18 The. Canadian Uateman, Bmmnvm, Dec.20. lm by the. epartment of ILandis, e«rcle.T a et wd"Goodd h ae fImpran" teRev o rrue ive Ccnet >n 5UPply traomcprfoaage eputations 'were present asWbThrarvefCo : : p y n . ( o b i t r t e.foilC e sOU C .L .S .R .P . A ssoc. rep. tou . nat rsnted by four gentlemenyya u n. Fln. Varmln Symu To G row X m as Tree ThereayCmrketandinpfNos.ta) . TOWke chve. Ontrb)gudabheection tace p n tadineaUnte.deeopîgttoa D BTuai. 1.s tt ers lntii cf temIandowners to e t lato pbi akbigusda 7 farfo 98 WWNE IW h ie s you u ltc ' odr P~. satejseeug<.painagfesi(bnce;jc)ob;ec.a Igta of your Christmas trS Wffred Richardson, wnerl butoU tri L!ed between 1948 tions ta Maners Township At the presentUnatoa Wnes fCrsm a t40 lOsnyu llclmaxicf 14 plantations, 13 of wbtchan 1952.0 iem bi n elghtyear program of culti- ame In Durham County,esitIn that dlatrbuu= ~wa used by les- epeiaywthut cn known their IntetosarnSoe:stMs.AmPe t Vation. .ates about 10,000 ooti'esbwe Christmase s eplu cn The. mont popular size tree, been cut ln the cou ty Band are S .otch pie e r e came sent; (d) compians tht < for the position. hoear dy n, Ms. cM u 3 A betwen six and svonfot, beng dstrbuted la Ontario sIsIueChristmas tree eh- esdteswr lo'dt ntecneta rqrew lht years of grow- and ln the United States. Mr.cusUei grows near large remain standing; e) question- Grdon CarruthrreecitMs oa;6hD and groondng. Troegrow - Richardson says 90 per cent of causpea 'twold r man alHeti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ail trees sold, go te the U.S. Today, growers, who 'are ol reansehlt Bud Rolph, 78. cf Orono, has comPetlng against the artificial prse, s ngdouny lMalrel- -. one plantation and selle his tree, are trylng to develap omnainrgrlgapo trees ta a big dealer. Bath men btter techniques cf growlng. omnainrgrigapo agro. growers of few or imall They are hoelag to make the Y en Lamer n dWa,04 plantations do not make tree 0f the future a. "cultured, GlnLre nIater money. hatural Iooking tree." rlght,, representîng Black- Mr Rchrdonsas he "rimin",geerl ut.n stock Agricultural Soclety - . wark exceeds the profit for the of the whole tree, le one meth- . - htcantinuance o grant t - small grower. Many of them cd of producing. a fine - tree. .Baktc Far or.A are abandonlng their trees or It le bogun between June 25 motion carried that the grant - selllng them te bIgger dealers and JuIy 15 la the third grow- . of $250 as budgeted, lie for- * at 20 conta a tree. Ing season and ln repeated eares tcontelec.e. Across Ontario, however, leverY suMnmer for five Yoars. ea.~.. ranet Campnielnd Hrle thr r ny88uatne rmlg- fooacres of trees eut of 15,837 Trimnlg, by shr~t hei. akon ereetng tahe re tîg acres of Scotch pine. A total annuel grawth condenses the Wregt kng cHontinuance 0 preentseein cotinaeref cf 25,000 acres are belng used tall rangy tree into a shortA the township grant to - la Ontaria for the Christmas dense compact tree. Sprt. P a rc M nor, tre e In d u s tr y .t e A n a n n u a l In s p e c tio n fo r u n : . ..t a t e C r w i h traditional Bl ,Dou~glas dent or bird damage e also Sound principles ini the breeding, feeding, housing and health of dairy cattie be appraached regardlng this Tir and Spruce Christmas carrlod out wlth tiimmlng. will be outlined when the Department of Agriculture and Food's TV series, grant also they might consld- trees. The Department of Trimmlng Is conducted dur- . rrgstrn o poica Lans ad aretesay 95pe In te smnir onte ecas"This Business of Farming" is