r t DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED c/ aaàlt-BOWMAINVILLE - ,-.-....--bc- , 3-1 and arp728100aBo (9, Bowmanville, and Phone623-7591 a 10 Iers omhmebnao R EGme e v.3 I .t'Éff t S % 'O s h aî ba a nd e a l m7 2e1 0 0 5th e y 1 l b e c o t t ed b y M r 1 0on e f r o m $ 1 ,2 0 0 u p ino g a n d i d i n g ro o m . S m l o r f r a y nw e e t w RT- - À sa a E G i STERp DA me C r c a hge selection of new and 723-0976 Ede. 22*or acreditgeedtlot newctstof A tAN NwAE k i o u p s , s m a l l s i z e ,r w h i t e . u e rsn w m h i î s , a e l-- - 1 . 0 . C a l . V n D k$ 1 5 0 enr Hospital onSatumdav,;Blackstock 986e, s wl stramln886 vrd anuary 1.. 968,Elizbeth-216. 31' . Riror Smaill We Do Them Aj %ne Vannatto. 92 Elgin S& ,CHARMING-pets, registered' 1-SOWMOBrE CLOHING F;Wmanvlp formerlyv nt Peklngese pnîî .nn e,.,, ýý- - j 1 10 CRES-iwito iovely 3'ý After Houri Please Cali: Dn ---j- edroom home. Modemn kltch- i OR I Af(er 9 p.mn.: en, diing room andi living iDck Metalf 623-51.93 im oom with bar. Asklng $16.000. Harold Peck - 986-4252 .Pat Yeo- - 623-3077 1iCali: Harmy Cauitts. Mac McDonald-- 623-3911 176; Ke okn2-05Afer Houri Please Cali: Wlf Hawke 983-5274 Terry Mastrs 623-3792:________ Man er Raus . 623-3605, Don Mountj0y - 6331 Tenders W anted Joe Barnoski - - 723-57 8" Phyllis iMeRobbie - 623-7 159p TEDRCL als Rosi Glbart - Orono 983-5533 Rosi Davdson - ethany 3R2 Ta supply and delver onle Roy Foster - Orono 983-58011 George %VanDyk - 623-7437i U -Lnikttuck. Ail tenders ta Weston Banîster - W14esley Anderson - 349-2669 ibe made or 'I'nwnship FoýriS., Garden Hill1 797-22i5rHarold Coutts - 72,5-2643:Clos.-Ing date of tenders, We.f> 'Howard Farder .IDorothy Samîis - 372-2974 maySt.168't Brook lin 655 2853 Ross Davidson, t1 George Beaton We lIt Photo M.L.S. Clerk, 24Part Perry 985 -29871 and Exclusive Township of Manvers, 2.1 B ethany, Ont. 3-1 ïïàuî",-agèd 91"'Y'",four -maIppces. eenci Use ýsOIÈ - ate.Davld Vannatto,.657.3-larcneet dean mother of Andrew and . - -TIME PAIENT PA William. Port Arthur; Eva i Articlesàfor Sale ' 1rices start as law as .M.Percy Burleyl, Ethel!P" s.Leonard Oughtred)Ê, ùu.AIO, l4týowing meth- $9 1irliey and Cecii. Serviceod with rock woOl. Work- oi198Mll Was beld ti the Morris Fun- mark.hip guaranteed, F r e e o 98Mdl et. Chapel, Bowmanville. on lestiîmates, Harry L. wÀacie, UNITED RENT-ALL ~Ui~day.1 2n'cock.Sm-Phone Newtonvile76-26 Biry interment Lang Vut:- 8t' &M RN ___________USED wser rî-oos AIE i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T h o r a rn d . M o a t r s 5 5 5 s K i n g S . . a t W i l s n t tîsed line of funiture. Padci 's Ohw BOOM and board for lady-iManket, Hampton, 2324,Tlpoe7856 Phone 623-3568. 2-3 42-tf 1 e41 Acîction sale. property f Mrs. B. Watembouse, 21,5 Col- borne St. East, Whitb, will be held ai Stirtevant's Acîction Hall. 33 Hall St-. Osbawa;, on ISattua day. January 2Oth, at' 1 P ni. Modemn and antique! fumniture, Gone With the Wind Lamp. chesterfielci suite, refrigemator, full freezer: an- i tique rocker, colorec 2.9" Phil- i CO TV, like new; spool bei,j loilet set. ndd chairs, hall mir- rom andi table. dressers, vaCUuIm lef.aner, pictumes, pine teach- er's desk, rug%, garden tools. 