Displays Feature 4-H Achievement Day At the 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Day Igrocery list for 1867 and 1967. The Commentator from held in Maple Grave United Church on Saturday,1 the Nestieton group was Miss Bonnie Malcolm, fit- the program included several exhibits, demonstra-! tingly attired in an aid fashioned gown. lions and skits. This one compares f ive items on the Rotarians Learn What Can Be Done To Beautilfy Ail Our Communities With WelI Planned Architecture hcld at the Mclntosh-Ander- son Funeral Home at 2 p.m., Der. 28th, foliowed by inter- ment in Oshawa Union Cern- etcry. Rev. R. C. White o! Simcac Street United Churcb conducted the service. OBITUARY MR$. DAVID MORRISON IRev. Munroe read the report i their secretary. BemnIce JBest Th wsuf dgavo e'Homemakers HoId iteSunday Sehool report for IMrs. H. Best and he was e- appointed superin tendent. Te A chiev m n a t ' same slste o! officers ande e e t D y a i teachers wcre rearpaointed for I ' ... 1968. Mei~oei. rr Mrs. E. Barrowclougb gave M pe G o eC uc the epot o!thecemeerv Durbam Caunty 4-H Home- tbrec months. board for Mrs. A. Ford. It aig Cu hivmn'IntsCeenalpoc,1 was agrced to start a decor-îaiî lb Aheeet oti etnilpoet atig !nd orthechuch nýDay for the projeet. "A World club leaders bave demonstrat-À If before the work can be !o! Food in Canada" was heid! ed forcigo recipes and taugbt: donc, cburch consolidationi Satumdav, January 13th. One the club members about the make deoraingunncesary hundred and forty-nine girls, food customs of many o! the this !und will be trans! dr the members of 15 clubs, cx- nationalities which h a v e ta he tc fun. erehibited an illustrated record scttled in Canada, botb before cmd peerty Iv ose it book and ecipe file at Maple and after Con federation. The; th usliesetu vste d ould i . Grave Unîited Churcb. Activi- menîbers learned bow the: te uictruscotel waldnat. ties included answering quiz-, modemn Canadiami cuisine basý loel suTcentativconterolws t zes on the subjeets which tbey developed, 00w bcbg a com- annual aniv Vsry se have studied during the pastibination of these varbous tra- for a Sunday in June and the Ii ditional practices. A Centen- Thankaffering Service for the'be out. and Gwen Fard taugbt 'niaI party planned by each !irst Sunday bn October wben the intermediate class. There group finisbed up the project. service Is regularly heme. weme 36 ln attendance. . At Achievement Day, eacb Mrs. J. Walter was appoint- One o! Wesleyville's former club presented a skit, a dem- cd supervisor o! the caretaker residents, tbe mather o! Mrs. onstration, or an exhibit witb llst. No other changes wcre Len Oughtmed, died in Oshaý a 3-minute commentamy by made ln the church officiais. 1wa bospitai an Saturday. She anc member. Some o! the' In spite o! sa mucb fl, and b ad lived in Bowmanville tapfie included Came, Dine in severe cold a sufficient num-1with ber son Cecii for several Italy, Canadian Cheese witiî ber wcmc present ta transactiyears. ia Foreign Flavour, Cooking in sîl business. The meeting Mms. Ida Plum visited With a Pioneer Kitchen, and a closed with a reading o! the hem sister Mrs. H. Barrowv- Party with a "Foreign"' Flair. suggestions for the caming clough duing weekend and Nine 4-H Homemaking Club' change in church charges, dis- Satumday Mm. and Mcs. Barrow-1 members completed their sixtb cussion, and prayer. clough and Mms. Plum bad project, and received Countv Church service was lîeld at' dinner with another sister, Hanaurs Certificate and pin. Welcomc an Suîîday nîamniîîg r Mrs. V. Morton bn Orono. In These girls were: Mary Suurd, and although the weather had the afternoon they ahl called Bethany; Ruth Brown, Cav-! moderated greatiy, attendance ta visit with Bihl Barrow- 1 an; Janice Cano. Elizabeth- was small. Many of the mc- clougb and family ln Peter-l ville; Judith Wood, Manvers mlpr- are stiil su!feing wbth borough. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Station; Joyce Tood, Manvers the flu or ts aftem effects. 'Plum came down fmom Toron- Station; Glenda Brown, Rass-1 Murray Payne was in charge to ta, take his mother home mount; Rosalie Parm. Salins a! Sunday School here as and was delayed here by the Karen Yellowbees, Salins; Bey- George Tufford was unable to very bey roads. erbey Hall, Tyrone. The Canadian Statesmnan, flôwnanville, Jan. 17, 198815 Provincial Honours werei gins. Sollna; Peggy Mifson, awarded to seven girls who 1 Solinx.e have satisfactorily completed1 The Achievement Day wau the requirements of 12 4-H1 conducted by Miss Doreen Homemaking Club projects. Hamili, Home Economist for The recipients were: Arlene Durham, Peterborough and Robinson. Cavan: Patricia Victoria Counties, with as- TaIsma, Cavan; Evelyn Beatty, sistance from Mrs. Margaret Elizabethville; Mrs. Donna Woof, of Brighton, Northum- Brimacombe. Morrish; Dianne berland and Prince Edward Dai-eh. Sauna; Sharon Hug- 1 Counties Home Economlst. Rotary Travelogues Thursday, Jan. lSth Well designed buildings,1 their own people as weIl as: stead ot building shopping il I ailing health for two appropriate surroundings and'visitors to find long stretches, p1aýa. streets lined with vears, Mrs. David Morrison pleasant views reflect proper, of waterfront that are areas stores were covered over with died January 9th, 1968, at the planning as well as local! of eninyment and major nt- gla;sstI form attractive malîs. Memorial Hospital. Bowman- prîde and interest, and drawi tractions, the speaker stated, Colored stides depicted tire ville. The deceased, who was visitors from other places and. Istanbul with its historic! high domed top above a ln her 87th year, formerly countries, Everett Wilson,1 and picturesque h arbho r,!fashionable shopping sector lived On Adelaide Ave. E., Tloronto, explained ln bis ad-l Thailand's Bangkok with a of Milan. Oshawa. She had been liv- dress on Thursday at, the lovely riverside, the way the: Fascinattng scenres of Toyko ing with ber daughter atÀ Bowmanville Rotary Clubs Seine runs through Paris ald were shown. Mr. Wilson said Solina for two years. luncheon meeting ln the Fly- ing to that citys enchantmeot, that the street advertising The former Dorotby Mary Ing Dutchman Motor Inn. Mr. and the beauties of the Vene- look terrible by day but is 'Watson, the deceased was born Wlison's topic was "Ari tian canals were ail pictured. magnificent at. night. Formal at Knaresborougb, Yorkshire. tecture Around the Wld'. Mr. Wilson also spoke of Japanese gardens of various England, and received ber Plerfect Attendance Pinsi the variety offered by the types enhanced both bouses education ln England. Com- were presented to two paSt 1 wide harbor of Hong Kong. and parks ln the country's ing to Canada ln 1911, she had p residents of the club. Dr. W.1 There were views of the well capital. and eie trees are lived ln Oshawa from 1928 to M.Rudell. 