12 The Canadian statesnan, Eowmanvflle, jan. 17. 1im A I- l -~- - '-t- 1 F]UFIUMaKeds receve rrovinciai ai Milîso and Saron-ug1xnsotherinteret-n z act hrm were each presented withithis new college. -- I.silver creams and sugars on Lunch of variety breads and trays by Mrs. Harvey Yellow- cheesec were served in the y Milison of Solina. Bottom lees on behaif of the Institute lower hall. 'h eaders of this club, Mrs. Honors, from left ta right, Russell Best and Mrs. Weslevl GET CASH TODAY own, Cavan; Janice Cann, HuIls were presented with FOR OLD APPLIANCES Wood of Manvers Station gifts b.v Sharon Huggins and throuch T, and Karen Yellowlees of' Diane Darch for the club. The TAESA leaders each replied fittingly.EMA The business followed. TheCLSIED Secretary, Mrs. R. Fraser.' Phone 623-3303 BEAVER .........itnebtuos, Leiays, amplifiers and transistors bo wire the world for sound. Ahl these elemnents, big and smaîî - plus At the 4-H Homemakers Achievement Day on Saturday at Dianne Darch, Sharon Huggins and Pegg- somne that we haven't mentioned - work in close Maple Grove, the young ladies pictured above werc honored with picture shows those who won County1 harmony to build a voice patb for you bo almost certificates, pins and the District Women's Institute gifts. Top Mary Suurd, Bethany No. 2; Ruth Br anywhere in the world. No, we don't selI telephones. picture shows the girls who won Provincial honors. Miss Dorc-en Elizabethville; Joyce Todd and Judith Andwe ont slI eolewirspols o itces H amili, Durham County Home Economist, is at left and the others Glenda Brown, Rossmount; Rosalie Parr Andther.But we eplewta puteoeorst are, fron- lef t to right, Arlene Robinson and Patricia Taisma of Solina and Beverley Hall, Tyrone. your ervict e'fra hay otbthecharge. aorksa Cavan, Evelyn Beatty, Elizabethville; Donna Brimacombe, Morrîsh; night your telephone is ready ta serve you. during the storm. ed work-a-day ]ives that willý On Saturday the 4-H clubi make or unmake a nation.1 S *girls had their Achievemnent- The laie Vincent Massey, a! Day. The leaders for the next Ke vh ro r + former Governor General of' Repalrlng telephones lsn't a dui Job, at least unit are Mrs. Ross Beatty and ep rt f.r Canada. hadl no time for the' fo oe epiraninBrtih olmba.On dy Mrs. Paul Woolacott. The! , it-hearted, or the lazy. He! * o en t tefoes rngr' abn o in ot unit wili be "Featuringl was sure that everything a1 hew tt heas w ron swtrne' ai ofn u Fruit" Qatil o e ' j~man ]ives witb and uses bas, wha wa wrng iththetelphoe. e aalyed r. nd rs.J. uanril W o nen s nstîtutes 'a influence on bis work, on the, trouble as a short circuit and traced it tna a adMcee saa ald his opinions and on himself.', nearby vacant lodge which was on the same line at Mr. and Mrs. Quantriî's' MAPLE GROVE W.1I. Mrs. Sumersford met witb the S e u oe htbi.at as te rnge's tlepone Headngmovmens Inide Saurda evnin. 1ones taking the course, after in Canadians will bec.iustified the ragethlehone. ana hgoe m r entssd e, aura eein.The January meeting of1 the meeting. 4-H Achievement and that ur Economy may, lie atted he oor an a uge frl hte ed earthe W. I. was held on Mon-I Day was eld at Maple Grove be sound in the comingi bounded through the side window and dlsappeared day, Jan. 8th, at 8 p.m. in the on Jan. 13. Mrs. Munday Îsi years.' Into the forest. The repairman entered the cabin unIr UARY C. E. Building. i to make arrangements w7itb I M.rs. Harry Ryley chairedi and found that the bear badl knocked the receiver The roll caîl "How can I Maple Grove for the shortlthe business period. It was. off the, book, causlng ail the trouble. After repîacing WALTER JAMES LANE train my cbild ta be a citizen' course on Feb, 22, "Fashion agreed to send a donation of of world?" was well answer-!Cues for You". Plans for oujr $5.00 ta the Northern Canada1 the receiver, gettlng In touch with the awner to -Following a brief illne sied. !Kopper Karnival on March 14iWomen's Institute b fuirtber; have the window repaired he calmly reported the Walter James Lane of Beth - Mention was made of the, were discussed and convener-, thrir work; $10,00 Io McDan-l trouble"all cearedh.anyhomed 8n Beany on Jdan.