85 etc. Term cash. Myles King auctioneer. 723-0501. 3-i I BE SURE 0F QUICK STARTS THESE MORNINGS E Bring Your Car in for CHECK -LP and TIUNE-I'P Nil work donc by licensed mechanies KIng St. W. Bowmanvîliel Phone 623-3134 1 Don Brooks & Sc GENERAL CONTRACTO PHONE Re-modelling ALL TYPES lIe Floors and Ceramnic Wi REC. ROOMS Custom Builît New Homes AIse V.L.A. Yota Namne It- We Do Il FREE ESTIMATES The Canadian Statesman, ewmanvML., :an. 17?, 196 I E r f i Birthis! In Memoriam j Articles for Sl Lost1 Help Wcmted 1 Work Wanted Ra Estate for alielEstate Teua..Liln , A N S-Thomas and Marla ADAMS-In lving memory S AW fr sale. Cal 723-1.308. O E ai m n'0ba 1w-; PART-TIME female help re- 9gn chool girl ke O O ,cls to T u on d. OR S L BY EN RÀ. L - - _o _ 'ihwould lSalel OROl for SaleosRealTauntonRdforORSale ar leaed ta announce thelof Dad and Mother who pass-l .-i ý Ing shoes nt Liberty BoWwoniquired for restaurant work.1 baby-sitting job. Teephone!and 115 Highwav, new buna __avil birh f their first child, ed away Jan. Sth. 1938 and iýV SNOWPLOUGH. -$60. -Tele- ýSunda., January 7th. Phone Experience preferred but not, 623-3053. 3-1*:lows and spîît level. OchuIsia.BmnileBadmi nAD 198 a emralHsptl Atouhweiil ndmk poe rno93-94. 31728-2956. 3-1, necessary. 725-0277. chan1sw wrk.Construction. Phone 983-709 Club. King St. E.cmrsn Stephanie, on January loth, Jan. 30th, 1961.phn ro 983-597. 310.9hansurwr. Lots 30 and 31 I lc NUAC 1968, fe peialHsthaks o u esm CARTRNnd en'sWearBLACK Cairn Terrier, Maple WAITRESS, _reliable and ex-- Reasotnable hourly rates. Caili ____51 - tfaccording toe rn~ ln wears black leather coller aod For Interview call Honey RE-UPHOLSTERING -- S-atis- eaed tndrst b ac10'2-76 nurses. 3-1* than us, WAE or sale and delivered. tag 464. Please cati 623-738 Hollow Restaurant, 98-20.fction guaranteed at Whyte ýYOULRn ..Rr,.rTY?i aidb 0 fpr AndKEY-Lloeo and Ellen recaîlCall Cliff Pethick,63-t13.Reward. - -- 31I--3 74%8,Bros., Phone 623-5251 orl l mon 1gb-Prosect tree Sale-ioe n Ele ecl 8t A LISTING WJTH ey1Nt ecesrlh Mgickey wlsh te announce the That Is when we miss __hem--- -for DIRECTOR needed for Ex- 623-5252. 20-tf lest or any tender t eacp- utLse -Ol er H A Y o r s le . all e wto - J a r s o r S l e elsior C h oir f B o w m an v ille. - d 5 bs. of a os.,Mak onauarvlads, mssedfandil.ys ille 786-2240 after 5:30 p.m. j---- ---- _- Please send applications to A. B A A R -SCHOFIELD edeors bdrom bugao 5 lb. 1% os.,on jnuavi-adl mised nd lwaslv 3-1'57VOLS3-1N, 95.VOLKSWA J A.Nrnu$95... 1rs.buaJ.14aA. I, 1968, at Memorlal HospitaÏi remembered by Pearl and AIf, Pa no -s- 623-3862. Ca1, TurnbullTendRs .R I Bowmanvllle. A brother for Ruby and Earl and familles. !PFISTER Pa oo eed Bowmanvllle. 3-2 Tndrsshlue frwîdd i & motgeeaAs iIn Kelly, athy, Aan and3_I* cor. F. W . Werr3y, Phone ' D D E sato a o ,C ARRIERS - wanted, go od 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville of .'Osh aM se el. 19 Li et 1,0. T r s Michael. Thanks to Dr. Svl --- 263-8893. 1 good running order, $6 or0f s bestoffer. 