presented on TV on January 9. The presentationerrgsrngfr ronca grants udrteDp.a cent of ail trees sold in On- best results are abtalned when will be the first of three one-hour programns produced by the Departrnent of Education Act. It was sug-I tario la 1965 was Scotch dIne. the 11Gw growth le three quart- Agriculture and Food in co-operation with the OBO. gested tattheloa Board o The "Great Pine Rid~ge", ors developed. O ensaJnay1thh rgan wl el ih be-o-afEu at local 0f j rant sandy terrain forth of Orono, The trli nlng operation was O e n s a , J n a y 1, t e p og a il d a ih b e - o - a f ortEd cat iht get r ans ,M - le an Idéal planting area for badly overdone five years alter operations and on Thursday, January 11, swine production will be the topic. Ce'atosiprtdcon- ~ ~$ ~~«C Scotch pine, Its Inauguration. The. trees an Specialists in each field will participate in the program along with farmers in cil proceeded with business-at-,OC W. Wish you hechtJ. The Chrstmas tree lndustry the market were dense and various sections of the Province. hand. By-Law No. 1151 was CO £ h~mn on plantations began durlng hodgy and the natural appeal Here, Harold Clap ar Cattie Specialist is discussing forage with Gerald passed and unanlmously car- wctithe second World War but rail had been lost. lta be ryreglThstered In th is. om viI lu n dne shipment was reetrIcted to 150 The. "leader", the uppermost Livingstone, R.R. 2, Woodbridge, in the feed lot. tried. TiseBy-la th eih 5 King Si miles, maximum. This made part of the tree, In selected and Office - asumes John Street normal sources o! Canadian trlmmed af other competitars and Heron Street in Caesarea OpenEer Nit ti1:0pm .A IP T IK balsam, fir and epruco un- when the ire. le trlmmed. Nat e 3 a s n c f ( ( j J l a s utionalrom the Co avallable te American citios only does a leader provide aaî n 1Ato rmteCr Plumbing &Heating bordering southern Ontario. place for yôur Christmas orna- Poratonf the Town of Mil eA Scotch pin. proved an at- ment but more lnxportantly, tt Prime Minister Lester B. to happy in the rough-and- will be fil niaintaining a semb- ton asking other muicpa W reMvigToNw octo BOIVMANVILLE tractive alternative. S ub - keepe the main stem of the Pearson's resignation had been tumble of political Illfe after lance of party order while hisltes to give the elcos ffetive Dc 7h - 4 igS.W stantial areas of this tree had tree stralght and distinct and expected for some time. Neyer his long and distinguished Cabinet members campaign for chance to vote on the question bee pantd n lnd maagd ive te teea tpeed ppar diplomatie career, Mr. Pearson his job. While only a handful "Are you in favour of the~I .. ance. had been thought by some to of men will actively seek the province taking over 100% When the leader le destroy- be ready to step down earlier leadership, It may lie safelY cost of education in Ontario" edabma ewan ca nÉeh this year, but chose Instead to assumed that every ranking was declared received and ord dge n.'ewiromer n ees remain througri Centennial Liberal in the country will ln ered filed. gron. he rimer eletsyear. In September he was some way lie Involved in the A letter from Earl Dorrell any lateial (shoot of a branch) tempted ta rellnquish the Lili- politicking. It will lie Mr. stating that lie was consider- In bb tp ecio f he ire eal prt ladrsMp - but Pearson's responsibility ta con- lng bilding a bouse and ask- and baves the buds an. " ~ was prsuaded ta remain by vince Liberal M P's that their î g ctni h