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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 5

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Youngster-Wints t-uge Stocking'ai Legion Chrisimas Party Women's InstitutesI DLACKSToCK W. 1. cd, several notes ai thanks, Blaestak Wmen' InU-'rend, and other items of busi-1 L, B»àtsock omens Inti-ness discussed. temet ini the Township Hall h olcl Oetig j edn eveingDec.13, ur Province la doing for' t=ipyeident Mrs. H. Baileyi Health" was well answered;j .;,ding and Mrs. M. McKee! also a. fine collection of i actîng secretary ini thet ib-!1 gifts foi- tht Children's Aid' cnCe of Mr. L. Thompon. Fal-ýwas brought in. 1owing the Ode and Collect,i Mrs. Hectar Shortridge,1 Minutes were read and adopt-i group leader, naw presided. d.Treaurer's repart recei!v- Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave anj y y W4a- -a~< w- *« Ml<are C eSIppe Mrs. Mary Connors TO OUR WONDERFUL PATRONS! uLIeiIe SA LO0N BOWMANVILLE nnaert Mary Douglas Elizabeth Jovie ***************** *** We welcoms fthe opportunity to, and neighbors, the. best of evorytI to thank you for your patronage forward f0 serving you again 1 co:o0 RI CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL BE 12 NOON UNTIL 6:00 P. PHONE 623-5412 FOR RESERVi t ~'Two-and-a-half year old Bannie Blake, daughter ber five-year-old sister* Lynn. Santa (Alex Jonc of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blake, R.R. 3, will be busy shown handing over the stocking, wlth Branch ail day Christmas playing with the gifts in this huge dent Maurice Conway in the background, wi stocking she won at the annual Legion party on Sat- Mrs. Blake and her daughters a Merry Christi jurday afternoon. She probably will have help from Reports from car IdeE 47. sue 196 dat M por motto, Do not content your- ex(** ~ l self by doing your second p l*a*~ ~ * jbest however unimportant the, NIadLLNti! ocain Tht observance ai White tery. Mrs H. MeGILl gave a Mrs. Norman E. Wright who e Mrs. Shortridge introduced, Git Sunday took place in aur Christmas rtading. have celebrated their 6Oth unc r Mrs. L. Wilson who gave a Sunday School on Sunday Roll caîl was aswered with Weddlng Annlversary. Mr. me, A ine demanstratio,. oi Arteximorning. Tht usual large an exchange ai small gitsland Mrs. Wright are leavlng on Liquid embroidery. ýnumber of Sunday Schoal and tht minutes af last meet- an Dec. 29th with their daugh- ~ Meeting closed with The members and staff wvas aug- ing were read and apprve. er Mrs. Bradford far three ~ j Qucen aiter which a baunti-f mentcd by tht attendance ai Tht treasurer's report wasimonths vacation in Arizona. fui lunch and social time was' many parents and grandpar- read by Mrs. L. Stainton. It Happy holiday, folks! enjoyed. Attendance 23. lents. A tinsel trimmed Christ- was decided ta send $25 ta' Mrs. Norman Holmes, Mr. mas tret provided by tht Hi-C caver shipping charges on bale 'Wallace Holmes, Oshawa, were Group and two lovely pain- and $25 ta Association for Rt- Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Fast-Growlng Part settia flawer arrangements tarded Children. It was de-IN. E. Wright's. Vancuve, tt wrlds îst-gave a festive touch ta the cided ta give $3.00 ta church Mr n r.Atu rgt Vsa-gouver, teparis cfast-g auditorium ai tht church. current expenses and put $6-00, Barrie, had Sunday morning estgrwig.saprt isclsiglSuperintendent A. J. Wryi building fn.I was also1 breakfast wlth their parents. tht gap with Montreal frled In the service ai warship. decided that we cater for a Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright be- leadership in Canada',, cargo Miss Sheryl Ashton prtsided dinner on January 27th. Mrs. fore ltaving for their home 'traffic, Tht Finanicial post at tht argan during the prel- H. McGill moved a vote ai Ms aryVce e notes. For tht present and udt and carol singing. Tht thanks ta tht officerrs s.Grr lces. Jennifer, near future, Vancouver can scrîpture lesson was read by Several contests were enjoyed aheadRcy aitn cape with lncreased traffic. Mr. Wayne Beckett. Mrs. F. and tht group in charge served were Wednesday gutsts at Mr. ;But for tht long pull, Tht W. Werry was cloquent in her a dalnty lunch. and Mrs. Allan Werry's. Financial Post reports, a new dclivery ai tht interesting Mrs. L. J. Bradford, Tucson, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Frank- 'port site is being considtred story "Lost in tht Woods'* Arizona; M i ss Marguerite lin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs M. at Roberts Bank. Tht ques- Our guest soloist Miss Carol Wright, Stoney Creek, spent a J. Habbs were Tuesday even- tion: when is tht time for Wight ai Providence, accomn- couple ai days wlth their par- Ing visitors at Mrs. F. Toms. expansion? panied by aur choir directo., ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Mrs. Geo. Irwln recently Mrs. Chambers, charmcd and Wright. vlsitcd Miss Doris Milîson, warmed tht hearts ai her Congratulations ta Mr. and shawa. and Misses Louise 'audience with ber delightiul, and~ Manant eMclntosh, Whit- silvery soprano voice when I<<IUeIeU<ieosmuvby. she sang "0 Holy Night" ndMn and Mrs. Allan Warren, "Gentît Mary Laid Her Chlld" - Lori Ann and Randy, Leam- Messs. Ge Ahtonand in gtan, were weekend visitons ' -"" " Donald Trewin rcccivcd tht at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reld's. ofinln. A abndace i Lori Ann and Randy remnain- "~ ~"White Gifts" . was p resent- ced for halidays. e d ta be iorwarCed by Mrs. r L Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turn- L. Stainton ta tht School for Y fln Oshawa; Miss Elsie Oke, ."~~""Handicapped C h11d ren at Bowmanvîîîe, were Sunday S Orillia. viliisitars at Mr. and Mrs. F. Included In this speclal j orland. service was tht "Rededication I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowan, ta Mission" ceremony for thet Mr. and Mrs. Allan West, Messenger Group and their IOshawa, were weekend visi- leaders, whcn their gift of ' tors at Mr. and Mrs. R. Raw- $100 was given ta tht M. and ins M. Fund. Tht purchasi-ng af Miss Shirley Norton, nurse- cards by many familles i-training, Oshawa Hospital,j through the capable sales man- spent tht weekend with Mr. agement ai Mrs. E. WrightanMr.EMcarndaml contributes largely ta this r and Mrs. . erand ardRld, «k moncy git. " ~ i Participating in 1 Bawmanville: Miss Mary Yeo, tht ceremany were Mr. A. J. 'Oshawa, were visitons at Mn. ' Werry, S.S. Superintendent; and Mrs. Bruce Reld's. Mr. Ross Ashton, Clcrk ai Mr. and Mns. Gardon De- xe MSession; Mns. L. Wearn, M. & ý - ment and girls, Haliax, are M. Treasurer; Miss Sharon 1# 21 visitlng with ber parents, Mr. Werry, Messengers Treasurer. K 9!ad Mrs. W. Howells. On Sudy * nig thej~a On Sunay ev. and Mrs. Ross RaW- . ~ sanctuary was tht beautifuli lands and Tenry. Scarborough, sctting, with its many lightcd .4wttSndyvsiasaiMs candîts for tht Choir's Christ- Jihn Jaud. mas Cantata "The Festival aîi ru Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry Carols". A very large con- oh &JI. l , werc Saturday evening visitors ir 'Wgregatian jained with the a* Mn. and Mrs. S. Lamb's.~ chair in tht siniging af sev- Mr.f and Mrs. C. Avery were eral familiar carals. As tht ShIoppe i Sunday visitons wlth Mn. and choir members procceded down . Mrs. Wray Moort, Mount For- tht aisîetot tht choir alcove, 'V rs. A. Brock and Staff"l est, when they called at the each carried a lighted candît. r Mount Forest Funeral Home Mrs. L. Wearn operated thte 13OWMANVILLE ta pay their rtspects ta thte projectar for tht shawing of ~ late Mrs. John Smith. Nba coloured film with see Mrs. A. Sharp spent a few' dcpicting tht Christmas stary.' Chair President Mr. Ray Ash- 0> ton welcamed tht audience. Ht alsa txplaincd the origin and named tht composens ai the selected carols; Mrs. 0. C. Ashton read a brief interpre- tation for each. Miss Shenyl Astnread the scriptural flbastd. Speclal vocal parts vtrse gon bhich ech crl wFs Stenger, Mr. Ross, Mr. Ronald and Mr. Ray Ashton. Tht three Ashton brothers alsoa wish you, our friends contrîbuted a tria selection. A duet was sung by Misses Marie~ 'hing at Christmas and Beckett and Sheryl Ashton. A ladies quartette was composed- in te pat. . Iok a Mrs. I. Sharp, Misses Linda Avery, Sheryl and Beth Ash- tan. Mrs. Chambers, chair leader and onganlst, dlrtcted GINGER ALE this musical production. Tht'eC AE 1 choir and cangregation are In- OIWTE debted ta aur ministen, Rev. CLUB SODA M. A. Dougherty for tht film jO S ~ and pinted material. Tht home af Mrs. Grant Werry was appropriateiy dec- orated for the Chrlstmas meet- Ing af tht U.C.W. held on Dec. 13 when 22 adults and six E ,II URANT Stainton opened tht meeting with a paem "Up A Tree". She thanked the hostess and wel- camed the ladies. Rev. M. A. SERVEDDougherty gave the devo- SERVEDtianal, which was a Christmas story, "The Red Sllk' Dress" M.1 taken iromn tht book - Hasten the Day. The Scripture was Psalm 75, verses 6 and 7. Mrs. 'ATIONSC. Stainton was In charge afi' tht pragram. Mns. R. Rowan Mare Deer Hunt Resuits An initial analysis of deer mp reports has lndicated a eer hunt success rate of .2% compared ta the 46,5% access that was enjoyed in 966. Tht data recelved ta ate shows that 774 men re- 'rted a harvest ai 366 deer Dmpared ta 744 men who arvested 346 deer In 1966. In eneral, it appears that the )67 deer season was sllghtly tter than the 1966 season in Ite of the poor weather that curtd urlg tht periods af Mare Than Million Trees Planted In Lindsay Districti Although weather conditions ls past summer may havei ýen distasteful ta the tourist, iy contrlbuted greatly to tht çcellent survival af over one à1lion trees planted this year. total ai 814,000 trets werc inted on Crown Lands in s district this year, and an itional 231,000 wcre plant- 1on prlvately-owned lands1 ider tht Woodlands Improve- ent Act. Aillai the planting iprivate lands was located They Foliowed the Star of Bethlehemn ..and found a message of Love. May you and ypurs find this same message in the joys of the Christmas season, 1967. 167 King St. E. 623-2546 Bowmanvllle, Ont. p ILL Jenny Lind CHOCOLATES 2-oz. Chocolatesf DELUXE BOXED JnyLn wiVEth L by Jenny Lind 2-oz. Chocolates NOV LY E rand with 1.5jSmiles 'nCuke NOVE LTY DOLL Lady Schick ~.CHRISTMAS :41.3 e.-. GIFT WRAP ~New Remington "Caprice" SHAVER AD SELECTRO - 300, OPEN UN TIL 9 P.M. DAILY UNCLUDING SATURDAY r s Kodak NEW SCOPE Polaroid INSTAMATIC BINCULASWINGER CAMERA KIT BNCLRS CAMERA Sugg. List 24.50 18.88 24.95 ta 32.95 Sugg. Liat 24.95 18.88 ~FREE FILM - FRÉEEFILM - FR EE F 1LM « with every roll of Black and White or Kodacolor left at m w « FRE FREDERICK'S PHARMACY LL FEEFILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM ki 'i "LAST MINUTE" Gift Suggestions at FREDERICK'S PHARMACY 67 King St. E. 623-2546 Bowmanville days wth ber sister. Mrn D. The Canadian Stateuinan, Bowmanville, Der- 20, loue B. Kand Tor. Kenneth ln~ PeterloruhCaunty under tret can be deter b j Lamb, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs.ithis Act. scaler frooni ry anc tI11 Lorne Lamb were callers at Although the vacationer may ment of the bit Mr. anidMm ILR Lamb's. le. dreaming of a long unnY -That for « aIi Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp summer lIW 1968, may we be the welght of a truc-~ p had Sunday supper with Mr. excused -If we hope for at, least lags can te conve and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. falrly regular peniods of rain- board-feet Or cublc e Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, fal to help ur 'Utte-ones" -That computera are' Mr. Ralph Virtue, Mr. Ross along their road to the saw- used by tht ep t1en Sharp attended the funeral Milli. Lands and Forcsts spa4 of Mrs. Everett Sanderson at Did Yon the scallng operatioV Hespeler on~ Saturday. -That scallng la measure- --That the revenue irWsiW Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp ment ta eemn htmutctlg prtosrtdt wereSundy dnnerguets aofiwaod cut ln an area so that provincial 'treasury almoat Mr. nd rs. W. R binonCrawn ýtimber charges cari be m ilan lni 1966? Orana. assessed?ý A. E. Walroth, Mr.andMrs Jon Blle .That entire trees are naw istrict Forester4 Mar.n and PhlpMrJonoBele skidded ta a clearlng, cut up, K are an P h H p , O ro o, ere an d load ed an tru c k s ta be Sunday supper guests ai R. hauled'away ta tht mil17 Having 'been poor' Is no Griffin's. -That .machine-power,* bas shame, but being ashamed af Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howe largely replaced the use of ai it, is.-Benjamin Franklin. ' and famlly vlslted an Sunday muscle-power ln the lagging SILENCE is nat always wlth the Howe families, at 'industry? golden; sometimes it is juBt Beavertan. -ht h oueo u git Mr. 'Jlm Mason, Cobourg. Tht ht -oum -!--ct-u-t." spent the weekend wlth Mr.: and Mrs. F..Draper. I Lands &Foresti Weekly Report i monnaum MANY MORE SELECTIONS SEE US NOW! L71Y

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