octal & £Personal Phone 623-3303 Michael Leddy, Sum- itan University, Ottawa, mg me e, P.E.I., spent tbe bbc weekend with lier pare w d with bis parents, Mn. Mn. and Mrs. George Wcbx an. Jack Leddy sud and sisten Karen, Cances Sb St. East, and atended E and Mn.. Stan Corden, manville 111gb Scbaal C Bn Street, wcrc dinnen mencement an Friday even gu on Sunday with Mn. Don't fônget ta cxencisc y an ns. Rex Hitchiock, Wii- igbt ta vote an Manday, 1 la0 C emben 4th. It is a pnivil Frank Rundie, Mn.. and a duty ta cast youn 'v No n Taylor and Mn.. Mel A lange turnout at tbhe Wi an were dinner guests means the elected candid wi Mn. and Mn.. Aibin are representatives ai CI ns on Monday. majanity ai the citizenryi Dorothy Cbilds, Mn. flot ai a minanity ai the t ird, Mn.. Ras. Stevens eligible voter,. W. J. Bagneli ne- Mn. Wmn. Henry and st week fromn a mast Eugenc Lucas, bath aifliai le twa-week holiday in ton, were Friday nigbt1 Satunday guests ai Mn.j d'Mn.. John Rlundie Mn.. H. W. Knapp, Parkv à.and Mn.. Howard W. Crescent. Messrs. Henryà R le, al ai Toronto, spent Lucas wcne in charge ai th eekend witb their parents Hamilton aid tyrne po D and Mn.. H. B. Rundie, "Paddy Wagon" in bbc Sa Q n Street. Claus Parade an Saturday. Il.and Mn.. Wand Hoff- Miss Hattie Johnson, dauj inand daugbters Saily and ber ai Mn. and Mrs. Ger y, Eilwood City, Pa., Johnson, Lamb's Lane,4 8 theb weckend wîth ber borne Friday ta reccîve1 n er, Mn,. George W. James, graduation diploma at1 K t. East. B.H.S. Commencement. Hal He nry1 Kooy. tbird-yean also won the Hospital Bursi igan, spent tbe weckend iliany ai Memoniai Hospil bis parents, Mr. and Hattie is taking ber R.N F. H. Kooy, Elgin Street. training at Humber Mema: Ions Club hockey draw Hospitai, Weston. ners are as iollows: Dec. Mn. H. J. Babcack retun: 2 rank Hoar, Chas. Warren; home la.t Wednesday, N .9,1 Roy Maynard, Rus, 22nd., atter baving sungery e; Dec. 13, Jack Timble, tbc Oshawa Generai Hospit rry Howes. Mn. Eben Snowden stay n. and Mrs. Laverne Ciem- nights with bis aunt wbile1 s, Haimpton, Mn. and Mrs. uncle was in haspitai a rman Clemens and Keith, every aibennoan drove ta t anrborougb, were guests oi bospitai ta visit him. Wi cmr parents, Mn. and Mrs. Commander A. L. Asbte bin Ciemens, Concession St. Ottawa, spent a few days li Mn. and1. obent Maya week with hi, aunt and unc d Babby b ago., and and Dr. Gardon Ashton a: iss Margaret ayo ai Elgin, wiie Emily, Guelph, also vis Il., spent bbc Amenican cd bbc Babcock home banksgiving weekend witb Sunday. ns. May'. mother, Mn,. R. R. The O.P.P. Associationa ichaison, Church Street. nuai dinner and dance w Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. B. Nicb- heid last Wednesday evenii ffs, their son Brent, and bwo in bbc Legion Hall, LindsE reriends, al ai Stouffvîlle, visit- Among those atending frc _d bis parents, Mn. and Mn,. bbc Bowmanviile Detachme Wm. Nichais, King St. East, were Sgt. and Mn,. Jol bn Saturday and enjoyed bbc Ciass, Cpi. and Mrs. Moni !Santa Claus Pan'ade.1 Nimigan, Cpi. and Mn,. S ; Miss Karen Bell, Ottawa Patton, Constable and M Civic Hospital Schaol ai Nuns- Ken Latan. Constable ai Ing, spent bbc weekend witb Mn.. Len James, Constai her panent,, Mr. and Mns..and Mn.. Bruce Tillson, ai Clarence Bell and sîster Pat, Constable and Mn,. Mur Liberty St. North, and enjoycd Joynt. Constable James, wl the Santa Claus Parade on is President ai bbc Associatic Satunday. welcomed