';r:-~. hIaiIknd NMchols Blank Lego K--n'S, Show Bis How It's5DoneI b7 AI Cela tEnSunday night Uic Junior wOky League agalu vers in UMIen tluUicfirst gaine Uic tail-eiid Nichols teamn came tUp with asbig win over Lcg- ion by Uichcorof 016-. In the flrst perlod Uic boys PlaYed hfads up hockey as etfttem skated from c nd te end vith gaod psssiug PlaYs but etI cdiend Uiey vwer. qulckly stopped by the goal-tenders. T h ere werc three Penalties called, twa râajor and one miner. . n the second tle Leglon teuin lait al l uterest lu Ihe gaine sud began ta fail spart. Nichols tean, seeing vhat vas happening, began ta Score qulckly, the first goal by Mathers. This goal made things worse for the Legion aS Nichais addcd twa more, bath by ]Rogerson. In the third, thlugi oun- thnued ta look bad, as on tle few chances Legionlad they were stopped cold by the grest goal-tcndiug of Pst Murphy. Niclols coutinud en theur way by adding three mnore gans by Wooluer, Lee and Rogerson. If Legion hadu't lad a goal-tender like Burgess, Uic score could lave doubled. Burgeslas again sud agalu kept the score dOwu but lis team ini front of hlm do not seem ta want ta stand behiud him. This tcsm depends toc mudli ou thefr goal-tender aud not enough ou Iheir owu abilty ta play hockey. In Uic second game, thc ~ hlgh-flylug Ken's came up With o nc of their strougest efforts thls year as they rompcd over Bilisa by tle Score of 10-4. In the firsi Perlod Keu's out-scored Bill's St. Maryis Down Whitby 3 to 1 Bowmanvjlle St. Mary's Cernent Redmen scored a goal a period, Monday night in Whltby, -to earn a 3-1 Juven- fIe O.MH.A. win. Groal-keeper "S m o k e y" Hayes had his bld for a shut- out ruined with only two minutes remalnlng, when Bill Horock notched the Jane Whitby caunter. St. Mary's opened the scor- Ing ong goal by Sandy Brown ~~ 4KBln Rogers, ihGe klwV rTn aslg aBrian Pet- ecrs for a second period marker. Coach Don MeGregor and :'aeiger Ray Preston had the Redmeni really flying In the final session, when Rick Woolner toak a set up from ZohIi-E4milton to make It 3-0. 'The' Redmen play Thttflmde In Peterboroughi, and then boit an undefeated Toronto team lIn a top noteli juvenile exhibition encounter, Satur-1 dlay, 7 o'clock at the Mem- oriai Arena. 4-2. Ken'.oý opc he.i scor- ERendell sud Rehder. Iu be- ing iu th.i' old ways, uoorug tweeu sU tiiese goals Büfls wihanly 52 seconds gmenl mauagd to score one goal by the game, goal by Waliroff.1 Perris. They added suotiier at 3:58 ~Uf .~ by Balson. The. BM'. club n hsgm h e' kept right behlnd Ken'& b Iaux showcd Uiat Uiey are Uiey checked sud passed unt ic leaders of Uic Junior at 6:36 L. Burns put BilI. ou league. They showed Uic Uie score sheet. Knscm eleUir great. ehecklng rlgiit bsck at 10:11 wi a pblt, crusyshe u goal by S. Burns. 0W te pasUc ik The way thcs. two teams aroudit asThtof daze, the were playung the score look-takagus Ui cd like h wauld b. close, as are ontackla betstheatr L. Burns came back for Billh er trng d eestahec at 9:19. But Uic Ken's pplay- s club wlll u-skate crs wanted ta show their f11Uernt.Wc a abllity to play hockey so Uiey sud fl hi es hnf rappcd suother goal by D. team has players 1ke S., Nemis ta end thc scarlng. At Burns, W. Wallroff, G. Bal", the end of Uicefr-t Uic score son sud J. Reader, sud hq stood 4-2 for Ken's. strongest defense any club In the second, the BIIl's couId possibly came up wiii, club came out strong, check- Uiey will f111 auy net unless ing Kèns veil and moving the other club checks themi the puck around like a team. closely. At ile 9:53 mark Bil's nar- As it stands uow they have rowed thc score when Perris the top team, top- goal scor- 6corcd for Bll's. Bill's goal- ers, top point man and tic tender seemed to fiud the bcst goal-tender. Over