!14 The Candien stateamm nowmanvine, :an. 1n, 1Io" DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED ___________ Articles for Sale Cars for Sale For Rent Work Wanted IReal Estate for SalejReal Estate for SalejReal Estite o aeRaEsaefrSl ý=XY-en and Dorothy AUTOMATIC washer. Call 1'59 PONTIAC, gond condition. SMALL bouse ln Newtonville.: HAVE sewing and alterin I~ NEW 3-bedroom house, two WANTED: Large4bdom. G LBA ýanno1.mce the btrth of a son, 623-2666. 2-11 Phone 623-2696. 2-1 Phone 983-5895. 2-1 * done for spring, now. Phone, EiIN miles east of Newcastle. Phone full 2-storey hous.PiciasQ ~Jy ana1, bs i OS. OlGOOD mixed hay and straw. '57 DOD-GE V8 ln gond con-1 APARTMENT, 4 i-oms, $8 2-27.0- 987490 2-1 only. Phone 623-73- -January 5th, 1968,' at Me- Walter Tink, 725-5954. 2-1 dition. Phone 623-3939. 2-1* month. Phone 623-2057. 2.1*iCSO cansaw-work. ____ ____ .LLea-.LLOr ,tori1Hospital, Bowmanville. WTE!fr alOad OCSOMhcnloUsPePRTb_ èA bohe o Scott adSe.WTRfrsl and delivered. A-i CONDITION. '62 Chevy STORE, ample storage spacelReasonable hourly rates. Cail A LISTING WITH Let US Build You a OO ls t ano d en. ~ ~ ~~2- Cali Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. 11. Call between 7 and 8, Available Jan. 1Cai63-238.FrnBrk.6370. 2t _______________623-3512. _2-1 ___47-tfIRE-UPHOLSTERING - Satis- SCFEDDEAMH tS ownslit e. Ohs ,'VIN-Wilfred and Helen are GUITAR nearly new, suitable 1'57 DODGE station wagon, LARGE furnlshed bedroomfacton ostutin Phone 623-57019.rSunicrest BIvtor. 49eased to announce the arrivai for beginner. Phone 263-2375. gond running order; $60 or private home, centrally located B sPoe 2-21o AKER LTD. ('ve l u fron our electiono 1t erombikbnao ~f b a y g rl, 7 bs. 9 o s., on2-1 b est offer. 623-2752. 2-1 P h o n e 623-3939. 2 - i 2 -5 5 .2 0 to f O s h a w -a . . . o u l e v c d . . . ~ t L l~p v d d i e s i g o December 30, 1967. Memorial GOD Aa.iy aystrw.aPproved lots at beautifu W. ,FranIR La 1,0.Trs 'Mptal for wmrbrtvie. A si Phone Newtonville 786-2247. dition, $150. Reason for seli- tonville, main road. Phone and efficient action ak yCrsultMI Laurel and Darlene. Thanks 1__ 2-1 ing, extra car. Phone any 728-4401 or 725-7263. 2-1 'Plumbing & Heating -EAL AtO Dr. Rundie and nurses on OE16 ooSkue ietime, 786-2407.%2 -1 -D---O- bungalow. avail- l35 Nelson St. Bowmanville ylMELDAESt.S.-IISowmnil'1KngREt. RBerombic.uno -.Maternity. 2.1 hours. Cati E. McMahon, '65 PONTIAC Parisienne 2-dr. able immediately, $125 mnnth- 1-tf their Libern t. .-Bwavle2 igS.WRwavl.wt ag ilgomwt 986-4945. 2-1* hardtop, automnatie transmis- ly. Phone_623-5300. 21BoanleReeenaI' Low Down Payment .. 623-3i9 ny$2.0.Trs ______________________ IXED-aied hay, better thýan sion, power brakes and steer- MODEÈRN-3-bedroom aý part- ERNIE PERIFECT and arrange to discuss the ri o ovein NHA Member Oshawa adDsrc Ing Engagemente, 2,00 Trs at only 7 j% nterest.: elEtt or Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brooks average quality. Telephone migs.rao;6ne3oner326,000 ment, $110 month, Mill Streeti matter with him Re.aEEl 2Bemnm unalw it -o!f Oshawa wlsh to announce 26380.