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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 12

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77 2 Tii. ~ ~ ownmvnuD.3, 1"7? Propose TbroM-Umt Adto .to Public, School at Orono Tic B oftheUicClarke the eproposai ywith trustees cd l In = prpsd structure. Tawsi~~ Pblc Shool Arca JamesL anr d William Sueh tmsnued area for be poosita construcituDnnsy supporting Uic 1mb- sufficient snd additiona! wssh- 5 gnei UrMMsoroom withlngsu9 planng9 af the raom facillltes, héatlng Plant, kandegar rom proposai whitrustees Mmi. disposai arcs etc. ar Ubrary rocinm atUiceH. H. Barlow and James Shut"your Kirby acliool ln pay- SccLThc board was were ppsed ta sucb action. lng a premlum now for facii- Upitave teaction ta table Board Ïhairman Greenwaod M~es Uiat may ha necdcd ln tic carried the motion whicb iuure,n hi. nid. tabicd the proposai on Manday We shauid know m tbf. tme veig ai Uic December baw many claismoonis you ln- meetng.tend ta filnliy add te thia Mr. Grcenwood ln askIng proposait unit. W. can tien for lthe labling af Uic propos-. determine w h a i faclllies ai stated that further discus- shauld ha plazined for ln thls sion shouid ha given Uic pro- unit for Uic prcocnt and for moal before action was taken. Uic future, ho uald. Resuggeslcd Uiat a special I a one u htsp meeting ha heid ta discuss the artewasoniedou tt e ln- proposai. No definite date for sated worothemi wudharlu- suci a meeting was set on stildto ickndrare Monday. 9om Ticprposi f tc eneai Mr. MacLeod, Inspectai, pre-c Tpropos airof, thnegaena sented tic board with a sicet1 puroserom, Indrgrte ad aiaowih a completed1 and libary rooms was made torm contalnlng estiniates a1 c at a November meeting when Uiecocsh wblch would bave tae Uic Inspeclar, Mr. MacLzod, ha submltted ta the Counties was resent. The architeco slaieComte n had ben Inlormed of thus pro- out eateConte. posai and bis ropresonlative oTe e rin nulta aîong wlth the Inspeclor were Teisetil osla present at Uhc Monday meet- tian wluh the architect sub- ing held ln Orono. mitted a ttal estimateci cosi Mr. Whitîe, representing the for the hhrec units ah $141,920. architects, stated Ibat ho Tis lncluded amounts for understood the proposais af the providing areas and piping for tbree units was la be sepamat- future taliet and beallng fa- cd from the present Orono clitis, achtect fees, fumai- *Schoî and was ta be so plIan- turc and canîlugencles. TH. B ST ned that classmooms could be A llbrary roam ofa mmcmrom added ta end up wltb a cam- 275 ta 825 square foot was TO YOU! pleie new unit. The Prpse estimated to cash $20,000; a lhree unils wauld, ho=eer kindergarten, 900 sq. fI. aI mmB~be connected ta the prosent $30.000 and a gonoral purpose D OOrono Schooî by a <covred raam, 1,950 square fret, $60.000. Ce N BO way".Premlum charges for toibIs and Staff Mr. White palnted out that and hcallng, $18,000, turnish- tic new units, canstructed i ngs $2,400, archîtect tees SERVICE STAITION a sepamate building. would $7.680 and cantingoncles $3,840. Bowmanville cash an additional premium The annuai debenlume re- hacause facilities for a langer payment ai principal and in- 11331111 81113113111 unit shauld now be incorparal- terest was estlmaled ai $12,773. A yearly provincial grant ai $7,614 reduccd the cast ta local taxpayens ta $5,159 or 1.2 milîs. Mrs. Balow askcd If Il t wouldn'I be icasible ta add ance L classcm othebctbree unîts at bbc lime ta replace the anc bad basemcni cîassmoom aI the Orono schoaî. "Wbat 15 wmong wltb the raam?" asked James Lowery. "It la a basemenî raam, lîtîle air or lighî and a noisy heating system, and ln generlporfor leacblng," baled Mrs. Barlow. 1tMr. reenwaad asked that 4 Ie popoai be tabled and an .~ * ~ recevingthe motion carried it settinghe board was Involved in ao uchfor anc ovenlng. 'M'ns.Barîo')w said the proposai shaould nai be shelved. Mr. tt td "We have the 1brains_ (Inspecter and Archi- ted) boere wlbh us now, wby *-~"~~ not carry Ibis an?" Mr. MacLeaci polnted out S that such a proposai had la b. submltted ta tbe Consulta- - Sincerest wishes for happy tive Comnitteo, the DeparL..