P ~ ~ ~ #-****'* Th azaj» ttumn ownvlfe, Tan. Io, 1968 Miss Susan Thompson. at Exp lson of the Ac dinsGuests of Mr. and Mrn. Ivan * L .L Rotary's New Year Address Eplino h cdasThonipson andd famrtw ugnu Counes- Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart'r c 1 Leask and family, Barrie; Mr. The last meeigoCrtasopsnteadngoth- and Mrs. Harry Van Camp. On wih oni o etnillgsfiln rprytiLt C r s ii i S I s i a i nWednesday - Mr. and Mrs. Year 1967 Was& l nte2,Pa 2 o ulf o ~~hristiani'ty's Inspiration ~~Harvey Thornpson and fami1y. Township Hall a ..o . on W~ hi Thompson, Nestieton, and Mrs. bers p 27eth hai lem budig as atfaor CouId B e (oupled to Traditions VMNew chair, The minuter.square feet 0f lot faanmpresent and Reeve Vanlailrregards. theand14,20oved family - Mr. andmotion of CounorsGtisamalhdnguerDVA Snowden, Courtice, Mr. andadSanancrre. ruatosConicol o, Mns. Harvey Yellowlees reeaadndni fseite nyofte d 0 f Ancient Chne W ay of Life fErnel.s la; rMr. and Mrs1J anyone k:ew ilteannsw btsgetdta The- spiritual Inspiration af another devout and dedicated the writings of Buddha in the GMr.n ars. arwobods.Mc- nd r ubey f henigbnngpopry N Chnlstlanity could be coupled member of the Christianý monasteries, i the streets, Kee attended the funeral of roday. Counor Getstonaknnth. to the practical traditions of Mlnistry who gives verv gen-land in homes. Mrs. Cecil Thompson ln Peter- asee e hnn ih Bi n conswr r- the ancient Chinese way of erously of a similar quahity, The principal ceremony abouhdy.ete n red s h ec ndte ne orteblne lide, whereîn each family of Christian love. Several of the temple is the offering off Sicre sympriay srer. Astec.lt eebr16.Rasf nber carried out specîfied our guest speaker's parishion- flowers, gruit, and rncense to ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- the final date tohaeteod-d nr r duties. Each family had de- ers* who have experienced' the statues of the noted ilton on the sudden death 0frway cîeared ofal ~ $,3.0 n G lta o finite responsibilities as did deep trouble, have found ber Budc hist devotees and to the h~ er father Mr. Blomme, Toron-chtescunîpva Debrof$9736fra every comteninspandtpthearnemberssarendtotalaasi$73,150.34tetecomplete vince, Bo that the nation as a aie counselling pastor. She is is often accompanied by toIsette1 evory co m m nit y i a r- ha mos t ei e nand om as n B dh. r at s a u s T i ' G lad to report M rs. A rthur notfy the clerk a c r i g y wh le b neite i me s r- hi h y nt lig nt a d Ia~ hanting hym ns and prayers. Leighton and little Alan Fer-, Present were M . a d M s e t e e d o 9 7 ably. the Rev. Mary Alice many admirable qualities, but, Sounds like our hippy teen- guson got home from Port, M. j. Walton of Wibon nadtoa akbno Dougherty told the Bowman- perhaps the one for which1 agers in their hideaways. The ; Perry Hospital and Master e'o f Lot 19, Pla68adth $100wsreuedmkg ville Rotary Club on Thurs- we feel most indebted is her! young of every generation . Fred Manlow from Oshawa. I t.- ttea otaome$2.00 utsanln day. As guest speaker at the warm Christian heart," Mn.i dream strange dreams, do * -ý' Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- unehoe rient nsu luncheon meeting held at the Ribey declared. strange and foolish things, lo lwhm rmFoiavsdta h F!ying Dutcbman Mter Inn Miss Dougherty said that and in the ;,rocess many of Ionl Saturday te help with the'fused to issuefud unl sh. delivered "A New Year mature adults living the them do strarige and Wonder-. year-end work until Jim is counicul approvedlcto iC M S Message". Christian democratic way of ful thîngs. --- fully recovened following eye [building which ddnocomi Art Ribey In introducing life in Durham County are "But my finat love Is China. .