- ie.Cl -52 1 Orono. Telephone R. 2-1 :ýPu bîg- ±JeatinCTTlpoe6353 Outstandn 'the engagement o! their daugh- 24" Moffat stove,-very-gond Livs--k For Sale Con-nn, Plumbing ne fu623ce56ndbathrnom o teGloria Jane, in Raymond condition. Phone after 5 p.m., flofr-HREE i-nom first-io, un- Phone 623-3540 at 55 WE.LLINGTON ST.Phe63-23 oavle Business Opprniy lt8fetrnag.ulpic Donald Adcock, son of Mm.1623-2063. 2-1 ONE gond watc- og-h--2-é1shed, heated apartment, cent- H8aNTRInSRETmran's SpeeheOsawlalt Oha ând Mrs. Don Adcock, Hamnp- PFISTER-Pag Co-o6p seeëd 623-5725. 21rilcton hlrn hn Groceries, gifts ugml ton. No wedding plans have corn. F. W. Werry, Phonej APPALOOSA- colt,_ would con- 62-5416.-- OfficB723-26VIJac shop. Largest tmoe n $.0 ulpiefrti -be n rra ge a Pr se t. 263 88 3.1-.3 sider sm all horse as part pay- A PA R TM EN TS, adults only - _ _ _ ff c 7 2 - 6 5J k O shaw a area. O p en'o g h usie r o u g l w w t l c _______________2____CHLDS n----atres ment or $300 cash. Telephone One furnished, heated; tw- 4utf-.R I C A R D but very rewardigbsns.ticetn.Cre o 5 531 x281j; gond condition. 26329.2-1 furnished, ideal for aCKERMA Included is stockvueatamnh Frho ig Poe6354.21couples. Rent reasonable.! EXCAVATING Lt5 eatr15 ,000 Plus a"lfxue. t.S0 £L A ~ U 1ngPh ne 623585.2.1 P tsApply Statesman Office. 51-tf L A I G - T EN H N . L Terrifie opportunit t$ 7 0 Marriage STUDEBAKER Service, new ±oPeytbys a buiding lotL.0 x 150 an use parts. rhmsTOBal onmle-n1 LOVELY modern 2-bedroomn Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and REAL ESTATE AND 623-2503 Tms5miuedvermBwan Mr. and Mrs. Thoma-s H1aae 1-2323.4-f W egehuns aeaýluxury apartment ln new build- Fui Delivered 1NUAC 180 Acre Fam,Canntnvil___2i Gallaghei-Gargeo!16B26-2an.vilie jspayed female. Phone 623572iig.- Ilservices spDe.i2~Hu AE ERVICE NCEBeech Ave. OdClna rc os, 'wish to announce the forth- NWtaercodr-tntac lBroadloom, inter-coni. No ResnbeRts Boa nianville - 36 Liberty N.1!brc h n large barn, 2 springfdcek, uug .coming mariage of their1 monaural Sinipsons-Sears Sic- ECIpES Supt., 63 Lambs 623-5756- BOWMANVILLE' 613-7264 la1£ebikhm ontrout pond. Homebscnr daugh ter Sandra Diane. ta Mm.1 vertone model, $100. Phone' mo pups, small size, white; $50. Lanel. 2-1 -- _____saiu< re otOPstehl laoe Sine witeofNake lceI632b-1on 2-2BYNGo1s06g uniue.-1 Wlav imited number FOR Lambs Lane Lions Centre. Tbrpebath- oeroslagpndVlu SideySte o Nwcatl. he 23275. -1Phoe 23210.ave a ____roonis, two fireplaces. Asking ab l hslgay rgn e da Poe6350 lOry1th at 2 o'clock nSt or appliances, call Elmer, TT1 lyental basis frmn Octoberl lium siding. Garage. Lar-gefrsbiiig John's Anglican Chumch, Bow- Hampton: business 263-2294 -___- til June. Facilities includel F .iBowmauîviîlecndiio. Nnmtb$,00 End:a $0.OO- er maniville. 2-1 residence 263-2695. 