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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 10

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ç ______________________________________________ *----- -'e- 10 gm. .~ I - - - irths - cCULLOUGH - Dave anc Marg wish ta announce thi *arrivai of a son, Brian David 5 ibs. 14 ozs., December 25t1 -1967, at Oshawa General Hos pital. A brother for J111. 1-: PARKER-David and Sharoi are happy to announce thi birth.of their daughter Jacque Une Elizabeth, born Chrlstma: niornlng at Cobourg Genera ,Hospital. First grandchild fai -Jack and Madeliene Parke: c! Ajax and first great grand chlld for Mr. and. Mrs. Ber Parker of Bowmanville. 1-1 RICHARDS-James and Joyc( TRichards (nee St. Pierre) ar( happy ta announce the birtl of their son Ronald James >bor on November 27, 1967 ln Oshawa General Hospital Grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Gordon Richards and firsi grandchlld for Mr. and Mrs Albert F. St. Pierre. 1 YEO -Nelson and Rosslyr (nee BourÈie) are happy to an. nounce the birth of their baby *girl ln the Royal Alexandet Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta on Wednesday, December 20th, 1967. Grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Pat Yeo, Bowman ville and Mr. and Mrs. R. *Bourne, Newcastle. 11 Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hayes announce the engage- znent of their only daughter, Audrey Jane, ta Mr. Douglas -L. Nicholls, anly son of Mr. zand Mrs. Lloyd G. Nicholîs, al of Bowmanville. 1-l* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pingle, ItRRA1 Hampton, wish ta an- Jnounce the engagement af their eldest daughter, Margaret Louise, ta Bruce Edward Chute, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chute, Oshawa. The -wedding plans will be an- nounced at a later date. 1-1 Forthcomning Marriage Mr. and Mrs. John H. Siemon, Enniskillen, annaunce Sthe engagement of their daugh- ,ter, Kathryn Ann, ta Kenneth L. Coverly, son of Mr. and -Mrs. Stanley Coverly of Eben- -ezer. The marriage will take plac Ferkar 2 at 7:30 i'lc n Enniskillen United rChurch. 1-1* Marriage GIBSON - BROUGH - On -Tuesday, December 26, 1967, at 10:30 a.m. ln St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, . bthe Rev. H. R. Hayne, Mary AJane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'ýeRoss Brough, Orono, ta David J~ Annis, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, Newcastle. SIn Memoriamn ADAMS-In loving memory of our dear son, Garry, who pass- je. ed away suddenly December ,;ïý27, 1956. Ris memory Is aur keepsake 1With which we'll neyer part, God has hlm iln His keeping, We have hirm ln aur hearts. *4 .-Lovingly remembered by blMom and Dad, twins Bryce and Blaine. 1-1* yCOOK-In loving memary of a dear father and grandfather, IF., R. Cook (Jack) who passed "'away January 5th, 1965. Hie had a smile, a pleasant way, A helping hand ta all he knew; n le was so kind, so generous and true; On earth he nobly did bis best, Grant hlm heavenly rest. -- -Ever remembered by daugh.. -ter Doreen, san-in-law Frank Westlake and grandchildren. 1-1 M' WIGHT-In loving memory tz..of a dear mother and grand- mnother Anna Wright, wbo passcd away January 5, 1964. In aur hearts your memary lingers, Swectly tender, fond and truc, There Is not a day, dear - motber, SThat we do not hblnk a! you. --Evei- remcmbered by daugh- ter Florence, son-in-law Br'uce, grandsans Norman, Mark. -Donald, Stewart. 1-1! RIMAR MEMORIALS .Zlgnlf1ed mnd Distinctive ~n ientg - Flat Markers tu deuigna for any need 152 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa -. Office Evenings .