-- *-holiday imes from the frtêràatd'h r heDpart- staff and management of mont was going ta take a bard look at propasais during 1968. Heaise sald thai ho fe11 the Board should b. making Iheir Burle Bus ines td. t stoii- "but yau rnay want tlook ai Ibis turther." Mr. Ltde Tunsky sbaied liaItbtey .BuleyBusUne wee nw bhbndon year on BOWMANVILLE theur proposed plan. Il appears trom discussion 0- ai Uic meeting Ibat the Board bas set oui a nunihar ai phas- es ai future expansion wibi the firsi phase Including Orano, a second and thbrd phace sec- ing deveiopment aI Lockhamt's and Newtanville. Some daubt arises over furtber expansion aI Brown's School. * A lotter ai nesignallon was recolved froni Miss Ktby Evorson mi StarkvIile School; resignatian ta take effect as ai December 31st. A letter was msa recelved from -an Insurance company a iovoly Candleligbt wtrsip service wlthbMmm. Glen Glas- pell ad Mrm. Tom Sobil as- sisting. Mmms. Hazel Rundie was guest at tUic an d Mm.. Ruth Stenger, guest sololst, sang "O Holy Nigit"# Soipture wms taken from Mattiew 2. verses 1.12. Sev- oral Christmas carois werc sung. Mrs. Paul Sobil moad atoyentitled "IA Lcgend ai Ligtht'7 (from India>. Emch warsblppor was given a cm-. dl. whici was lit and wc ml T 'ér frendsand atros..look Part in the service. Tooà arns. dcd Carl Bradley lira- we wish you the best during theRnde M Rt Stenger and Mnm. Diane Wery and Mn. Vouma Grifien. Ms.. co in Christmas andi New Vear ferry and Mm.. Griffon fui dlsplay af irtifictîl flow- plalaed ta us how they we JEFFREY'S SUPERETTE - mail..thu mater"alsed U LMMETZ 8T. S, ter". m biwm l charge <of a ge swicb wu playsil whIl a s ovely lunch vu bais rved. bu& Ar. Add Golabergo thuikld a -o badI fiwuss scktulng Enroflment In, hea r ea sehools totaflod 832 ln Novem- ber, 1967, compared with 788 ln 1906. The greateat ln- =à stated thie socretary, wau ln the Lockbart area. A delegation af two ---etu frein the.eighth lin. etrd to, Uic late hourthUat their chuldren are busod home froin school. The Board dia- cuased a ahorter naon hour period et Leskard but no ae- Unwas taken et Uhla Urne. Mm Barlow shatéd that tbere were other complaInts and tbf. Was due to the tact that the cblldren had ta walk along the roada ln the early darknesa. Mr.Stut rpoLedon con- ditins a Lodharts ehool playground and the board mc- cepted bis recommendation af trucklng sand onto the site aiongwh other minor reparn. M t. Sht aareparted n fenclng at the- Orono School and la tabtain prices for work. Approval was given ta ur chas. two Sang tape recorder., ,nc for Orona School man n for Mrs. Merkley, 300 stack- Lng chairs and also tive sets of World Book Encylapedias.., Drono Timies. NLAGARA SEDS GREE'rIGS - A glant wreatb fraines the American Falls at Niagara as the citizens of tic International cilles af Niagara Falls, Ti. S. A., and Ni. agara PaUs. Canada, uond seasonai greetings te their countrymen. Reports from 1 SOLINA W. L Ambulance course. This is to be brought up later. Dona- December Meeting tiens were given to Eldad * The Christmas meeting af Church and Sauina Library. our Institute was held at the Plans were made ta remem- hall on Dec. 13th. Mrs. Eak- ber shut-ins at Christmas. inpresident, presided for A delightful musical selec- Sthe openlng. tien fallowed, by William, There was considerable Valerie and Amber Taylor, business ta make up for omît- accompanied on the piano by ting it at aur Navember In- their mather. We hope ta ternational Day Program. hear more from them in the Elaine Baker reported a future. successful dinner and pro- The roll caîl, a gift for the gram for the football teams. Children's Aid and a Christ- Pat Best announced the 4-H mas recipe, was well respond- -Achievement Day would bc ed. A letter was read from held at Maple Grave on Jan. Lao Cbing, aur adapted dau- ï* 3th at 1 p.m. There were ghter in Hong Kong. 27 girls campleted the club Mrs. Beatrice H u g g i n s, at Solina and much credit is leader of the east group, then due the leaders, Pat Best and took charge for the rest of Doris Hilis. Rita Fraser re- the program. The motta was ported an the course "Baking taken by Elissa Hamer, with Yeast". The Summary "Count yaur health instead Day will be on Jan. lOth at af yaur wealth."1 She very 1:30 p.m. at Salina. Each ably led us te see the rich- member taking the course is ness we enjoy when we are te bring a loaf of bread or healthy. Carol singing led other yeast baking for ex- by Pearl Leach and Joycec T change. Ada Yellowlees pre- Taylor was