................................................................................... . a,- t> 1 Omaau 8atoeany Eowmnvme, Zan. le, 1968 fSPORTropics SIIG ANYONE ?- Maybe you and I are cômPlaining about toô rnuch snow, the cld weather, etc., and wlshlng we were ln a warmer C&lzate- but the skiera are laughing. A couple of years backg some of Our readers inight remember that this scribe j tWeateried te take Up the sport - but we "chlckened" out.en AJuo iotmd Out we couldn't afford It. I j . Well at least one member of the family ls really al] -the alopea at the Oshawa Ski Club Saturday mornlng, leaving bere at nine and nlot getting back until six o'clock. M aj r L, Re HeW8 right back at it again Sunday. Originally h. was tôId never on Sunday, because af Sunday achool, but The Men's Major League WOUldn't Yeu know that aur skiier has arranged te have a bowlers are off and running ln the second schedule and skilng SundaY achool teacher drive hlm te the Kirby hilîs. we find aur boy Freddie Thanka ta aur nelghbors, Bruce and Eleanor Colwell, Thomson away out ln front SIwMber One ion hs having a great time. In tact they were with a big 824 triple. Fred had ualng, he enJayed himself soeniuch, ddn't even want to games of 292-282-250 for an atOP te eat - and when that boy doesn't eat - you know Brian Martyn had 778 (277- he's havlng a gaod timne. 303), Ted "'Pappy" Bagneli zipparently the tow rape threw hlm a few feet, because 771 (265-314), Russ "Wigger" contrary ta advlce he was given, he figured you had ta hold Oke 764 (304, Big Don Oke on ighly knws ettr nw. roule s nw dugher762 (271-291), Larry "Nip" ontgtY-kosbte ow rul snwduhe Piper 731 (276), Bill "Jake" Leslle thinks it la highly unfair that her brother ia a great Westlake 726 (278), George : kiier, and mean aId xnom anid dad, wan't let her go. Fact Glanville 726 (259), Mike Inathanka ta Bruce, Bill gat outfitted at a cost the sports Murphy 724 (279), Ern Perfect edtrcauld- afford. 717 (260), Maurice Annaert 717 (282). Meanwhile, another neighbor, Jim Schultz, has provided Jlm Houck had the higrh :a slick-looklng rlnk, where Leslie is trying out her skating single of the second schedule, :prowess - se for the time belng isn't toa angry about miss- 20k BoÇb "CobVKenit 308, Ing the skling. She was quite thrilled because the boysle Feeters 274, Russ Hately 272, ber play hockey - goal naturally - but we averhead ane Jack Bond 264, Ron McLean say, "She aln't no Johnny Bower." Now If anyone wants ta and Moe Richards 262, Bud : doateanyskiequpmet fo a eve yer ad grl.Henning 261. donae ay si eqipmnt or asevn yar od grl.We were sorry ta see Matt hetihne te learn ta ski ls undoubtedly best when you Harrison drap out ai the sec-1 are yaung, and ln this respect, a cllnic for boys and girls, ond schedule but we hope. :etght yrears of age and over will be conducted every Saturday everything turns out OK for1 A chartered bus will leave the Lions Commnunity Centre, Matt and that he will be back next fali. Ray Van Meer is1 26 Beech Ave., at nine o'clock, with skiing at the Oshawa out for a few weeks with a1 Ski Club going from 10 arn. until noan. The bus tare, round tamn leg. Hap Palmer willl trip included, is 50 cents per persan, There la no registration miss a few weeks due teaa tee. fe Carer s sreplacingc The prograrn la