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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1967, p. 2

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Th C'.M&.IIU Obmtatn, Bowmanvfe, mm- 13,: ol ig Lt, t, rt If UN MemoiafPark Assn. Efêts1968 Officers mrfal Park Associa-, of R-ecreticaI, Town of Bol aydr Annual Election manvifle, was ln charge eft t X"at- the Memorial election of Officers. W House on Tuesday Mr. annlag thankedmo becombe 5th. ben ocf the Memarial Par Tra Baie la the new Association for tht su pport ih eftht sscaton ecreation recelved frai t Mmra Gat Car MemoriliAssociation duri ed frein the Presi- the past four years. Ir, after two yemr frMm XJetery thanked M YFa'nlg for bis assistance ta Jeffrey Is back as warda tht association and ex lent, ahong wlth Mrs pressed gratitude ta li Treasurer and MrB. Garth Clark for a job wol Ia tht now Secrt.. dont as President af tht Ansa Ocers are: .Bingo ciation for the past two ytara oneer, Mrs. F. Al Emtl, Mrs. H. Cook; Eu DO 9 Insde Poperty, G. Dllllng; Outside Prop 3f.and Mrs. C. Mutton; Cvnor, Mrs. E. Hearl; chia and Store, Mrs. G. ine Telephont r. F.à wa isL. kiigannon, &thae; Cuba Representa lira C. Htnning; Audi Ms.a Stainton and Mir. T Fannlng; Dues, Miss L. gannon. ST. A. Fanning, Dire iwa;-j uchre .s. G 1 frs ýpelty Sicl Kit Dill Allo: Mr. tilve, ltors, r. A. Kil- .too -NO"semocrats' Elect Officers at Orono Meeting The Durhamn Riding Asso dation af tht New Demacra tic Party held is election o: officers for 1968 la Orono ai Tuesday, Deoember 5th. As a resuhi, tht foilowlng WMI formn tht 1968 execuiive President, Doug M off at t Ehizabehville; Vioe-Presideni Don Presser, Nesileton; Sec. reiary, Bull Peihick, Pari RoPe; Treasurer and Member. sblp Secretary, Gerry Olthofi Courtice. Easern Area Chairman, Bill Maskeil, Welcome (includes Port Hope, Hope Township and Eastern bh ai ofClarke Township). Western Area Chairman, Htnry Veenhai, Courie (in. eludos Bowmaaville, Darling. tan Township'and West half of Clarke Twp.) Northern Aiea Chairman, Gardon Coolidge, Nestieton, (includes Cartwright, Man- )vers and Cavan Twps.> The importance ai member- ships te tht Riding was sires- sed. With over 4,000 votes cat In the recent 'provincial election for tht New Berna- cratlc Pariy in ibis Riding, alargo increase la member- ips houd bforthcoming. iaracnteed Investinent Certif icates NEW RATE q 1 TO 5 VEARS Minimum Depasit' $100 Guaranteed - As ta Principal and Intereat ',Canada Deposit Insurance Member cENTRAL ONTARIO' TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 Ring St. W. sowmanylfl 8223827 le simopa.Ot,., Moi. to.Thurs. etois3O soumanvm. claumd Wmdnosday t, G. rs. ck Former Resident (FROM PAGE ONE) >Bachelar af Arts Degre Ir r.9 Classica. ,e, Ht won tht Edward Blake ,s, Scholarship during bis art studies, and tht McCaul Golc Medal for blgbest standing in classies in University Col- 2r loge. Ht was graduattd in 1932 with bis law degret ai Osgoode Law Scbool. Magistrate Gauld bas resid- ed permeaenty in North Bay since ho was cailed te the bar in 1932. He firai ontered the law frm af Jobn H. McDon- ald, who later became judge ai Sault Ste. Marie, thon practised with Walter Litile, now a judge ai Parry Sound, and later establisbed the law fim af Gould and Birnie, I practice with Paul C. Birnie. Ht was named a QueenIs 9Counsel i1965. In 1939 he married the former Dorothy Kent Bonny- castle ai Bowmanvillt. She la also a graduate ai Univer- tsity ai Toronto la arts. They b ave ibret childien, John, ,Mary and Nancy. Magistrate GouId was ap- 1pointed Magistrate for tht District ai Nipissing on- June 1, 1942, with tht right ta continue bis privat practioe. He w-as appolated fuil-ýtie magistrate ia May ai ibis year, withdrawing frein law, practice. He bas served