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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 1

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Jay oseph- and, Baby Jesus Costumed members of Trinity United Church's CG.IT. group were in charge of the Vesper Service on Sunday evening. The picture above shows one of the scenes with Mary portrayed by Marlene Gibson and Joseph by Jane Cat- tran. Others taking part were Leader, Marlene Macklin; Reader, Carol Jackman; Girls in Conversation, Patricia Gibson, Debbie Oke, Wendy Lewis, Peggy Clarke, Barbara Vanstone; Candlelight, Heidi Higgon; Maie voice, Rev. George Ward. .Mùsi9wasupplied byorganist Arthur Collison and the Junior Choir. ionAuIliary Holds Ga.-Chrîsîmas P art y The e l ~tfiuiW"ý_'paiýr arland uspended front the hcld by the Bowmanville praecemnum arch wlth a two Ladies Auxillary té the Royal and a hél foot iantern with o i u s l Caaie eg , o ypendant . golden spray a R binR ssl evein Wý 4'=onreround a tall rd Â,I was a tremendous >uccesa. came. On elthcr side theVyU A ss PresidentMayWs vr stage was outlincd with sulW l A ss welcorned t e members and ver, red, and gold metalic1..- the special guesta. bulbe toppcd with a huge~~ Soriendid decorations trans- starburst of bright goid, Robinrai Leader formd te spclos hll ito gren, nd ed etai. RbinRussell, 25, unsue- a festive sctting. The won- -An exquislte gold sud sl-1 cesaful Liberal candidate lu derful Christmas tree, which ver chandelier effect was sus- Nortbumberland:iu thc lest was more than 1l feet higli, pended from the ceiling in Provincial election, bas eein badl a lightcd star aetue top, thc centre ai the hall, and appelnted research assistant and tlke widc branches were covered an ares of several te Ontario Liberal Leader enhaneed wlth a multitude ai Yards. Silver garlands of Robert Nixon. colored lights sud well plac- lustcred stars each ending> Othiers affected in the re- .ur'rnanicnts. in a golden pendant drop sbuffle af the Queen's Park The message uMerry Christ- tinished with a large fluted office staff Include Clifford mas" in ge silver letters golden circle, radiatcd from Brown, 47, formeniy a pro- was above the portrait af the centre, ;hcre there wes dueer with the department Qucen Elizabeth II. which a long gold pendant. af education's educational bordered with gold and The west door was border- television branch, who wfl silver bulbe at the back of cd witli silver, green, and red become head of press reia- the stage. On ither aide bulbe centred with three tions and research coordin- dlalnty white open-work -coun- briglit ornaments, and the ator; WendY Hanseni, 26, a taîners adomned with scarlet front door haed a situilar bor- campaign worker, wiil, like and rayai blue ornaments der adorned with golden Mr. Russell, lie a research lield, red poinsettias, poinsettias. The walls were assistant. .Glistening gold, red, sud graced with streamers of sil- .John Morritt, 42, Win con- green lustred stars formedI ver and gold with Yuletidc tinue as Mr. Nixon's execu- colors and wreaths. tive assistant. Treasurer Audrey Bate and Mr. Russell and Miss New4'ka nager Secretary Florence Knight, Haussa replace Themas Ford two past presidents, were re- sud Jack McGaw, wio left sponsible for the decorations, the- Liberal erganizallon and Comnrade Ethel Shackel- after tic last election. Mr. ton, assistcd them in trim- Russell la the son cf Cobourg înmîng thc Christmas tree. Thej Sentinel-Star Publisher Fos- (TU RN TO PAGE TWO) ter Russell and Mrs. Russell. Send Report on i Zil h, i bs %et, Confused Vote To New Counc"I At the mneeting of Tow.n were against the watcrworks Council on Monday evening, remaining with the Commîs. Clerk -otroiler Robert L. sion votcd AGAINST the by- Byron presented his report on Iaw. -the recent plebiscite copccrn- . "The margin against the by- 1 ehanging Waterworks and law of 86 votes, represents %wers from the P.U.C. te 3.6% of ail the ballots counted. MLCRUUIO Council control. (TURfN To PAGE 7Wo) Mr. Blyron eertfied that the the BowmaayLfl resuit ai the votlng was as fol- i the CanadinIp lows: For the By-law, 1,142; o a k i ofn erçe wel- te By-law, 1,228. ;O h w o a few manager, là the 'A check of Uic ballots u Wis iw ni Cd .acl "MaC' » icloasd that of 2,635, ballots l. Be will refp lae lsued. 