lfghSchool Board Holds N/IAnfuai Chrisîmas Banquet' Ecar Chairman Porbes Mey- and the pie o tAi amuwal sélmon. dltér5mtsaladi. an *i1cbanquetthelDula arvay t veetables and týfée Diotrict Il gbhoolBowmanîU ikHIah Sehool f abrysetae or tAi eCoordingtlng Edu- afteialaàt Wedn.sday ev.n- Chairmmn Heyland on bebaif C onmttee, the Prilfci- n g. f 0 mi p l n t an bud i. Coen'tice Secondary The tables were atract --- Lyle XëMmhon lor the arrange- BowmanvUle, Clarke, decorated in a Vuleild = mement ad r n Of etth# ortHope and Mllbrook igh There wioa peddbufOit duOSdDli the, board'à offce staff with two irehum, At the. b ameting attr- Adir te b Astr',,,:d the CourbAs Ssondary Sebeol Matlia"c, effective January 4 lot, was approved. Mtler rs- oorn"MedatieM Submltted In thecCourule L4McalComitteVs i w4m aloptoedas be don@ b>' A. C. S tmr Sonmet $9 Pm t eur, and Uiai black-out curItns bé InstalWa - TIc board algo mdqpted the pur wooderW pcpaurnael airway Food Market Mn ad ?4 8. roz mavle Local Cmmltgs report that Mis Lynda AiIGur's regignatlon as a mmel- ber of -the tcachlng staff lue accetet, tah. ffective nec. Sutmmd ic ppolntmont of Mis M.Moso, o teerl En§- lls, efec iàJn. grd, b corstrmed. The Co-ordlnaiing -Guldance ComnliePot;wuu alo* appreved and adoptet. 1%19 report lmed t tecou»- mlitfee now deals wih mmm>1 ftems ln addtion ta gtuidance. "Thé lifaison wfih the. Elémen- tam>' Schooi system as ai let out b>' t1dscommilttee Ila malt bénéficiai and i liiibu mont blplul ln pftpainsfor Ahe ndii 0yotmein prpod b> Premier Iboburi," tereport It, teSonluedê Lai thé et Ail1 te Co..or'dlatnd Gtaldance Comfl lntee b ig. ad te Ce'ordlnaung Education CMiftte tamd ilatI ho coff- C-Orflld wti matteff of educa.' tionil poiIcy. Algô ret-OmnMefddwas ihat thé services ot the Etolileoké Uoirdet fEdueittôft bd eni- P oy'd ta suPpir fa n 0 le adilCte gieett, mtwvfioeAts, iid dlrections for die. ddin- lstmflng scoe and îmalyte b>' eltvtte &"flSuamiIais~ 01 dust1fiProüg At à c%st of abdut $130. These te-. Suits arc cf gtéat value tôt placlîgCfi% rdé 9 tuddatU ln t1W pr oper cOurestrim éeotidaa$i itool, Il «'ai pdAid OUL~ Gtaldance Brohufft have béee preptired for dlSributoâ te Qvmde à OUMseste defttibe the ebumnst avallablu. Par- Gts of CGrade 9 students are fliivlad te th1e Sehole as fol- lôÔts: BoWafnSnville, ii5nuary 6; Cldrke, JantiAr>' 9;Courtice, lMnt**t$ 17 Mil bo6k, .anuaty 10, gyld Port hlope, Januéry f17, Total cost of transportatida lôr th@ sehOOl ySSl' Sépieuibét 1§67 - JuM lg19d, will amou(t fo $179,041w TU& Transpota-, ti Couiltm ee'î report Mo-I ,Crnuing GOntruets lor Aidilapar- îaî4ti 61 pulA b>' »U1ey fui IsUkNiTURE &CLIOTHING ta Ktng st. E. Ë&*màtnville ""And à,@ btought mm 1hbr tfntbm son, anîd wruPped bîmh la owaddlin« clhfte, and I<dd him ladi Mànger." Le A. Parker & Son PLUJMIiNtG & IIXATING U52 KIng st. Z.1oranf =- =w ----- ----- W. take this opportunity te thank oui many bliends and customers for their Iftal pattoflge mmuuy W* @@mtintete sf erve y« In M Il. W. Knapp Autos Lui, H.erb Knapp sud Stff UUE Ifl OWMAYILL And t 40.talr Wis do- perit flà NO %ticsiôWAI&1thi ghtifiert t the end ai lait momfth W's 63t, and Abs