enjayed. c sented gifts ta Rita Fraser The theme af the pragram ng and Bernice Watson, leaders was How I Spent Christmas af this course, on behaif af in Other Lands. The first the group taking the course. presentation was by Elissa Discussion follawed con- Hamer, describing haw her cernmng taking a St. John's family had spent Christmas in Belgium. They did have a Christmas tree, but the man- '( J ger scene set up was cansid4- ered mare Important. On Christmas Day each family kept the day quietly and re- ligiausly, but the days fallow- - naking. Although they ha »E S goose or other fowl it was - not stuffed. Wooden shoes instead of stoekings were set Lowry-aut for St. Nichalas who was saintly. His black Peter slave one carried a bag ta put bad people In. The hausewives made a special cake for bath Christmas and Easter. Elissa said, at least in Belgium tbey dldn't have houseflies in ýkend la on its way. With most af December as we do. ree or four-day holiday, family BrbaCI Spossible since people will have Babr atta told us about ne for Christmas. And, much af her family's Christmas spent ,by auto. Se, just a word of cau- in Zambia ini Africa. This rthat sîcet, ice, snow-rutted roads was the hot rainy season of ýr driving hazardous. These few the year. The ram paured iended by many experienced driv- dawn but was soan soaked il1 help te make your Christmas inta the sun-baked land. The saf an peasnt.Kep yur arcbildren bad their summer oafer andepe anthepaurard holiday then and assisted in lert. Use snaw tires or chain a planting crops. There were ordern.tObservesail the lawstand w. Drive smaathly, avaiding sud- athoundt of smll uts io, 1 abru pt turns. Keep mare than the adaon h on usd ýween your car and the vehicle a short ways away the land kes lightly on îcy or wetret was as it had been for years. ta grdua sap.If aushould' They did have a Christmas te g adu l top I ý ou sho ld tree but rather scraw ny.j~ gas pedal and steer In the same Santa Claus was Father ear wheels are sliding. Watch for Cbristmas. They bad a few lu need twice as much sto pin g dcraon.I techr s on glare ice. Turn yaur bead- they ad a NatIn te cenr n during a snaw storm or fog. and used aral abiy ta pla ,hes on streets and frasty bridge anthea relbytepa vs lea an den. bov al - the pat of the Christ Child. ws lea an clan.Aboe ai - Theblack people are mare and sale travelling, audible and entbusiastic in * * fallawing the service. A lor- rY was loaded with a piano and driven through the town- minute checks on holiday plans ships with children fallow- .phonm Io ready and waitint te lng along singing carols. Tbe thee bsy ays Whthe Its a white'and black chlldren al ~bee bsy ays Whthe its ajoined tagether ta sing and ta check up on Junior's where- hold their candles. Bath ter qulckiy order a forgotten Item, black and white cheered elatives or friends to make final wben Father Christmas and ay, your telephone eau case the Christmas tree were braught iitthee lst ewday. I fatin. The Cattos entertalned mg hes lat ew ay. l fatpeople who were alane for as havlng au errand boy at your Christmas in tbefr African ou a day. home. They alsa visited black people who were very * * *poor and toak gifts. These were deeply appreclative ta mateenouh t hav visted be visited and hear the mes- summer heard languages fram sg fCrsms lobe. Net only In the fasclnating Rita Fraser descrlbed her ut along the walkways af Exp and ber husband's Christmas nt tangues added te the inter- spelit in a lagging camp 135 I thought it might be lnteresting miles narth of Cochrane, On- telephone was answered In some tario. Tbey had two smail ntries. Our "Hello" cornes tram children, anc a baby of seven 'HoUla" whlch apparently was months. TbeY were farced ci for a horse or dog. It's com- te go a while before Christ- oy", the first telephone greetlng. mas unexpectedîy and were .wers with "Wer sprlcht?" - nlot prepared, having planned ,"Gad dag" - "4Gaod day" pro- te go UP In January In 1940'à. ambit i Swedcn. The Spanlsh They travelled up by Polar mnes straight ta the point, and 3Eca xpress. This train re- Frenchman commences with quired tbree engines, hait- lstening". The Russians answer mile of freigbt cars and two anlng "Iàstenlng." là Britain, coaches, anc for Indians and afly answered by repeating tie anc fOr whites. Usuaily there~ Flowever, Il