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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 15

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.*-.,.,---, Jh-e farnly o!'bctae eMrs.' I wish rtrude Baker wish te ex- F hanks tc ~ss their sincero thanks tae, and nunsir reatives. friends and neigb- 'Hospital, bors for their kindness, cards W. mnemnb and floral tributes during the Church, P recont death o! a dear moth- and relatii er. 3-1 flowerg iý during m3 L hte express rny sîncere 'Kennedy1 Vonsst friends and neigh. still ln St r bourg for cards received dur- a Ing my stay In Oshawa Hos- pital. Special thanks te Dr. Many, n Lée, Dr. GuI and hisasssoci- relativ-es atos, also tbc staff of 3F. callod V Mt.iae e ~ 31 ao xo towards t 1 would like bo extend my o! dishes. sincere tbanks to relatives. we have noeigbbors and friends fori evonyonev cards and gifbs, and food sont!way t 1ma ln, while ln bospital: alsoirniversaryà sPecial tbanks to Dr. W. W ! occasion. Baldwin and aIl doctors at the, Elmen Brooklin MedIcal Centre. Doris Flett. 3-1 I would 1 wish Co tbank friends, sincere thbm * neighhours and relatives for Sylvester, * their flowers. gifts, cards and!Fand staff * kindncss be myseîf and famîîy Floor, aiso whiîe ln hospital, also the girls thank bbc On Medical, the DietarY Dept.I make n'y and Dr. Huhhard and Dr. ant as pi * Ewert for their fine care. ýtbhfks to Mrs. Ben (Lit) King. 3.1*ipeople for and the M" Reformed A sincere thank you to Dr. fiowor-piei McKenzie, nurses and staff Be for thoir kindnoss, cane and attention during n'y stay lnTefn Memnorial Hospital. M a n y'boThe. R thanks aiseo b Tinity U.C.W.,br E u * Newcastle Public, Scbooi Staff express bPg and children, Eastenn Star, te relatives, relatives, neighbours a n d hors fort r friends for cards, flwers knnes gifts and visîts. 'trihutes. ca Mn.. Theresa Martin. 3-o1 sypat cent sad he -- --- thanks tb Witb aIl our hieants we Tyrone U thank Mrs. Gent Davey and frionds anc .11 the girls on Modical at o! Golden1 Memnonti Hospital, Dr. Syl- bourg, and vester, Dr. Ewert, for tbe cars Chapel. Of Our dear hushand and fath- er. At bhe limne wo needed ItI The famil TnOsb we lhank Our friends, brose Polli sieighbours and relatives, bbc Ibeir sincer )3eehive Rebekah Lodge Ne. preciatlon ti 125, Ladies Auxiliary ta Royal and neigbt Canadian Logion, Florence kindnesa, fic Nightingale Lodge No. 66, and other e: R~oyal Canadian Legion andpayat1 memnbers o! he A.M.O.S., aiso ethsad th( theMorisfamily for their thanks to mincore help and understand- Home, Rev. Ing and for the kindness O! morial Hosp Ilev. John Frampton. Hawîey. Av The farIly of the laIe Bon 1Itetahe.Merr King. 3-1 * for their kli Coine ln ... CASH DYKSTRA'S STOREWI] CES! It'. THRIFT-I-FY you'Il SAVE overy tin, the line, when you shop >store. But prove It tu sec for sure how MORE and extra SUPER SAVE keost ot a BIG cartful of toods, It's TRUE! You shopping list into a SAVI our STOREWIDE LOW BANANAS 12cP' ýSSIFIEDADS**~Mg _1%f haks1 Coming Events Coming Event s ag b exp-iregls-s incer-e iChartran'. Men's8 Wear Ltd. ý The Annual Meeting of the oe attending doctor Winter Sale now on. 3-1* iDurham Central Agricultural, ng staff on 3E Cil e sreFiaApl5h Society will be held Saturday, clergymen and U.C. for 'Rebekah Rummage Sale. January 271h at 130 p.m. In January 15 and 16, 1968. ers o! Trinity United31 the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono. Peterborough; friends - __-- 3-1 On Monday Magistrate Ives for good wishes, Reserve March 14 for annual-B.atePerougp andcars rceieâBowmanvllle Women's Insti- MvONSTER BINGO B atn eebruh r i ld es cards recId tute KopperKarnival. 