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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1967, p. 16

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnvlle, Der-13 16 OSHAWA - BWMANVILLE o f - - -EAST WHITBY - CARTWRIGHT WHOSE LANDS ABUT THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON - MAN VERS - CLARKE NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township of Darlington for approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of the Planning Act for approval of By-law 2368 passed on the 5th day of October, 1967. A copy of the By-law la fuînished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law is aiso furnished herewith. >Any person may, within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or delîver to the Clerk of the Township of Darligtçon notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held wilj be given only to persons who have filed an objection, and who have left 'wth or.-delivered to the Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. The last day for filing objections wilI be January 5, 1968. A large scale map of the areas affected by By-law 2368, is available for inspection at the office of the Clerk of the Township of Darlington, Hampton, Ontario. Dated at the Township of Darlington this twenty-first day of December, 1967. W. E. Rundle, Clerk, Township of Darlington, Hlampton, Ontario. EXPLANATION 0F PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY..LAW 2368 By-Iaw 2368 amenda fthe Township'a Zonlng By-law No. 2111, ln several 'Instances that are deemed advisable in the light of administrative experience and *hanglng development patterns and policles. Many matters are deait with, including changes ln definition, rewordlng for clarification, change of land from Residential to Deferred Deveiopment, frem Agriculturai toCommercial and Commercial Park, remeving smre permitted uses, uuch as converted'dwellngs- and permitting gravel pits in Agricultural Zones. The By-law-aio places restrictions on smre Industrii Zones, and increases minimum floor area in residences'lu seme cases. Detailed explanations of any part of flueBy-law may be obtained at the Township. Office. . TuE CORPOEATION 0F-,UEMTOWIDMUP OF- DaRINGTUN. BY-LAW NUMBER 2368 .A By - i)w to . amend Zoning By -Iaw Number 2111. WHEREAS Zoning By-law Number 2111 was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington on the 5th day of Febtuary, 1959 and was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board on the 7th day et July 1959;' AND WHEREAS the Dariingtou Planning Board bas made a general review et the provisions cf the By-iaw and has recemmended t0 the Municipal (Joncil that certain ameudments bemade to the By-law; AND WRMERBAS the Municipal Council upen the recommendation of the Darlington Planning Board, deema ht advisable to amend the By-law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of tie Corporation of the Township cf Darllugton ENACTS as followa: L That Section 2 of By-iaw Number 2111 la hereby amended by renuinabering the defnition of "Park" front subsection (t> (1) te subsection (t> (3) ani by addlng thereto the followlng subsections «(t) (1) '«NURSERY" means an establishment for the growing of plant stock." "q(t) (2) 4-SURSERY, COMMERCIAL" means a nursery whlch Includes thc selling cf plant stock ami garden supplies." "(t) (4) "PARK, COMMERCIAL" means a prlvately owned park which Includes thercin one or more swimmlng pools, wading pools, skating rinks, tennis courts, bowling greens, refreshment rooms, camping areas, pienlo areas, piayground areas, or similar uses." 2. That Section 3 (a) (1) cf By-law Number 2111 Is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the followint: "Zone D -Deferred Development"l 3. That Section 3 (a). of By -law Number 2111 la hereby amended by adding thereto the foliowing clause (IV) 4«(lv) APPLICATION 0F BY-LAW No buldâing or structure shahl hereaiter be crected or altered, and the use of any building, structure or lot shall hereatter flot be changed lu whole or lu part except ln conformlty wlth the provisions of this by-law" -L That Section 4 (a> (Il) of By-law Number 2111 is hereby deleted and the foliowlng substltuted therefor: "(il). The provisions of this by-law shall net apply to the use of any land or to the erection or use of aMy building or structure for the purposes of the public service by the Corporation cf the Township of Darlington'or the.