3-tf WAITRESS. reliabe and ex-1 ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __- -pe ie ced b es au an w rk indo ni- nd outdoor sw im m ing i(C A LI, ' 9 5 0 a 7 t r i .Th ice edroorji brick b n a 10 A c rel e y d c r t U S E el the d yer g nd For interview ca l H oney ls, sa n b th e e c se X O D B R K Y S D ivision Street low . This is a neat little hom e Pond, B eautifl Ho eed 6 o m h us . ar g a d Deaths i working order, $35; 4-burner Hnllow Restaurant, 987-4208 i-noom. Apply Flying Dutch- 1 %ND STONE NIASONS 4 eron rck Zaae,: \vith ail modern conveniences.:1 on rc.lrefm-scue o.Akn rc D LY.AetE-tM-electrie stove, gond condition, iiman Motor Inn, Bowmanville.4' r- rck a 1 om rc DULY1let-3 Phone 623-3373. 36-tf PHONE ORONO 983-56061 central. Nice lot. Asýkin ' New buli-in cupbnamds. Close place ahomdul a__________ 1 0 ens -moial Hospital on Thursday, '35 Cî 63-51. 2- _____ ,or93-62 1800.Teni.to bospital and A. & P. $9.000. age on Highway tOoo eta)ylctd ag January 4. 1968. Bei-t Dudley 1COB conn.$32.50 ton, for sheli- 1 rLYfwiheooexepng And This-i 43-tf j of Bowmanviiie ln is 84th. ed. $55.00 ton, 2 tons or more, pîy statîng age, experience* and - -----i tre ld.Lt surroimnded bylag shdgon, Year, beloved husband of delivered. J. A. Carscadden, marital status to Advemtiser'. Clean nut ynur B Y M y onitoncellar anrgeda aiabe i1C areV1pBuT- er.R -Lillan Thomne, dean father of Oono. Phone 983-5769. 2-tf i870. c/o The Canadian States-ac, alths uued hus- BR NES 2Bedmoomg$050.Trm. i o orSrngbilig $,0 ýathleen, Mai-ban and Doris 'FOR excellent quality pears, man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-! bold articles are wortb cash. SALES & SERVICE 1.<0Tri.owfrSinbulng5200jot g _<Mrs. W. Bucklev<, KtcheriJappîes, apple cîder, low prices, ville. Ontario. 2--1. Caîl Doug Gower 728-1005,i Newtonvilleeah10AcsKnlHI ITsboemutesent ýRested at the Northcutt Elliott 1 buy at Fred's Fruit Market, liNECTL Pulccoo Auctioneer. He will have tbem reronnuglwaun. East Oshawa 2 rnad fontgsodIibapeitd Funerai Home. Funeral serv- 1Highway 35, south o! Omono. l picked up. Big or smali we Cil BurnerSr iiium smoom homegelarge ba-mn, terrifiebricApautment buildingf wakthOn f1o 230o'lok:Mndy ftr-recirs ulkte jniordA- -4,siin, arge.God1o Vex' ea bic bngaowvuwlflakeOnaro ndsur slfcotanedaprtens.On noo. ntnmntBoma- YPERIER, -t- -ply in wrîting, statîng quali- acbnal ETC AK Nsain skn 100wt ih ned mec. rooni. Sep- munding pictumesqu nnr/ prmn a emni n raeIand salary expected, by Janu-1 anist at Trbnity United Cburch, PHONE 2Bidn os n-hLb etraoal onpv mpr. a h edae LOELS -A S..Jsphsternis, rentaIs, service. BhBi y2.]96, oE.S.Bacar, andpe apan sudoin HAITO 23-28 rt S.mrae o eg.aetindwi!bodoftggeoftehaerak Rve ndwokso. xclln ivet Rospbtal, Toronto, on Wed- Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. 1 Secretarv, Newcastle. 