( .7 - -F News aM. nd .-n. 0. W. Rolph brock witb bar parants, Mr.io! Toronto spant the Christ Md t e p oure of calilng on and Mrs. Ross Mercer and! mas weakand with their cou Ul . ElverBon of Oghawa 1amil>' over the Christmas' sins, Mr. and Mrs. C harle Wat 1ebrating her 10Mt holldays. Gray, Shelley and Julie ani P7 daýon Decexnber. 24th, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tamblyn the six were dinner guests c EvérsOn 10 a cousin o! Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lana, New li>h.don Power, Mr. and Mrs. Bill tonville, on Christmas Day. ,New Year'a Dgy' gueste o! Tamblyn and daughter Janne Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Simp à&. and Mn. Carl BWIlngs were New Year's Day guests son and daughter Jili o! Bow wfte Mr. and. Mis. Geo, Cola of Mr. andMrs. Carlos Tam- manville, spent Christmas Dai ~Port Hop Mis Audrey' blyn and Sharon. with bis parents, Mr. ani ~Iin~ ! ~hw' r.ad .an MrsLod wn Mrs. Douglas Simpson, Gari - Z Wâtson, Mrs. Harry and daugbter o! Torontoý and Sharon. Bley3(r Nil Porter, Mr. spent Christmas with Mrs. M.anMs.TdLa o pn4J4r. WyneBalle>', Mr. Ceci McLaren and Mr. and Son, wltb bis parents, Mr. anc *adMis Crl . immett. 1r.Aci cae n Mrs. C. H. Lana, Nawtonvilie 'it 3 of Orono 'Unitedj famil>'. for Christmas Day. &A"c Womnen held their jan- Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl re- Mhrsmail rer spenth M =7 eelfting on Tuesday tunnad ta ber borne recantîy aCdhrs a k waendwih Mn e~elx~ Jnua>'2rdid n the after man>' montbs in the two Barsac a l Johnest Wl'tnaap .Rom.This . Unit bospitals and Mrs. C. L. Bul- Braa tAle at ii> 58frey> Units 4 lied o! Stroud -wbo is' Mrs. Marshall Chattertai 1- b8. Ms. Basil E. Long Is twin sîster o! Mr. Oscar attnddMr. O nrvil of hate théir leader. atnedtafueaao h WMr. Cecil Graham spent Mrs. Barrabali for the wInter. manvilla on Tuesday after- b"r- the Cbristmas and New Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stewart noon. ilear' weekends with bahr 6slât& and brotber-in-law, Mr.S Mn.. Wilfred Brean' and rà~ of Toronto and 'visited W la e C ssJ m r husband, Mr. Cecil Ors-fre C ss J m hàM *ho has been a patient Durig D c m e ei.tepast 'montb in the fc y roolc 'k'1osp!ta1 in RoomD 35.5, Ward 3C West, a!tar znany weeks in the Bowman- The total number o! walfare $1.208.19. Ville Memorial Hospital. racipiants In Decembar was The expandituras for tha ýMiss .Linda Harris, Mn. Bill 190 compsred ta 155 during month wera: direct weifara Sears, Mr. and Mns. Douglas the previous month. This was $6,767.35, nursing b o m e s Hird, Miss Dianne Evandan o! shown in the report submitted $2,751.33, special assistance o1ronto; M. Bill Harris, Mr. by Welfare Administrator R. $350.35, 6upplementary $320, and Mr. Ted Williams, Mrs. J. Welsh at the meeting of excess and madicinas $10. .Albei, Harris o! Bowmaniville; Town Council beld on Tuas- Building Inspector R. Hctb- Mia. Oco. Morton, Mr. and day evenlng. erîngton's report for December Mn.. Jack William. o! Orono Durlng the month 12 new showed that the total cost o! were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. applications for weifare ware construction was $2,000.' Two Lawrence Harris and sans filed and 12 wera accaptad. building permits and ana EgbLina, on New Year's Employment was procured for plumblng permit wara Issued. Day two persans, and wel!sra was Eigbt building inspections Unit 4 (formerl>' Unit 6) 0f.dlscontinued In five cases. and six trench Inspections the Onono United Church Wlfara raciplants durlng wera made during Decamber. 