-Corporation cf the unlted Counties of Northumberland aud Durham or by any local board cf cîther the Towuship or the Un-ite o ie sdfie yTh eat - a 4amay e bdg - ----e ~ ~ 5- u à atng at tbe. 4sf. et - r- u~~ve tus by-lsw; a'n itwe5taiexetEt bo * ~ ~ ~ ~ M -amE Tlh«uw" P - -'ionwg reka 6. That Section 4 (f) OtflBY-iaw Number 9111 ha hereby amendeul by addlug thereto paragraph (viii> sasfoilowa: ",(vil> PREMISING that the bearlng cf the southeru beuudary of - Lot 18 lu Concession V in north 74 degrees east ami ail bearinga herelu are relateul thereto. FIRSTLY To Sund the point cf commencement proceed as follows: BEGINNING at a atone monument marking the south wcst angle of said Lot 18; THENCE north 1 degree 42 minutes west a distance cf 1520 feet i Inch te the Point cf Commencement; THENCE florth 36 degrees 56 minutes east a distance of 163 feet Il luches te a point lu the south western boundary of King Street; THENCE south 53 degrees 34 minutes eat ln and along sald south western boundary cf King Street a distance of 67 feet 6 lnches; THRENCE south westerly lu a straight lune a distance cf 164 feet te the intersection cf sald straight lme wlth a Uine drawn cf a course south 52 degrees 32% minutes east froin the point cf commencement at a point distant lu aaid latter Uine 67 feet 6 luchtes from the Point cf Commencement; THENCE north 52 degrees 32%2 minutes west a distance of 67 feet 6'luches te the Point cf Commencement." 7. That Section 4 (f) cf By-iaw Number 2111 ls hereby amended by adding te the end thereof the foilowing: "For the purposes cf this subsection an "impreved public street" means any street in the Tewnship cf Darllugtou other than a street designmted as an unimproved public street on Schedule "A" hereto". S. That Section 4 (g) cf By-iaw Number 2111 la hereby deleted and the follewlng substltuted therefer: 11(g) REDUCTION 0F REQUIREMENTS The purpose for whlch any land or building is used shall not be changed, ne building or addition te any existing building shalh be erected and ne land shali be severed frein mn existlng lot, if the effect of such change, erection or severance is te create a situation in which any cf the requiremeuts cf the by-lmw ln regard te each individual remainlug building accessory buildings or lot is contravened." 9. That Section 4 (j) of By-law Number 2111 ls hereby deleted. 10. That Section 4 of By-law Number 2111 la hereby mmended by mddiug therete the followlug subsection (s); "c(s) EXTERNAL DESIGN The followlng building materials shall net be used for the exterior vertical facing cf any wall cf any building or structure which la Iocated pmrtly or wholly withln 300 feet cf a street: (a) building paper; (b) tar paper; or (c) used lumber cevering lu excesa cf 25% cf mil exterior walls."1 Il. That Section 4 of By-iaw Number 2111 la hereby, mmended by adding thereto the followlig iubsecý'tie (t) 46(t) SPECIAL USES PERMITTED (a) The tollowiýg uses are permitted ln ail zones: a tool shed, construction trailer, scaffoid, or other building or structure incidentai te construction on or adjacent te the lot where it lasltuated and only for s0 long as it hs necessary for the work lu pregress, and until the work la completed or mbandoned. (b) "Abandoned" lu this subsectien shall mean the failure te~ proceed expeditiously with the construction cf a work."1 12. That Section 4 of By-law Number 2111 la hereby amended by adding thereto the foliowlng subsection (u) "(u) 'SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW The following Schedule his ncluded lu and formsa'a part cf this by-law: Schedule "A" - Zoning Plan." 13. That Section 4 cf By-Iaw Number 2111 fis hereby mmended by adding thereto the followlng subsection (y): "(y) GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL (MI) AND OPEN STORAGE INDUSTRIAL (M2) ZONES No person shaîl within any Restricted ndsra(l) or Open Storage Industrial (M2) Zone use any lot or erect, mter or use any building or structure for auy purpose wholly or partly within 500 feet cf the right.of-wmy of the Macdonald -Cartier Freeway (High- way No. 401) except lu accordance wlth the followlng provisions : (i) The minimum ground floor area of any building shah be 10,000 square feet. (1l) Ail plans and spechflcations for ail buildings and structures shah be prepared by a reglstered architect or registered professional engineer and bear his stmmp." 14. That Section 5 (a) (1) et By-law Number 2111 la hereby deieted and the followlng substituted therefore: "(1) RESIDENTIAL Single-Family detached dwellings."1 15. That Section 5 (e> of By-law Number P.111 la hereby deleted. 16. That Section 7 (a) et By-law Number 2111 ha hereby amended by addint at the end cf clause W1 the words "and commercial nurseries." se that clause reads: (J) -"COMMERCIAL Service shopa, banks, places cf entertalument, restaurants, parking lots, automobile service stations, public garages, car wash stations, motels, botels, drive-lu Uieatres, useul aud new car lots, andl commercial nurseries." 