10 The canadian statesman, sowmanvim., an. 17,w1as 1 oi andC ponImprovement Ass. . ~~~~~~~~~A meeting of teBwa-ewrsDprmn m ville Public UtilteComsplyeAfesmedcus sion was held i h o-teMngrwsisrce mission's officeonteee-avsMrTryinwtn ing of January 9h 98wt fteCmiso' eiin The Durham County Soil; A large number of trials in- Cavan -Township ChaIrman tmmesa s pCrepnec rmCek and Crop Improvement A,;- volving grain corn hybrids., Albert Olan, R.R. 2, Millbrook; sioners K. Hoope n m nrle .L yo e sociation held their annual'early and late corn hybrids, Luther Olan, R.R. 2. Mill- Morrison as wella .Se-CptlEpniueFrcs meeting ln the L1...F. Hall, starter fertilizers for corn, and brook: Donald Lowes, R.R. 1, ens, retiring Coissoe o h er 98t92cv Orno, on Monday, January 8, the effect of cultivation on Cavan: Karl Heeringa, R.R. 1,- eingthe atework an 96. hemetig asopn corn yields, were also report-, Fraserville; Mel Wood, R.R 3, i It waseoved b m o-Swrg eatetw edby the President Wm. Allin ed upon and may be found in Millbrook: Leonard Hender- r sot n seoded yI obed at 10 a.mi. A film on "New the Durham County Soil and. son, 'R.R. 3, Millbrook: Russell fth tn ooer eCara h angrwsisrc Methods of Handling Forage" iCrop Improvement Association 1Kennedy, R.R. 2. Millbrook; ie tCatw eartrfo-e oaseti.h edln wsshown by Ron Suther- Annual Report 1967 which is'Don Stevens, Millbrook. It wasr movedbyIHbsdtupnwchheestm làÎ, Assistant Agricultural available free of charge from ClreTwshpCar seconded by K. oprtaae r eurdadt u Representatve. the Ontario Department of man, Don Staples, R.R. 1,Wmn. Morrison beVc-h1-frhevr fott rpr ,Harvey Wright took charge; Agriculture and Food, 14: Orono; Walter Piersma, R.R. mnfrtetoya emo n upyetmtscvrn et the discussion on the plot. Frank Street, Bowmanville. :2, Newcastle; Gerald Brown: office. Carried tewr obepromd 'irrk ln the four counties Lunch was served by a'R.R. 2. Newcastle; Bob Chater, Upon motion o .HbsTeMngrwsas n (burham, Peterborough, Vic- women's group from the Unit- Leskard; Bill Tamblyn, R.R. 1, seconded byM. orsnsrce orqetteCek fôria and Ontario), with the ed Church in Orono. During Orono: Roy Sawyer, Orono, the minutes of thels euaCnrllrt rag on assistance of Grover Smith, lunch the directors were se-, Seldon Parker, R.R. 2, New- meeting of Decembr1 9:meigbtenmmeso Weed and Seeds Specialist, lected for each township. Foi-.. castle; Newton Selby, New- were adopted asra.CthConladCmmso. $ils and Crops, Brighton, and! lowing lunch, Russell Morri-! castle: Mike Sawyer, Orono. rietA eter dviin ofth . eO. Dalr ymple, Bowman- son, District Director from! Darlington -T o wnsh 1ipIt was m vedb .HbMotco ig W ne ovn v4lle. Alfalfa test plots set out Beaverton, spoke briefly to ChaIrman, Roi Brooks, R.R. 6, hsecnde yW.Mors nio fteOMAadAE en Gerald Armstrong's prop- the group outlining the an- Bowmanville; John Fayer, R.