21 years, and Bob designed and maintained wat- rneticulously trained to ]end 1966. She was a member of Stevens, 17 years. The pres- er frontage by the towering .Iust the exact right touch of -Knox Presbyterian Church. entations were made by Dr. ofiebidnsi1h u- otat rprpcie to al Mrs. Morrison was married tendance Chairman.fromembutlpars of thie bsci.difnt a rprtspofcthvewrdTwsi. Peees nefl~~Vle Allan B. Sylvester, the At- loess section. and lovely view4s viewv. Wonderful parks ln1 December 4tb. 1912, ln Thorah Stewart McTavish, a mem- Attractive waterside restur were also described by Mr. ber husband In 1960, she is ber of the International Sexy ants are also featured there,l Wilson. survivedi by a daughter, Mrs. Ice Committee, introducing the. he said. Slide.s depicted an- 'rThe hist.of AIl modemn L. W. Kellett (Jean) of Solina: gues speaker, told the club;other part of the Hong Kon architecture ln civilized coun two grandcbildt'en and two that Everett Wilson. O.B.E.. harbor, where hundreds of. trier, bas bren enormouisly ln- great-grandchildreii. FRA.S.IC.. ie.Arch., Iit onei iat Thenf eral servie wasIleydSubstandards of "Texmade" Homestead ~ of Cnai eai rchiect,.'!boatd bots knwn s juks.Frenh arhifet CobusirJan2uaryJa1ur , at aithe .e lis the designer of the'There familles live, visit theiriMr. Wilson stated. The ln- Nlts ndro uea Donald Sommerville 0Olympirineighbors. wnrk at a trade, spiration for alilgreat public Hs o e ba Te ervice. W. Pool in the Kew Beach area fish and barter. buildings constructed l im-IwscrucebyRvG.W Itif Toronto, bas been the "Building in Hin Kong s cent ears bas been derived C. Brett, minister of Knox j4hitect for many important. ile more co-ntentratpd Chan from 'Corbusier's concepts, be Church. Entombment was ln SET specialized ln industrial build- .genaesledcam n "Two of Corbusier's Japan- Muoem nemn, i lng, Mr. McTavish said, there is the fine background ese disciples have designed the tesrnwl ei h Mr i llustrated bis of woodied bills, but develop-1 Olympie buildings ln Tokyo" Stone Churcb C cm et e ry, Firmly woven white sheets wîth 3' top hem ald I1 bottom li s ihcooe ldsmet r trin octit r. Wilson ad Heso' Thorah Township. hem. Slight imperfectlons won affect their appearance or - t4 e ress wihoograd sîldes ment resar isn tocaiot r ilo4ad.H hwd_____ ~ad fom phtorabshetbm, M. ilonsad. pîctures of some o! the most -wearing qualities. had taken bimself ln Europe, 1 "One of the world' greati important of Corbusier's own Asia, and North America. He squares is the famous one in work ln other countries. WESLEY VILLE first showed viiwsof the new1 Moscow k ni o w ni a s R e di "Any city. town, or village Toronto City Hall and Nath- 'Square. It appears huge in in Canada could be made more The first. regular meeting of 63"x 100' 2.E15. an Phillips Square in front of pictures but it is not as big attractive if local people on the United Church Womnen lt. as it Ils Theme. long ines their dabby rounds would look was held ln the Sunday This square was part o! the of people wend their way for- about them. consider the cause Scbool room on Wednesday 71x10 8 Â ». plan for the right presentation ward daily to visit Lein' of their feelings of en.iayment afternoon, January 10tb. The 72x10 "8sA of Toronto City Hall, hie ex- tomb. The Kremlin Is on the and appreciation, and wbat meeting was opened wlth plained. The fact that an right, and the pavement of might be done ta increase the prayer by the President Mrs. attempt is being made ta oh- Red 'Squame bears markings1comfort of their environment T. Wilson. Except the div- 1 x100' Â tain autbority to bave the old for the positioning of forma- as well as enhance its appear- tions, no special program had j. 71A City Hall pulled dlown, lis de- tions during parades an ce." Mr. Wilson said in con- been provided