2-2 Bowmanville on Febmuary 1,, TYRONE 263-2650 (î)7 2 5.j bas gond pond sieansk mntt$2.0.Gvusn ~risdyJanar 3d,196. - -45 tf EP ECDmn rfr 98 Would prospective stu- jKen After 23262his close ta villageo eda.ofr .Annie Viola Turner- ln ber CRNBuv standing corn or: ably married, to heip on dairv dents reply ta Advertiser 868, VAN AfoAtavry e6323 Hours Please Cail: Js ltda 6,0 2.0~b aenmonmn 65th year, wife o! the late custom pick, 30 or 40" rows; fanm. Separate bouse with 9Bn27 c /o x C a n a d i a n t a t e a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ I e r s t Manny Loveiess, dean mother: also dry sbelled corn fnr sale. convenlences. Apply witb e! - x101owavieaDaitr iIfHk e --93524dw.vilSrvcltton aae of Jean (Mrs. Clarence Assels-' Robert Hunter. B r o o k 11 n ieences, stating wages. _~î they wili be cnntacted by Mm. în Bdysopcomind. sk Ede. 2-2* and DecoratorsKit i arldMeteal962523 ces e tin) ad GibenLinsilb65-346.,-Linfddswaay.nnik55en-Tee-6627E2gn-S. Bomanill Peer ReltyLtd Mconld - 23-91 8 nomhom w2h7ttEled TenacrSlt.wt- ronag Service w as heid ln the Morris jN1EWLY re-upholstered chest- Pmnl phonle 263-8466. P2-1 j ly td Mac MDn 2-91 gargelare Lsam an ntw od.Akn nc ~F nea C apl B wm nileefield and davenprt. bath $400 PLÈUS Regular Cash \ an d Phone 623-3075 i7872 Beautiful view, pvd ma 480 on Saturday at 2 o'clock. In- brown nylon. One used chest- i Bonus for man over 40 ln o ___________i6t 103 King Street East, Oshaw-a frontage. $25.000-Tem. CytlLe.8mlsnrt' tn en Bo anil C errmfield. New cbesterfield sligbt- ý Bowm an ville amea. Take shorti EA__JhP___f 1 crs Bi tery.2 - 1 y ma ked. W bit Bmo. Up auto trips t o contact custom i- F a rm S to c k S E P T IC T A N KRE L Rj J o n F D W i. h0 Ac e , B ck ou e! Os wa ne 3 b d oo hstery, 623-5252. 2-11 ers. Air mail R. D. Diekerson, 1 Bownianville - $14.500, 8 REAL ESTATE LIMITED Orono - room bik Onr Reetin--i - Suhwsen erler Cr ICE 1PPOMTYPUMPING imooni brick borne, garage, nil REALTORj barns, paved rond. oeInniost ei Mr ni n.CarneTbknwon! Prices from 49c per Fort Worth, Texas. 76101. 2-ï Telephone Colleet 263-2721 iaalbe utV ATTENTION: IflarIcecannfind -aniWHITEWASHING STABLES'heating, mec. romi.worksbop. 14 Frank St. - Bowmanvîîle! lent home. $28,000 ens eenhmnwfmae 'will neccive their relatives and single rol and up.AIl Wall- ATTENTIONFur Ffr'1BERT T]VIPKaN screened patio. Hurry on thisjgagelwtxan lo !nriends at Hampton Munbcipalipapers ln stock educed atioisma ihacrMse LcneN.10C-7 Pneewnvl 8625i Hall firn 7 to 9:30 p.m. on!I least 20%. Abernethy's Paint 'him up ln bis nwn bigh Incomne! n. 2-43451î crs yrntimnhl ayet Akn Januany 20, 1968. The occasion, & Wallpaper, 55 King, St. W.. sales and service business. This Cairnh ugao wtbataholceswbb7 nmetoue teai16ino ctag n - 4O h ed i g nn-Bow m anville. 2-1 business epeats year after n S l s i ~ r T ~ T garage, th b d n m , -h r .A k n e uiureed etlnep u thir Bet lsesonly. dean. No money requImed to Auction Sle LUPHO1LSTER te ia-adSrai "'-vensary. __________1 bl 1 oni in diningmoorn and liv- $35.000. Ternis. and guest cottag. skn lVT 2-î 1lu iu Sdn start. Arply to Orvus J. Smith, WEEKLY 1ORCETRIL ngrooni. Taxes less than 16ARFAM thgn $28 ,000 - $6,000 dow eer ~.r ______OR CHAIRS 10AR AM ihgn In M moram Wndos DOrS-Rallng Phone 263-2330. 