ý-w- .;7 Cspacity Crowd Attends (Iarke 10gb School Commencement The Clarke 111gh Sehool lexerdcue a graduation dinner presented by Mns. A. F. Me- Commen=eent was held on wus served in tic cafeteria of Kenzle.e 7'tidaYevenlng, Novr. l7th with the achool at wbich, thc Sec- The Professor John Squair, a caPacltY audience fillng the ondary Sehool Honour Gradu- Award - For hlghest Standing uchool auditorium. The high- aies and the staff of the achool ln Grade 12 French, Suzanne XOgt of tic evening was the were preseni. Eyden; presented by Mrs. R. Presetatlon Oi graduation di- rutU» ilas ipbornas, scholashP awardsPrenaouWilms andpoliecawds Ontario Scholar, Dlck van The Orano Weckly Times Profcieny awrds. der We presentation made Award - For hlghest standing Mr. E. G. WItherspoon, by Mr. W. F. Thom, Anea Supi. ln Grade 13 English, Karen principal of the achool, wel- of Schools. York University Lee, Dock van der Wcri; pre- co ed those present as did 1Mr. Schalarsltip, Dlrk van der sented by Mr. R. C. Forrester. Farbes Heyland, chairman ofi werf. The R. B. Riekard Award - the Durham Couniy District Awards For highcst standing ln Grade Mifss KrenLee esard For hlghest scholastie stand- 13 Hlstory, Candy Storks, ?4W arenLee LesardIng hi Uic five ycar Arts and Karen Lee;. presentcd by Mr. Was the valedictorlan for the Science course - The Durham R. B. Rlckard. grauatngciaa.Caunty District Hlgh Schooi The Toms and Sons Ltd. The Commencement address Board Awards - Grade 9. Bar- Award af Merit - For Aca- was given by Walter G. Pi- bara Kordas, prcsented by Mr. demie Achievement and ta en- man. Assoclate Registrar a1 J. W. Wright; Grade 10, Don- courage further education, 'Trent University, P e t e r - ald McKeKnzle, prescnted by Beth Powell, pnesented by borough. He outllned what he Mr. C. Tamblyn Grade 11, Mr. M. Paterson. consldered Uic aima af educa- Kelth AllUn, prcsentcd by Mr. The O. W. Rolph Award - tion whlch he feit should nai M. Paterson; Grade 12, Suz- For high standing lu Grade 13, be merely the abtalnlng a1 anne ydn, peseed lbyeMr. Marilyn MacDonald; pnesented degee ad ipoms.11 W Crmn. Grade 13i Dlr by Mr. O. W. Rolph. Ingrther e hshough nt at- vaMr.den Werf, presented by The Bob Best Memonial lngtht ac hold lo aten M.P. Heyland . Award, Domenie Gallella; pre- 'University oniy ta obtaiù a For hlghest scholastie stand- scnted by Mrs. W. Toocy. B.A. for the sole purpose Ofilng ln the four year Business TeSutPamc wn monetar3'value. and Commerce course - The TFor ttPnafleie cy G rd3 The speaker felt that educa- Durham County District High and taklng an appnoved course tion was, In same respects, School Board Awards - Grade îead ng ta a hospital career, too rigld, leavlng Ulttle tine 9, Molly Newman, presented Bt h Powell1; pnesented by Mn. and opportuniy ta browse by Mr. C. Tamblyn; rael h el around In ibis field. H1e also Diane Partridge, prcsented by* descrlbed education as havlng Mn. M. Paterson; Grade 11 The Womcn's Auxiliary af a growing nature and that anc Vaierle Mercer, presented by the Memarial Hospital Bow- gubject. was dependent upon Mr. J. Wright manville, Awand - To a stu- depenent o Engilsand w The Lancaster Award - For dent taklng an appnoved coulde can nled mandother proflciency ln Grade 12 sel- course leadlng ta a nursing elcl 0feductia. ene, ugh lun preentd ~career, Idska Rienstra, Bannie Mf.e ltdsaf note cam lackMn. S. Lancaster. ail reene b Ms.W Mrf eniphas hi the pata The Newcastle Lions Club RTdelAmtrni.oe w of emphais In te pastThe AAamst*nFog