evenyone an beha Mn. and Mrs. Larry Murdock ai bbe Mayor and Council and family, Hamilton, attend- Lindsay and on bebali ai tl ed bbc Santa Claus Panade an Association. Hie aiso extendt Satunday, spending bbc week- bis pensonal weicome ta bbci end wlth their parents, Mn. a s 3 eminb i c d. Supenintendei and Mns. Sydney Venton. Mn. Lamne McGjilveny ai Numbg and Mn.. Stanley Loveil and Eigbt District was also pre famiiy wene Sunday guesbs. cnt and seated at the bem Mis JaiceWebter Caie-table. Supeintendent McGil Miss_________Webster,__Carle- veny spoke very briefly,. wisl ____________________ing evenyone bbecocmplimen of tbc season. Ater a wS~ derful dinner, dancing wi enjoyed ta musie by bbc Capq VOTE land Combo. o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _B E T H À N Y at Behanyheld a successi REHOBOTH porsieeucbrc partyi Christian Reformed night with 12 tables af pis: ers Przesfan bigb seane Church wn oMs Lila Kerr a MInisten: Malcaimson w n t.eGiad 1ev. A. Vandenflerg, prize draw fan a woafle B.A., B.D. M.Tb. blanket; Charles Preston wa bbc second pnize dnaw fon a Services embraldened luncheon clati Worship Srie Eari Argue won bbc lucis 10 a.m.doon pnize. Mn.. Emery Smith ha. i 7:30 p.m. burned home fnom a visi with relatives in Balmora 11:15 a.m. Sunday School and Stanewall, Man. Mn. and Mn.. Creightoi Back To God Hour iCarr and cbildren David ani Lynda oi Picton were weel< CKLB end guests with Mn. and Mr, Ras. Canr. Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. Mn. and Mns. Eari Brooks Frankiord. Mn. and Mrc "Everyone Welcome'> Ciayton Curtis, Trenton, weni CAL VARY GOSPEL CHUR(H Tyrone, Ontario1 (FUNDAMENTAL) REV. STANLEY BEARD (TORONTO.- BIBLE COLLEGE) AT BOTH SERVICES 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. 9:45 A.M. - BIBLE SCHOOL (with classes for al âges) WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. - MIDWEEK SERVICE j TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A, B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B, L.R.S.M. Flrst Sunday In Advent December 3rd 11:00 A.K #'HOW DO YOU THINK 0F GOD?» REV. GEORGE IL WARJ) CHURCH SCROOL 9-.» amnî. Timuior, Intermediate and Senior ~ U:S a.. -Beglnners 11:20 a.m - Prlmary and Kindergarten ipent ants, sten, ssion om- ing. your Dec- ilege vate. the and total Mn. mil- and and vay and tbc )lice ;gh- aid &as ber tbc ittie ;ary Mx- btal. .A. ,rial ned r0v. ,in yed bis and the Ing aon, last cle, .nd sit- an yas ing >hn nrs. ind ble - nd ,ay rh aif id nt Friday afternoon was Nomi- ship and campared Queen's regular meetings and 35 ope- )er nation day in Manvers town- Park to an architect dlrecting cial meetings. He quoted s- ship, wlth the meeting held ail plans. "We are certain costs of teachers' salaries, ad in the Township Hall at there will be more building maintenance, administration, 1l- Bethany and cbaired by in rural areas. Township's supplies, etc., and said every- ih- Henry Jakeman, a former biggest problern is the Up- thing was weii within their ts Reeve. keep of roads. We bave ob- budget. The eligible govern- m- As the result of the nomni. tained new equiprnent for ment grant eovers most of ,as nations there wiUl be a two- this purpose. I wauld like to the cost oi transportation for S- way contest for both Reeve serve cas your Reeve and help the school pupils. and Deputy Reeve. In incuni- keep on improving Manvers Norman Wilson wlll also bent Reeve, Lewis McGill of tqvship". %seelc re-elecçtion. "I wouid Betbany will be opposed by -1Rainey Malcolmn, a candi-. like toe, *wiâ1 the ranoide- this year's deputy, Wilson date fo Deputy Reeve, who tails as yet unfinished- In aur Heaslip of Janetville. bas nine years Council - x new schoal completed.' 