aponsored by the Oshawa Ski Club and Harrison, while Ron Etcher Is the Bowmanville Department ai Recreation. Fred Fox Is ln pinch-hitting for the injured charge of the clinic, assIsted by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colwell. Hap. Boys and girls interested i.n participating ln this clinic, lit Week - 2nd Schedule should contact the Recreation Department at 623-3114. Team Standing Fast la a little toc fast for the average skiier. When the Team W L Pins Pts.C frees are hurrying past and the skiler is sliding aîong on Et I. G. A - -- ---- 3 0 3486 3c coule i bard, tankgoones, mdertio taes verandNels. Osborne coule f bard, tankgoones, mdertio taes verandInsurance -_3 0 3345 3 a gentle pace la ample. r.4.. Naw that the sport has lnvaded aur family, we decided ta check sorne of the records, and we're sure that maoat akilers will be aataunded when they learn the figures that represent I Opeed records.1 The recognized world record ls a nerve-shattering 100.541 miles per haur, set In 1952. The fastest tirne, apparemtlyI any ane has ever clocked an skis, hawever, la 109.7 m.p.h.1 Bruce - you alDuGat had us talked into giving It Rn whfrl - but unless it can be arranged that we wouldn't go aver 10 m.p.h., while we think skilng is a great sport, ne thanks. (For now anyway>. i. t i. i.t MIDGFTS and JUVENILES WIN ~ BoSmanvile'sMcGregor I.D.A. Midgets defeated Lind- say, while St. Mary's Cernent Redmen posted a 4-1 juvenile Win aven Oshawa, and showed great strength in downing Ajax Jr. C'a last week. Saturday night, i 0.M.H.A. action at the Memorial Arena, Peterborough's City tearn will be here ta meet the Redinen i a juvenile encounter at seven o'clock. In the 9 p.m. midget clash, McGregor's I.D.A. will play hast ta Ajax. i. t t t t *TREMENDOUS! Finally got araund to vislting the Bawmanville Golf and Curling Club again, and the way the building has been changed la absolutely trernendous! Manager Larry Heffering -4*a*ýs busy curling when we were there, and when we get the o4pjortunIty of talkIng with Larry, a camplete report on ahl clerges wrll appear in titis colurnn. SHOW CRUISERS Clearance Sale ONC Wide-Track, reverse, sr"dN Regular $1120.- Sale Price ..... 07~ ONC 15"" track, $4 Regular $935.- Sale Price ....$4 DEMONSTRATORS Snow Prince $9 Regular $825. - Sale Price ....$ 9 TRAILERS ......................$149 J. Orde Marine Ltd. Oshawa 723-0297 MEMOR IAL ARENA BOWmMIL Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY# JANUARY l2th 8 TO 10PM. - AND - SUNDAY, JANUARY l4th 2 TO4 PX TMTS SKTING - WED., JAN. lTth 3 to 5:20 P.DL - 2sce «person i Wyte Frank'ý Variet: Lander Pepsi( Dykstri Food Beaver Lumnbe Selby i Heatinj Jury & Loveli Ken 's 1v ---3- O 3324 3 Bo..3 0 3292 3 's y3 0 3093 31 rHdwe. 2 1 3217 21 Cola- 1 2 3100 1 a' 0 3 3088 0 r 0 3 3034 0 Grant Og - 3 3023 0O 0 3 2992 0O Wear - O 3 2980 O. Averages Fred Thomson ____ IBrian Martyn Ted Bagnell Russ Oke _____ Don Oke______ Larry Piper Bill Westlake _____ George Glanville____ Mike Murphy -___ Ernie Perfect ____ Maurice Annaert Don Bagnel Russ Hately -___ Harold Michelson- Ron McLean ____ Bob Wiliams ____ Lou Wiseman_____ Bud Henning Howard Bromel ____ Bob Kent ------_- Maurice Richards ___ Dave Reynolds Doug Carter______ Jim Houck -_____ Russ Halîman ____ Si Trewin -_____ Murray Tighe Elton Brock_____ Roly Coombes ____ 75 59 57 55 54 47 42 42 9 39 3 3 8 7 Z5 ý3 18 97 15 Foundry Bowling, Second Scitedule 111gh Single - Men F. Smith 230-244, J. Mc- Knight 247, N. Cowle 228-212, C. Woolner 292, L. Blckell 218- 215, B. Smith 296, F. Drunkle 252, N. Henning 230-205, B. Switzer 200, B. Golder 206, Bob Smith 206. 