V S~~~~~~~~~~~2, M7 aaIa8at~n hunI.~D. B b? ~SPORTropic.s jFsiy kU b" 433 HOLIDAY HOCEY TOUENAIM Mg thbin wut!be ddeu t the MeiorlArea durlng the bholidy portod, whua a oeupl. o£ hockey tournaments WIii b. stged , Midgeta on Frlday, Decomber 2Mt and____________________ __________________________ J'w.niI on Saturdey. Fintlsln both divisions willlb. played Baturday Megt Fonr ninHlsAnnual Christm'as Party Cooip.tidgi the. mIdget tourney art Uxbrldge, Peter- F u d y U in od borough Church. BMpkhm. Trenton, AMax, Erooklin. Whltby "nd Bomn l1. McGregor' LD.A. Tii. juven"b touriiement wlll also have elght clubs ln action, Including Wbltby, Richniond Hill, Cobourg, Lindsay, Befleville, Orillia, Milton and St. Mary's Cernent Redmen of Thrco local butineuses are sponsoring the two tourna- AMnt,, ookdng alter expenses lncurred for Ice rentals, refer- e!à, etc. This corner tps the old hat to the public spirit shown 1WY Walter Frank Real Estate, Sturrock's Imperlal 011 and Preston Transport. Should b. tmre âne hockey durlng the two days - why rjýt take it ln, and support our Bownianville St. Mary's Ciment Redmei and McGregor's I.D.A. teamis at tht saine tj4ne. Bothý tournaments start at eight o'cdock each morning continuing until seven et night, which means there wil be Plenty of hoékéy'for the'admission of 75e for aduits and 50c fer students and childreh. Thanks are also in order to reereation direetor Bud lanDlflg for is amsistançe.. ï. t t t i. i M19RY CHRISTMAS TO, ALL! i.t t i.t it NJEWCASTLE BAS BIG GAME Newcastle Intermediates have a big game -comlng up 'ruesday night when they play host to league-leadlng Little »htain. [t sounds like a goo4 way te finish off the Christmas hýolidaY by heading for Newcastle Arena ut 8:30 p.m. As an'added Boxlng Day attraction, it has been desig- nâted as chlldren's nlght, when a lirited number of hockey.......... st#cks will be given away durlng tht game. Tht youngsters On Saturday afternoon, employees of Bowmanville youngsters and a visit from Santa, plus some im- must be accompanied by an aduit. Foundry and their families gathered at Memorial Park promptu singing by the group pictured above. They After handing Little Britain an 11-4 setback, right in Clubhouse for their animal union-sponsored Christmas include, front row, left to right, Debbie Parkin, Carol I4ttle Britain, for their first boss et tht campaign, Newcastle, party. Ilugh Coutts, president of the local steelwork- Shane, Donna Adcock,Cid Beg a, im Wye 1aopped-a-air hb, bowlng -8 t xng akot he wand the ers, acted as Master of Ceremonies, assisted by his Charmnane Desrocher, Corrine Desrocher and Julie iùlr n, 74 t h tby, e fore52 getlnrbco n th wiPin committee, Murray Adams, Frank Woolner, Ronald Walker; back row, Colleen Desrocher, Debra Bergsma, home, Satht strnghth a52vctr vrPrt Prry, ut Thompson, Donald Adcock and Richard Krakenberg, Charlene Desrocher, Betty Conlin, Elizabeth Coutts hom e ater rdiny nlght. aans fv dfe plus Mrs. Jean Kennedy who has assisted with the and Sally Mainprize. ThtNeeaslerecrdisnowfie wnsaglns fve efat, presents for many years. There were treats for the ht yR he as they hobd down fith place. However, with two games inPht yR de hand over pace-setting Little Britain, the