^ taty esigigthoiyr:t ehldiboot ac erty, Fraserville, ln 1963 indi- nual Soil and Crop Improve- R.4, Bowmanville; Gary Jef- afdtety doi oe.ceus4t Mrh6u98 a ed cated that for long-term ment Association convention fer. R.R.3 d oh Te angevws nsrute stands, the Northern varieties 'meetings in Toronto on Janu- Carnet Rickard, R.R. 4, BoCmisnwcueta h t mk eevtin ohs Verna and ayug, aresu- ay 2427 mebersmfmthscommssio rVrtolthedFlemisafael-as,•-27.manville; Wes Yellowlees, R. ---- reuini eeygrne.adsafwh ilbted 1it dh leihalaf Professor Tom Lane fromi R. 1. Enniskillen- Arnold ACrrid.o t unot and Gacier. Beaver, the Ontario Agricultural Col-! Geisberger, Taunton P.O.; RnàAcut fteEeti e g tesfo rco e. the Norhernvaritiesin seae, forlhewaftenoguest Bicklst R.R 4,OshamptoRus-, Cartwright's new Township Counicil held its in- Victor Malcolm, Councillor Gordon Gettins, Deputy . o 1,91.25 afot nh enCnuligEgier1e this test. A test set out on iscse tepace rof mag- Ho -BeT, hi hapn. augural meeting recently and last Thursday spent1 Reeve John L. Hamilton, Reeve Lawrence S. MalcolmDcme 97wr rsn-Teflrto ln td n ortHoFr u 66shproprtydnsumsedtnpeset f day crop Bev. rayownR. 1PoCrimananother evening going over some matters that were Councillors Osmond Wright and Vernon Asselstine' ed for- Commissionapoa.clrntreupetwr Jemh vrietsngApe anprouction, pointng outthtEd. rtve, RR.R1. P3,tort urgent. Members imelude, from left to right, Clerk • It was movedbyLHbs AletrfmW.TDmp Alla did better than Vernal. a siuactory leel cs ofemag- Hope; l oy Kellog , R. 3,ha---- -- ----------- o- _ sen ed . mCorioiecosli egne e "The Flemish varieties," said did not provideldhigh eouten Port Hope; oMholm, R. ae en dpedb Cu-acctste counareppoe audr ubiiin a ed arey Wright, have shown l1 els for liveeok R.1,Hor Hoe;Joh FrguAc l etA copy ofh a letter from Mr a m Isti esofseafy vgoous growth esetatahad beec on o nHowardR 3 ort R.R , PrtC a trf ight Inaug urai Hnt o °ray rds ngCoun n br 67 h nB t wn astchinfnowfrth ew ormagnes um deficiences in Hope; Bert Tharme, Canton, do sprdayd w eds wsre-Defrm 96 er rset M.Ber asra ee ars togseefrany of qant s anremanimais, an ay Harvey Osborne, R.R. 1, Port 'Thle 1968 Inaugural meetinig Depty-Reeve Johin R. Hamil-ment. Roads busines ws n-withapplicatin fbesanserededt waCom on p vvheebignefrhrbs te Fe hvarfeties cne.Poesr aesi ht -of Cartwright Township Couni-ton then thanked Rev. Rom-iterrupted briefly whe theJac .Hmlo t o-scnedb m orso esocm eoeteCm nratch Vrnal In hardiness and the University of Guelph Manvers--Township Chair- cil commenced at 11:30 a.m.;eril1 for his words of advicelClerk advised that eBrucete C as cairmantln of the tat rte.Cconsbi prvdmsio aewsajund tong s wete Bromeu rass variety would be carrying onanex aaanaySton,-.Rhl Bth o Tesay Jnury2n wthan eprssd ishoe orMontoywa pesntbya .CR.Bordunilne a- soreenedcCrred tral erpetotGlennLarm-nsiversachporm an2. awBethn;eHarvapleR.R. the elected members of 1968 continued progress i h onmn ihrgrst onmnstk fie A delegation of ersna tsbdeog ob .te rNettoGusin edatch added that they would prob- JanBetville; Hoarde Malcolm, Council present, Rev. adMs uiia field, stating that'requested three lot severance tvso h oa ....cute.Bti' os ofn brrnestatn temst edco bl ececigwthfr-Janetville; HwJ ackW lo, RtlRomeril, some members of only im this way, would local frrom Fred Trewýini, off Mason were in attendanctodsusshomhigyunvrhul rýome variety, Lincoln, which lemnou.arfs ran 1r2. Janetville; Ralph Heaslip, Ithe Clerk in attenda .ce and miatte oluncit.s rmi n tree. teas f apeoimndake d . gac 'lshould be ahead of in leafi-la large number of questionsR.R. 1, Janetville; Duncanl After completing