2-i* sided with T. W. Targo y ilnes. rs.Ida_ _ - THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'elocit Cobourg, acting for the Crom is improving but Is Euchre Party, Tyrone Hall. ;t. Jsephs Hosital eveSilonmored by the Junior and Tom Jermyn, Oshawa,i ara~ ~ ~ ~ r HucFso.31 inlnhaynpize.___mi2-f Chamber or Commerce duty counsel for Legal Al ___ucisn 31solnhan rzs 2t on Tuesday Magistrale R.1 _Dance ln Tyrone Community JUBILEE PAVILION Baxter, Port Hope, wil rnany tbanks te our Hall, Saturday, Jan. 20th. Old _____-SHAWA 8--t!- Crown Attorney G. F. Bct and friends who Tyme and Western Music. 3-1 Bowmanville P re na t ai nycastle, Cobourg, E. R. Lový offer their congratu- C harte-redbus- 10 Ice--Fol- Classes will start Monday, kmn, Newca.lte, as duty cour )r their contributions lies, Feb. 2, 3. 7, 9, 10. Tickets Hoianlr 9h a eoilslfrLglAd he lovely dinner set available. Phone 885-2527, Hsia froin 2 to 4 every Lavern Armstrong, R.R. the beautiful cards Rowe Travel Agency, Por Monday afternoon for a Newtonville, pleaded guilty1 received and te Hope, Ontario. 2-3 serties o! nine classes. Any- two charges o! theft laidi who assisted in any NeconeetfiilIc s from Bowmanville or November, one for over $1 iake Our Golden An- NsociastAtn Dac aturdeAs-Durham Coupty lnterested ln and 0one for under $50. such a memorable scain Dne audy Prenatal Classes, please con- Cosabe .Tiso,0 January 27, Newcastle Coin- tact Northumberland -Durham CosalB.TlonOP and aryFarell muityHall, 9 pm. Norm;Health Unit. Phone 623-5661. said the former Grade1 ndMar F Wre l lamui Ochstay_ -__1-_32student at Port Hope Hig Te1 W llm. Orch mestr -3 - Scbool had worked weekend Plan___t altegonte bers-anc, R W TOURS for Turnbull's Esse Servie Slike te express my ,Jantary 20th. $2.50 a couple. FStDACatL ionhwa40o. Hewa seo anks t0 Drs. Sproull, Bring a guest couple. Music, T FLOIA Ct'L lfl ora occasions altrd oc e Hubbard, nurses Royal Ambassadors. 2-21, Jan. 24 - eJJ,. 1 rl cainsaare r of bhe Surgical cards used by customers pur ;0 I would like Vo Hampton United Church aiso MARCH 23 - APRIL il chasing gas and baken tl staff who tried to Choir Variety Nigbt, featur- 20 Days suins for bis own use. Partc Christmnas as pleas- ing Oshawa Chapter o! Barb- Escorted the money had- been paid bac] ,ssible. also rnanv or Shop Quartets. Friday, CALIFORNIA AND but $30 was still outstandinî ýo the thouightful January 26, 1968, 8 p.m., in! NEW ORLEANS TOUR' Magistrale R. B. Baxter re sending me a Card Hampton Church Auditorium. Feb. 19 - March 19 quested a pro-sentence repor iiaranatba Christian Adults $1.00, children 50c. 3-130D s and remanded the youth c Church for their The public la Invited toi3 Dy bail until February 15. e, attend the Annual Meeting o! 'QUEBEC ICE CARNIVAL" I1 Lemnuel William Davis, R.11 Ikky Bandstra. 