;Mrs. Thoma.s Jennings led fin the singtng of Christmasl Celebrate 0 h A 'ie s r carois. R epo tsfr' m 1Mns. Vincent Jackson won the penny guessing contest. Mrs. Thomes Jennings won ig the "Travelling Box" con- W.,omen's Institutes test. 1 Mns. John Neals gave a br£*ANY W. L, branch. The theme of the report of the finances of the of te Behanyconference was "We can only 4-H clubs, with announoe- bersof he ethny'pay our debt ta the past by ment of Achievement Day ta a Institute were en-, putting the future in debt ta be held January l2th at Ma- cdet the home of Mrs.f aurselves." Mr@. Ryiey thank- pie Grove. ,tt- 'for t hecir'cd the members for being The secretary read a let- bobtfig on Mon-ipivileged ta attend as a ter o! thanks from the Man- Y venIg, nzWerng the!delega te. vers Township School Area ~lCalli *th 'a giit for in-i Board o! trustees for the as- ates at the Golden Plaughý The program was in charge sistance of the Womnen's In- Scein Cobourg, which; cf Mrs. Robert Ryley, con- stitute members et the offi- ber cked later for distri-1 venar of Home Econom.'cs ci- oein n1edcto Wiîli t thie Lodge by Reevet and Heaith. Mrs. Addisanjof Grandview School and en- 4peWi âMGll o! Bethany. Sct aecm ent n the, closing a donation for W. 1. -Preuident Mrs. Harry Ry- program mtte "The besti work in the amount of $5.00; extended greetings for; gifts ta receive are fromi a letter fram John Cumnber- holiay ensn ad wl-!those who have nothing ta land, Principal of Grandview mcd three new members,, gîve but themseives", con- Schooi; thanks from Mrs ~otîg a oem"LetUs War with a'poem "What Gordon Rith of Ida for the Smie' Mis. Ryey aIsoi ml" capable matering o! the W. I. ve a report af the recentl Mrs. Emery Smith gave a et the recent Federation ofL ~a Convention which she,'reading "The Homesteader's Agriculture banquet. fd attended in Toronto asi Christmas" and Mrs. Glenn The secretary was request- elegate of the Bethanyl Preston "A Thought on ed .ta send Christmas cards tealal sick and shut-ins. It was agreed ta send a 1 further donation of two Ther- 1mal Blankets ta the Golden Plough Lodge at Cobourg. c> I Members exchanged Christ- mas gifts with Mrs. Levi Me- Gill acting as Santa Claus. c> - Following which a dainty lunch of cookies and Christ- mas cake was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ra- ton, Mrs. Emery Smith, Mrs. W .Philllps, Mrs. E. Ed- celleThe January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ina Palmer and will feature Canadien Industries. Warmest wishes at MAPLE GROVE W. 1. istmas Time andl The December meeting of!'Q the Womenls Institute wasi ...... throughout the held on Dec. 14th at 6:3 0 P.mI in the C. E. Building. This New Year. was a joint meeting with the U.C.W. providing the boun- tiful pot luck supper and the B. . il ' U. oeW. I. the program. Russell C. IIH IIe Mrs. C. Greenham was i lcharge of the Institute pro- M.adMs omnWih M.P. FOR DURHAM gram. The roll call, "How M.adMs omnWih many Chrisimases havehyouî On Saturday afternoon and evening, the Community Hall at Hampton was lived in Mapie Grove" so, ed the ladies had been ini packed with family and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright of Enniskillen Maple Grave anywhere from' who were celebrating their Diamond Wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wright, one ta eighty-one years. 6oth in good health, are shown above at the happy celebration. the -sincerest of Carols 53 and 59 were sn _ __ ~~reettncs ~piano. Mrs. S. Morton com- <"~< <S . W. Lard aithp vament *aus C.n!.hTeHmI seems ta be a magic in the' NowAalbe !t usC. IT Hd and. very name of Christmas."