because of the plorable. He declared it is "The greatest square in the îîin amount of business necessaryftedwnEÂ an essential and vital part of world is St. Mark's in Venice. W. Ross Strike, Q.C.. miv at this meeting. Hymns, itdwn8EA the setting as it forms one It bas been called the living- eda vote of thanks t.n Mr. seripture and prayer were side o! the square. roomn of Europe," Mm. Wilson Wilson for bis Interesting ad- given with thoughts for a new "Osgoode Hall is on anoth- said. as be showed several dress and the presentation o! year. The scripture read by fte obe~E er side and the colonnade de-I slides witb views of different 'bs xcllntcloed sdde.uble. arowlug.ws he7 fines the space." e pointed aspects of this beautiful area PridnAlWtesonlocalndrpns ofS ue out. He also showed views of fecing the Adriatic. expressed bis personal ap- ta the work o! the Lord. Mrs.pi/w ae13 the lower end of Universit 'v Well planned squae l n preciation and presented a gift Howard Payne read the pur- P* PRcses1. 7. Avenue at Front Street, one many cities bave taken the to the gîîest speaker as a pose and duties o! the UCW o! the worst examples ln thislplace of former parking lots suei !h. ii ate5 htalwudko t country o! an . urban scene 1in recent years and accomma- club.i ori vst ot esosiba ilties. rs. J.Wl- rnarred by a jumble of com-1 dation for parking cars ha lb . tred onin prae rs. J. niercial signs and dilapidatedibeen buiît beneatb themMr.'te udg paefr. 16 a buildings, yet It termînates the 'Wilson told the Rotarians OB TThY eadetforand 8 accpd vista from the Ontario Legis- 1"Urban squares tin r BIU R i icluesente pansring o! V lature. Mr. Wilson remarked.1Inot only beautify the ciIstwo chîde shonoriangel o fort natly te m in ortin font of te O era Hous ii Osawa ffie o the War ot ewo k d ur in th la e lal ~ ttn dn aig Discussing oilbe slideslIbut they serve many useful' J. NORMAN THICKSON as regular commitments. Miss showing the Toronto water-lpurposes. he said. An ex- n front M. Wilson said that un-: ample of this is the square in 1 The administrator o! the Beniece Best gave a report Ottn'F / BC bas been si utibized for other Stockholm. which is used scv - time Prices and Trade Board and Mrs. H. Reeve gave the purposes that the public can:eral days a week as a marýket 'during the Second World financial report showing a only enjoy a short part at place filled xvth producelWar, J. Norman Thickson, balance set aside for a special 1968 "POSH" PRINTS PRINTED ACETATE CREPE PRE-SHRUNK BROADCLOT aus'pt elther end. istabîs covered with colomfub 372 King Street East, Oshawa, projeet. Over $1.600 had been16lprn Pln n hae.Pnk le ai.n psnacolrof woh.e mk.yelw.gee.I Hawaii, bave managed to Mr. Wilson spoke of the: the Oshawa General Hospital. porto! he fowe comitte ne 1/ make arrangement.s to enable covered streel of EuoeFn h ccae*wowsi i was given hy Mrs. 'A. Ford, yellownvy, bege. orange. 45 wdh. ~~t ss Ie3' wdths. leii1.67 . ... ...________________ 1.861h year, had been sick for the social committee by Mrs.i"O NE OSCh~.iÔ v.CNDA EAEEAEAELNN a lenth period. A. Austin. Miss Bemniece BestiBO NV H PA .gCN DI EL ES A IDEAL TIME 0F YEAR FOR - A son o! the laie John aod abece h ue rs Clare n hp;cwsal adrli Nil Plain washable spriog weight lini ~ 1~8 ~ .9 d abaerae of -s. Clarede- sprnq d5irsadsao.4'wlVlSnnng .Shades. Whill., l yPink, bntrur . Srah a e as b onnthe.188-Nichols who bas rot recovered ds~sbie ~ its 8 H O T riucason Ja. 5, 884.fro the effects of the flu. In "NOBLE" NDRBY NUÉ Bif ,gerlec hi duai n d ee ewa aypopte drathee rd o!Better