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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1968, p. 6

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E' ~ I-. v . . 9 The Canadian Statesman, flowmanvllle, Jan. 17, 1968 VVimy Ridge. In 193 he rep-' Indu tril Reati ns M r. nveillng in France of the; -A F scintin Voy ge imy Memorlal by King Ed-' ward VIII of England. After Worid War I Mr. Mor-1 rison served in the Occupation From Oakvillef boCrem na ' reore omCang awe l' fsinwith General Motors of Canada, Limited, In Calgary. John Allun, Waverly Road after bis catie. There were near the Po River and 20 men in Grimsby for several years. South, who last May graduated also two Italian cattiemen, one are employed. Mr. Pizzamsghio During his entire life hie was ater completing the Two Year a veterfroarlan, and the other is also a farmers' agent and keenly interested ln Boy Scout Agriultural Course at Guelph dealer, and he selects what hie wrad a civl so University, and now ln a firgt wants to keep himself from ciated with the B.S.O. in Cal- year student there studying the stock that continually ar- gary and Grimsby. Mr. Morri-I for a B.Sc. Degree in Agricul- rives ai bis farm," Mr. Allun son was a Mason and a mem- ture, had an exceptional and ponted out . e f t e R y l C n d a Interestlng three weeks ex- He spoke of the differences K Ward. gerince ast shiment o! in the barns compared to ones TeRev. Gog .Wr le accomla s u me n ThGerg offlciated at the service held ItalY for the Cremona Showf annCanda.ernreatronsev NExtcubttlioot s p e i al c a ile fr m O ta j oA r a l h g a ns it h e lA zie n d ae r a l H o m e , 5 3 D iv is io n S tre e t, t n d I nt r n tio al x h bit o n.A i co 0 a at ello.g h e a rga n sto n F rid a y a fte rn o o n , D e ce m - Intevieed y th Caa- s 80 fet lng wilea Cna-ber 29th. Cremation followed. dian Statesman last week be- dian one 1fortesae purosen Many donations to the local, fore lhe returned to university The would b ar150fere lent.council o! the Boy Scouts aier the Christmas vacation, - of stone and hadt tiled roofs. esîeem in thîch Mr. he Mr. The Itallan tarnsnwereabuilttOrgaialn tsifhM.rie oni M r . A f n s a i d t h e u n e r t a k -" T h e n e w e s t b a r n t h e r e I sw s h e d Ing started for him on August abut40 fetlog ndba &-rd when hie went to Oakvllle . a section where fine cows are lcr a week at' Hays Farms, milked at one time. The roofs Qakville, headquarters of a h-~ Ieading cattie dealer and shp- ~ .of ail the barns have wide O J U R leadng cill deaer nd sip-overhangs under which mach- pur n h we ue r Inery is kepi outside the struc- PRIA LMNs per PERCIVpreALdtre"Mr llnsad H is Holsteins arrived at Hayste," Mr. tAun si of.the soPercival Alîman, Oshawa,! t Parms from the explaineythat is cof lteyWho had been ill for the past Ir area. These had already been mptaci n sd is comtuely two months, died Friday,. sold and were then tagged Jann12,ort8haiAmerica.- l ready for shipment to Mont- inNrhJmrc.ean. 1, 168,at sHwa Gen- real by train," he said. He said that ln Itaiy catie Mr. Ailman, a General rE The atte wre ake abardJohn Allun are flot put out to graze in Mtr mlyefr5 er, Th alewr ae badpastures but al feed is Mwas e oefor52yand ,he train on August 9th and a son o! one of the buyers. brugt othm."alt fresident o Oshawa an d 4rvildtoMntel i tre He also spoke of a 21-year- Ladino clover and some corn deeisrict fomost0f i 95' ,ei aedHmakingmin re, workd bis way are grown. In