! ~She saîd 'That the birth 0f: for the baby Jesus was the Mir- ' îI p e si e V s e Best Wishes acle but we are thinking of~ Festive Season 1 mr s i e V s e the magie of Christmas. The v for a trees, iteocrsgfs, and the stocking ail speak o! À Service on Sunday 1 hsmagic. It is the time: when we remember aid fri- On Sunday evening, Decemn- versation about Christmas ry I\erry : ' ends with cards and notes.]I ber 101h, the C.G.I.T. girls held taok place bY five voices, Joan It is too bad that the magic 'their annuai Vesper Service. Graham, Susanne Graham, o! Christmas doesn't last al 1Asstlng at the door with Faith Theissen, Vaierie Bath- hrietM as year" Gena the programs were Lynda well and Lillian Lemon. As C.deanh m iro-i: Graham and Jili Colvilie. the girls said their parts the an ,duced Mrs. R. Fraser, Sauina, I An organ prelude of Christ- spotlight moved back and who gave a demonsration of a ui asej db h forth to each girl.White gavde akaingon risimaBes 'members of the congregation leader expiained about the H gave a eadasg ohehrirls came into the time being Advent, the girls' in Canada 1867 a nd. nisi-, , cu and took their places, conversation continued. mas 1967. P! The centre o!atninfcs- Ti a olwdby the Ne Y aM1rsteof.hnS. Mora moved a-l ed on the communion table Junior Choir singlng the an- vot o tank fr moi -A delicius1 where a single cande stood themn "The Virgin Mary Had a teresting prgram. "The Col- and was lighted by the candle- Baby Boy". The conversation ec as repeated by ail iniV Nn-Ale ooic Drink! îlighter Gail Milison. Here a again contlnued with the unison potlight appeared and focuss- voices talklng about Angels AU X ARR THE S -Mrs W.Laid plyed' e onthecanle.and the Gloniaus Klngdom. r M o*Pe J.jngleBels" hic herld-ýl u-- C ýs n a fittingly anranged Each voice displayed their edth vsitagSntec the leader, Ann Cuth- conversation piee y clru -A----------- in the person of Mr s Geron, read the cal ta wo- poster pictures, made by the __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ Beech. Ail the ladies receiv- ý G e n R a hip with nesponse from the girls. A maie voice, taken by ed a remembrance from c' ~ongregation. After the hymn, Mr. Meicaif, was also heard Santa. 17 0V ta the Warld, the reader, throughout the conversation. i alenle Tennant read the Durlng the second scripture The DofrySt. Luke. ed by Lee Adams and Donna1 H YDON Poe6354 The Junior Choir under the Holmes, came int view and .~ . . i .C. . C ris mas mee- R KinZ St. W. ý sang the traditional French the Inn. The hymn "O Little SIng was held at the church on cadre ol " n go! Mr. Ross MeaîfTwntoff tathlehsem "lookl ngfo Wednesday afiernoon, Dec. 13ao,"nesW aeHad ono ehee"wssn in hefor 0 a hrstms _____ on High' after which a con- and duning this hymn Maryç __t. Pe-sho hlrn .. ..1-14.1I and Joseph reappearedt witht pany. re scoolchidne the Babe and took their places v~C reeivd sai git i ', ,' , In the chancel centre whenet eting . . oeneds.y Pesi- ythe spoilight remained on them dent M rs J. anes D ev - Ilth rou gh ou t the service . Itional was given by MrsJ Paeso necsinwr Northey who also hwdldb h grs olwdb ing. Chrisfimasecards o!nyears e . Mss*eh sh Ann Vogel, some 20 membersî onologuerabyCMisstash-....................being present. <i t n. S vera Chn sima Ca aisM rn. and M rs. Jlm A dam s were sung by everyone. attended the Clarke High A play eniitled "The Klng's:Sho ecer n tf EStar" was nicely presenied by' Chnîsîma pry and the ffn the Explorer Group under the Chrtchmasn Mtya Inn, Baw-n leadrshp o! Mis R en amanville, on Thunsday even- Graham, also a short skit and 1 liig. a couple a! Çhrisimas sangs by li Miss Anne Nesbitt was a the Tyros under their leader' visitor on Friday with Mr. and To you, IoveIy patron,l Rev. David Norihey who ac- Mns. Les Reid, Orono. campanied ibem on telb n C .Joc wsi andlMrsG. Bar.ma gro'Toronto Thursday, and attend- W . s. d a h r y g r e if gC a dl l gh hn sî a C n l d the A u t am a iis C hristm as singing by several of the yaung!iPry Along with good wishes folks. Mrs. J. Joncs favour- Misa oirSatyo.spn ed wiih a piano sala. Santal the weekend in Port Hope with Thot sur.Iy beur repeating: arnivcd and gave eacb child a iMn. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelly bag a! candy which was danat- and family. On Sunday, Mn. ced by the Sunday School. , .-adMsDnSapco ad A b e osatifulsMM rs C h ristmo sl W in erno the h i i a ae boys w e nc also supper guests wasxMo s.Choc iies enMr.And the with the Donnellys. bo ao la e , n A ii-M . and M s. B oyd H arris Su7f , School session et! and famlly werc among the 67 1r l S.'~ 45 and Christmas church P ro= un to you .. .a baker'a members o! h ry ail at pm. n undy.dozon winhos for a dinner and party, Saturday Mn. and Mrs. Russell And- ngt aa! hm f r n ers nday iiPto opM,.truly Joyoua Yul.tides Mis. Chare Gray, Orono. Mr.. and Mm. A. Greig and Staff and Mr.Arthur Trcwin, wr ndyecigvstn 1ilmadPu. fTrt r A II A ~ V Iwlth Mn. and Mns. Clinton Mn. and Mrs. Ken Unwin, ~KE RRL MLIBrown. Oshawa, vlsl*eG her mather SuppTrEgcsts, Fnday, wit s . Ma . B rnm a df ml nM . and Mrs. Phil Glimer and BOWMANVILLE faly wcre Mr. WiIlara- Miss May Tabb, Orano. &peutraM.ndMsLlyCys tha waSkend at ber home. dais, M.an s. lydToplzis, dale. n. Ra Shelley and Robbie, celebrat- TThe Caniadiani tatesmn, ownmnlleDer.-20X18M lng the. blnthday a! Kimi GU- mer.i Mifs. V. Bougerle Mentthe, Mrs. Greneveld aso provided furry aia ibrft wcckcnd ln Oshawa with Mrs. t.a and cakes for thon pnes- owu ime&, Apresentaton lni honor o !'W l fo rn li fi uly *1b0 ~4 Iip fh thc 40th Weddng Aniesr churcli on Sunday monnng The intemnedlhe, &k of Mr. and Mrs. Be. Jaynes wercin menory o! Mn. Gor- the final veruet was held ln Communty Hall, don Kellg a! welcomc whose Word and the Saturday vnng. The gift death ocurred last wec. ]Rev. was gtven.,byTIi o! a dinette, suite was made an Munro's sermon deat wth The Offen-lng fr e and Uic remainder a! Uic *en theUic knd o! G d as known by homelesç and u ed ee ng ment in dancing. Anmos, Hosea, Jereniali and was $32.75. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dawns Isalah and the challenge of Mr. ald*Mi. Cro~lh and famly, a! Kendai, wce todaY's knowledge. White ois and Donald', *g Satunday evcnng visitons wth Gift Service was held ln Sun. friends lisn sits m Ie Mn a - Mr.Bfi Wadle and day Schaol, cnductcd by thc day and rtUrned : - 1csx famiy. spenltendent, George Tuf- Sunday. i Mrs. Tilly McAgy and five frd. The service planned by m chldrn a! Am erstburg wer Uich chunch for tis day was jj < u a j y ovennight visitons with Mn. and used wlth cail ta wanship giv- M m. oyd Hen is nd anily ecni by N icki G raen cveld and Other Sunday visitais with -u-o ces --si he!ls the Harris famly includcd Mn. verse of O Came AUl Ye Faith- fa and Ms. Buster 1%arris and fui with al singing thc e- hre.s son Bradley. a! Whitby Mn. maindier. Penny Websten led and Mrs. Vern Ketcheson and the schol ln prayen and thec Linda, Tronto; Mrs. Rhea scnptune from Luke was ead usokSvqh I Gray, Newcastle. by Rae Tuffard. The smaîlA Mn.andMrs Aisle Gren ots sang the finet ver se of enC ~t M . R nnie Green and frend' Away ln a manger. and G an- fouad auiu of estort lo t theabil t a! W stp nt, Wenc supper field Payne ead the legend ~Ir I e guesis, Sunday, wlth Mn. ando!heirI htegfs Mns. Harris, wbIle Mr. and Phillip Nichais explalned domotumiiu Mrs. albo Alldead f New- that the offenlng would be M&do ..np.hmaleig 0 Mns. Taîbot Alldnead castle, were callers. Bogh sed for needy people a! the Mr.andMrs Walac Bugh wold.WeseyBest told o! Inmm fl5 UfIW os W en accompanied by Mrs S. the Angola refugees in the rlie'ig - .ti Grdon, drve Miss îIene Congo, Bary spoke o! the Zshrika pace., Rncb ta the Toronto Airpot Aab ef ugees, Nancy Payne Most imactat Of., mn>e~ Sunday marning. !rom ' rýof India, Alain Wilson o! were nothorough tlit thjsiep she flew te Florida fan thnee HonlRbn Cak fmetw àka»OfýS weeks' vacation. Hng Kong and Patti Payne of many montbe, M rs. C. Farrow and M rs. J. o! still others. John G nene- r~ 8' a c o s lu .. w t Eliott were in Cobourg, Sun- vl ndJlePayne showed ne hl gsbstance (B1oDvà day alernoon, visiting Mrs pictures a! Ame a! these whih *&l , hel abu-1~ Evelyn Cann T rase, who ýj places. 