3-1 the Bowrnanville-West Dur- Feb. 16 - 18 3, Bowmanville, pleaded gulit ham Advisory Committeo te o! failing te romain at tW il o te at Hc-the C.N.I.B., on Tuesday, Jan., MEXICAN TOUR 'scene of an accident in bi undîs would like te 30, 1968, 7:30, ln Lions Centre. Inids"eifl 6" village of Newcastle, Januar, îeir sincore thanks Fl obson ers-Anril 25 - May 15 6 sfriends and neigb monts.- 3-2 1 ' 2 ay Constable H. Cook's repor the many acts or The innual F -tn----t Travel Airconditioned houns hrtaiy afer 8 pîreg beautiful f 1 o r a 1 Biackstock AgrIcultural So- 1:on hrlyatr8pm ýards and messages ciety will be beld Thursday, Motorcoach (lVashroorn) ,crossed the centre lino anc hy durIng their re- January 18 at 8:15 p.rn. ln the For Information Phone or wite struck the le!t front of a ci Seavement. Special Township Hall. Mr. R. R. RO\VE drivon by Nelson Fowler, inr the Rev. Northey, Stewart, Peterborougb, guest ,R W flicting about $150 darnage J. C. W., Bethesda speaker. Sldes of Bacsu c TRAVEL AGENCY Davis continuied on witbout d neigbbors, staff Fairs. Everyonewloe2 I pe stopping. Two hours later hL Plougb Lodge, Co- Port H p 885-2527 crwsfudb oieaa A Morris Funeral SUNNYSIDE PARK22 doned on Highway 35 undr 3-IMON TER BIN O - the Higbway 2 overpass. Ai 11 oftel r- Thursday Night W ne cameto the detachmnt offirf id o!s hete ersn-4 OUR baby elephant requiresland gave tho nocessary infor. re hans ad a- R D B RN5 - 10 bales of realiy good mation. ýre tanksand p- R D BA N ýocond cut alfaifa hay - Cao A. A. H. Strike, defonse te frlends, relatives O S B A W A 'you help us ? Bowrnanville couinsel, poinied out that his oral fr butcrds -tf Zoo. 3-1 client was married with three f'iTTlD DCEDAR 9 -10 foot hildren and bad 10 years' expressions of sym- 100 uvER 100posts, 9-s0 evice hGnrlMtr e lime o! their re- S M E long, no smalier than 5-inch'Acservice îlt ee torv ereavornent. Special EXCURSIONS top. Would profer peeled, but Aousdconvitns fo pei The Lodge Nursing net nocessary. TelephoneoMagonitale Baxtser wane T. H. Smith, Me- 14 and 21 Day. 623-5655, Bowmanville Zoo. hmagithateho as hr able r pital staff and Mrs. To ail points ln Europe 3- fine o! $500 or six montbs, oi very special hanks and the British Ilies Dead or Crvp led both, and Ihat there was ai 'ris Funeral Chapel INi.y~e& aîmîclcnesseso ndnoss. 3-I * Book Now whlle tllghts are Fam tok o tre mons. Hosplaeon ---- -- ~~stili available amSo !o hemntsHepcd PICKD ir PROPTLY the fine at $50 and coats, or No Down Payment T E D Ur ne oîle t L-221sevon days. Telehen Colect263-721 When asked for his license JURY & LOVELL Margwill Fur Farm Davis admitted that, unknowr TRA ELLicence No. 1l-C-6ý7 te bis counsel, ho did nlot have S 19 Ring St. E., flowmanville',---- - --- -- __- suspended foiiowing conviction Phn 63312 INoticeto reditor for impaired driving. ~i:h4a:aJiL3-Phno-62-318- -,oc-to -re-.-Los Bruce Richard Haynes wasr Lizie - NOTICE TO CRJIDITORS chased by Constable G. Evans, Look Out zi. ! A ruralj AND OTHERS November 28 at 100 miles an IN . ~ farce ln Vree acts, will hobe l disaanîheot hour on Highway 401.H r I .. on performed by the Chris ian! I lim gis teett [DE LOW PRI- Daa Clb Jnur 97Of ALLAN R. LOCKHÂRT, admitted five previous co3nvic.