StoretstAward courses -i Social Welfare and lnade 1For hlhetsin -For pnoflclency ln Grade 12 SI ln Mlssonary field. These, N ad oer12 Maeties, Home Economîcs, Wendy Cox, pl lie sald, were Important fields Mran.cy loey; Fone etb Beverley Rlekard; prescnted but they neyer appear hi the Mrt. EblyGr Fo higHestby Mrs. Wm. Armstrong Sr. T s we rwehav e dcin. Linda Lower3r; pnesented by The Thos. Montague Schol- SI eýithudngfurhereduatln.Mn. T. Embley. For hlghest arship, Bcth Powell and Ton i The program for the Cvdfl- standing in Grade 12 Geog Chard; presented by Mn. RF kng was augmented by musical raphy, Tove Jongensen; p- orbe Heyland. cumbers by thc Orono Junior sented by Mn. T. Embley. The U.A.W. Local 222 Schol- Band and. the Clarke 11gh The Ladies' Auxilhary ta the anshlp, Douglas Moffat; pre- I School Choir. Bowmanville Branch ai the sented by Mr. D. Heasman. Prior ta the Commencement Royal Canadian Legion Awand The D. J. Murray Associates ni - For highest standing hi Ltd. Award - For proficiency L, Grade 12 Engllsh and enrol- ln Grade 13, Candy Storks; D, ment ln Grade 13, Gary For- pnesented by Mn. D. Murray. P get;, presented by Mrs. L. The Canadian Imperial Bank r i O Bruton. ai Commence Award - For M; The St. Josepb's Parish hlghest standing In the Conm- W INSU ANCECoundl ai the Catholle Wo- mercial Course, Valenle Merc- I N URA CE ni'g League Award -For er; pnesented by Mn. R. Dick- -PICTURE CLEAR? Latin, Donald McKenzle; pre- The Johnson Drug Storè mi The Storks Awards: For Grade. 13 Biology, Beth pow._ Ea proficiency ln Grade 12 Latin, cil; pnesented by Mrs. L. John- ai Suzanne Eyden; presented by son. Mns. W. Stonks. For pro- The Vickcry Electnic Award flciency I Grade 13 Latin, - Fan proflclency in Industrial Karen Lee; pnesented by Mns. Arts, John St. Amand; present- Ne W. Storks.cd by Mr. R. Wells. B Th God'sH -rdI a r CI The Newcastle Lions Club Ri Award - For academie abillty ASendByGyForPblS eak i t R ln Lower School Hlstony, ei ByJar agt t William Caldwell; prnte Senior Girl, Janice Ruther. CO by n. . C Amsbuy. sencdford; Junior Boy, Donald Me- Du by M. J.C. mesbry. Kenzle; Junior Girl, Edlth- a boyoiknwexactly Wl The Bowmavllle Branch -of Schmid;, presented by Mn. R.Ga 3rotcctioum yow . POlciesa &!M Uic Royal Canadian Legion Muniro. Ma ,ouMj.rcoedaUgerMgeape A'Ward - For proficlency in ClreHg co R or wqdo - pk g Lower Sehool BEngllsh, Donald CakeHeg eho covraes Wo.iboiia~Y MeKenzie; presented by Mn. Feld Day Awards Hi, «vrgs c e> o G. Dunlop.. Senior Boy Champion, Frank Ch: look over your ProsmnD-. The Frank Hoar Award Sawyen; Senor Boy Runnen- Nam plain yopr poukc-osll For proflclency ln Grade 13 up, Rick Neal; Intermediate Cr. eho« yoU btaW you inay jim. French, Karen Lee, pnesented Boy Champion, Larry Johns- Pri Iproveyoaxroton=c by Mr. F. Hoan. ton; Intermediate Boy Runnen- enl The Bowmanvlfle Rotary up, Gardon Aflin; Junior Boy Jar ai.:swLClub Awad.- For pnaflelency Champion, Ken McCracken; Sel ln Grade 13 and enroment ln Junior. Boy Runner-up, Mike SPI a Canadian 'University, Tam White; Senior Girl Champion, sPO Chard; presented by Mn. E. Wendy Partner; Senior Girl G. Wiherspoou. Ruinncr-up, Coreen Swecp; In- TUAiTr fl -. The Curvply Wood Products termediate Girl Champion, m Ltd. Award - For praflciency Kathy Coatham; Intermediate rel. lGrade 13 Mathematics and Girl Runnen-up, June Robin- Tne JM SScience and enrolmeni ln a son; Junior Girl Champion, Put U NES Canadian University, Dick Van Ruth Seatt; Junior Girl Run- C dr