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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1967, p. 11

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mmeIect Cunningham 'ith Majority of 46 Nbewcagtîe - Election day Subdivision was held lni the village ai New- Castie on Monday, DecemberR 4th,, with a fuil election ail Cunningham, Douglas acroos the board The weather- man, th:exact oppasite af lest Walton, Earl- Yea's lecionday, putth day ln the electors' favar with COUNCIL -FO ag0oad nany out ta vote: Couch, Fred (1) --__ NEW IREEVE Walton, Robert (2) k 1East tEEVE 147 96 )UR TO A~4 1-bar, Frank (3) 135 Gray, Alfred (4) 125 Adamns, John 76 Frith, Joan 61 Nesbitt, A. Dareen 62 -Williams, Madelene 52 SCHOOL TRUSTEES Chard, George (1) Storks, Pauline (2) Brereton, Margaret (3)- McCullough, Iz'v (4)-- Le Gresley, F. (5) - Waltori, Douglas (6) - Shearer, Robert ------ -six 179 164 171 162 132 131 PUBLIC UTILITIES - TWO Rickard, John (1) 143 Graham, Stan (2) 152 Stephenson, Llovid M) flOuglas Cunningham With 20 candidates running for office af Reeve, Council, 8chpOl Trustee and Publici Utifitb, ballots for each office were ai different colons ta helpý identify each office. It wasi quite late in the evening1 >o m before the final count was S c a Thve. exact account ai thel Newcastle-Volunteer vating in each ward and final Fighters af the village wer resuît ai the total Of votes a different flght on Satui are as follows: as they cailed at every doE Newcastle asking for donat Electionta be used in the iight agi Cardsof T anks Muscular Dystrophy. _________of__________ Chief Fe Glanvifle repo Sincere thanks for yaur ta us that $232.00 had 1 overwheirning support. collected. Season's Greetings. Mr. Peter De Jong Is h, George Chard. 49-1 now following an exteri Cooks Course In Simcoe. May I express my thanks ta Tue new hockey jackets the electors for returning me the 'Atom Team arnivedi ta the P.U.C. pat week. Teams from tl Special greetings toalal for on up ta Bantam are ail wi the coming season. ing the samne style and cali H. Stanley Graham. 49-1 It wouid almost appear1 Newcastle had been Inva To the Eiectors-I would by little green men and e ,te -U ànik each and every- big green men as players ne who supported me at the coaches, even a few fans, polis on December 4th. wearing these jackets. Compliments of the Season. looks pretty smart tai sec Fred Couch. 49-1 teamsalal dressed alike. The Newcastle UnI My sincere appreciation for Church wiii hold Its ann the confidence you have piaced White Gift Service on Sund in me for the next two years as December l7th. Canned goc a rneniber af the P.U.C. I wiil tays and ciothing wiil be do my utmnost ta fulfili that cepted for the needyi conifdbnrce. Sincerely, John Rickard. 49-l' Communitv - wlsh to thank al ai you Who supparted me on Dec. 4th and returned me ta Council Bo ln for the 1968-69 ternmi office. Wishing everyone the best of the Season's Greetings. Lâdies - 200 and ave: Alfred Gray. 49-1 Joan Ard 233, Mar Gar: 210, Rosemary Kelly ' Ta the Electors-For your Kathy Mercer 204, MIe support et the polis and the Couroux 201. confidence you have shawn In Men - 225 and aven - J. mie by electing me ta School Chard 302, George Kimi Board, I amn sincerely g rate- .260, Lloyd Taylor 232, Lai fui. May I wish you ail the Pearce 230, Jim Brutan 228, Compliments af the Seaeon. Newtonville - 175 and ai Margaret Brereton. 49.1 Angela Hollen 259, Liz '% I wuldlik tathak teins218, Maria Vogels 1 1 a ld Uthe Vila a te-Connie Sutherland 176. 'elethrsof te Vllag of ew. Thursday Mlxed - 200a castle who voted for me for over - Doug McIlwain 2 School Trustee In the recent Mary McGregor 229, Art I electian. Wishing ail a Merny beau 216, Hannah Farr Christnmas and a Happy New 207, George Glanvile 21 Year. Rusa Powell 200, George IV. Irvin McCullaugh. 49.1 Nair 200. Friday Mixed - 200 a Pleasie accept my deepest aven - Larry Pearce 281, Rl gratitude for the confidence Goad 275, Stan Powell 24 you have placed in me by Mermii Henry 221, Franc elcctIng me ta the position ai Wright 219, Gord Gray 21 Reevc af aur village. Ted Hoar 218, Albert Pear Seauon!s Greetinga ta anc 214, Ruth Cauch 212, Ed Ne and ail. Sincerely, bitt 2d3, Jean Rickard 2( D. J. Cunnngham. 