r - *--------'-.-"--~-.. -~ O~dIa 8ttoemn, ownmanville, Jan. in, 198 Mciny Farmers Bene fit From Crop Insurance Plan Ç%lm tothe ainount ofwith $4,743.56 being receivedi "The success of a testing ~2~,93 wllbe paid ta sorne In premiums. There were 181 program on Forage Insurance 118cfth 70 Ontario farmers claims for loss totalling $ 15,-I in limited areas this year Who insured their crops under 774.20. Imeans that forage insurance Ihe Ontaria Crop Insurance, Officiais of the Commission wiIl likely be made available prgan, ast year, the Crop said that crop lasses were across the Province next year"I = ace Commssion of Ont- se ere despite the fact thatireports the Commission. "We ario announced today. The in- the total estimated yield of 1r also busy drafting plans Mranoe paYrnents averaged insurable crops on a province- foclrateir ops ext e trb $800 per dlaim as compared to wide basis will like]y be nor-Ielrdisrbenx er the average premium of $126.80 mal. including corn, soybeans, white Dn each contract lssued. Mancueo ost inebeans and possibly tomatoes." Exclusive of Federal and jWheat was a combination o ur hs f r edarnfu opora- Provincial subsidies arnounting winterkill and cold and wet to a foddu nopr t.o $37,914, premiums received Spring weather also held bac etnlit of buildindurag- gromn farmers totalled $88,j crop development. lunderlined the avand ag s o Yom.404.onrct erb prîng grains, particuarlylan insurance program under ,Sue 40covigntrswheatbarle , sufiered mostly fromlwhich each individual farmer wIsued cerng wImontrwhtexesie moistr. Barleylis entitled to lndemnity based $47,689.for wheat loses arn3 with yields being appreciably1 reports R. D. Blackburn, Gen- Diing trhat3,580.6m- affected. Hall and flood, in jeral Manager of the Commis- Inunce on 93,5g0gr0. some areas, also cantributed. I sion. fariners with premlums receiv- r w r t i c s ed amounting ta $36,330-3.3 G o e s t i c s There were 135 dlaims for sprmng grain losses wlth pay ak tng Po lm rnents of $142,548.97 being r e i g P o l m paid out. A Some 31 contracts were t1 9 h C n e to Isudcoeigforage crops Ot oneto Receive. Speaking Instruction m iax and Mr. and Mns. Grant ICryderman, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrn. Gordon Wilbur, Clark, Due. Leah and Kevin, Hamp- Itne ton, Mr. and Mrs. Carou x, (ned Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. MissS hi Richards, his son and wife the holidays and three children, Toronto, at Warkwoi Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wflbur. Mrs. Editi On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. her famiiy Ray Pettit and family, Tor. mas Day onto, called on Mr. Lew Cry. home, Mr. derman. Sunday evening sup Laughlin, N' per guests with Mr. Cryder- Mr. and man were Mr. and Mrs. Mer- were Christi win Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mi Grant Crydermnan, Oshawa. awa, and1 On Saturday afternoon Mr. Mr and Mi Cryderman visited his sister; Courtice. Mrs. Hilda Wilbur, in the Mr' and» 'nursing home in Newcastle. Bruce were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Luke guests Of M Oshawa, were Sunday even9 Goble and Ing supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Le and Mrs. Earl Luke. Miss Ma. Mns. Harry Brooking, Port Toronto, spel Hope. has returned home af- with her si ter spending New Year's with Goble and1 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemnon. Mr. and Mr. Jas. Smales, Marie and her t Ne Cameron, Oshawa, visitel Mr. man duMht and Mrs. Jas. Smales Sr. oflDen ~ a Sunday afternoon. DNew Year Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith Mr. and M] and Miss Marion Prescott Bruce were1 were New Year's dinner Orono; Mr. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Goble and sell Gilbert, Bownanvile. Mrs. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes, Mary Lou M, Fenelon Falls, visited with Mrs. Edith Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Luke New Year's I nfarnd Ms. onalde Lue, ton; H.Mr and amil on ew Ya n;sMrs..Mur Marketing will be the main Master Seed Potato Growers' à Te d LoiadSaM rsA E LACKSTOCK thee of the 109th annual Award will also be made aiMes.AlnadGntLkArs .va ________________andGrantd kMrs. A.Ea Fruit and Vegetable Growers Poatdemr, or ah n family" Masters, Cin lovely, clear, cold morning. King Edward Hatel, Torko-to, ride. Bwavîe Temeraure ragig fom 0 Jnuay 5-1. TronoAlI W. I. members and guests of Mr. Tmeaue agn rm2 aur1-1.OBITUARY friends are welcome ta at- Virtue. ta 25 below zero. W e are very The first tw o days af the A V N A J S ) S A E n o a m r r . C r l B o l y . .1 et M a o re a oi a H l n J n Fine completely destroyed convention will feature open Ontario Juno amr r.CrlBoi RR 1 etMah; Llod "Bhag ih st shor her.brothr the work and glass shoi, af sessions on variaus commodi- Foilowing a sudden illness, Cross, L'Original; Jean Hancock, R.R. 1, Enniskillen; receive special instruction M.thvaillpe. Mn. Keith Chambemlain o the te including apples, green- AvnA (Josh) Saeaý frorn instructor Nelson Hawn, Kemptville Agricultural School during the Annual Hampton Little Fiends Mm. and M: p&KGlass and Mirror Co. houe vegetables, onions, pota- 73, died in Memorial Hospital Effective Speaking Course held recently aI Albion His. The course is sponsord Messengers wîll meet on bent and aI the east end of Blackstock toes, tender fruits and tumnips. ear]y on Tuesday marning yteOtroDprmn fArclueadFo h rvddteaoe Tuesday, Jan. 9thats4 p.m. Christmas gui Sunday afternoon. Caesane The annual meetings of the December 26th. His wife, who p(t*i .E ig aent r.Rnl Fine Department wene on the Strawbemry Coundil and Ont- before hem marriage was Miss phoo.ngC.e.ing. Pedleasenot Mr.Rnd N scene pramptly and weme able aria Fruit Expert Association Mabel Mantel, predeceased chang nseheSdule. Jawa, and Nf Mr ta confine the flames ta the will take place Monday and him In 1959. tann, x Sunday , Jan. foestsoMn oshop. Estimated lass between Tuesday, as well as the gez- All4th, eidn o Bw aS adund Schol for si two and thnee thousand dol- eral meeting of the OntariolanA lfelongr.esidcento!w- UaAfi MP T ONUtyeansandn e nwillas e atc lars. There was no insurance. Apple Producers Marketing mnvi llte on. tC. Sa UWm UM tsei rme as te 1chum Thlngs seemed quiet nteBad nd Janet Boyce Stacey. He This correspondent is sorry1onead Mn. Bert Murphy,JÇOthen callens weme Mn. and Sunday School for the older ,village lately until Thursday The genenal session thelwas a valued employee of the that there was no Hampton B manvle iie n n n.Asnuî saa boys and girls will still be nght when the aena got start- marning af Januany 17, will Bowmanvlle Foundry Com- news last week, but everyonel Mms. Adcock. mn. nd Mns. Elmen Wilbur Nex0:45 a.mJa..4t, edkhatn evening o!fnfee be chained by Donald F. pany, and had compîeed 40 at aur house had a real bad M r. and Mrs. Murra Ax atîended the reetio hld MaPt er B n et iet sktn.Satunday night 160 Wright, president of the O.F.