0" t . JIy Jp wth confined ta er home thnugb Alain Wilson and Neil Nich- M rs. R eieW o d a d a s re c e iv e d th e o ff e r in g a n d N w B o D n ~ e i~~ Mr.an Mr. ei Wod ndRodney Payne ledin the offer-N i- a dyas 1 focune u sons were at Ida, Sunday tory prayer. A story a! a littie 'etadv oy. where the Beatty family girl lost in the Woods in pion- on.Sa ea t Christmas gatering was held en days who spent the night t the home a! Mr. and Mrs. ln a holow log with a istli efid Ray Challice. M. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son, Peter and Carl wene >'- - supper guesis, Sunday. witb Mn. and Mrs. George Hender- son, Port Hope. The Gilmer family Christ- mias dinnen parly was held et tbe home a! Mn. and Mrs....... Frank Gilmer, Sunday aflen- faon, wben those present ln- cluded Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmen, Stewart, Steven and David a! Islington, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Karen, Je!-V fry and Lynn of Pri Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Blaine, Kim and Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown, . Judy and Cindy were supper i guests. Sunday, wlth Mn. and ~±~' Mrs. Trueman Henderson and 'X ' family. At ibis lime we would like ~ te wish the Editor and Staff a! The Statesman, and aillaur readers, the Compliments o! the Season. LONG SÀULT Mrs. Kelly, Orono, was a Sun day dinner guesi at the ~ home of Mn. and Mrs. Earl Penwanden and family. Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson ~ visited at their daughten's whýý home, Mn. and Mns. Norman Davis and family, Orono, on Fiday evening.E UL Mrs. Rye Gibson, your Sout lb line correspondent, JS HU L - 1wisheg yau ane and ail a veny Merry Christmas and a brigbt These same wishes also go oui ta M . John James and vro l Ma vg hi bu is staff aI the Canadien vryoe> ay> J tby Statesman office. eoi.M S ma t WESLEYVILLE oota oitje li, End o! the year rush houn leeel w eyuf epproacbing wilb ils roundup o! reports for school as well Chrism a un iq yà Mu o as organizelions, and o! pre- parations for te hoday heait's dosirll festivilies. On Wednesday aflennoon Decemnber 6 the lasi execulive meeting a! bbe U.C.W. for 0O M N IL 1967 was held in the Sunday School roam. Recommenda- tions for the use o! the money on hand were prepered for C E N R the regular meeting in a Areek's lime. Business was, D ELE&SA conducted by the president E . L S I T F Mvrs. J. Groeneveld from table covered witb a brigbt IN S.W OW?,ANVILES A Let us pray that strengt and courage abmunda t ~' ~ be given to ail who w9rk for a worid of reabo. nda une rstanding * that the good that leie a vew v - -~man's heart may day by day be magnified 'that àMmen wiil corne to see more ciearly net that whld divides thcm, but that which unites them * that - acis heur ~ bring us closer to a final victory, flot of nation over nation, but of mni=: over his own cviii and weakness* that'tise tria. spirit ,f ttbW Christmas Seamomi - its joy, its beauty, its hope, and absave ail $s# abiding faith - may live among usn * that the blessinga e of be ours - the peace to buiid and grow, t. live in harmony and sympa*by , with other, and to plan for - thse- futur, with confidence Marr's Jewellery Joyce Ehude Relru VMk" Je" an d Jim Maui