on tht Police commission af North Bay, Sturgeon Falls and Mattawa and the North Bay Cailegiate Institute Bàard, a board on which ho bas been a sitting member for many years. Hlis1 work -as magitstrate bas in-i cluded sessions on tht beachi in Sturgeon Falls, Mattawa1 and Powassan.1 Ont of Magistrate Gould's1 greatesi concerns *'nhis la rai on tht beach was la tht dis- Position oai.cases lnvolving1 juvenilos. Ht gave close at-1 tention ta pre-sentence re- ' Ports On Young ofionders, con- 1 sidered each case closely, and( tended te look for indications c that a juvenile migbt respondà te, a "second chance", ai re- ç habilitaion. His docisions h wore always delvered only1 aiter a careful weigbing of 1 all aspects af presented evi- i dence. -North Bay Nuggei. t] n Proises Choir (PROM PAGE ONUY 'wa s condutd without the necessity one sets sonetimes ai muaking a grout effort te ktep things tageiher. I was amazed ai the orchestrai of- foot lie was able to draw frein this smuhl group of instru- mentalists. I hope that tht comnuniiy wili show an ade- quate appreciatlon ai bis abilitY before ho la lured away ta sont lurger oppor- tunity. Rosa Metcali was veîy ef- fective in tht optning decla- matary "Confort Ye My Peo- pie" and the ather tenon parts following, especiafly "Behoid and set"l, "He was cut off" and "But Thou didai not leave."1 William Perry suirnaunted very eificiently tht difficulti buis parts, and remlnded ius S? et the wefl-known Tràn] -OIdfWed of three or tour de ceu go. We shail remem ber bis "'lMàs uuithe- Lor4 "%ut Who my abide", "Fe Bald Darkne"mnes Sound-' la eTrumy th w- froin St. CatharlnesWho, he belleve, was stippilg short notice br a wefl-knowm ntrumpeter from Toronto. tk ira. Merkley gave us love ly Ypre soprano hh%tone, la In recitatlve "Thore wert Ig shepherde 'and foflowlng and the air "Bejoice greatyr I.with Its very difficuit florid r. geftly glvhIg Il Mé8rtie éton.Mlnait m. portant Pe a n er offer. ing ws te ir"I knaw that my ]Redeemner liveth," con. > alln as it does !ta mast ~ a n esge. Miss Sadier contributed rich contralto lones ln 'Be- old, a VIrgin shall Concelve,'1 "0 Thou that Telleat," "-He shall feed bis flock," and the ever loved "Re was desplsed," as also ln the duet with the tenor, "0 Deatb, where la thy nsting." 'The chorus conslsted of 29 girls and 17 men, and gave a ,very satlsfactory rendition of "q tht difficult florfd and fugal dPasaes I shall long remem-. 9berathe grand, full-throated -effect of "Wonderful, Coiin- sellor". Tht famous Hailelu- tjah Chorus brought the large congregation ta is feet, jusi as we are told it did ai the Ffirst Performance by royal command ln Dublin. soaiaso will I remember tht short, short unaccompanled passage "For as in Adam ail die" which stood out like a finely polished jewel, as did also "WothyIsthe Lamb". The audience started to applaud at the end, but the applause becamne a standing ovation to the singers, musicians and conductor. I suggest ta alI tht people i tht district who can enjoy music, who were net ihere, that they rnissed a very wor- thy Performance, and that they should be sure te attend when- this work is given again. I heartily congratulate the conductor, planlît, and board members of the choir, for this effort ta produce such a great masterpiece, in these days when there'is so much werk of litile value on the air. YELVERTON Yelverton U.C.W. beld tl Christinas eeting in basement ai the churchm a fine turnout ai it present. Afier tht raut business was dlspastd ai, nominating Comm ht i brough± Ithe new siale officers: Pres. Mrs. Howi Malcolmn; Vice Pres. N Floyd Silhson; Stc'ty. 1V Fred Staoey, and Treesu: Mrs. Ted Spenceley. C Eundred dollars was voteci General Expenses ofi cburch * Tht Explorers P: sented Mrs. Arthur ]Row w~ith several