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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1967, p. 15

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--t - *.-HAYDON 4,Z.MbhW gevice of Sun- daldren ore Invited to Rt- dy 11 anmd clnnc ser- tend. Gifu' for the Gokk-a P'W" W be held on Sunday, lough Lodge, *"d there wîIl *t 3 P.m Mark your gifts and, ý also be exehange of gUts witb if àa MltI.~ yfi f«h boy orl the adut& 2? Mân it «É«ie' Club 21 are holding a pot, U..W 1ecmerChisma1luck supper in th. eho Dftrnbr Crismas Saurdyl6th, after which, WW 'Zbe held in the! a Chrimas pri.wram wil be ;ý-tu-Wuddaiy after-;zhyen. D. 1rh. PrograM la A family gathering was~ Igec of Mm. Morris Pel-i held ona Saturdfay evehing at 'ABl tbe mothers and the home et Mr. and Mrs. The Ontai4omuniciPal BMa IN< TUE MATTER OF Section 379e of The Municpal Art, (ILS.O. ie.c. 249) as amendeéd, -anid - IN 1 TUE MATTER 0F an appliceat ion by The Corporation of the Town o1f Bowsnanvil.le, for the. approval of its proposed By-Iaw 67 -28,, ghen ffrst and second readings, on thse th day of September, 1967, authorizing the imposition of a speciai charge respecting the uewer system. APPOINTMENT F OR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD reby appoints Thursday, the. 28t1i day of Docember, 1967, et the. heur cf fen o'cI@ek ini the fereneon, at the. Council Chamnbers of the. Town of Bowmanvilt.;' Fer the. hearing cf ail persons interested ini upport of or in opposition te tthe said application.1 DATED AT TORONTO, this 2Oth day, of September, 1967 R. SCOTT, secretary LA ND E- SWITCH 'N GO TWIN GT CAR SET NEW!$8&77 Motoril Torturg ALL ACTI( ONLY-- - "BOB À49 mlo-Hot SI INUNDREDS 0F TOYS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS 0F ALL AGES! Complet@ "TRU - SCAL E." Fun for the Entire Famil3 ONLY -- "LUCKY L( Lino cf Teys By "LI'L BEAVER " "Tc D' FULL SELECTION 0F CHRISTMAS LIGHTS POWER TOOLS JIG SAW........ $19088 BLACK &DECKR$, % H.P. DRILL .... 128 FSANDER ........ $21*95 FBLACK &DECKER tAC 88. 1%"W' SAW KIT. AI 2-SL IC E TOASTE R -ELECTRIC STEAM Ab DRY IROiN G.E. FLOO POL ISHE R F UMIDAIRES ........$37-77 MAMPERS FKITCHEN STEP STOOL .................. 8 - TRANSISTOR RADIO, WITH CASE.... BASEBOARD, HEATERS, FAN FORCED .. Thé. Idéul GIft.. give "CORNI? r LNDER HARD' - . mAND, ELI ULLL~E 31 KING SM IL OUN RACKS m$3.37 -$3, Town of 'B.wmanvinlb bton Re"suits Feling Sub-Divislons Ivan M. Habbs- Kenneth Nlcks- Wesley E. Fîce- Annie Oke-_ _ Edward Rundie- Ian H. Smith -__- Colin Cooke - Leslie Coombes (4) James C. Coyle -- Robert Dykstra (2) John Fowler --__ Glenn Fry (3)-- Murray MeKnight- Roy W. Nichais (1) Maurice Prout (5) J. K. Shackleton (6) Reginald. Willatts - Donald Allun (5) - Frank Blunt - - Dirk Brinkman -- Dr. C. Cattran (4)- Jack Lander (1) - Joan Mann (2) David Preston (6) H. Sturrock (3) - For the By-law - Against the By-law ww Z 3 S. SB il 12 13 MAYOR 101 105 142 88 101 122 186 137 132 110' 161 120 79 86. 84 97 136 99 83 U9 76 68 92 86 REEVE 88 101 76 111 103 126 97 129 101 124 113. 131 DEPUTY BEEVE 72 98 103 119 113 105 133 112 131 88 COUNCILLORS 95 78. 99 f 138 128 165 1: 47 27 55 ! 156 149 174 1:i 73 56 70 t 142 125 134 1. 65 48 53 4 168 152 179 14 129 82 121 S 120 109 123 8 41 33 36 89 95 83 118 111 92 112 146 60 100 Total 1522 1078 1180 1367 1293 1220 549/3,~ 1393 ~ 656 Ç- 1618 ;L 6134f~ 1463 '3 726 7 1656, 1290 r'~ 1229( 524/1 47 6& 72 88 38 103 64 91 99 63 47 PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES 92 85 80 83 128 83 BY-LAW 117 90 85 105 112 149 1281 1117 453 1629 1828 1824 1374 1725 1142 1228 98 117 93 63 121 91 Electic Te th e lmoro Dowmanvillle: Thanks for aour vote, folks, 433 tines! (Glad tteteean elected School Board. D. flrlakmin. 