pet- ectdge f ftendünce fût 95A~ 15urJng the month ibere WetC Slon, ond il'OÏ, n, f An atcm transfer oui. Mr. Thoni Iiied the school f1& iii. nspcilon of teachers holding lefforary Certifi- cates. A number o! baya donated blaad, ai the Red Cross Clinic ai the Lions Con. tre. Mr. Austin and Mr. C4»sley aitendeti thé Cen- t hiaiCereiïool6r Science lut.f Shôrt ateëideti lWGAl Oftitéel IrtlthOI thflicOn- ttrie Moie Uu"eatonAsScia- tlotu. ÉAnü&t t féiheri tramn thé Collège ot Educatlon spent à week ut çrâctlce Aucblng. "Mùdenis on Coidtnnlal Ex- chaànge frotta dechrinH.S. ret*tied iteâter àcdifig class- e0 â AiS... fr a *t@k. B. ». 8. ittidents mturnéti tram Céehtâne ftev àimpuallel ex- "Se«nior Ihine Eoonetncs elasseS vlsited thé <idr f tehm dufléa et Celtcul Pub- ige &eod. DrIvAri Trodning was 1ihtl1¶Ml at BJI.S. tandem bie direc triet14. l.4tesley. <'~efniriu~VÉY>'Service was liel In hetiauIdiorium. Grade à'* vlftled i film en- titWdeti "Shén"in tithe Town Uàbrîr>'.'hls film la con- Wih EnglIsh studies. o=ftl là tudWits wrote a SA t.O.tt. IIIS. Seniors lest thinaIll the ln the LIiiere P1ftsto AAberit CIeah7 ab 4very mlita marg- In. B...Juntôior dfated St. Petons, Pettrbevough, 25-O ln, thé JunIorLtaboro Play- "éÙ1111etéel Grade 12 fONSuAli. A 1tunciu- deliiltrom O Io ,10 1 1 "Thé fthool a1&Yctlitled "Inbemt tiéc ind',played tiràe 0«'omânce. Thée pla> wms wullt mid anti ieil feelad. Çwu,,u&tomlbi volved oerendé pupla. "Me4. Iholmnm »spent a de> At Blet "ddk 'ieWAigng n- è1b cisee ui th Ouear e 8 ee a a aithe lnlerslty 0,lîtenIoo ttend' Ing a session petaAniuIIto compluters. "'the annAtd*mMnenMent Parents of Gi*d b *oee Invlted tota ieMue!wlié tic>' met- teadMéli M5Oli~ed and were able ýO m¶ Iate- Wy if desre. Meoy *eied parents attendeti. Clarke 111gb SMI lPuinci- pal E. G. Wtheoia ltOport. cd enrolmt as of Néveiaier SM1 was 343. and th. per. centage of attendaces durint ScholComcoe=t Pro- rmm wa held on levcmber Mr. W. Pittman as the guasi speker. We wore u'le- cd wfth q» @enins aMd would 1k to tbank a&Btho men- bers 01 the board wbo attend- "M. o. W. m teArM & intendent, vlmlWted tic ol on Sovember MH. Gradn IIA and B Geogruphy skulont vflte .Geogy section 01 teRylOniarle Useum on Novmbr 27tW. "Grades12 ma" 18Eagla studente aitcnded thé uiowlc Sassow i n Ooiuwa. Grade le BuStor>' Clau eattendsd Ceuni>' Court lan Cobourg on Novsmber S3M. ',Mr. Brooks, tW. Depait- miental ----Consultant in ciin esim obool on Deembor Bah. Térn nam- naions art being bsld front DecMber 7te 1MIthbdcuoive. "Co-cunlcular. The Student, Ccunci hsld a suceemefui daoe on Nqovember I4th. Coming «Vents: On Deosaber 18t Grodes 12A and B an~~is to Laàk*vlw Hydro Plant In tW. morninj amd 1>'- ersot n stituteciT chmnogy In h tmftroo. The.tudent Côtific11art beldl!!