-. surgery. wth esicdAra y-a the guest speaker said that it anxious aotteocmn1I hn' lmt n itr There Is a good dea] of flu, Nol1137 due tosebakfo'(teddoratwe) has become almost traditional generation, the children. "Wethe Young Confucius xvas lntr this iocality but we hope the 1 noadway and adaetro- CmuUCW. ettth for the club to hear a mem- are concerned as to how ta 12cm and grew up. He was I *. ean cold weathen of the last enty line. They euse oeo n.Tnyo ai ber of the clergy give "A New deal wîth them. How to nur- born there in the samnecen- iew up srty. lcop cftlesurvletatini- 3th meeting in January. them," she stated. India, the Sixth Century, B.C. cated variances o c 't h iePeietMs i "The lady who will address "Our generation bas pro- "The Chinese have alîways 1,1OITT PY2' approximaey.CuclF sopndtem tigwt us today is a minister ai the duced the hippies, the love reeeneBad wosipe . A. 1.Y . 4feit that approva hudb bisms raig h United Church ai Canada, people, the flower People, their ancestors. They refer- r-*. received fnom teajcn ao WieSehrsWth naw in her fourth year serv- and the L.S.D. phenomena. ned to, themselves as the 100 î CHARLES FOSTER ELLI'S propenty ownen n oine hirFok yNgt a Ing the Enniskillen Pastoral The best of ail this is good families and te their country The death of Charles Foster by CounicillorsSai an sug Charge which bas three con- but many cf our cbildnen inl as the Middle Kingdom. They Ellis, age 44 years, occurred Gettins was carne hta Svrlmmesra at gregations, Bunketon, Enfield, the process are going down hae7wy a getnyr - on Wednesday, December 27, letter of toleranentb ntedvtoa;n"h and Enniskillen." Mn. Ribey the drain. Teeaetous- ence alwso fo r eamtains, - : .7- 1967, in Memonial Hospital issued until satdapoa sBnho Crs"wt h ig recalled that Miss DoughertY ands cf them now filling oun the ivers, and the soil. 'The -aften a bnief illness. He is neceived frmmweofLt1,igccaosfioedwt two and a balf years ago had hospitals. Many, they tell us, Good Earth' Pearl Buck cal- (.sunvived by bis wife, the for- Plan 628.paynbRe.oen. addnessed the club on the will iikely be unable te man- ed I mt. duer M nied otbnee -_Mr.ev orerdowe a il subject "'China As I Saw It". age lie in today's society. "Teieac o, reGdimr isMie oter, MarieMn and Mr. ere aon R Ri "The Rev. Mary Alice "Tasindthef Wilirned, and Duhny asor nWn- "In the Sixth Century, B.C., was neyer veny important to h xuso ftee dasfo h hoe fMnsBsnand tesans, WlreGondoni,ad Isthmuss oninWn- atmaBdhawsbon Brian. worth County, Ont., received athesteedscha hpp' hvsnees îl e fin t eGd artimst, of Chignecto is depicted in this drawing by the Canadian historical Eli asbrr i on oî ci wsanwee wt aireeetayadsc ndary mavem eind c ia. But thea lalydeindaris .W. efey It was in 1755 that the Aainln the pawn in the adtP.E.I., a son of the Chsta touts Mius breeetran eodr oeeti ni.Btteprsonality as He is ta the .Jfey.Aainln lsoi ftels school education thene, and cvilization cf India at that Jew, the Christian, tbe Mus- continuai conflict between the French and the English, were uprooted from their lete Mn. end Mrs. Herry El lis.384,7I ar1etigwrena graduated from the Univer- time was more suitable to ne- îim. Theirs was more of farmlands and deported to inhospitable regions from Maine to Louisiana. The Since coming te Ontario he ei pnvd orsod lor ai Arts D a Bc he b- cBuddhem.an hebis e ofn a nature phiiosopby anid Acadiens refused te swear