-723-1002 - 728-6627 Personal -4IYGENIC Supplies-- (Rubber ý;goods) mailed postpaid un ..,pla>.n sealed envelope with 2LprIce iist. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order ,,.Jept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. ..,-3ox 91. Hamilton. Ont 1-52 ,tHAVE you a complexion pro- -Iemn- with acne (pimples) or simple boils? Let Hydsolin help you clear It up. Effective ton dry or oily skln. Clear, Wcolorless, use day or night. -ITr t today. Hydsolin is $ .50 at Jury & Lovdil and -- Jackson's Drugs - Bowman- tfviUe; Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono. LADIES and GENTLEMEN ~Someéthing new has happeneci .to depilatorles. Resolve yourc :Uawated Hair or Brlstlyc Boutd problem the Saca-Pelo1 Cresu way. Send for your( free litorature tc-day. Loi--1 Boer Laboratorles Ltd., 5-6791 Granvife St, Vancouver2 Death-s j_ Cards of Thanks id ALLDREÀD - At OshawaJ We would like ta express Our ie General Hospital on Tuesday.! sincere thanks ta frlends and ci, January 2nd, 1968, Mary Ellen i relatives for gifts, cards i- i. Harness, Newcastle, ln ber 1 ceived an the occasion of oui- s72nd year. wlfe o! the late i Sth Wedding Anniversary. 1 Matthew Alldread, dear moth- Chai-les and Eva Morris. ci- o! Maiion (Mrs. Richards). 1-1. ýn Talbot, Lloyd, Margaret (Mrs. ie Howard Pearce), Reta (Mrs. To oui-fri-ends, neighbors Howard MeRobcuts), John, and relatives and Rev. David .s Normna (Mms. Harold Rans- C. Narthey. aur sincere ap- l bei-ny), Christine (Mrs. Har- preciation for thei- kind cx- )r vey Joncs), Velma (Mrs. Don pression a! sympathy on the Ir Pai-ker), Gilber-t, Betty (Mrs;.pasgo!uimter 1Don McHolm). Resting at the 1 The Hoar Family . 1 't Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- -1 manville for service on Fiday1 We wish ta thank fiends, at 2 o'ciock. Interment Lang neighbors and rme 1 a t i v e s, :e Vault, Orono. 1-1 especially the committe ln e charge, for thie china cabinet h CALE, Gertrude Iene -At iand vase presented ta us at SMemariai Hospital on January the party in aur hanor on Dec. 7, st, 1968, Irene Hall o! Bow- 9 th by Stamkvllle cammunIty. 1manville, ln ber 84tb year, Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Todd. s-wife o! the late Rowland M. 11 tCale, dear mother of Mrs. John Matthews (Pearl), Mrs. Sincere thanks for the many' Leslie Coombes (Ellen), antd kindnesses shown ta the Robert. Rested at the North- patients o! Sunset Lodge, also n cutt Elliott Funeral Home. ta the many groups that '- Funcral service wvas held at brought fine entertainaient ta y' 2 a'clock Wednesdiay afler- themn over the Chrismas sea- r noon, St. John's Churcb, Cre- son-. a mation. 1- Margaret Adams and Staff. -COLE, J. B. Laurie-AI Mp- I ihtexrsmyin marial Hospital, Bowmanville. I wihs t er yn- o on Snda, Dcembr 3sttheir cards, gifts, flawers and 1967, Laurie Cale o! New- visits and ta my famlly and castle, in bis 7lst year, belov- relatives who made my Christ- ed husband o! Florence Sher- fmas Day in Oshawa Hospital 7win, brother o! Winnifred 150 enjoyable. A speclal thanks -Cale, R.N., Toronto; Mrs. E. ta Dr. McKay, Dr. Miller and .A. Werry (Albeita), Enniskil- the efficient staff o! nurses an Slen, and the late Douglas Colo. 5F. Season's Geetlngs toalal. Rested at the Naitheutt Elliott Mildred Caverly. 1-1 Funeral Home. Funeral serv-____ ice was held at 3 o'clock Tues- The family o! the late Alvin day afternoon. Tcmparary en- 'A. Stacey wish ta express tambment Lang Vault. Orono. their sincere appreclalian ta 11 their relatives and friends for f~ their help and expressions o! tELLIS--At Memorial Hospital,i sympathy foliawing Ibeir ne- 1Bowaianville, on Wednesday, cent loss. Special thanks ta .Deceaiber 27. 