49-1 Ben Hogkamp 200.. cul lxc OME TftX MlID SAY, FOR REIIREMEl el IRE SAM£ 'ilot '(ou gain in two wayS with a svnsPal sterling Tr st Rtl'ir nent a llg lai payrmnts ade belore FebrualY 29th, 1968 ca ey »rned as adeductiOn 3agalst lista too ciel ,1967 lflcornO ,duCsYq ~ ulldn roti renient incorne and i~ Cy Uriiol tsax at the sanie tinme. Get the details, Fil outthe coUpOfl ~uuu - ____________________________ 372 84Y St., Toronto, Ontario. ... ..... *AUDRESS ........................... ................ ................................................. .. aCITY ......- ........ .. . S Plamas $end me information onRetirement Savinga Plan. tic Fine re on nday 2r ln bions xinst Pire rted been ore nded sfor this ;here rar- aour. that ded yven and are 't the ited nuai day, Dods, ac- I and W TO1 12 96 108 93 85 TO BE1 114 94 Reeve Approve Land Owner Votes Compensation Compensation for land awn- A-L W M-Z Total ers whae rights are restricted by zoning has been appraved by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture at Its 3lst annual 81 68 296 convention lni Toronto. 94 60 250 The recammendation, passed i ater lengthy debate, says ýELECTED 'such payments "cauld reduoe 07 87 358 the difficulties ln land use 99 78 308 plannIng." It compares zon- 8Ing ta expropriating morn f 90 73 298 the rtght to the land. 93 63 281 During the debate, It was 55 39 170 stated that saciety can no 57 33 151 langer give a man absolute 42 24 128 cantral over bis land. This doesn't mean he can't sel it, 36 '31 119 but that Its use cannot change. BE ELECTED eThe recammendatian follaw- ethe repart ai the Federa- 26 99 404 tîon's praperties commîttee. 20 97 381 Other recommendatians cal uu ouifor 77 335 74 314 80 304 73 272 ELECTED 89 346 70 316 %-0,Persona/ money for the use of overseas relief. In the evening af the same date, begining at 7:30 o'ciock, the Sunday School wii present the Christmas Pageant. On Christmas Eve, at 11:45, there will be a midnight; serv- ice conducted by members of the I-igh-C. Our friends and neighbours in Memariai Hospital this week are: George Collins, Mrs. Grace Gibson, Harold Raby, Mrs. Vaierie Rudman, Mrs. Mar- garet Shaw, Mru. Catherine Switzer and Austin Turner. Last night, over 100 attend- ed' the Durham Masonic Lodge's l2lst Installation of officers at the Cammunity Hall. W. Bro. Garnet Rickard was Instauling Master, assist- ed by 27 Past Masters of Dur- ham Lodge with special assist- ance from W. Bro. R. E.j Hendry ai Jerusalem Lodge, Bowmanville, brother of Mast. er-elect W. Bro. Alex Hendry. Visitors were present from St. Catharines on the west ta Belleville on the east. Letters to the Editori roMres effective planning for lanus contrai. * Encouragement to In- dustry ta locate an poor farm- ing land. * Investigation of renting or leasing as .a practical meth- ad ai getting land. * A revised highways dé. partrnent Palicy on cattie passes. * Caniplete study ai con- solidated service corridors. Interest ln the committee's recommendations reflected the concern ai convention dele- gates for land use problems. Theme of the convention was Farm for Sale - Farm for Rent. BURKETON The sympathy-of the corn- munity is extended ta rela- tives and friends of those ln- volved ln the tragie accidents which happened ln Cartwright Township during the last few days. Glad ta hear Mr. Ray Brad- burn is pragressing favorably after his operation ini Toronto Gencral Hospital. Mrs. Tom Bailey made a business trip ta Bowmanville and Oshawa last week. Mr. Stanley Taylor called at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey, Wednesday even. ing. Mrs. R. Davey made -a business trip ta Lindsay an Friday ai1 lest week. Mr. and Mrs. David Gatchel, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. A.- C. Stephenson, Burketon. Mr. Humphery Hewitt, aif Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Archer. Mr. Fred Tabb la sporting a December lot, 1967 Who Can Answer This Question? Dear Eitor:Lands & Forests really had Intended ta r-write this letter before o.H nig R p r rod nton NoIanruch too 209, late for it and 1 amn afraid lineven the election w1ilI be over. FiPaI Week IHuing Resuits elBut I wil îwrite l anyway. by 9. T. Cox, Diologlat ýack Perhaps it isn't Council 1 o vr2 en h e b ashould tous these questions at For Ime hasoeara terMa- aon fo htmtte cthe re. aide stations ta check hunter. irry ato fo htmtter etherecrhe- texmehebgae uestion la "Who Do I Asic?" IIn' eamuneghe bipen se