Werf; presented by Mn. S. ner-up, Caroline Johnson; pre- Mather.. sented by Mr. Lowry, Mn. L.S 1 GENERAL INSUBANCE The F. E. Lyceti Awand - Carlson and Mns. L. Carlson. Jan For pnoficicncy i Grade 13 The Trophycraft Awand _ Eve 24 King St. E. Bowmanvilju enrolment ln a Canadian Uni- For sportsmanship a nio ng Dor versity, Karen Leè; prescnted girls, Grade 12, Caral Nixon; lng, Office Realdence by Mn. F. E. Lycett. pnesented by Mrs. L. Carlson. Her $23-5681 6339 The Dr. A. F. McKenzie The Lyons and Keenan Johi Award - For pnofliency i Award - For a Hlgh Standard Lee, Grade 10 Art , Debb Adair: i Athlptir Ahievent+ .adMat HERE'S THE PROOF SINCE 196,5 2 YEARS PRICE 0F RAW MILK,1~ ~HAS INCREASED -3- I,.s70 p WHILE PRICE 0F MILK HAS DECREASED -- MiIk's the Greatest F and is 0Your Best Food' Buv 1GIen Rae Dairy< Ph..623»5444 for NMom. elveyE 2cQT. AI r-r _____ MI Ontario Scbolar Receives Hi s Framed Scholarship ................. ......... Clarke Principal G. Witherspoon and Mrs. It was presenîed by W. F. Thom, Anea Supt. of Schools, Witherspoon are shown above congratulaîing Dirk during Clarke's Commencement Exercises on Friday. van der Werf who reeived the Ontario Scholar award. November 7th. ;portsmanshlp, Grade Wa presented by Mr. L. Lowr3 The Students' Council Pi 'o the Past President of Students' Councl, Jlm Bask ville; presented by Mr. S. Rutherford. Secondary Sehool Elonour Graduation Diplon Thomas Chard, Sandra F rn, DomenIc Gallelo,. Kai Lee, Marilyn MacDona Douglas Moffat, Elizabg Powell, Bert Reid, Craig R ýrson, Barbara Sawyer, Car ie Storks, Dirk van der We Warie van der Werf, Doug rfade, Grant Wade. Anna Maie Scott - Matri( ation Certificate (obtain inîmum. of 2nd Class Hc .lrs in Grades 12 and 13 a ïarly Admission to. Universi Guecoh). Sco Gradueon Dry cha Gardon Allun, Hugh Allun cil Allun, Bonnie Bail, Jamei laskervil1 . Heather Best tchard Black, Kenneth Biew- tElmer Bonham, Wendi 'x, Ralph de Jonge. Dorothy )unlop, Suzanne Eyden, Gleni arrow. Sharma -Ferguson, 'ary -Forget,. Brian Foster, arilyn Hlammn, Linda Harris, kbcrt Henclerson, Ruthe lnderson, Carol Johnston, ove Jorgenscu, James Kent, !ristina Kozub, Barry Lane, rncy Lowery, Eleanor Me- racken, Bruce Mercer, Larry 'runer, Peter Reitsma, Bey- rey Rickard, Garry Rivers, nice Rutherford, Annedore hubert. Nicolleta Vander Pruit, Martha Jane Wither- oon, Willilam Wright. Student Council ýPresIdent, Keith AllUn; Sec- ;ary Cornie Van der Werf; reasurer, Marilyn Hamm; blicity, Wllma Turansky. Clarke High School Choir Sopranos - Arlene Allin, nie Allun, Anne Arnott, ,elene Brown, Joan Caîl, mia Challice, Brençia Cowl- 9,Marilyn Hamm, Ruthe nderson, Carol Hobbs, Carol inston, Helen Knapp, Becky e, Cana Lubbelinkhof, Pat ther, Wendy Mercer, Ellen Ison, Elaine Schmid, Sally apies, Eleanore St a ub, argie Zwier. Altos-Linda .vnes, Sharma Ferguson, ither Hoar, Lee Aulne Hoar, mnda Johnson, Tina Kozub, na Lowery, Karen Lnwery, ncy Lowery, Caroline Majer, rilyn Morton, Karen Lee 'ker, Leona Sweep, Jane ade: n - the .B. las 'er- ýren ald, )eth ýog- ýnd- ern, glas ned and Sity Wihrpo0 Con ees Orono Junior Band Trumpets: Hugh Allun, Neil Allin, Cathy Mlddleton, Shel- ley Hooey, Bannie Dunlop, iBlaine Moffat, Gordon Wery. Clarînets - Nancy Forrester, Richard Bunting, Betty De Jonge, Geke De Jonge, Anne Arnott, ElaJ.ne Schmnid, Cheryl Cornish, Yvonne Schoenmaker, David Gilbank. Baritone- 'Kelth Allin. French Horns- Heather McGIlI, Bill Gllbank, Gaye Quinton. Flute-Linda MIcLaren. Alto Horns-Lonne AlUn, Norman