623-2752. 3- route on King West. aise one 1-tfssre o pomtSt. --N., --Bowmranvil.~Sr vester and nurses on Matero-!pCLARKE-In loving memory rNEARLY new Peerîess grain -- - Lambs Lane and Elgin. Hi gh-È - w-ll -RF- CTassurfient aonfLprosmpti lty. 3-1f a dear husand and father. iroller. will rolcron. 19hMee est profits. Cali Port Hpe E N E P R E TC l 3-1Allan Clarke, who passed Welcome 753-2292. 3-2* 16 M tor 8522 collect. Ca1* ivEL D L PhoneCATLE-8u5-2125 oolPlumbing - Heating D LE DREA.M H US skn$0.0.Tr. STUTT-Donald and Gladysaway suddenly Jan. 16, 1962. STUDEBAKER Srie tw-r Station PubacScoo their ýChonse1 from ontr lctnorl'Io tre 'i Sadly missed and alwaYs re- land used parts. Graham's!l requires full time janitor. Ap- -avleRpeettV auh hert fter Jayne Ellenatnd on Jams 3-1 GaraCg,416-263-2233. 43-tf j Lc o 80XPYi rtnsaigqa Phone 623-3540 and arrange to discuss the we1 I ul rmyrpas ero rc.go an Osuhtew anel Hospitian n Jme. T3s-1trs .0x5 aon lhBle nelrfications and expeience if any apon ed lots a eauiun 1.0.Tr and salamy exBecged, by Janu- 78 ONTARIO STREET niatter with hlm . . . on fulotseri ,NHAaithmcnra:grg.Ak ModaJaury1, 98.AGISN-oloig îmoytires, tubes and wheels lîke atoaietasmsio.pw-Scrtr, ecate 22____38tLlno Mody aur 5 98 ISNI oigmroye352 V8 motor, dual range ary 27, 1968, to E. S. Barchard, BOWMNVILE Tee 623-5638i ParkwayCes ntHdn sister for Michael. 3-1Ilof a dear father, George w. ocw. Phone 623-5269. 3-1] .8-t ata55 WatLI GTON ST. SI RDIVIION 2 Acre lotNewcastaele2-o *~Gbo Engagement 15,y Jan4' tRWOcODrsabs, $30 engt' er steerlng, power brakes., GOOD -Man Over 40 for -short ACKERMAN or 55 iLL at teONIST.a LhryS.S omnileKn.Cvry -232~ Engagement Dear1964. ou are ot J A Crsawden tlepghne radio, power rear Nwlndow and trips sur*rourciding Bowman-orai matheOswa AetyS..- I - A. arscaddonliele1.ne, - Mr. and MÀrs. Chris Van forgotten, 983-5769. 3-tf! many other extras. This ville. Man we want is woth EXCAVATING Office 723-2265 LwDw amn up to $12 000 in Y ea, pu O D NG - T E C I GBal.-nce on 'onv enet N H A to announce the engagement, no more, or appliances, caîl Elmer, gone over and lis la excellent ' President, Dept. TF. P.O. Box Fl eive P d 494f' «If their daughter Rit, to'StilI In memnory you are with Hampton: business 263-2294- condition. Sale Price In ony 70, Station R, Toronto 17,FIDeierD~'~. RBEIT Marten Stel, son of Mr. and USHu AERSRIEnuD JER Mrs. R. Stel, Newcastle. No, A.% you alway., were before. res-den e 263-295.003tfReasonable Rates ea LI ae Phone 62.3-2263, Bo ani e a d GE RA I SU A C weddlng plans et present. 3-1, Ever emnembemed by daugh- FOR excellent quality pears, $145.0ATENTION: If 1 cao find an 62LIM_ _______35t ter Marion and family. 