quality textured Nmjb finin of Ie% Vsos.COTTON PRINTS Yie xt mare n Oshawa 95 was suggested that the re- band wgshabir- and crease rcsstaot. Newest colors canidMmade pr!nted coftol.Wsal ~d .9v. H O C LA T mrie b fOshawa 3"905 n e pein the lseorfd teCno cm e1.9 yl bds.3 îts.. 4~ January, 1906, M.Thîckson fehmnaa h coe !th fwht. diaieronCog.cos 35o"-Rg.249y oiras sore tn phns n pse wo rked for a f ew yèars for meeting be kept ta a mini. flower, baltic. petunia, ia Sea. C, nS,. veidr th îlor aerC. nTo-muni It Ils with this cup of green. 45' wrdth3. .9 d Adeliciolus and tea that such discussion Is onta and for many vilr held concerning bau sin e ss PLAIN "'POPU LAR" POPLIN PIN WALE CORDURflY nutritious drink for operated a garage busines transacted at each meeting. A Plain fine cross nb weave caftan poplin. washfast Fine Pin Wae cttio cuiyyt.Wahben~ î. on Bond St, W. in Oshawa. family night o! variety enter- in nri 1968 Sprinq collors. Wbite, yellow. light Reg- 1.19 yTL. galdoaoin pineq clrsof wnbry.rylbi. f afterschoo or bd tire. Heretird fro busiesstiredtanfromwabusinessfor tefelutainmentin, lag planenedvforoatgeenbluieldIieahtprpenreenwight after shool o bed tme.in01947. mid-winter holiday; Mrs. A. 45" w reentnav. orn97 nd emeratd, copper, oraoberry.. wid ',4e-A ~ts ~ y DELIVERED DAILY TO YOUR DOOR - United Chumch, the deceased affered to put a qubît togetherPRNE OUAR PPLNR .1.9d HIAHON wa a ery a tv e c m n.H er h n p t>bbth ram s hePrined coltonwashabie fine poplin weave i new Honan aceate print.s.Si&kike p pe aw li R g , 5y meras a yelofm . e amning of the regular Febru- lilm 4"whs .1 iii GLEN RAE DAIRY wa ebro ear ay meeting. Mrs. Harold 1 plgcks.4"wdh. e' L .florais etnd ad civil designs. Hand aibI.eee2 " Lodge. No. 270, A.F.&A.M., Austin showed a Christimas MIX' AC CBEZ ALLT "resistant in new colows and desin. %ý.~ d and beld a 50-year jewel bin card rpceived !rom last yea' X' AC Ci~REESICOH C H O C O LA TE masonry. He was one of the Hong Kong boy and a picture1 100% washable cotton n a hopsac weaveminprnts PITDJB AVSR~ IL awa Golf Cu and was as The annual congregationai White, lemonamie yellow, sweet pink. bluebeilana.wsbl M I Kamember o! the 30 Club, meeting o! this churcb was KumQuat royal, lay limre, suarny skies., orangectonNovprgdsgisadooe.4 w y. Predeccased in 1958 by his beld on Tuesday evening, pe1.4de7lu.45 ydh. d. ç if.the former Etheline january gth, under the chair- i COTTON "RHYTHM" RIE Stephenson, Mr. Thickson is manship of Rev. Ian Munroe.l7Pann otn adws~bem e g"~8Rg .9y1 Hoesurvived by two daughters,~ The meeting was opened with Reg. 1.98 yd. 1 7 yd. e.rmors of beige. green,. orange, ye0orsav.1 ) Delivered CQuart Mms. Robert J. Harris (Eli- seripture reading and prayer. "H R i"HPA O-RIAE li ight bNe. 44" widths....6 d 3 ~ ~ George KwUn bradgen Mrs. Ms. wm. secr bay as relo-pPlain and check 2 piy viscose in new spning colore, Reg. 1.99yd.WA ERS AHIN RNT shawa. ing eading of ast year'sana patterns and hand washable. White, admirai. AKRSFSINP 0 losurviving are twO sis- minutes business arising 1rom azunîne, caprice, tangerune, vendant cowslip.41' 1 7 di. Wilde selpction of printed cotion. ahnah C iters, Mrs. William Loughman themn was settIed. Mrs. George widths. Cecsable, drp-dry New spning slae n e.n.Rg .9>d G lefl R ae D airy F. Greenfield (Gertrude) o! port lni the absence of thée.4y. 5 wt Coîborne; two grandebjîldren, clerk, Mrs. A. Austin. Mrs. PHONE 623-5444 ýJohn and Paul Harris, and Clarence Nichols was ap- two great-grandchildren.. He pointed an eIder, none retIred. - 1 t- ., - ', . ,