Canada we W. Carlisle Anderson was recently appointed eHetia red irom GM 1965. G ad te prvilee ofmakig i Turey, orke hiswayplant corn ln 28 Inch rows but manager of industrial relations for Goodyear-Canada, Township, the son of the !aiete the trip with the train's eni- around the world and was there they plant it with only D lnPgdrco fpronl none aiJmsadElnAîa.H gineer in the engine cab. then returning to France 118 la Pgnchesto o prbetween rows,"t ams ndElenAlmahee On arrival in Montreal, Mr. where bis family now lives. said. He added that ail green week. Anderson's duties in the newly-created position was mrie1ugIl11, Allin accompanied the Holstein 'He was the cook's helper on feed is used in Itaiy for ca- began January 1.Tor. Ala ahamme herd for which he was res- this voyage, and couid also act île, and that hay is cul about Born in Lindsay, Ontaro, Anderson came to Good- of Local 222 f the United h Mr. lima wasa meber pôlnsibie, to the stockyards. as interpreter for everyone as sx times a year. ookea There the animais were given hie spoke five languages fluent- vear in 1949 from McMaster University where he was Atomnobilea or 0r f Amn- el ~eii1nt epwr f Yadcudglaog~ During the 15 days hie spent' !icad mebroHr-C jii of e wch Offe- anhenAskd Iealuo in nIlaly, Mr. Allun said that majoring in honors physics and chemistry. He served ca n nd a mmbe !H an- C 4ie atcko a illfe e uring a e ýt se dua Hteinsanle Ofhe had found il was surpris- on the production squadron until 1952, when he was He s urvived by is wife, Ian 4itra-tlacktcaVoyae. sig hipe nt Mr. AlHluen sain that ingly easy 10 communicate. In assigned to the efficiency department. In 1960, he was t h e f or mer Myrtie Henderson su "At 10 a.m. on Friday morn- the icheps heifers wouid be ie t. ph a ere facietiph e fun hadunnge taserdt ooya' e ie ln IMdneand0three ons.John a meRssmB Ing, August 101h, the loading wonti b=wen $800 and $900.moeFnc spathne Hat, Alberta, as personnel manager until 1964 whenin 0pshw andRv.Jms r ofteSS Cmrasa~re Thebulls weemore costly. lhad acquired whie le was in he returned to New Toronto as factory personnel A Sian o P ieterboroughol 'sp on Sued ndy bt Thvoaewsueetu g col.Ser fte manager.Hewl be succeeded by R. D. Barge, until sister, Elsie A. Hogel o! e Genoa. The ship ad a cargo ejybe hn a n mnwrigo n izm- tis appoi ntment personnel manager ai Medicine Hat. Nesîlelon. and two brothers. îhi of more than 500 ead of cat- unfonlunate occurrence. This îglio's fanm could speak French A eintoBrm oAdrsnsmaidwthErtWhbyadAtur n tll0e ones a20woBaseowslhelosofa ulandog-an M. lu sidthsheAeesdet f raptnAteroelamrredwih veetofhibyaad ntun a to one o! the other herds. also learned qulle a number tliree children. Tell r lmnrse h Mr Ainbd heSiis- This animaâl, which had been of Italian phrases and words. aithelAmtnglm nrt e : i MrAn t the S abns- lied ln ils stali flot only wilh White most o! bis lime ln the body of Benito Mussolinilai 8:30 a.m., and the airpont, Home, Oshawa. Fu-nenal serv- o ,madan Geman t e. Hesaid a nope tbnough a nose ring Italy was spent ai Ibis farm was bung after the dictatorlihe ciiy has lwo, was oniy tce was heid at, Harmony ar hat oGmnecbuy er ad sta but also with nopes around ils before is days ai the Cre- was shol. bai! an houris drive from my United Cburcb, Monday, Jan, fes yhtoung M ean nent ook orna, somehow managed in a mona Caille Show and Inter- Bie spoke of the moderniholel. The fligbl bo Paris by 15, ai 2 p.m., with Rev. E. F. lie, yon Mxcn a o okstruggle to gel ils neck caughi national Exhibition, Mr. Allun shopping plazas, whicb are Whisper Jet took only bal! an Lacey officialing. sal and strangied ilseif. bad a sightseeing trip one covered by hlgh glass domes. hour. There was a wait ai the Interment was at Mount!j Ing "Il weighed about a ton, and Sunday wîlh fniends wbo took There are new buildings and Paris Airpont before boarding Lawn Cemetery.