2-3 LIVESTOCK SALESý FABRIC SALE NOW O $300. 5 ceSo and PatosrHiUEKEEPE at Durham County Sales Arena 63522i10Ar]Lt y pond site. Asking $35,000.I 2 miles Bnwmanvler rn-dGNR ISR vALLEN-In loving mdnoryof, Free Estimates - CaIl i Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 P.m. f t aple Grave Road North,. Cal: Harry Coutts, 725-2649.i age on 2 paved raois. Vno nA ~our daughter and sister Bdt IARRIS ALUMINUM SALES rTTHOTTAM:300acesA- m REQUIRED L) Selling Borses, Cattle, Swine,ý H T BROS. asing $5.9001. Ideal for the ShWFR:f<rars tansferred.8 om tne2Kngt..Boanî .,accide wskie l nt Jn.13,196.,h Ham725n A Ialves, Sheep, etc.J. A. Reid:rSTRY wintem and summer sportsman. ulig.Ppln ike- ouse, 4 pce. bath,nifuac,6325 .iaccn whJan ilein3nR,.1,Ba1ton96oru6t.t iv a a&Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf Tny an offer. atmt tbeccnrBulk ýlarge barn, creek. 4.0 Phoneok uonhbewpacu725-tf I twbedroom easy-to-run bun- UPHOL nsaleclene . Trs look uponhe2-tf Ternis.f ;~o~ giee,î' 1slepn, EMANS-anam Cea-galow ln an attractive Oshawa Har-mony Road North, creek, cooler,siounaetel____%or She seenis to smulearnndlsay, i sub-divisîon, and keep bouse, AUCT10NEERS JACK BURGESS $.0.stanchions, water bowls. Large,'hs will m reet agm nîn seping, 'mteiirmants, 1lOc l for an eldenly retine M O GGOVE I URES-FRAES ahRa -$,G.Mi. utec, t.Eclen 5 ce SokFn Imnn uglwScnmly11 da.ýec ndu ,lelfo uhos1executive. Write Advetiser CLEANED Enniskilen Area - 10 ac-re'ý soil, strean, lovely home, 21 Tyrone, 8 onn lpoad ctd Abouey oe e -.-Fondly semembered by Momn, n smli chafo irs; alsocahr-; 1869.c/ox Ca0nadian tatemn, JIM VWOOD PLIJMBING REPAIRS 7 ooni bouse, needs i-« atbmoi. 1eteec home, large bai-nwthsal-sn ihmnyets.Cl 'Dad, sister anti biothers. 2-1 ettapnes$or0ktche0chirs;P.O.Bofo90,Bo0mnvile. par _______quantities of yard gonds, su!-1 2-If 728-1005 PHONE HAMPTON bm,$1,0.We bave qulte a nuniber a,moifr6 ate od x o rcsadtrs a dan usandan fahe, efbldaAi mut eoceaed eners\Vate al23976lo63251(aI:rotsfo asae.. ledfroi 'elentvaue t 40.00- Czy2 bdaluebugalw' ,'TEINK-In îoving nemory~ficrient to recovter orcesd1T- nder- Howam723-i97t i 623-2524 $',500 and up. $15,000 cdown.wthgre.Hsmc nn .Hito Tnk wo aset aayat Drstically Reduced Prices5. Bo Bomanill Augdrney Plaino - 623-3Mil563res: 25 ACRES with modern 7 30Ar ar am pu m emnii aeet Jaltnary 12. 1967. awaySale stnmts 10 a.m. Thursday, APPLICATIONS 1-4 rP-0a-, WoDo 43m AIlMail ddres: ' ionmed hm,2 brs elýWovle 1Longy ree bre1967hi Jan. 111h at Whyte Bras. Up- wiil be received by the unr- ____ 30-t! i Dorothi- Vivian - 263-21381 located. Priced to seil. 'lange up-to-date bastbl P-oigyrmmee'ylt'holstery. 