newly-formed Newcastle entry couic! tie for tht top. i e B wfn A couple ef performers who once toiied for Bownian-LCrystal Increases- LeadMidBoln *iUe& art running one-two In the league scoring race, as Whtby's Ait Rennick hobds a illm one point advantage aven League OIewcaste'e Paul Wakely. No stranger te bocal fans, Ry v Ijury caest eroffaely to mis.th md-wkgamsB eating M c uiy s 6m"2 Elton Brack finlshed off tht Gusty caWest Wlsn't .ar o m iae ther. i ekgaesfirst schedule ln tht Mixed tmdôubtedly a large factor ln Newcastle boulng bath. on5idyDeeme Whentheyareut fll trenth, t apear -l5th on tht right foot by tak- 'Ôth 'Lo ke Ups t Ro 7 4 Ing high triple for tht men docs chmplnshi. Oher"C' entiesln he ivisonincudewith his 788 total and hlgh "C" ch mponhip O he " " ntresInth dvison Iclde Crystal Dairy defated Me- made it 6-0, before Sam Terry Masters picked up singe with a big 324 gare. Little Britain, Sunderland, Port Penny and Keswick. Nulty's Sports 6-2 while Thompson spoiled goal-keep- tht final McNulty's marker The only other 300 gamt for t t f j Locke TV upset Robson Mo- er Ken Veitch's shutout bld at 16:23. tht night gave Connie Wise- tons 7-4 in Men's Town Lea- after 50 minutes of play. Tear n dig man high single for the ladies 4A E BI EDgue double -header action, Bill Crossey and Murray W. L. Pts. when she rolled a 304. Fern Apair of goals and three assista enabbed G;eorge. ains- Thursday night, ut tht ,Mg Brown each collected tw Crystal Dairy 8 2 16 Bradley took high triple wlth j'jury te take a big seven Point niargin lu the battit fon marial Arena. goals to lead the winners, Robsan Motions 6 4 12 760. ' 14k' Perftcb 11nliod -lAn Tht Dainy victory, caupled singles going ta Joe Balson Locke T.V. 4 6 81 top plaéê for tht men wlth an ucorng leadership honors ln tht Commercial Hockey League. with tht iass by Robson's, and Paul McCabe. M Nulty's Sports 2 8 4 average of 237, and Onie Etch- Sainsbury has 15 goals and 19 assists, holds top spot moved Crystal four points in -- er for tht ladies wlth 220. Oth- oVer Larry Pernis, with 14 goals and 13 assista. Bob Hellam, front et tht Motars, with Mi er 700'1 were rolled by: Ernie enîjoylng a fine season, has scored 13 times and* asslsted on Locke consoidating t h e i r a r i m eaDickens 745, H. Palmer 741, # aenme.graps on third, as tht Sports a. m ... m e VInce Prout 723 and Bob Glan- Bt rosy odsdwn out poa igl oitaha unk deeper inta tht cellar. vil L1 BMCosyhlsdw4ut pt igepitaedsThe TV crew took a 2-0 R A 220 Gamnes and Over et brother "Archie'" whlle luat year's scorlag champ, Steve finst period lead on goals by m m A. Osborne 221, S. Stainton ýurns la currently 14 pointa off tthht seco" rose ndBb27 . rn 6,E ikn ac.Manjernisan. I h eod R N 277, 2M. Gran .eet 265, lkn - t t 1 - 1 t ~~~~sconing leader Terry Black 2 6 6, 2 9 . P re t 2 5 got ont back for Robson's, 222; A. Wiseman 298, S. Davis SKI ISTRCTRSbut Marjernison sandwlched BOWMANVILLE '296. T. Bennett4. 241,20 J.rn dison eblltt, and.. Ebeapor ColweU succetsafuly passed his second and third markers Tlpoe6352 ois23 .Wlo 2,22 iie Canadlan SM instructors School for Amate urs lait wetk- around the goal to make it Tlpoe6352 os223 . c28 242, ie «es t Cobllngwood. Some 147 enthusiasts tihned out for thetw-b al t hi22 ec man 304, F. Bradley 279. 