- ~ ~ .7.. - -. , c, WaterTransfer Defeaieci Re-Elect Mayor Ivan'Hobbs BSy.444 Mar gnfor 7th Year VOLUME 113 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARlO f_________________________________________________________________________ .- --.-.- -, ~ U~ £UI 255 Don'"t Vote Electors COnI teave Ball ot On Sewage fused* S - Blank Question Honor Two Rebekak- Charter Mem>ers. mi "m, , - Maror Ivan Bobbs Com. Boy WNichols Beeve Mrs. Ainne Oke Voim R obert Dykstra Today, Returning Officer Robert Brntook a count of the total number ~ fl !01 ballots that were flot marked on the sewage-waterworks question on. Mond ay, and came up with an amaz- Depaty-Reeve Bd. J. ltundis ing figure. _____A total of 21635 ballots were issued ta voters at the polis and 255' electors did not mark an X on the ballots con- cemning the transfer of sewage and S~ J water from the PUC ta council control. 'jThat amounts to nearly 10% of the total vote. S~...1 Mr. Byron believes that many ,..lect.r did flot understand the word- mg o theballot and refused to f ill it ~. out. He also believes that quite a large >1. .. .. .. .number may have marked their bal- ~ lots incorrectly and not in accordance with their wishes. He plans to submit Comm.Glen Fry a report ta council at their meeting on Ceu.ý len. Fy, December l8th. El ct W eW ston BÀWH a n t r N09 ls ge o .2twihwshl nN~tnaeCnena New Hope Twp. Reeve Santa Receives Ms otneLaig rcs- * IGeorge Fnnie by a dea May Ltte PCL Association of 156 for the reeveshp o ~ hlrnY uS o e o eO s l t H1~ , ..,.ope Township i one of the rn tlrn O Y u VI IV I1 A .loes polis ever recorded. Mr. Temn hlrnwo Elect urncers ~Banisterobtalned 362 and Mr. e aychlrn b le Ofcr- innie 206 votes, have vlslted Santa Clans at f~I his special stand on the pe ke Uftse President Tom Rehder was a..noun d, township clerk, Bank of Montreal parkingS re-elected head of the Bow- ancen t odahe only 30 per lot or sent messages w.ili be______________ eligibleProgrsecteorate -pleased to know that lie was D.G .Wly rsdn o oso.1 edn el mavil ose-cast a vote.IofDrhG.E.Collg fApidYuiucs atertoo vineAscaina h Roddy Bebee, the present otewnerulttrs. a Park Prorssoiveon tethrIlled after reading smn ient Ara, speaker a theS: cmpihnt an PakClub Hanse last Wed- boairdand of h uls Whle SntwiIbheeganmn ecsshedtCor "Lesaseuonwc mengheld An Memorial caSaantahepuli chol 4 'lock e aand Aofi be nesday venîng.A largewere re-elected, Bebee wlth on Saturday afternoon from men. 11tiç ersedayscho ntepodaehm~d h .......... .. 4 ,r o f p eop le w ere p re- 372 v otes an d W h ltn ey 314. 1 to 4 c o k a d w l b eR .u n- pF r ay ve i g Comm teji.Coobes Court. MaurnelProut voua. Kelth 8baclielton sent- Erie Rose got 225 votes. happy.to greet anY 7oung i.ul- p PrdyvnngHewsh-hrereoed adth icoi, ille Coombes Other offioers elected for The breakdown cf votes In friands -Who rcueb C 1ao vnHob a e jeranuurot a ixt o tedpt heorlgyerae.sfo-te adawsa oIoa a am hrte vnn a :8 jiaiD*WUyeolrtJ. n . Ve dfU~3 14rIane ed Hobbs war s ^per ry 'cent turo? ut le w n ee. ,293 o teeut he c2. o: l at c-es ith at à Ba 'os ,On iock a a drvenig8:0by phEIteDril foerivnthrYO'Iè 01e y hamj, Ho especlaly XlkedôtelHoktc ra, wR.5,bowmdL at..d losSoe rade thn n pt~~e on ondy ltba 44-ot I hconeMt fr evee bLW 67-371 t,220tho wa:Code 2ndVice -President t REEVE Hette ro lthelitedte il ilek rB , levlg heiGA pom. ourieeaea uha a er y h ean aove4-Kennethheks. n 96teutreve Weést - e aeo7-e7,of wat ri eCdegTo, rd Vice -Presi- Bansterett e .h