18 ii Cnaia Satgmz~Eomavf1e INewcastle Public School -Graduates Receive Diplornas ai Awards Night Ont. Ifydro Adjusts ; . . -_____________ Wholesalie Power Cost Esclatngwages, salaries, that Ontario Hydro'. Interlin Ieret atesamiprices in rates for power suppljed to Onr1make it Imperative 355 municipal clectricaI utlil tues be lncreased in 1968, Chairman George Gathereole announced last week. ~, .. HA pointed out that lhe Ancw rates would mean an I-. crease in power cos t the Indivldual municipallties, al- thugh, not necessarlly te thc ultimabe consumer, of approx- lunately six per cent. Ontario Hydro's intcrlm rate increases cover iriflatioriary prsue experienced ini 1967 jand antlcipated for 1968 and become effective February i, 1968. There wiU net be an automatte adjustinent of final fconsumer rates because of this Increase. Some municipal utilities4'will be able te absorb 'A It. but in the long run, the eÏecofn rislng costs for whele- sale power wiil be trarislated .&AInta higher rates ta the con- SMr. Gathercole said Ontario 21Hydro and the municipal elec- A! trical utilities have been flgbt- À joyo sng the trend of rising costs for a number of years. Ini some NTWUIUIU~Y. ~ Instances there, have been re- IJLH'1Jfi ductians In rates and in mariy or Aother munîcipalities there have ro, been no Increases In power Wi Mayyoube il"d wth costs in 10 or mare ycars. Rii gladness at Chri1tLmd3 This Is demonstrated by the- Afact that in spite of sharphy é : rc <I ] ~ rising wages, Interest rates ha, and osts th aveageresl- str dential cost per kilowatt-hour Col in 1965 and 1966 was 1.13 esc 16 TEMPERANCE Si. cents compared wlth 1.17 cents ecc l in 1956. lng *Mr. Cathercole sald that al- ab] ________________ though Hydra's prîce pcrform- cel ance nad been exceptional. lb - - - - -- e Ir F&V 'nem wel ing Hyè mor but carr per up - and crea whi( in n the woIl have and Mr. Ar teria Hydi $200 gainý upvc Ex Mr. muri chasE Onta: Imont lnteri each adjus suppl Ithe the Doubly hearty good wishes for hoppy holidays to everyone! -'-hrtranys Men's Weair Ld. and Staff KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE r1 yci alà 11 We wish bo take thîs opportunity to wish ur many custoniers and clients a very Happy loIiday Season and may the New Year bring DU prosperity, happiness, and contentmnenî. We Iom-ish to thank you for.your patronage in the RsI and we hope to retain Your confidence in te future. With kindest regards, IIANAGEMENJT (OTTO FLEICBM»JN) 'AND STAFF, Local Repr.ssuitatjv. apree Window and Dmo PrObgducts (Oshow) Ltd. sebm~?3f4 -, '- Y- <*~ At the annual Awards Night in the Communiy Hall, Newcasle nWednesday evening, the following received their diplomas. Front w, lef t to right, Greg Forget, Randy Parkin, Willy Woo, Tim 7altori, Joe Bézubiak, Jamie Crowthers, Jamie Wright, Doug Ickard, Greg Wright, Fred Hobbs; absent, Larry Sandercock, Peter Ld no special Immunîty to thr ;ong forces of Inflation. It )uld not continue ta absorb. ialating coats at thc rate the onomy had been experienc- ïg and the resuit is a regret-r le but unavoidable risc in ectric power rates. rhe Hydro Chairman point- 1out ane of the principal mblcms Is the rising cost of oney la the markctplace. ur borrowing must caver >w money requirements as Ill as refinancing for matur- 9bonds. A decade aga Ydro was able ta acquire Dney at 4 per cent or less, it ts most recent bond issue rricd a coupon rate of 6½1, r cent. Our casts have alsa gone very substantlally la wages d salaries. Hydro's ln- alIngly complex system [ch now Includes tbc latest nuclcar tecbnology requires ,most able and campetent ikers on aur staff and wc ve te pay compebîbive wagcs Jsalaries to kccp thcm,"l .Cathercole said. Ind be addcd prices of ma- ias, equlpment and con- actioni contracta, an whîch Iro la spcndlng wcll over ýmillion a ycar, are under- ng bbc same pranouncedr vard trend. 