$ toi Chrlstmam Damc*on uscMber l5th. On December lth Grade10C- ar@ visiting tbÊHé Tclephion. Company' in oGa- Courties Seeonftry Schoi PttincPt ipa esSsrls report for November showed that the P&rcnar of attendunce f«r the ônihWas OU,,thenuth- ber 01t Uhnft late Iras 8.9, and theiS were 92S studenta on thé reil as of Nôvember 3th. "Student Activities, math. SéMliài' ai OUsn'g îTftÇ,qltv ,attended b>' Mr. AdaIr and four I'mUi. students, Nioveraber 10 >mad il. Courtie Soemr vcM - C.O.SA che iipion*i ln an r r 01d o td ses=mof etpla>- Coadi Mr. Vanderkuui. "Boys basiethaH tuairg. anlzsd wftii oaciesMr. Boss, Mr. Vandskuur, Mr. McCh&rs. Gtis booketboi essmuoncmi- Mur. Mis. Memulien irls voflsybsi sessmon comploted. nt pient doins a gymnatcM« program. "Student AumbbIsu:Re- nimbrunc Day - Novembsi 10. Ifevember 22 - Asmbly with uchool bond. December 6 - Centmnialproorani. Grade 9 classes- vloed tie fMm 'A Mm ?or Ail Ssmmonmln Oshawa, Deember 7. EzaMAatlon Ducmbsr 13 te 21. "Lakeehmr Prinelpuls méot- oh ocools met- t«IaW.8-8 - r Your #Commeneement: We bad a pod tur t 01parents -on Dombor 1.We etend a vote of approciaion tote i.board members Who wèepromput" Wren Bonnie Dale of Said. nue, 140va Scotia, Is spOnti- Ing à Chnigtrnas IeaVe wlth hér pèrentêi 1Mr. and Mrs. Vob Mr. nd Mus. K. isteume 0f ljortbcde, flemmark, m0" visiting thImr daughtar, Mis, Chis Jensen, for thre Weks. It la their first visit to Canadda. John 0glM underwcnt stort- ery ln Oshawa Ofteral Hos- PIta! ti! week. On Sunday evening. Decem- ber 24th at 7:30eei.m. hu wli be a CMiilnis £va Candlellght COMÉUMICh nSmr- kbet aiIedron United Church for the I<édrôn and Coluhlbuf congrogatlons. 11ev. A lan lbarnes andi 11ev. Iîmneth lDeer will conduct thé gOrvice. United Church cAléndarg are ivailable from amny C.G.Lt members. ganta Claus pàld iwoviA ta IXedîon on Stturdây. In -thé afternoon ftiare wÈS a Party' for gunday SehôàlI§tu- génti up te éi.ht 'Yé&tt of âge. Enî ibe gvenIng, with Mr. Jaek 8'tanels asi master olctr*- monteS, thé oldet classs iéntedi skltg, and thé dcaplcl*y &iowd of parents and tMtleds jolid In ilng1fig Clirigtrnai efgrôlg. Mtusiedl ulumbers Irer ~ed by Psitti R*sSk ftd àrqDiviS Oehthéa' e àjâd JOhn lOivii dû thé. VICin. '1< al SiàteifîÉO! Rei4ifi wé e cxtid ut gôod W*Mld§ for~ à hâ't hdlfd*Y sdaeu. M"a flic jôý fld #@daof e Diifrriil h. i t h yot we Wôaid alt Ise pimiO ff tbanks: ai this time te aIl Elioe whô hbaVé eôrïtriuf ad newir itce for .'I nyjBâ W à"fhU' ' eÈ, rêspôndèiit, Violet M. Cfr. Jack Me)tehôn, É;ptYliè1d. k.g., Mr. qýnd Mrâ. 14EllyMe- Mâ1hon Péiitôrôu$h2 aid weré guesus làst wek it I,4îs, Ina PalftIer. Olenn âmitb, Gdf, spii théc week-endl with his mOë- .144e,,MMs, Mervin 9mitih ... .. .. . )rris Cnapel roa Since 1881" la lait week' neya Item, t wau reported Abat 1fr. mmd mis Bruce Hegrth emts*- taibed Atseampten Choi. IA sbould have moud Mr. anti liii. Bruce Eurst eniertainsd the choir te a social e-vsnl 01 games, tbWgng and vsi tue, foilowsd, by a deUlous 9 ampton's now tamoul Somme end Cuiter, sposoreti -b> thie Ladies Service Club, r ad bouft under thie super- rvis= of et aable arebitect Mr. Dowi.MaIlt &gain asuiteti Sonta Claus etthAe Sam4a iClau Parade huld in Whltby 1ma luSaturdu>' afbernoon. By 1the wey, the. boie là amemd Maud. Theïr mmm>' friends andi sc- quaintancel. uxtend beuriest >ongratulations and batsi lmb s te Mr m.a UnMi. Noman Wight, Enmdskiln, w ho wèe h ous on Saturdây ute- moon and aecnlng An ltump- to o thé6 i mmm>' relà- iium and ielnds wbo culleti te 0e« ibis bîghl> respecteti oeip le