223. prograni. Carson and Eleanor wl! be lnstructlng In the Pet onds nanrowed the margin ta Ail.Mutn 7, .Pru Wtt Prograni at the Oshawa Ski Club. 6-4 in tht third peniod, after i/fLLUSED ANIA 242, 272; M. Weish 225, H-1 Lokehd nctsed teir ~U . 228, 284; L. Piper' 277, H. bead to four. However, Ted ' 1' Brock 228, 256; M. Harrison Brown's breaking goal at S NO D L 4256, 231; Jlm Bedford 266. L. 18:38 rulned any chance tht Welsh 230, E. Moore 244, D. Manris o asomade to and - Brunt 242, 257; Joan Bedford SEM O S Maierrson lso ddedtwo 249 B. Glanville 256, 293; H assists fon five points, thte n eIM S~Dnghu 7,A lnir of roseywih1 Car HRl IST A D Y DEC.2 227, O. Etchtr 258, B. Lobb 239, ofgias and thret assists. D YM -Tlghe 241, 252; H. Bennett Raye West picked up the 243, 2Q4. C&dduola&OLr other winners' tally. - 216 Me1gb Stagle-.Women B ln le215 G. Smlth 260, M. Smith 232-.-, . J. Brunt ______ 23 KINS MM SUPER CAR 223, S. MeKnght 214. B. Wool- J. . NGianil -213 ner 19.0-180. J. Tobias -_______ 212 H. Palmer - 208 1 S iNGOi 0 M. Smth 569, G. Smith 555, K. Nichais ______207 B. Woolner 547. S. Davis .- _______ 206 etu-Averages A. Osmond ____-202 IN. Hennlng 212 H. Bnock -- 201 PETERSOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE lf. Drinkbe_____211 B. Smith203 G. Co _______1957 t ihtdvz OuralY, wità Receives Grant - <sG. WooMeKulg191___ jhes for themi.a t of holiayal C n e v to MM ewu sdn rR.lla I Thompon 181- Mgh TrLpleferYgBOWL A prvincial grant ef $291 cu AI s.wi w 13 es);*IW IL 11gbTrplofr eaLIBER Y BO LVr.ha. bien made to the Central OMM eUt e S $413 spsds(U am F.obnSmith 7941AE NELake Ontario Conservation 13AE NEAuthon1y to go toward the ru» d aso1 dlii OMU lin. e V-umi) etgg , Wemea AIleys avaiable duriag festive season wonk in the Long Sauit con- *M t m' te t w i.pa ter vu» X Smiath -- __ __ _ 11servation area two mlles north- WSW~~~ S.. McKniet .-.. 69or Open B.w ig(day or ulght)tateTyne a~ NUEU eug. fr ~PH O N E 6 354 3 In May this year a $100 D o l . U I ' 4 u m m . ~ g e E a u R n . V . ~ * M mg r a n t w s a u t h o r i z e d t a h e l p 90--"W * M ftS&vw .V . MM21 orxsem",uafpr Your Party Bowling nuUt Ct fuldga e M LA " 'J M M M M PRI Mportion o peimeter feucing. WwnAL.OSONE M'.< The authorlty rqetdmor - lng couts la the 00-acre anea. Newcastle, Int. Lose Twice Down Pt. Perry Tht Newcastle Intermedi. ates managed only ont win, while bosing two of tht three games they played in the Intermediate Hockey League this week. losing to, Uxbridge and Whitby, and winning tram Port Penny. Tuesday night at tht New- castle Arena, tht Uxbridge' Black Hawks, led by Art Rennick and Gaylord Pow- less, handed tht locals their first home defeat of tht sea- son, outsconing Newcastle 9 ta 8. Newcastle, Playing without tht services of two of their leading scorers, Paul Wakeiy and Mel Stevenson, were be- hind fnom tht eanly stages, aithough a three-goal corne- back in tht lait five minutes made it close. Uxbnidge led 9 ta 5 with but five minutes left on the dlock, when Dean West, Gus- tY West and Steve Buns scored tiret goals, and miss- ed tiret other good chances ta tie the score. The West brotiers, Junior, Gusty and Dean, took