'plaining the interlm rates, .Gathercole said the 355 nicipal utilities whlch pur- se wholcsale powver froin urio Hydro are billed .bbly on the basis of these mim rates, which vary for h utility. Monthly buis are~ .sted te the actual cast ofj Plying power at tbc end of year, by what Is called "131h bill". In theps, iiiiiibrsiIaThere will be no church serv- Bhha ~tr. ydro elec rlc tîliies.but a Christm as Eve service ~ M h l e he nd f r m o s t m n i c p licte ehn Sed y m r n n sofwhilee pwerease n h will be held Sunday night at coat of hole ale powe su . ~A num ber from this coin plied by O tari H yd o te th e un ity attended the evenin g utilities' must ultimately be cuc evc tTrn borne by the consumers, there huc sevieatTroeonmay be yours la no automatie adjustment is o Ty roh n te and Saem d .u I tla municipal rates te thes'e high ad he C.of .T. girad leoom er costs. Some municîpalities adteCGIT il ok will be able to absorb thesefot gintpaatth h rtA. Increases and others wîîî noti for gant. sar he . rýAvery Impressive worshira depen ding upon th eir financial L r y D v t s i t n nm e i f ti U W Ma d i i d y postin.Othrsma reuth eevice opeedthe UChritma positrin Otes yqie thplay, but Donaldson scored Bb .. rs.i a retr ncesetan the r twice ta regain the leadfoBb Craig read the commen-' Peterborougteh. lealetary with Mrs. Farewell Black- i c=me adistment inoe woease o eeboog.Rogers pickedbr n r.W ri sit cos ofpoer ecuseofsecond counter on abnaind lthWBible rs.t spiralling local operatîng costs.efotwhRikE Tis radns t________ hree-wvay efr ih sigwihBbeangsO Crne Woer nt Fose, o etEmmanuel". Several Christ-, fth sntag e Doaldson mas carols were sung and the A Christmas futnneh eetalW jworship closed with prayer, Me sa enflfavbourof asxt tacethe business.ee rai4 Ca f f F v B TRANSPORT Christmas messages flow rPeterborough cage, but just decided te give $25 ta the M. R S O LTD. thick and fast, and many are cou]dn't get the equalizer. and M. Fund and $25 ta theý trlyhlpfuL- One bas struckSctMisoan a gift of Ime with special force. lYnTpv money te aur student min- M VN TRG "«A good gift is an expres- P U1tIrUULMissionTand tasM IN TRG alan 0f thetgiverof estimatereftclneer. token 0 our'snerestmiabisof BOWMANVILLE the receiver". The big dance and draw. hre rau sfrne ty a lixth lgh 0 wht olow rsporisored jointly by aur localDi, ed the blrth of Jesus, Christ- LO.A ad L.O.L. an Satur- tans came te see that it was day evening was a huge suc- God's giving of Himself te us, cess socially and financially. to il ariindandta achThe Legiannaîres Orchestra of usln -artiular %was well received. The 50-5o of u li paricu ar. raw was w on by M r. Jam es That la what the Creator ' ý urrel of Pontypool: The %.n i t a Father thinks we are Worth! , lucky wlnners ln the hockey If that does not meît our draw were from Delhi andan a neyer plumb the depths of this We extend oui most siiîcere F~Wonder. In this growing ap-; co-atulations to Mi-s. Rov peIton we can find and be Bon who raduteda a £ rosperous Tlew Y a satIsfiedyegoo sekg haîrdrcsser with over 90%ap y because there is always mnoreImakiehuadadhr 10 ln. ~~ nany frlends sponsored a To have falth ln God partx' in ber honor on Satur- t through Jesus Christ, is not a day. matter of gullbiity, or being " Our villaze is looking a bit H.0o shp M yo o b convlnced by good reasanîng,1 more~ Christrnasy. The Cham- i W rs p M a o H b s but a bewilling to stretch 4'- e fCmec a al n open our hearts wlde eriough, anedafd Sna lhbi en to beivu ofesthswydeer and sieigh placed in the A abo t u . I la b et urs lve ce tr of the village. M ost bewrndby the wonder of business places and residences M embers of Bowmanville Town Council tbis ýunllkely" thing - that are also showing the Christmnas there are no strings attached. sprit. losn retnk t hem br fousaf freely, It la no glft but a bribe During the Awards Night, Proficiency awards, A sperial wish for a joyousalosneetnk to h.m br o ousaf (Forif gChrisnotmave and a very Happy and fo our loyal patrons or a reward>. No strings at. were presented ta top students in Grades seven andl e ert l edr ftl tached! Too god te be true! eigh t. Top pictuesosMs m trspeetq oun Yet there in the 1ife of Jesus istuesos r.Wm Strspeetrgclm.rtoairees0fhs ractical proof that God does the Grade seven Deline awards to aoy Wood1an r ra av drerc lve us thia much. Aiso, there and Reginal Freethy. Lower photo shows Mrs. George statemelit I made in this CSL HTL lnx the. lives