-ýTown League Hockiey ;~ XWM"OWNLEAQU ROCKE" STAIS"R amdInÈsW L Pts. GF GA PIN CsaDfy.7 2 14 72 36 58 a 1 id) ai en -- I G. Flintoif, McNUI1 L Pearce, Locke's' In a pair of bop-sud tests atpthe Memoria: 'Thursday night, Crysti wailoped McNulty'a 9-3 and Robson Mot rnained two points Town League pace b, Iig Locke T.V. 11-2. Robson's fired six wered goals in the period includlng four four minutes, to gral 8-1 lead in the open coasted the rest of ft to an easy win. Bob Fairey and Phi] each collected three m Pace the Motors crem league scoring leader, 11 - - -« 4 Now Availab]ý for F'estive Seasoi A deieious Fg Non-Alcohioljc Drink uat653 Gien RaE Dairy jPhone 623-5444 m ig tW Amî your ni Brewf Because mi the numbo the ho and the inclemi early orderinl and laf Operated by Brewe 12~ el. 5 36 6 41 58 52 4 40) 64 80 Pts. 36 24 19 19 19 18 18 15 14 14 14 14 [ty's - 8 6 7 13 6 I.D.A. teed off on Whitby in the final stanza. Ln rgee he ol 9 4 8 12 0 18-6, Thursday night in Whit- Grove Bennett accounted to lead Oshawa to the 9-6 de- by. for six talles to pace Mc- cision. Eric Howard countec y but found themselves ofl Gregors, whlle Mike Dona- tie, it Cal ucna déd con- Black, picking up one goal the losing end of a 9-6 eni- g uo olce or gas hisoePuBrtoan I Arena, and four assista. Tom Wilson counter here Saturday night Chante e CttranourgoadsBruce J o n ejwPal tng thd ta Dairy and George Sainsbury com- against Oshawa. Simpson e ankd uchat-ohnersik d h Sports pleted the scoring. In the mid week encountor, tricks and Doug Parker added Donaghue and Sinipson re- off the McNulty's marksmen were the I.D.A. crew counted four a pair. gistered two apiece for Bow- )y blast. Archie Courtice, Gene Balson goals in the first period and Bob Brown had three for manville, singles going to and Sam Triompson. sevon in each cf the next two. the losers, Ron Holton a pair Larry Allan and Randy unns Raye West openod the scor- Whitbyr picked up a pair inland Jim Robertson the ther. Rogers. second Ing for Locke T.V. in the within nightcap but before the first h e G asfo hig and3-1.The dairymen increasedTin Gam es fo er and the niargin to 7-2 after two hewyand added four more in theE11 . IlBagfinal period. Nf'tIr goas.toJoe Balson turned a bigNe c sl n rm d as w, with seven point performance to Terry lead the winners, scoring three times and assisting on Newcastle 1 n t e r mediates W1est,zr Woodbeck,Pte Sndnsaofec h ~E~ four others. Bill Crossey won two cf three games play-MCuogh Harold Maloney, GP W L T Pts. notched four goals, singles cd this week In the Lakeshore Bran Bradley, Paul Wakei1y Little Britain 8 5 1 2 12 [e going te Brian Bradley, Ted Intermediate Hockey League, and Earl Cobbledick. Sunderland - 9 5 3 1 il - Fairey, Paul McCabe and the wins coming over Keswick Newcste have home games Whitby 10 5 4 1 il Larry Broome. and Little Britain and the loas this wee wth Uxbrldgo on UxbrIdgo 9 4 2 3 il Wayne Porteous accounted te Uxbridge. Dec. 12th; Port Perry, Satur- Newcastle 6 3 3 6 )n for the other T.V. goal. Monday night In Uxbrldge _aDc. 16 and Sunderland, Port Porry 8 2 6 0 4 TeamStanings the locals were. handed their Tuesday, Dec. I9th. They Koswick - 8 1 6 1 3 TensSanins first defoat after winning four travel te Whitby on Thursday, Note-Ail Woodvilbe games W. L. Pts. In a row, losinÉ te the Hawks Dec. 4th. omtted from above. Crystal Dairy 7 2 14 8 oalsc6 es*orNo catbM Locke TV. 3 6 6 were John Wilson with two McNulty's Sports 2 7 q and singles te Brian BradleyMn a a o a u Mel Stevenson, Russ Hall and Paul Wakely. Harol .d Michelson had a reai 1 23,9,Bian Mantyn has 238 for Cerne t R dGusty West again demon- big night on Wednesday when thr pot. Cement Redmen strated the rewards cf dlean he won high single prize with Ail arrangements have been living by playing a strong 349 and added two more scores made for thé big Party, Dec. Defat Osa a me bot on defence and cf 273-232 for high triple, 854. 27th at the Flying Dutchman Tuesday nlght at the New- Nine bowiers were over 700. Motor Hotel. It bocks like a Bowmanville St. Mary's castie arena the locaîs troun- Matt Harrison 792 (282-296), big affair. Cernent Redmen posted a 5-0 ed Keswick 11 te 4, led by the Don Oke 792 (284-284), AI l4th Week - lot Sohedale win over Oshawa in a Ju- llne cf Paul Wakely, Steve Osborne 768 (286), Ted Bagy- Averages verflle O.M.H.A. encounter, Burns and Mel Stevenson who neil 758 (294-283), Franik Narne Ganses Ave. Saturday night, at the Mem- scored seven goals, Wakely Samis 757 (283), Ernie Per. Ernie Perfect 42 250 criai Arena. and Burns scoing three each feet 738 (286), Steven Oke 734 AI Osborne__ 42 239 Larry Devitt opened the while Stevenson Who does a (307), Mike Murphy 728 (293), Brian Martyn 42 238 scoring on a pass from Kim big part of the heavy work Howard Bromeîl 716 (269). Don Oke --- 39 233 Rogers and Brian Peters for this lino accred one. John Bud Barter had a big 306 Maurice Annaeýrt - 42 229 made it 2-0, after taking a Wilson, Russ Hall, Gary Wood- single game, Russ Hallman Jack Bond - 42 228 set up by John Oyler. beck and Brian Bradley round- 298, Stan McMurter 296, Elton Brock 40 228 In heseon, S. ar'sed eut the scoring for the Lowell MacDougal 289, George Bruce Mimne 42 226 gin teseond p, t. Mays Newcastle squad. Stephen 279, Ed Leslie 277- Dr. H. B. Rundle- 42 225 again hcit fro mpirJobbyi The big surprir2 cf the 263, Karl Piper 278, Clarence Larry Piper -- 42 225 Hosescrigfrm oeHi-week was the ease wlth which Oke 265, Jim Callan Sr. 260. Mike Murphy 42 224 cock and John Hamilton Don Bagneil 42 224 dikngo pl ffr. Newcastle hàndled the league Beaver Lumber won ail top Ruas Hailman 42- 223 yle pickeon upshissond leadlng Little Britain crew team honors with 1294 for a Matt Harrison - 39 223 Oyerpikd p i scodon Sunday night In Little single game and a big 3618BuBatr3 23 point, with Dave Larose as' Britain, outscoring the home triple. Russ Okter42 39 223 sisting, to complote tie scor- team Il te 4. Jimn Callan Jr. won bo wru omei------ 42 222 img in he final erid. Newcastle had the most single with 117 ando w rpl ared irpl4q ,. 