î mmary Day for "Baking sbîps arranged. Roll Cail was ' aid Institute ai, Guelph; $15 00' *uaryomelitB, 96.Thanyfnealýwîtb Ycast" tb be aI Solin' "An educational program Iifa UNESCO Freedom From se urvice wa198. eld fom the, on Jan. 101h at 1:30 p.m.I 1ike ta see on TV".1 Hunger project. sericewashel frm te Ms. . Bsseand Mrs. N.1 The programn was in charge' The Achievement, Day for: Mackey Funeral Chapel mi e G. ee o eaesfor fMs .W ony ujclocal 4Hcub il"chl Do you have a party lîhie? Its a thnîfty and Lindsay on Saturday, Janu-1, he - o0mkn lb dcto.Ms .Bakaea lpeGoeo aur convenient service. And, Il can ho very pleasant for ary l3th. with Rev. Williami. 4H Hmmkn 9x~duain r.E lc ae iMpeGaeo aur eveyon esecihlywbo siplepary lno tiqett Pircy 0f el any Uniedproject, "Featuning Fruit." Ithe motta "Bunied Seeds Grow' 13th wîth the twa Bethanyý esoered.tsp oally junstmlp loin t Golde 1 i Chrchoffîcia n ited, Itwas decided ta gives$10 But Bunied Talent Doesn't". clubs and their leaders ai-, is osered.It' rellyjustfolowig te Glde 1 Curc oficitin. !ta the Salvation Army, $10 She used the story of the taI- tcnding. The next unit of Rule. You appreciato having the use of the line Mr. Lane was born in Ca-, h etlHathAs-et nte il o ne-study is "Fcaturing Fruit In! when you need it - and so do your party line van township, a son of tAbeý ciation, and $25 to the Board ample. She mentioned tbc; The Menu" and leaders willl pa es" ng sue t a t e r ci er s h ng li late Mr. and Mrs. James[ of Stewards. Our F.w .i.o.,Varlus talents of m n andiattend a training school forl pourc ildrenagood telephoetannobrse, repching Lane, and farmed there for! project is for the McDonahdi women in Ibis day and age. Ibis subject on February 8-9.1 por iy tbese are hn ta holp giesaIpaty g any years. Later ho hvedl Institute Rebuilding Prograrn The guest speaker, Mrs. M Mrs. Thomas Jennings gave une uson hs Iaue tfrom thir telpepanes. Intos in Peterborough and was cm,- and il was decîded ta give1 J. Hutchinson. was introduced bbhe financial report, minutes arneas ere ulvlu rr there rese e l pnes onna ine ployed witb the Canadian 25c per member. The Seniori by Mrs. C. W. Downey. She[of previous meeting;aletr anddiferet ing an ued a ientfythenumer General Elcct'-ic Company. short course "Fashion Clues! spoke of ber trip t Afnica ta from the Provincial President,! * anditns o reusead toughetifuheta nswer Sinco retirement he had livcdifor You" istIoa allvisit ber daughien, son-in-lawi Mrs. Everett Small, outliningý your ring as quickly as possible. Especially in thbc i Bethany. IGrave on Feb. 22nd. with; and grandcblldren in Johann- Ipro.jecîs for the newv year; a' late evcning houns wben youngstens or neigbbors Ho is survived by bis' Bowmanvilc partîcipatîng. esburg. She tnavelled by Pan ado bnsfo r.Rs who are ill may be asleep, It's a real kindness ta widow, the former Hazel At-I Mrs. S. Doyle, convenor afAmerican Aeroplane, stpingiNeals for the bank book withi ai the "partners" on the line ta speedily answer chison; threc sons, Albert afj Citizensbîp and Educ lme. healo isîe nialccuof$0frbe fatian_[ Pretoria, Durban, Capetown. Iinfant son Randy, and thei your ring. That way, you get yaur caîl but othors South Monaghan. Norman Of1was in charge of the folw1Kimberhy, Ladysmitb. Rbodesia