of those few hund- Chard presenting the Wilmot Gold Medal to Arlie column last week. I had sald reda who down the years and May Munro. wouîd VILE to-da have placed theMselvesgrerhae av dIsp sal f hi lov ng ibonfîres ta get rid ef their Spirit aMd learned how te iupushas Ifudou r adMs Mrg' atu te iosa f rslovlng -'Pe es C ty E- tr- c ges srluieas Ifun'u graap the GuI eagerîy L~S ~ EIILry aftcrward t h at practicafly _____________ out reservatlons, we have the everyone was sold out and adsc iIec fu aim a' eyhaydmn xse h means by whlch we cari show M a Reddn'm enbitou know bis l ve a d be he *o fgte weeut Iso ld m o uI tbis love ta others. Wayne Donaldson's fourth Bih Sage' enouoalta cutillme mor SPECIAL DINNER WILL BE SERVit) -by K. J. Frumpton goal of the. gaine with on]y and Donaldson, after Kimý (which I did) and netotnre four minutes reinaining av Rogers had opened the scor-lbuyer vislted me on the week- NEW YEAR'S DAY AND EVERY SUNDAY Peterborough, City a slin 6-5 ing on Brian Peters' pass. bonI en.Reut-Imyhva Now for the second century. victory over Bowmanvmle St. lys» Young made it 3-. Ibonfire.NDR CB LCES What happens la entirely UP Mary's Cernent Reciedn, on but Don Forsey clicked on ai White Gift Service and theNN LU G NDRLB LIES te thoe pl..you am me. Thursday night lri Peterbpr- Êaly wltu Larz7Deovitt and Carol Singing Service were Wbat WM f OU COltIte? 1ough. 1Rgr wt rg Corden bath well attended at hFO RE RV T NSP NE6307 A lot of thes modern The city entry took a. 2-1 feedin.g a- pas t John Qylerl United Church, Sunday morn-FO REE ATO S - P NE637 2 Mediebiu. are Dot aiu tiwr.t firot pcriod lead, in the hard. ta tié it'u,# ing and evening. qwbU P I4 Ile hN*Î-juveXùle OMJLA. iPét.re Osub lbRedm= n i i oryta rMort Liat Mma. were chosen by the group lead- And May thy home sucb 0ory er. Several Christmnas con- . know tests were erijeyed and lunch IAu dld the stable long ago. was served. 1-d .Gu To tbe Editor and staff and ~A ut ail readers of the Statesmani God bless you ahl ths Christmas Day; May Bethlehern's star stili light the way Anid guide thee 1<> thc perfect peace Where every fear and doubt shail oeasc. For Old Apliu ST ATIS MA"* CL AS @àV IPI 8 Ït Pe.683-336m Foy and David White; back row, Principal R. Munro, Mary Grace Paterson, Arlie May Munro, Cathy Rivers, Karen Parker, Sharo Cuffe, Darlene Flintoff, Gladys Allun, Joan Cail, Helen Yates, Carolr Hobbs. Stisan Lacombe; absent, Susan Walton, Lynn Portsmith and' Present Proïficiency .-Awari Sarn Manetta is stili quite 111 ln O S, a Toronto Hospiaîtalb m but bbc returns of tbc seven palllng division in Manvers ~~ were incorrect ln three poils. This appeared la last week's! Sissue. Incorrect poils: 4 Man-; vers Station, 5 Bcthany, 6 Fleetwood. The correct figures are: No. 4-Payne 46, McMast- ber 33, Mitchell 27, Ricbardson 36. No. 5-Payne 109, mc-l Master 75, Mitchell 129, Rich. ardson 117. Na. 6-Payne 26, McMaster 53, Mitchell 44, Rchardsn 37. Thaak you. 1 Rb. Wor. Sister Cora Jobhns- ton, PýG.M. and Wor. Sisters Wright and Bawen of Janet- ville L.O.B.A. visited Panty- pool L.O.B.A. 1314 on Wed- nesday evening. They toak Scharge of the election and ia- stallation of officers wlth the followlng resuits: Wo r thy Mistess-or.Sis, Yvanr4e Falis;DeptyMistress.-Sîs. Gloria Mitchell; Junior Dcpuby I Mistress-Sis. Linda Young- ~.man* Chaplain-Sister Hazel Fallis; Fin. Sec'y-Sîster Leona 1 Strong; Treas.-Sister Linda'X Rogers; Rec.-Se'y-Wor. Sis- ter Gwen Curtis, P.M.; Dir. of Ceremnes-Wor. Sister Kay Younigman, P.C.M.; Sr. Lec-' iturer-Wor. Sister Betty Lau Preston, P.M.; Jr. Lecturer-1 SitrMargaret Murphy. Anenjoyable social hour was spent after the installa- tion of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Wbit- mcc, Rlcky and Danny and; infant daugbter of Oshawa!rI wcrc Sunday visitars here. during aur first year in business. LIBERTY (Esso)-SER VICE NeiI Metcalf - Clarence Beaudry happy, easy, safe motoringl 114 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville .-,- .,, -\~~ ,.,~ 17 good friends cuid patfros... sincere wishea Fm li, fr avery Meury Christmao Jack Burgess Plumbing & Heating BOWMAN VILLE ý au] We take this many friends