May. Basses- Donald McLaren, John Simp- son. Saxophones-Elaine For- rester, Marilyn Tamblyn, Kar- en Lowery, David Dent, Bayd Woad. Trombones - Douglas Perrin, Robert Simpson, Gar- don Allin. Mil Sta Ma Doi Hem iGr Nai Ma: Par Mn. E. G. Wltherspoon, Principal; Mn. S. B. Ruther- ford, Asst. Principal; Mn. J. Amcesbury, Hlstany; Miss J. Ayerst, Latin, Hlstary-, Miss J. Bennett, English; Mn. R. Bnom- icy, Georgraphy, Science. Mr. A. Cailan, Guidance, Hisiory; Mn. L. Carlson, Science, Phys. Ed., Math.; Mrs. R. Carison, Phys. Ed., Health; Miss L. Con- ian. EnglIsh, French: Mrs. E. Devolin, Home Ecanomica; Mrs. L. Dippdil, Mathematics, Engllsb;Mn. L. Wowry, Phys. dHeaith, Geagraphy, Eng- llah;, Mn. P. MeMackin, Mathe- matics; Mn. J. Sylvestgp'vicb, Science; Mn. . Taylor,, Com- mercial; Mns. L. Watson, Com- mercial; Mn. R. Wells, Indus- trial Aria, Penmanshlp: Mrs. P. Williams, French; Mrs. A.1 Walae Secnetany; Mrs. P. Char'an, Cafeteria-, Mrs. N. MadIll, Cafeteria; Mr. S. Powell, Ckwsodian; Mr. R. Barraball, Mais. Custodian; Mn. C. Barchard.Maut. Custodin.- Letter to Editor Support for New Schools R. R. 2, Bunketon, Ont., the town chlldren were cer- 1 Novemben 201h, 1967 tainly more accomplshcd stu- SDean Mn. James: dents than I - although I will tAs eveny stony has ta have admit thene Is a possibillty it sides may I take some space in was the pupil who. was found youn fine papen to present the wanting, not the rural school. anc which ta date has nal To substantiate my claim, appeaned In the "Letters ta the however, that the day af the Editon" colunin. rural schooî is aven, I have In Firstly I would like to say my possession a copyofa ia that there undoubtedly was a study donc by the "Federatian day when the rural school was ai Women Teachers af On- a fine institution of lcarning, lanao" callcd "The Relativeg but this was long ago - when, Achievemenîs of Schools ai my parents atlended, and to Varying Sizes" - that Is - anc some extent when I too ne - and two. rooni schools, central-i celved my elementany educa-'Ized schools and urban schaols. tian in anc. But, If anc used In aîmaost cvcry instance pu- as a citenlon, to judgc the plis In urban and cenlrallzed effeclivenesof the ruralischools wene rated supenior in1 school, a comparisan of my ae- aptitude and achievements, ta complishments and those ai my urban school clasmates aI the time I enteed 111gh Shool , .. .. .. .. Business Direcfory c AÀ cc 011 R1a7n c y. RAY J. ILN Chantcrcd Aùcounitant 93 Chunch Street 623-3861 WIW. J. H. Co GGINS Chantercd Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvllle WULLAM C. HL B.Comm. Chantered Aceountant 361/ King St. E., Oshawa .Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & CO. Chartcred Accountanîs 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. C hîroprac tic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofie:Chiropraclon 15 Elgin St., con, ai Horsey St. Phone 623-53509 those from one and two rooni schools., Froni this we cauld assume thal rural schools were pro- viding their pupils with a second-rate education, and anc ai the solutions ta this was consolidation. I do flot pnctend to know aIl the reasans. why rural schools were inadequate - but as a teacher I can offer this opinion: fcw teachers through choice wlsh ta sprcad. thein talents thinly aven cight grades ln the salitary confinement of a rural scho-oliif thcy ean gain emploiymcnî ln an'urban or consolidafed school, devot- ing their tue ta anc or two grades, and poallng thein -I O f f ceH o u s :B y fp p ià î e n DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Salunday and Sunday Offfrce Phone - 623-5790 Res. Pn Nc wcasle 87-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E.