'Women with Mrs. Albart Mit- December Includad 21 beads o! There were nine Inquiries and cbel as the naw leader, wiîî familles witb 60 dapendants, sevan Investigations. xneet on Tuesday, Januar>' 9thi 17 single persans, nina dasert- The annual report complet- at the home o! Mrs. Francis cd or separatad casas with 21 cd by Mr. Hetherlngtan undar Cowan. dependents, 24 patients In tha Trench Excavatars' Pro- Mr. and Mrs. John Forraster nursing homes, 22 nursing tection Act shawad that ha was and sons David and Rannia, home patients receivad com- the only trench Inspector ap- @Mkeently rftoved ino the bouse fort allowance, and 16 people pointed, and that ha complet- r ieyl purcbased !nom Mrs. H. 1wbo received O.A.A. and O.A. ed 60 trench inspections. There (w owand. S. supplementar>' aid. wara 22 notices under the act k Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cob- f0The total cost o! wal!are regarding a total langth a! bledick and son Bob o! Lcam- fr the month was $10,199.03, tranches o! 5,044 feat. Mgton, visited Mrs. Wm. Cob- but as expected recovenies IOedick during the bolidays from provincial and faderal MdIast Friday wera dinner subsidies and cbargebacks c nb and family. cost ta the tawn will be onlynt v Mr. and Mrs. J. M. O. Fagan, M~ichael and Sharon o! Mark- hnwere witb Mn. and Mns . (FROM PAGE ONE) . .Cooper aven New Yaar's m-mmCauncil ra-appointed A. H. m Zostmnaster Mr. Charles Gray'* ix~Mrs. Gray entertainad the MMM *due* Strika as ana o! the Tawn's o1t ffo the Orono Post Office Trustees an the Durham t"â Christmas dinner part>' at (FROM PAGE ONE) Count>' District Higb School Ithejr home on Wedncsday cd.for the deliciaus Christmas Board for a threa yean tarm, evbning, Dacambar 2th. dinnar, which had ail the tra- 1968-69-70. This was movad Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Earla ditIonal festive dishes and b>' Reava Oka, seconded by an natson Staven o! Mill- desserts. Councillon Praut. The other intBill Thiesburgar, a former two representativas o! the Chimno h ripid'uiialt nti or _______________________Charman a! ha rlpldmunahîT r' opnr thisTboAd 5 -Year uaronteed Investment Certif icates NEW RATE 1 TO 5 YEARS MinimumDeposit $100 UWmranteed - As to Picipal and Interest Canada Deposit Insurance Member ÇENTRAL ONTARIO 'TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 King St. W., 823-2527 le simco. st. N Oshnao 723-3221 HOUES: q'F Mo&. to.Thur. 9 te 30 Fri. 1 te a or uvxoe Sat. S te 4 8.mnilo ied Wedaedavsj Chnuren's Commlttee, presici- cd and othens at the haad tabla wcre: Mr. Wbyte, Mrs. Raiph Campbell, Bowmanviile, Corresponding Secretar>' o! the Cerebral Pais>' Parents' Council, Miss E. Bartieman, Peterborougb, District Nurse for the Ontario Societ>' for Cippled Childran, and two officiaIs o! the Simcoe Hall Crippled Children's Sebool and Traatmant Centre, Oshawa, Mrs. W. Balfour, the Co-ord- instar, and Mrs. A. Wittaker, the Physia and Occupations] Tbenapist. Aftar dinner Santa Claus arrlvcd and neceived a joyous greating !nom ail the youngs- ters. Ed. Leslie, wbo Is al- ways magnificent ln the noie, portrsyed tbe part suparbly. Santa Claus, standing next ta tbc ball and beautifuil>' decon- abed Christmas trac, distnibut- cd the gifts, which b.d been specially chosen for escb o! bbc young guasts. A prognam of motion pic- turcs fallowed. Tom Rahden was tbc projectionist. and the film projector was lent b>' Dr. H. B. Rundla. The pictures includbng ane about the Thraa Stoages, and saveral others ware mucb enjoycd b>' the young audience. Rotary' Pasident E. L. Witb- erspoon exbended the hasti wisbes o! the entire club ta the young guests o! bonar fori a Mcm>' Christmas and a Happy New Yean. Town of Bowmanville PREPAYMI 0F lTAXE Prepayment cf 1968 Taxes will b. re percent cf 1967 Taxes. A discount cf 3% will b. allowed on r in January. Payments made during ruary lst to February 29th, 1968, jr aldlowed ac 2% discount. Nqo discount will be allowed afiter Febr A. P. GEBO: Tax Collect are LJ 1) .VL.. .Xi cureg niL. A. Parker. Councillor Prout moved that the appolntmant of thea