ISuoshine box. Mrs. Jenxiings' are not unduly dlsturbed. Peterborough, D o n a 1 d ati ing pragramn. ,n ayohrpae nhd lodslydbro pr home, and one daughter M er-Iý The m otta "In youth \ e in diam ond m ines and the ' so a Ce t n i l p je , a gart. ~ ' earn,. in age we understand"' minI. )Iecihdof the peoples 1 scrap book of local bappen- Aalerr eeEr e was given by Mrs. F. Stevons. living In South Africa, the ings and Canadian evenîs' 1g~, ~ therjît, Donald Lang, Hcrman[ She sai tatbt animais cusîoms of the country, the bbrougbouf, bbc year 1967, ar-ý SMcGil, Jack Palmer, Charles and bumans have the sense of1 varlous foods, fruits and pnices. ranged in very attractive, Weetherilt and Harry Joncs. smeîî, taste and hearing. Thol the price of labour. Mrs. Hut,-i form. Bunial was at St, Mary's' sixth sense, the power ta chinson greeted us in an Afni-1 The roll cahl was answered' Cernetery, Lifford Lne. j reason, is only given b bhu-ican anguage and concludied1with "MY favorite kitchen' mans. We ahi learn by aurl the same way. A vote of gadget", witb many of themi experiences; fnîends add ta tbanks was extended ta Mrs. displaycd.1 our knowhedge and aur ability Hutchinson by Mrs Downeyý Lunch xvas served by the1 S Iita understand. Age is often and Mrs. Wiseman. bostess assisted by Mrs. Carlý jghad ta wean bbc same aId The meeting closed wîtb Portos, Mrs. Ted Spence-!1 1;shoe, content ta, go ahong in God Save the Queen. Lunch loy, Mrs. Lawrence Staples,' ~I 2the samo old way; we h- was sorved bytegru Mrs. Clarence Rowan.1 camne mono lenient wibh age." charge. Canvenon Mrs. H. Mrs. Vincent Jackson won Miss Shirley Woods playcd Couch. A-social baîf-bour was the lucky tea cup pnîze, a Of / wo piano solos enbithed enjoyed. plastic measuring scoop. "Long, Long Ago" and "Rock _____Mrs. Ross Carn expressedi of Ages." Mns. Stephen Jef- the ihanks of the members tai frey gave a reading entitled 13ETHANY W. 1. Mrs. Palmer for bbc use of "I Love Being Middle-Aged." hrhm n otehses MisTanya Russell sang a' Mrs. Ted Spencely had'bi-brcl. bcbst's solo onitlcd "The First charge of the program oniprgruaom terifomtv Sv lChristmas," accompanied by Canadian Industries a thel r a0~0ldisbae 1Mrs. W. Laird showcd sides held Monday nigbl ai bbc his meeting. entitlcd "A Day witb Jake.", home of Mrs. Ina Pamner. This was a travel senies on; Mrs. Jose'ph Ra.iski, Fin '0m- Ontario provincial park siployee of Tilco Producîs, Petî- NESTLETON W. 1. sbowing same of the plant erboraugb, was the gufst andl animal life In aur perks. speaker, demonstraîing man~y he egular mee tig of a ~Mns. E. Green moved a vote of bbc plastic products made'1 Ns esl tonheWme Istiue of thanks toaail taking part Ibere, sucb as hair combç s ersone om e ofMs- ith l son the pragram. The meotîngi bandeaus, harrett3sb oe ho 's' Malcolm Eesno ens kt1day. January 3nd wibb Mrs., rlosed with bbheirepeating of Iravel kits, batbnoom ichard bbe "CollecI" in unison. A vanîty sets. some types o'f Tiher Davison, ca-bostes.s you avesocial haîf hour was enjoyed mach înery geai-s and maulds,lsone President, Mrs. Cecl afborwards. icdock case. etc. "Plastic in ed lsnn esided, and express-1 some ormsis stronger than 1c pleasure et meeting at Mrs.1 sormoforms 1 Emroron's and bhenked thei 'VILsteel. Nylon, Styrene. Poly-llac1jes w-ho assisted In peck-î I Th e roguhar m eeting o hi" h i t a " b x s 1 Bowmanvilîe Women's Is Rajski invited the Instituteiee wcre packed aI miS. tute was beld In the Salvation membens tamakehomo and others' Any ongPopes al nmonts for Iauring tePlant' Thursday. January 4.Thein bbc noar future ta secetheMasisrint wereMnsp isonand meeting oponed with O Cana-lemployees aI work. She aiso Mrs RtTh omps. on and da, the Institute Ode, and thelpresented