scrap books1 her son Pat in Orilla. M~ ~oward 'McMullen oif P 'erry convtned tht De% lonal based on a Christ= bere. Tht annual Chri mas exchange was indulg In between nunibers pravi rig a pleasant Interlude. T Explorers provided tht pr rani as ioilows: Readings1 7oria McCullough and X hy Bristow; Candy M4alcol eda sing sang af Christui irais. Lunch was providq )y tht Explorer and C.G.I. roups with praceeds gair otheir treasury for supplie Tht Jack Wilsons are spar ig a new addition this woE -a Rambler no es. This promises to e oi lectomy week in Ytlvertc ri Master Carl Johnson an Uss Lisa Johnson scbeduhE r an operat ion tamorrov )ec. i1, and aur son Mar n Wedntsday ai ibis wet}, We express tht appreciatio f t e S atem anr e aders i ie recent Grand Openingr ir new Grandvltw Publi bhool. Tht annual meeting ai ih neville Athetic Club wa eld on a slippery FrIda: ening. Prsident J ohb £i ir t] b3 1gr Ij sil wi foi De on pi thý OUI Ja he '-UKE NEIER BEFOREI 1966 GALAXIE 4-DR. '"390" automattc, radio. Lic. 5518SE $2395 1965 CHEV. IMALA 2-DR. HT Now ln o=r showrom. Ie. 1I21314 $1095 1965 CHEV. 1963 PONTIAC IMPALA CONV. 4-DR. Power steering, Power baaec 0.raia 6 cYl., automatic, radia, Blu orooem condition. Can be wth matchigittrior. MM in o ur showroom. L 75 Lic. K54U 48 IM $1095 $1195 I1964 COR VAIR - 1 ý 2-DR. Lic. 16251 $995 m __ ____ tu 1963 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF Whlte wiih Rd hittria. Lic. 4TO8899 s1095 b- 't ra 1 Id a kt st td ,e e pi e Lheir tht with bers itint tht tee eof vard mrs. Kirs. urer Ont a for &rS. 'art ývo- nars ceam wen u UOgil owa. JDrivers came; out af side streets, pull oui from the curb ia front i. Malo nd ey, Garry asu S tu d en out eprate a~7ysbng .f:hem or just don't get oui of the way. Also, w rh fiefraohrya.Dir- 0drn u stay ai Waterhoo * peoU e r ogh add a note of Warning to youngsiers 'on bicy- S-eciors icluded Rod Porter, ý M f4 University about tht, United ce h edfrtefr alwe h ie by 1& aoeGryMcMul- (RG E OE) Nations, ather people, and uni- s who . heafre a th fir l he n tht irn Ka- ion and Roland Suiles. Plans <RMPG N verslty 111e Itseli. We stayed P m d * t and blocking firemen trying to get to tht hall as )lin wore made ta do some very ai tht seminar, Sunduy, hmd In tht university's residences, (FROM PAGE ONE) quickly as possible. mncs sayrpirwr nthe the apportunlty af uttending atiended lectures, and obeyed emdr etoso gi ed skaing r and ta cli for church before writing ber the curiew rules set for fini pienoeamtosa gi-________________________ I.T. applications for a new cane- policY speech for the opening year students. culture. *n taker. Many words ai mp- session ai tht General As- "We hearned ta ive with Mr. Riokard aisa discussed os. preciation wero utiored ta sembly. Miss Wallons was thteuch other, and ta accepi on tht govtrnment'5 intoresti n Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Souls St- tht previaus caretaker, tht other representative ai Ni- another for what we are. There agriculture and tht work i eek laie Percy Wahker wbo was geria. wene ibret boys iran the carrnes oui on behalf af Cana- with wbom are now morged papular With Young and aid. "We bad been fortunate In Brantford Schooi for tht dian farmers. This includes a n- A couple of car loads ai ab±aining much Information Blind, who were taken anaund camprehensive research prog- otihRelW er&C. ýon aur Hi-C members chaperon- iran Mi. Bail, aur Geography on tht finit day by their ram, and tht task afningM netRehW tr o Md ed by Mr. and Mis. Art Row- teacher bore, who had spent counsehiar, but laten with tht solutions for agricuitunai prob- Chartered Accountants led an aitended tht Hi-C Record two years In Nigeria. We also iniends they made w e n t iens, ho sahd. w, HOP In BlackstockonSt- met a