255 were returncd ta is Ki a i Purdy wio lias been thc ballot box unmarked and ovet two years and Il ballots were, rcjected. In ,. trmderrcd ta the Uhùbr ,the percentage Thie raiDraw «eKnaWe las had 31 Nigh 12c.. Overali, tenc-was the dinne bpndn e2emnce ber ai bMIlts net marked for elght sponsoredl by the eq;w ord hsaniomitsd te 10% of Uic ballots flowmsUwe Klwaals Club 1 o&tments bave Iluod.wau drawu at ths Klwanlu 4*WI1K4 gwon "We bave concîuded froz Club Chrlimas party on ai. lumnuuir 01ai etsfrainDeceuuber iSti giri, Garai- Mout a1 confusion eisedlnwu Xm sURbin Watson of im, have auette nluds of uuiansd cna-243 HUuEBy Itd. S., mb- bMïioeA=e inlahW quputy jsaay' voted hiacon' a.a witb ti"et No. 49d. etQuen's ntainlaccordmnce'wlth The t"cet waa drawu 1>y ext t tir wlshes. For exampie, Douea rie. cashler ah TTh. ,~ aI lu anary. sonu wào, were ".for" lesvlng FlYlag Dutchua Mater en't#»gd 5~Olh f the th* watsrworks wie the Com- Hoetel. 4 *d motactive, Xilotesd rO the by. kobert Cook wsthe seler "-4&uê.owa* »u WLo et me winaingticket. ogus Bis Found Peepes" VOLUME 13.2 1ies EWMANVJLLE,,ONTARJO, WEDNESDAy, The Toronto-Domi1nion Bank bers on Monday ecovered tWo counterfeit $10 bis, bath 'with the same numbesand rmark- Ing as foflws. N/T 6333625, front plate No. 12, backplate No. 66 and asshràlatedplni éttes on front. The Queen s È>taton these bis la poor. othave been forwarded ta ard R. Xltney,. Helen Johnson, 77 Third St.. reported to local police that between Saturday mldnight and one a.m. Monday her purse with less than $10 ln cash, one pair of man's pants, ane pair of socks, a man's sports jacket, Ilght blue shirt, cigarettes and a rol af tollet paper were stolen from her car whlch was parked outslde her home. Bow- manviUl_ Police are Investigat. %e police here received three complaints about window pepng by a man. This has benstopped. At 9:15 p.m. on Monday Corporal John Mc-I (TURN TO PAGE TwO) Reserve Land for Sr. Citizes Project Most StoresNMaeH b BloxingD ua o iaeH bs## Strike Closed ueday For Centenrtial Me dais While no general an- His Worship, Mayor Ivan mtea uc nhnri ote ta hePocaaio aade Hobbs, and W Ross* Strike, flot frequently given. Coun- ouemehn t h a en m aade ss Twn $6.5QOC. the imniediate past cillor Oke, also voiced this e by the Mayor and C ost I Wn 46 .O Chairman of the Hydro-Elec- opinion. The -motion of the Grad uare on p ge our of t is ssu , trc C mmision of ntaio, epuy R évewas , lost. It is understood that a .* who is also a former mayor "I propose Mayor Hobbs be mai ority of the stores ln f om~ * f Bowmanville, were nomi- ecomende forthisawar town will be closed on Tues- ~ i ~ ~ * ~ U A nated for the Canadian Çen- because- of luhs. long and out- day, Boxing Day. tennial Medal by Town Coun- standing service to the town, Handy toresand srvicecil at the meeting held on Conllr Hge àd Handy sores an servic Hughessald. his ~ stations will be open to pro- Mc dai eenn in the Coun- idea was commended by vide emergency supplies andci Chamber. Ail members of Councillor Annie Oke. milk will be delivered. cuclwr rsn tti ao Hobbs told, coundil The banks will be open on reua etn xetReetaayothought others should Satrda frm 9to 2 t IlE..Sidney Little, a patient in be considered for the medai. provide additional services I I Lci or K n ic s< U N T P GE WO to the customers. F o'1 t F u clorKe -cs A communication from the On Monday evening at the Secretary to the Cabinet of e Mcommittee system was revis- asked council to make two BIT ~ u'uE C ~ l:ne ro~wnf :r u:~d h:ed by reducing its standing nominations for the Cana- Cen ten n iai BITS p PIR EScommittees from1 to four, dian Centennial Medal. It're- PRINCIPAL - One of our readers has advised that adPoetPbi h w rpsdfor )ti M edal a death notice appeared in the Picton Gazette, vice. ly to the Ontario Cabinet for The St ates man reoelved . 