1967, Chai-les the Bowmanvllle Ambulance ,Foster Ellis, R.R. 6, Bowman- Service, Northcutt Elliott Fun- .ville, aged 44 years, belaved eral Home and Rev. Framptan.t 1husband a! Mildred Ellis, dear 1 faîber o! Wilfred, Gardon,r Marie and Brian. Service was A sincere thank you ta Dr.i held in the Mai-ris Funeral McKenzie, nurses and staff o! Chapel, Bowmanvillc on Sat-1 Medical Floor for thei- kind- urday at 2 o'elock. Interment ness, came and attention dur-c Bowmanville Cemelery. 1-1 ing my stay in Memorial Hos-1 pitl. Many thanks aiso ta GERRY. Mary Elizabeth-At Shiloh U.C.W.. relatives and1 Memorial Hospital, Bowman- friends for cards, flawers,C ville on Tuesday, January 2nd, gifîs and visits; also my pastor,C 1968, Mary Elizabeth (Laing) Rev. Sneigrove and Rev. Whiteh Gerry, Orono, aged 87 years, for their visils.d dear mather o! George A. Mrs. Lottie Todd. 1-1* e Laing, R.R. 1, Orono. Resling -r at the Morris Funeral Chapel, For Rent Bowmanville foi- service on 'i-EB -RO priet Friday at 3:30 p.m. Interment AONE-BEDROOM. apartment15 .- Lang Vault, Orono. î Afe6 ..cal2315. 1-1 FOUR - ROOMED apartaient c HUBBARD, J. Benjamin-At central, heated, $85. 623-2057:. Memarial Hospital on Wednes-! _________________ day. January 3rd, 1968, Ben STORE, ample storage space. Hubbard o! Bowmanville, in Available Jan. 1. Caîl 623-2318. bis 73rd year, beloved hus- 47-tf band o! Pearl Slingerland, ONE Bedroomn upstair apart- dear father o! Alden, Bowman- ment, slave and fridgc. Central. ville; Merle, Burketan, and62-38 - Ross, Trenton; William Sling- 12-38 - erland, Oshawa, and the late DOWNSTAIRS two-bedraom 7Idella Strutt, Resting at the apartaient, heated, now avail- Nortbeutt ElliatI F unrie i-ai, able. Caîl 623-5798 - 623-2711r Home. Funeral service 2 after 5. 1-1k o'elock Friday aflemnoon. Tem- ONE bachelor, anc 1-bedroani, poariy entombment Belhesda anc 2-bedromr apartaients. Vault. 1-1 Phone 623-5044. Nao bidren under 12. 52-2 OSBORNE, Richard L. - At EaslGeneal ospial, n fHOUSE, 4 bedrooms, ccntrally East enerl Hopita, onlocated, available immcdlately. Tbursday, December 28, 1967, $115 manthly. Phoneate5 Lew Osborne af Tor-onto, triiate 5% bis 86tb year, beloved husband 1 .ai. 623-5246. 1-1 o! Gladys Mai-ch, dear fath- TWO-BEDROOM apartaient. ci- o! Dr. Stanley L., Whitby; fridge, slave, broadloom, fuu-n- Mebourne and Gerald, Toron-,ý isbed or unfurnlshed. Liberty la; Alan, Colgan; and Mrs. W. Manor Apartaients, 76 Liberty Grant (Mai-jane). Clarkson. St. S.. Phone_623-5096. 1-24 Rested at tbe Northcutt APJARTMENÉTS, adults anly - ElliaIt Funeral Home. Funeral One furnîshed, heated; lwo un- service was beld at 3 o'clock furnished, ideal for aider- Saturday afleroon. Interment couples. Rent reasonable. Bowmanville Cemetery. 1-1 Apply Statesman Office. 51-tf WE bave a limiteci number POLLARD-At Memorial Hos- o! units available on a montb- pitl, Bowmanville, an Sun- ly rentai basis frian October day, Decembei- 31. 1967, 'til June. Facîlities include Thomas Ambrose Pollard, indoor and outdoor swîmming Ponlypoal. aged 74 years, dear1pools. sauna bath, exereise brother o! Zetta Pollard, raam. Apply Flying Dutch- p Pontypool; Georgina (Mrs. man Matai- Inn, Bowmanvilie. Arthur Keu-in), Oshawa, and Phone 623-3373. 36-tf Maurice, Waubausbene. Serv- P ice was beld in the Mai-ris \V te toR n Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie ____________________ B, on Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock. THREE-BEDROOM biouse ln G Interment Lang Vault, Orno. Orno.Phoine 983-5560. 1-IAe RUNDLE, Herbert Eugene- At the Golden Piaugh Lodgc,ý .Cobourg on Tuesday. Januaryl 2nd. 1968. Herbert Eugenel Rundie, R.R. 1, Bowmanville,j in bis 88th year. husband of the late Lottie Elizabeth Wood, dear father of Mai-y (Mrs. P. Cann)). Albert, John, Ken- neth, Alma (Mrs. R. Rowan), Chai-les and Florence (Mrs. J. Oke)). Resting at the Morri Funeral Chapel, Bowaianvile, for service an Thursday at 2:301 p.m. Temporary interment Bethesda vault 1-11 Auction Sales WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALI at Durham County Sales Ar Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 r Selling Horses, Cattie, Swi salves, Shcep, etc. J. A. Il &Son, Sales Managers. 5: AUCTIONEERS DOUG GOWEF JIM WOOD 728-1005 ,ES ena ý.m. u1ne', Elid' 52-tf1 SUTTON. Har-y D.-Sudlden- 723-0976 lv at Memnorial Hospital, onl Big Or Sniall, We Do Theni AU Friday. December 29th, 1967,11-4 Harry D. Sutan o! Bawman-___ ville, bcloved husband o! Vel-1 Auction sale, Jan. 61b. 1:30 ma Swanson. Rested at the p.m.-Elcctmîc slaves, vanities, Naitheutt Elliott F u ne r a mirai-s, wash stand, typcwrlt-. Home. Funenal service was ci-s, kitehen utensils, beds, beld at 1:30 o'clock Monday store sbelving, wine press, afternoon, St. John's Church. ls shelving, fluorescent lite Interment Bowmanviiie Ceaie-I fixtures, skates, hockey equla- Ici-y. 1-1 ment, clectrie irons, mixers, floor ail, seat cavers, and many Business other items. Bawmanville Auction Bai-n ln the Old Can- _____________________ning Fadai-y. Cali 728-1005 or 723-0976, Jini Wood, Doug SPARE TIME INCOME Gower, Auctioneers. 1-1 Refilling and collecting money, fi-rn NEW TYPE bigh qualitv, Lost coin apcmated dispensers li - Ibis ai-ca. No seiling. Toi REW-ARD, $10. Beagle, fe- qualify you must bave car,'maie, spayed, 8%~ yeai-s old, referenees. $600 ta, $2,900 cash hast ln Crooked Creek ai-ca, Seven to twelve hours wecklv Newtonvil]e. Tattooed ln car can net excellent montbîy in- J.T. 1. Phone 623-2071. 1-1* came. More fl ime. For DIAMOND engagement ring l personal interview w r ile viei-nity a! Bawmanville Police CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING 'Station, Bank o! Montreal, LIMITED. 302 Oueihette Av- Carter's Bakery and enue, Suite 404, Windsor, On- Fai-way Food Mar-ket. Senti- taio. Include Phone nuxnber. mental value. Phone 623-5948. - 5. Coming Evez r Euchre Party, Tyron, 1every Friday night. sion. lunch and prizes. Annual HÏall and Pari Meeting in Tyrone H January 7th at 7:3C Everyone wecome. Newcastle Artificial1 sociatian Dance, Sai January 27, Newcastle munity Hall. 9 p.m. Williams Orchestra. The annual meeting lina Community Halli held Saturday, January1 Bring cards and ladies lunch. Everyone please Maple Grave manthly' Party, Saturday, Januai 8 p.m. Seasonal prizes ed for total numberc hands and tatal highest Monthly prizes and _Admission 75c. MONSTER BflN THURSDAY NIGHT, 8, Sponsored by the Ji Cham ber of Comme JUBILEE PAVILIO OSHAWA Valentine Card Pai Euchre, Cribbage and1 St. Joseph's Auditoriurr erty St. S., Wednesda 14, 1968, 8 p.m. Prizes, door prize. Admission Everyone welcome. SUNNYSIDE PARI MONSTER BU' Thursday Nig 7:45 RED BARN OSHAWA Canadian Furniture l Canada's Largest Fur Show. Exhibition Bul Toronto. Open ta the1 Friday, January 12/68,1 ta 10 p.m.; Saturday, Ja 13/68, 12 noon - 10 p.n mare details Phone1 Kramp Limited, 623-70' Durham Federation of culture will hold a meeti Thursday, January il, In the I.O.O.F. Hall, Orc 1:30 for the purpase o cussing the effects tha Carter Commission Repci have on the Agricultun dustry. Speaker wiil be ent ta discuss this tapic. now ta attend. COLMER TOU" Shipstad & Johr ICE FOLLIEc SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10 Tickets and Transport2 relephone 623-, COLMER TRAVEL SERVI Voodvlew Communityc MONSTER BIN( Next Monda' 7:45 P.M. RED BARN OSHAWA COLMER TOU] FLORIDA 25 DAYS MARCR l4th - APRIL Personally Esco: No Night Drivii Places of interest: Da3 Beach, Silver Springs, CYI Gardens, Bok Tower, St.' ersburg, Buseh CGarde.ns, M F more. For reservations and com Information Telephone 623-3265 or 623-3 or write COLMER TRAVEL SERVI( 14 Orchard View Blvc BOWMAN VILLE Cars for Sale 1960 AUSTIN, excellent dilion. Phone 987-4214 6:30. Notices Open - Thisîle Volley]F Salui-day and Sundays sleigbing and skdoong. Clean ouI youn celloar allie, ail those unuscd ho bold articles are woi-thc Cali Daug Gowcr 728-1 Auctioneer. He will bave't plckcd up. Big or small auction ail. Information is re-qu eoncerning lhe next o! k]i Orvis Verrai Mitchell, ban Bowmanvllle, on July 1890, and who dled aI lhe o! Vancouver, British lunîbla, on the 28t day December, 1965. DENNIS R. SHEPPA PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 635 Burrard Strcet. VANCOU VER 1. B.C. Telephone No. 684-631 LDMADRINE FOR CLASSIFIE Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. 1 Park, T ENDER \ALLPAPERING Owner- fransfcrrcd. 6 yearibedroom home. Modern kitcb* Sirty cears later, many re- for O W N H I P 0 F L A R E S tis a ct o n u ar nte d ad b u n g a lo w , dle a n a s a p un , e n , d in in g ro o m a n d liv in - a tiv e s . f i n d s a n d n e ig bb o ra and 1 P.m., Monday, Jan. 15, 1968 CAES i $13.200 i wshe. Aongthem were 1os- TedrwilbacetdntlpceCalHarCuts Mrs. Wight's sisters, Mrs. L' cahIteS Fpy orLander2ardware Caîl 623-3393 ONLY $1,500 DOWN for M. Keith (Marion) and M"s* Sppy f ne2500lb. & ELECTRIC____ weIl kept 7 roomed home. Florence Van Nest from Tor- 100, GV.W mi., abandChasisPh i> .,Large lot. Asking $11.700. onto, and Mr. W-ight's sister, themr For *,omn1, ttr9Pm BOWMANVILLE: Centrally Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa. I WC ontn 47-tf 1 aontnc e ander Unit ________________ at Yea o 623-3077 located 3 bedroom brick home. Mr. and Mrs. Wright's four 1-4 Until approximately the 1lne t u Terry Masters - 623-3792 011 heated, 4-pc. bath. Anxious sons and tbree daughters ýested lst of April, 1968 . . __ _ Ken Hockîr - . 623-5055 ta sell. Caîl: Phyllis McRabbie.weea l presenit including ln a! Furthcr information andELVE poultry, aId feathe'i- , ander Rafuse -. 2-65Afe or les al Mrs. L. J. Bradford (Norma) rn at tender fcrms may be had f rom ticks. M. FIaIt, R.R. 1, Betii-! 2-6-' trHusPlaeClfram Tucson. Arizona. 4th, the undersigncd. 'a-'-. Phone 7 r 13. 31-tf;,Joe Barnoski-- 723-578",DnMutoy - 6331 An item of interest during C ' T ender m ust be on fo im s G U N S, ad and new , also w ar Ro s G b rt - r no 9 3 5 3 P hyllis M cR obbie - 623-7159 th a ls a rs n tl, o! supplled by the Township. No souvenirs, any size collection- ROY Foster - Orono 983-5801 Rop a25th etey3O2 ~ taM-,adMrF others wlll be accepted. good prices paid. 623-7028. 1Wso. j Wr-Go eVn k 63-47vrigh ry heil 25th An u mf , L o w est o r an y ten d er n t 43-13 0 G a rd en H ill 797-2215 G e r e V n y 2 - 7vrsa - hi c w i llt a k p necessarily accepted. DNTtrwi u'W byHwr odr -jWesley Anderson- 349-2669 in January. M.L1R S.just about anything that's ad, rookln 655-3853 1Harold Coutts 725-2649 hve n and MA.N rmzoe Road Supt. an armnful or a houseful. The George Beaton - DOroty sami 7-94Wrih t haer daugtrizrna Township of Clarke. Talisman, Newcastle, even- Port Ferry 985-2987 W. List Photo M.L.19. Bradford for the. winter ORONO, ONT. 1-1 ings 987-4624. 21-tf 1. -~ and Exclusive inmontha. The Canadian Statesmazi, 13owmanvIfe, Jan. 3, 1968 -1 -- ýnts Articles for Sale 1 Livestock For Sale IReal Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale ie Hall, STRAW for sale. Caîl 723-1308. FOUR Holstein iefrsvn Let Us Build You a SELLINGORN.coetTutnRd Admis- 1 -1 stackers. Phone Hampton' and 115 Highway, nwbI;. 52-tf HAY and3235 straw.. __11 ___ HO SE y Ausin ood263235 afer r.. 11* REAM H USE YOU PRPER Y?Iows and split level. Och -1 HAY a d str w. A stin U R P R P E R T Construction. Phone 9 3 9 ,k Board 623-2212. 1-l'* FIVE hundred and fifty Il- Choose front aur selection ori Hll on QATTm! a ta oanths-old Rhode Island Rediwe will build from your pans A LISTING WITH ______ -f o Cal 263-2531. 1-1*lhens. Phone 987-4797. 1-1... on fully serviced, N.H.Aý SCHQFIELD Jack 1WATER for sale anýd deIivered. à appro ot -beuiu Ice As- Caîl Cîiff Pethjck, 623-2313.1 W'ork Wanted lot at beutfu AKER LTD.RICARD aturday, Cecn eCorn- 38tf HAVE sewing and alteringý SUB-DIVISION of Oshawa Ltd., Realtor Norm TWO livingroomn rugs, 9 x 11 donc for spring naw. Phone Liberty St. S. - Bowmanville wiiî assure you of prompt 1-3 and 6 x 9. Phone 623-3123. 623-2171. 1-1* o! Sa 1.1 - __ -,Low Down Payment ... and efficient action 623-2503 will be a oo seed faction guarantecd at Whyte ' Ternis at only 7 ý4 % intere. ail MEg Lo 6, 1968. corn. F. W. Werry, Phone Bros.. Phone 623-5251 or, their35ar rclsuho Is brlng 263-8893. 1- 623-5252. 20-tf ; D. BEERSi Bowmanville Representative 15ar aclsuho ;e camne. 7.75 x 14 SNOW Tires; 7.10 x 15 and arrange to discuss the TauntonR.o iet t 1-1 u rms,$18. Rber Par, . BA AR ~ Phone 623-2263, Bowmanville, atrwt l Excellent location an which tn 1-uchre Ha mtan . , o er -a r, A B A35-tf m t e lh h mconst.ruct ne ai- tw o good ay6h----- --Plumbing & Heatin'i Telephone 623-5638 homes. ~r tSTUDEBAKER 3ervice, new NsoSt Bwanil r t5 ELIGO T Ig.Lt u o sdonat- and used parts. Graham's13 esnS. wmnil ee ow l r t5 ELIGO T ig.Lt u of lone Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-t! __ ____ 1-tf or eall him at the Oshawva Several good building lots lunschr. BUYING or selling furniture P R E T REALTOR still available in Clarke Twp. lunch or appliances, eall Elmer, ER I E F C and GENERAL INSURANCEiO ie73225 i he$,0 range. Ee if 1-* Hampton: business 263-2294 - t30KN T . vud o lnt ul o ~GO resdene 23-295. 33-tf Plumbing - Heatingi52 King st. w. Bowmanvlle a 6 IGS.W 9fyeardorntlntwsroucidefra. qG rsdece23-69.tf4-t tion should be given ta pur- FcOc R rent, P.A. System; for Phn 623-.2453 hsn your lot while they snor aie three-pickup guitar plus62-50 Nv îcou3 George Bllee are still available at this price. ere Century Sound 987-4235. 1-1 bricWbunalowclos to. o1 REALTOR Storey and Haif Brick Home BONA VLL ping. Features loads of closets, !hn 2350 On Liberty St. N. Four bed- FRexcellent quality pears, ___ 38-tf storms, screens, Tappan range. i Poe62-30raams. Large living room and 8-tf apples, appie cider, low prices, K Very popular design. NH.A. oGrdon Beech 623-5265 n hsi elkp art - uyat reds rui Mrke, F AN BRNK terms at 717. Act quickly! Bowmanville North End: home. Large shade trees in Bridge, Highway 35, south o! Orono rn~ngCz unao..Ts2 Weil built and nicely decorat- front. Garage. $17,900- n, Lib- ____44-If Tecin yBunao!!is y, Feb. TYERTRn n,$ SPI AKbedroom home with rec. roomed C room house, garage andiTerrns. lunch, , ô n-,$2 SPTCTAKad 3rd bedroom in basement is scude o.AsigpieCeta lucwkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, INSTALLATION ;arasnbe u.Ha o e $6.00- ermot s ldeeý enra ýn 75c. terms, rentaîs, service. Bill R.R. 6, BOIVMANVILLE i ail fumnace andgarag e n- Ask 0- tral aedLr ge q ldr storey and haîf home Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. 62-70 ing $17,000. Termns arranged. roomn solid brick home, hon ag o ihnes ak IK 45tf 62-7ot1Ing distance of business area. 1water hcating, 2 washrooms. n h-epec lsaepe q'GQ AUTOMATIC d e f r o s t i n g 35-tf Brand New and Beautiful. wate r saftener, dishwasher and baeth rageePl on. ht Beatty refrigerator, Croslev C E M N Ti pciu eombn other ext-as. Large secludedparntavsfieIbur jh ofteIectric range, both ini C ER A galom, bas alI modemn appoint-' lot garage and pavedifdrive excellent condition. Telephone mn~icuigabiti This house must be seen t ulfesframotae 623-7657. 1-î EXCAVATING 1 Tappan range. Located near'be aopreciated. Aftcr Hours Please Cali: LOADING - TRENCHING' shopping. Carnies a 7% mort- ELECTRIC guitar with doubleI Sand, Gravel, Top Soul and ýgage at easy montbly pay- Apartment building with 3, 6-pcse. altogeter $7nFdI elivredments. Caltoday for appoint. efcnane prmns. One Mac McDonald » -623-3911 cae loehr$5or sep- 2 ment. apartment bas 3 bedrooms and lVilf HaNvke - 983-5274 Mat - arate purchases. Telephone 2ý.Hour WA TER SERVICE is eiectrically heated. Large Dick Metcalf 623-5293 riue623-7474. 1~l Reasonable Rates $5.000 Down will buy You'double heated garage with Hrl ek--9645 ildings, - 623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE a downtown business block1 workshop. Excellent invest-. public. ISULATION, blowing meth-___ consisting of 2 stores and 3 ment at $29,900. *Give us an_______________ 5 p.m. od, witb rock wool. Work- FOR apartments. This is a i-cal ofr anuary man. ýhip guaranteed. F r e e ik& tof\kmnf-mke.C.l nHelp_\Vanted iFrestimates, Han-y L. Wade, Bric tn okmnymkr alrîght now. I village north of Bowman -___ . Phone Newtonville 786-2256. Fr ae Executive Special! Elabor- ville, Service Station, Garage, WAITRESS, reliable andex 71. 38-tf P ate split-level home wîth fîre- and Bodyshop combined. Ask- perienccd in restaurant work. CALL place. rec. room, 4-piece tiled ing price $18,500. For interview call1loney 52-2 USED washer parts, motors, OXFORD BRICKLAYERS ý al, 2-piece washroom, etc., Ton acre lot with frontage Hollow Restaurant, 987-4208. fAgri- Simplicity, Thor and Moffat AND STONE MASONS plus a 2-room sclf-contained an twa roads. Asking price ____ ing on appliances, nationally adver- PHONE ORONO 983-5606 apartment. Choice north end $4,800. BYwnedfi aprrue 1968 tised lune of furniture. Paddy's oi93566location. Priced to seli. Cysa;LkeOY iesnot r a TidfPrspe ruts.SO ana at Market, Hampton, 263-2241.or9352 rsaLae85mlsnrhraTidPopctS.5o of dis- 42-tf ----________ 43-tf! Modern Business!! Take-. of Oshawa, new 3 bedroom weekly guaranteed. Phone art the12 CR-tp luinu bat REU HO STR Southern-frjed Chicken in cottage. Asking price $7,900. collect, Port Hope at he12 CR-opalmium oa R UP OLTEi h ce location in Oshawa.!Owne'r anxious to sell. _____ -11 ir lland 9 b.p. Viking matai-, with YOUR CHESTERFIELD Shows a very good net return. Oshawa - 2 storey brick BABY-SITTER ta look after 2 parI- s adjces e - OR CHAIRSi Disposai Pickup Busines veneci- home, new furnace 1pre-scboolers while mother c. Pres- ingtan pump shotgun with SHOP AT HOME SERVICE1 Good route. Praperly licensedi garage, low tax and low works. Can live in. Near Plncase. Caîl Newcastle 987-4417. 623-5252 Shows good profit. Excellent monthly payaient. AskingIGibson's Fi-uit House. Phone [BS ~ ~ ~ ~ 1i RiODTOE Vtwr V Y EBR S t$.0.T-c nld price $13.900_with_$2.400 down.1 Newcastle 987-4386 af ter 5:30. and rotai-s (trade-ins), 40, 50 i John F. DeWilh TUK-rve 1-ied haf ad60 foot structures: ail ini U H LTR rptesWnd celentcoditon.Osawa__________________22-tf~ We ai-e almost ahl sold out of; REAL ESTATE LIMITED 1feur's licence and drîving ex- nsnexcoui-lenperiesdantniedi-e-sRAaTaRperience necessary. Reply in nsnTV Supply Limited, 723-8131. BARNESo&rBYAM plaeetlisidngs Pîcase caîl writing stating education and ýsPLUMBING & HEATING foi- free appraisal. 114 Frank St. - Bowmanil te atclr aBae JANUARY Furniture Sale: SALES & SERVICE j Phone 623-3111 Lme o t. 96 King st, Swivl rokers $390; rclin After 9 p.m. Please Caîl : ~ E., Bowmanvlle.- psfor~ 24HOUR$14,000 IS Not Toc Much .r ers, $79.50; 2 table larn -fo A. L. Code - 623-26451 SHOW FARM: 300 acres, A-I1 a vr4,wihcr at price a! one; 2-pce.chse-OlBre evcý.A aGimnoe40wt at a field, blue, save $100; one only, SBur TNrSerieDAANaGrDr-98-27 uligs1iein kiîshort auto trips near Bow ) t 2-ce ru-god beserfel, SPT4L~~KLSS ND P. Kowal Jr. - 623-5868 automatic stable cleaner. Bulk mavilie. Air mail R. B. Dic $199.50; chrome kitchen suite, -1- oaesloulaer te erson, Pi-es., Southwestern $49. Murphy Furniture, King PHONE stanch ions, wateî- bowls. Large1 troleum Coi-p., 534 N. Main Lation St. W., Bowmanville, 623-3781.9 HAMPTON 263-2288 'mulk quota, etc., etc. ExcellentiFt. Worth, Texas. 76101. 1 3265 11* TYRONE 263-2650___ W. Frank Real Esiale. so, stream, lovely home. 2 - V325A- N__ - R-QL__TEDbathrooms. Oil heated, etc. Pt BOW ANVLLEPaiter RELTO :25 ACRES witb lovely mod-: - Pélinterci-n home. 3 bai-ns. Hîghway1 BEAUTIFUL white Germari 21 King St. IW., Bowmanvilîe location. Only $10,000 down. Shepherd, maie, 1 year aid, 'ICE FRIGID LOCKER in eortr 623-3393 . bas aIl needles. Telephone an D coatrsWe bave quite a number O! 263-2058 after 5. 1-1* 1-3 SYSTEM 27 Elgin St. - Bowmanville Membor Oshawa and District lots and 10 acre lots for sale. Cente S E CI AL s hone623~O75Real Estate Board 1 Priced from $2.500 and up. W ne S___P___________ 26-tf 200 Acres1 25 ACRE FARM wlth mod- 'GO fo-hi-Nek- Kendal Huis Area ci-n 7 roomed home, 2 bar-ns. Dead or Crippled IE fo BEEFh-s5elb SEPTIC TANK Terrific vicw, stram, woods,! Wel located. Priced ta seil. Farm Stock y HIDS OF BE 855 lb. PU PIG3 oad frontages. Good pond1 BOWMANVILLE. 150 ACRE HIND 68 lb. PUM INGsites. Tei-rific value at onîy FARM, witb two beautiful PICKED UP PROMPTLY FRONTS " ' 42e lb. WHITEWASHING STABLES '$46,000 - Terais. streams. Good buildings. Pub- Telephone Colleet 263-2721 .'_,PI1G - - - 44eclb. BERT TOMPKINS 310 Acres lic park. Caîl: George VanDyk. iMarg will Fur Farm Cut, Wrapped and Frozen Phone Newtonville 786-2552 KealHîsAa 100 ACRE FARM with good Liec1o.11C6 6-te f buildings. Excellent soul. Corm- 1 45-tf Let us supply you with Cal Colleet 41-tf 6 room bhouse, large bai-ns, ________________ ta your convenience-m. sking only$00age, muting distance ta Oshawa. _____ _____ BS eut GRAIN-FED BEEF JACK BURGESS i s-a mils iod f-n 0 sig$4,0.Tri.N rigH m for your home freezers OIL BURNERS - FURNACES Terais. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bcd- 1 BUY NOIV - PAY LATER CLEANED Oshawa - 5 Miles - Estate Sale i-oom home wîth living and ACCOMMODATION for Senior pt. 623557 PLMBNG EPARS 00 crs wth ood9 romdining room. Oil beated, 3-. citizens at Lintonhurst Manor, pce. bath. Asking $15.900.Ooo1eaoal rates 7th ~ ~ ~ ~ PHONE HAMPTON brick home, bai-n 5000' ,Lw dw pyet au.: Telephone Orono 983-5639. re _f263-2151 large implement shed, 2 ponds, George VanDyk. ce ad.Cre aa. 5o-4 rte WrdS LretSeln ail Address: Only $65,000- $25,000 down. BOWMANVILLE - Loveli MEMOILHSTA ng SNOWMOBILES ýP.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 3 bedroom brick bungalo OIL OPIA ytna S I- ~30-tf , Newcastle- Streanm, View ýwith i-cc. room. Garage. Ask-1 WEEKLY REPORT tyton, S KI - D0 0 1157 acres, excellent brick ing $22,000. Caîl G. VanDyk.1 Week o! Dcc. 25-31 Inclusive ypress Ailmo__s--w n _ at Befaerion f hmepai e a-s ag disos -6

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