naprasentativa o! the mnici- palit>' ta the Board of Direc- tors o! Memonial Hospital be referrad ta the Stniking Com-1 mittaa. This was sccondcd b>' Reave Oke and carriad. Councillon Prout statad that tha usual procedure in tha past conccrniog tbc. composi- tion o! the Strîking Commit-t tac bas workad out wcll. "1I maya that the Mayor, Reeve,i and Daput>' Reeva ha thea mambars o! the Strikings Committea," ha said. Thisf was seeonded b>' Councillon Coombes and carriad.s Daput>' Reeva Ruodle, sec-v onded b>' Reeve Oke, movad l that cauncil concun ta the ne-1 qucst o! the town o! Godanich l and endorse its resalution h that the Province o! Ontario ha askad ta axpadite an t ameodment ta existing lagis- p lation s0 that cîties, towns,o flnCanadian Stateoman, @Bownmvmfe, Jan, 3, 1998 ana vilages wil not oe ne- This was saconded by Deputy!and sewers. This- By-Law. No - nd big busmness b>' North quinad to, contnibute to sub- Reeva Rundle, and carried. '67-28 provides for a lev>' sim- Amerîca." urban or count>' roads. A communication !ram the' i]ar ta that paid by the sub- EetoisDge The communication from Planning Board advised E iia ranrfa îa M.Bley banfs degrea o Godanicb pointed that Coun- cil tbat it bas tentat ive] yi dweliing in which case itIs ctrnesomD ni e1 h t>' Road lavies had camn- agraed to slight changes inî $250, ha said. nîcal Institute o! Toronto and manced more than 60 years the plan for the P. Knwal' The third and final reading bas worked wlth city contrac- ago beon th lcanin o!18lot - sub-division. There of By-Law No. 67-28 was mov- tors inî Oshawa. motor vebicles and thea aso- wiiî ha a slight aiterat ion in. ed hy Councillor Fry, secondad "T have aiso done a littie lina tax, and the provisions the sîze o! the lots but th-'b>' Councilior Dykstra, and tt building on My own," ha says. now made for rebate O! a total numbar stilîl kept ta 8. wq passed. Thraa raadings Mr. Bradley' is chairman o! certain parcentaga O! road Also that Alcan pre-fabrical-i werealaso givan ta a By-Law the board o! stewards at lavies isoi itscl! an ~admis- cd bouses wil ha constructed,'tO authorize the borrowlng Hampton United Church ln it was explained.i fromn tima ta tima o! !unds to Hamptorn. A!ten a compieta investiga- meet currerît axpandituras. It tion the Planning Board de- was passad and numberad 68-1. Hîs wife Canai and daugh- cidad ta necommend these By-Law No. 68-2 was givntans, as wcli as bis parents, changes ta counicil for aj »three readings and passed to Who live in Bowmanville, ara praval, the latter statcd.,provida on the recommanda- pieasad about the dacision to Deput>' Reeva Riiodie movcd ttbon o! the Town Solicitor, A. go ta Afnica. tbat counicil cancur and ap-ý H. Stnika. the con!lrmnatory The girls wjll attend scbooi prove this racommendation conveyancing of two portion's Il miles from the mission and o! the Planning Board. Reeve O! land an the Wharf Road, Mrs. Bradley' is In store for Oka secoodad the motion, andone ta Wallace Vernon Tarry extra work. it was carniad. and bis wife Bassie Bernice "A bousewife in Zamnbia basi A communication frorn the TIerry. snd the other to George more work ta do becausa *Ontario Department a!f111g- Stephen. microscopie bugs la>' eggs an *Ijways, advising that round]ij By-Law No. 68-3 was also clothas and the onl>' way ta N * T* will ba informad as saon as! given thrae readings and pas-gat nid o! tbam Is ta iran the possible o! the amaunts as-icd. Council had recelvad a ciothes. Otherwise you wili gat signed ta the municipaîitv request fromn United Countiess a kin rash," said Mn. Bradley. for normal road and streeti Holdings, Limltad which bad "Thrae years ago, it was s expenditure in 1968, was re-1puirchasad the building on the luxur>' ta have a rafnigenator, S civa an !ied n amatumnsoutheast corner a! King and and there are oni>' 9,00o tae; b>' Deput>' Reeve Rundle, Tempera n.a Streets. known as vision sets in the cauntny,11 seconded b>' Councillor Mau: the Wellington Block, fram C. says Mn. Bradley'. riec Prout. 