3-1*1apples, apple cider, lowr prices, CASH - TRADE - TERMS honest man with a car l'Il set REA6_LBWANTOE______ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u am.andMrs Rber StpFruit Market,.j hlm up in his own high income FOR RATO 2 ig t W owavîî lsA. 6, Bow ngagle m is e HfOf dEar -n oig me o Highway' 35, south of Orono, 1A rt's C rbar et ises dserveats iness. Th i ck&to e o k,21 King Si. W...Rowmanvilie P E T E R SIvs mn. ad bsns hi agtrPatricia, te Mm., Winifmed Holmes, who passed TYPEWR1'rERS no $ do., $2'ya. moe eqieit ureplaces Merober Oshia\,a and District1 REALTY 1LTD.,2-78 prprtsfosaeTlphn ryle Wichman, son of Mr. and away January 30th, 1962, and[ wkly, cashiers, ddes. Trades, 194 - 196 Chrch Street start. Appl.y to Orvus J. Smith, office forgdetaeet. MrIs. Joseph Wichman, Bow-!ntur father, Wallace Hoimes,,terms. entals, service. Bill BOWMANVILLE. ONT.i Burketon, Phone 263-2330.2C 'ALI, Real Estate Board 10 iSret atO sh b an ounhe eddIt a later who passed away Januamy Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160. Phone 623-5064 MAKING a change? I vou1 OXFORD) BRICKLAYERS 82 Acres, OshawaRetosrvc tQ e an u cd n Itr l0th, 1967.45t 3-1 1are thinkng of making a P O E O O O 9350 Paved oadi frontage, fasti BOWMANVILL. le iltlctin -Frsl rlae date. 3-11 Those we lve we ever lose, E ON I IO F.TV t[eç-change, because or unsettled PH NR N 9 35 0 trea mn,. 10 room ouse, large bedroom brick hom , c nrl 2 Ol(- N w 3 b d o , - - For always theY will be, !and rotors (trade-ins, 40, bolL ivestock For S l 'conditions in your pesent or 983-5626 barri. apple storage. 7 acres locatioii, amily roo,nn- bnalw. C nrl H Mr and M ms. J. B. Watchorn.; Loved, memembered, treasured' andi 60 font structures; al In LSa e field, or for aniy other reason, 4:1-tf airhard. Must be solid at once moarn. verv cdea, $00)c a Kingston Tasmana. wish tol Always in our memory. !excellent condition. OshawaLACOMBE, serviceable age, this mav be your pport unit. for health reasns. Only monthy - $14.500. iadt~ announce the forthcomning1 - ýEver emembered by theTV Supply Lmited, 723-8131 premiumn a n d commerciali A Canadian companN as an BARNES & BYAM $6.0-Tem.Mdm pitl'l Slf marriage of their daughter fam ly. 3-1 boars. Hampton 263-2142, opening for a salesman in L 5 B N & HE T GI DUPLEX - $00 d w, cnanr ae et a at Lesley Joan, to Dr. Robert -- - - upolserd - Nc oino.31'Bwavll.TI s aeSALES & SERVICE Highway Tobacco Farm 2, Clare Aluin, Brookîln, Ontario,!'JOHNSTON --n lovlngj me- bed -chester field, bmown nylon UREBRED A n g u s bull; oppotunity wbicb offers an P4anURl8lacds .B.ng-moom wCONERith son of Mr. and Mme. Clame E. momy of a dear husband and..- :Yrks2ie-HOURbe - 38 acres M.B.R. Aluminuin e- 'Y' 1plete with shelving niqî-frpae Allun, Bowmnanville. The mar- fter on lxndrJh i-oe bed-chesterfield 0 n 1 mkshre2L7ome sevice Incme ad mrntn. adanal - Brne father JohnAlexader Jhng-,able boar, 4 chunks. Alfalfa, ment In accardance with \oum î Bre Service genos :Mége will take place on Fr1- tn h ase wyJn green space-saver. Wh 'vtc fi and second cut hay.ow,,n aiix pcaed train- SEPTICTAK AND a grsiepr Ounwnpse wyJn rs postr,6355'frtaiiy pcai greenhouse 24 x 130, nwmet5ea poruiy o 2Bdooi-fiihd ae clay evenlng. February 16, In l7t 1167.Bro. Upolserys62-522 aylngwMtodeANn l7t, 96. 23266.3-1 gwi personal assistance, TILE BEDS fre klo, on. odm ressvee HRso.mn,-aFce aae rr Kingston, Tasmania. 