- CUT!OL _ ___ __ ___ __il Mb bc Au tion for 24 H UR1 ____2 -3 3.__1*- 3 E RO M B c8vm r24197. Huns- Iaily invited bo drop in anHITA_____.Fan esae 3 o-!-ujTOros eae.Cl alwwt e eud nustCH4,TMASTRES Livestock ForS le-34Cn- OîlBurner ServieTW rosheed aigaowthnwilfnce$2.0-Tri. Jôi s op or usful an u usul esson St eet WetBowm an- fe 6, 23 7 7.. tmnporrll, ortbcatticemae by 46crft- BRING THE CHILDREN ONE young Holstein cow, due ville on Salcîrdav,, December 2, SEPTIC TANKS AND ralr_,62--6.-81 -p--bt. agelt.Ak crafisNôtcut . 6-1fîrst wcek December. Phone Aninex, coal or xvood, Easy TILE BEDS TWOsnl ons elephoneig$100.Cl:GVnDkBwmniî-Bik ac,4 m6mavitmlle. Then it Keep Dec. lth free for "A .6357.481 abr dn-eftblFn-- -- ' . 1 WEEKENDS ONLY 6357.4 *w sii, rpla alFn-PHONE 6 23.-7 148 fgl eýrD3 n 47 2* TWO 10 acre lt er O nrtmserd hl.~- V".Requiem Masls Tués- by St. Paul's United Chuch Ca15du.ereyhoeifrlyeetieseeeEe idg,3bdo Cal2320 u ofreshen Dec. 1.Poe (new), diningroin suite (tori- TYRONE_263-2650___ cil on Monday, Dec. 4th. 48-1 per lot. Caîl: G. Vany.s iigro 2 ol 'Y St. V rnc' Church. Choir, assisted by Christ Me- 43 26-2328. 48-11I pete), 2) chester-fild suites,$500 . Almoo li*nent Cote des Neiges m rial Anglican Church Choir, " E I G MA H N " PUR EBRED Hereford - b ull,-l upolstered ch irra i,____VA___R 0 sînghne6 3-5 3.$-t b d oo un a m etéry, M ontrent]. 48-1 O shaw a, G uest soloists: R oss' k e u ly a t m t e Zig s 987-4418 a. F o d P w ;b o e se a d w ii g d sP a in tel trs i g s, 5 . Cal 1 % sevcaleaetlydPwéokes n niigds. e r STORE, ample storage space. N"e SWilliam John, (Jack) violinlst E. Oscapella and oth- .a.This machine does fancy 4- ao.saîtbe,3oak adDc1 vilbeJa.1 Ci 2-3 1 G. VNDy.Ooo rc Bnao 't-'y embroideny work, blind henis. iTWO reglstered Holstein beif- 'chairs, end tables, square oak i n eorators 4-!IOOO oeynw3bd s tdd nly;. at St. Joseph's rs. Tickets now available , o m rh b n i 4e,,Tqvembe 23-, 1967, nethy's Paint Shop, McGreg- aniid does everything a sewing!1 LeGresley, Newcastle 987-4655.1 tee, couch, scîrorner cnt. -1 be--Nwate hn alWyihIgaddfigr w M -J h (J c ) N be , r' H a d a e c r g rs m c i e a u do. Sacrifice ' 48-1 roo ni suites, singlo beds, dress- P h o n e 6 2 3 -3 0 7 5 'Newcasîe. Pho eCa l W e ricb In u dln ing yrood m l e r o is a g i i g n o i 1d . : thwabnd : a!f the lil-- - - - - - ncttf 60 en m nhofriea l ge ! E gls m ll e d stn s letra-I2 -t W B DR O I pa t e î $1.0...i . a D k -Crrtas 44-tf jck---1"--10 ACRE LOT wlt tw- ____ _ 4H T I-- AARTM EN e ted, vail- stea ns. Partly w od ed s- 2 fa iis h Cf im& T e s ,I W o r î i'% L a r g e s i s e l i n t A N D C DTO R P I C K E D 1V P P R O I P T Y ND 2 - 7 7 b e n w m o d e r n , 4 r o a n s i n g $ 7 9 5 0 . T e r nm . C l : G a h o m .A k n n ' and M sr.1 John WOW MOBILgondSurr HOLiM1E S NiOI Ights - 623-3177 'sd bath. Apply caetaker, VanDyk. 1,0 ay tn sr G a , Nd Mm. John Wst ear.ndj hed ad sceç -N WN BLIN THE ETTHERSF AN Telephone Coliect 263-2721 aatet1 6Dvso . ~o N ve be 2 ai tril e ur.ta d t e a udi nce I D REW HM arg w ill F urofar m L a n d e r H a rd w a re a a t e t 3 6 D v s o e r l a mi u g l w i . l A . li a1 a iet utManllde u ratmsco S K I - D O Q Town O! Bowmauvîîin the gwLcce No 101-and7ELECTRIC WE have saliited numben Don MountJoy-02-64 n.! wavle'que ft , nt P ivtese v-We ho e or m aerein th L ce ce No 1 1- -6 45Bfo wmniav i lbe. ona____ 454 ll er Brick heW - November 25 &t suceis this leur. Our succss A Il morics now on dispiay e untY ofDeamwho ied -- BOWiMANVILLEGog &Dj On4i