'lW. Cawker. It potntcd out 'I addition ta ber famil>' CouncIllor Prout. scoddthat there are existing an- coaMs rde'hpst bcraachmants, a parapet cx- do some welfarc work. moeived up to 90 b>' ouncillor Shackclt gsix luches out fnom "There sqieabto d Canadian Mental Heaith A.- the wali, and a light shaft cav- . eIsqiaabtoa- socitio beraciva an fiearad b>' a sldcwalk grating. zusting ta do," said Mr. Brad- This was annied. .Bv-Law No. 68-3 sostetrehce Council dacidcd ta renaw its continuance o! thesa existlng nBai> bsjs au ancnoachments Mfanadlytashas bgu payments made membersbip in the Ontanrio et !aoinfo ! $1 pa. a tbnea-month orientation Scbool Trustees and Municipal ment ofappoin e ofur core Toot$a1rpr Councillors' Association. Thear >' bren Tn ot ang aen tii.perod eb- duesarc$25 Ths was mv- !B. Locke as a membno!th cd b>' Cveouiloerot. scn- Bowmanvilae Volunteer FineEdtions and people o! Zam-1 liclusive will be edb>' Reeveok. 6-2 hc Brigade effective Januar>' lst, bis. By-aw o. 7-8, wichwas conflrmed b>' counct on Ha says he hopes ta learn bad been givan two neadings, a motion byDpty Reeve the Ltzi language, whicb lsa ln September, and bas receiv- Rundia. seconded b>' CounilU- branch o! Bemba, the motheni cd the approval o! the Ontarioa bn Prout.. language. Municipal Board, cama up fan On a motion b>' Dcputy MnBa1> ilas ok third rncading. Clark ContraI- Reeve Rundia, secanded.,b>' lw.th adcontrucion engineenk 'uary 29th, 1968. 1er Byron stated that this By-'-Councilar Fry, caundil din thacointtion eniod. Law provides for a 1ev>' at the cd sen a elegam Idufgteointto ei time o! the construction Of wishes ta Miss Mary Jphiw Ok rr. Bïalysy ebsn multiple dwellings (apantment and han partncer, VieÇ r îs. Om educatian ln angineer-, bouses or any building with 1îng, the present eýmainn u some valuable pnacti- ERS, more than two famil>' saparate IlJno Pairs Champi ish cq exeri ce accomodation) a! $125 per 1Ing tbam succesa i rth 96 Matanials ta build the scboo unit. Seotior Canadian Fri. skat- wil hapnovlded b>' theý Unit0ed or. po Ha ut that whila Ing Championsi "n wich Cburcb of Canada. One af Mr. mulipl dwlligsneed less tn they wîîî compate.p«V»tWouv-1 Bradley's jobs at Se! ula wl the way of road.s, ligbts and er ln the near fu«w,% j be to draw the blueprints o! IJED 4CAfR "'DRIVE AWAY IN '68 WITH'AN A.1 USED CAR FROM MacDONALD FORD SALES 1967 FORD XL 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, cruisomatie, ful>' power equipped, radio. Lic. K20283. $3195. 1966 FORD GALAXIE 4-DR. V-8, cnuisomnatic, power brakes and steering. Lic. 5513E. $2395. 1966 FORD XL CON VERTIBLE Completely power .quipped. 390 engin. Lic. X10910. $2977. 1964 COMET 1963 FORD 1963 CORVAIR 440 SEDAN STATION WAGON MONZA 8 cyl., automatic, radio. Nine-passenger. Can't be told from Extra clean car. Truly a family car. brand new. Lic. J96377. Lic. X15281. Lic. XK17142. $1490. WAS 81495. NOW $1095. $895. 1961 CHEVROLET 1962 DODGE 1960 BUICK Economical 6, mechanically DART "330"J I INVICTA OKLiciK14K5702. FulIy equipped. Ridiculously kow priced at Li. K148. Lic. K14550. $495. j WAS $95. NOW $877. WAS $790. NOW. $677. 1961 CORVAIR 1960 AUSTIN 1959 iROVR I Real sharp littie car. Lic. J91630. Lic. K16046. Lic. J76971.I WAS $198. WAS 595 NOW $49. WA ~ OW $77. Make an offer on tIb WAS 595 NO $45. AS 591. NW $77. economicai onsitact. MacDONALD FORD SALES.Lý, Bud Fogg - Hap Philp 520 KING ST. W. - 723-5241 Sales Staff 219 KING ST. L, 0.3 ie-- Oro-no ithe scnool and to consult wstt.1od e doaaa.W - f __ auhoriies the isson aoutdecided after a comparatîvely Koots ot Frendship Are LDeep Jschool needs. cwithsthetpeople Accident I l "lWorking thtepol A ni ocnrtonoeie.W there is my goal," says the li hotoapy. Faniterebad Ia i lay mlssionary. 