1 advising that former Bowmanville High Sehool Councîllor G le n hoaime transmission to the Secretary Word today that Norman A. ~ Principal W. J. Morrison died last Friday. Mr. Hughes saîd that he had Of State for Canada. Allison, 207 ilng- St. East ~~ Morrison left Bowznanville in 1929 to become Prin- speit considerable time study- Counilor G 1 e n h o-i m e Bowmanville, had been award- . . . .... cipl o th SeoolfortheDea inBeievilelUsingClerk-Controller Robert Hughes stated council, should ed. the Canadian Centennial < 4 LC Byron's report on the disregard the motion quickly Medal. : many former students will receive this news with Council Comm ittee System, made by DeputY Reeve Wes- Mr. Allison, former Reeve, considerable sadness. dated November 22nd. "In ley Fice that the letter re- Deputy-Reeve and Councillor mIa Sheila, bi, mil CU tERE t - Tato-Domithen Bank ehave had arat gad i ilth ed "s - be anfor eight years,ilsnow on lits aughter, af Mr and u.p C O U N E R F E T - T oro to -D min on B nk s id .honor com ing to Bow m an tar af the U R C L & W Manager Bob Lawton advises that two counter- "The Department of Muni- vile would be g00d, 4Md it (Internatinal). e -19 also#aTh ft.$ObMs-- ,appeared, in one store's daily cipal Affairs divides the alse we]î - deerve," e frmr ped <,tofLo a 9as me t14 O= itt _îek ecansadcek r vices for the town into fin- pointed out. and Ptboident af the Rubber the Taano e tâ ¶a. aded àtab ee aler h nms n th blerkar ace. protection~ of persons Councillor E. J. Rundie Workers, District 6, and on tloni Exes. were l etd ýa wde beaerNT33 . Tenm so h il n property, public works, agreed. He said considera- the International Executive St. Paul' United u were N/T633-3625 (TURN TO PAGE Ywo) tion should be given ta the Board for 15 yeau.ïoto WINNERS - Brock's BP service station bas won T. B. Far From Beaten the Lakeshore Region contest for the best Christmas Delivers Moreq window and they are now competing in the District finals. The honor cornes at an appropriate timle as M A ê w han 3 A f thyaeas eertngterfrtanrary Pii Time to As sist. W it ', t t t t t STI erge-Frsey. i was reported that C hristm as S eat D on atio n - pîoys jave ben wonhn one Santa Claus Fund milk battis has been TeNrhmeln e ona lm at the Bowrnanville Peut' stalen. Later reports indicate that four of them hamTE and Heplth - Du re rd d day somOfif Tlades aear.e were taken. Not only that but special arrange- P sO ff U ice flM1*tion reports that with lessa than Tere are dasmilnT5ipeoale j g9twha e »;bui ments had been made to have several small trees awe oCrsms h e nte h ruemlin upreopîs W OD fiýdgh eao, ,,b pla!ceunear Santas stand on the Bank of Mont- forCristmas --i 1_4çh 4a--ere nece it iuln ubrl mi siyfr eier , M Pe~Cop~ real Parking lot for Saturday afternoons. Some- body hooked them too, and it wasn't the Editor trying to find a tres that would stand up straight. t t t t t TREES - Speaking of Christmas trees and the problems they create for willing but flot too smart husbands, we understand one Bowmanville house- wife had no trouble with their tree. It didn't fali over at ail after she had erected it. She made a wooden stand but used same screws that were a bit too long. They went right through into the beautiful hardwood floor. t t t i RECOVERING - Word from Ottawa is that Durham Member ai Parliament Russ Heney is recovering from a bout of pneumonia. He went into Ottawa Civie Hospital last Wednesday and hopes to relumn home in time for Christmas. t t t t t TB SEALS - If you have nat already done sa, please send in your donation today ta, the TB Christmas Seal campaign. As