holidavs ln Oshawa GeneraliThe Canadilan Stateumn omnil, a.1,18 Hospital recovering from sur-1 Festival of (hristmas Music Recently Married in Toronto Ier o afon. ehopes iHYO M r. and Mrs. Jim SimpsonNe Yarsdnegusso adNancy, Philadeiphia.V' (Intended for lat ek r n rs osAho ~ponsored by St. Paul's Choir ited Mr. Donald Simpson and Church service wl efmty dMrs. L. D. Simpson. iwithdrawn on Surdy a-M.adMs ]rdGr ï-Visitors nt Mr. R. B. Simp- uary l4th. rr n aiy eeStr The large audience that at- tion of the concert. The sooists vjere from St. Paul'sý son s were: Mr. and Mrs.IHaydon congregatinI n a vnm usso r n Itended the Christmas Festival voices blended beautifully in Choir, Mrs. Nellie Pring. Mrs. Sherwood Kossatz and fam-'vited to attend thesellMs alaeGiln ni. of Music held recently and singing excerpts of the Rose Hatey, Ms Dr~iy avl r n Mrs. Cetnil evc a yoe Wln Rloa Kossta M.and mlMr. enited Chu Srce ti 'lc.M.an is rhrT sPonsored by St. Paul's Unit- Christmas portions of Han- Welsh. Mrs. Louise Orme, and Rosnd Mrs MerdwfinlenMr.aniuet e hrakeRv itnwn WlimadPutw ed Church Choir with the del's Messîah i n cl1u d in g Ken Bragg. n r.Mri le nlus paeR orgýnîst and choir master choruses of "In The Glory of'St. Peul's Choir under the * * Ivan,. saa r.L .Snesn oono usso r n r.Wle Metcalf, will long re- the Lord" and "0 Thou That direction of Choir Master Smpo r.DnadSimpson. Congregational metn ilLvrdeadfmily ya. *'1ber this exceptionally Tellest Good Tidings tn Zion."' Metcalf is now working onX 1. :ý and Mr. and Mrs. Herb be held on Sunday aftrona nNwYa' udy 31it musical event. S.Pu h uti hspr fteEse ui.Ti nlds4 Owens and family'. 3:30 on Jan. l4th. M.adMs .J aeo Unte huchws ild o rgrm a sngb Trîymore choruses from Handel's Word has been received of U.C.W. meeting wilbhedwrSuayuprges o Me.siah J.n<w te dath f Mr Geoge Sin-on Wednesday, Jan, Oh r.NvneadMs rnh Capacity for the occasion. Russell and Bill Coombes. cifixion". Stainers Cru- son dat of Dnvl Mr. aetnd hita ekvstr !Bwavle In addition to the wellIThose who sangniotheDdouble TheMinstumentalisolos were trained St. Paul's Choir, trios were: ]st soprano, Mrs. h ntuetlslswr in this community about 40 Grant Thompson, Ms aeNi n r.Cwig iie guests taking part ln the Pro- Olive Hull. Mrs. Carol Far- aso greatly enjoyed. Thesc? years ago. Oliver, Hamilton, Mr1 .K r n n.WyeBak gramn were the Christ Memn- rw n spaorMs ere impressive violin seler- .W smptiewhtoeTopon E.BaMs.brewste cra nlcnCuc hiro n Misone Beeh: tions by Mr. Oscapella, a well Wesmptie ihths h'po, .B oralAglcn huc CorBatnMssBone lwho had their holiday plans Alex Wiseman, Mr. adMs nSnaMs .Tb Oshawa, with Rudoîf Hey- alto, Mrs. J. Rice and Mrs' kon mcAtustaIe nteY0u: spoîled through ilîneais. Bet- G. Burgess and TanmBw n aiysetNwYa' dens the organist and choir Lola Brown. DnMAtu' et e uknx hita. mnîe r .D hmsn a ihM.adM.Sa mnaster; Don McArthur, trum- playing of his trumpet solos. e hop e ourCfrienmas.who ampone; Mr. RanDr. JryCwnSl peter, Bowmanville Central Arias fromn Handel's Mes- The guest choir from Christ W hoeurrinsw HmtnM.ad School; E. Oscapella, Oshawa,I siah were splendidly sung by Memorial Anglican Church, pa are haviing infra m n- r.ad Ms. Jon Bs n n aiysetNw a' violinist; Mrs. Elsie Drygala,lRosa Cotton with Rudoîf Oshawa, with Mr. Heydeîis' oal ie tlati aiy oot, eeSna ihM.adMs alYk Oshawa, soprano: and RosslHeydens playing the organ the Choir Master and organ- on'tbe 20e low. is ailTorso r n dtMo.A.ofCan Cotton, Oshawa, baritone. accompaniment. Mrs. Dry- ist sang six English and Ger-ý edadLne -St. Paul's United Church' gala'. lovely solo was '«O man Christmas Carola most - I ReadandMissLyne Rhieahc*~can Choir presented the first sec-1 Holy Night". Other excellent' pieasîn gly. - ____ .N W fVT T is spending her CnsmsoilHsia.Mm ___ ___ ~N WT NVLL holdays at her homeMradM..WyeBak STARK VILLE D CI LU T V U VU f) I Di îth d Mr. and Mrs. CliffodRehm ecslwr e ST W IL E $ Friday inerguests wthMr. and dfamily, Bowmanvilwr ersspe usao r i ~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Brereton, -hown in the above photo, chose Fr.T edrsnadfml New Year's Eve istsofadM. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell (Intended for last week) United Church Wornen, Ladies' evening, December 8, 1967, at 7:30 o dlock for their marriage in Emmanuel Col- on New Year's Day were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred arr r itnSeo eire ettended a New Year's party, i received sev'eral verbal Orange Lodge and Chamber o of eChplToonhomeeiserdnhavingbrdeiste orsrMisentr Cnhri.ClntnBrwn M.anmamly et Mr. Harold Best's, Wesley- blasts for having nothing in Commerce. Many individuals lg hplTrnoArgsee us, h rd stefre isVlreand Mrs. CionBrown Mny . and mily. R MnvniMs llenori my column ast week. No did some very nice things. We Jeanne MacLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. MacLeod of Bowmanville, and and Shelley.anfaiyOsaaM.adGoonSenad alya Mr.dandtMthe Edintonrnreceived knowv of one man who gave the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross Brereton of Clarkson. Dr. . Messrs. Boy Smith and Tup- IMrs Kn Iwn saa o iî,adM.adM. and family, Ohio, were guests some. With Christmas being his turkey to a neighbor who R. Alp officiated at the ceremony, which was followed by a reception at Prince per Johnston were dinnenleeSna iio 7with ber mother, Mrs. Victor on Monday and no mail de-!was flot s0 fotunate. 1 did Arthur House, Toronto. The groom graduated fnom the University of Toronto guests. Monday, with Mr. and!M. Bertrim and famiv r n ny.J aeo Farrow. Iivery it was almost impossible' have the pleasuire of dellvering Mrs. Aif Gray and sons, New- MnadMsRueGi eeNwYa' inrget Mr. and Mn.. Morley Robin- to do so. However. I amn start-1 a lot of goodies to a local with a B.A.,Sc. Mr. and Mns. Breneton ar-e residing at Collingwood. an.agerM.adMs.RcrdoM.adMs.CW.owy _____ _________ ______ hotoby atons Potrai Stdio ord eaced hm hat wek Gllagen ad fall: Mn.andad faiMr.Boannd'lMr son, Mr. and Mns. Ewart Bob- lng 1968 hoping you wîîî asslst familv which were donated b t b ______ _______Portrait_ ___Studio___ __ 0Wohed eathh, t e llison, Mn.. Galhrnd Gamllahr: ik n n n.J oMr Inson, Mn. and Mns. Llew Hal- me iri gettlg sultable matenial. MnreietsQe ohpe Arii, fHnold (Jerry) lowell attended the New il wish to'thank the Editor for ithis spirit wlll exlst for many j i 1ÂI CI Â.ÀLI'HaroldI .e nlgBahwrrudayn ili.vste n n Year's gathenlng at Newton- hi. gift and wlsh one and alLmore yeans. Setting vvas S. icraei's Catheural Smith. brother of Gordon,. dinner guests of Mn.adM.rn.LCnsesnadMr ville.i the best ln 1968. We understand our local PotHpad ie o fRov Paterson and faml. Eln Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Fan- Evenyone xvas sonny to hear [hockey te arn i tied for first Wm. R. Smith. well known Mran s.A row and famlly were guests that Mn.. Lily Richardson had place. They are playing ln a . oclreen yeî rard, Larny and LoriAnadohweNwYarsget with Mr. and Mn.. Lennox, been taken to Civic Hospital1 league compnised of team3 Becent visitors wlth Mn. and Mns. L. Griffin meeNwo n n n.KnIwn ýMn.. George Sf apleton and Y u.soM. .Gr saa Garden Hill.i just a few days befone Christ- fnomn Beth any, Caesarea. Port Keith includpd Mr. and Mr. n. usso r Mn. and