- Bowmanville Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m, daily Closed Salunday and Sunday Telephone: Office -623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Houns : 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed ednsday atuday DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 King St. E., Bowmanvlle Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 6 p.mt Manday through Thursday 9 a.m. ta*- 4 p.m Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday Insurance DONALID A. 6eOGOn LUfe, Auto,.Home 51 King St. W., Dowmaavmli PhoaeOU43-963 SADIEHMITN 0"96)N chom 9835115 Residenes- armu ( f c Optometry-> 9 amn. to 5 p.e. Q=d iz . . *18 Y> By Far! mi, '1= 1. 1 ( p .1- 1- M -'n. Varloug talent, experlences e et thi re flmtw ylevet and difflculies with the other f oraturther education. 8urly staff members and gainlng jpro- It la no more expenulve to the fesslonal growth froni es tax-payer ta educate a chld contacts, to the benefit ai their fully and well, leaving hlm pupils. equppdta earn bis own way. As we watch the streams of than support he and hi. - cars pour alang the highways, ebldren on weliare. and the Jets zoom overhead, My ebldren thoroughiy en., we know that the horse and joy both their long bus ride,- buggy day. are gane forever - and attending a larger schooL and gone by cholce, too, or No longer must theY amuse. eise we would still be using themseîves loolng at 40-year- them, after ail a horse la aid National Geographica, cheaper to buy and maintain while waltlng for the harried.. than a car - (IVve owned bath) teacher to present thmm wlth and what car could present more work - now the teacher Its awner wlth a shlny new is ready and waltlng ta keep model every year or two ta theni gainfully accupled. My replace the oid rusty ane, as s.x-year.old bounds off the dld the falthful fanilly nag Of bus each nlght brlmzning with yesteryear. hi day's activities, and li a The "horse and buggy" days state of anything but ex- of educatian are gone too - haustion. to d a y 's c h lld m u t b e e d u c a t - a l o o f r m u b e , ed fur tomarrow, lni schools f MyIaoofemyh bl today, and to thîs end scbool opinion that aur sehool board board and teacers re l doing the bcst job they can btards nd ate uner ane .things take an a different avaulnheofctcis. ler anaspect when one la an the ail do we as rural parents "nîelolgot n fe really clas~s aurclde lsal we did elci thcm. The second class citizens, that la M. J. obbs ilhppl l arei dcserving af much less i gtnow ar p~ dnsareo educational opportunitles than grttigha prqur:jit their urban cantemporaries? AfoHghcoi. aatn recent editarlal ln a large Yaurs aicerely, daily new spapcr stated that aOn a sfe P r nt large percentage af high e StilePaet school "drop-outs" are rural Maitlc ,Davey, children- prabably nat equip- To help provide goods and service t compeLitive prices, many Canadian businesse, have enlarged or up-dated their faciities with the aid of IDB loans. If you need linancial assistance to maodernise or expand your business to improve its competitive position, perhaps an IDB bcan can help yau. Write or eall for a copy of aur bookiet. MINDUS TRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BIJSINESSES TORONTO, ONT.: 250 University Avenue - TaIphon.3WI.145 Staff