3-1 Away In God's beautiful : 2-266 a salarv and bonus, and a ro oe an49x8.T OR i HLE re edcr t urnedpnin hnPHONEtroom oe, a qmn 5 In-8:Attvacte 3HORSELVR-e o eIa 100 Forhco ingSheltered from somow and 'competitîve prices. Telephone ap plying state age, marital lungiratosyem1-lwwthbeet panNewcastle 987-4474 for pick- TWO-BEDROOM apartment. status, business experience -_ TYRONE 263-2630 __ cluded at $$63,000 - $1,5,ntîo 2 bathrooms, attaedgrA..Coe --6-24 Mrriage Safe In God's wonderfui up or deliverv. Best quaiitv 623-3143. 3-11and educational backgroundI T h e e m i - n g e r iLasek eo fn g P i d e S e e C o n oks u c e s f u l B A H E LRri d eo e - b d r omd' aCAor "i sro f1 . / o h e I I . N - R ud o n . g e , A LSLb a n f rn dh o s e s D . A . a c G e g o - 8 7 - 2 6 Patricia Maguire, daughter of ý Until we meet hlm agaîn. !and new varieties from Gerald apatment. Phone62504 Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box Painters j8 50 roe, bOsan a P 15î8hoeACRE F A -Moe P.Kwlr.- 6358 Mr. John Magule of Bow.- -Lovng wife May and fam- Brown, Browview Farms. 2-04 190, Bowmanvile. _3-4or 1 level land, 5 miles O)shawa' acre spring-fed podlag inanvlle, and the late Mrs. ily. Fera, Keth and Neil. 3-11 3-2 E _ Sa d De o a :onrrrrôt.O ly$7001an -oehn aur e L ry TWO-roomed heated apart- L A D I a d D c r t rs creErpet. OI 3706 bm1U~ J ~ £ Y U - Jose hin Mag ire to L mryi S dinr ce tral Ph ne 6 3-7 67.27 Elgin S . - Bowmanville -Term s. ~î E L O Igrant Howe. son o! Mr. and!- lmuu ,31* OFFICIAI, HOSTESS to visit no, 6337 6 Acres, Hi.-hway 115 Audrey Plain 62-$ Poe - Mrs. Donald Howe of Oshawa! NESBITT-Tn lovîg memory I y ALCAN 31 the homes of Newcomes, Phone .. 623-375Ec300t7 oo le to be solemnIzed on Satur- 'f a dear sister AlIda (M s.lWindows - Doors - Railings ONE-BEDROOM apartment,lfNewlvweds, and New Babies,'__________ 26-tf E clet 7 ro storey Dorothy Vivian 23-18 r G rd n ech 6 -5 5 4iy, February 10, 1968, t 3:30 1 Marvn Nesbtt) who passed and Patios After 6 p.m. cal 623-5155. bringing themn "husewarm-- frame omne, panted barn 1 Howard Wight62-54 B w nlle Vey ut a.. t TrInity United Church, 1away January Pth, 1961. Free Estimtes - (aaillocal informa- SEIC TANK 1 30Oroýn o. ore5fm o015' bôwmanville. 3-1 None knewr hem but to love HARRIS ALIJMINUM SALES APARTMENT, $80 monthly, ' tion, while extending the wel- CoGrihwy An 2700JhnF.Derh ithonfiise1rcrato h er, R.R. 1, Hampton 4 rooms. Phone 623-2057. ýcame hand of the community. PUMPN1 gha.Akn$2oo Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas H. None named hem but Inb Phone Oshawa 725-6064 3-1 *, Your own part-time boums. WHITEWASHING STABLES j erms. rJmoexralagegaagDEv G l l a g h e r o f B o w m a n v i i le p r a îs e , 2 - t f --? 0 A r h w F r E L E T T w ish t o announce the forth- A nd w hile she lies In p acefu l V E R N A 'S V a iety & G ocery , A ad Mîde N, u$75 m on thl . ale S R V CEHa C na ia F m m Ph no N wt nv li 7 6- 55Eun er anO- cî oi e a R A L O R's ap d o , Mc ol e oc ti n corning mariage ot theirý sleep. ýBuketn---Weekerid Specials: 623-2318. 3-1* with Branches in every prici- Cali Collet lai ol E clen tae, 1 Fa k St ow a vli in çlaughtem Sandra Diane to M . Hem memory we shail aways iMeat- Prk Shoulders 43e lb., Phone us for morellnt2 Informa-Frnk i. B Sidney Stel, son of Mm. and keep.