9. Harvey Malcolmi of Yelver- perience, was tbe Chairmnan Mn.. Ruth Skuce, wbo de- ton and Roy Strong ai Beth- oi the Centennial Committee clined to nun again, thanked 'lI any, who bave served as during the past year. Mn. the. other members of the in Councillors in tbe past year, Malcolm thought Manvers Board for their fine co-opera- ay will oppose each other for townsbip Centennial enthusi- tion and thein ready accept- Y- the post of Deputy Reeve. asm had been most commend- anice af a woman's point ai es Nominated for Councillors able. Coundil's Centennial view duning ber tbree years' id were Alvin Mitcbell, Ponty- project had been tbe publish- tenure. "I feel the Board has es poaol; incumbent H. A. Mc- îng af a history ai the tow-n_ accomnplished m uc b, and id M aster, Bethany; R. John sbip "Tbe Rolling Hiîls" speaking from the standpoint Ys Payne, Pontypool; Rod. Par- which had been well receiv- ai parent, teacher, taxpayers ky ter, Janetville; Ross Kerr, cd. He. outlined the many and trustee I arn proud of n Bethany; Wilired Richardson, changes wbich had taken our attractive school."1 mn Pontypool. Three to be elect- place in the past year. He Carl Smith will again seek in cd. ton, tbought tbat sub-divisîon a seat on the School Board.* h. Nominated for the School contraI had been imposed "There are many decisions :y Area Board were the incum- without suificient notice, ai- yet to make, that I would like bent members, George Neals, though willing ta admit' bad ta be a part of during the eBethany, Carl Smith, Beth- become obsolete and said next year. As you know we it any, Norman Wilson, Yeiver- these were now being studled will pnobably be governed by al ton. Wilfred Richardson, Pon- by a reputabIe lawyer, and a County Area Board in 1969 typool Mrs. Ruth Skuce, w-ould be nevised to protect and we want ta make the iJanetville; and, newcomers the township's interests. mast ai the year ahead." iAlian Cochrane, Betbany, Ray Roy Strong, aiso candidate Allan Cochrane, a new Finney, Betbany, R. J. Poyne, for Deputy Reeve, spoke of candidate, asked for support Pontypool, Kenneth H u se, his tbree years' service on and felt that school meetings SR.R. 2 Pontypool, H ug b Council and his desire ta cut should receive more attention Beggs, Janetville. Five ta be spending costs. If elected he fnom the Press. ~elected. proposed ta have grader Ray Finney, ali a new 5.As oi the qualification openators working in shifts candidate, claimed somne dis. 'e deadline, Wiifred Ricbardson, and keep the macbinery go- satisfaction with S cho o ,d Who had been nominated ta îng ail the timie, rathen than Board methods, which he serve on bath Council and purchasing bon much new woui ty orghtify.' Scbool Board, announced bis equipment. He too disapprov- Kenneth Huse said "I have intention ai running for cd ai sub-division contrai no beef. We bave a Wonder- Councilior. R . John Payne and ten acre building lots fui new school and the bus wiil also run for Councillor. and cited incidents in nearby service for our cbiidren is Rod Porter failed ta qualiîy. Pickering bownship as proi ery satisiactory. 