- yeans service when he retined dose of Asian flu. Many fond and Melanie, Mn. and nth e Bnooklin Hall, 1Ptr ent, ietr enjoyed themselves on the V.G.A., and the afternoon ses- six yeans ago. thanks go ta the neighboums Mms. Bill Nash and Steven,'honaun o! Mn. and Mms. Grant a! theont. Temperance Fed-1 tee. Schedule Is as follows: sion will be chained by vice- Duing World Wan I Mn. who have been se very kind. Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs.1Smith who weme necently eto ehMvmnwil Monday and Tuesday nights, peietHbrIwn nte t ysre vresfr Mn. and Mms. M. Bradley Axfond on Sunday. Imarriedt on Gnant's eturn e guest preacher at all curling; Wednesday, 3:30 - p sdnee ml.O heSae evdaesa o agenda are talks on subjects sevenal years and was wound- have esigned as canetakers M.adMs urw al1roiatu fdt ihtepoints. free skating fan achool pupils; such as "Extension and Mark- cd. He was a membro f the church, as Mn. Brad- Mn. nd Ms. AyBuows aîl fnomAirtoreofn da.ty with theobe 8-10, public skating 25c. Thurs- eting" by B. E. Beelen, Ontario Branch 178 of the Royal Can.- ley is taking a thmee months ejaxondMrs.Amy uNe w rsl UMS arol F on . En.s Leboundais will be guA-3t day, rink for hore. Friday, Department of Agriculture; da ein h . n course in Toronto ta prepare Ajx n a e ers Ms ad AsînEi- speaker at the meeting of the hocey- unor 3307:0;"KT.P -AnAditvefo o JuanLe Lode A..F' and hîm for missionany wonk in Eve suppen with Mn. and Mrs. killen, -and Mn. and MVrs. Jack Hi-C gnoup. 8-10 public hockey. Satunday Better Marketing" by C. E. A.M Africa. Mn. and Mms. Bradley Enc Pillps Noth shwa.Lyo, muricetcnge onMn 1-3 free for 10 and unden; 3-5Mighton, Ontario Department ad Cangregaîionaî meeting atday Pulc cooes,1e;810pb-o Ancutme ExH I uriedb todag- ndagtesexei alev On New Yea's Day Mn. and and Mms. Sid Kemsey on Sun- Hampton will be held Jan. 8-0pb fArclue Epont-Imp- Hfa Afnica in the tspning. Mns. Eric Phillips and familv dy.16th t8pm in C. E. Wing. onte - Br,1c esMs atr od o frc ntespig eeguswt ruce ainat 8oh p.m. ener lic, 25c. r Marketing" by WmD.es m. Watr Goe Mn. and Mns. BueHurst wr usswt m n m.Jh anbetr Quartenly Official Board Mn. and Mns. Thos. Gaa rnn rPeieto Wil_ (Helen), Bowmanville, and are the new caretakers of the Mns. Burnows. tied hem Sunday Scheol meeting wîîî be held Sunday, of Caesarea have moved In iamn D. Branson Limited; end Mn.O unvald (Margaret), ehunch. On Satunday evening Mm.1s o!te ltti grl Of Jn t Braon a., reidntai lit.ortatndy f ennoon. f erlsonJa.2lst, at 8:3o p.m. with Mn. Henb Hoaey fon the "Marketing Nationally" by W. Calgary, and two sons, Ray Mrs. Ron Clemens, who has Rudy Jammer and Clnt Prts 12_di onte_________Fis winter. E. Jarvis, Assistant Deputy Cobourg, and Alvin, Oshawa, been doing the Gestetnen Penny, called an Mn. and Mns.1sl'e'g iigo teblt Mn. and Mrs. Vlieger and Mfinister, Canada Depatment seven gnandchîldren, and also wark for the three chunches F. Jammer and also called onejyer games in the bouse, 2 II1 home enly vacatved by n . heo! Agriculture. one brother, Herbent Stacey. on the circuit, has nesigned. Mn. and Mns. Bunr r.ws wdbyalvysup. hdomse E Ar Cowll. thntpekes illinlue tMnybeutfu forlrriut-Mn.aonldLue astaen