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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1967, p. 7

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t misRani on; W. and Mm., c4~îa/& £ersnal ' W4readlith .eï Scouts and Cubs Present Impressive Nativity Scene ~ CmisionSt., 0on Phone 623-3303 hep thei: 62ndtd- din antvrsay.Our con- M,5-tý Sgratulations to Mr. and Mm. Cleinens. bMAr- John Mifler, Ajax. wlll w1th Mr. and Mis. Ralph *end Christmnas wlth his par- Kelly and boys, Lindsay. Cngratulations and beut '** 21,Mr. and Mmu Ted Miler, Miss Jane Meeka, Toronto wlshes to Mr. Roland Bate, 48 M eStMreet. Teachers' College, wlflbe wlth Concession St. East who celo- Yu gplease let us George Meeks, East Beach, Saturday, December th. Mr.~ after your return, where over Christmas weekend. Bate, a football player lni YOJwre vlsltlng. Just dia! A.W. Sue Holroyd, Corn-yogcdaanwh at] X 3-303.wallis, N.S., will be at ho an enthusiastie follower of F0? the record, we should w1th ber parents, Mr. and Omeloameges o'fSofina Footbal &::<t state fit las been o mild It Fred Holroyd, Orchardvlew tsa e mbr r rcla M0mB as If we should be buy- Blvd., on Christmas leavae.brsaepacial Ing an Easter lily rather than Mr.SmBros elln the same as when ho playoti. àChristmas poinsettia. ton St., spent a few days la1 The Bowmanvlle Baptist * Mr-. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly weck wlth ber brother andi Church Choir presented their and Mr. andi Mrs. Ken Kelly, sister-In-law, Mr~. andi Mrs. annual Christmas. Cantata last . . .* . andi boys visited. on Sunday Norman Van Nest, Windsor. Sunday durlng their regular .. Don't forget to holie in evening churcli service. Tho the names of your Ïhrl tmas choir, which lu copoedo ussfrom out-of-town by 19 members, was under the ietTuesday, Deoember 26th. excellent leadership of Miss The Christmas meeting of 1The number ta tuai la 3-3303. Vivian Sadler. Mns. Glenn the. Women's Institulte was. Mr. and Mrs. Don Master Tyoracopnet n1h helti on Wcdnesday evenln onat iClngl :gpiano andi Mr. Don Jensen at the home of Mr'. A. Low 1Iîbewthtei1arnsMs narratedi The service was There were 14 present and wl E wVarco edi.parns Mrs.A well attended by members and we are gladti t welcome two Masters over Christmas we ek rints.Eronemuicndei new Inemfbers. After the trans- end.-achu fmscadi ection of Uic business Mrs. laoklng forward to the next ' Mandera anti Mrs. Dennis tok i.Dvt imUlest cantata to b. presenteti at charge of!nmre games andi con- af Taronta, and Mr'. and Mrs. Baster tinie. Iests whlch were enjayeti by Rabert Milne, Oshawa, wlll be ________ 011.. The Roll Cail was What wlth their parents, Mr. andi I want for Christmias". Lunch Mrs. Bruce MUlne, Carlisle T R N was serveti. The hostesses f or Ave., for Christmas. T R N the evening were Mrs. Cath- Mr,. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, tart and Miss C. Stewart. The Miss Cora Crozier, Mrs. Mamie Former Tyrone friends remainder of the blrthday Macolm anti Mrs. Elsie Hooey, senti congratulations andi best cake was enjoyeci by cveryone. all af Blackstock, were Wed. wjshes to Mr. and Mi'.. Elmer BOXes are to ha packed for the nesday evening visitor, of Mrs. Farrell, 37-lOth St., New Tor- Senior Citizens anti Shut-ins Walter Ferguson, Wellington onto, on the occasion of their '~ and the W. J. will pay far the Street. Golden Weiing Anniversary, treats for the Sunday School Mr'. anti Mrs. Ken Marden December 26. They will be at children at the cancert on Paul, Bruce anti Lynne, Osha home to frientis and relativesM. Frl ay, Dec 2 . w , a ti i' To M a on, 2- p. . a ti t 9: 0 p m.D u rin g th e C h ristm as C o n cert h eld in M ap le S h ep h erd s, S te v en G o o d m u rp h y , M ik e , H en ry a n d 'Gati' Great Gifts" was the Toronto, will be spendiîng Fritiay evening there were Grave United Church hall on Suniday afternoon, one Grant Snowden; Mary, Brenda Barr; Joseph, Allen ubject of Rev. T. J. Snel- Christmas wth their parents, il tables o! Euchre, prizes as o jes sermon on Sunday. Mr'. anti Mrs. L. C. Mason, follows: Joe Burnside, Rich- of the many features was an impressive Nativity Andrews; Angels, David Plazek and Mike Eeuwes; $*smas Carois were sung High Street. ard Gibbs. Mi',. Arthur Ricli- Scene, with members of the lst Maple Grave Scouts Wise Men, Lex Goleski, Danny Blarr and Ronald ef the chir sang "Whule Lions Club hockey tiraw ards, Earl Prescott, Mrs. Ar- and Cubs taking- part. They are, from lft to right,, Marchant Shephertis Watcheti T h e 1 r winners are as fallaws: Dec. 27, vella Barrett, Sam Reyenga.nt Flocks by Nlght". Offering Dr. Anfossi, C. P. Blaker; Dec. 50-50 draw was won by Mi',. b Rev. D. Northey, ih teWhite Glft Service which warti; Jan. 6, Lorraine Taylor, Mr. andi Mi'. Stanley Gal obnd Si'. choir, of SalemIV ;eo swee itrbtei o 3,Le Citik JniWodGalerPrkle mberte C w".T nd or ufp "T h e FP o wv er U n itf~ wlll b. helti next Suntiay, 24 Ed. Faran, anti Jan. 10, AI.' er atrdyevnugvii December. r to b. present Cale, John Partritige. tar, o! Mi'. anti Mrs. LamneaniTrewhMs.G as this la Christmas Suntiay. Mr'. anti Mrs. M. L. Raenigk, Annîs. Brent, organist. Miss Erla Mr'. anti Mrs. Don. Tansley, King St. West, wcre guests at Ms .Gsin ocaVivlan reati the scripture; Michael anti Janette were re- the receptian anti presentation MsM.Gknoct, heCGIT mbr p-Entertains at Pine Ridge cent visitai', with Ms .o Il Aad !Mn acame ta spenti Christmas andticiothenCG.I.T. e mbxesAri- Stewart. Dr. Gardon D. W. Murray an atinldasnitlier.caugdtrsticipati.n ShreyManneAi- cltln er aceisb ts'on antioe wrs ofetioFr.t tayG. lîia wt.Her daugliter KnawltancySHil nn e- a The premiere performance Alan Murtioch have contri- the community wll also finti Sixteen artons f used he Rt. R.v. F. . Wilki- Ga newreantiHrunusualr muai ebutetinuta thesi-evelopmenth da!etheirt oeate antit sountindmmre U.C.W. lastwee akedfor tve-o decem erhl5t n e Canl rs atr twrto yenga, Gail Graham, Shirley cal group featureti the Fri- s ran~ se.Wý astefWek avren- DChamber CityHll, therouno . L a er teweacc ofpai-ta. banti Sharon Hall. Leati- cay evening program. a t Pine ts raition whîch fea- than atequate for their tianc- sea Rlie. e ae uchln Chmbr, it HalTornt. d her mother anti spent the er were Mrs. D. Northey Ridige School on December turcs unique arrangements,îgpeaue delbte t