1 have now Mrs. Ruth Skuce deciined ta ai wbat cauid happen in lived in Manvers for six seek re-election on tbe Scbooi Manvers. "Sub-division con_ years and tbink it la ime I Board. Ross Kerr tbanked bis brol is a maneyed man' po fered rny services ta help naminators, but decided flot Position. If elected I will do ncOmmunîty work." ta run for Councillon. ail in my power to further Hugh Beggs, "If I arn elect- Following the nominations, the interests ai the taxpayers ed I wil do my best ta belp ail candidates spoke brieily. in Manvers township. witb any uniinished business Reeve Lewis McGill, wha Alvin Mitchell gave the at the scbool.. As a taxpayer ha. been a representative ai financiai report ai Counéil I arn vitally interested ta see Counties Council on tbe for 1967 and expressed his that everything is finished ta Board ai Management for the wîsh ta continue ta serve aur- satisfaction befare war- Golden Piough Lodge at Ca- Manvers. He bas been a ranties run out", bourg, spoke af bismonthly mnemben ai Council for the Election Day will be De- visits to this homne for senior past two years. cemben 4th and as ai a new citizens. "The Lodge accam- R. John Payne, who had by-law passed by Caundil, ail modates 145 persans. It is in. bad previaus experience as terms fofc are for a two spccted regulariy and the in- Councillor and Deputy Reeve, year periad. mates receive excellent care. expressed his desire ta serve The rates are $150 Per rnontb again. in the new wing and $135 per H .A. McMaster, wbo bas MAPLE GROVE manth in tbe aid wing."1 He aiso had previaus 'expenience expressed regret that in spite as councillor frorn 1960-1964, The Maple Grave UJ.C.W. Of strOng Protesta fram Coun- sbated if he wcre elected, he met at the church hail an cil, Caunty Road No. 6o (also would keeP a more watchful Nov. leb. Mrs. W. H. Bnon Iknown as the Manvers Rd.) eye an Cauncil's spending. 441 preuideth Mene te met Ihad been turned back ta the can see na resuits from the ing with a reading "'Trust- tawnship fon maintenance. money spent in the Ppst thnee ing". Mrs. S. Mortan was in Howeven, in Its place a new years. Roads are na t main- charge ai the Devotional, the Deveopment noad north îram talned.as tbey should be. In therne being "Stewandsbip Bethany ta Omemee Io prom- my opinion some ai them are and Recruiting". Mns. Wm. iàed ta be taken aven by the only fit for lumber wagons Laird read a chapter ai the Caunties early in 1968. Mn. ta travel on. A new building book "The Stars See Ahead" MCGIll discussed a new by-iaw i. badly needed. I written by John Hayes. bridge ta be built on the 14tb wifl do wbat la ifbht for Youn Mrs. C. Gneenbam conduct- concession, and reported the interests and R gbt makes cd the electian of o1ficenu fan purchase ai a new road San.. Might". 1968, resulting as faliows: der and Maintainer, fufly Wilfred Richardson, who President, Mis. W. H. Brown;i equlpped ta keep tbe roads was nominatied fan bath lot Vice Pres. Mr.. H. Brad- open in winten weather. He Scbaal Board and Cauncil, de- ley; 2nd Vice Pnes. Mns. H. bliclted liaélcion wiili ne- cided ta run for Cauncil and Cryderman; Secnetary, Mns. garda ta completian oi bis stated be wauld gîve his ser- R. B»oks; Assisant Sect'y. term on the Caunties Council vice ta Manvens taxpayers Mrs. J. Hurnie; Treasuner, and an thc menUts oi bis past itbbch best of bis ability. Mns. H. Brooks; Pianist, M.. achievements. Goge Neals, chairman ai Wm. Laird. Wilson