OnSuda, gess it ad ndMn. le Mlcl!KE Man beutfulfloaltriut-Mr. Rnal Lke as akn O Suda, gest wth ndGrant, Oshawa, visited Part a! the price of admis- Po and rs.E. A Crwels. Oherspeaerswil incudeeslncluding those fnom the on this duty and will be do- Mms. Jas. Hogarth were Mr. Mr. and Mns. Roy Metcaîf an sion was a Christmas tree at Miss Hyacinthe Boothe, o! M. K. Todd, president, Cana- Bowmanvile Foundry Com- ing aIl the Gestetnen wonk and Mns. Bruce Hogath and Suday. Kdo ntdCuc nSt Tonnto was weekend guest o! dian Fruit W holesalers Asso- pany, Limited, and staff, for Zion, Solîna and Hamp- family, Pickering, M an r.Foe c ry ou, d v nn , w e re Rev and Mrs. P. Rameril and ciation; George Thorpe, a Bnanch 178 o! the Royal Can- ton. If anyone has any notices Mms. Boyd Wilcox and Don- Mn.FoncGmyLtus, urdyevnn, hnate-( .~~~ni.grower fnom Burlington; Dr. adian Legion, Local 2375 o! ta be inserted, would you ald, Cobourg, and Miss Mad- an-d Mn. and Mrs. Reg Sut- bumning cenemony was held MsMainBradburn, o! L. Van der Berg, National th United SteelWoknpesepoeMsLueblnWicx Bowmanville. o, 1n, eetl i ite nthe parking lot. The Hi-C Toronto and Mn. R. Bunns o! Research Council, W. S. Canp- Union, Jenusalem Lodge No. Wednesday. O0 Ne Year's Day Mrs.M.a n. Mm an-ld the sing-song anound the Bnoekville we ne weekend enter, District Horticultunal '1 A.F. and A.M., the Genemal Sympathy o! the commun!- Jas. lHogarth was a guest with joy. Mn. and Mrs. Menwin bonfime, and the Doubles Club Èuests o! Mn. and Mrs. Joe Agent, Paw Paw, Michigan; L. F"oods Company's staff and ty is extended to the relatives Mn. and Mms. Bruce Hogarth, dinjen Wity. Me ea srs. H.unR. nas the ehal radbur and Ry. MaiprizeProvicial Ptato eployee, Coborg, GneraMonntjoyndenoftyedltNewrYear'sng.senvederlunchibyinMtheH.lRowerphall.h Mn. and Mns. Fred Trewin Extension Specialist, Ontario Matons of Canada, Limited, Herbent Rundle,. who fanmed Sympathy is extended tae Mm. and Mrs. Raymond new Grade III teacher at Ked- vlsited Mm. and Mrs. Edgar Depatment o! Agriculture; E. G.M. Maintenance, and G.M. in the Hampton district for Mr. Fred Holroyd Sm. on the Clapp were Friday evening non Public School after the TUESDAY. .1Iorn, Oshawa, Sunday. G. Jongensen, pinesident, Chry- South Plant Maintenance, aIl many yeans. Hisfunrlwsdth of hssb' Ms EhlsupprgetswtMran odyrelcgMnST Miss Nancy Hanness. Osha- sler, Davis & Jorgensen; J f saaad yo r.Tesa,-a. is nenwSteartorossnto.er, MnEtel MPrsHgur esswth M.O dha ays e plen.m. osST wa, was weekend guest o! Mn. Howard, Vegetable GrOes hAwMa, nd mevie aohens. Teda by s Ja.2 d a te wartnToonto onTe uea M. Hownd Bra nt, Osawa coge.ainlmetn R and Mrs. Genald Kelly. Marketing Board; and Bill A MonersalmLervce Mr.asuheld Thaer oshdraiveon rya nTndtr a n Tesday. the Hall fan a New Year's on FrIday, January 26th willCL Mn. and Mrs. LodBom od fteOntarioA plSeotcutEl YSaudyfnnon avllvstdMn n r.paty when bis guests wene begin with a pot luck supper and family, S loyd Bwroe SnBPond, esa! ethe gBoard. acey at the NrhutElotStra oe o.mnilvstdM.ad M n da gesso!Mn ndMr.Funemal Home, 53 Division Miss Marion Prescaît, En- Bill Halroyd on Friday even- M. and Mns. Menwin Cryder- at 6:30 p.m. darold Matynf and on s. A panel discussion on "Com- Street, on Wednesday evening ilsent the Christmas Ing. munications for Marketing Decemben 27th. This was fol- bhdy with bier grandpan- M.adMs aeLpa