39 222 -trouble avolding the high, fi8T -.X iper 42 221 sticks cf the chippy losers, TeI...teamn has %~ Bud Hienning 42 221 Paul Wakeiy and Jim Rickard pitoer second place Jury Ruas Elately 36, 221 payinga visit te the local 1 &ovOel while Whyte Bros. Fred Thomson 4 2 5ssage from doctor for stitches. romain In third pae 1 anc ihrs 42 220 ~ighorhodNewcastle scorers were Mel points off te eeace.hod s Ed Leslie 42 220 egburodStevonson and Robby Robin- Ernie Pretstill odhi Ted Bagnell 42 219 son with two. The remaindor 250 average te bead ail bowl- Bill Orme 42 2191 ~r e a lwere divlded between Gustylera, AI Osborne la second at Si Trewin 42 219 gJonCre 42 219 ars eai ob Lawton 42 218 Ab Saman 42 218 Tow BCâs etbi arold Michelson - 42 217 of an increase John Gould - 42 217 Whyte's Upholstering de- tnaded Don «'Pop" Martin formr 2 16 eofodr uigfeated Stephen Fuels 29-24 Ken Kelly and Jim Lutton of LoelMaDual4 1 Tuesday, night at the Hig h Coronation. Former referees, Luke Annaert 33 214 liday season School gymnasium ta increase Bill Morrison and Guy Parka Mrray Tighe 42 212 their firat place lead in the lined up with tbe Cafe crew, ClrMcuk 4 1 possibility fTw Basketball League. In with Martin, 'Idirtiest playen GeorecebOee 423 212 .E~~J bbe second game Hoopen'a ti the league", takingoerDnBsp 42 212 ent weather, Jewellers battled Cononation thc refereeinig chores. Harry Akey 42 212 Cafe te a 96-96 deadlock, in Sports editor Frank Mohun Lou Wiseman 39 211 g thebb highest scoring game ini burned in an unhellevable Frank Mohun . 30 211 g rill avoid ueiays the loop's history. performance for the Jewel- Roly Coombes- 42 210 In the opener, Whyte's led lors, scoring 50 points, while 1 b Glanville - 42, 209 ;e deliveries. 11-7 at bbe quarter and 19-17 Kelly had 24 and Lutton 22, Stan MeMurter - 42 209 afben bhe fi±st haif. They including the tying basket, George Stephen- 39 209 were still in front hy« a 24-21 just at the wbistle. Bob Kent 42 208 mai-gin, and wrapped t up Parka and Mornison each Steven Oke -- 42 208 by out-sconing the Fuels 10-8 coilected 29 points, the other George Piper - 42 206 in the final quarter. scoring being shared by George Glanville- 42 206 ~~UI Paul Hutchison paced the eleven other players. BbWlim -4 0 ve s R t i PalGlae addnBe .L .Ps oubMcFleiams 42 205 [uwinners with 14 points, while Tearn Standings Jack Parker 42 206 Lyn Lowry with 12 and Bill Whyte's 7 1 0 14 Jack Lander - 30 204 ,r Warehousing Ca. Ltd. Hay ton were tops for the Stephen 5 3 0 10 Non HRenning 42 202 - - osers. Hooper's 2 5 1 5 Art Rowe 12 209 In the nightcap, Hooper's Coronation 1- 6 1 3 Teamn Standing ), Teans W L Pins Pt.. 'I. G. A. 28 14 47697 28 Jury & SHTGN ovol.-27% ~14% 47428 27 ' 12G and 20G. AUl Barrel Lengths Bros. _. 251/2 16½J 47528 25 % and Chokes Frank's an j* * REMINGTON PTIMP QKait 3 9 44R2 - .Ç1 iJO23.191?4Mutton3 PIN 2 20 0 24 4 0 2 6 l."Iocke'5 TV 6 (CNultY's Sports - 2 7 M»8oeng GP 2.Black, Hobsons W .Crossey, Crystai - 6 -J. Balsomi, Crystal -4 B M Brown, Crystal - -8 B. Marjerrison, Locke's 9 T. Falrey, Crystal -- 5 IL amilton, Robsons 9 M. Richards, Crystal -7 P. McCabe, Crystal -3 B. Fairey, Robsons 8 G. BaIsom, McNulty's 9 S. Thompson, McNulty's -9 L. Perris, Locke's6 Midgets Wallop Whitby But Lose to Oshawa 9 to 6 [ M W REMINGTON AUTOMATIC -$149.50 Guld&-23 19, 45692 ~~U E 4REMINGTON No. 1100--- $196.95 Lander Hdwe. -- 201/2 211/ 45921 WINCHESTER PUMP- $114.75 