Uhc range as le shutout Ken's in year this tearu las had a Uic second. strong club, so look out here In the third, Kcn's added cornes this high flying team anc at 3:12 by Rendail. AfIer again this year with its great this goal the Bill's team feil team effort. This second game apart and it looked as if they was the type hockey fans en- lad left everythiug in the joy, lard hitting, close check- dressing room, as the Ken's iug sud lots of scoring chan- team scorcd five more within ces. Keep it up Ken's and six minutes, goals by S. slow the fans wlat hockey Burus, D. Nemis, O'Brien, really ueans. BLACKSTOCK In tle United Churcl, Sun. day maruuug, the choir sang tle antlcm "Came, Oh Corne Thour Great Messiahl. Bey. P. Romerîl delivered an Impres- sive sermon ou "Some Funda- mentals of Lufe". Following tUic durch serv- ice thc Sunday School gatl- ered lu thc auditorium and leld s very fine White Glft service. Superlutendent Glenn Larmer prcsidcd and canducted the worshlp. Lori Turner told the story "Lost I the Woods". During the slugiug of two more carols thc chuld- ren, teachers sud older mcm- bers marched paît tle Christ- mas tree sud placed their gifîs lu tle manger until It over- flowed, then mdci'thtIIrce. Ncxt Suuday thc regular service vii be held at 10 s.m., Sunday School at 11:15 sud at 7:30 p.m. thc Christmas Csudleligît Service will be held. A cordial welcome cx- bended ta everyonc. Sunday belng Bible Suuday Iu thc Anglican ClurcI, Bey. R. C. Rose spoke ou that theme. In tle alternoon the Young People of Blackstock and Port Pcrry Anglican Clurches gathcrcd at St. JToluyâs -Blaokstock sud'dccor- ated the dhurch for Christmas, thèu went ta 'Port Penny whrere tley lad a supper meeting sud afterwards dec- orsted Port Penny ClurcI. Dec. 17t1 Is Canal sud Ideal accessory for that new party dress ! GOLD AND SILVER GLITTER GLOVES - and - WHITE EVENING GLOVES Se Our Solection of... LINGERIE OPEN EVENINGS UNMI 9 ?.DL e 48 KING ST. &. BOWMAN VILLE After seîecting your gifts from our wid. AMrY . . . we wilI gladly gift wrap them fer You at no extra charge I s il Ltd.1 Lessons Service ln St. Joh's. Tlursday, Mr'. Gardon Pals- ley and Grade 13 students went ta Oshawa sud saw tic mnovie "A Mani For Al Scasons"l which tlcy are studying lu school. A large nuniber frorn here attended thc Warden's Ban- quet lu Cobourg, Wcdnesday cveulng. Prize wiuners, at the W.!. cuchre, Wednesday n IghIt, were: llgh lady,- Mrs. Menvyn Graham; hlgh gent, Mr'. Mai'- wood McKee; lucky draw, Mn. Chas. Smith. Mr. Earl Dorrdil weut ta Florida lait weck for the wJ.nter. Mr'. sud Mns. Stanford Van Camp speut Sunday with tîcir their daugîter Miss Dorecu, Toronto. Mi'. sud Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin and Mr. sud Mns. Harold McLaugllin wene Saturday eveuing guests af Mr. sud Mns. Harold Wright, Oshawa. Mr'. and Mrs. Elmer Axcher, Marilyn sud Jim, Whltby, visit- cd Mr. sud Mrs. Wllbert Arch- er, Sunday. Thc Hi-C sponsored a dance Saturday urgît, when mcm-. bers of several Young Peoplc's groupa. vere hited sud a pleasant time spent. Chap- crones vere Mr'. sud Mns. Art. Rowan, Yelvcrton, and Mr'. sud Mns. Raîpli Larmer. Mi'. Raymond Burns, Brock- ville, sud Miss Marlon Brad- buru, Torouto, speut Uic week- end wlth Mn. sud Mrs. Joe Bradburu sud Boy. Glad ta repart Mn. Ray Bradburn lame from laspital. Mr'. sud Mrs. Melville Sam- eUs sud famlly, Bawmauvillc,1 were Sunday supper guests 0fà Mr. sud Mi'.. Keuneil Sam- eils. Mi'. Paul Rahm, Peter- borough, vas home for thc weeckcnd. Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Trevin, Lloyd sud Earle sud Mn. sud M4rs. Boy Taylor vere smaug the relatives ai s famlly din- ici' party, Sunday evenlug, ai M'r. sud Mns. Earl Trewlnis, iEuuiskillen, lu honour of bleui'r 25th wedding suniversary. Wardcn's Banquet More tlan 500 clvic officiaIs represeutlug alle munici- pshities lu thc Caunties af, Murham sud Northumberland, >ald tributs ta Reeve Mcmriii Van Camp' of Cartwright [Township, 1967 Wardeu of thc Counties, ai a testimonial din- ncr ln Cobourg, Wednesday. John Hamilton, D ep ut y Reeve of Cartwright, preseut- ed Warden Van Camp witl n engraved wnlst watch. Russell C. Honey, M.P. for Durham Rldlng; Russell Rowc, MLP.P. for Northumuberland, nd Alex Carruthers, m.p. for Durham, paid tribute ta te guesi af lonour. Beaverdale Construction Ca. td. Providcd au excellent aricty entertainruent. 40th Wedding Annlverury .Mn. sud Mrs. Mervyn erahain vere "At Homne' b :heir relatives sud fnicuds, aiurdsy, December 2nd ln ionour af thcir 40tu wedding nnlversary. 'Mr. sud Mrn. Graham (ne. ClIs Fleit) vers umarried lu 3omanvillc by Bey. J. W. obins. Tlcy Uived lu Oshawa on tvoansd anc hlu years, hen movcd ta Blackstack 'here Uiey have resided sunce. bey have anc sou, Roy, and Se daughter, Grace (Mmi. )o Pargater), batu marrled, id six grandchlldren, aul liv. Recelviguetits the rId. wome s cranberyred ,rs wli a corsage of red md vitle carnations. Thc room had the customary bite bautounicre. One huudred sud fifty rendi sud neighbors calcd uring tue afternoon sud even- tg le af fer tueur congratula- mus. Pouingtea vers Mr& . j. J letý_î6.Bd. Harris, Un. car Grahamn.Mm. Clarence ýham. Mrs. Charlei Smith. Two drivers were injured in a two-car collision on No. 2 Highway ai Sauina Road on Friday afier- moon ai 4:30 o'clock. Albert H. "Bert" Jahuston, 15 Concession Street East, age 48, received severe and extensive lacerations bo his nase and aller facial cuts, and Andre Tielemans, age 40, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, suffered a fracture of his lef t shaulder. They were taken to Memorial Hospital by the Bowmanville Area ENNISKILLEN Messeugers don't forget your Christmxas party ou Sat- urday, Dec. l6th, ai 2 p.m. ai Mrs. R. Steuger's, sud bring your mite boxes. We arc rapidly drawing to thc end of oui' wonderful Centennial Ycar vîcu aur country's lOt birtlday ws observcd lu many, mauy me- morable celebrations tîrough. out our nation for 12 mouths. May ve extend as much or even more cuthusiasm iat thc short Christmnas season lu cclcbratiug anoiler bintlday inltiated nearly 2000 years ago when the Christ Chlld vas boru lu Bethlehemn. Our observations of 11hi festive Christmias season are as follovs: (a) Thc White Gi Ser- vice vhich is under tle aus- pices af tle Suuday Schaol ou Sunday morning, Dec. 17t1, ai 10:30. An interesting fani- ily pragi'am nCIudngspecial music la platnnsd gits are for the Selool for Handi- capped Childreu ai Onillia. Regular morning dhurcI ser- vice will b. withdrawu ou Dec. 17t1. (b) Tue preseutation cf a Cantata "The Festival af Carols"' by aur - clair, which [s a canal' program for île choir ud congregation and, For I Choose the best Choose TONIC WA CLUB SC ALER tg a a p t Si hi 'W t1 si cludes narration, singing id sons, Mrs. I. Argue, id a beautifully coloured [n strip. This service will ke place at 7:30 in the ev- ing Dec. l7th in the church, id we promise an inspiring orship experience. (c) The Sunday Schaol sses are perforniing in an d-fashioned Christm~as con- i lui the Community Hall 1Wfdneuday evenIug, De. fh . Corne and enjoy this iertainment. Mviss Lois Ashton visited er the weekend with Rev. id Mrs. Wm. Wells and her friends In Landan and iforth. Our orniunity expresses epest regret and extends icerest sympathy to Mrs. ith McGill and ail mem- ýr of her family in the ath of her mother, Mrs. L. ck of Bowrnanville. Sunday evening dinner ests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl -win, Doreen and Donald, re Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd emon, Susan and Fred, Lydon, Mrs. Fred Toms, En- killen, Mr'. and Mrs. C. E. Sn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. i ed Trewin, Lloyd and rle, Blackstock, Miss Nedia iwartz, Cadnius. This wasi eoccasion of Earl and ' Iy's 25th wedding anni-: rsary, which is iu the next ek. They were presented th a pair of step end- les, a flora table centre, silver dish, and money. 