Mrs. G. Fowlen returned Fruits and Vegetables" with lowed by a Legian Service held ents, Mr. and Mns. Hosken and daugbtens spent New home Sunday follawing a hall- Geog Atkins, Senior Fanm by Branch 178. Smith, necuperating following Year's Day with Mr. and Mns. Bu, Roeth saafnd aulVane nt a tar, CBC Fammn a tansilectomy. Howard Farrow, Stankville. Camp. Poban d Peny, Vpnt te oadeasts, as modenator i The Rev. K. J. Frampton, Mn. Evenard Sandenson, Mm. and Mrs. Rosevean and Cam, Prt err, sentthescbeduled for January 17i at nectar o! St. John's Anglican Gaît, end his daughten Mns. Miss Esther Rosevean spent weekend with thein grand- 100 am Churcb offlciated at the ser- Roy Lindsay, Agincourt, visit- New Year's Day with their pentsM.ad rsHan 0:0a. vice held at the Nothcutt ed bis sister Mrs. Douglas !niends, Mn. and Mns. H. an am. Election and appaintment o!Elîliott Funeral Home at two Higgins, Mn. HigginsndJmBacnige Sut Mo- Mrfs. C. Venning and Miss afficers will take place on o'clock on Thumsday aftennoon, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Harison ghan. Linda spent last week with Monday and Tuesday with the December 28th. The palîbean- and Kim, Pont Penny, and Mn. New Yean's dinnen guests, Mn. and Mns. Dale Gunten and Installation o! the Incoming ens wene five nephews, John, Steven Adcock, Pont Hope, with Mns. Eileen Smale wene fanrâly, Port Arthur. Mn. and president af the association on Peter, Bob, Frank and Tom spent New Yean's Day witb Mm. and Mrs. Bob Abbott, Mrs. Grant Tbompson, Nestle- Tuesday evening at the annual Stacey, and a gnandson, John Mn. and Mrs. G. Adcock and Mark and Amanda, Bowman- ton, looked after the Post banquet. Presentation o! the Goode. Intemment was In Harry. ville, Mn. and Mns. Henb. Office. Awand o! Menit and o! the Bowmanville Cemeteny. Mn. Tommy Phillips, T Waldie, Kingston, Mn. andý or 'q Mrs. John Cook and Lori,l Hampton, Mrs. Bill Cowle and Diane, Bowmanvîlle. Mn. and Mrs. Gondon Smale, Oshawa, spent the evening with Mris.ý "Our 19th Annu ià"'Smale~ Wendy and Ricky. Recenitly Mn. and Mns. Chas. Warrený visited witb Mrs. Warren's sister and brother- in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Alex Alîexander, and witb Mn. and - G L T Mns. Bert Alexander, a ne-t alz s TE N G F A S phew and bis wife, al o! illa a li eT E S n d LI- S GtThe Doubles Club enjoyed Illusion and Walking Heels Reg. $4.95 to $8.95 a card panty at the C. E. Hall Eeg. te $16.95 on Satunday evening.CLAIG T Mn. and Mns. Tom Wray, JANUAEY CLEARANCECEA NG T iMiss Minnie Horn and Miss £ A OA 6 Nonah Horn attended a New y ~ w 99 .69 'Year's party at the home o! Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Horn, $ - 9 $ 0 1 $ - 9 $ Orono, on Saturday evening. Miss Sue Gifard, PontOMN' Hope, a !ellow student at W MN' i SUN WORTHY WALLPAPERS acb7rs ColegePetebor- DESSHE LKIBO L SUNWO THY ALLPA ERougb, spent the weekend witb RE N N S A D R O O SOn Saturday evening Dr. Illusion and Stack elSK BO T RE N N S A D R O O Sýn rBlet and ml eg 79 e$9,95 and Mrs. A. E. Billett, Bow- manvifle, wr uprguests1 CLEARING13 O F Reduced from 200/o to 5O%' to Clear YersMs asnetran 29 - $5-99IOF and family te suppen. UGE AIL STCK 0FWITH EACH CA A A P IT Mms. Stella Balson spent AL TC FC N D ANNew Yean's Day witb Mn. and W mnsSipr DISCONTINUED LINES PUCAEMms. Harvey Balson and fam- W m ns Sip r O UWILL EECEIVE AND îly, Oshawa. eg.2.98 Reg $398 7flo4 Candie"".L tecMrs.YlJak Hor agueSî ir PERICESA 1%if CACET4 INDITuc O and MleKnsa. ndam Dlls. Vcn TYRONE efor last week) Sweet, Maple Grave. iley Sykes spent Sympathy Is extended te es with her parents, the family of the late Mr. Drth. Herb Rundle, and'to Mr. and th Murphy attended Mrs. George Eiliott, Torontoa gaterig hrit-on the passing of his mother at her dagChtrs Mrs. Ina Blair Elliott, Osh. T and Mrs. Roy Me-~ awa. Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park,, Mrs Lrn Par Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers mas Da gurestsaof and Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Gren- rms. H.y Bret sh-fville Byam and children, Mr. BoxingH Day it h- and Mrs. F. L. Byam, 'were- rs.in Eber SnwenNew Year's Day guests Of Irs EerSnwdnand Mrs. James Mur, Mr. .Gol adBowmanville. V N'Is. . Gbleand Mr. James Park Jr., Miss eSaturday supper Lynda Dingman, Peterborough, [r. and Mrs. Keith vsted Mr. and Mrs. W. Park., Sunday with Mr, ii eslie Goble. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, ry Lo M IisnToronto; Mr. Wayne Gaskin, nty ao few holidyjMr. Rod MeDonald, OakviUe; ista er, Mr. lie yswere holiday guests of Mr. Mitr rs Gable. and Mrs. George Alldread. M"rs. Lamne Phare Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochrane, Year's Day with Pontypool; Miss Velma Coch- er Mrs. Don Aîî- rane, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cham-. rAlîman and son berlain, Mrs. F. MeRoberts, wa. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie 's Day visitors of Hunt and children, Mr, and rs. S. Goble and Mrs. Ben Klein Nienhuis and Mr. Fred Partner, Bryan, Hampton, were Christ- and Mrs. Keith mas guests of Mr. and Mms. Brian, Mr. and Ross McRoberts. Gable and Miss New Year's guests at the .. 4illson. McRoberts weme Mr. and Mrs. à Murphy spent Bob Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Day with Mr. and Wayne Robertson, Mr. and phy, Bowmanviîîe. Mrs. Henry Wood and Joe, n Best, Burling. Oshawa, and Mr. and Mms. Roy and Mrs. Ralph Maynamd, Fay Janczyn, spent C.Shaw, Mr. and the weekend with Jean Me- ris, Oshawa; Mrs. Roberts. Ir. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yen ýndyand Tret 1and children, Mr. and Mrs. , w e r e h o lid a y J A o e e r i s E t e r. nd r E.A.R osevear, Mm. and Mms. D. ie Rivers vîsited Delaney and ch ildren, spent and wife, Mr. and New Yeam's Day with Mr. and dstock, Bowman- Mns. Howard Bmackenridge, /Ir. Rbet Lm South Monaghan. ns.RoentLa- Christmas family gather- children were Ing was held at Mr. and Mrs. ests of Mn. and Don Stainton and New Year's 1Lambert, Osh- family gathering at the home qew Year's Day of. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mrs. N. E. Stainton. UE.OUT SERVICE FOR A TREAT THAT CAN'T BE BEAT 1 FISH AND CHIPS ONCE A WEEKI - from - jilden Cris p se and have your order ready for you if you wish Our Number is 623-7051 st Fish & Chips in Town Charles Smith, Pr STORE HOUES F- WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - JRDAY OPEN il A.M. TO 7 PM. tIAY - il A.M. TO 9 P.M ESED SUNDAY AND MONDA! là MRALL 6F1I KEN WATSON CURLING BOOTS WOMEN'S - Eeg. $16.95 CLEARING.. $1 3.95 MEN'S - Eeg. $18.95 CLEARING,.14 9 MEN'S DRESS SHOES Reg. $8.95 Reg. $12.95 $669_-_$9.69 CHILDEEN'S SAVAGE. PACKARD and CLASSMATE PATENT SHOES Reg. $595 !0 $6.95 $ A.99 AILY FOOT WEAR STORE BOWMAN VILLE LE 1 )op. [ON ST. BOWMANVIL