M. Thos. Stevens Cpi. and Mrs. I. C. Matthews, weet ihUcAlrai.anti Miss Shirley Sykes. lsth. individual anti group versa- The graup is comfpaseti who teak these te the city for RIck anti Joanne, W ellington w e e d wt t e Al r a s M uch credit ta the leaders tihity u o an v rit . f i sr me al t, D n y Us.Ont., anti Mr'.anti Mrs. M. Mr'. anti Mi',.John Hancock, anti C.G.I.T. for the tiecarat- Before a full house com y h mai' h nwant vanîety o nstuIntlgist, Ra 1Don't farget the Sunday Kirkton, Robeart, Scott anti Oshawa, anti Mr. anti Mrs. ing o! the churcli anti Christ- poseti o! stutients o! the aheni the newryeag te- Hoopn, an a guitar, Rea Cth School Christmas Concert an Timmy, Whitby, along wlth Davidi Kyte, Blackstock, visit- mas tree. This was a moit school anti parents anti fri-aren availae or engae Alhitn, ba, uipta, Bob Cutsh- Pzitiay o! thus week. The Sun- Bowmanville members a! the ed their grantimother, Mis, inspiring service anti enjoyeti ends o! the performers, Themetheyngppeo!erotuptBbWsh day School neetis your support. famlly, will spenti Christmas Edith Murphy. by a large audience. Power Unit" matie its tiebut P i c a s t r y e a t t n c i .a ft e r t w o m o n t h s o ! r e h e a s Plese ryto tted.wlth their parents, Mr'. anti Mi'. Edith Murphy accom- Té the Editer anti staff o! ais in necreation roams, gar- Mrs. Ivisan Muntiay, Scugog panieti Mr. anti Mi'. Roy The Canadian Statesman anti ages anti homes, anti an .. ~ f' L Street. McLaughlin anti Debbie a! ahi who.. have helpeti Tyrone auspiciaus anti entertaining. filSt C urcu Christmas guests wlth Mrs. Nestietan anti were guests o! correspondent in any way, opening niglit it was. - W. J. Mactionald, Liberty St. Mr'. anti Mrs. Walter Murphy, this past year, with lier cal- Whiîe singer Jan Grabow- Nelson Street North, wiiI behaler daugliter Newcastle. timn, a special Thank You, ski calis Oshawa hi, home, Pastor: G. Gordon, andi san-in-îaw, Mn. anti Mi',. avr er hita n hlrmidro h r B.TI. B.D. James Graham, Garfieldi, Gor- Mi'. anti Mrs.. Douglas a Haey NwMern Crismsat h.eanino h r Phono 623-7621 ton anti Gregory o! Valley- Sauthwell anti fam.tly we arNe ee r are resitients o! Bowmanvilhe 9:5a.fielti, Que. Mn,. R. Scott a! Sunday suppen guests o! Mr. anti attend local higli achools. SUNDAY SCHOOL Tyrone will also spenti Christ- anti Mi'. Robert Southwehl. Twenown asya singerJani mas anti the halitiays with lier Christmas gathering was' etertain as inerOsawa W~su~p SERICE sister, Mi',. Macdionaldi. hlcîtiat Uic home of Mi'. C.eneai w i thehawau E fcie ,iu~ uu u -Mn. anti Mi'. Davidi Madticn W. Wootiley anti Mn. anti area, useti hi, experience anti rices Ef cie U tf S t r c. 7:00jui~ vi. nd, auher1 eay itt shep heg aJiulugt ie' _ ee.Ms Jie ,e&y, Cen Sun- aven some shaky moments GREA DOTRINS bnoügh willh be spendilng day. Those present were Mi'.tiurirg the opening number TI S EOCTINLES Christmas with Mrs. Matiden' anti Mrs. Ray Paterson antiatdhagotteprom- BU U C E M A trS a e L 0F ýaents, Mn. anti Mi,. James famihy, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mns. ance. Hi, infectiaus gooti Ail Are Welcome Marr, Lowe Street. Mr. anti Ronald Rowe anti family, 1te ioB Y C E MferS a L Lýw5L humai' anti enthusiasm kept Mrs. H. D. Ca!!ey o! North Bowmanvllle, Mn. Wjlhart bath perfarmens anti audi- Bay are gucîts this week of Mark anti Stuart Hooey.enel odsit. Mrs. Cof!ey's sister anti brotli- Mr'.and Mrs. Walter Park, enOuce tino ofti spirs B ST. JO HN'S er-hn-law, Mi'. anti Mrs. Mari'. Mi'.-anti Mn. T. Janczyn A bet i !manaers dTeryY LC R EG f Mr. anti Mn,. Laverne Cheni. were Sunday caler, o! Mr. Hbat u lS ac n iC E M G f e o 5 and Mi',. Thomas Gibbs, Gol- C rg iî tiRC en Plougli Lodge. Mi'. anti DeMbejor 96 REHOBOHRiitbbs were Saturday MxdMjr Medico GUARDSMAN PIF Re.K .FapoTyrone Tyos enjoyeti an P etc Dobbins once again Bey K J. Fr mpt nChristian Reformed evening o ! films at North. toi k top h n rs M ontay nigit t ue k p M.A., B.Th. minster Unitedi Church, Osh. when lie nolleti the high tri- POPPYC U LD JPICE Chrhawa. pefrteeveningof70 9:00 a. Suo tee i.atiM.C eniIfloed by anc o! oui' new Giant Pecans, Almonds, GIFT SET No. 3429 'SHoly Commun ion- anti Mr. anti Mrs. Dale South- fbowlens nie Etcher 762 Ppon in a delicious 11:00 a.m.s well anti chltinen, Oshawa, (314) anti Hector Ballantine Ppon onngayee.A m.nfeg eeSnia inrgct 757. Leon Cannons rëlleti the BUTTER CRUNCH After Shave Lotion, Mudyho l As sua l HRv.AB.MTI. o! Rer, ev. unat in,.D. Noteyhigh single for the niglit o! Toy Soldier Pack of 2 Men's Cologne, Body antisievan ris. Barbaah- I 25. Nive going, Leon. The gar colA oa BA B.. .. and iser MisBraaalther 300 game was bawleti 10 oz. tins -_ Sugg. liat Talc, Stick Deodorant CHRISTMAS EVE Worship Services mr.A H. pier ow by Barb Buttanshaw 316. do AA 7:30 ~~~ Mrs. E.A. H .Vi e o u da .Jl a t atii ig tn fr- - n ls 60 u 81:00 a.m. C 10T A AY Fi, pn te weedI tg 1. i --o- n o---!.wt er m te i,. P c afeii wt ah e m E S O N F I N S I *..M -'n. - ra uyN i-Nwo . i;. 8 ii;~~ Fa iY Christm as Service a t o - nh nac M. -D'Ï s Ann ert2 561-26. ' j Donew t nW igh t .4. fi e M . A. Wernnam anti f Oie the.__ _ .257 SA N PASI Now e ersl h ing to j ib e r fic t . Iy w ere w eeken ti guests anid P eDonbW i nt - 2 71 N A F265 A G M ple se co sul t e inite b for D c. 31. an ti M . H. Francis an ti Over 3 00 Gýam eafI ar e S I ' S u niay guests o ! Mr. an ti Ba b Buttonsha w 16N Mn.4. Knowlton. Leon Cnnai'. 3RUT25irun Sz HMr. anti Mrs. Clem %hRal---i25nig list 1.19 TRIITYUNITED CHURC h aet n niM, .DrJO 1 4 A E RNrrv i nHKI anti chiltiren, Ajax, visiteti - 00Aerg Oi aet r n r .Dve Ry2ols Aveinrhot ecl Minilster - Rev. George X. Ward, B.A., B.D. Ram, Sunday. Pete Dabbins 23r9P Organist .- Mr. Arth unr('llison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Speclal Chri'istmas Service Be:rne DBuiay 239 as u ua9uti y m en t Ernie Perfect23 I N 5 (HRISTMAS SUNDAy, DECEMBER 24th as usulSuday evnng Hecto alletin 228 FACT TOOTH PAS TE ùgNDt at00 . . :3 R ss Helan an220 11: 0 a m.7:3 p.n.-.--.Fred Thom son 219 a UNTO YOU IS BORN A SAVIGUR » Sunday School Concert winRos Wright .. 218 b. G.I ar » heldt is Thursday ven- Albert Saman218 8e.G admg at 8 p.m. Mike Muph 218 PS RPIN Wayne Robert Stender, In. 9n .