'I think 1 wiU. Rounhdogaphay.benitherested a be happy. 1 don't think I will p" drro a oewe miss Canada." were boys, and he was -Oshwa Tmes (FROM P'AGE ONE) something of a home mo t-Street, Newcastle. The drivers expert. t Es were Andrew Rienstra, Ot-, Mr. Black said that in 19 taope.ndMr. rw was not ln-! and in 1953 two more. By lig jured, but Mr. Rienstra, and the brothers bad 12 stores Jaz apassenger, Harold Rienstra .'dea ling in cameras,h Jcmâcàcrecelved minor injuries and pbic supplies and equip t. fFR M P GE NE) were treated as out-patients n He told the local 't s (WROMPAGEONE) Memorial Hospital. that unknown to his br keeping an anxious eye on is A econd passenger in the and to him the governWent d ~~~wrlst watch, then runs down- Rienstra car, Robert Rienstra,ha psedteCmisAc Ystairs just l time t slide onto also of Ottawa, wha sustainedlIfl 1960. the piano stool and finger bis severe facial laceratioswa "A combines investigator way into "Crazy Rhythm." transferred bv the Bownian-1 came into our office in 1961 E, After more than a quarter- 'ville Ares Ambulance to the and said that the government oentury as a jazz pianist with Oshawa Generai Hospital. jwanted to make a test case. ýe Benny Goodman, Harry James Damage ta the two cars iriThis was the first we had and Jimmy Dorsey and with jvolved in this accident amount- beard of this new law. d small groups at Nick's and ed to about $900. The investi- The guest speaker saîd that the Metropole, Mr. Queener gating officer wvas Constable he and his brothers were n h~~~~~~~~~as opened the door to a new Gog Evans, OP shocked t er httegv carer lnserlus msic.During the week there were erniment claimed that their e ~His first symphony, a 21 '2- also 13 other camparatively advertising had contained in- minute work. was recently minor accidents in the ares, fringements of some provisions S snapped up by MCA Music, but there was only one exceed- of the Act. Two younger bro- S which publlshes such compos- Ingly minor accident in town. thers, Barry and Bruce, had ers as Aram Khachaturian, also joined the firm of Eddie Serge Prokofiev, Dmitri Shos- Black Limnited a few years '.takovich, Ulysses Kay, Robert t previously. Starer and Morton Subotnick. aoc r "My aider brother la the AQuîck Decîsion prsidnt f te ompay13 "It's inost unusual ta take anarvi-pede, lan unknown camposer's first sym- WM M UE cag !slsadI sra phony as quickiy as we toak <FROM PAGE ONE) business, mad Bruc i i Queener's," admitted Arthur! "Your Vocational Srvcharge of achlnrye. I u Cohn, the firm's director Of Cûmmîittee >iSer pr1 Wetak pind Inat serlous music. "Bt~o a htmgtpeetn oday business and in carrying on kin ofsm But plceo usc vat i i be called an inno- the merchant traditions of Our vatin inthis club. We bave If you'Il forgive the metaphor. fo e otnit h grandfatber and father. We I think he's got It. He's ter- Rotary program known as 'Abaenyradalsatfd rific talent. He's a full-blown My Job Talk.' This is a far customer, and we are sensitive romantic. It cames fram teo eetbihn the dlsilto public relations. guts. catio ak fal oain Mr. Black spoke o! the gaod "Serlous music today is al who have spent some years in relationsbîp the firm bas with - -----jungle," he went an. "We're Rotary. its suppliers. "We carry a bursting at the seams with "It is on the banis of getting lesser variety of products than The roots of fricndship in'tered Cambridge University,!al in its membership, witb composers. How far Queener ta know more about each some stores do but we want this area are deep for potato graduated and joined thelmembers from Europe, Asia cngtit ha uger-other and makes a partîcular- ta ensure that the articles