ýver E I decided your pavger might for -. te pn eao Vil. do nîceîy, Ilm sur@e e a o deer. Saturdays and Sun- 19,aflwer there. gta days are the operating days Wc, the childrcn, the youth, because most hunIers are Ihen and the adults, and evcn the on their way home. 32, grandparents have donc many Checking stations are nman- Du thinga Iowards erecting an iied by Pubh and Wildlife staff 0oW arena, plus iaying a floor and and by niembers af other M,~ Installing artificiel Ice. For branches who volunteer their qc- whom have we dane ail these services. The three Lindsay thinga? - for everyone ln tbe District stations were active .nd village. For the youngsters On November 111h and 121h tn wbo enjoy public skating, for and will be in operation ncxt >47, the girls, (althougb aur girls weekend. These are thc Bur- ~cs have not heard ai any figure leigb Falla station on hlghwey 18, skating lessons here juil et 28, the Noland Station an te the present), for the boys with, highway 35 and the Union ,es- Ihein encrgetic hockey games. Creek station on highway 121, DO0, And fon the aduits who know They are well mnarked b y poart- ai no greeter sport than sicat. able signo and are closed down la g, whether just to watch at when drlvlng vlslbility Iu paon. public skating or as a fan et a To prevent accidents al hockey game where the play- cars are nequircd ta stop. Non- ens range ln eges iramfvethutsarpssdtrghs 45. et quickly ase passibe. hoha Now cames the question. Hucl s osbe Dld we rais. the money ta Hunters are checked for the. have artificiel ice installed ln neoessary licenses and *asked aur own local arena ta keeP whene they huntedandow many aur public and high schoolda boys out af doars pnactising thy abat hheir deer, Flrearms hockey froni as late as 9 pan. are checked ta niake sure they through ta 11:00 in the middle are unloaded. Invaniably a few ai the wcek when these boys hunters (tbey are becoming are expected ta be bright- fewer ecci yean) ane charged eyed and aient for school the witii having a laaded fireanm foilowing day' in a vehicle. Is tbis the reagan w. built The sex and agc of thc deer this anena? To have our boys killed are aima qulckly record- take back sas aven ohon cd. Fawns are easily identified teams? 1 wasn't born yester. by hem usize and short niuz- day, 1 knowthiers Is tm con- awners permis- slderable workc to de and lion Uic cheeks ai oldcz.I mi. money ta be raised before the mals are eut and Uic ,aws arena la anywhere nean coin. pnied oaen for an examina. plete and I know tSo that yau tion af the lawer malars. When couldn't expcct othen teams ta ie permit., a Irophy head come erinmout.:î asMaa eexamined using but is it nlght? lua ilgiiîta oror. ,The presence oaI "baby thc coaches who have toait teeth" or unworn permanent around ail evenlng after put- teeth la characteristic ai 1%½ tingin theinbhourset work? la year aida. Otiier ages arc dot- Il r11n; to the. boy when educa- erniincd frain Our knowledge tion lo so Important? Is t of Wear patterns on the teeth. r ight ta the Parents wha have Informzation obtained ett1h. worked, slePt, caten. read and cheCklng stations Io recarded talkednthing elue but ati. on a spécial card for ecd ficlal ice thhse paat few years party -of hunters. During tihe now to have ail their work go wc.kc following the check, the Imt the camfortlng or out af long pracqis 0i sorting carda, town teins, No before you abtaining ttals and enalyzlng asic 1 wouldn't cane ta have results begins. This la donc by 1My son travelling that late District OMeie Staff. While a Out Of tOwn when then. la no news relcaeIo laprcpared by ce. at home toaskate an. But mid-week iollowing the check, tien. la Ice here, and Our kids thc complté tecinicai sumn- are re, and If I ever thought mary takes several weeks. for one minute 1 helped build At thc pressaI lime reco. en arena for another town to mendations frchnesl came lni and Practice on, I Uic open seesan for deer are LWOUldn't have hclpcd ln thc considcred ln Uic light of in- way 1did, and 1wont be heîv- formation o b taln e d tram Ing for too muci longer. l've cbecking stations.'L asked, wha cm anawer? Tiie fIgures below are ior Én Angry. the tire. Lndaay Ditrict Sta.1 Ô 7/s. /Vuoead/.2 c z c E v i. -s 1 Value-Priced! j ýiSuper-Right"Mecit-s!-à Fresh Produce! 1 BE ilu

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