55 King St. E., Bow- signed up tb 5 p.m., January Auction sale. priva te estate, Rfie_____2_1 10< CE AMwthgn Ieainer, 1,350 Ibs.dalco-2Srean3Aptmns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 j 2, f o r t h p r t u e p o it o o ! h o u s e h o ld c o n t e n t s , t a b e r t o n-b u ild in g s . E x c e lle n t s o li . C o n i r a t ' g s $ 2 0 0 0o t l x e l n t b v s m o . ' o 'Fred Tomsh dîd FIREof Secretay tthe Principal beld at Stirtevants Aýuction and ortgage uigdsac sama-nilk cheque. Aslg nycodtn TOMS-In lôving meoy of Kirhy School. Hall, 13 Hall St., Oshawaa1$7RequîmesTernis. ,yFearTs ao Jauamyllt, 191. NSUANE i SON Duties to commence as scion as saatJaury13-96 Appli nce Service gsAsking $42,000. Ternis. $7.0-TensdonCainw a1Liberty StreIt, Bowmanville Htgh Street, 1plt96evel Vouýr me nay 11 datoda196 GET OUR RATE! possible. Furtbem particulars'1 p.m.: Moffat stove, chrome' Commercial and Domestie MONEY TO LOAN BOWMANVILLE - 4 bed- Iiet SreB fyu eoyl sda o niay be obtaineti fmorniMm. suite, *bedi-on suites, Philco Refrigeration - Milk Coolers First and Second Mortgages j bo home with living and Brick duplex, largi onc hseectv-yehm a As in the hour you passetiCA Alan Gibson, Principal, Phone televîsion, tea wagon, washing Phone BERT SYER aiRaoal ae dining roon. i. 1 heateti, 3 1location plus addeinoe.veybg mc.oofi- away; .rIL987-4571 during school boums. macie orqic a ~Wonderful nierory of a dean INSURANCE DUTE SOON ? Repîy in wiing with en-1îngcbine, china cabinet, wrbî- Days- 623-5774 pce. bath. Askîng $15.900.1Ple o uc aea 1.0.pae xr ahnm ag q husband'and Dad". EC OU PRMMS vopceaimakd ceemidsutglcubI lot plus a6self-conta.oLd apart igdesk, platformn rocker, . 1gt 2-17 .L O E Low down payment. Caîl: IKing St. East, Boc avlemn.Tensadpien It only takes a littie space content. stating qualifications steptable, drsesRceto'ert te an., ownvil OMNIL oeybresurance officeandetc.t .To write how niuch we miss CALTT and salary expected. daes lo aptabl ade'IEtaeaf ere aDk you~drwes _____aps beand ELECTRIC 3 bedroorn brick bungalow Out of town ownerisaxusInendn!Thrivin ' uiwiItkthi-so' BRINKMAN INS., 623-3621i The lowesb or any applica- i amps, dishes, many more- - ___ut__ w l2-1ke theptedo tiononot necessarily accepte . atce. T r i a h ye . D R C I G623-7264 iw ith ec. monn. O u eated, ba sl. A sking $15.0 0 o t e ofit he e a e TOoui- ilves___ - - -- Horace R. Besb. King, Auctioneer, 723-0501. 21G aDkSeiztSreB i foi-gel the day we lost ynu. Sec'y-Tmeas. o! the 21 TRANSPORT ___2. BaoySugow Strethomnll b alfrdtis itLovingIy renembemed by BO'WMAN VILLE T.S.A. of Clarke, ______________1___ 2RE-1 i BAR Hae ualn withaater rprisWne , ; W if e a n ti F a m l l y . 2 - 1 F r R G n I L O C K E R DR . R . 2 , O r o n o , O n t . 2 - 1 E x e l l nt-u il i n g , o n dml n c o2e . O nlf$ 6 . 5 0 - $ 3 . 