49-1 Te the Electori of Rownaanville: Many thanks ta those who voted for nme as Public School Board Trustee. It ls reassur- ing to know that so rnany have confidence In my ability ta perfarm the duties as such. I shaI1 do my best ta uphold yaur trust. Sincerely, Joan Mann. The Canadian Stateoman, EOWManffle, Nt 4., 106 on Cards of -Thanks- Te the. Electors et nowmanvMle:1 Sincere thanksanmd appredla- tion ta the people who Iup- ported me on rny election to the position of Councillor for the tertn 1968-1969., J. Kelth Shiokelton. 42-1 To the Ratepayers et Bowmanville: May 1 express my apprec4a- tion for the privilege of serv- lng you as Councillor for the. nexe two years. Wiuhlng everyane the beat in thej. Festive Season. Leulle Combes. Ta the Electors e e haietose nowmanville. j ow the Eletrue May I take this appartunity Ifoiavle ta thank ail who worked and I wlsh to thank ail wha supparted nie durlng this elec-, supparted my return ta Coun- tian. It wilI be my privilege~ cil on Monday. I wlil con- ta serve you during the nex tinue to work an behaif of two years. Seasan's Greetingsalal citizens af Bowmanville. to everyone. Maurice Prout. Annie Oke. 49-1 49-1 To the Electors oi continuously until 4 p.m.,,flownaanville: when we rettred ta the base- My sincere thanks to ail for ment for dinner. A beautilul- your support and confidence Iy set buffet table appeared &atth polonM da.I at te font.Thefons serv-jl endeavor ta justify your ed were based on the caun- Il triust. Compliments, af the tries Japan. China, ItalY,1 Season toalal. France, Engad and Ge~r- Glenn Fry. many. 4- After the dishes were com -____ pieted (this process was aid- T h leosa ed by paper plates) we wentUT h lcoso aur separate ways, ail of us!1 Bawmanville: ambitious ta the brim about i1 wish ta thank those who' our embroidery projects. Isupported me in the recent This party is the last ses-imunicipal election and also sion to the club "A Woî»ld i (f1take this opportunity ta con- Foods in Canada," the Cen-1gratulate aur newly elected tennial project in the 4-H council. Hoamemaking courses. Colin Cooke. 4- 49-1 Be He se Arthur Read. Those attend- and boys, Bowmanvllle. were; Ashton, Mr. and Mrx. Bert the Read IaM1I4. M APLE GROVE - Asin, we r n Mr. and rs. r ndspergetswt Asbtn, orÔ~, r. nd M. adA x5~ -Urin, The Maple Grov'e Hi-C held! Mrs. Carnie Sprackling, Shep- Than n al Sald enHawkans Mrn. Louis Asl*,sa. Peterbor- Gahawa, ereSu ùm t 1tha etn o udye-!pard Ladge, Agancourt. onnigDan c wast.held o Frday ough. 1 6. ýMrs. . Be~t andj ening in the C.E. Hall.! Mr. and Mrs. 4ro Dud- f autTily. 1 the absence of the president,i at the Austin-Mack Funeral groea outce ssoee the! le BrligtnIp.,ýýpen te Brbra shonandA llan Secretary Jo-Anne Carr took'Cae where Mr. Purchesa pol aeott weekend with her'-, parents Ashton spent a Couple Of- daYs charge of the cali ta worship! lay, his daughter being a Committee supplied excellenti Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read. with their grandiparents,* Mr. and read the minutes. The friend of Mrs. Swallow. dcrtos Mr i-d rsClytn ea ad rs Loy Ahtp. collection was taken byý Mrs. Allan Snowden was a' In the first week of No- Miss Dowe, Toronto,- spent Sheila Seymour. In the busi- Sunday supper guest with her vember, Bowmanville High1 the weekend et ber cottage. ness we discussed donating. daughter and husband, Mr. School undertaok a Centen-' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashiton more money to "O0perationj and Mrs, Bob GoodmurphY, niai project with Cochrane and ran wee