111gb Single - Women J. Golder 231-188, S. Me- Knight, M. Drinkle 199, S. Alloway 184. 111gb Triple - Men F. Smith 667, J. McKnight 640, N. Cowle 631, C. Woolner 628, L. Bickell 618, B. Smith 610, N. Hening 600. Hlgh Triple - Women J. Golder 567, S. McKnIght 522, E. Woolner 502, M.1 Drlnkle 518. Team Standings Sareheada _________7 Screwballa ________5 Alleycats _________21 Headpins _________ 1 1Legion Ladies January 4, 1968 Averages A. Bate --- -___ 3 186 A. Nickerson 2 176 N. Sheehan ___ 3 174 M. Westover - 3 167 G. Murdoch___ 3 158 F. Bruce -____ 3 153 M. McNulty ___ 3 150 M. Williams 3 148 G. Downey 3 147 J. Burton ____ 3 136 A. Dilng____ 3 136 H. Simnick 3 135 D. Richards - 3 135 M. Blake -___ 3 134 R. Bathgate___ 3 133 L.Spencer 3 130 L.Grahamn___ 3 121 High Triple - - A. Bate 559 High Single - - A. Bate 186 Over 200 Gaines: N. Shee-: han 202, A. Bate 263, M.i Wesaver 223.1 Team Standiags No. 3 Bate 2 pts.4 No. 1 Bruce 2 pis)! No. 4 Sheehan _ l1pt.i No. 2 Blake -_1_____ Newcastle Squeezes Win By Defeating Port Perry To Break Losing Sf reak The~ Newcastle Intermediates Newcastle took advantage of The Flamingos came close broke a three-game losing nmru atPrypnl ntefnlpraotcrn streak, Tuesday night, ln Part te n hero s Pr ed a n scored the focal 3-2 b, ut Necaie Perry. Newcastle defeated the te ntescn n crdtelcl - u ecsl Part Perry Flamingos 7-6 dur- four unanswered goals from held on ta Win 7-6. Port Perry Ing this week's action ln the the sticks of Dame Rogerson marksmem were Clif Crad-1 Lakeshore Int. Hockey League. and Earl Cabbledick who scar- dock, Rager Moore and DonI Newcastle took an early lead ed three. Newcastle led 5-3 Cochrane. Earl Cobbledick1 on a goal by Ruas Hall. The at the end of the second. and Jim Richards rounded outj Flamingos came back with goals by Mert McKee, Del Mc- Nenley and Jerry Taylor ta lead 3-1 at the end af the periad. r eK Youth Bowling E c L c tc B L R D. J. wJ B. R. R. N. M. S. J. G. B. R. G. D. BANTAM GIRLS Piper 5, Payne 0; Wright 3, Almond 2; Dadson 3, Fred- ricks 2. HIgh Single D. West _________173 J. Carter ________154 K. Piper 153 HïIügh o-daie N. Wright ____285 D. West -- 262 BANTAM BOYS VanDriel 5, Piper 0; Roberts 5, Welsh 0; Karaten 3, Oven- den 2. High Single G. Ovenden ______194 G. Brunt _______183 J. Korsten 1711 1115h Double R. White ---___ 332 G. Ovenden ____318 G. Brunt ----- 306 JUNIOîiR IRLS Bradley 7. Lewis 0; Brunt 5, 3romeli 2; Bryson 4, Biggs 3. High Single D. Bradley 262-208 C. Biggs--------221 L.. Whitehead _____ 0 R. Tice --207 111gh Triple D. Bradley 651 C. Biggs 541 JUNIOR BOYS Brunt 5, Edmondson 2; Pres- tn 5, Parker 2; McDonald 7, Brock 0. High Single LBrunt ----____241 BPreston _______238 à. Edmondson ______220 ;Marchant -______217 1Gray 202-219 3Parker -208__ HIgh Triple 28 1Preston _______630 Brunt _______614 GrGay 584 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Sellers 5, Bouwmeester 2; "olville 5, Etcher 2; Goodwin 1Lewis 0; Hately 7, Cain 0; ;elleck 5, Goad 2. 