- 'labeofo Village o! Newcastle, lions for spoeding as well as, YING the way Town Hall, Bowrnanville, 8, naro Rîîe for defective brakes, unneces-ý ne, ightdown'Onario RetredAccountant,ý pe rhigfnefdown 'clock. Admission $1' stu- deceased, who died on or about sarir noise, failing te report Yothisfelf ood dents 75c. Tickets available' 12 Novembeo 1967. must ho Ian accident, failing to shre >'urol. ore at the hall. 3-2'Ifldwt theunesgd b road and faiiing to dim LOW PRICES A-metig---thBo --a- 1piersona heprosnt i e o 'ERS Iower the b etn fteBiis lights. if Yur avoite ville Brancb of the Canadian 1 hof ore 26 January, 1968; there- i 50 and costs, or sevP-n fa chr avorea Cancer Society will ho held after the undorsigned will dis- deys", decmded Hire Worship, canGSls c ha a in bbe Lions Centre, Tuesday, tribute the assoIs of the saidi"Youi are a menace on the PINGS sIit January 23, 1968, at 8 p.m. ostate having regard only to Iroad and shouid ho taken off." RCE. Films titled "The Millionaire the dlaims then filed. Elmer Huggins, Hampton, ,, PKGS. Club" and "WbaV Is Cancer" Dated 3 January. 1968. facing two charges laid Octo- will ho sbown. Everyone wel-j National Trust Company, ber 26 o! cruolty to animais, AcES orne. 3-1 Lirnited, said ho wouid be ersnd AuE odiwCuiyCnr 21 King Stroet East, by a lawyor from Kingston oovwo mu~tyenre Toronto, Ontario, and asked for an adjourn- MONSTER BINGO Eeuo or Administrator) mnent. The Crown agreed to 7:45 P.M -------croft) pleaded guiity of im- RED BARN Business pareddriving on Highway O SH A WA p otn y Constable Brown, OPP, Pet- A F -tf- erborough Detacbmenl, said c- IG SCHOOL THOME lho fol.owed bhe Pribchard 4 O M RTOURS IN SPARE TIME vei'icle observing lb on brep Prepaî'es you t achieve Ontario Dipioma. Grados 5-12.1and was married In Montreali 3-1 vestigato thts opportunitY toF THOMIAS HENRY SIMITH aa-Increase rour income sub- fl iveat CO M T UR tnai.I The death occurred Jan. 15,!F Contact ln confidence: 1968. at. the Oshawa General Hospital, of Thomnas Henry 12oz F ORDAS. R. PASTERNAK Smith, 1221 Simcoe Street C iOn 25ODA CnuintrY Property Division North, Oshawa. The deceased 25DASGIBSON WILLOUGHBY who had riat enjoyed good ARCI lth- ARI 7t I LIMIITED, REALTOR jhealth for a few rnontbs, was, lin bis 741h year, Ho was the E A D Persona ly Escorted1 46 Eglinton Avenue E. as~ f Ta g C uny No NghtDriingTelephone 392-5484 2-2Mr. Smith was married ln Plac, e intres: Daton I - - - 1921 and had been a resident SGaen, Silver prg, SCyPret- I o! Oshawa since his marniage. C Grdos, ok owo, S, Pt- OBITUARY An assomhly line worker at ersburi, Busch Gardons, Miainl,' General Motors for more than Beach, goy West, §*aquarium, STANLEY ERNEST BLAlIR 40 yeare. he retired In 1960.' ~TTE I Parrot Jungle, and many The funeral service wan held H an deote tabishom AR NE more, at the Mlntosh - Anderson Mr. Smith wa& a member o! 1 iÂRINE 1For beservations and eompîete Funeral Home, Oshawa. at Ktngsview United Cburch and Irfom tin 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, January of Local 222, UAW. iwfe Inor ato 116, 1968, for Stanley Erneit, Ho ta survived bybiwt, o o Blair, who dicd Jan. 13 ai the former Vera M. Nichoa; I *Telephone Bethesda