Heaslip, requesting tbhe Manves Anea School Christian Citlzenship and: suprt In an Uicforth Board, signlfied bis deaire to Communfty Fn&dhlp, Mn.. Revhp. thought "It was serve again. Hie neparted a S. Doyle; Co-operation in time ta be moving on". Hie busy yean fan the Board, wfth Christian and Miuionary Ed- spoke ai the new sub-division the building ai Grandview ucation, )ms. D. Woad; Stew- control imiposed m the town Schaol, havimg attended il ardahp, nocruitlng aind Mln.., Bright-Eyed Young Man The littie boy with the sparkling eyes and big smile in the above photo is Chnistopher Mark McManus who was six months oid when the photo was taken on October 2Oth. His parents are Mn. and Mrs. Robent McManus, King St. East. Chnistopher Mark is the gnandson of Mn. and Mn.Fat McManus and Mn. and M'rs. Don Mountjoy, ail of Bowmanvillc, and greab-grandson of Mns. Cecil Wood, Oshawa, Mn. and Mn.. A. Jones, Scarlorough, and Mns. Hargrave of Leeds, Engiand.. Photo by Aston Studio MVan vers Nomination Day Resu Ils in Fui! EIec lion a n *C1U ten's sister, Mrs. Dick Trim- ble, 0awanvile. Saturday supper guests Witb Mrs. Clan- ence Hockin and Mn.. S. Ty- ler were Mn. and Mrs. Ted Faley and Mn.. Pearl Hackin, Base Line. Hi-C will bold their meet- Ing an Sunday evening, Dec. 3rd, at 7:30 p.m. in the C. E. Hall. Rev. J. P. Romreil wi bave as bis sermon topici "Peace for bbe Disturbed." Everyone welcorne. Last Sun- day bis sermon was on "Rest fantheDitunbed." The chair anbbern was '<Star, in My, Cnown," Mn. John Huband i taking the solo part. Don't forget the cuchre party Saturday evening, Dec. 2nd, at 8 p.m. in the C. E. Hall; for iurther particulars sec caming events. Congratulations ta Mr. Vic Cookson on bis wînnings at the Royal Winter Fair on bis Percheron hanses: Ist prize yeld mare; lst and 2nd get ai sire; Isb beavy draft beain; 2nd 4-hanse bitch; senior grand champion mare; sup- reme champion Percheron mare. Mn. and Mrs. S. S. Morton attcnded the Free - Morton wedding on Saturday whichi was held in Bethesda South Church, in Cobourg. Reccp- tion was beid in Cold Spning Hall. On Sunday Mn. and Mn.. S. S. Morton had as their supper guests Mn. and Mn.. Herb Creeper and Mn,. Hcnry Knigbt, al ai Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cal- laghan and famîly, Toronto, were Sunday supper guests with Mn. and Mrs. Cedric Russell and family. Mn. and Mrs. C. P. Swaliow were Sunday evening visitons with bier brother and wîfe, Mn. and Mn,. William Ash- - - THE EXCELSIOR CHOIR presents ANNUAL PERFORMANCE HANDELS '"MESSIAN"r Soloists: Ross Metcaif, Tenon Mrs, Rosemary Merkiey, Soprano Bill Penny, Bas.. Miss Vivian Sadien, Contralto Trumpet: George Anderson ACCOMPANIED BY OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA STRING QUARTET Organ: Mn. A. Borbridge - Directon: E. M. McCoy - Piano: Miss Leta Bragg SA&TURDAY, DEC.9 REHOBOTH CIIURCH ADMISSION: ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN $1.00 FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION PHONE: BOWIMANVILLE NEWCASTLE HAMPTON ORONO - * T. DYKSTRA 623-7255 H. KOOPMANS 987-4722 J. A. TURNBULL 263-2529 - J. FEDDEMA 983-5803 Prices Effective Until Saturday, December 2nd Gift Suggestions for Early Christmas Shoppers . PAPE RMATE Profile Trio Bail Point Pens Slim, Regular, or Husky A 9 Sugg. Iist 1.95 each...... Desert Flower Sugg. list 2.75 Gift Set No. 1883 4 oz. Body Talcum, 4 oz. OId Spice Early American Gift Set 1 Oz. Liquid Bubble Bath; 1 Cake Toilet Soap, i oz. Toilet Water2 ,5 POLAROID "The Swinger ".8 Sugg. list 24.95'...........1 ,8 comploe in L O Tote 'n Travel Case - SpecialI e O WE-STCLOX " Baby Be"- ý0 Alarm CIockl09 minous Diai; Biack on White IMPERIAL Electric Toothbrush Portable; Cordiess, 4 Brushes SPECIAL ......I1 ,8 ADORN HAIR SPRAY 2.9 Giant 15 oz.