~ Maurice .nae-- 217 PECITO fan sn f r. ndMr.:Carter 214 CHRISTMAS'EVE SERVICE Ralph Stonder, was baptized Dn ight 212 fathn ritiao! Ellrs eo rg iC213LX ~rnn IN QUEST 0F A CIULD" Churcli, Bowmanville, Sun-GereBbe 211 Rev. G. IL Ward day mornig. Uoyd li Helen Rey'noldis 211 AEXf CRRC~ qIOLMisses iean. nd a ieBarb uttonshaw20 Ralni. Gor atiloon Connors 206 Wayne Raisins, 1Bniton, 01ePtfe 205I 11:00 am "<' ~s~andi un.. Rah tendr. %18uIJO uniMupy .EE=204 Sunday evening Christmas Geo reheal y 203 5 KING ST. W. Vospor servie was coz~4 ctod tuart ______ 200 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ alto saxaplone, andi featunes tosets o!ftdrums playoti by L N A L Steve Living andi Barry Vin- tue. Tlie colorful andi pre- Mr. anti Mnm. arold Argyl. cise sklla of these two were anti Gall, Toronto; Mr., and featuneti partculanly in, lin. F. E. Alexandier, Bow. 'X-nock on Woodi". nianvillo, were Sunday guestj The enthusiastle applause of Mr'. Robent Si». o! the audience at the con- Mi'. anti Mn. J. C. Cook clusion of oaci nuniber vr were Saturtiay oventng gueste adequately demonstrated their 'of th. Smlths. appreciation o! the penfonni- Judy Kayacs was rushoti ta ance. This lu a disclplined, Memorlal Hospital, Thursday mature, versatile anti enter. mornlng whon sho was operat- taining group o! young nmen cd an for appendicitis. Glad wvfio are a credit not only to te report she ta lmproving themsehves but bo their long daltly ant i ll soon b. homo. suffering parents wlio have Mr. anti Mn,. Albert Davey, toîcratedtheUi confusion, ex- Orlia, visltetiMi'. and ti M' ubenance, noise anti mootis Bort Johnson on Sundai'. which flot Infrequcnthy ac- To the Etiter, staff of Ca». cmpany reearsals ini con. aian Statesman anti an oui' fIneti spaces. hndividuahlY frMentianti neiglibors, wo wlsh anti as a grOuP, tbey are a to extondtheUi Season's Groot. credit ta tie cormunlty as Inga andti he Very Bout in th. Weil. New Year. The "post performance post-I Mr. anti Mrs. Barry Baker mortem'" was helt inh a class- anti boys, Burlington, spent a room wliere cookies anti soft couple o!ftiays wlth the G. and dinks were serveti. The J. Baker, last week. group was introducet anti Mn. anti Mn,. John Baker thankeci by Vcrn Grubin o! anti Rlcky moveti inte 1h01' Uic P.T. Staff. new home lasI weckenti. * q s,. I ~ * ~ * % I.,, o-. iN.~* /, 1% ', 'a * I I % * e Çreedings.. At this joyous time Of year, Joan and George Webster and their staff of Rickaby's Limited, send you warm greet. ings, with the Wish that 1967 will be a year fiiled with Peace, Happiness and Prosperity for Rickaby's Ld "THEM BIG 20"p Since 1881 rDeember 23rd ti4 o.. Sugg Lto.n .1 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ohr oz ftrShv Lto PE oS. en'.99o S3m ~ RONSON SNEM Standard Varaflame UBA B UT AN E Shavemastor. LIU HTER Barber-type trimmery Sugg. 9.9 ~e J36.00 J REMINGTO N CADBURY'S ELEKTRONIC IKTA S NA l R CHOCOLATES osition head 1 pound, box ebursi trimmer 39.95 Ist-.o .8 )reular oSoe T at 7'z.Siz . 3 anHat-d Sugg. lt .98 - 7 Ba CodsocTrat7oz69SC. 42 or AG1B, 12, Sugg. Ilàt 1.92 ..49 SAVE, 3ug l204 EXTRA SAVErt 30c!EtRA o4-8 9 yHrt ug .4 LD.A REMEDIES IREGOR PHON.E 359 - PHONE 423.5792 £ *I a, 0 rhe anadim Stat«Man, BowmnvMe, DeL 20, JW7 1

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