their dec- o ie exist.s o o .1 onst bwa iecommended ess aferath reovry nd ro th flor iAfer heFowler, R.R. 2, Pon typool; la rations of office, Council Ote ebr fCunciltacosnbegnedyth .. seae esstnc. urngspakr adben hake te enonFali, onypol mmbrssa bckatd isend xtndd es wshs ndMistrnndhi cnvyace IS lZ O 67 tte trefoil varieties, Vik- meeting was closed by theý Ex-official Director -- Har-'to Rev. Romeril's reading ofiBwelcoedumembers of the An *vl ettneredrom heAlanWiso 4,g an E pr aln nin chairman. vey Wright, Soil and Crops part of the third Chapter oflagrlm eig Board ofE uaint Chi -eill be ns werd y the clerke te r 1,,xtures were put on plots Anyone who did not attend Branch, 322 Kent St., Lindsay. Daniel, and his charge toagrlmeigsor hi-eaning wh on s o muh Ine fe hgdyladadwtthe meeting may secure a 1968 Delegates to East Central So~1Il Council to remain true to their'Caman are Grahaom an Vice snckeneeoth uies oadway.cmer1hmetn >épage land on the property membership in the Durham and Crop Improvement Asý- moral and spiritual beliefs, Chaiman il Mlcol than- to the bses -of TheDembiler 19nteeting u i f -Oswki itcellt Poty-Couty lilandCro Im soiaton-m.Alln, o. , ad nt bNinimiate orpereddounil orbhe nvtaton oad eqipmntit aseug-of owmnv aLtnetesdlu ipool, to determine the effectlprovemnent Association fromlNewcastle; Bev. Gray, No. 1.f, suded otherwise by higheri to attend. gestued thaohea and washednt wthe2hmebof of hee ype o cndtios n1heAgricultural Office, 14 Port Hope; A. O. Dalrymple, frs fgovernment. He Temetn te djourned te asce ocre tktakeMollyent wt 0mebr Ahese varieties. oteRorsarninPrno iduwthad Frank Street, Bowmanville. :14 Frank St., Bowmanville. closed his short address with t h i esarn nPrtepaeootetukta-1sAprent.ho treyd Using small plots it hasi Following the annual meet-ý County Director to Ontario prayer after which Reeve-elect .ryfra njybebe owte'pwtlsn o eicoshttr edn ý1n found possible to reseed Ing, the directors held a short Soil andl Crop Improvement Lawrence Malcolm spoke dme.AtrdneCuclper. fic ttion toddraw uener w as erved fet styl Te' ough pasture without work-imeeting. The officers werelAssociation-R. Brooks, No. 31 briefly congratulating newly members, returned to the was deatensd clltedes vicheveryoenj oed The i.ig the land. The procedure elected as follows: Bowmanville; Alternate, Rich.' elected members and wishing bsns o h ewYa. The Roads Suprne e),,d b nes metg wascndLuc -ývolves using the chemical, President, William Allin, R. ard VanCamp, No. 2, Nestle...all an enjoyable and interest-Temnue f h as ied to prnendvetftle b.y residt ColeeLuh :palapon to kill the existingiR. 2, Newcastle; Vice-Presi- ton. ing year in municipal office seimeingweeapprov- as irec e o er cng ove th foloweabyte dwit for0 the *rti iz rand appicationeofdin ope2dViceGray de. 1,Port, Delegates to Ontario Seed to a u sha n in lerwean ro smste t sü vit trfoi. lot wee st roos, .R.6,Bowanvll Comitee Grne Rikar, ENDoLt op e mtyes, Pean ýtuck.for the necessary filling, by little Deidre Lobb, daugh-ý ."'Ïut in April 1967w th th1 e cretary-Treasurer A .Dlo .ORe r a , N r nesM W are pleaser av elco nthe twnhp solito I mbthod truc tn drier oraEdall Ae., ow nil. 22nd CANAD A M&ID SRA s .c-praticander BiTml ,rýmlreluat h t d n pmp, shou. ,Bukto. Mr nds teartdandtr on yre as i iarca tera apnriverce os Thrha n derSu reen od IEM UlIGEXIlNPR meth,0 on d Bof reseedi G rked 1, etensrest ai, enamn T.(en y)Kig c hilrwe a s.tr tRee lo tr hoeposesdovamoulmoung Ho e. i EO TA st incle fied , ith ras RR. uke o tlen G e The assig ofBenjmin Sel SloayicwihdReuoapsntatcartvrhmCoun inors alcounilroed tat wiou 1:30 ant speJnN UARY 2a-25 26.2an96 whih ad nre fairly Larmer, RtRq . 2 eteo;(Bny igocurdsd sh topic " allinRe Rece anl Bord: C c sillCA ounin m in ectmuteedebrougth a closeackvey Gtyusreamsioiktfo orlca amEupetDae ;'Io hsely th p re s e ar. JohnarBonsma,--R.R . 2, Bu re e l a e oia op ths ou ewith te choMr.sing- l o Gensip r ight a nd As- efafte p cr see jo yabl t e s evein g.t M r w odýC LS h W s odrac i n t n e na e ue e tl e r er e R e a 69 as1essdlood-.past wee ashed968ngthe G t em e nC o m e i n a n str t a e e t h une tN e w p i c 2.Northuinberland, England, he sb-zerowater.dWe ave Frank L.Gibsonwhoandaccepted came to Bowmanville and seldomihada-22 dgrees two the positionpagain afterobein rnet od f rseeing ork d ý1, esteton Er est Swa ,re jide n TElgin Stret, exnig htsi ur c cession nd a busu t grant e a r ae ofl$200. r.-m m es o o ni.A ot 1 :0 S na arvd ,bes Iepten ford, three years 1 BukewhenohnWhe -6 degrees th dy etw. Gbonasor.cnmuga worked at New Toronto It has! Ttreally testedroout our Dogh ControfoOfficericatJsame "ýýe sel th pr vlo s ye r.ý ohn Bon ma.R.R.2, urk .Bowmy anvil e Gooda r .opiat a so rceof ws nothe c ry g . t L iv etocIns pecigtr, nW illia until his etirement our isarealy chillywhen aHteaherGForderWarble Fl Inspecto yewars ago, o e ame nd pupils h a o eeplnther wastabed unmtlaaerdae 'J' atchd drIngthenextfew1 Netletn; oe John's RR.Anglic7.an C ahrch. a rs. M, . Foter penta WedinInspector MrlnSd - C m na ds d h e p memboge h ialrsls.1 e er of 6teSs of ng- e aswt r. alt t eceVees aea Is uppiedbytheDuramCouty o-pertiv lNdodgume frla43,yenars,hals and rs. eA. ser wehile 'irnk 1967;Ponds Keaepe ece Ntingowa Lde andibacco. Too cold forte les BthDusor: arae Col th ..OS fWhty H og taelig etreo argeasli;fe.o , You get fullvalue for yor dollar.fwa an avid sprts fan n d Th egrsowobe disbecome Agicutur to nshprpe tstesothatdltl a rmGnrlMtr.Aiei played soccew m n eas.ing asvey poplar easoft seDo nte. m.Fferus or ittafi.S Survivinar, e his wifethetnportaion and ploesur Per o palord . Vnrn ntegiggt og.Hnsm duglh rs, all of Boman msre.Larry Holy is spoahr- C Gr, are Ice ncewspefur atmicrnssio, mersaongtelveyfoand wis e toikeiss C. W. dvas fered util a'aterLawechsa.peie.Frmlsadmls flwcs ooig PhonRO E 983-5404Harrangmsaeideceof tSteator lookin aterth A eqierEr ogB AdacpaiyFr orbg dlswihha adsoldrro 263-2744 983-5063 h r ehJhnsAgive hdRebwke r da , E se s ellwh re edonauto g forlmincp ospr.HressSeurgenssadteplaueofdiig Issupie y h DramCony ooprte laLodge Ladie4Auxilary talo to pers A hertcrry oWn.17negotit alfnancal us- Hre te nwV.ic the Roal CanadianLhegFIon, NIewsato u slae hreon t- nesscwith the Roal Bnk ofs FoialSrvice nforaio a iteatr Fence Nightingale Lodge d' ay .toetothoffiefor the Por Bth Pemrry wa approed goand the A.f140.Sb. H o weekaeve mailnisIcke limi, GogeHasi00e f thed romtheMoris uneal o e-hse utilTueday inormtio reardng ran- p Capel, Bowcrfmane oyecr. iga wy o ar erso en fa everanc, e.resolu-ort 0- p raaug t rv c sh and ads cond eted A.- o a v i e to et t ha t a Bs e ss co e d onhs e t - h abe 4el .Th r' ac oc prot cti n b sur to chek o r pl ns nd trent a s on onwm nl le o e ,o er you wou l like Milton F6:Is r o.e.a pled tot ta d rdo pto a O R N , O N A I a ll onarers w e rth e o f thjob us et now y dtion b inF . e <m hfo - a ls s r aft. » .L .a u o at c tr n mi s pr i--rage. -Measry Lxon Sundays afote- Council as icncull aeem nt,- dtgtr, al o o m noS ia ehdabd re-1 sld prv ieta vile.-:Ing ra in estorm hate co t he u rpo e d ntil aEfora n p ett.summer 4 m l s flo -os ot r n everythin wthan ice.C.Aroundrýttaes. Areoltoea A mong th lovely fi ve toA nsixcao'clockFotheouroungadpasseditthatdconditionderthree lad stewre frelly ngenngr est rictngsad Bdraftplnof - 2 hockey matc-as4they sated subdiisiov to smmerfcotta grat repet e ad w reKndu lfrnt ssr e. T he aine ew au i mitseunirety. p r.Heessylrg ed esa d h lasieo-d ii wars ndthapopanlykept tie pt.sofnel cipalAnfar s for a~d HIG YlLD 35. BU PRDU E WITH wite Rbekh es idsms f h hinister'she reconsideration.L 263-744 983 506 Lode. ý;;iiq Avil Luckilyersadthe to ctheyGo- dtoifi;ng nomtinfr adTrain 'in -from--Pickeri1ng and'warde OteDPýbfr end :left their car ln the parking Minister's approval. Council-' :ot there. On the wav home lors Gettmns and Wright. s rainedi heavily until near1 Four members of Counicil Orono when it was snowing,i considered going to the Ont- CERE DA LE FERT LIZE S iso they managed to get home1 ario Good Roads Convention, safely. 1so the Roads Superintendent alSO We weretvery sorry that Mrs. was authorized to reserve two aiso D. Vannatto of Bowmanville1 double rooms for their accom- passed away during Friday modation-.N THE TWO HIGHEST YIELDS OF CORN IN NORTH DURHAM night. Her husband predeceas.. The question of snow-jVI red her in 1950. Our sympathy ploughing the 20' right-of- T HE TWO H IGH EST YI E LDS OF CORN IN SOU TH DUR HAM Th*"lid'ditKna ai ahfnJh estnsEeyEi a omk t he s o WERE RO nurnber of years up ln the big was approved. before we mark it WEREPRO UCED WITH ibrick house where Garbuttsý Road Bill for Jan. interim EXCELLENCE CE S D EE I I E Slive now. Andrew and Bill live pay mn amount $300 was ap. rG e Pery Brly) ndCecil live Wright. This meeting wasBwMNLE C R S A E F R I I E Sin Bowmanville and Ethel adjourned at 5:30 tuntil 8 p.m. Price quoted includes dney n anln cagsand n ralon aaa ibe a à1rrm idg i (Mrs. H. Barrowclough), Wes- of Thursday. January 4th on Tepceuesadttowgnraalbetuhbihrot dd T leyville. We have heard no'direction of the Reeve. Why are more farmers coming to Ceresdale ? particulars. On January 4th, Counci SEE' THE NEW EPIC AT YOUR CH EVROLET',-EN OYDELE' Guests with Mr. and Mrs. re-convened in the hall with- Mainly because of the product Hatcher Foster, Sunday, were almmers present to dis- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers and cuss the business of roads. On PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4711 BOWMANVILLE 623-7150 Fonkand Mand ,.Mrs.oh ha dndvMer adSiu inteo d s till keeping Jo-Anne, Pat'sdu - dat oLiUlbini terp COURTICE - PHONE 728-6206 BOWM NIL -POE6325 i lItle giL upto-dae on ownsip'eIip|| 1 ! Cartwright's New Council Gets Underway P.U.c. Mutes