allegiance te GeorgeII, who was te them a fcreign s ereeMoc eCndaLmt L U Uo e W leto iafies ob scameofaTChnt ist msaany arm tbe asdis of areii hon g the centuries e great king. Governor Charles Lawrence regarded the Acadians as a threat ta British ed, for 16 years and lived atl 'i Jnay and spent six years in China nelgies srutur wa erct in what was then Acadie eand although eatdcnrytohsR.4,Bw nvl.Duig Ttlpoutq teacbing English in a Girls' a way cf ile vastianid varied ed. This was educational as soeegtC h ce otrr ebsRR4Bwevle asdunin anTotapructinks8,19 Mto ae yM.Ml Middle Schcool. She leit the whateven its rights and weîî as religieus and it was authorîty he banished 6,000 cf them. It bas become one of the mcst tragic acts in World Wan Il the deceseIcrs o anda&sb eeri o ny scne yM. mission field duning Wan]dwrns based an Buddhism, Corifu- the history cf the New World. In their exile, the Acadiens feunded an importent Serve in t held in Am Mtn fCnd uig16 on ce thet Mrs. anLanm- "Se asscIben T hebYouun Gutuaya Wbe n "il grewand und the eter- ony in Louisiana, and some cf them made their perilous way back te their lands Morris Funenal Chape], 2 D)i- than 29,000 vebiclsoe h ce etecmlte United Cbusnc Mienisntihe bad g tbrepain lacry es com- nal aron ald the e Y-in mNova Scotia. Their descendants now live in increesing numbers in varicus vision Street, on Saturdey 1966 production toa.Tepctegodceroes Canada, serving changes in pareble te aur middle class and the Yang. These two, the parts cf the Maritimes, perticularly in New Brunswick. aiternon, Decemben 3th, et 1967 total - seconc lhs r Saskatchewani, Ontario, and homes of today), a beautîful Yin and the Yang, are bellev- (This feature is one cf a series which reeders mey wish te clip and save.) two o'clock. Rev. John Rom- bistony - was topecnyb etn lsd wt h enil officiated. The beautiful the ail-time record civdinsnigc ao Jyt h Quebec. She came ta us in Young wiie and a son be lef t ed necessary te the order ofiobal ît World", followed1965with theé 1964 fram Menickvilie and At eh behind. the univense. Together they* A Motors, Local 1880, the Good- 419,723 vebicles. we are happy thet she accept- "He tunned te the world cf cemplete wonld h a r mo n y. year Rubber Ccmpany, and The 1967 producto i31-.Ponmcnitda ed rlcvil i aditon he ashignent, a wbife c ecn- lwTheac, thicYagbis-heLR. M. Hollingshead, Limited, 514 pessenger carsad7,0,nsb r.Gog ontr thkle n ditontesheveas ltembintand p ofcovn-r ly.wythe Tro,the ruls tcf and others testilied to the trucks compareswih2594edMsLon Mce.W hapolin tath untt srvea- WhplionIatknd lo k- n atur, the îaw cfe le of (Intended ion Jan. 4tb) cf Canada, the Centennial and Mrs. G. Crawiord, Mn. anid esteemi in wbich be wes beid. censand 69,647 t:uk n16 hnha u hita x plds Industriel School. ed con old men end aIl pride "Earth anid heaven iollow On the occasion oi the lOth Medal was conferred on Miss Mrs. Harold Crawford, Jenice The peIhbeaners were Vin- and 351,303 cars, n 842 hne Mr. Ribey neferned to state- cf youth left me. 1 locked.on th-e Tao. The gods are be- Anniversary cf Cenfedenetion M. M. Van Camp, Q.C., tri and Ken were among the cent Doiron, Angus Cerperi- trucks in 1965. Ms i esmvdavt ments made by Cardinal deeth end aIl pnide cf living lieved ta act in accordance -______ ___ recognition cf valuable service guests cf Mr. and Mns. Don ber, James Spnague. William GM cf Canadabidsp-cfhektoM.Saeîfe Leger when he gave up bis eit me, lie said.' h with Taand men should fol- Business Direcfory to the nation, Juiy 1, 1967. Lane, Oshawa, Monday. Clark, N. Hemko, and Isaac