Dykstra's WICHSTR UTMAIC$19.0 Food -- 20 22 46290 WINCESTR AUOMAIC $69 50 S. Grant 4, ITHICA PUMP -- -------- $109.50 Heat. - 18 24 45318 BROWNING AUTOMATIC- $179.00 Pepsi ___Cola- 18 24 45398 DALEY Over & Under__- $298.00 Ken's Men's BROWNING Super Imposed $395.00 ~ear 7 5463 L--be-18 26 44525 Santa opeeRne f N Osborne SucaestsCo pee R ne o Ins. - 151/226% 44982, BUSHNELL, WEA VER, REDFIELD, TASCO, BAUSCHf & LOMB ALL POWERS AND SIZES PRICED PROM $19.95 THEU $129.00 Complete Stock of HAND GUNS .22'8 .357's .38's .41 mag. .44 mag. SUITH & WESSON, COLT, HI STANDARD, BROWNING, RUGER, LLAMA, BERETTA, HUGH POWER RIFLES. AiM Caibm sand Barrel lengths W94CIMSTÈR CENTMENNL 30.30 - $139.50 WINCHESTER Model 94 $ 89.50 WINCHESTER AUTO. No. 100 $174.50 WINCHESTER Model 88 -- $159.50 EEMINGTON AUTOMATIC $l95 REMINGTON PUMP $174.54 SUGER AUTO. 44 Mag. *11475 SAVAGE Model N 99.5 EtEMINGTON BOLTACTION -auNO BERNARDEW LIDZMCGREGÔR HARDWARE "5 KING, ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ~aI Goodyear Lge. This week we had three shellacklng as the league. eang ower House, Crack- ers and Combines beat the Office, Millroomf (poor old Brian) and the Fan Beits by a 7-0 score. The Molded Goods and the Banbury beat the Mill- wrights and the Beits by a 5-2 sc'ore. The Reclaimators squeaked a 4-3 decision over the Machine, Shon but ~next AV week they will find It a lot tougher when they meet their arch rivais the Crackers«Ina grudge match. But Henning put three fine games together-(363. 323, 277) to register the season's hlgh triple to date, a 963 (should have saved them for next week, Bud). Other prlze-wln. nlng scores were: Over 725 J. Bond _____779 L. Heard _______773 J. Luxton _______750 J. Goheen _______749 Leatue Standings Power 1House _____68 Molded Goods _____58 Combines _______56i Crackers ________49 Banbury48 Machine Sýhop 43 Reclalmators _______43 Beits - 42 Millwrights - 42 Mili Room ______39 Office 33 Fan Beits _______________ 25 -u nanve, ec.13, 1Ion St. Mary"' Ju'ys BowmnanvlleSt Cernent Redmën 'i Lindsay 8-0, inii aju#geni, counter, Monday night Lindsay. 1John Qyler and Larry e. Itt led the locals wlth téý goals apiece, as hSmokey" Hayes registeredth.su-t Bowianvllegrabbed a ý4-o first period bulge on talles by Joe HL-cock, Warren Aider, QYler and Brian Peters. Devitt picked up the oni? goals of the mnlddle sesin Iwlth Greg Corden and Oyle' second, completing the scoring. The road Is flot Yours alone. A well-adjusted person la more llkely to make a good drie PartlY because he Is inlIred te recognlze that traffic situa- JA 'D raof ur'tue iî-e OAK AND ELM STANLEY 7" Power Saw Spécial SAVE 5.00 This Handyman Stanley Saw has a hurn-eut proof motor. Reg. 49.95 now oniy 41.88. 6 Pt. Beaver Home WORKBENCH Pre-cnt, you Just nail it to- gether. Solid 211 smooth ink constr uctin.b5l8 Aluminum Ladders 5 Ft. Step - -- Now 10.88 18 Pt. Push-TJp- Now 17.99 20 Ft. Extension Now 24.99 For A Warn Floor rRoc Room Carpeting 100% Polypropolene, deep pile broadloorn that won't mildew, rot or fade. Almost any stain Is easy ta dlean. Only 7.95 sq. yd. Armnstrong VINYL TILE Ring Size 12", x 12» first grade, vinyl asbestos tile. 54 bies per carton - 5 cartons or more . . . Havana White or »esert Sand 16%/c a tUle. î Velvetex White CEILING TILE *Two coat, prefinished, veivet White tue, tangue and groov- cd. 5 cartons or more anly 12o per tile. Easy To tantal tigid I NSULATION Permfoarn for flibrs, walls or celint. Permanent, eaay ta handie. xs 4' x 8' Panel 1.89 V' x 41 x 81 Panel --~ 3.85 1%" x 41 x 8' Panel 5.75 Paint On Protection RESILACRETE Paint your baacment dlean, dry and calourful with easy ta apply NEW WALL, 6.95 a gal NEW FLOOR, 10.60 Vapour Barrier Clear Polythene, moisture Proof, resistant te, aclds and alkslis. For reo roons walis before paneilng. 2 mil Roll 500 fi. 3.89 2 mil Roll 1200 fi. 8.29 223 120:V2' 20 18 18 517 i16 December 5, 1967 O. Patfield H. Reynolds _ _ _ SM. Gibsorn ~' M . P o s te r _ _ _ _ M.P~ Cowan _ _ _ J . L o b b _ _ _ _ _ _ AL Taylor L. Martyn SW . Coom b a _ __ _ 0 . S t a c k - _ _ _ _ _ SM. Colvile _ _ _ ILR Mitchell- B.~ Shackelton__ I-B. S uerhuis _ _ _ B . Coamba D. Paeden~~ IColville s hi Poster jTaylor. Reynolds i P a t t i e l d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N- i Genuine Hardwood Panels With The Charm 0Of Naturally Aged Wood 1 Loveiy ln any roomt in yaour home, those beautituliy urained naturai lm or oak plYwood ]Panels have a deep, iprotective, lustrous finish that wIli last a Ilfetime like fine furniture. Now iz the MAH-ANY Y PANELS NOW 4' x 81 Pane!, V-GROOVED MAFIHG, ANY PNEL *Pacific Coral Toasted* Cherry Nutmgq 41 x Il -~onIy 4.10 14' x 7'--only 4.49 4' x 7' -..nly 4.59, 4' x 81' -onIy 4.69 4' x 8' ----onIy 5.10 4' x 8' -..only 5.19 Ladie s! lf 54" Cabinet & (Jupboarda sV > I'( f dKitchen Centres j>~ Botix unita, upper and Iower, C and arborite top ncluded. Factory InstaRl.to 119Y99 Speclal Purohase denueraytor 29 Per sq. It. on y- Bright Ides. For The Hm K..LUX PANELS "? # Plastie translucent panels, ~ colourful lu a varlety of ' tertured patterns. Proteot Vour Broadioom muVINYL UNR Sure trip on broadloom clear or colourd For hard surface Ilars, clear wldth ver Hlift. 1,9 5 Work Wonders With Cabinet Hardware A lie paint snd new Arn- crack hardware .. . yon eau make your kitchen like new. 6 new styles to choose frous ... Colonial t.> Modern. l Keep Yeur Kltchen, Clean SRANGE I400DS Accent Coppertone or WVklt 24» or 30"-'wldtbu, 2-speed an, c S.A. - "Il ed, factory27,88 afleid, Il'- ARBORITE TOPS Golden Glitter on Wlte Arborite, contoured moaided *p"al-back an~d no-drip edge. 39660I illCo»ntr t"op 8 lb, Cnter Tu DPS1J ILUM BERSTR m28Et«8 lot. CII Saturday at an, f I i Cowan I Richards___ __ 200 Ganses M. Foster - 263-212 J. Lobb _____ 259 M. Taylor -______242 O. Patfield ______ 242 B. Richards _____230 M. Cowan -____ 207-222 M. Gibson -_____221 N. Oudshioorn ___-907 H. Reynolds _____.207 R. Mitchell _____-203 O. Stack _______202 I f r-, SOLID, FAST,-PLAY, PLYWOOD TABLE TENNIS Regulation 5' x 0' Siz. Eeady te assemble table, ne0 toolo requIred, water-proof, wa7 re re, sandel smohi STORE HOURI: Moaday - Thun.: 8:00 aim. - 5:30 p.m. Open Frlday TII9:00 p.m The Camdian Sbtennan, Bown BowmanvMe MeGregor'ol the middle session and four. ,3t ts d 1, d J-1 V-GROOVED BOWNIANVILLE l' PANELLI-N Belles