1 ngratulations, Earl and >y. Ir. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, ikstock, were Sunday ev- ng callers at E. Trewin's. Jr. Oswald Pethick, Barrie, ted with his parents Mr'. 1Mrs. S. R. Peth:ck re- Lly. r. and Mrs. Joe Lake were'j day evening callers at' .and Mrs. A. Werry's. A 4r. and Mrs. R. Rowan 1 1fauiily were Sunday visi- swith Mrs. Mabel Rowan. 1Annie, Yelverton. Ir. and Mrs. Bill Kay, Paul 1Sandra, Agiucourt, Miss. ;Goyne, Courtice, Mr'. rue Beckett were Sunday guests of Mr'. and Mrs.. zSharp. Ir. and Mns. Clarence iton sud *rIs were Sunj ,tes guÎr. of Mir.an tDave Bothwell, Maple me. r. and Mrs. Harvey Mc- 1Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,d attended the Potato b banquet at Garden Hill, ardsy nlght. lias Jânice Wright, Tor-* spent tic weekend wlth father, Mr. Herbert git and sister Linda. r. sud Mrs. David Staiu-" aud Deanua, Cobourg, it the weekend with L. nton's and B. Nlelsen's. su ad Mns. Roy McGil, and Mrs. Jim Kinsmnan nded thc BIUett-HIU wed- 1on Saturday at Grace pci. Whltby Ladies' Col- r.uad Mn. N4. E. Wright id wlti Mr'. sud Mi'.. P. due, Oshawa. k.uad Mn'. Bd Coombs fa Naym i. ln Page, xito, were weekend viii- of Mil.E. Page. su ad MUn. Clark Werry, iElizabeth and Peter,, éoke, Mm'.. IL MoGI r. ad m X.«» TLa 1visftors et Mr, 'sd Mm. rud W.. Tom lIodg cet= wSe audy.. ump MÉ. and Oshawa City Ambulanoées. Mr. Tielemans is stili a patient there. Mr. Johnston was released on Tuesday afternoon and is recuperating at home. K. C. Laton, OPP, was the investigating officer. Mr. Johnston's station-wagon, top photo, sustained approximately $1,000 damage in the accident, and damage to Mr. Tieleman's car amounted to about $800. cning visitors ai E. A. Wer- ryps. Mn. sud Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda sud Janet were with Mn. sud Mrs. L. Ashton, H-aydon. Mr. sud Mns. Murray Ax- fard sud Melanie, Oshawa, Sunday callers ai C. Averys. vere Sunday teat guests ai E.1 Wright's. Mr-. and Mns. Angus King,1 Little Britain, wcrc Sunday eveuung tes guesis of C. Avery's. Mr. sud Mns. Ted Webster! sud fsmnily, Oshawa, were Evening ln Paris Gift Sets Chanel No. 5 Lady Schick Perfume 5.50 - 15.00 Facial Beauty Mist SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS ONLY SMILES 'N (HU(KLES Big 2 lb. Box Chocolates and Confections OnIy $15 9 Neilson's Chocolat. Bars 10 - 5c Bars EXCLUSIVE AT FREDER ICKYS PHARMACY JENNY LIND BOXED CHOCOLATES Jenny Lind JENNY LIND CHOCOLATES DELUXE 2-oz. Box Chocolates with Novelty EIf 1.15 JENNY LIND 25c with Novelty Doli 1.39 Gift Boxes Ideal Stocking Stuffers¾ lb. Gift Box with Corsage 3.25 . 4.50 ~uw 1.39 LADY SHC Christmas Flash Bulbs j Rmngton "Caàp r i ce"Sha ver GIFT WRAP ~ AG1lB - 1.49 'w SELECTIO - $00 Bugg Lii 1.9513.5~5RoUsS8opcc 79 M2 - .59Shaver ____Lit_4______5___ i90 v« 7C M23 .5 0 ugg. u.t ais 26-95 Piper Mate Pen NEw Scope Kodak Pl~I BINOCULARS Istmaic S letCaer GIFT SETS Reg. Case 7 x 35InCAMA KIT Sun. ila 2 24.95.r ,CMRKI 2.95 to 7.95 asy Open Case opEÀ ___________ x35-2.9 NIEe 24.50 - only 18.88 18.88 TM£ DISTINCTIVE "VYU"" TOILETRIES Seo Our SPECIAL PRICES 9 P.M. for Mon on ALL OLD SPICE After Shave 2.00.