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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 21

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McMulleri Croit Hardware BOWMANVILLE Mlgua~q r -- McNULTI Mel andJ BOWKN GEOI MEN'S AND 42 KING ST. E. Schools01Then and Now- Scenes from Santa Claus Parade Hlampton, Ont. but ail over Canada. Whe, cf Dear Readers: our parliamentary leaders, municipal leaders. school board: I have been asked by a num- members would buy a new suit! ber et heavily burdened tax- if you had net yet paid for payer; te write an article Out-; your previaus suit? ining a few et the reasons for1 Due iargely te her war debts, the continuai rise ln taxes. Egan has had te devalue one politîcian. speaklng oni her peund, and some smaller TV news on Dec. 13 sald, "Wei nations as well. The Town- have drifted heiplessly for 20; shîp et Darlingten shows a years and new we must face presperous outward appear-; the situation and grapple with 'ance, but la almest on the; ilt.1 brink et bankruptcy. I asked 4One et the members of, ene gentleman hew long thet iDarlingten Township Council township could continue te said: "The whole et Canada borrow. His answer was: "We has been on a 61pending spreerare iooking for wa rd toe for 20 years, and now we are glerieus years ef wonderful beglnning te realize it must presperity". I think his child- be checked". ren and grandchiidren can leok We should be strlving te pay! forward te years ef paylng, off the terrible war debta, pili- interest on township debts, ed up by twe Werid Wars.i accrued by their parents. when Canada as a daughter o4, In 1952 the township was j England went te her aid, an.ý clear ef debt. By 1961 our i Mother Country te conque2 Iist, 1967, our debt was more: the enemy; otherwise, there than $2.000.000.r would be ne Canada new. Our Ail tee soon It will be im- ,War Debt should have taken1Ipossible for our township te precedence over the extrava- borrow meney. The hand-................ gant prejects undertaken, not wrltlng la on the wall. There i. only_ lnDarlingten Township must be a drastic curtaîlment ..... -lq f-El1 Eg 0 n spending. Darlington, Ontario or Cana-'r da have ne guarantee that they cannot fail. Remember' Babylon, Persia, Sodom, Go-I merrah. Tyres Sidon, Greece, 1Rome, Napoleen, Kaiser Wm., J Hitler. Greed for power was the downfal of al. i Our beloved rural schôoos served the country well for' over a century. Thev were .4.heated by large box stoves,: fed hirge blocks ef hardwood., The çhildren get exercise * carrying ln the wood, waikingi te andý from scheol, doing; chorea ýat home before and! after schooi. The family was 1 clesely knlt, the girls worklng 1aM.: ~ wlth mother and the boys with - I RtRY T father. ,With th rsn system nt golng te seheel by CHRITMAS bus, chiudien leave home CHRITMA earierand ec home later se do very few chores, take littie or no interest In the Hope you farm or the-stock. A few still do chores, but finish late, are' tired and have ne time fer h aveCa lessens, se etten have te re- ib peat a grade. Where will or Ioeby oo te Guelph or1 taught te his Disciples. The! t of 294.60 ada Kemptviiie but few go back! ieveiy schools er today are sup- In 1961, the total expense' n O e e t r t te the farm te help dad as he poscdiv built for the children, entailed ln running the Darl- W ~ U VIS SPORTS, CYCLE I gets eider, but the floors are so magnifi- i ngton Schoeis was $33 1,502 r g d Y u n s e TOY iln the township belng seld te rcbildren must take off their ' the cents in each item, as cents strangers by dlsappointed tath-i boots and sit in their stocking are only peanuts new. Last Jak cuiyers. In many cases the farmi feet, a prelude te a coid te-r year the total cost of Darling- Dear Kid: îlot of things. We know more JakMNly is net worked any more, theimorrow and arthritis in laterl- ---- Today you came te me for about Bing than about Ringo, 1AN VILLE purchaser being a wealthy years. a job. From the look ef your and we have Stene-Age ideas business man wanting a In spite ofe at t hate67 shoulders as you \valked eut, about who owes whom a liv- I stact that 6eentureâ ng.Maybe tatmakes us ~~~~~ ~country home. Héè keeps saddle people signed a petîtion te upc yuv entrnd n.ta herses, buîlds paddocks, a te'i-!rvn th buligo te down befere, and maybe you prehistoric, but there's ne- ~Isl court and a pond. The back pren coo t ennbuild , n 15the' believe by now that kids eut thing wrong with the checks p art et the farm gradually lnew escr h o t niln , ande fi e111of igh school can't find we aigri. 