t l vmt e sco m Man del. We hIn o e o r e t erf CouuDRE T- LLl y o! er, d unaed hm ied 45tly r na bai fr m O t er R D ide -f î ~ 80 3 $ 69 0 - T n. - l y r e n t a l a s i s r e s i d e n t i a l s t r e D at s . L o- B8t' 11& Pfblbe tuneral service Our performance. MA INEon or ab~out the 7th day Of ' W anteido ~dotoo wm ln erbu & M A I N E0 W m n v î v v ~ w & ~ ~ 4 O ~ ' B D Y til J u n e . F a c ilitie s in c lu d e bod Nôvmbèr 27 from TICKETS are avalable t Oshawa and area's largest Octobe, 1967. JPOWER take-off ammer mil1 pa rs O L pL ools,. saunaly athymg ch- rel Au 1580. n .y a Bh i=et Funeral Home, $2.00 for Aduits and sombl dealer with a THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O .Phn 623-2830. 48-1 Reparsto l oo.Apy li Dut w arldC ta r n ni ' iff - b o ý pr ga1e Unit- $1.00 for Chlldren huge selection of new and 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52.'O S H L dIs(adbies f a s Phane 623-3373, 36-t! .La ht .,.vle aî<. a. . Creitos nd thes h____D__- .__sr_-a_-r_ daoe,«manvlolCa slmn'stobIn, owmnvrentaeLis "otoM- ,sera p moe e ieesan nomain se nwmbls a eln sd metals bought. FREE ESTIMATES -andiUiExelusive idoorft1 molery 48-I P one . .. I as a co m pîte s ok 0f aims against the above estate P o e 6 32 8._ 4- 81 tt uii E s w a n li e - 623 -7255 S O 1V O B IL E C L O T H IN G 5 [e u r a d fu l p ro o f th e reol L IV E p o u lt y , o ld fea t îs . K n E s a . A e u 1 1 - 3, ' AND A('CESSORIES to the undersign.ed o rb-tcs M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Beth- St FOR _________ fore the.1-5803d oy o! aury, ___ -St.George S. ______________ FORREN uuué Xai Cah, brltg MR. J. FEDDEMA St'seaur convenient fr h 5___ fi ir ,.Phn 3. 3-fCLLGATWLIASW al odnî :ýuand omhiffBaMtOn 63-5-2 T11E AYMNT PAN 968 afer hic dat ta'-GNS.nidanone 7 r 13 31-tfr Pone 623-7411 CENTURY SOUND» om elsadl aDmgne u owrMRS. J. A. TURNBULL Pie tr slwa assets a! the estate will be souvenirs, any size collection; 37-tf roomd. 6M30n.uchspo ane an. 84 I>rics stat aswer a distrlbuted havlng regard ta good prices paid. 623-7028. 98O742_____________5___ Auett ae r il Newcastle - 987-4722 $695 the Will sd cams that have _ _ _ _ _ - 43-1311_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___-2Te T 0.. 47-2 MRS. M. KOOPMANS then heen received PAININGIs A. frOWfl e ~ 48-alonED8 RoET-AL tia y wailNoem O- Djust boantitt's aid AND MODERN two bedmoani, heat- BLACK Labrador saP -qmikî*-?147~ _______________ L ~~~~~ber,.1967. an arniful or a hou seful. The duRINGprtet Cp ueis ie n ~ t s u o n c 5 G PJ I C S u o n a ll& M R N EV r . M a b o u a i m a , N w a î c h o r d s , u n e o a b g o r e n t a n d 2 6 3 - 2 0 3 4 .4 - 1 RG b i - O * l f 8 I LuwrencV. Ma osonaQ.C.,imn N87-4624. .21-tfSatisfaction Guaranteed dryer. Main St., Newcastle. s) ill Pstpld fl ~ Rng St.E. t ilsn xecutors, by their saliciton: ONE used corn planter with FR E#roMAuSnd, t o br a om eaed Iti LPhonepu, M ch728-t47-M.ao 84 1 Pl"sel nveop wth t ilon Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., god working fertilizer at- LanderHrdaet, Onon o. Sepaat base- bn 2-76 81Gr. pr* icé SI mples 2c.O sh awa rrBurister sud Solcîtor, t er H ardwcaharce m n d rer Iian le lc u " e je.,»1MMSI es 100 Mai] OrderKing SrtWest,. ak R.andyear, FtokJohn & ELECTRIC w'l:s.Avaluble Dec. 9VncePitward Perder .all fD n là ov.-Rubbe .C. Telephone728-5565 . &,j u8841ai . sIamUtqo ont. 4-33,147-ti Bowm4aviUe: Ontarto. 48-3 Ont, 4-314-i'3253 itrs- 4- w623à2~.10*~W P-.Bx19dRR ,FanfrPoe6337, '.nil leTlpôeffboko oe.PoeMs