studeni ai Waterloo around an their awn. Tht Health ai Animais Mnra saa TrnoRmlo nidyevnn nd report an University iran Nigeria. We "Tht naît Important part Brancb contrais contagiaus dis- k. enjoyable evening. gained genermi knowiedge ai wms tht knowltdge we gulned taies, ho statod. He misa men- Windsor Winnipeg Regina C algary' cmn h_______ is country iran hlm and heofa the United Nations. We tianed wonk dont by gavern- Edmonton Prince George Vancouver in sat In with us ai some meeti- were 150 Ontario students ment agencies in connection neS L MIngs. who learned through aur own with Inspection, grading and Gardon W. Kiehi, C.A., LI.A. Hurt R. Waters, C.A. to "On Sunday aiternoon ut the experlonce thai it i Impossible marketing af producus. Tht shw ai A White Gif t service was opening ai tht UN Genenai for 114 nations ta agnet"l. collection and analysis ai ag- Oshawa Ohw Shopping Centre 728-7527 lic beld ai cburch on Sunday Assembly policy speeches for Tht speaker said that sont ricuhtural information and tht whth a combined service ai each nation were given, and people ask why there i a UN he church and Sunday achool. ibis lasted three hours. Every and I It dots accomplish any- ,a Rev. David Norihey canduci- nornhng we wont ta the Arts thhng. "Yes, we need tht aed tht service. Tht soripture Theatre lecture bail and lustta- Unhted Nations. It bas many nlesson was read by Miss Ruth ed ta gutat speakers on tht branches throughout tht worhd Sbackelton* The childion plac- branches and works ai tht worklng ta botter living con- ed iheir wite gits ha a bas- UN. ditions hn under-prhvileged ket ai tht front ai tht church. "Laier we broke up ta faim countries, and the UN is ai- A spechal collection was taken four cammittees ta discuis and ways ready ta belp ha trouble for the M & M Fund. Mus. pais resalutions concerning spots. I behieve that ther Alan Siephen, in a very cap- aur ssigaed topici," Miss wili nover be a wonld war ae able manner, tald tht child- Knamp said. She tohd tht long as there i tht United ren'ps stony. The chair sang tht Lions that she was an tht Nations. As long as 114 nu- Anthen "Away ln a Manger." connhttee that deait whth tht tions whhingly discusa thein Tht largt cangreguthon subi ects, "Viet Nam" and "Dis- difierences there ha a chance whch atended tht chunch arnanent and Arma Coninol", for world peace." w t ta romain for a short tînt. tions were passed mter many me the a portuniy of attend- Airs. Sain Butttry wbo bus anendinents and sub-amend- ing ibis United Nations Son- V R OE retlred as aur organisi, was monts. Inur, an oxpenhence I wil RU o 6 called te tht iront of tht "Aside froin tht Gentei As- nover forget," Miss Kramp ~ U o 6 church. Mr. Wilberi Cralg, on. sembly there was misa a speclal iold tht Bowmanvilie Lions CAREFRER oar i tribute te Mis. Buttery for ber cil regardig tht Middle Eat AI Cuthbertsoa movedbeafo h ebrpi etn ittScnt on lbh oculgbr addes many years ai faltbful service crisis. Nigeria ha a membor vote ai thanka ta Miss Kramp CA M R w n e as onganisi for tht church and af tht UN Security Council for ber excellent speech, and Flwuge Sunduy achool As a tokon of ibis year sq Mary Jane and I President Bob Willams ex- A Il TMTI aur thaniciand appreciation attendtd tht seminar Socurity pressod bis persanal appirecla- OUTFi ITI SAM TCCAM ERA ihe was pnesented wlth a flow- Caundil as its represenatives. lion ta tht a bit yo ung speaker. CAMERA OUTFIT er arrangement in a silver rose "Of course ht was not ail Tht bfrtbdays ai Resu Stev- i- Plus Came - e.249 bowl and a ailver tes pot. work and no play during aur ens, lis Vice-Presidont Raiph nt 2MRg 29 Mis. Buitery thanked those stay I Waterloo. We usualiy Aines, Byron Vanstane and Uses Instamatie Film SPECIL present for the gis and told went sonewhere