Hospital, Toronito,lVwo daughtens, Mn.. Edward' 623-3265 or 623-3093l l. his Büth year. Ho had beon1 Clark (Dorothyl and Mrs. El- 'nfiling health for a few rwood Adams (Mary) hoth o! Àor write years. Oshawa; five grandchiidren The service was :'nuce and two great grandchildnen. r COLMER by Canon F. G. Origley, rector i The funeral service won of St. George's Memorial Ang- held at 2 p.m.. Jan. 17, at the TRAVEL SERVICE 'lican Cbunch. Interment wasiMclntosh - Anderson Funerai ln Mount Lawn Cemetery. j Home, Oshawa. Iriterment VI 14 Orchard Vlow Blv'd. A son of the late Thornas was in Mount Lawn Corne- BOWMANVILL& and Elizabeth Blair, tbe de-; Ierv. Rev. L. W. Herbert con- 3-2,ceasedi was born [n England iducted the service. CELL( TOM, 10 &pkg.À ONT. No. 1 TABLE POTATOES 1-b No. 1 Quality Easi First SHORTENING 216, SAVE 19e DELMONTE SA CREAM STYLE APPLI CORN 2 Tin 39c 3 Tins SAVE 10e SAV LEAN - TENDER RED OR BLUE STEAK SPECIi SIRLOIN T-BONE~ WING STEAKS $1-1 AYLMER TOMATO AMBAS KETCHUP Lunch'i 2AV4 3c 3 C SAE go GEM RICE BRU , . 6 7c 4 ovs SAVE 110s SUMMIT DN ICE CREAM MARG 79 9Ci Gal. 4 s !Th@ Canadien Statesnan, Nowmanvtlle, Tan. 17, 1988 M - W$11 costç, or seven days. pavement wet et the trne. TX ist ra t 's C o u t ý:tHýelene Burges., 50 Simpscûn'jcharge was disnmluied. ýAvenue, pleaded not guilty of aodToas gd4,4 carcless driving on HighwayjWest Beach, pleaded guilty té H eld in Bowmanville 401 September 28. She was:a charge of forgery laid w rcpresented by A. A. H.'24. He was represented b Strike. R. Lovekin. b7 8. occasions in a mile crossing Township Soicitor, agreed toi Constable Bagshaw, OPP, The court was told that W(. the centre Uine into the pass- this nominal fine, observing 1Cobourg Detachment, was Thomas cashed at the A & P R. Ing lane and then sharply that the property had been!westbound haif a mile east of la cheque for $97.27 by sign- )re- back into the driving lane at cleaned up as promised. ýthe Ontario - Durham Countyiîng his stepfather's name. on iion. 60 miles an hour, forcing Joan Baker, 835 Oxford Line when hie saw the car the bark. " other vehicles onto the shoul- Street, Oshawa, pleaded not1ahead of him pass a transportl Conviction brought suspend..ý as der. From the officer's obser- guilty of careless driving onWand cut in sharply in front of ed sentence for two yearu. U;vation the driver was impair- Highway 2 September 21. Def- it. The vehicle skidded, turn- Most of the afterncon wag: B. ed. In the car was a part ense counsel was T. Jermyn.1ed around, ran off onto the spent in a preluminary ci an, lh bottie and a full bottie of rum. Norman H itchens was onimedian and acrosq it Into the indecent assault charge hel*, iv-Mr. Pritchard' s driving rec- his way home about 1 ar..eastbound lane. There It was in closed court. As a result ue- ord showed drunc driving, when Mrs. Baker's car turnedstruck by an eastbound vehic- many cases were adjourned. -impaired driving, driving while out in front of him from thei'le. Mrs. Burgess, the driver, until later dates. hbis license was under suspen- bowling alley east of Oshawa.lwent to hospital where she sion, speeding, failing to, snare It camne across almost to thei was intervîewed by Constablei IEQLT tthe rond and