- Sugg. Iist 2.89 J Y SCORE. THE CLEAR HAIR CREAM ... 99 6 oz. tube Sugg. Iist 1.29 .......7 7 PACQUINS "RINSE OFF" COLD CREAM 1.8 oz. - Sugg. Iist 69C 59C FACELLE ROYALE 2.boxes FACIAL TISSU ES 2 £fo Sugg. Iist 35cens. or 2 for 69c 65C SOFTIQUE BATH 011L (Green) 7 or. - Sugg. Iist 3.39 2e99 Super Spray Deodorant 5 oz. - Sugg. list 1.39 Inr0e*%," PRESCRIPTIONS 1.019 ALEX .McGREGOR> e DPHONE 5 KING ST. W, - - PHONE 623-5792 M m m m m m a m i EASY BREEZE ELITE "-«OC ImmsMm. 8. ?Iorton; Tylow- ton, caesarea. The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Nov. 29, 1987 e rs, Mm.. J. Hurlie; Llterature Mrs. Aflan Snawdcn and i and Communication, Mrs. A. ber family attended thc 60th James. wedding anniversary ai ber tans with Mms.Roy Van Camp, party ion four ai the group. Manse, Mn.. C. Gneenham; parents, Mn. and Mn.. E . H. Base Line. Mr. James Cookson spent' Social Functions, iMin. C~. Wiflkins, Part Hope. wben Mn. and Mn.. Sam Van Suiday with bis daugliter Swallow; Press and publlcity, they held apen bouse last Camp and Misses Lauri and and husband, Mn. and Mr&. Mn.. H. Freeman; Prognani, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Lisa, Mrs. Boy Van Camp, Walter Davis and iamily, MS&. S. Morton; Supply and Davidsan and boys, Weston, Base Line, were Sunday visi- Taunton. Social Assistance, Mn.. J. alsa visited ber sister and tans with the latten's nicce, Mn. Orlon Hall, Weston, Holtby;* Nominations, Mn.. D. busband, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Mrs. Wes. Wenry and family, was a visiton one day luat Bothwell, Mrs. E. Faiey, Mrs. Rogers and daugbters. also Mr. Ed. WerrY, Salina. weck at bis a e',Mn.H B. Snwden. Te many relatives and Mn. sd Mn. H. G. rec- R. FaeY. uts r.I Auditons, Mn.. S. Jeffery, iriends ai Miss Tammy Rog- man were Sunday supper Mn. and Mn.. Carlas Cry. Mrs. L. C. Wbite; Unit Lead- ers are glad ta kniow she i. guests wlth their daugbten derman and daugliten Susan, ers, Mms. J. Petnosky, Mn.. C. back ta scboal again, with and busband, Mn. and Mrs. Guelpb, were Saturday sup- Russell, Mn.. C. Jeffery. The thc use ai crutches, also ta Morley Flintoif, Bowman- per guests with bis parents. meeting closed with al ne- Sunday scbool. ville, with other membens ai Mn. and Mn.. Howard Cryder- peating the benediction, aiter Mn. John Pritchard spent tbc famil3", Mn. and Mns. Les- man sud famiy. wbich a social time was en. the weekend with his parents, lie Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Shiels jayed by ail. AU. and Mrs. -Otis Pritchard Denis Pickand, Bowmsuviile, and family were Sunday sup. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley, and brothens Peter and Paul, Mn. and Mn.. Ernest Gilbank, per guests with ber sister Mn. Don Foley and Mrs Manatick. Orono, and Mr. and Mn.. and busband, Mn. and Mns. Pearl Hockin were Satunday M. and Mrs. Sam Beggs, Ras. Aluin, Newcastle, wblcb Fred Wright and famlly, dinner uis+.s w;ih t, ._I.~Toronto, werc Saturdav visi- took the fnrm of a bfrthdav flnse L T. Seugog Street Bowmanvîlle 623-5792 SECRET 1. D. A REMEDIES 5 KING ST. W.