each even- Jin Bell were celebrated by SEIA us bow much she enjayed ber hIg and tht entertainent tir ftllow Lions. associations with the church ranedfrom. talent shows ta Third Vic-President Daug 5$ 8 8 and Sunday achool durlng the daiices. Ont nlght we were Kemp introduced Zone Chair- $1888 $18e88 past yemra. Everyone was i- fortuamie to appear on the man Storey Beare, Part Perry, vitd to stay for lunch. taplng of twa Pierre Bertba who spoke on tht nted for ahl Salen tJ.C.W. wi bold Shows, 'Under Attack', wbich. Lions Clubs te take an active thoir Christmnas meeting ai wero taped et the Arts Theatre part In workig iowards tht u 9' tà 0f - I the church on Thursday, Dec. af the ufllverslty. At tht objective of tht Lions Inter- Eia e h A d i 14. question peri afterwards we national Preadents objective r e od C n isFn o mtc Anter hlgbllght was a trip fosterltig of underuiandlng be-Fn om t$ Youththenowandngaerlootwee ah coutries and aosfrFNeuIImUV "lW. had fret perloda be- IlOeurged li Lions ta re- <ùW8tanding tween ,1%dthfUi member that they bad joined Bowxnanvllle____ 16 verslty y wus at aur the organisaion not for their O. » C. _____ 12 disposa. thte1ai nlgbt own benefit but to do li tbey 0 S. C.__ _ _ _ 8 there wu -a formai banquet uanto bel o$ers and tg cor. UYL-. L Ajax___ 8_asd dance. rect worl probîtins. On be- Peteborugh4 "he ut ay o th sein-hal ofthe club, Maurice Rich- Wbitby 0 ar tht offca General As- rd thane tht Zone Con.. m Boys' standing semiblY meeting lasted all day mander for his inspiring talk. 'RuwE E I E YPt S R Pn N 0. S. C._____ 13 for the purpose of passing the .Fred Cale, a past preaident, Peterborough 9 resoluina forwarded froin moved that tht local Liaf k C. _______ 8 the four cemmittees. Tht Club donaté $50 ta tht Snç KING 'ST. B WMVL . »L____. 8 ne3X$ mornlne we bad oui- last Claus Parade. Thia waasnec- 71eZ avlle *tI a ascale onded by -.. atl nd Ca bi RoIIs Along in Santa Parade MAN VERS TOWNSHIP ELECTION RESULTS SEVEN POLLINè, DIVISIONS Manvers Lotus Ballyduff Pontypool Station Bethany Fleetwood Janetville 60 25 Wilson Heaslip, Jaaetville Lewis McGil __ Bethany Harvey Malcolm - --- Yelvertoa Roy Strong Bethany LîIvin Mitchell Pontypool Wilfred Richardson Pontypoal Fohn Payne Pontypool 1. A. McMaster Bethany 48, 35 18 43 Total 39 103 FOR DEPUTY-REEVE 55 25 102 FOR COUNCILLORS - THREE TO BE ELECTED 50 66 53 27 44 4 45 62 92 109 37 85 36 46 FOR AREA SCHOOL BOARD George Neais ___ Carl Smith ___- Bethany Norman Wilson= Yelverton Allan Cochrane Bethany -Hugh Beggs Janetvihle Ray Finney Bethany Kenneth Huse __- Pontypool 65 74 56 26 59 73 - FIVE TO BE ELECTED 39 159 36 146 29 107 48 120 347. 56 92 39 63 34 85 79 -3 09 34 53 33 29 advic» given as weil as mig- 1ciated businesses. gestions for Irnprovements are Tht future af agrcour al1w of benelit bath te farin- wlU Include a great revoeution e" and consumera, he explain- greater than any induâ=a .d. revolution over known la the ARDA wlth its advantages world, Mir.Riarpedce for fariera with marginal land, Towns peoople ý streahise and other problems was out- that agricultural produceri llnod by M& Riekard. Ht refer- mnust gain respect and that ail rtd to gavernment ubsidies facilitiés must be developds but expressedi tht opinion that that agriculture wl uifillr- the aogricultubral comrnunity re- great potential," lir. îIckmllRW celves less In ibis regard than pited out. . do moat other industries. Wilfrid Carruthers mnovedZJ' The standard af living I vote of thenks te lMr. Rickard' ibis country Is due ta the efli- for bis informative addreaa clency of Canadian farinera, President Bob Williams also Mr. Rickard declared. This hs expressed bis personal appre- the resuit af madern tecbna- clation to the guesi speaker. logy and better land use, ho Ed Leslie, a past president, added. ai>nounctd that returns from "At thetiurn af the century the Turkey Ral beld on Fr. a fariner I Canada was able day tvenlng tatailed $386.63. ta produce enough ta feed AI Cutbbertson, seconded by himself and ont other. Today James Beil moved that tht ac- a Canadian farmer produces counts axnountlng ta $487.81 be enaugh food on bis land ta passed for payment, and this feed hlmself and 33 other was carried. people. The blrthdays of Fred Colt, "Tht gratest change has a past president, and Rance been In tht last 20 years. In Dilling were celebrated by 1951 five per cent af Canadian their feilow Lions. Rural Coin-. farmners each had an Invest- mittet Chairnian Ross Stevens ment af $25,000 and aver. This introduced the 4-H Club ligure bas prabably doubled by guests, and there were more flow. than 40 persans frain nolgh- "Canada's population 50 boing rural areas who were years ago was 80 per cent the guests of individual Lions. rural. Naw ih is only 10 per Don Allun moved that $28 be cent rural. Agricultural pro- donated by the Club ta tht duction froin 1930 ta 1960 was Fanny Patina Fund sponsortd 75 per cent ai tht grass nat- by Ontario Lions Clubs. Glen lonal product. Martyn, a paît president, sec. "Agricultural production is onded the motion, and it was increaslng 4.3 per cent annual- carried. The littie girl was ly, whle tht increase ini other fiown ta Toronto irom. South Industries h aonly 2.2 per cent. Anierica for an eye aperation, i Agricultural wages increase and is now awaiting a second 2.5 per cent a year while aperation ta be performed at wages i other industries in- Sick Chldren's Hospital. crease 2.7 per cent yearly. The winners In tht Hockey "As ai 1961 there were 630,- Draw were: December l6th,. 000 basic agricultural produc- George Cawker and Herb Gib- ors in Canada, and there are son, December 23rd, John many more people invalved In Gibson and Dr. Alan B. Syl- the processlng and marketing vester. ai agricultural products. "The annual amount spent Braking an sllppery roadsl' on equipment amounts ta $200,- trlcky business. Acquiret te 000,000. -In 1964 export ai ag- ýexpert's braking technique ai ricultural products amounted gently pumplng tht brakes. ta one and ihroe quarter bil- Press tht pedal down quickly lion dollars. Farmers spend ta the point where tht brakes $2,000,000 on aperating costs. just begin ta hald but do not Mr. Rlckard said that there lock. Thon qulckly lot up on is a greater link taday between tht pedal. Repeat this pump- rural- and urban communities lng rapldly unthl tht car slows because ai tht need for pro- down. This technique requires cessing and handlng ai farm, a longer stopplng distance but products* and tht many asso- tends ta prevent skidding. PARADE - While we are on the subjeci, let's give a bighand ta the main promoters of thç parade. These are the key people who have dont the majority of the organizational work: Santa Claus Parade Committee, Chairman George Stephen, Treasurer James Bell, Secreta y4egr Frank, Floats Clarence Bell, Bands - Ba an stone, Costumes Ede Cale, Publicity Bob Law- ton and Ed Leslie, (tht latter was tht superb Santa), Finance Fred Colt, and Lunch Kay Stephen. Our bats are off te them. t tj. . T. j SIRENS - Reverting ta, accidents, we h~ave been lucky around-he hèa3t tterp- hançt-beeau tof a them the past week or so. It appears that s9me people eiher don't kaow what ta do when they hear' a police, ambulance or fire siren, or they get excited. T'here have been several close cails recently when MacDONALD Cyoft Our Ss tf 1m4 FYau 1 Rap nil ý Lta , &Uotlu D.puett '6~WA, OWMA . L= -N - mti .Park as .Cowan ""herof i I -W nul M 1 1 9ffl- 1 1 1 34 84 79 35 -ýoits 9)ieces 31 38 33 29 and ý 3/4 0/o 1

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