sengen cars at Osh aanStavrgtem ti.Luc high position thercuc Ohnwise sayings cf telew tbe Tao. For if ail men, Mi______________ ss Van Camp's home is ln Miss Margaret Leask, Barrie, McKeen. Interment was in Therese, Que., andtu twssre n oiltm higre stioserie the lpnc nBudaqoedhisDu- haile, ad ain Biackcstock and she practises spent e week's hlidays witii-Bowmanville Cemeteny. Oshawa. set Afnica. "I am Intoducing ghenty included this: 'One's wvoud îoîîcw the Teeao All ~ < c~ bwi ono c wn self ccnquened is better would be naturel and simple. More holiday visitons: Mrs. than ail othen people con- No one would be ambitious RAY J. DILLING Gernet Murray and girls, quened'. Our clergy and psy- for power. Everycrie would Chertened Accountant Cnesswell, spent Thursday with cbiabists are talking this show gaod fellowship. Ahl 93 Church Street lier parents, Mr. and Mns. Roy r s n y u g e i language today, she peinted men would be brothers and 623-3861 Taylor. Sunday, Mn. and Mrs. otshwbohrylove. Thene Taylor and Mr. and Mns. Mur- eu.shw bobel WM. J. H. COGGINS nay, Katherine and Carolyn "'Again be seid 'The scent wouîd be no wer.ChteeAcutnt vsedM.nd r.Asn of flowers does net trevel Miss Dougherty explained 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvil]e Taylor et the letter's cottage us a~~~gainst the wind, but the it is ccnsidered that in each Poe6331 ____nDOLLAR DAYSe . odor oi good people travels perscn's lufe the chenging W hoeL63-312 nCL.eHuskkL frteven against the wind, a gecd balance of the Yin anid the WILIC. HLMn. and Mns. Arnold Taylor mani pervades every place.' Yang brings now failune, a.om nd girls netunned home Mon- 8"p"id by TH£ OSHAWA WMOUESAUE UMVT!f "Young devotees iollowed now success, îîawering or Chantered Accourbarit day nigbt fmcm a pleasent boli- W etf-d the master. In those days decay. 36½/ King St. E., Oshawa day tri West Palm Beach and they leanned these pithy say- "The Yin and the Yang do Telephorie 725-6539 Miami, Flonide. irigs. The Buddha came te be not cerrespond te good and BTJRROWS, SELBY & CO. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmen FRESH CHICKEN CUTS IGA IACOC A In2,500 years the Buddha henmony tbey are always 323 Kinig Street West with relatives et St. Marys. LEGS & BREASTS SLICED WHITEPEH bas claimed more devotees gcod, but if they get out ai Oshawa, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock Ai i who îunned to religion, te harmariy evil results. 725-6451 - 728-7554 anid sons spent New Year's Day ~L ____ afam oe, te pverty, than any "In China there Is no lorie- William A. D. Selby, C.A. with her familles Ini Taronta. TN L VOU othrmaiwh'iedi I-lnes Npesoos vrG. Edmond Burcws, C.A. - diae Cudrve o hinaman wo d npa n - lne. NoPenbpsIsouls ey On New Year's Day 59 de- WLOEUMI di, hiaan apn. alne Prap 1shul syscendants of the late Robent ~LQI EIGN "I couhd telk aothow in hn befere 1950 na per FrC 2s aterd n9h Buddhe camne te China and son was ever aTone. Eh hLro rIS. C Fruon ahrc r h ac r ~~Recreebion Centre and enjoy- ISATCFE Naual ore arixiaus to conquered lb with his Infirite person was a very real andi G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. cd e pleesant neunlon. Pres- 'ALPINE, PRIliOSE 01 TRIANGLE4NN&WZSU0 protect your investment and pan vie its meridicerit monks, chain cf the femily. A mani's Office: eant werSM.Cathnd ;Ms. -lcPAU yorfml' efr.W'l and by thîs century 46,000,000 preperby belonged te bhis an- 15 Elgini St., cor. of Honsey St. E. Beiyea, Bronte; Mrn. STAKETTEs 2 l ~LAVSPTF0 l' be happy te help you abtein people ini Japan cehbed tbem- cesters as Weil as te him, the Phone 623-5509 Mns. Keith Jobriston and girls. LCHROM8001 tjuality auto irisurance-de- selves Buddhists. ýfort une cf the living and the Office Hours: By ppointment Belleville; Mrs. J. A. Jobriston. TAIIINITE SLICED-6 oz. VoC. Pah.SOP IXID "In Chine hundreds cf mii-1dea d are woven together for Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy COOKED . sotr A pendable insurence backed by lions became Buddhists 1e- all time. TD a a4 :àand faimily, Mn.