tht crowd back a few years with some fine Playmaking, Gusty witi tiret, Dean two, Steve Burns, Eanl Cobbltdjck and Russ Hall were the Newcas- tle scorers. Art Rennick and Gaylord Powless witi tinte, Mickey Flynne with two, and Don Foote were tht Uxbridge marksmen. Thursday night In Whitby, the -M eons ram, tit town handedlNewcastle their sec- ond defeat of the week, tht score 7 ta 4. Coach Ken Ruttan was fore- ed ta dress for this game, due to a siortage Of players, and toak a regulan turn on de- fence. Newcastle led four ta tiret going into the third ptniad, but tht fast skating Whitby crew scored tour unanswered goals against tht tined visi- tors. Newcastle scorers w er e ýDane Rogerson two, Mel Ste- venson and Steve Bun a ec scoring ont. Satunday night In New- castle, the bocals won thein only game of the week. de-1 *0aa* 4UU At this season, when the huste and bustie of the year rapidly draws to a close, our thoughts naturally turn to our frlends who maire it possible for us to carry on year after year. To you we send out our thanks and sincere good wishes for a "Merry Christmas ". We want you to kno w that we appreciate your loyal patronage and consideration during the past year. Y~ C.4ristmas'Specia1 For your liatening pi se .- *.- we will b. aponaorînq H with the Huddersfild Choral Society, dircted by Herbert Bârdq.tt and the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, conducied by Sir Malcolm Sargent. CKQS (FM) Oshawa - 'Dial, 94.9 - Sýaturday, December 23rd, 8 p.m. to Il .à I.. Wilfred MCMechan and Staff eth e Port Perry Fyeru s fThis <arnewam the poorest of the oeason, Iocally, as New- '4 t castle built up a tour goal I e lead early in the <arne. and were content to coast the rest Q e tn s Westan Stev Bu7, of the way against disorgan - The Une of Dean West, picked up three goals, Gusty scoringtwo and Steve one. Mel Stevenson and Paus Wakely roundd out the scor- ing for the home side. Wake- ' ly's goal carne as the resuit of a pretty passing play wltn linemate Stevenson. ' Por Perry scorers were Dale Mc- Nenly and Mert McKee. Vince Vanstone returned. to the nets and had a rather easy night, although coming through with some fine saves when needed. Saturday the locals play Sunderland in Sunderland. Next Tusday (Boxing Day) the agu eading Little Brn- Ltain team lonie to town seek- lng revenge for the trouncing handed to them right ln Lit- tie Britain. Season's greetings to one Tuesday, Dec. 26th, wjll be and ail, wlth a incr. children's night. Ail children "thank You" for your loyal 14 and under wilI be admit ýand frlendly patronage. ted free if accompanied by: tan aduit. There will be al BANNJER PASSANT lirnited number of hockeyl2395 sticks given to Borne Iucky 6335 chlldren. Sa kids, get old dadj 120 Duke St. out and perhaps win a hockey stick and ste a good game. Bowmanville (METLASU rODA? Sun Life Assurance FOR OLD APPLIANCES tbrouthCopn ofCnde. STATESMAN Cmayo aaa CLASSIPIEDS Phone 623-3303 CHRISTMAS HOURS: For Your Motoring Convenience our Service Station wili be: CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY OPEN - 10 arn. to 4 pm CHIRISTMAS DAY OPEN - 10 ar.to 6p.mn. BOXING DAY 24- HOUR TOWING SERVICE PHONE. 623-3396 ï TO OUR FRIENDS: ëOli Es si A ki.