4grews up te wecds. te esulethe ontined ue etEver hear etf'empathy"'? ~~ Anether eeainetu-rtegeod two-roomed schools i rcjrgt Anohe 'eeai fu-at Tî'rone. Soina and Burke- Buda. IYou SdaW tmeea at. osthe el o f saie etin. worked acres ef good farm ton: in spite of the knowni Ba.ut, I hired a eage e s the r o' ick eofsecngsh land, and our descendants maly wishes of taxpayers, the scho1 te oe ih'olsedoaIcu'rn't hve cired Icas - ~~~face poverty as acute as that board still wants te go ahead. --i and a necktie. What was se that yur eidi ou in India now. Truc, with the,~wsakdt iete rad pseIà~fhm Net éx 'rpamf; Th'~ your use cf strong tertilîzers. more of the story, so wibl edeavour' perience, neither ef you had problemn and President John- food is being grown per acre;! te do se any. It waa hia attitude put sen'a. What I needed was, himon he ayellînseadetsorneene who'd go eut ini the but dectors andcscfootiits ae Thsrumnoflh sho ~you. Attitude, son. A-T-T-T- plant, keep bis eyes open, and findng hatsuc fod l seboard is that with a centrail! ful cf peisonous elements that thJhl-sho t nikleII T-U-D-E. He wanted that job work for me like he'd work the health of our people is 1 ren now having a long wearî-' badly enough te shuck the for bimacîf. If you have, bcing slowly undermined. Weisome bus ride te Cortc leather jacket, get a haircut, even the vagueat idea of what ail knew that the song birds schooîs, w'ould then have aiadloki the poebkIrnettying toaleis ow we knew and loved when wemubsotridteEnsl - te find eut what this coin- tenx in o s o rwere cbiidren, are almost ex- Imî hre id eEnsi-! pany makes. He did hia beat job. Veou'll be head and tnct, as are the honey becs.en. (hesea pupils suourd e tps m. ht's whAre shoulders over the rest. cee farmers have te import i n oy a heaîthy waîk te their he edged you eut. Yeu know, Kid, men have A aby becs trom Europe cachow ruascoo. You see, Kid, people who always bad te get a job like year te ensure a erop of A second point brought up' it ation, wear a clean shirt, and honey, and te ensure the bv the board was the dlftîcultv iepel rnt'ih ayugtagr:Cs h iu flination of plants, clavera and - etn ecesfrte, ton Schools was $687,000, of try te appear reasonably wil- aifalta. r' wihtetwsl apyr ling. Maybe jobs, aren't as Ge cete hewol adrural scheols. (Ail terrl ih thped$15.00o7cwnshp ach $1 splentiful. right now, but >a lot - Its creatures. wlth a well blgagatfrr h r-e us can remember when pianned balance ef nature, but ,etim, a ned fyor tenlas ica ovrmn nsmaster craftsmcn' walked thei 'man in bis iack of wisdom îtie ac an pel:r- geod, but where docas the Pro- strecta. By comparison, youl -.destreylng IL gretted the cloing c tevîncial Governrnent get the don't know the me4ning et! The pupilia eftoday,'sch~ol) sho a- Jo o sgeeig -tx scarce". on a bus get ne exercise, se a r te oît- ecesdn t Christmastimoe payer of course. iYou may net believe lit, but ... UR CSTOMRS!gym ls provided, a circular, t tahegh grds In justice te the achool beard all around you employers arej parade ground for walking;,(ae'te h tmn that 1 must say that eur Dominion, looking for young men and, activlty classes for eutdoor air; evn tesý~i~rd Provincial and Municipal levels Women smart eneugh te nd xeris. Wtb50 a1 they lack the abllity or the ofetgevernment have ail spent atter ajbi h l-a trilla l our moenshos rining te erganz the neces- vast sums et money on tre- ioned way. Whcn they find! there Is net enough Urne for, tmtb& mendous prajects wblch sbou]d one, tbey can't wait te un-! 