cach memben ithloMis wRut PorI.lourteen jý A 4~/% Svigs ccun atth ComeceLord's Prayen. A minute'sla plastic souvenir. ofatdese wetnrsor lofoi 41,'17ýSavngsAccuntat he ommrcesilence was observed in me- Mrs. Rajski, along with ber in Port Penny. Mrs. Harny, mary of the laIe Mrs. C. Dunn, two daughters, came 10 Can-! McLaugbhin was also thank- helps you save because it's a littie more difficuit toj Mrs. M. Wiseman, President. ada from ber native Germany cd for addressing and mailing Int or avnsconducted the meeting. Sec-labout 18 years aga and lives!38 cards Iat wee sent tai di noyou ig. Withdrawals from your retery-Treasurer Mrs. I. Mun-1 near Bctbany. The speaker ;former members wbo are w 4V/2', Savings Account must be made in person. 'day, read the minutes of tbe wes introduced by Mrs. Inailiving In ather districts. Dona- C0 /C hast meeting, gave the financlal Pahmer and thanked by Mrs. lions of $8 were neceived taý There are no chequing privileges. The Commerce statement and rcad the con-ICarl Ponteous. , defnay expenses of bbc Christ- - hels oobygivnghigerintretrespondence. A etten was e- Mrs. Clarence Rowan gave' as boxes and members1 hep o, ygvnghge itrscalculated onl ceiveci fromn the Salvatian comments on the program 1 brought an assortmtent of' your minimum monthly balance. Army thanklng the W.I. mcm- motta ",Buy Canadian and icookies, ca n d ies, oranges,ý bers for their contribution at hehp aur Economy." She dis- apples, etc. Think of something you rea/Iy want. Then open a Christmas tIie A donation cussed Canada's import andý Seveî-ah thank you cards' was ive totheW.I. Project expont rade and in conclu-i were read by tbc Secretary Commerce 41/22'/. Savings Acco unt. UNESCO 390. A donation was sion said "The respanse thatlMns. R. Davisn. p FLOOR TILE 12 x 12 Vinyl Asbestos Havanah White or Desert Sand. i6/2csq. Ft. Many Other ero FOR A WARM FLOOR ___ REC ROOM BROADLOOMI Rec Room, Bathroom, or Kitchen, ONLY This Broadloom Can Take ItL Deep pile 100% polypropolene that won't rot, mildew or fade ._ long 09 5 wearing. easy to dlean, needs no padding. 6' and 12' widths. 7 Sq. Yd. CEILING TILE High Quality White Velvetex Tule 13/ a Sq. 3/i Font 5 Cartons or More SHEN OERY RBS EET IVENTRyNC Last of the line clearance at greatly reduced prices - shop early ! - - - - - e $5.00 each - - - e - 50c Bundie 2 ODD LOTS LUMBER ASBESTOS SHINGLES WIDOW FAMESMWIDW SORT ALUMNUM WINDWS3"ad4 NELSON WATER BOWL PLYWOOD CUTTINGS ODD DOOR PANELS DISPLAY 'OMPLETE WITH SINK and TAPS - UPPER CABINET INCLUDED - - - FROM$1.50 Up - - - $1.5 EacI, 10cEq Fh - O - - - - * l$1.S5. Ft. - , e - SAV $120%Ec NowlAl2,o%! DO-IT-NOW BUDGET EVER kAsk About Beaver LUMBER STORES *Budget Plan for 96 King St. East Phone 623-3388 Bowananvlli * Go Now - k Pay Later STORE HOURS: Monday - Thuraday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.ni L e~~Ation ! Oe rdyTl :0pm lsdStra tn Open Frlday TiII 9:00 p.m. Clous,! Matî,rd~iv =1 n'~o. -*~~0 j e t' r '~ 1 ELIZA&BETrHVILLE thurch services were herel was served. éunday. Rev. J. A. RamjitlMr. and Mrs. Don Whitbred aboke on The Lord Is Myla irls Oshawa, spent the ahepherd. Next Sunday ser- L. Mulndrewih. an r *eu are at Canton -at 1il a . m lr ,On Wednesday the United Mr. and Mrs. R. Westheuser, Church Womnen met at Mr.lBowmanville, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson's homne. and Mrs. H. Thickson on theý Ienew president Mrs. Ki weekend. lrew conducted the meeting.' Mr. and Mrs. J. Currier, MclitrhdtePr Hope. visited Mr. and ~us Christ and the Chris- Mr. and Mrs. R. Russell, a ife". The minutes were Beleville, visited with Mr. read by Mrs. H. White, The1 and Mrs. E. Fowler on Sun- eussed. Our Renovation Fund Most of the schools closedi and the empty cburch shed Monday due ta the storm.1 were dlscussed. We also made On Sunday a number of cars, 1an for alur Congregationilihad considerable trouble g et- eeting on the l7th. Lunchifting oven Poplar Hill here!1 BELL UNlES by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Recently someone asked me "Do you seil telephones?" 