Fida ~a- Beaven", but decided ta let Oshawa. Hg colo ohae per guests of Mr, and Mrs. it drap until later. We also' ihShofo ohae Mr.,LlydAnbn ndM. ane tCouýtire put on ymn wr Sunday supper Mclntyre, Barb C r o nb ie,î Ronal Ashon atende theCourice H-C. o an their daughter Doug Parker and Paul Mc- Ronad Ahto atendd te Cortie H-C. JoandSailly!and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. Arthur were sent ta Cochranel Holstein Club banquet held Preece took aver the worship L Gilbank and f a miliy, in exchange for four of their at Onono United Church on service on "Attempt GreatOrnN.suet.Tenp asn- îFriday evening. Things for God." They also' _____.________Thetri___ en *Mr. and Mrs. Marris Pal- took over the meeting, a di-joyed by everyone that par-, lard vislted Mr. and Mrs. cussion on "Single But To-1 II ~Cu l' iOn ec.2s teLstWrs angeville, on the weekend. on the Child Sponsoring Plan.,M iibrokWu Schoo] and Ctarke and Caua--gh Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Mrs. We decided that we would Sc* t anvite dCu- fun of 1 D Ahoe Su d dewEe1hýet'adopt a, 1ePulyAthr child. The meeting endedj Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton with a prayer by Sally Preece., C ido n4 t were Saturday evening guests Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whitel'hlrn n4 t of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence recently attended the Chris.lM.adMs Jh al _ StaitonEnnakilen.tian Education Conference,! Millbrook, were entertainedi Sympathy is extended ta "A new look et Man-Woman at a dinnen .rybytér Ma-. and Mrs. W. Blackburn In our society," held in Tops ldrn paNverty by thar Ence rV In the passing of Mr'. Black- Mator Hotel, Belleville. Lead- FIn nNoebr2t burn's aunt, the late Estella e t the Fying Dutchman, on Blakbrners were Dr. and Mrs. Frankj the occasion of thein 45thi Fidler ina the United Church.1 wedding anniversany.Itke hs Mn. Donald Th amp s On, Trhis meeting was held the. hs rsn eeMr n aéti Bowmanville, called on bisl weekend of Nov. 24-26. Only jToepeetwr r n motes A. T'greniabot 4 attended, w;hen ilMa-s. Alec Sytftyk and Cindy onny ore hd bee1 Lou, Mr-. Steve Sytnyk, Miss' to ail those who wh< Mn. E. Topple, who under-ý invited.i Joanne Bakogeorge, ail of went surgery in Memorial Copls Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart! Monday. It will ber Hospital, retunned home nCpext Club will meet'Daw, Port Credit, and Mr' Satunday. Wish hian a sp eed Saturday evenmng atý and Mrs. Ken Acheson, Oril- overwhelmîngly expre recovery. à p.m. lia, Ont. Mn. and Mrs. Tho-' * Mrs. A. Thompson visited- Our pastor, Rev. J. Romneril,I mas Dawson and Mrs. Mil- ific uearborn hen daughter, Ma-s. F. Osmond, Igave a goad sermon last Sun-' dred Grant of Sarnia were on the weekend. 1day based on "Peace for the unable ta attend. A special ths e. Track Set We welcome Mr. and MVrs. dlsturbed." Next Sunday he! Mr. and Mrs. Huis received, Floyd Johnson and family ta will base bi.% sermon an "Joy! many lovely cards, gifts, and' $8D ur comnlunity, having pur-,for the depressed".1 an anniversary cake. late Henry Ashton.i Richvale, were Sunday visi A1rr h Ma-s. A. Thompson called tors with bis brother asdý S îLNAi Year to ail. on hon granddaughten, Mrs. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Steve'ýOLN ipBUÈgeus8, Bowmnanville. Doyle and family, and Mns.i BBRV HUL r. ai Malcolm wasiCecil Jeffery. The Sauina C ente nniaiý Wednesday evening visitor! On* Nov. 3oth, eight Cutis Chefs held their eighth meet-1 hot Hiockeyof Mrs. A, Thonipson. maved up ta Scouts; their ing as an "Embroidery Bee.'1 çy names are ~~~~as follows, ïB. omstaeditrt- krLL Preece, R. Prescott, D. Leddy,l ing the members In the art! - j ~ yrIc R. Machan, J. ohns ofo embnoidery at 1:30 p.m. "~Bec'kett, H. Eewes, S. Good- Tewriggrscatd Team Standings I murphy. These boys were~ F La d ------------ - 32 presented w ith their "Tender-! 