yau 're answerlng wcre smre characters whai mie afiyor fim d yu own had celebrated tao wdil forc-i est responbe for thc caller. cd ta ride along. When the lumber-jacha were paid tbcyi ERNIE PERFEC' Plumbing & Heatil Bowmanvilje BE LIN by John W. your telephc mnanager Christmas wee: us enjoying a tbi gatherings will be time to travel bai that travel will be tian ...remember often make wintei reminders, recommi ers, if heeded, wl holiday trip bath à ini top mechanical be courteaus and a Ice and packed snc, den starts, stops and usual distance beti ahead. ".Pump" bre: to bring your car1 skid, let up on the direction as your re thawing ice - yoi distance on slush a lights onflo1w bear Watch for icy patc] floors. Keep windoim slow down 1 Happy For those sti remember your telt help YOD through t call to a nelghbor1 abouts, to the storet or to out-of-town re plans for the holida rushlng about durin lt's almost as good a beck and eaUl 24 hi Canadias s orIL Expo 67 ibis pastà eveny corner oaitUicg] national Pavillons, bu grounds the diffeenr national atmospbere.1 te dIscovcr baw tUic I ofthUi difterent coun thc Higi German" amlginmlly a command pletel replaced "Ait, "Who speaks?" wblle vides tie openlng ga "dDiga"» - 6"Talk" cS thc ever tacttul1 4"J'ecoute" - "I arn I wIih"Sîushayu" mei the teiepione f. msui telephone numben. E a. business cail, the na: nanie provIdes Uiheb àMUTCRIMTMÀA had no aven. All the cook- ing muaI be done on the sur- face. The cabin cansîsted of one noom. Supplies came in once a manti and mail lwice a week. Their radio was smashed travelling in. A luxury was electric lights contrived by Mr. Fraser. Since the aurraundings wenc -filled with evergreens they 1could bave a fine Christmas tmee, thougi they didn' bave much to decorate it witb and only a few gifts for- the children. Their dinner was pot roasî and food taken in prepared by their relatives. They bad one guest, a lumber- jack who had came ironi Russia years before. He pmov- cd shy but later very inter- esting and kepî their cbildren wbile the Frasers wenb out for a ski in the moonlighî in tbe crisp, snapping air. Sounds carried and the warld was starry, clear and bright like Christmas sbould be. Even thought they had not expected bo be happy on this Christmas Day, they decided il had turned ouI well miter ail and they were filled witb its spirit too. and ber group serve a dulty O tarts and cookies. Thc Sunday Sebho rooiü ILAUMN W. L was pUiy decamated for thi Christmas meeting af th* Thc H amp ton Women's Afternoan Unit. Fiftheen mc- Institute hcld lis regular nicet- bers ad 15 'vWtm S »Mj.e lng an Dcc. 5th wlihMrs. Ui beautiful Chrstmswr Allin. president, canductlng It. shlp service. Meeting aponed in Uic usual Mrs. Ray Cameron gave a way, singlng the Ode and re- spca ecm aalsd toit! t1m tii. L rd's Prayer. te story ai how " ueIlpu i RoU was answered by Hloly Nigit"l cameta. rl' readlng a verse from a Christ- ton. mas card. Minutes af the The worship was conduchït Novcinber meeting wcre rcad by Mrs. Gerry Glaqpol, a tu. and adopied. Mrs. AlUn re- cd by Mm Ruseil Staino portcd a very pleasant evenlng and Mrs. Taon Sobil at th#, ah Kendal Ceniennial dinner. piano. Christmas cirais weo As tbf. Institute bas undertak- sung and Uic Christmas story on for its Centenniai project wms Interspcrsed, readlng froni Uic erectlng ai sireet signs ln bath Luke and Matthew. A the village, This bas rccntîy meditatian an "Candies" W" 8 ýý been accamplished; colors, givezi by Mrs. GiaspelU. A green and white and la an pacm, "Live One Day ai a . addcd Improvemcnt. Tume" wa? contribuit!d by' Pragram consistcd ai the Mrs. Killen and rnad by Mrs. l Motta. by Mrs. Gilbert and Siainton. prcpared by ber, "Il I. morn A short canteat, precedet! blessed ta give than ta me- the givlng out ai Christmas celvo". Tapic was prepared gits for ail. by Mrs. Salter and read by A deliclous Christmas lunch - Mrs. Metcalfe, misa a record af was serîýed by Mrs. H. Dart3 beautiful Christmas music. 1 ad Mis. T. Sobil. ýr -t Oaie USTf ce Cororatio PAID ON GUARANTEI TRUST CERTIFII *issued 3 ta, 5-Year ternm *earn 6%/% interest, payai' yearly by cheque. *aubhanized investment far Canadian Insurance Campe and trust funds. TH STERLING TRI K voîm&21§kâ- --r- - lm.% -- Il. F Women's Institutes

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