o o thle orlit om-elng lot by lngthe IastP k- hi roCoedhopetit fohra estn o pl. ' mrin obbracke p15vte icsl. FIe1966 67 pt ev tet a 1180oaer of wUC.byte tO d engTayelr, Shac esiton,4th ale 29ing, because shgie fo nslc w ltakd ot wnte aed y Dr. . nex eaterewi i oecpe, rae oritrus wHoble Ncks got 1,5228vonea 57 E.ward J.3Rnde7a oto , as trne own 1. b,28te1,14 Vi entPethSideni oncilh lorWle 26091 85 .Beils aus l sy boch iis.L. ert.chr wedws bour E t tueafromth rie m nesan h i wieNcsgt1078i a5 EwrdJ unl ba otwSix unciorwere,22 ct,1AnVnice Oesert ry-Teas- on 31 29 op e you hav an blce htip $20Ldame ute sainbutMrlnt Duroma in, eui. ohradb elbeh as foliows: ROY W. NichOls urer, Mrs. Ede. Cale, Assist- Carnpbellcroft 57 il for Christmas Eve and do Hoekstra's car. Constable Bon n, glus PIE CES ~~~~ 1,656, Robert ysr 1,618; ant Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Garden Hill 101 34 please remember the porPrerwste neîgai 'y, concern swifxeyudicag Glenn Fry 1,463, Lesaile Grace Taylor. Elizabethville 46 18 ehidren," she concuded. officer. contributions that i ~"otegau*sc or Coombes 1,393, Maurice Prout d.lviduils can 'mak a tc eonayShow B T mo P R S (re-eiected) 1,290, J. Keith Atl2:111amn on Salurda y William Barrie Tate, 63 Lamb's, ada and your ownsi-ufloethtouwihaegd Shackelton, 1,129. There were DpLjIane. going norfix on Liet ment. Some of youaegislll n htwe h e POLITICS -Lasi weekend The Statesman found five other candidates. WStreetNlW NEU8 fllfl a- h rocaromd fi wlfls that itself and is staff in the middle of an election Jack Lander topped the POU C oni'der or R e veshSteet, batncsontre an Is Caron tandpotsecory dcgYUhldyu for Public School Trustees 5na ocsinSre n tto n tesaetkn ~ ~ ~ D.Wt controversy. Because the candidate responsible was wilh1,828. Other trusteesB l struck a tree. Danmge ta th. emp1oyment. Noe a er ~ ~onî2ln defeated we have no intention of pursuing the eiected weré Mrs. Joan Mann EPrr s i lE vehicle amounted to approx- whch avenue youartkng_______ niatter'further. However, we do feel that when 1.824, Howard Sturrock, 1,725, B i s 'oiieagues Far w el mately $900. Mr. Tate recelv- I is well to remebrta Dr.Chale Catra 1629 & ýdtretmnt or inr I- oos fotii. etc X~ te ta dera weattento hsadver-otisent David Preston 1,374, and Don' I . 1 juries in the oui-patient de- Ig pives for h hsdyad~ p prt rwatnint i detsmnald Alita1,281. There were pannment of MemoriliHou- your lvs ri eeasi that could have been expected cf a mayor- two other candidates. LI1ing P iicsH e S a pligaCtbe tacaide ag e yuwl onbc1R t aliy candidate was to make certain "Bowmnanvil.le' Poli by poli breakdown VEIILcars lnvestlgat ed iheacd nt.'Te o b roOf fV( was spelled correcîîy. .. i. ..appears on page 15. III1 .ra L Yan occarsentoreugnog tetd in "T bae r fix The Bowmanvllle Branch ai meeting he wauld "llike to take seek election in the future, North at 8:49 p.m. on Sunday, st.GXt, the more cpotnie n rae n r GO-GO - Bowmanville's Go Ahead '68 Cern- hle Canadian Heart Fund hepprtunlty af congratu- and I do not leave wilh any A car driven by Louis De vil l e open ta ou.T ivg s oney vas In Bowmanvile wlll lating his Worshlp Mayor Ivan anlnxoslty or chlp on my Gooyer, Arthur Street, New. why efforts should i ae Flolgrla.e i mittee deserve credit for arousmng public interest Ib: held on February l2th. At Hobbs on his re-electian, and shoulder. castle, struck the back of an- to exhausi everyoprunyfrmintatI.Ota. in the election. But we can't help wondering how atrs meeting of Town Council also the new Reeve and new "I was defeated, I willilngly ouher car, which was belng Of gainlng basicknwegHde flbIceun M they expect a Bowmanville prmngfrrn .o go Apas H r n Tuesday evenlng permission Deputy Reeve for 1968 on thela, accepi It, and wlsh only the driven by Gerald E. A. Brown, at schooL. Your abihisW»CagsIn ufremti g ~~~~~~~for ibis was granted on a ma- election, the three top officera best for my successor. Mrs. Hampton. Damage té the two lie continually tesdlutepwramnopjle, . ahead when they have their printmng doue smre- The Banki of Montreal tion by Deputy Reeve Wesley of council, also the newly Oke you wW ifnd that It wlll cars was about $95. rpdycagn whr le u ftw.here reported te local police Fice, seconded by Councillor elected councillors."1 take much ai your urne wluh world. PChr elanI u t ft jt t- tftiis week that a $20 bogus Maurice Prout. Absent iran "I wlsh you ail well for the seeningly very file reward. GETN DTO "Assesu your capci o elinhdbe md o' J*UMOR - One council candidate who dldn't do bill numbered R/E4414836 *the meeting were Reeve Sid- coming two years and season's "I wlsh to thank ail my sup- GETNGEIIN doeug things andlehiielwnreepette4mU had been detected. ney Little who Is 111, Couneil- greetlngs. It has been a good porters ai the polis on Mon- This year's Chriuima Your'ambition ta o t wr h lb ~Mi t4oi~ very well had a grievous expenience. He drove a Also durlng the week five lon Ken Nicks and Çouncillor experlence worklng on council day. last and for the support Greetlng Edition of The you can do biest, h nae dta ut ub, t lady ta the poils assured that he was her boy. On spotlights used for Christ- James Bounke.. for the past nine years. I you gave me ln the past nine Statesman will be published where h lu neededadte te ulepltelpu' the way back home she was masi apologetie, before mau outdoor lightlng on Deputy Reeve Fice said that have trled ta do what I thaught years. I wish only the best Dec. 20. Phone 623-3808 If Put all your mmndtai.ngmte MreTote she knew it she had put an X aiongside six other homes have been stoen. as It mlght be his las council waà rghi. I do not inend tai (TURN TO PAGE TWO> you wsh space reserved. "The earth willlntaerwodbepsngu noa ' names on the ballot and thene were ne erasers onaite dead-lieats,,Ot uaaontacsme. d o a b o u t ! N I ( ' ~ ~ ~ î C l u b ' ' g~, q , g A *w o rk , uu d y , re a , t h n , o - A t s m m e , n e s o - the pencils So h cudn oanything aboutn îsei eIDrts -îtet " serve and thendomrInbabenad ol j~~ f Puram oufliy H tl Cu ee rae t iS reth -n vtersary ok»D.Wie ttd eneun i.mie.hl RAN OUT - Councillor Ed Rundlc who will ;6z.~~ "î~.- .~< v~*~ "If you wouid fn ap-blgsuilaIrom Ie the new Deputy-Reeve, hit a stump near ' ness, 1 auggest youiant ed1c~poal tIb lMerorial Park clubhouse while bringing in a d*~.'.>ou so xprlyasprsnti i me.asge load ot voters, doing about $35 darnage te bis te do great hngi u htTedy car. The stuînp was te have been rernoved earlier tbis year but the "stumping" budget was over- spent. Se, who can he blarne? Beehive e ek h tt t t HER OINE - Mrs. George Brooks, Hunt St., is lin ber home last week. Heroine of the incident was her rL grand-daughter Trudy Moffati, who rau nexi door J545 - for help ta extinguish the flames. Trudy, lu onlyA nve s y 'three-years-old. h-5tBrhd A l t t.. - . . . j '1 t'. s ..............' W. Two two Charter Members, Sister Mabel Bagneil Temple, Queen Street. Noble Grand Leona Parrowi and Sister Jessie Prout, were honored at Beehive left, presented 55 Year Jewels to the two Charter Rebekah Lodge's 55th Birthday Party on Monday, Members, Sister Bagneli and Sister Prout. fBOWLER - Congratulations to Jackic Patfield, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mns. Dick P5tfield, Second St., whe came through with a 414 garne whlle bowling ai Liberty Bowl reccntly. 14is is the highest count for a single game In my nyhonths. ~EACUES - Poli riumber 13 that takes in Bow- 'Imanville Beach area certainly didn't take too much est, in the local election. Only 40 oui of 212 for a percentage of 19%v. Iu other poils the niage ranged from 51 to 68%. The beaches 'rought the totl voting percenîage dowxi to, 5 f of4,69 eigibe vter, a ota of2,637 caui DMSIAUg - W. are advised that tickets are going welI for the Excelsior Cholrs presentation «o Nstiak, this Saturday evening la Reh.b.th Cbureh. lhai habeonmee s n muadChriutmnas event of cniderable popularity, se if y«u are Spbib»MIg to attend, you'd better aequire your *k.eu qulcldy. Details appear in au advertls.- On Friday, Dec. lst, the. basernent of Orono United Church was packed for the. annual banquet of Durham County Holstein Club that this year celebrates is Fiftieth Anniversary. On hand for the. evening was Hardy Shore, the President cf the Holstein- Friesian Ams. of Canada, who presented Pasi Presidents pins ta Wurvvg prosdentsà of the Durhamn Club. Photo shows, front row, leita right, , Muir, Neil Malcolmn, John Cruickshank, Mr. Shore el Bruoe Tink, Ross'Stevens and Hanry Jose; back row, representing his father the laie J. T. Brown, Cul" feIxbQ4ýBWmai owr der, Iv4son Tamblyn, ibsyar's President Wesley Yeliowleea,. Harvey Brooks, R. Ben rowyn, Lloyd Kellogg represenî'hhu. faiher G. L. Kellogg, and Evereti Brown representing'his flter J. D. Brown. Th. ladies of the church served a déliclous lurkey dinner. Carlos - Tamblyn Intro. duced the guesi speaker. Agr. Representative A. O. Dalrympie iu-, troduced Durbam's Dâ1ry Princens Elizabeth,. Kellpgg. Tamiant Parina won 1h. Premier Breeder trophy. Kari Herritga wvon the trophy for grand champion cow and aloo for the besi uddered fem- aie. Entertaiunent was provided by the Swcet Adelinca of Oshawa. nive Recekah i Lodge No. 125 wau celebrated recently ai Nlghufrigale Centennial, Temn- ple, Queen Street. It was a memorable and wonderful evenig for ail who were Noble Grand Leona Farrow prWsded ai the Birthday Par- ty dinner held ln ithe ban- quet hall. Othiers ai thc hcad .table were Blter Lady Anne !3awefl, Pre»ident ef the, Poât Noble c n aici ter mmber Jésae 1>;#11 P"t Distrit Depuy mr dent, VioGrand JeaY 3m, limier Amy Tait, el ycaz meniber, sand the.Nol Grands et othi lolgs iu ti9 I head t'able, wa* centr WUi an exquhullo florala rangement c1>mossf pic emamallons a"chrsati wn:ch was clonated by Buunter Jean Cailan, Coboconk, who- was unable tb b. present,lth, was lightcd wlth taîl white tapera in crystal candleuticko. te gueits were ntroducMel by. Vice Grand, Youngmaq., Durham Chapter ai the taï- tern Star catered 'for the -de.i liclous meal whth Mrs. Jam«s Marr as the conveiwr Noble grand Farrow mand the members af Boeeive Air. liekah Lodge No. 125 ba guests froux Oshawa_ >lIP FeM, ortope anid OtooO.- in9i dlnn*r aitha tb oei.@ ln ml ithe sparIowu.~pi. pIe upatalrs, ail *tii. oIç0 weW ld for thsevmp 1w. * vlstin ofclaa,woeluw- troduoedb b1Bltr 1,8WNV' ~~Ut muidEdn 7. Cs -1 1 18 Pages BOWMANVML]ý, ONTAIUO, lElect Weston Banister