1.K.Wright 3Z3 foot Queen Scouts" boak, ai-! ,OCKET $1X.91 K Campbiell -- 31 ter going-up ceremnonies. Mr.1 J. M Seda- 241l/' Bert Snowden showed a film! DNKA M emn-.---- 181 on Scouting, after whlch a: MACH BO "W. Nesbitt _ -_. î18 deliciaus lunch ai hot choco- TakY MATCH____BOJ. hene TRIPÈ 1lt n ognt a ev,' hn J. heaer--------826' ed by Mrs. B. Barrabail, as-1 & DECORATIONS OVER 200 sisted by Ma-s. C. Halley, Mrs. J. Shearer --- 315, 263, 248 M. Marchant and Mrs. M. D. Salaows _ 307, 202 Goadrnurphy. The Cubs andý PPL lANCES I. Wright 258 Scouts are planningaChit J. Mains - ___ 253, 207 mas scene and- Christamu D. Cochrane -__-_------ 245 sic at 2 p.m. dn Dec. i7th in K. Cam~pbeil. 240, 200 the C. E. Hall. Hope thene ..........$9.97 P. Bruce 213 wlll be a goad tuaraout to en- J.Rowe --------- 200 courage the boys in their KNIFE.$ 9 9JR AVERAGES 1wrk, also the parents of the o t e MnC i J. MaIrs _ _ 195, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla- D . Gayn_ ..... - 19 cutt. Mns. H. R. Foley, 1e n thAi $1~W. Nesbitt 181- r.Dre rosadf r M n t e M 'R 1B. Wlb 188 ML. EC. Snawd oe, acoman- S$26,88 I.Wrght _____1851 vlle,:attended the marisp ci ll I.Sallowa __177!___ urday evenlng. This Ils a ga-1 1 M. Sedman ~177; therlng which was started by an seilytT ........... $ 9.97 P. Land ______ 172! a numben of young peaple i ........... $12.77 F- Jones 1721 before they were marriedi C. Bate -_______ 171 i and has been carrled On ever' ............ $1277 K. Ralston -_____ 1681 since once a year, whîch ts, B.Ccrce______167654 yan Mne. Hrr1Jse'So Very Hard to I ................ $3.9 F CBrcne ______1667M54 ands . aga. r oe A. Lorussm ______ 163 >ewcastle, wene Saturday M. Ovendon_____ 161 gupper guests. with Mr. andi NG WA E" P. Banell169 Mrs. irred R. Stevens. D. Osdon ____ 1571 and twln daughters Barbara E. Combes1571 and Beverly were Frlday ev- V eonald _____ 156 ening visitors at Mr. and S y a S n e LBurgess 1541 Mrs. Pat Tresise, Oshawa. C A. wnrs 1Z11Mr. and M . . wrncen WAE . Mcil ______151 - family, M.G.R.n.were wek- ECJ. AmA. G 142, i itan ors ins r. nd r 1.97 _ $9.97? .Auom___en___ior ih rengi P. Broôme _____-135 1Citchdner. BRbrts 125i Mn. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow '.Young 1201 were callens on theircoin______ _________________ 's f2 Swlah Lo XpreuI My stiiop thanks ta al the citizens et Eowiùanvilhe ývho supported me Ina the roeiMl elecih. Mur yIIK*1hL.. l'o the Eletoru et DowamaVile:.- 1 wtsh ta express my slnme thanku t Mrn. Joye AilMa and her workggou;as thanks ta aiwha patted m on the bock .. .1 vould have apprediated their suppôzt at the poils. 3« WilI*" Ie wauld 11ke tbexpress zny dee gratitude tai the electors loi owmanville for thelr over- Iwhelrning supaort at the poils on Monday, December 4th. I shall endeavor ta serve you and j ustiy your trust at Council during the next two, years. Thank you. Bob Dykotra TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE: Your confidence in me has been expressed on Monday, December 4th. 1 thank you. Ivan M. HobI~ Sincere Thanks.. My sincere thanks to ail the vroters of Bownianville who again. placed their confidence In me at the poiis on Monday. 1 wili serve you to the best of my abllity. Ed Rundie ole.heartedly supported me at the pois on my aim to justify the confidence you ~ .1 1

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