failing to stop north shoulder, then back C. Stephen, OPP. Three months I1 IEQULT Sfor a stop sign. mbt Its proper Jane. From later she sîll wore a ring: MONUMENTS AND 50 When asked how hie camne then on Mr. Hitchens kept lusicoîlar in court. MARKERS tb court he said, 'By buis" andildistance. T-e watched some1 lb was polnted out that the,4~~*,,W PP, If he did not think he had very erratic driving which'highway had been freshly of 10 a drinking problem, "No com- ended on the curve east o! paved, it was raining and the, KUý Igh ment." Courtice with the Baker vehic- I y' STAFORD id He was ned $300) andile leaving the road, plunging1R ES LT C U T!OSorD ce costs, or one month, and was into the north ditch and snap- R S L C U TILD on prohibited fromn driving any- ping off a hydro pole. When, yv- where in Canada for two hie wcnt to lier car to see if:Consult a embertk«4ih dit years. The charge o! illegallshe was hurt hie smelled alco-! r- possession of liquor was with- ol on hier breath.MO UET te drawn by the Crown. 1 Constable J. Schultz, OPPJ I B o! James Kamstra, R.R. 4,' who investigated the accident! tffrIrohr tk Oshawa, representod by E. G.Isaid Mrs. Baker wvas veryl- ~t f o d Bohr g. McNeely', Oshawa, charged ,abujsive and u.n-co-oporative LTIL ITNGSRIMoum ents e- with contravention of a Town and that le ton ohserved evi-j ULIPEMITED SRVC tCsip of Darlington by-law by dence of c u sumption o! alco- IIE nstoring rocks, top soil and hol, Oshawaz & DistrictBo13 concrete slabs on bis propertv. The driver hlamed lier er-,il 318 Dundas St. E. - WbitbY. hR a e 5aday.. A A H S rike piocedtire on faultv lReal Estate Board ]Phono Whitby 668-3552 ____________._A H 'Sriestecring. The fine was $50 and~ le Iy -M r t - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I wIlI please her more than to have-r-4 %# 0 0 0 NEW KITCHEN CU PBOARDS will give her the feeling of modern, spaclous living .. give your home the new look, and add value to your property 1 CUSTOM- BUILT TO YOUR REQUIREMENTS available ln: paint grade, mahogany, birch and walnut, plus beautiful chrome or bronze hardware. CONTACT US FOR FREE PLANNING ADVICE AND FREE ESTIMATES Delivery 2 or 3 weeks from Let Oshiawa Wood Products... o4~~eetM e *HeIp You With Yu ;RECREATION IAIYOM ROOM Ye . . with our help yoti can make your basement the happiest room in the house . . your Recreation Room wiIl bave a great future as a playroomn for the children, a sewing room for Mom, a don for Dad and a place for family entertaining! It ean be a special room for overyone in the family. Start now to onjoy a Recreation Roomn in Your home. CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON MATERIAL OR HAVE US BUILD YOUR ROOM COMPLETE SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK! AMTICO "CRESCENDO"" 12" x 12"" VINYL - 1/16" THICK ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE1 5 CARTONS OR MORE PER ORDER cPER 1312 T LIMITED STOCK - 5 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM LESS THAN 5 CARTONS PER 15 C TILE IOshawa Wood Pr, I COURTICE LIIE SHOPPING CENTE] .*ALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON' I I I I I I I I I rU 'I I I I I I oducts ALLONT a have

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