Mn.. Austin Turner. mas. We understand she had Penny and Oshawa. They play Har twr 0 lgtnrard. n.Topon n.Cos Newcastle, wene dinner guests 1 a faîl and broke some rnb. and ail gmsI ot en ikMn.. Dora Smith of Newcastle n n n.J lse n1aGi GaaCrlT et Mn. Llew Hallowell's last! will be confined to hospital; and have to pay out of thein Mn. and Mn.. Launie Stapleto , family, L. Oningal. ieeSn~lacmaidM.Vco week. l for about two weeks. Earlier . own pockets for thein Ice time. annBvnyo jx a vstn fM.adMs Sdhadh.mte n Mr. and Mn.. Ron Bobinson.1 thi. year she had spent some! A plav-off with the four lead-M and Mnelyo A.. edWo .Ptsadfml n .atne h al rv Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson time thene when she had hen ing teams will conclude activi-ateddheNwYn EX W Mrtn.scolClta ocr. weedne usswt nrhand caught in a wringen. We ties at the season's end. atnethNw arsE ' and Mn.. Peck, Newtonville. hope 1968 will be kinder to Word was received here of na epl.Bwanll. Niagana Fals, wen odylo n CnhaweeStn Mr. and Mns. Bert Trim you, Lil. the passing of Mns. Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Boy Best antivisitons with ber paretM.dyclesa r.Top attended the Trim gathering Mns. Sam Manetta ha. ne- Thompson (Many McBoberts) Heather were dinner gue.ts and Mn.. J. Potts andi ml o' nite iieiMa for New Yea's ln Orono. tunneti home fromn a Toronto of Peterbornough. Prion to her Ne ersDywt n.IMn.. Ivan Sharp, LnaadSot ain nteOhw Mn. and Mns. Orme Falls, hospital andi Mn. Jack Horner marniage she had nesideti heneGog akPr oe. Janet, Mn. B. OrmitnEnHopa. Mvr. and Mrs. Jlm Stark wene from Civlc Hospital. and in the Dnum anea. M. e aeo oot evenlng guests at Mn. John We don't know just when _____Ke______oToront Stan's.i thy wll b stntln atourwas a weekend visitor with Mn. andi Mn.. Carl Todd en- new Post Office but we under-TflITT brmteM.Lea vns oyed New Yea's dinner with1 stand tbey were taking soil C UflJICL.LMn,. C. Walkey was a sup- j r. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, samples at the site, recently. per guest wlth Mn. and Mns.. I r Newtonvllle. We don't think we are liv- The December meeting ofHoadOmsnad famlly, Onillia, wene weekend visitons1 all. Several pancels wereat the cburch. Mn.. George Stapleton was Old Soldier:i n* f h ustostos rypaeit et Mn. Siti Halloweil's. donated andi distnibuteti by the A tumkey dinnen was senvedr a visitor witb Mn. and Mn..! rista always asked isws oyulk il? 'Allan Martin, Pont Credit, on' __ at 6 p.m. to 49 membe,~ md Friday. 4'We always sali e ..btte oe aen n frlends by the "Frlendship After à lengtby Illne,., the Group".death occunreti last Thunsday, M M R A HO PT LThe noorn wa3 veny gaîîy atSunyrok ospital. ln 4 deconated along with colorfulBonel table decorations. During the of this village. Funeral took dinner hour a glft from the place Montiay at Oshawa. BOWMANVILLE ~~Mr. L. Countice as a smailleeaswek ltMn membes wa preentei ta~ Mns S. ondo Wasa viitonCLOTiIES CARE rNS i oe fappreciation for the Mn..Wallace Boughen. AleohoilsI.used ln prue dclge n II ioo number of years she bas been Mr ndMs.FedH.dr Hne-content wllI cause som yit ie rrn hswi ev the UC.W.Presient.son, Peter anti Carol arrived After the dinnen a short . back home fnom Florida, Fri- the stained ia.llhr uoorTae amnttoyU meeting was contiucted by the day evening. local drycleaner foreprtaeti. A& T T E N T IO N 'Pnesient, Mrs.L. Courtice. aMr. anti Mn.. John Carlaw M MOILOPTA Metn pnd ih ao Warkwortb ---- tE I1TLTIy Sbont .