- 1.79 Gift Sets for Mon Cologne, 2.50-s2.19 Two- lnjurecl in .Solina Road Collision I I Fifty No* in Orono Jr. Band The sunual meeting à the. Ormeo scnior Baud was Ield on MOnday evenlng, Nov., 27 wlth 12 senior members pp eut. ThIi.feetng ecvd reprtssudre-elCcted =offlce fo aftier one-year trn The. Orono Senior Band, although non-active Itseif, apnsrs Uic two units Of Uic Juir Baud which holds weekly practices Mouda ev- enIn theicOrono Town Halfri 6:30 tb 8:30 pin It wss reported to thc meeting that a total of 50 wcre now taklng part In Uic two Junior Bauds. Twenty mem- bers, all public sehool chlld- ren, are Iu the ca. started this year, whule 30 are lu Uic upstarted two yesrs ago. Cusecretary-treasurer, Car- man Cornlsh, reported that atteudance Inutbath classes came close to the maximum every week. A motion by Carlas Tamb- lyn and Cecil Alldred express- ed the thanks of the band ta Caqruan Cornlsh for lits worlc with and luterest i the Junior Band. Mr'. Cornlsh gave the fin- ancial statemeut for the past yçar shawlug a total revenue of $2,244.11 with expenses totalling $2,193.38. Bank bal- Cet Cash Todgy For Olti Apnalian'ce & TA T ES M A N CL AS8SI FIE D S " There are mauy things frorn vhich I mlght have derived good, by whlch 1 have not proflted, I dare say, " returned the. uephew. " Christmas among the reat. But 1 amn sure 1 have alwaya'thouglit of Christmas limne, when il lias came round - apart from the venoratian due ta ls sacred name and origin, if anything belanglng to Il con be %=1r froin liat - as a qaad lime; a klnd, forglvlug, charitable; pleasant lime; the anly lime I kuow cf, lu the long calondar of the year, when men and wamen mm. by ane consent ta open themr shirt-up hearts fr.ely. and ta think of people below them am if hhey realy vere fellow-passengers tathie grave, and ual ancther race of croatures bouud ou thier jaurneyu. And therefare, uncle. though il ha. neyer put a acrap of gold or silver lu my pocket, I bellev. that Il a don. me good, and will do me gaod; and 1 say God bleu oN IAnzLnx NonRTuirrrBrrTy ELLioT? CxAsoN ELLuor los BA TON GoEDoN BEEcx NzU. Baowioe.z AmLNis Ann LLoYD Aim r ~Santa Has Visited.. FRE DE RIC K'S P HAR MAY He Left a Store Full of Gifts for Everyone 1 We Invite You to See Our Complet. Selection of Gifts for the Lady or Man in your life... by YARDLEY 0F LONDON CREAM PERFUMES - ML BLACK LABEL for Mon the ideal gift! Y R L Y O ii a o e Oh de London Colognes Y R L Y Oiia o o Lavender, Lotus, Red Roses JAGUAR for Meni White Lavender auL. ' Cosmetic & Evening Bag Gift Set 5.00 value - 3.98 Desert Flower Gifts Neilson's 2-or. Santa Claus Butter Creain :ç FEE ILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM - FREE FU.M K WITH iEVEY ROLL 0F 13LACK & WRITE OR9 KODACOLOR LEFT AT FREDERICK'S PHARMACY wORD OWr "PDM % »VEO!N ADPRNTN standing accounts aMdPsa. ment.brtng the. totsl balance to *704. It wau ponted out aet th meeting tua the cfée charged the Junior members didniot qwe the oprtng coda of and other enaeet. wa necessary to olnnce the pro- ject William Alin stated thet Me baud had again been Invit- ed tb attend Sbr Wilfred 1_uirSciiool la Toronto sud t»met witu approval of Uie mebtln. lb vaualo sug- that the. Junior, Band odRgconcert esrly lu Uic uew Jýar ln the. Orono Towa Hall. The. Miiee officers of the Orono Baud were re-elected. beiug Wgliam Alli Prei- dent Boyr Forrester, vice- president sii4 Carman Cornlah, secretary-treusurer. The. meetI supported Uic pragraux wýhl*.has bien car- ried aut during,~the pait year and whlch lu tao =tinue under W. at Northcutt ElliottI Lited, would 1k. t express ta aur legion af layal frionda a Chriatma message through the. wards of thi, immartal Charle I i The Camdlm Statemen, Bowmm'vme, vým 13, ion . 1 -- - - -- - - - 1 - --- - ý m ý7 v v ý,l 1. 1 - île direction of lW~. A. Dsrch. -Tirnes. -l 1- 623-2546 -Ai 67 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE