____________________Dm__13,_______methoda wbleh lt hm s Ior- * ? l C nd aa taeun nEow aj vffeDes 1 , 1 8?e<1 for ia y years in refLing loir, j ~ P rn srs u M es mil m t e bid e'B T J R Y, b 1î OfsT e 1~ MU*M or P are ts n dMr. Neil Srnlth was Master Vcoi "nr. easm n w.chose to of CereonesW t 1f.l'r. IVI ENY IW oaedhm xefine zfr=olm wu *ta9 *Abo thb= andMr red r Lumber Company's History H25th Arownivccuury coum~~~ ~ lm ni toastte2:5thngivrthye bride and gfWilamHorPhede denadrale Hcczredatth GlintlIthe Tros e0v4 onr Mr. and I(rs. Fred Sanis la ae CowflgWhty; Mrbam were Donna aid eeley eda, 1em9r67ee:1ntu g F ro m Ifs .19 0 6 B e giin n in g -. nfomoranthr aeM d htred onNa 215t YGUro hiehkUt Z . ro,whwu T lanlthgeor twoyears. van, Gerge, Mevyn, AI Caaaand other coqgtrien ut Wedding Annlversary. erley. Albert and Stuart, child- familles were present et night SnofheleWlia anmdCyo. present The honoured people were. ren af the bride and grom ; Mr. and M s. Mlec Abernethy Isabelle Brown, h a > m T e f na evc a Th usrvice bffée.d by Ideal for Beaver and aloo for Columbia and at present th Écnb g 'icurlan y teR .Pat h tables were decorated crnethiy pa duets on thie cn-tdbyRv m laver Lu mb é r Company, rnany Qtier lumber companles, copays 9 branches Bpread sheathlng miaterlal, 0ir in- The reception was held at with white chrysanthemnums accordion and violin witb dresa iollowed by1 ecis U-Mitid, Ifdlcng tarm butid- wlth the result liat an excesu rm rtihColumblat rae fiinyadeoo i oea i n r.R pae ihcrlt na<hRt n enetrann ina euiu apm ehDe.Itretwul M-oanaihomi. improvement of lumber Yards prevailed, and Quebie." mieprorane Griffin, parents of the bride. the bride's dreus ad corsage wlth piano solos. ath ednga nnvrstirooCmeey o ek, as euwel as Il cadn tesc ar ownthe a questio f i osekr dscussed chag.. Mr. Burger sid reactorunits The groom lu t ic son of the MissC rsina Sa is wore deep Mr. and M rm. Don Taylor led cups and saucers. lot b us iness w c e o utIl e t "Inii. sv i a o e itte t. es in tii b u siess v er th e b cn g co i tructed e a i k e i late M r. an d M ns. M ton tu rq u o ise d ress an d ligh t tu r- a sin g -son g fo llo w ed b y 'M Iscellan eo u s g f aw r a y l v l r l t k n dss Zco n a klm In Asmb l ao lreyears. "The Introduction oai y Ontar o i ro , e u= re Saints. q os os g . r. G ifnW illiam , Valere and Am ber ig j 811 Y n n, m an ag er of th e y ard s op en ec i 'W lin th is p eri d th e, com b in e h a c rt lnl j at air r 5 o ns ai zl co n w n A m n gorcdsn egeus. w re l g h bl e re a fT a lo sTgagyloo pl aspisetofb at er m e ber w lc li d ce ucd w a h ld >cal Ofra te f l irm, eathle but 58 -years lter on l:ý B eair-elminated the large crews Oain the in tW Iconstruction and were Mr. red Griffin wh a cented w th lght b o s ge. songe. erg. Abernethy f theiarnly.pa i g at o g w cher th e luicben eetngaI ieBQW e mdan oteractul retail formera Who wuld descend th I nalrequiemrent af 7.5 acted au boat ma 25 years Dnna and Beverley wre for the occasion carde and listennt] uimntadya r iD~~~1lpRotryClub hcld aI yard are in business plus the upon lhe farnis ta staok and tons aifushath tublng for themg and Miss Carsina Samis, brown dresses with yellaw ~ j>~poesDprmn 73 e il4 g th an M trthresh grain Wlihsteani-driven replacementOa ilfel.tuhwa, who was maid af corsages. The graam's etadesfla e y peet- Tc cul ee hnrd Pibaes wr eas Inn.. Moa Ms. JyceTaylor rend an iailowcd by lunch. tractoru or horses andwagons.._Gide honour. mbendAbntad Sttto adcfloffed tbl e dtw wThea coutl ilarne ntay nd CpLinc 'TUI begin by golxig back a Automobiles, replaclng horse-. mRarnfn i Fe ban nilers.n tatto facfe tbeadtowt euiu iew yearucutersand1ltahshae Mexactr fi, Mor end tables fram the Sais of flowers from thecmu-Ban ihr ibAci wtaertIin Novembr 1906, lhe dreawryI nIesead shegius v Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie The tree-tier weddlng cake familles. ity LadmeiPhare. P«o u brCmay ftefres neet BT A YWotten, Oshawa; Mr..and Mrs. was accented with pnk flow- Mr. Neil Smith rend an md- from friends. ae n LImited, was lncorporated, lu "Back lu thoue days, a lum- 3gIIobE wfoc dr e 49 ards ber yard was exactly tat, a B. C. lICRADEON grnucd frces ner lc ear-'lumber Yard' where cnt- T e deati ai Bertram Colin "At Ibis lime, rallway de- linge, cement, coal, a iew Rcadoae ôyas veIoprnea~~l tri Mmnitoba Windows and dacra were soldRchran agd5 yar velopent n Maitob wasfrom a smafl building, a corn- occurred suddenly fram aa gtbout comploe, and Uic area er ai which was tic mnnagerpshts jj z ontyp< tl oiSaredny, was Weil occupled wlth lm- office wherc he did tic book- in omber 25n, aturda ber dealurs quit. weillen- warik.oeme 5,0 oprunch l o r expas in by"Naw mose ai aur progres- He was barri on lune 18, Oeaer.Ttuis fr exansiyn ai sive stores have a bri htly 1917, in Pontyool wiere he 13«Ver Thisex.pline wy, llilnated building wittilarge. attended school He married Ibis lime, attenion was tum.dlaplay areas for female siop. tie former Ruth Loshaw, .4l te lbe ncw and develop- pers as well as the mani of tie'Who) survives, at Frankiord Sakacewn ten. houes. Our newer stores ap- On JUIY 10, 1943. Fllo*lng .............................-for Peal ta almast every desire af their marriage they reuided we mny. ppruntlstorhe modern family wîîî Items ini Toronta for two and a l ,;4 expnson mchasnew rail. Suci as: garages, prefabricat- hali ycars, tien rcturning ta waybrnc msand with, ed hames, preplanned kitch.. Pontypool. es-pl ujng141was ens camplete with appliances, Tc-eesdwsSce soe, fridges, etc. A a tary-Treasurer or tic Cerne- 5A VV bradlarr,,capetngandliastory Board, Pust President of Jalfor evcry roam lu inte hanse Uic Chamber ai Commerce, from L&NDER to he are sold. Television sels, hi- Pontypool, a momber ai tic CORsiAO! FOAMIN fact liat we. have addqd 8o ii's and even unflnisied furni- A.F.&A.M.' Ladge, Orono, and IT I *27 nmmore branches in Saukalcie- turc are otier new Unes af ai the Ladge ai Perfection, IA012 . (#8257). ~ wan -- al ai Which are succes- merciandise. Caom p osa 1 lion scottlsh Rites ai Peterbor- 12 D 1.09oto fui.. wallboards, celling tIl m- ui A wondcnful insband Awe "Ina 1912 Beaver I.umbor terns, plumbing and electnical andfher* lscif1n.r0s9UF.sac moved la Alberta, openlng two supplies alsa canstitute a goad centred around is home and " U E SE retait oullets. At prescrit this portian of Beaver's service la fanuily. ne as n neeî UIEMT ii nunuber iagrown to 688(more lie public. c ia lscammnunit frs. S# DUUTINGMPOWDff A*MATH have than one ncw yard per year). «As y'au may or 'may not Durlng World War Il he 4 «.AtosSh oim Ply . .4 1.loh«ost&N« Minlng companles were a know, lie Bowmanville branch served ina tic R.C.A.S.C. for m x on prime target for Boaver stores wlll be moving aur business tuiree years. or_ tmhuim LIac . m. uand do, Beaver exlended'theur ta King Street East lu Marci, besîdes ils0w1.e9 services ta the lown oi Lynri across frain tic Dominion Survivring, beide hi w 4, 49 ~ .Lake wiere tic Sierrit-Gor- Store, wiere we have an area arc four cidren, Jim, BIon, 1UIdon Minlng Company had un- ai -about 58,00o square feel. Kafen and Joan. covered an imp)ortant nickel There will be outàlde- storage Alsa surviving are two sis- deposit. sheds and a parking area. Our cérsand onc brother, m. ê~s epoi.w "Tic gold minlng camp aI deie i la have a-large main Bruce. Fîsk, Pont oal, Mrs. Jw. GeraldtoninNren: On- building divided into a prim. Russell Kerr, Befpaýny, and lion ai Beaver, and a branchifront wiil be .dlsplay and tic IYPOOl. 8I8II .a w eut cf was establlshed there. These back part a combination star- Th funeral service was .F1,4 ..~3.a- -pfl - - mlning ventures didn't sufer ége and sales areh. I fcel, ield In the 'United Churi asngretly a-cid. icàpririesBeaver will be bringing ta aur Pontypool, on Tucsday, Na.- 4:I,4 dnrng lie depression af lie town af Bowmnrillie thc most rember 231h, and was can- Ens. ~ ~ 0s theY wcre extremely modern building upply Out- ductcd by Reir. W. M. Plercy. >iTMX he1pful ln carrying lic Com. let lu tic amen. Interment wau ln Pontypo*l ____a.ae WhI Sdi yss ay aer tus l ng desnld. T ic m ain areas o i our su - Cem etery . ~we<h k c. Cal~ ~ . "Beve md lo g ~ esrccessful aesi te past have Palibearors w ere Messrs. O getrdiversification. af the been fambui ghome ira- Curts cKy otypool, Fay Me igi, nria biinelsgea su is>ad an n9. gKay o , a a 0 *O caropnray' s less nd p'rarement wark, contractor Adams, Orono, Bob Brown,. 9I 6 varled resaurces appeaned at inesan e now hope te Pontypoo, Nlo idr v' tractive. In 1938 Beavrp- exPand inta tiecocnsumer Peterborough, Perey MdMa- businesses lu tus ïprince' ad wih new concepts - ira Fik -Owon Sound. A RAD -~~ onc lu Sault Ste. Marie and merhrOUinRd cC Isug t t he allier I S Cthriesoffer aur cDireclmreory i iir were ur OntalODvso ever before. moetin Businless iefr FOR H Hea Office was situated until "In conclusion, I would like -M trw o 1961 wien l was transferred t SaY tiat Iam proud la bo c o n ai yIOf la the Clarkson amen just off ahameownem and taxpayer iln ___________ t un the Qucen Elizabeth i-gh- Bawmanvllle and I amnlhon- RAT J. DILLING 'fvi GENERAL INSUEANCU way. oured ta be a Ratanian lu Bow- Chartered Accountarin- MovIS I'I " "There has been a graduai inanrulle. I want ta wltness -9 Churci Streetlow r-o et Ki"a et. E. B wanvile extension ai thc Company in hie expansion and growti ai 623-3861 oti Ontario. Now l has 87 aur town, tiroughI ndustriel W#,KI45COGIN OfficeR eitle ce bra ches. In 1955 th e C om . an d com m ercial de elop ient ,C a t ed A c u an 4 w I . M-561449dg panY erected a large esablish- etc., and I feel tat ur larger 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvilimbu 401ment lu Ottmaa; Aiso In 1955 Bearer outlet 'wlll e a fine fil'--A7 MBearer moved mbt Britisi asset la tic cammaunity and I Phone 623-3612 arn very praud ta be thc ne- WILLIAM C. HALL 9 preserilative for my campany B.Comm. ln this mmcm". Chartered AccountantCX2 36% KRing St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 T 3 RADIO OBITU RY BUmROWS, SELBY & CO. OBT Â YChartered Accountants Ca iPoeM on GEORGE V. DAVIS323 Ring Street WestlPCA GEORG V. AVISOshawa, Ontario George V. Davis, former 725-6451 728-755499SE sales manager lu the Indus- William A. D. Sclby, C.A. . trial Productu Division 0f G. Edmnond Burrows, C.A. Desert Flwer Company of Canada, Limited, cf e 18 didSunday, Norember 26, Chirop > 4OLD.y al.. in tic "+hoiM4s- MAN1N Zirconiumn, wiici will be Closcd Wednesday - Saturday 25'i e __ Pmoduoed at Eldorado Minlng DE, STANL0T élue and flofining Llmlted's new $7 67 X<n t.EEomrvml IISth 3...5.c ' " mnillion Port Hope plant, la a Office Heurs: tâ3eu-,g 9 O conimon elemnent lu lie rocks 91.09.r10 6 p.m ai ti wand's ruat Monay tiraugla Thursday It la usualY ionnd lu econ- 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Frlday DELICOUS omlcuaraiUe5Oly~mit Closed Saturday and SundySE'. LURTOSC4-z ure. J. C. Bunger, vice-presi- ______________ nCK 'e,. NUTRITIOUS C 40-oz. dent of tiecocmpany, said lut ns NON..ALCOHOLIC 6 5seMsto h rdemt yu an eII E crial for reflnlng aI lie Port INEDET:Fresh MMlIk and Cream, Sugar, frein Ausîmalia. Lite, Auto, Home sm Nggmdnaouin C"During lie next Ire ears, h flUmWeCS ~U H11FIIT1~ anmda's requirements for zir m.KingSt. W, BowmanvnlCRU »AJY ~ ~ - canlum metal wilU amount te hoex2349 - IVSDan average annual quantit ai X p s»mz The new plant will provideM artga g s i0. we &a.k > Viii GI Ea3W afry arm with yo uidren gacliie for Increascd need of SADIE 9AMILTON - OÏONO «Wp O eM r M yea"s,5l'ir3.9Mor.4age F51dr ji~ejWgspld! ChiN&M. wEId rdo ucnt e lie.am m a4m .J M àg '4 f a «A u i c KN~P $t~! WIST McG-RE-GOýR 4,PRESCRIPTIONS - .D.A., RYMDIES DRUGS PHONI 62347~2 J ~Is~ L , ý il