17. That clause 2 of Section 7 (c) (1) of By-law Number 2111 lat herebyh pravduelfitmuà snletaulydtabd wwnsuMdlot sha 20- That SéctlOn il (a) (viii> et By-law Number 2111 Io bereby deletel sud thc felowlng substituteul therefor: 'di(vii) GRAVEL PITS Gravel pîts developeul, maintained sud operated lu accordanee witb Township regulations metde pur, uant te The Municipal Act?" 21. That Section i (c) of By-law Number 2111 in hereby deleteul sud the tollowing substituted therefer: "(c) RESIDENTIAL USE NO person ýshahl erect more than oee slugle-family dwelling on mny lot unless such lot la used for agricultural purposes, lu wblch case, additlonal single-famiîy detached dwelliugs may be ereeted provideul buch dwellIugs are useul by persons employed on the lot sud provided turther that the total number of dweihings on the lot dees net exceed oue for every 25 acres cf land mmking up a lot." 22. That Section l1A (a) (i) et By-law Number 2111 in hereby deleteul sud the following substituted therefor: «-(I) RECREATIONAL Parka, plmygrouuds, commercial parka, curling rinks, golf courses and shooting ranges. (fil) RESIDENTIAL No resîdential uses shahl be permitteul cxcept dwellings for a caretaker, watchman or other similar person employed on the premisea concerueul andl such person's fmmily." 23. That By-law Number 2111 Is hereby amendeul by addlug thereto a new section 1iC as follows: "li1C DEFERRED DEVELOPMENT (D) ZONE The following restrictions shah apply: (a) USES PERMITTED NIo person -shah wlthin mny Deferred Developint (D) Zont. use any lot orerect, mter or use any building or structure for auj' purpose except oue or more cf the tehlowlug uses, namely: (i) RESIDENTIAL Slngle-family detached dwellings. (ii) AGRICULTURAL General agricultural uses whlch are net obuoxious te the public welfare, iucludiug tarm buildings, fieldl crop, garden- ing, nurseries, orchards, keunels, forestry andl the prccesslug et forcstry product, fishlug, trapping sud seasonal fruit, vegetable, flower andl fmrm produce sales outiets. (iii) INSTITUTIONAL Hospitals, chicae, libraries, churchea, achools, communi>I- centres, municipal buildings, cemeterles, mausoleuma, colum- bariums, or crematoriums established witb the appreval et the Departmintof Hemlth under*The Cemeteries Act. (iv) RECREATIONAL Parka, playgrounds, curling rinksansd golf courses. (y) HOME OCCUPATION The offices cf a physicin, _âentst, or drUk1&-j>iaotitIqÏner located lu the « singie-family detachedi dwellung med by such physician, dentist, or drugless practitioner as bis private resi- dence, such offices te be used for consultation sud emergeucY treatinent only, or the office cf s veterinary surgeon, and premises for the emergency treatinent of animais. (vi) FARMER RETAINING LOT Notwithstandjng any provisionss et tbis by-law te the centrary, a boum fide farmer, whose chlef source of lucome la deriveil frein farming operations consistlng lu whole or In Part et growing crop, rahing cattie or hivestocik or operating a uldlry tarin, may retain a lot frein the sale f ht' tari n sd elect, mter or use thereon a single-family detacheul dwehlng la accordauce witb the provisions f Section 1-2 et this by-law for a resideutial use fer persons employed on the saine lot provided that if the landl la subjet te à subdivision control by-Iaw then this pmragrmph (vi) shali not appiy except sud unlesa a consent te the separation et the lot In obtalueul front the Committee of AdJustmeut or frein the Minister of Muni- cipal Affaira if there Isnen Conilttee f Adjustient, sud further provided that such slngle-tamily detacheul dwelling and lot shall be deemeul a permitted use for subseqUent purchasers sud owncrs thereof. (b) AREA REQUIREMENTS Ne person shah wlthin auj' Deferred Developinent (d) Zone erect or use auj' building or structure exoept lu accordance with the provisions set out lu Section 12." 24. That Section 12 of By-law Number 2111 la bereby amendeul by changlng the Zone Requireients Table se that the zone symbol in thc efttbnd columu titie "ZONE" la changeul frein "A" te "A, D 'nul0OS" In the third iast Uine cf the columu. 25. That Section 12 et By-imw Number 2111 Es bereby amendeul by changlug the Zone Requiremeuts Table se that the minimum greunul floor ares requirements for both Interlor and corner lots lu R3, A, D and OS Zones ln as follows: ZONE USE Residential (other than persons employed on saine lot> Residentlal for persons employed on A sud D A, D sud OS 1 s 1,7 26. That Section 12 et By-law Number 2111 la hereby amended by deletlng froni the Zone Requireinents Table the minimum lot trentage require- ment of 100 teet for summer cottages lu "A" Zones. 27. That Section 15 of By-law Number 2.111 la bereby deleteul ami fie folleio wug ubatltuted theretor: "'PENALTY Any person convicteul of s breacli of auj f the provIsioefil by-law ali fort it sud py, at the discretion et-thticeonvicting nuagistrate, a penalty et net leu. than flty dollars ($MAO) s*d st more than tbree bundreul dollars ($300.00) exclusive of oeusofor oa" offeuce, sud fThe Summary Convictions-Act, as provideul Md i miteul by The Municipal Act, sali apply tioreto."9 28. Tht Scedule "A" te fy-la" Number 2111 Es bereby'delefoul a" Scielule "A" attacheul herete substituteul therefor. 29. Thia By-iaw oabli become effective on thec date bereof gobjeot te recelviug the approval cf Uic Ontario Municipal Boar'd, If snobhla requireul. T9I BY-LAW REA» A FIRST, SECOND AND TRIE» TIMEAND MJALLY PABSED ON THE 5TH DAY F OCTOBM ,AM», 1967. hMIMUM GROUND FLOOR AREA torey 1%/ Sterey 2 Sterey ,150 920 690 >750 1,460 l'ose ILC. NmUlE mW . uNDI* c1 k ' *1' Regidential 1,200

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