mentioned last week, this area's citizens have been falling behind in their an.nual assistance this year. If you can help, please do so today. The funds are needed just as badly as ever. i. t t t i. CAUTION -' For the next two weeks, motorists are urged ta b. particularly careful because school chiltiren wil be raaming the streets on their annuel Christmas holidays. Aiso, with the pricesofai quor due to increase ea rly in the new year, there may be a few drivers trying bo make the most of the comparativeiy iow prices by filling up now. Sa, non-drinlcing children andi non-driving aduits might be weil adisedti t keep their eyes open for weaving vehicles andi t t t t t INCREASE - Port Hope's Waterworks Dept. W'ill increase water rates ini that eastern community by 25% on January lst. So far,- we haven't had an apportunity of coniparing their present rate with ours, but that seems ta b. a big increase, ail of a sudden. t1 t t t t BOXING DAY - Because more than oné day wIilb. requiredti t produce next week's paper, th. Statesmgn offîce wiUl close this Friday, anti b. open eon Boxlng Day next Tuesia y. Anyone with news or adveutlslng capy should senti It in as eariy as possible to lend a hand because ai ter fillng Up on turksy on Mondayi,mosl of th. staff will b. lin. condition ta' exerlteeo much energy gatherlng news or ativertising on Imunomuaua ponse to tae Alinual Christ- b acnl;sd some 15 te 20 beLetter Cri.0 -a And New Year5y mas Sal Campaign la good. mllion people are transmttng uaRateatacosli nd New Yecir In some areas, howevcr, i tubercle bacilli. These wllr uiext day. has been necssary to send out Infect some 100 ta 150 illon On Deeember 15th.k, ' Post Office h a u r s for more reminders than hI ot- people during the next year 'D- Carr, Contmmador for> LL3, Christmas Day, Monday, crs. It Is asked, therefore, and some i te 2 million will NO. 6, deflvered 'mare -thma December 25, wlI be as that thosc of yau «who have die froni tuberculosis durlng 31500 Christmas cards plu, foilows: The Post Office Wli not yet sent In your donation the next ycar. the other man.L be closed anl day. There Will would do so this week, if It Is therefore vital that the UP to December lt, be ne Street Letter Box col- possible, so that thc canipaign work presently beiiig done by ZS,023 items haît bee put- lection. Despatch of mails may show a heartwarmIng re- dedicated doctors, researchi throtigh the canceM wiIl be posted on the front suit by Christmas Eve. Such laboratories and valuntary chines.1 door. a gesture on the part of the workers be contiued More than 226,000 3e Gix New Year's Day, Mon- public rcnews the confidence ncwed strcngth. atanip have iboea sald dur.- day, Jannary 1, 1968, the of those alrcady stricken with Please give generously to lug.t le Christmas? Porto&L the Pest Office Wi be closed TB and other respiratory this cause ta prevent thls Exeept for mailreq U-ring ail day. Tiers Winl be ne diseases, for these victims danger from spreadlng, sud dlrectory servieau maigoi, Street Letter Box collection. know that it is only through rcmind others by using the hand up ta about 4:00 au.6 Despatci of mails willi be donations made available for attractive Christmas Seals on each day, han beeu deliv*re posted on the front door. Iresearch that this killer can your seasonal mail. the same day. Ladies Auxiliary Presents Cheque' for Building" Fund At the annual Chrisùmas party of tl,. Ladies)4awiSoeCona, Awcilary Preoident.Mrs, Mq Auxiliary to the Royal Cana"ianLegfion an Moûday' Westover and Clqwn. Bebl, rown. The male memlJo nlght, ane af the 4igWu1ihts was the presentation aifai 1h. branch served a deliclous fletmigneon dignei a cheque for $1,M00to th. branch's building fund. totahe ladies, aiter whlch gifle were Itxibute., ly Those taking part ln th. ereMoywr from ici t Santa Claus. it righ4 &Iàta Claug . Brnh rloeU Z /Y

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