UIOWN- AVERY sliouiden-leugth Illusion The marriage of Misn Gloria- was hcld by a single, Jean Avery, eldest daughter fabrie rase the centre a!'i et »4r. ad Mis. Norman was enlianced by thie p Avery- Salem, and Mr. John She carried a cascade boi Wiliam Brown, anly son o! fylo alsa ois Mi,.and lins. Alfred Browna!ylwtlimnoes of BOwnvie, was solemniz- carnations and steplanol ed ln St. John's .Aiglicau MISS Norma Avery, sist Churcli, Bawmanville, or Sut-Uibrdwsmdo!h Utday ufiernoon, October 14, Inha bri-engî gid sati( 1907, at 2 'clock.lnafl-eghodsti Baskets O! white and pInk cade dresas imilan to 'mnumS !ormed an attractive bride'. ln design. Mss)I scttlng for tle ceremony. Avery, cousin o! thc bride 11ev. K. J. Framptan offici.. brildsmald, ln a Cur Ated, and Mr. Cliford vanssu, aise similar t wu ti Oganhlffrd Eansbrlde's. Eucl woîe a mi was he rganat.ing single self-rose heud The bride wlo was given with brie! veils, and tley lni marniage by Ici fatîer, ried cascade bouquets of Wore a floor-leugh gawn e! low shasta daisies,1 Whfte satin bracade, !culurIng 'muni and stephanotis. an empire walstline adorncd bride', twin istons, Dale by self-trim and bow. The Debbie, were tle flower bedice Wus stylcd wtl raund TheY were ldentically dic rckleand long lily-paint ln pink dresses wlth] aleeves. A detachabie train, white sashes, lied lheI graceIflly!lling from tIc Their leadpleccs were shOuldens, bighlighted thc rosettes and brie! veils, loveiy gown. Hen three-tien, they carried baskets1 J'or His Christmas torguebit a DwJie.Ita or b20.00,~ BRY* CARNATONeSh 31 SVETI.ESMNVLI Foders Eay fr t eletion! 1 0NY POEINSTTIASRL 0CARNATIONS T 0 Pho1T eveo *23711 63-57 33 ivsio S ROSESnvll GREIG'S preseaÊ this Certifict. te us 'for the1 youar electies te the Vil,. 1 et With aR gooid wlahes fnom wu hite and 7111ow 1 MM=9. M r.g, alsas1 litedoris. Hogarth. The Canadian Sitea main, M Tav ll, 3 s~'3 U Bm ,xhneVows in, Rehoboth, Church, fi'a"dMru.FrdHorY Toranto, 0f ~Bowmanvjle, vislted Mr . ast Wecluesçby &vening BE O brie. iidmne Lcousinofkhe and Mrs. Fre 1.oroycI ,IMr. and Mmn ~Smn Srul-1«1 gomSunday. ainPanie Mr.'abd Un. A. Our churéh la helG cf Tyonecousi of Mr. nd Ms. DII HoroydL. Blanchard ta the Wardn'sat 1145..mIl-l Thgroom. et tde M.an rs il olod m.Wi "ne Arecs, w s he M at had*as Sunday suqpper guests 4!ne a Cburand, Mr. core. mSlbe Acrees ors ite ri'a ber parents, Mr. and Mrn. i received lis fIfe«i. Glad to hear Wm.. Loviery, Bowanviliein reogn~fit1in, f the burn lias rtr. mothor rcelved W ailng EMr. and M r. Bruce Ho- tme e sent tIn the service Toronto G n~ fb l ensemble of gold. and orange ,o h ony ceoniesand corsagehofg c-1 berse of the Hamptoni United Mns. Gardner, Oshawa, re- oeration there. ceorom and bonae oÏ= Churcli Choir at a social ev. oeived a cont on Sunday a!ter- Mr. Stanley y .ted Shewa asite b teýenilng t their home on noon froro Mr. nd Mn.. H. d the mnuai mme of the ShelgoOfgte w aslso by ibm ThursdaY evenng. Gaines of Smtatrte iielDrm Cunty self ro' mte hocoeavarious klnds wereecnJ<yed Oshawa~ undertakers, ta puy Club which was hel at the; slfuwoe. ccreedrSblieg! followed by a delictous lunch. hi respects tc, the late MrS. home o!1 et which and -corsage of white roses andLr. eand r n Juil <, L On aarda e enNewrclias.Ra m d D vet pearls. yellew.