0 0 ' We-r e a m s t o. . o u.o & MARINEGIBcondWitionHB - CANAPNMADINTEBUTING edWooLLOome.BModmticech-Drop b nd visitusPao.enr2a3-o5M1CH 23 -APRIL3i 4 i xV e î 1 e n t c o n iti o n . O s h a w a I I NOo ta we t odC r e d i t o r s P h o n e 6 2 3 7 5 9 1 L I M I T E D , 3 0 2 O u e l le tte A v - e n , d in in g o o n a n d liv in g b o o th a t b be C a n a d a F aa n2 0 D y ~;T S u ply Lim tet , 7 3-8 31. O s a w an ar a~s lar eatLI M T E D R E L T O i N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S B O W M A N V IL L E con ue, S uite 404, W indsor, O n- r oo ni w ith bar. A sk ng $16. 00..i E qulpm en t S how , E h b t o __________ eaer w th a 46 E li to ve u E tari. In lude Phone num ber. Cal: Harry. Coutts. Park, Toronto, Jan. 2 th 7b.sc r d ______ 0tfsowolî eae wt a 4 ElntnAvne .AND OTHERS or91 nitin.~~beeotae ehuce :electi:n of new and TORONTO 12, Ail O laims aainBlactseck 986-486 Work$ant5d0____ N for duty Volkswagen hii.ch and NOMBIOnLtIar--____ ictireti Accountant, #ýf-rack. Phone after 5. AND ACCESSORIES Wanted to BUy dOntaîo. hdicd on or about' DnDrooks &Son inn SREutOhated. 4-pc. bth.aou ny Msei*63-72QjBC C ANV t083-3426. 2-1 Use our convenient --12Nvbn,96,msbe GENERAL CONTRACTOR EIoRcaî1,,ed 3 bedmooni brick home. Atter 9 p.m.Fe. 6 i1 1 ~~~~TLME PAYMENT PLAN FEED ots andi shelleti corn, fileti with bbc undersigneti PHONE QUICK STARTS to sel. Cal: Phyllis McRbbie.Ps e - -62307M X ANT U Lost Pricea liant as 10w as gnod quallty. Phone 263-8400. personal represeraive on or 623-3670 - 723-6176' TEEMOPat fe HusPlaeCal e ockn-*6355 lds"enuar'8 LCOPPER bracelet, viciity $69 I --oflr,- nIdfeath e h e und signed w ldis-' Re-modeing Bint Your Car In for Mn' r -fs ,PostOffice._Phone 23-1 on 1968 Modela tieks. M. Fiait, R.R. 1, Beth- 1 tribute bbc assets o! bbe said ALTPSCEKUPadT. Don MountJoy- 623-3614 Mne aue 6330 pi 5-My1 Noxth - - a- Phone 7 1 3 . 31 tf estate aving regard ony t L Y E C E K U n INE-Up P yls M R b i 2 . 1 9 o a n s i . - 7 3 5 8 ra1Cne aNt h i Rd RENT-.ALL GiIjïS, nid anti oew, asalbsao te ieiw- For naeaicWlsAlwnrdn ylcr.d osDvdo Btay3R os lbr rno9353, TaelArodtoe jehonge anwitca._ewj souvenirs, any size collection; Dateti 3 Januany. 1968. i BEC. ROOMS enieog VDy -6274' Roy Foater Orono 8-81JMfroc WarOi Poe623-2435. __2-1' &MARINE gond pnices paiti. 623-7028. LNatialTrust Company, Custom Built e Wnes!eore Andeson -4327 etnBnse FrifrainPoeo ;WARD. $15, Beagle. femnale, 55 Ring St. E. at Wilson 41-.13-j 21 King Street East, Ne;oeHet i. farold Couits- 725-2649' Garden 111 97225RO/ r.h~,jrjrJkd Creek ~ N~n- OshawaDON'T throw it out! We buy Toronto, Ontario, IBokl 5-83AEC! eroe re raNetnOsaajust about anything that's nId, (Executon or Atiniostrator)' Also V.L.A. w Dorothy- Samis- 372-2974 'Hwad onder 2vll. TaChidr',tPoe q.on ear728. l! anniful or a houseful. TeBv E. Richard Lovekîn, You Namp Il - We Do It! '85 Ring St. 'ýi. Bowmanvllle 'Ne List Photo M.L.S. George Beaton -Pr oe8522 ,,gr 27. C de' e.PonTlpoe 2-5 Talisman, Newcastle. ef eic t4rn.FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3134 snd Exclusive 21 otPry952U 3.'47-tf ma9887-4624. -; 4r.I elr Soletrhrn - 42t - - J/ .............