1BOYS' WEAR j demie subjects; actually the that the centralized siclooîl ..M S lon Il h back-log ef debt was onl hlm. au sks, e. foundation ef educatian. sI a t S lnFor both orsks e BOWMANVILLE think thîs friliy education, pnrare ith enger fhor thei The radie news of Dec. 15th cager, wilb you? ceuld be likcned te the bouse ltîhis miodern age ef speed, r tells us,~a Denmark has bad "The Boss." qi M11211,311130.ibulit on the sand, that Jesus vl 1t eiJ h rn.O h ___________________ sports, pleasure, trave. I think 1~BW A VLE t e;~ h rn.O h (Re-printed witb the permis-' ortengr can oe Do F;,ý1 B W AN IL ae nlng Liberal Lae sien et Motivation Aseciate, arc stillRIENpaying deben T ef the Mess we are-in. sacsa h ie ___sureon Seholn eho and ve thei My husband and 1 cannet t Myrayancsaid, "Portm Burc te e el.a d b v t e"^lv. m oger t e worry Hope bas been accepted as an M.wJ. Hobbsschoe t payferex about sehois, bridges, high- Incentive or designated area (O U FOR YOUR KI D How c n the a dditione e waYs and fancy parks, but 1 and industries lnformed they pectcd te take n the additionden't want te beave this world, May tk datg fti ai costNeTanother eheol netknowing that the new-born regulation."l es ntiinw, wben we are, fly'mo today are already One of the major reasons se de Ihe elyin et. G KT.'H'I acOd with a mortgage. Furth- for Introduction e h e sIg ae bere me arlttr ernore, Gd made the world a plan Io the mass emigration 01f esgned by Mm.iAex Cruly th,!rural cOmmunlty, where each yeunger people fror m alaler cr7s, Mn.P.andtt1n ul2Ote"he farily wrkdthe land or municlpalitie eth aM nae et n taf o 16strto Eguatn d est ,had flocks and hrd The ktles becauseof a lack o p t r c e t h e c l o s i n g e t n e o r t w o - s a i l ee h l aote o r .a n d J s s as e d t h e s l c a l b roorner scbeola". Aise, says ail RU V *uy is parables on rural lite. Conditions Llsted Mm. Carruthera. "The Schooi net on large cities. As I The tatement outlines the as suc la wblly mepensiber AT< UKE~ scond o fe Christ, the Secondary nianufacturing MOTOR as ste h pop whol ect i nd rural lite and customs wiil be companies est.abllsblng new it isr therefore undemocratic R AYdsta BS restc>red. "But they shall sit faclhttia ln the Provincial for other levels ot gevrernment ndCOSERVIC every man under his own fig equaization areas or maklng i t itt policy. scbooSERIC tree", - Micah 4*4 Read the approved addition to *xlstlng I e~tt5 tor badfBowmanville whole chapter, ior a picture facilities. At pyln fe th serice etfetwhat là 10 b.The grants will b. avallable 10 buses at a coat 10 the town- r.A .Pecî. 1 o~mlsbidn s fe Caadian Saesman, Enowmanzvmle, De. 30& lut? 21 .leu j(tc a do4a eU~ Gr.etings %, ail aur potrocs .. its b.eea pleasure serving ym ou.rry Christmost WILLIAMS- ELECTRIC Phone 623-5149 43 Prince St. Bowmanviile. n 'I il i i i -NF...-------------------------. - - -- -i. MAY ýYOIJR HOLIDAYS ]BE BXUGHT WITH JOY!, Fe A. KRAMP ITD. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kra;np and Staff BOWMANVILLE CHRISTMAS AND NEW VEARS DINNER Witt u. S.rvid il r. .to 8 p.rn. Lotus Gardens RESTAURANT Phono 623-5583 For R.s.rvtoftu -F (i MM--%f plunt.',f WUper Met o.f tb.tnied to nisêt auil rt4u. miachtnry 4ntfh4t e the balance of the loani~ then thie grant wMf alto aply b. forgivmn. on the, ~tery. Securlty wifl b. taken S 1- W If a eoiljmy buys, leases or b&n 1M that If at any lt1e renta a vacant building and during the firot six yeara the 1ntfa75 per cent new ma- company elther ceases oj*r- ~snrthe Émnt wul apply -tiens, removes 11, opratioes on the new rnachlnery. tram the area, sella Its bus- in consldering grants for ex- Iness to other thaxi secondrnY pansion, ani applIcant company manufacturIng or takes othr will b. required to increase action which wlll defeat the Its fbeor space by 5,000 square purpose of the prograw. the fut oDr 10 per cent of Its exist- Ontario Developmnent Côrpora- ing fleor space, whichever la tien wili reclaim all or -pautci theygreater. fr the _______________ ziecesaary services, al of thef-------- addltional fleor space will have to be used by the company for secondary manufacturlng pur- r~ a o Thse new grants formula will S aol b. applied as follows: 33'k% of the first $250,000 ot the approved capital cest of new Q reetings buildings and equlpment arnd 25 per cent efthtle balance of the approved ceat of these to ail the facilities. The. grants as calcuiated, Citizens of under the formule wil lrIitiaily be made available te quallfy- lng companies ln the form of DARLINGTON lnterest-free loans for a period of five years. T W SI At the end of the first year, T W SI one tenth ef the loan wll be forgiven, a further tenth off the loan at the end ot the sec-eý H. C,.. MUIR ond year and so on until the end of the> fifth year. REEVE At the end ef the sixth yeari previded the company has con - _---- Bowmanville,

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