#'mrn. ar Jntad-Jn s-O aud een r.M.Rs Sque Asthe Y coplelef erawa ,were Sumday niglit and Mrs. Cccil Slemn u t- Frlday afternoon iA uque thehapy copleiefttonPer gues with Mir. and sp,- tended a weddlng anniver-lr. Doura.Tylr nd Northrn adSydstKersOnariosarY ihonor e! Mr. and Mrs. Diane, Bwmnanvme; n ti.oh biepo wainta hi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison Dan Black, Courtice. The Mn. Leslie Taylor Xidë> Ntr o thrng n a tend OnanloPor Perry, visted Mr. and Party was held at the home Mr. Stanley Taylor enjoy 'a Lero! atciln nay' oatMis. G. Adcock on Sunday. Of M.r. and Mrs. Bob Young. turkey dinner Sunday e'- 2 bonlsdcraeo lkri pn the weekend wth Mrs. marn Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn çholr br sc. Th y kre es ldng rs G rt ud S ep en1ad9 the Tyrone, Ont., dMs etaa 5 ebun tetr Armour.MisFhLndy Mr. nd Ms. Rlph uke, lorence Gardner, Bow- Mr. and M. aeGth Biane -pris oordte r n r. ap ue manville, and Mr. Gordon spent Sunday at tih me ~, as bri e pa ti s h no red tI. O ha a, er Su da ev n-Stevens, Enniskiilen, w ere M r. and lins. A . Q S e h n e ibean pi alermrlg.ing supper guests with Mr..te . ;oth rs. Irvin Cook o! Ajax, auni n is En ue Sunday afiernoon cullers with son. iatc- o thebriews hotes -fo an Mr. Eal Lke.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens. Glad to have Mr. Leonard Latech-a miscdilaneous -shower held M Te Bowmanvillc Pigeon M iceat lier home. Another mis- So adter nul et Ms ary Nddr spent Ga,.i.iell hmegain. Reubs e carShiwgha theirom nuaf Meet-o the weekend with Mr. and been vlsiting hIToronto. Z Ecar- oellaneous shower was gien ~'~*. n tUchm !M.RnMs o enne n a-Svrlfo hsdsrc white by Mns. Bruce Stainton ai lier . . Luke. Ms o ilyzad a.Svra rmtisdsrc The home ln Oshawa, when neigli h'.. The HamptonSevc Club iy Unlonville. uttended -Uth musical «The . and oursof Slem ommuitycatered on Satunday evenin Mn. Renneth Cavcrly, who Messiah" hln Bowinanville last, wd heursen! S ses cohmrlty , . aaclbcle T e tly underwent sungery week. were pndriaee,cMisies olef ~.~ ~ ~men of the Wonld." The mee Osaw ositl-i i-Mn. Wm. Vintue, Toronto,. andDiae Aer, cusis o ~~ ig ad sppr wrc eld~ roving as well as cun be vlslted Fnlday wlth Mn.. W. lare ~ebrd~.er 1~ostsse fr a~ ~ *****the Municipal Hall, Hampton. expected. Bryan, Bunketon. 1 ie h w r h l t their ~M n vnn h pnchome, attended by friends o! qu'"g Un ............. uth aind the bride. Mn. William Lake £1.«14t L.....Ha pon ladies catered ta fildand Mis. Harold Skinner, ~ . the Lions Club in Bowman- f ___aunts o! the groom, held a . ..-~~Vle presentation shower at the MrUn n. ead Bl nab and Mrs. Stella Balson Thebrdalpaty asentr-visited on Sunday with Mn. Wl! e: "Lat Year 'W. sent my mother a beautiful obas.. tierd ai pthe ywaente- "'and Mis. Gordon Kidd, Mono tonal chair. What do you thik weo gtado for lert groom'. parents following the ~ year?" rehearsat. On Sunduy, Octo- ~Mn. and lins. Bruce Steven- ber ath, the bride'. mother....... Df, Detroit, have been visit- The. hUsband snorted loudly: "#Electrify l tis" entetaied a a rouseautesing lier parents, Mn. and lins. lntonoanut a rousautea Mec... lu hnou o! ierdaulite. ~~ Mr. and Mms. Harland Truil, The bride and groom ne- Bowmanville, visited Mr. and celved muny telegrams from M. aoiSle nSn .4.4 aunts and uncles o! the brideMsHaodSleon u- wh iel ngad TeeMn. and Mis. Harold Salter CLOTHES CAKE HINTS.- wene read ut the reception . .." recently attended a panty ut i Guests were present from n the home of Mn. and Mis. 011. and Fats are extremely diffiouit stains to neinoe 1y ty Ajax, Oshawa, Scarborough , Wallace Munday, Oshawa; the become oxidizeu lnluthe fabrie. Be safe, take these garment4 Kingston, Newcastle, Enniskil. Party was in honon of the ta 7un ilocldri t atfrtrfesonlcae 1 len and Bowmanville. ~ '. weddi.ng aIiniversary of Mn. 7 e 0cnro rmsaa ae Mr. and Mrs. Siebe Ypma, shown in the above photo, exchanged marriage anvifie. CalsJhs o- BIGTEKDIST E AT LU p *I n I v. r a,, wsin the ]Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville, on Friday, Mn. and Mis. Harry Clarke, at BANK 0F MONTREAL PARKING LOT PUpÇilS Pla November 3, 1967, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Martha Visser, Toronto, were Sunday Visitos STRA FENO T Bu d Rnkdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Visser of Lemmer, Holland, who came toCan- ierno. and Ms. Cecil AUDY FENi ada fo t ewedding,an the bridegroom is the son of Mr M. and lins. EA.e Brook- of Fort William. Mr. and Mrs. Siebe Ypma are now residing at Fort William. ing and Mis. Harry Bîooking, Nmr mU' hot byAsto StdioPont Hope, visited with Mr N e i pPht yAtrSuiand lIns. Cccil Siemnon, ne- a* W.JM- &A.IBowmanville Cleanens and cently. Mr. and Mis. Dan Newcastle - The pupils of e etv /4rie yrGe lu anSu-Black, also vlsite MI'Lockhunt Public School and R c n I M rie rk 011 Ca Ca 0, Hamp- as iie Grade VIII dasof KirbytonkD1 oublesClub5, MH.mFre Centennial School ane plan- Konoubln e Club oMr.Mi. ning ta set up an !ce surface Knox, ndnmenyof ahr. dplaygaew er terlocal individual and personal fo play aea. ~donations. Mainly, oui thanki In aider ta overcome drain- go ta the women of the In- age problcms during milder - stitute who accomplished this days, they are consldcrlng use.. Centennial project. M % Rf o! .004 or .006 plastic sheetlng, . . ".Mr. and Mis. Wm. Axfoid fast ned t aun outer framne o! spent a week in Floricfa visit - 2' x 4'. They wlll place 111 x 3"11 . ng two Of nAU. Àr!rd1' s iubblng strlps on the inside te o .tenu, onc o! whom . i . protect the plastic !îom skates. The money for ttiwn b. . .....M. Amy Burrows, Ajax,e. LADY SCHICK.BEAUTY SALON who ad afail recently, is îaised by thc pupils. They wilII H' recpiaing ....h..so constiuct thc frame, join the and daughten-in-law, Mr. and plastic sheeting and flood thein Mis. Buirows. aiea.They ave hd offns o!Mrs. Raymiond F arnr ow, help fromn a few panent . Marilyn and Gloria, visited FULL LINE 0F BLV n ETIL and are hoplng for more011Sundy alennondwth ATé EC LA O Many o! you may have ideas *~. . . ~Mis. Farrow'. Imother, Mi, EGNCCJWELEY ........... ... 1.95U ar tp o tI wrkwlcî l., Blake de Hart, Brooklin. we would find invaube Mn. and Mis. AI Elliott and HLPLAY$BTN eltîci ta Iniprove Uic desin os hty iie r n o oreduce the cout e! mat- boys, Wlaentey, ied M n. d ELECTRIC KNIFE ....$32-95 LIGHTERS......3 98 u eriai needed2Ne day aftennoon. Oui address In R.R. 2 e- Mr an".,' xe Feg. castle, the telephone I. 987 - son, Eniiikillen, visited at r i ue O ~ ...u w auu 4571. We would appreciate the Preseott home on Wed- u iI U N I.W U hearing !rom yen nesday a!teincon.Fu l Lnof C R I G W A ' Alan Gibsan, Principal,. . . . . . .. . . . . .Sympathy hs extended ta _________________________________ K lrby Centennial Sc ool' 0._M1a d i. A. W îe c t Mra d M. A. L . Precott onu l ,f the cteatui o! a beloved sisten, l Ie ENFIELD '... . .r. Lew Raham, who passed u vav gv g J ... ... .:~ away jr Richmond Hill Hos- Mis.Mana Ceden, May ~.... ... ~ . 11vpital an Fniday, Dec. Sth. ..... ... ........ .....M... Funenal service waî fro adKathy, Tîarold; lis. Don .-.~. Mclntosh - Anderson FunGal - -j. Ferguson, Paui and Aune, ~ - -- - - - - - Home, Oshawa, on Monday. Niagara Fals, vlsitcd wutthe ~ '~'---"*4~~.. ~'To visit the undertaking pan- g ,-~ R. B. Simpsons. lour, and assist the Pîescott "."' - Mn n i.A.A mei Mn. and Mrs. John William Brown, shown in9the.,i.t...... .h.t.a.s.o.t.to.. spe n a few Ays h À r no b ve p o o, w re m ri_ n t -h ' nglica I u f mle av e r u prorecandî irgoal as reWh-ite. là PETITE ",195" A N W T""» SLILIUIT 1181 FostiOvtheto7àsap ounil i" FrncMGa.ranihe -andi qu4fe boa. f3JOé Ieuty le M aal Gandcî ad jê*Is CamUs - Utwl Wate .23 jewels. a M o t, e w s hip c o u cilM i . G n r d e S t e p h e n s, U II I I S Ad w C =h p e OIy t t h inactive signa are localeul on woralulto.fat 7dIIOO. 14K.l ilicir respective cannera. evening 1cm guesta wlth Mn..1000f0.1701 At one ture, lKing St. west T. S. Moutjoy. .$19.8 1!,9 o! the pond was supposed ta Mr.ene day eeM u u pe r . -e'. b . U ic m a in S tr e e t o ! o u r v il -g e st a w l I i n s n i n p e y l I , / . lige, but location and usage ami cliireT y rI an aio. Bulova "CARAVELLE" from $12.95up made it more was wankitog. adopi Scugog St. as Uic main n.. Avrin Baîe cd 'I Ar mm.Scugog Street, going Ir.AvnBrwe.ad ELECTRIC RAZORS nonili and aouth bas many IJoan, Onangeville. li n dPHLHAE. .....$95 bed e tfolwMa ldbr. Gordon ICldd and Deb- HIIHED..........$99 bena,~ f fllws n idbic, XMono Mils, visited Mia. Indien - rit1dm strecta Stellu a TRonEHEAn....a.........y;9 33 KUG S. W. . branclitng off from Scugog st. to aiesOnoar ay are Waghilgtan, Liberity, dthgteno!aies.arelon. LIGHTERS -----UM, Simpson Av., Kerr st. A dellisus M-Abr asnwsataLRESLCINO From .................$3.50Oup 't~ Asti cie netnsguest ai Mis. Bglsens, wlth LAGE ELETIO 0 thisscrie uncrstofs Nn-AMcoe I.Drink! lien other guests. Hainstye ofthe rouies, King Si. runs Off lr dlr.LvreCe RINGS- CUFF LINK SETS *WALLITS . ... ....... $3.95 up ' MM St. anConession st.res . ndisite Misses Ele.d I tM S. Con ession t . leaeQuart 6Lceona -Stainton, Oshawa. S f.~~ I P double Slgnsat uhrc corners, MNE. and Mis. Graham DaoUas Z >q e eur Scugog and MUin(ai Uie store m anl eeSni i-~ ~ .oiun corer;KM ng. a1nd «en ner guesis withlMn. anid )&s. cie Khig ju.oins NDewenlMn th 5 0ces 1. ifthon.rlst=cMis Lo»seI icrosatC esI: uto yfr Dairy vR'amteWilstonr, a C lont» M èdM. n n.om cu.eweiuer The mebens o Uic W I. 8 Kiag St. W. Ville, vsidbsgadole