0f course I said No." That's right, Bell Canada doesn't seil telephones. We seli service. That telephone In your home or office or store is just a small part of a very large, complex com- ~Tmunications network. Wben you lift the bandset, a nation-wide service organization of skilled, res- ponsible people is placed at youn disposaI. Connected ta your phone are more wires, poles and microwave channels than you'd need bo string a circuit bo the moon and back. Enouh swCuifphes ,- .....euv ina Uunty nonors ar ALhee etD yWe" and our correspondent ln BUl- Mrs. WUll Ashton. convenor ton. of Home Economics a n d1 Mrs. Russell Vice reported Health preslded for the pro- a n the Christmas calîs and gramme and called an Mrs.1 gifts given before Christmas. Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin Mrs. Best reported on the who chose "Spices and Herbs" Federaïsed News. for her very excellent talk. twsanucdta r. She sald It Is better ta uflder- H. Milîson and Mrs. J. DreGb season and taste for the de- would lead the next 4-H Clu sired effect. SaIt brings Out "FeatrnFui" the flavour - do flot overuse.i uribrn Frit". trbtig For fresh pepper. grind your Orbac scnrbtn ownas t i neded Pasle tothe fund which is being ownas t s nede. arseyraised for the 75tb Anni- is the only herb that has any verayo adnl al food value. A booklet "Noti ersar fMcoadHl on Spices" by Canadian Spice Gep nvriy ocitio 197, 5 vry n- The president announiced« formative. Mrs. McLaughlin Iexecu tive meeting would conducted an interesting quiz hl tbrhm nJn ~h on 3 pics.These were in Our Casserole Luncheon 1% *their containers with the ýboe o ac 3h o 7 names tapea ov r and wee program following , Laton 's passed around for the mem- will present a Fashion Acces- bers to see or smell - or taste- sory Display with models. (Resuits not known). It was decided to set up a Mrs. Will Ashton read a budget towards purchasîng poem "Mother's Bread". The, drapes for the ball. The ex- singing of The Queen con- ecutive will discuss this furth- ~~ cluded this part of the pro- er. Roll Call. "How to En. gramme. joy Old Age" followed. Mrs. R. W. Jackson's group Mrs. E. Spires, leader of served the usual delilous group on Historical Research. lunch and a social time was then took charge. She read a enjoyed. The vote of ap- poemn on the New Year. Mrs. preciation was extended by Donald Taylor gave the mot-. Mrs. Milton Fisher. to, "The Past Should be a Guide Post, Not a Hitching Post." and gave suitable com- SOLINA W. 1. ments. Mr. Everett Cryderman The Solina Women's Insti- showed slides on Expo. Otta- tute met at the hall on Wed- wa, a Western Canada trip nesday, January 10th with ancd local scenes. These were President Mrs. J. Eakins pre- ýcomnmented on by Mrs. Cryd- Isiding. e m n After the opening our 4-H: Mrs. R. Vire thanked the Girls took charge. The Club!Cr ydermnans and others who just completed "A World of assisted with the programn. "> Food in Canada". The girls 1 The president announced hada xii set up. Sherri 'that aur February meeting Lne ln appropriate costume, would be on Feb. 14th when gave comments on the exhibit. Dr. Willey, President of Dur- Three of our girls were hon-J ham College of Applied Arts oured for completing their adSine would be the Provincial Honours at this1 speaker. He will discuss time. Diane Darch, Peggy courses available and anv GO $2.95 1 ALL MUST r7abu4uisy a& noua 1