111gh Single Sellera ________273 Bromell -____231 VLewis _____252 1 Wereszczynski - 242 L.Leal------ ----------- -238 111gh Triple t Seileck _--- 801 i Goodwin ______733 1Kilpatrlck ______688 Martyn 627 Tucker ________655 Palmer _______654 1Colville ______653 Bouwmeester _____652 Forget -______634 Sellers ________619 (MrDuln the scoring for Newcastle. 1 Earl Cobbledick replaced Mel Stevenson on the flrst line for Newcastle. Stevenson was sitting out a game suspension, for lasing an argument toala refere ln a previaus game. Cabbledlck , the hard-checking right winger, proved he can score goals while playing on the lime with Steve Burns and, Paul Wakely. On Tuesday, Jan. l6th, New- castle play hst ta the Whitby Mel Rons led by Elmer Tran.; Elmer and his mates will be I seeking revenge for a 4-3 de-1 feat handed them the last time they visited Newcastle. Fri- day night the locals travel ta Keswick for a game with the PHONE - (819) 425 - 2711 fast-improving Keswick crew. te second and aguin ln the Icthird ta build up a 5-1 bulge, I. D.A. MicJgets 'befare Lindsay made ft close Down Lndsay e Clark and Barry Down inds y O'Sawnessy. Mike Donaghue natched* Bowrnanville McGregor's pair for I.DA., Bennettaa I.D.A. defeated Lindsay 5-3 sisting on bath. Dave Calwe~ in a Midget 0.M.H.A. encoun- picked up a goal and an asY ter, Saturday night, at the sist, the other marker goiÎng Memorial Arena. to Ken Tabb, with an asst In the first, Grave Bennett by Larry Allan. apened the scaring on a play with Bruce Simpson, with Miniature bail bearin Doug Rennie putting Lindsay used in space vehiclesab on even terms. worth 150 times their weig _ -McGregor's tallied twice in-in g aid. SKI and SAVE MINE BONUS SKCI WEEKS RATES AS 10W AS $1 15.20 GUARANTEED SNOW MONT TREMBLANT - QUEBEC - CANADA January Stit This week It was Dot Bond takimg the ladies' higit triple with 786 (192-249-345); also took the high single with a 345 game. Bill Nicholson took men's high triple with 723 (302-175-246). Bruce Miller had high single for the men with a 329 game. 200 Games B. Marshall 218, F. Tippins 200, S. Brock 202, R. Brock 301, D. McReelis 280-227, E. Luke 214, J. Robinson 237, D. Thompson 238, J. Bond 207- 272, L. Waodcock 202, B. Nich- olson 302-246, M. Alldread 230- 206, B. Patter 283-223, C. Rit- ter 214-229, P. Deboo 212-204, D. Nalan 255-230-237, B. Buma 233, D. Bond 249-345, D. Dem- mis 211, G. Ritter 200, G. Mar- shall 261, P. Marshall 210-211, V. Luke 201, F. Stubbert 205- 260, R. Bank 220, S. Robinson 200, M. Thounpson 242-227, W. Piersma 205, A. 8onsmha 217, B. Miller 329, H. Ovenden 210, R. Nolan 208, P. Fedderna 234. Team Standing. Pins Pts. Bill Nicholson - 32à7 7 Ron Brock -____ 3102 7 Glenn Prout 2961 5 Doug Nolan ~ 2918 5 George Marshall- 2690 4 Frank Stubbert- 2693 3 Dot Bond----- 2869 2 Morley Thompson - 2705 2 Jack Bond -_____ 2571 0 Bob Marshall 2548 0 New'ville -Starkville Bowling League1 Thursday, Jan. 4. 1968 200 Gemos D. Tompkins 279-206 S. BickeH - 275-231-230 I. Brown ________248 iM. Wade - 236-201 Marie Trim ..- 230-229 0. Hendemnn_ -____222 D. Stark ______218 Gaines W«. Opal 331 Pearl 25' Onyx 22 Ruby le~ MEN'S WEAR< 35 TEMPERANCE Si. 10WMAN VILLE4 Port Perry 985-2351 1' "I .9 .4 't. * $ ý 1 il -i 1 9W lqw w w w w w w w 1 1 1 1 1 1 ýzil a Vlen's 'V W-