tt e h u h Phototropieni will turn the 'members 0of his own party wbo first duty is the running of the0 h w oain suggested. ede of the shoots up. felt that only Mr. Pearson, country. Council meeting concluded: Growth o! the leader le con- w .. ith hîs skîîî at effectîng com- It is unfortunate that recent Mr. Dorreli was askei ta pre- trd R ealo tupp ae r bd roie oudhl tecu- tssa r easnssent bis case orally ta counicil e.Rmvloth pe ustry together. populs arî waMe. PHisto îîîfor question and discussion. alec ellows bude below the cut bataiy ae isoywl The subject of Unemploy- shoote ta grow, givlng more Wa prompted hlm ta re- probably treat hlm more kind-metnsrce otibin fulnsst t re.sign now w will not know for ly than bave bis contenir- beingliereinafter purchased an uetth e rteI u- certain until lie gets around araries. He will be judged notte "bulk payment plan" as hem bnoga tonslnr-bte' ~ ÎYu to writing bis autobiograpby. so much for the deficiencies ugsebyteadorws Schabgnln hoer tt h els For aillis faults as a poli- of bis government as for hb is susted bantheadoior, wa- welau sually wlll last until ,MePasnha ogi-proa victories - and these e ~scu's eR and mtio in Dec.25.Les wok, he lan unan many supposed. He are many. Despite powerful t complete the forms was c ' ekth la- a not one ta retreat before opposition, lie gave Canada at tatIýinlaDurham were lined to ail c ubi crîtîcîsm. As Liberal new fa.H aeu the carried. onwadaspim inefulp ucesfllka blîb1967 was opened. Four cases inbsn ytrc n al om lciosada riemn ogh ucsfll oaoihwere completed which resulted - -i- tue hosent y tuckanfoailtfourn orhaina aad esinPanwi At Dwn'sFer la unhPatrorofur ectic, somewbat capital punishment and ta re- ntewiigof0 206 A one f r. lcardsn' lana-,disappointlng years, Mr. Pear- form aour antiquated divorce i h rtn f f$8.7 one o Mr.Richadson pla ta- s n le rnedhow t swalow is la s. H wa(1967)rintaxes167forxe ther currentnt treon ork s web on or pride and accept political set- bis efforts to find an accom- er .. GEETNGSTO UR ew amp rcs e nd BfiorgCouncil returned tai general New Hampshire and Balti- back ln theklde that lie mdt within Cneea etn n il n c GREETNGS T OUR ore.bad done wbat lie believed ta tion for Frenchi Canada and heoumeeeti ndbsnd r ay- A. P TRON ...IT'SBEENA teos.Onck o ocaion 2,000 i igi.was at al times a dignlfied cmuntsanere presented for pay- PARO S.. r BEN tes.OnonWocsat ,00probably forced bis constructive a nd eminentî menad approved as olltofs:R Sdecision ai ibis time was the wortby bead af state. ~ od blsi muta weebeing sent te Baltimore. gaEVERYlzt GOOD i M. ersns easlnofieI582.H ndGnFORAcon PLEASURE SERVICING VO UI A survey by the Department ln *~~raizto ht bs M. ero' er n fie $,2 am n d Genera229 l A cunt MUTTON & GO~LD SHEL 0!Lazide end tates tiirnment was floundering, were difficuit ones. Tbough hé namut0 $,5.2 lsYO ND OUR __ L obwLads nd1-60 easso! ae. thng cofiencrbsmd-srnenonle asor te repa vi ban a Tom Gould majrlty o! bs-e grawers ~ ~that the public was steadlly neyer enjoyed a majority gov priso o tetesrrt RoiMUTTON G V D blibtee 1-0atr. goige ministration, that the disinte- enougli ta act as though i nacswlieed eulSH Bo Mttn omGold suggests thttregrwngl gration o! the Liberal govern- did-and ta undertake legîsla $2,500 was paid off outstand- pH? ;375 enture for those who have tw l a rr lavnted.alanesut B R O S 623-7451 escesflataote o-... ment could not lie prevented lation that exposed him inbaseaigaalceo lCG G ST H N succesn abu t ha g i m rfuls ata $6,00 due ta hebank a a Our Service Station will b. closed ail day cation. et antleadersh arpt.hage i ercfe ssb a t pstacs fo m. t to ta f $2 ad ot without an the olof the79.6 ad ot 'Christmas and New Year's. PeacefulB Mr. Pearson will remain as often, is successful diplomatie Meeting adjourned. V. Mal- R. R. 6, Bowmaîie6-89 Mr.osbalh hawaellrcîn plrime minister until a new career inbibited bis polîtical colm, Clerk; M. Van Camp, . ~' Oonoand e eperienhng Fig d Lo ker party leader is chasen in the effectiveness. Hiewas fair- Ree Or6n -an Is xpermening rigi Loc er.eariy epring. Thus lie will minded in the extreme-and M wlth tobacco farming. convene the ail-important ted- ln politics this Ie no virtue. His M a"1I 1ke ta came out here S sem eral-provînciai conference on apponents often charged hlm store," h. nild. "It's peaceful" U not as a politician fighting for often than not, this apparent Mr-. Rolpli started pientirg Dennis Posthmu office but as an eider states- weakness was the result f bis e s n s G seedlinge la 1947 whlch he ob- man whose sole Interest le ln diplomatie training, of bis talnod from the Durhiam pra- a nd Staff preservîng is cauntry's unity. readiness ta make necessary vinclal forestry. Probably bis toughest chal- adjustmente ta achieve bis belead pencilwhen yuplant lNe nth eofwma t all the government' i th " e are juet th i e o ! ei f o i si n a d o m s thyaepatdaogside so can lie laid at the Prime eachothr an wihinseconds b4 of ech ohersomegrowlarg- Mnse' ortn zn fV sa ei es3 o oth r bem ih whc b ayi anI sd hed alec lived in ÇC« ite maot hi m ad cu neyer quite able ta Pmakeup borne for 21 years. She was ntbing abtself tangive Mr. Ct tDvd an adiierent of St. Paul's k Il 'i tel o ie r Unitd Chrch A husewfe.Pearson the clear mandate lie dty o! D chie U itedChrche st ewifed asked for ln the elections o! lirahi! nerst cnte 1963 and 1965., A fine man, a ru n be ho e and fa ily, - said the voters, but as prime barvnd , e des erhde-mInIster, well.. bnde ou.RayuVber n Lester Pearson can now i(il nonr), RiayVa M r -.. make a graceful and dignified lCeth McGili (]Ruth), Mrs. . exit from the poltical arene ln C4rùrt tueLm,?d Karl Piper (Betty) and Mie. tefl n weg hta p ReMa Hau (Jan).Sheposition leader and later prime Heasn Hucaised(J oanSh minîster. h. performed to the wae -edo eaee L Ibe t of is ability, w th ut Wc 'wish you a, ~ A aieder, Mse. Gordon -, tego1~teCnde (E t)ofCsl. te god o h aniant W ' ,Brooi mfield di thtf eeU - - p o fp e r s ni a mbgition. H e M Md Ioly àUîStMU on, and 13 grandelidren pol i nyabto.H sd l410suvie was and l a great Canadin , ClIte fîmalel survive. <. wbo willl continue ta serve hie "dtlll bUf o' eld on Tuesday, December country and bbe warld for su1lakyUfryu 2th, rom the Morris Funera many more years yet.-Peter- Chapet ownvll and borougli Examiner. * frindsl.iand Pstroasg.. w»as nducbed by Bey. Harod P Turer of St. Pauls United church. lntpment wu nsa tw ihlaît JO N F. DeW ITH MOYla elesYCorl buteo Co06 Ld a d atiote iCana- lm-ueouncil mLie dian Cmncer Society attetted Crwih de iiemem hu helchuhe:30pm. Of Nov. 7th with ail M SIT ANDSTFFeasuedwhere Meurs. e embers present and Reevel tW % M rr o. P S T F F W O N M e s - n il V a n C a m p i l a t h e "A FAKST. D WUjy r ScWiLm BraoI an- chair. The. Provincial Ws-eath ÇPLelbY M.or vanJen and AL Be<yd and Stff for Remembs-enoe Day was OOSAWA Mb&M MW*UaceDaisWM.VIthe ii.subject o! discuslon, lb Qeebl. tadhavng been billed te Bow- ChOZIS 4i01'fl.manville C.P.R. station bu t.~ Ir