on tic occasion 0f sixtisti UMweddmg mmml- On Tnriday evening. tie odrpeople et tie village And tiéc sui.ng were pleag- antly Iurprtftd by carollers Singing out" th ie window&. Thé grôup waga mad Up cf thc Junior Choir, mideti ?y a numberof the Smenir Choir niembers, sinngg under ithe leadership of . lrace iturst AnM Mr. Duglas Dewell. I£his ahi-n enjoy'ed their rendi- iôn- ft"Awmy in a Manger," but meetly the mumeon the wee 1a«« pressed againot the window. We havealso*en- Jydlo*ely Christmmasmi comffromn the tower of the crebeing records played 1 undurstanJ al et tiC da, Mr. D. DeweIl, Mr. M.' &fad- ley and M. Gordon Chant. - Mmurs. A. W. and A. 1, Premeoit viâlted on Tùusay atternomn ltr Mr md Mr§. .. . ddyvean, Orona. eafler at the Prescott houmt% ring t. pat weak werc Mr. liee rdy, sellu,, am ti An m uMi. Elur Pi omitt ridfll. oünd'gter- nmt eillergA t the preoot beome wm r. M ntiMe.Wîi- beit amiti, Osiewà, Mn And Mrâ. goau Ptmsott, Tytont, Mis. %vA Snith, Bréokliti, Andi Mr. Wflbùtif mmd Mis. SnItli. Mti. ElMer Wilbut bld iso icallti #MMr. mmd, Mt. C. Vice,- Brudleys, â*ndf oit M. atid Mis. P. Gilbért, Solinja. ,or, :Pd Mnî.,MurraY A%- od md Melanle Osh*wâ, viMM ti l. m"d ktî. W,». A*Mtod on S9aturda>' eveùM&lg MÉ. And Mnî Pecy DoWOIi *mmt f0 CflOrtywood te VIâit witu Mis. Arthur ClârkO. Mut. And Mts,'Kout bubeaua, Oighutv, and son Ken Jr. tvii« mi the Percy DeWéII'i hùffi Oui Simd.>' Sftéfhô6n. MvI. Andti Mis. fetb@vi Wal- dOIAgton, »pent théè i"ehnI4 'wîth mû, Ellewr màOfi li feIn fdammn- Mr.h anfd Ms. Eiden Ms. lft ntdd tffire, Ëfrie~ àAduKarehOuisdlîst sItean elle. veBoMavll VâtMr. nd Mrs. i Widde Mis.cob onI Wdeemc Silliey midg MMicii Qslhiam, M n -Mia.De Nidiollws iseda Ô)n Saturday evenlng Mis. CM, ArMftr mid Mi4g &Ber- iii. Atmutitr ad ai diinnér guests Mrs. Wili Armour, Oshawa, Mrs. Waltet Sp5ence aud Mis, Bob OflyIrore mnto. .On 511ittndài velri tir. Êid Mrs. :Pavé hall anti mr.1 LavarMe Cienienstoelksome of th1e oldot people teo oàhwa -t Mt th@eâuill llights. [n Mt- muidl Ms, 1bivé HAll's ce?, Mitt Nancy Jt)hns, Mis. Èeleai Whit e, MrÈs. T. S. 1%1untjtimd MMIs. tella Balbnlr M. Oîernens' Car, Mr .n mmdtMi. ZElmeiWilbur,1 Mt: anid MiU.Sgri l<ersey, is. 0G. Ati<Och. TIi.>'were aii entertàined te a ioveiyj lunch b>' Mrs. Clamans. At a mecent Sunday ser- viôe, Davl2,lîDÈIreil sang a beatlfùl Crigt fus tUffnber. Ai last Sunday's service Mis. DOris Wllbam reAti the star>'. Mr. bruce 1{ursi assisted Rev. Mr, Cat, i was a white gift service. Mt. adnt»,s.Te!d Chanit mire Satuadi>' ev.lng din.' ner guests with Mr. Chant's lister, Miss, Miriam Chant, gt ând Mti. urrows visit- Id Oui Stdu> wlth bis mo- tier, Xbs. Amy Burrows, Ajax. Who e r éîeefemn ica- 10to16*Mt âmlid fail; ne et2f hélum, but àhé was nvtug*it.M mnd mm. i4ibift ClMeneg, uewMinvlle, mieb elebrte tfi GOnd weddlng mmivtotry,. Mr. Mn4 M. Normâl clemens Xud eih, 'rôrOent, fwere aise tu"st. Heariomet cgrtula- tions Irm thbie miin>'mp- tOn Irlandt tt ibs brd anmd otuom ci2àraho- Qrti dlae, Piclsurlg, g (mw , vliladdM. Js . bin Sond'. oy #bdFre H on Masteir Tommy Lyon, Cour- Mirs. John Lyen, Jimmie, lyjybA" Cobb urUtic wunSama>'vwstoro MM. mud Mis. Syti Ker. 1 licaffl e n i. Md mdM aon.Lae-m8z~a ti Mdr. sud Mms.Dici tetgtt EowmvMle, viuited Mr.:M Mn. Ro0y mmeau. Mr. and N ' Utoecil Bi mon vwlsfdon uday fIter- iioOfl itth Mi. siemens is. .ter, Mns. Vers Mouaijoy, 1Nestleton. Mr. and Un. Jat. Smales were Sund adinner let tof Oshawa., Mr. and Mn. Douglaslfg ens attended the funeral of nr. Everard Sanden whIch was held ai Eleapeler on Saturday. Mi. and Mns. Everard Sanderson w er e spendlngt te wfnter in Flor. td when Mr. Saildemn took a sudden heart ettaci. Mr. . and Mrs. Mlferwin Mountjoy Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Egd Strong In Eowmanville. Mr. and Ivrs. Overten Mountena>', Ted and fleannà visited on Sunday ai Trenton f !!!pIthl. b se@ Mr. Mowte- naY o mother who had sà sali bladder offlation, -but Io miaking a woiderful recovery. Mis. Verus Trmythe ITr-r ontc, and Mr. ]Rumsell Ormis- ton, EnniAkillen, vlol on Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Hooken 5Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Chaflie John. flOWM&nville, vlslted Ut. and Mr. ]Bert Stevenhsocm atter. Mlon recently Mr. enmd Mis, Harvesy ThomPson, Barry, Dmean d D>ale, Spent à recent weekend wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mr. Lui book et Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Cltrence 1lnk vlmted oni Sundmai wfth Mr. and Mro. lCon Goýode Lake- field. Egfie amd kathryn Ilbrrei, (5shàwganmd Mr. and Mn. frue TrIC, Salinesme- cmpânmMr. mmd Mn.r& nk. Mr. and Mrs. R&Y Couroux, Osiiawa. Wère, Sunday tes guests with Mr. and Mr@. (dordon Wilbur. M. and Mrs. J-kôn 'Wrmy And Maxine, tishaWo, were àunday éverfnil¶g iiers wfth Mr. tild Mt$. Tom Wray. 'TIiâcotrspondent hapeg thât the Zditô, Mr. âames, each of hig cd-wothêri aet th officé, and eacPl reader of the paper niay hUird av« happy and mêtnvable Chrit- OBITTiJRy MMS. .ainsma ntWuzI 1%ê death oÉüt1rfed, 3e<é. 14 196/t, at the Ôshâwa detèrsf ll1Iôtti, foI1lnd à i eIithyý giclcness oôl Mm i. eri aIl,ý 916 tng§dî1é A'ventie Os'hawa. ËSue wâs in ber g >'ear. 'The frier Mmiii. P1orettei Morphy, the déeeaaid wââ bain Deè. 9, 1889, in xami Wlhftby 'ownshlb and ul mfarried gêépt. 14, i11, AIli Oshawa. She had been a ÉMs- dent of Oshiawa andi ditirbI a Il her llte. MrÙtéwell wâg a rnernber 0f Klingsvlew tTnltéd Churoih aéf ariotner minembèl t 01ilie ,Ardent Workers Oroup 61 the. Unrited Chureh Wôtnèli. jËWtidés her husbatd, Ut#a. ]bLweIl là guririved lly à datlgh- ter, Mrs. Prànk Ëil (Phine) of Oshawa and two sons. Predeceased bi' her firiti 1?b. Cammilan - levu HAMPTON ame, e. oml2% The mtmoial loed ai2p..Da cmw CM 7, --- - - -- -- * i. d-.<.1 * s * j. e . e . e t c * ..~$ e e I. Io e oeuy wonderfirends! Go/mer &Jrave/ evc e e e ÏSEi May Your ffeme De EilIed With Wenmih! 490, ST5iPHEI4 & STAFF b>' heu m 1 qi bbuuen& (bra- te DcwenU a*ad go 0 , lm 1 tank Bail (Foezâ.t Oubiéawa end iwo ooà Gaud- i m et BownwnvMoleand Jack Dsweil et Oshawa.i Sic wus prudcuasiltr aMur, Mn Willim d mi (Pa) atidmm. John Let us teek the the Wise Men did. We need'not travel to Bethlea# hem...,heliswaiting l n eadi heart - (CO.LLISS ELE(TRI( Shirley & Jim Cofliss and Staff bowmawdile il L. ý - Ki] "Iý