î Pork Butts 59e lb., Cut Chlck- p STORE, ample storage space. pal clty and town cnast to ---r W,. Romke Stel, of R.R. 2, -Lovlngly remembered by'en 39e lb., Blade. Steaks 69ce Available Immediately. Tele- coas, oeds lad.ae3ta R POLTR 8ambrgeick oue,2bath- I ýpoe6321.3-tf s5, 'wlth a car, and organiza- YOUR CHESTERFIELD i7 1,3 0 odad CEFR aig41 omhmgrg n e talte place Februay lth at'É-!Groce ries- -Solo Margarine 23ec MODERN, eated,_ 3-bedoom i on b i ness w o fwant a R C A IRS ON stream. This Is one of the Iih a , 4 bedroom odm c dd lt.prc o'clock In St. John's Angl- STEPHENSON In- lovng b., Javex, 32 oz., 25c; Culv-lapartment, Mill St., Oono, ýwn. No nvestment. om- n hlig. h r Askrn can Church, Bowmanville. i'emr of my husband, ,erbouse Cream Corn, 19 oz., $110. Omono 983-9171. -31 mission with exclusiv'e terri- 623-5252 ship. Pmiced at only $65.000-$3.0.ems 3-1wIl let James, wo pasd. 4cKm 3etn - TWO-berîmoom self-contatned tory. Complete training ar- \HY EBO. $000dn.ICtrlvoat:Lrg awa la t J nu ry 2nd R EM N A N TS- -Janua y Clear- apartm er . im m ediate p s- ranged. W rite A dvertiser 872, I 0 CRolocpet 10oo edAcreo s li b ick ho e, h o Deaths lGone dear husband, gone ance of material emnants, 10e isession. Poe6336 e coTeCnda ttemn P O SE yCoce10 Aires Parcelof IGPre a nly$.0.Cîl ae'etng aho ALLIN-At Memnoral forever, each and up, ideai for cushions ý5. 3-1 ýPO. Box 190, Bowmanvile.«-t f owmavlle on paved road r' ItalBowmnvile. o Thus- iHow we miss youm smiling,,or sMali chairs: also leather-iA ________ 3-1 on],, $6,500 ci l't1)AC RE FARM wt c-cue ogrg n ae face, a y 11 1 6 , ler 'ette pieres for kitchen chairs;' R ME T b aed-val i.---___i JA C B U R E SSoom brick home. O1 etd, die day auay1,16,Abt.But you îeft us ta emember quantîties of yard goods, suf- be00;mdm 4rosI Personal 0AceIewate rce ah.Br - - JACKnR.. 3 Nw- -Askbat.ngpy pricer,!OI$23.900.FUNAES Lliin, i ,Ne-None on earth can take your: ficieot to recover your chest-.adbt.Apl aeae,'___________'I URES-FRA E x0clt1 res c omte 1pce5, bt. mo. AsngTms castle, In is 88th year, bus-' place, erfield. AhI mcst be cleared Apwan 3, 16 DivisionESt. Supplies-(Rubber CLEABNG E RS new hans 50 x 112, 3o1 x 40,:FAIN 401 HIGHWY ef-cntie prmns band of the late Beatrice A hap home we once at Drasticalîy Redcîced Prîces . Bo ma'vîie.3 7*goocis) maied postpaici in ceLtIMBING REPAIRSer FoP-' ACre IG 7 ro ]Brown. dean father o! Myrtle en,îyed. Sale now n at Whyte Bros. APARTMENTS, acints only -1 plain sealed envelope with PHONE HAMPTON ýertv, terrifie valcue t $65.00-Ind.ro sac ise ctcayha- eMrs. Robin Alldred'>, R.R. 3, How sweet the memory stihl; Upholstemv, 55 King St. E., One furnshed, heated; two un-! price list. Six samples 25e, 5 TeMrs. ln barn. Stream.Akn Newcastle and Nets (Mis- But death bas left a ionelness Bowînalie. 3-1 furnished, Ideal for older 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order I63211 $35,00 Terms. c.Dcbehaeigrg bràter 0f eda (Ms.h Freda: The world cao neyer fuil. - couples. Rent reasonable. 'Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co..!Mail Address: Restaurant and Apartmet 16ACEFR:wtgodesetat$.0.Gveu Ciouh) aod da (Mm. FNom- --Lovingly remembered bv For Better Apply Statesman Office. 