<4~ Sy::r~i..r.evenlng visitons wlth Mn.. Bea ýprayer. Mr. ~~~and Mns. SidneyBrwOnai te The Secretany's report wasan ugtr we dnr A tt pran yer n. N. Gibson, fol- .r guests aNew Year'with Mr. -~W MS lowe bythe tneasuren's ne- port by Mns. Cecil Simmonn Theievotional was taken Mrooss Kan ovienht of by the "Frlentishlp Gnoup". A ton w ssn Brnda Ht i- nreadlng by Mn.. Adain, "The esnStna IF ISITO RS Two Bethlehems"; al:o a Bibule ersoZIE' athdy MdltnCor l F si a Iraigb r.Ellis. The Messrs. Stan anti Boss Jones, IFYO^de HAVE A COLD, SORE THROATf 67. yn. visitons witb Mn. anti Mn.. D. OR THE 'FLU, Telto e fiesfrMn. and Mrs. HannrWrly AChristmas concert was to with Mr nIr. edWo LE S O N Tbe helti on Dec. 22nti for the Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Burns Hill, who er iarid in St it*ols ahe- ttnedth OdFel r P E S D O N TTemeeting closeti with i the above photo as they leave for the wedding reception held at the Ontario unday night.6 dictpon Roomn in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. The bride, who is the former Miss Colti, anti Influenza symp- r On December .14th the ladies Donna Carole MacLeod, daughten of Mr. and Mn,. M. A. MacLeod, Bowmanville, toms are common complaints etrn h fnomn the "Kumaîl Unit" who and the groom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hill, Hamilton, were united in mar- here, as elsewhere, two o! oun: PATENS N HEHOPiAL charge of the "Youn g rage by Rev. E. Garrity. The bride is a regîstered nurse and the groom is a tces of a tioctor oven the week- OD mPntIEo!SDecembenHOseIveL. 1,raduate in Business Administration ot1 Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Tor- endi ln the persons o! Mns.. W ANIL Chntmasf Den o1 !teîto r n r.Hliaersdn nToot.AieJns niMs neDretr oaCto the Pascoe home,. New Years DaY with Mns. L. Mr, and Mn.. Wil l awlon1 C. Pascoe. C A15H A T anti family. Fnenchman's Ba, ,Mn. anti Mn.. Lloyd Smith and fabrics of ail kinds? CLEARING Mn. anti Mms.. am s asn anti famly attenteiet aecep- anti chiltinen, Oshawa, were, tion for Mn. anti Mn.. Grant ai Mr.n. Oke'.. Smith in Bnooklin hall. Mn. Jim Oke spent the' Mn.. Wallace Pascoe anti MisBevPrley Samis spent Itia. the holiday. at Dayt naar nti r. la Taylor VU J~& ~P4B~each, Floritia, guest of Mn. anti chiltinen w at M. o ODDS & O F UN ER tS anti Mn.. C. Smith of Oshawa Hartmans, E t Mns. Boy th.. Ng ad btteetehniues 3 9o O FCOStItinondfl, Miss Mro mtOshawa, Tilba edesi h.............nw n burMar.fdoi StnoToronto, Ms ueGeorge Lavender's. things, new andabeeaerrfibrics Tunnbuil, Hampton, were at Mr. anti s.Frank Lycctt Cadintxle.nsty ..roTeMae AL W A E S$ .0iM.adMn.. Fred Samis' Mrs. Bac Cowling, Mr. anti Because it means there .. .tefbi ALL-SW ATERStetinsh. Ll ati famrBllyWhitaa, n. aidrnt i nust be ways to nnprove And finding quite a few -a Omono. Wbitby, Mn. Don Gnîffin, Mn. 'anti Mrs. Gortioni Taylor wene at Mn. Elmer Lec's. alniost every fabric. cf them. Slacks that keen the 01il.o n.Benc onOb searching for these ways. Sheei3 you neyer have to iron. 1.00 ad rs EgaOPesawa._ _ __ _ _ _ _ 8,00 sl().00 $1,5.00 ~~ot were at Mn. Les Gibson's,l 's ainPect a b ~~Columbus. i ber tonsils nemovcd duningAAIBLAT Mn. anti Mn.. Donald Pres-ý the holidsys and convalesced VILBE T REGULAR TO $3000 cott anti family wene at Mn.jat ber grantiparents', Mn. anti We wee ahi happy to know! M. anti Mn. Donald Lee ALL ALE CAH AL SAES INA that Mn.. Haroldi Avery was' anti chiltiren were at Mn. W. o ALL SLES ASH LL SLES INALimproveti enough t0 be horne! Fowlen's. Hampton. NO EXCHANGES - NO REFUNDS for Christmas. iMn. anti Mrs. Merle Allpni Visitons ai the P. oit anti chiltiren, Hampton, Mr.!5 KING ST. E. HN 6245 home were; Mr. and Mrî.lIanti Mm. Bob Beckim, 0m-I________________________________________ I J. g a g f N a f e e i g e