we seed expert Jim Munro, righit. teaching staff. In 1949 hie was'and Latin America with mem-, mains ta be seen. But, with 1 y good Inter-Club program da carry are reliably distribut- d He first carne from Newcastle- a delegate Io a potato grow- bership exceedîng 3,000. l promotion and time and lwhen the speaker's classiflca- ed and are backed up by on-Tyne, England, ta New- ers' convention ln Fredericton, Mr. Munro has kept in patience, we hope he'1l suc- tIon dorsflot exist in the club service. castle, Ontario in 193(0 at 18 N.B. In 1951 lie accepted antoc years of age as hircd help onoffer ta return to Frederictan oc wth his benefactors ofceed." ýhe is visiting. We have such The part that camera clubs S depression years, visiting them Until 10 years ago. Mr! ýa man todav," he said. have played ln the growth of the Carlton Payne farrns, where he joined the staffo! at least once and sometimes Queener was, hie admits, "99' "Bob Black joined the Eg- the firm's business was em- where hie spent three summers, the research station as a res- andattndd Kmpvile g- arc sienis an rmaiedtwice a year during the 16 per cent self-taught." i linton Rotary Club ln 1961 phasized by Mr. Black. He ricltualSchol hre wn- hee utilOc. 1 ofths yaryears hie has been at Frederic- 'II could read quarter notes where he holds the classifica- also spolie of the advances riter truhscholrsh i here ntiheOca. appointeChi e ton. and the gultar symbols onltion o! Photographic Equip- made in the design of cam- received at school before leav- of Seed Potato Certification His wvife, Dorothy and 20she uie"h ai.' ak- mnn upisRtiig ea n hi qimn n Ing England. for Canada xith his office in year old son, Ian, were with ed my way through the ar- He bas successfully cbaired the benefits o! this to amateur He returned ta England in'Ottaxva, where he now resides. hlm in Port Hope for the rangements when I was witb some of the most important as well as professional photo- 1933 and furthered his studies' Mr. Munro also received an holidays and visited the Paynebas lke Gomn ndc mtesachyrndigapr. at Durham University. He alsoýhonor in July of this year, farms at Newcastle, which are James." now serving his fifth term as Dr. G. Edwin Mann, a past spent some time on potato'by being mada Vice-Prasident now owned by Mr. Payne'si In 1957, at the urglng or a director o! the club," Mr. presîdent, moved a vote of disease research in Scotland. of the Potato Association o! two sons, Murray and How- Nick Caiazza, a saxophonist Walters told the local Rotar- thanks to Mr. Black for bis Hle returnad ta England, en-lAmerica, which Is internation- ard. with wbom he had played in lans. interesting address. President Muggsy Spaniar's band in 1942, Mr. Black told the local Ai Witberspoon expressed bis sien of doubt as ta thcir jus- Mr. Queener began studying Rotary Club that bis intarest personal appreciatton ta the tifcaton.'.~ aau tesL eo es with Paul Craston, the dis- in sbops was înherited as both guest speaker and presented Concaior Coombuaes Lenquir- tinguisbed composer. bis father and grandfather him with a git as a souvenir edwa h nulCountilrCobr ies . uR IzzHlp Cmosn were marchants. The latter o! bis visit to tbe club. Road levy casts Bowman- "Idawy atthttehdagoer uiesa h "I'dalwys elt hatthecorner o! Lonisdale and Pine ln The birthday of Jack Lan- villa. "Ou contribuion has .highest lavel a musician can what Is no the Forest Hi,, der wsclbat > î bean in the vicinity of $80,000 j fPOM PAGE ONE* rac sa opsr"te ato ooth ad ellow Rotarians. Steve Wîth. or $81,000. This resolution is l eave April 1, after salllng theI slim, dary-hairad planlat ex- "My father started there but tharspoon, Bowmanvllle, a son long overdue. Our rebate for famiîy possessions. plained. "Tbat's why jazz as hae found that hie was not o! the