-AndMs M Y cýmLA Ifoa nI ldD IiwWIOE&MNI CI tis agenc . _. T .e .ar.frd ce use f mniatmokIT Evroehd t hie.e.Fai Hsiiad aiy.n M ..MA .A . oumsm easao iS 18 ~ FAC ~ ivtni.dflU iu nul.reeaize whenIlbecd Saburday anid SundaY arid *sens aridMrs-. I rgu G PUBEN ISCUI t ITIS qns I FIIDA RANGE C H O C O A T E -.........: age came upn imi. Phone 623-7662 werc Sunday supper guests oîf MRat* U 1 sm êtulî su 4 a iCDAGS.3 CHO OL irEIl 'Is there any s 4ïe -lo ES IL VI fpuCS io.a Ad.Iicious and ii- syg thet n a c pn h New Years Evé ade SHORTENING id all day every day?' Confucius lCh erie a t on's-~~fmw replied: 'Yes, neyer do toi FOR ASSISTANCE hgtSriea t onsSIAH£~Y nutritious drink for o thers wbat you would netl CANADIAN Cburcb, Port Whitby._______________ lie be t o e eu' i CANCER SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. Murray Burn- PILSiDUT BOu after school or bed time. \- ' I~t ma be that e little Phrs. M. Syen - 623-3177 rPblpwcSnayu. CAKEMIXE ICJRDLSTC $ F11oen $ study anid learning migbt mc- acm ali w r i da Ms- C K M I E ODPLSC veal te us that much ini oun Mrs. J. Oegema - 623-2318 rr oycstBeofocr.end boys. I TOOTI$DusNmi ben nwr i hie o su nc erdo and boys. p s. BNDGE DELIVERED DAILY TO YOUR DOOR __Christian way ocfe hbas ln Ph$p1marc vengbwlh- i__________________ was learried long ega bv Mnord on a ld Te ker S cton GLEN RAE DAIRY C ia's great en," Miss DONALD A. MaeGRE;O .R Drco PonaT cer m, on . .CÏA ý D o u g e r y s a id in c l s în g . iRu e A t o . H o e i e a r i a a o li dr a m pu ,t f " ' ' " CHOCOLMA iRx Walters moved e vote! Insurancc of Mlnd, ardMs. Gor holige, o azmw MI m cE f thanks to Miss Doughrty 52 Kig St. W., BownanvliéofnMrnand Mors. Gohnge colfeN Y U > A A RSIO LQ I B E C > X O ~ MforW her i rspoo n a di ex n fsscd- P o ner 62 -5g 62l de n ad J ti. J h -a ra bi e r es riers g id nt er PA l 2359 2panied M r. Turke n for the long C R U P AO I nu.NB!HG m etive drcs n as. ePres d i , .w eeke d at P ort S ydn ey andL M LL I U D L E C 'h s erso rl appreci tion t e. M r i a g e s H Sd enVall e b e andtSt. M tbc guest speaker, and pre- SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO .iobnsevrC bur lcstockSt. *""' ~ ~ mssTP TM P *. scned er itha gift as a Phone 983-5115 tne Oe os"a h e rI ai.ui Âina rcrcINASl JCquart mmnoof ber second visit Fîrst Mortgage Funds Retory"Opor en n Surdat tAPhePI si FullES A P U S Dei e edI T3 it da i McRae si n es r ries ev. andPo r . Her u \ul..e...h / r.. .. . .. a pased 3to t e sidb. ent s cd o y, on Maim;Mntolyy T b t dby bisf el l R e r:o e m e i ven uian d Mn id Mn Ke ITe.A BLE'7,OD. DaIuets0UMs.C HM lastOptsimetnîsas Mn. and M rs. CWaHbt erW ig bt# 1L P E îan s. RtO a r. 143 iMgSt. E - r yvll e rg nand rls.ré a an g thé. Gle Ra D iryFOROLAPPIANESOffice Hurs: By appointmentNe Year' gueste of M~rand Bow m anvielle IGA Fo d i er1< PHONE 623-54«44 g eehoe6335 rs et rgtand aly STTSMNmon. - TesThrs.- riOsawa MssLora riht 98 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 9 a.m *n 5 p.m. Waterloo. spent the bolcays DUVVMRUVILLE CLSSFIDSThurodi evenings wltb the famlly. »oa. naun - j 4"d ut a 9 - la Mr. and Mmu.Wu. Pearo