51-tf 13ox 91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52 P.O. Box 43- Bowmanville xeîetrpuaintfo bildng. ACRE stRm. oe:nof wloundcblden 3anVdecpton LOEL mde 2berom MANoLyquckreieEfrxce30tffie n lac uat on frghbaipondgsitae. skbg$500.wt mso.Eceln n man Sais), Newcastle. Serv- I n'L V LY m dr- --ediom'-- ZN L uc rle fr - - -- -lI- and1,Y ýly ponvilagete.th f Bow lice was beld la the Morris 1T jcpto luuy prmeefrugersomot fmut or - - 15ad35, lot 100 x 190.,Caîl: Harmy Coutts,72-69 Funeral Chapel, BowmanvIlle, WISEMAN -la lovIng me-1 get a TOIVER or AERIAL building. Ail services sup-'white canker spots, dental manvîlle,'eat fressae $950 Servie Sttion:Gar er modent 2 Bowma n _île l m d nted Debre . M66. instailed by 'plied. Bmoadloom, inter-rom. plate sores, tender guins, with and $12,000 dowrîbiligs.ipln termet Bomanvile Cme- ýied ecembr 25 196, No ease PhoNo623ease7.! Phonee's623-7587. MdiFletchers Srviceme-MauichtaMcdi-e tr.3.1, Sbe sleeps In pence, perfect T.R.J.O. Antennae 3-1 cine, $1.00 ai Jury & Lovehi -lineSevc bidng.Pieierlkrs sin rie$8.0.__ - ELLIOTT--At Memorial Ho --Fondly remembered by A. GOOI) SERVICE 'WE have a himited number .and Jarkons rusBama- omerial nd Dk oest CarWs 01r ioulaeselJc 05--SÎ 1-peace. Gvile; td leasem vaîcia. ofbleIn-'san chle iqos, wtrbc.Lag pîtal, Bowmanville, on Tues- Wright- - 5OU RFSION of units available on a month- ill;St3-1Pamay PoohRfigron - iRT Coer s tinin h4a,000f- Bowman. rikqutec ExlenRICARD day,~l Jaur 6 98 daAlToesiYa urnedI ental basis from October 3h PoeBR YR Akbg$4Oî-Trs soil, stream, lovelyhoe2 May Cryscale, R.R. .1, New- WRIGHT-In lovng _memory 1- For Information - Cali indoor nnd outdoor swimming 1ane, pimrples and simiar Nights - 623-3177 ba1 om.Olhaei t. of thleHrbert erg îe Toma de usaan nci f17 the956.728-5143 pools, sauna bath, exerciseiblemishes. Hv' dsoltn will help i T rHardware equippeci, $46.000 - Temms. buildings. Excellent soi.Cm ofth lteHebrtGerg Tm dedJatir 1. 95. -om. Apply Flying Dutrh-,clear your complexion. Clear, 1Imtndiaceo Elliott. dear mother of Mar- ýMemombes are like thmeads of or man Motor Inn, Bowrmanville. colorless, equally effective on __ and ELECTRIC Bi pVLL OMS Asking$42000stane t Ohaa ga et M ay Elliott and Helen gold. ___Phone_623-3D.7B RO3O K I NGdBymuor g 42,000. ermsseBeech Aoe ( M s. E n e t W e b s te r ) , R .R . T h e y n e e r ta r n s b o r e v e r l 9 8 - 4 0 3. D . 2 3 3 3 3 .3 6 tRd y r il sN. s e n i h t rS cu g o g S tr e e tO R N :e w 3 b r o mL g eri k b o e o n a . N e w c a s t l e ; d e a r g r a n d - g o w a I d .- - E v e n i n a s 3 - 1 3 - -a n y p e s e d t sHk , 1Il O R N O e~ R P R g l w . 0 1 e a e . p i o s t e d l tp o i t 3 _ N wcasle; ear rand ý gr w ol . Ev ninA u ctio n S a les Ask yaur druggist for H d o 2 apartm ent brick home, brick bu n ao . 0 Resting at the Morris Funer*al . and family. 313BOWvMANVILLE -_- __ in 15,atJry&Loei Chapel, Bowmanv lle, for serv - - . . o m nvll u- m n il; Scits P a m c ,t1n n 2.0. T r s - i