president o! the club, sevaral years was 25 per cent.Pe The new missianary image appealed ta me. Becausa of reaiiy intarasted in the groc-waagutatheuceo It s ow35pe cet, Mvail belng created by the church lts imi'ravisatianal nature, ery business bie left and start- meig Hobbs replicd. The motion. and the aId idea o! mission- you're always composing." ed a sporting goodas hop in was carried. arie~ s iflot "lit", says a press Whleliha studied or comaos-19. vnulyh stre Alettar from George Vani releasa from the church's bead- ed during the day, Mr. Queen- bis own radia business t Ct as To y Bridger, PUC managcr. ad-.~ quarters in Toronto. er has usually devoted bis Yonge and St. Clair. vised regarding a motion '- Fo O-' ..l cently~~~M : panse96, the Puli ur î cdîh-~ sent out evening free time at Bill's Gay "AtrWrdWr« o I places centl passd bythe Phlictelevision technlcians, teachars, Nineties t copyîng out parts business boomed. I joined after Utility Commissioners thatý a telephone Installation super- for bis own compositions and leaving High School in 1946, counceil be requested tal give ~~vîsor, an automnotive plant for Mr. Craston's ln that third- and my aider brother joined considaration ta the passi îg assambly lina workar and a floor closet. the flrm a few yaars Iater. 8 T A T E a M A of Local Improvement Bur Laws to caver const ruction cegmn MCA Music has now taken fte o a few years My o! wter nd swermain on ~ ~However, despita thea maya tbree o! Mr. Queener's shortroter -n pndasoePoo0330 ail streets wher pîîvatc ~......for a new "Image," the cburch orchestral works ln addition sîigcmrsadsotn water and sewer mains now, nit primary raquisîte ta bis sympbony, but so far exist.for the missionarles must be only one bas received a par- spiritual motivation." formance, bis 12-minute Suite Mayor Hobbs explained, "Au b1prob.' ssionary work is the onîy for Orchestra, whicb was con- tbat there bave hcen pob1wa orld," says ceMr. tra d uct0l wibytGeyOkraseomarCiveote iner akn el lams aver tha years concern- Wsoanrigpecei te u t byeGuykFashrmari-eyt,,PedrHsis si ing privataly owned waterý ol, asM.Balywt hmatnwmre and sewer lines. On serree"The reason the Communisti Sympboniy.:11 short streats there are uip ta! Sjerp Vandermeer ara becoming the power of the Mr. Quaener beard a tape ofM netRelW tr o ,world today Is because o! the the performance for the !irstMotthRehW tr&Co fiva private lines. It was d,-' o! R.R. 1, Enniskillian, son 0f îack o! ChristianIt>'. Wa bave time the other day.ChrrdAconat cidad by the PUC after cofl- Mr and Mrs. H. Vandarmeer, ta make ourselvas available ta I practîcaîl>' want out o!' sidaration ta suggest thiatINewcastle, graduatcd an Fr1- rn Chitaty wbare there is more than 00n 'day Dacember l5th, as an m id"h xle.lA- Mnrn saa Trno Hmlo lina thesa ý,e replaced undier auéùoneer fromn the Riesch "Same people wondcr wby tbOugh ana thing surprIsedý Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary Local Improvement by 0iCAme'rjcan School of Auction- we go ta other countries wben me. I don't want ta capy EmnoPrceGrgVaour Lina with branches ta each eering at Mason City, Iowa. thare ls a lot of work that can anyona ln my camposîng. Eno Pic erg acue housa, lha said. ýHe will commence services In ba donc bere," ha says. "But want ta keep my individuaiity. Councillor Dykstra mnoxed this area. thera is noa sensa making Can. But when I beard the tape, I Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., R.1.A. Bort R. Waters, C.A. tbat this rcquest fram th . ___-.- ada perfect wben the rest O! noticed that the first maya PUC ha referrad ta the Board:sa on thereaaetrre the world Is humiliated with ment sounds very much Ive- O.aa Ohw hpigCnr 241 of Works for further studyJ quirements regarding wateroctako dcain a rso. r/i 1) j. J.; 7! ~..~. ,Il 1 j'mm