____ t had to be bauled topside wilh hlm iln their car to see Laca theatres that have been built an Air France Boelng 707 for -___ a winch. Then Il was dropped Guanda high in the mount-,witb designs specially pianned oun tnans-Atiantîc fflgbt t oven the side." Mn. Allun said.lains. 10 fil in wilb the attractive Montreal, which look seven "The wealher provided an He spoke of a lilîle nioun-1old style architecture o! mosi hours. French lime is six1 ideai cnossing o! the Atlantic tain town wlth picluresque o! the city. hours ahead of Monîreail time. and the sea was as caîm as ancient buildings and narnowl "The Air France plane left Altbough Mn. Ai1in's plane a mTillpond witb the exception sîreets whene there were landed ai Dorval Airpont aI o!todays when the ocean many tounists with cars from BuiesDrcory on e p.m. our lime, as arrange- I f you ront an waswrough. Oîberwîse il was almnosi every part o! Europe. B sns ie ments for bis tickets had been wanm as Il cou!d be on a There wene also many gifl made ln Italy lie had to watt À AFlorida beach. l and novelly shops. AC COu n ta n C y~ until 10 p.m. for bis flighl bt "h I was two bad thal a fog "There was a small bolel,- Toono. Because of the heavyý éntredtheStait ofGiral Paiothat was exlended by ai Charlered Accountant was unable to change his i uplyI dopet fer progrssver. pè%dm tan. We couid on]y see whal 10 feet w1de ovenhang abovel 93 Church Street booklng. H-is parents, Mr. andi looked like the huge shadow a sheer drop o! 2,000 feeî. n 23-86 Mrs. Alfned H. Aluin, met hlm F ZN of the famous Rock of Gibral- gave a marvelous view o! the WM. Ji .CO 1GIS at Toronto International Air- 1pfi tar and dark shadows whicb lake below, Ils surrounding Charlered Accountant pont. O D were the looming mountains mounitains, the fool-hIlîs val-i 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvllle Mn. Allin said that sorne day il~ ~ ' \~ .did your know that there's of North Afnica. leys and he plains," Mn. .AMn __ _Phone 623-3612 be bopes in retunn Europe 1AAIF-à 7 MEDAIK1 L A a special Homeownerstype "In the Mediterranean, sev- sa,id. He also spoke of tbe flan- IILA CH and see more o! Italy than he; COFFEE CAKE .697c joiyesgejuioryou? eral fishing hoals and a sub- now winding road up the WILIMCm. HL was able la do on tbis trip. rFMERVAtE marine were sigbted. The sub- mouniain. "Two Volkswagensl Chartened Accoutitant He also tlId the Statesmani FANCY PEAS ,,4 9 c 15pecially adapîcd for persons marine looked as if Il could wrouid just be able to pass. I 361/ King St. E., Oshawa ibat lhe would like to travel' "'IN ANYCsIMEi ,vho rent, il makesaaibl be an atomic one," Mn. Allin This rond bas three feet higb eehne7563 again wilh a consignmenl o f RNHFIS PY. 4 C oyualts avaae said. The sea trip fnomn Mont- atone walls aiong ils outen1 Tlpoe7563 alefo heHy am, FEC RE io4 c neal to Genoa took 15 days. edge, many cunves, and some ChBtJRROSeLBY & ntans caile frmihe ays FanmsH& HIS Pk.'5 'package" protection. You get "We amived ai Genoa, a 90 degree bends," hie declaned C2arKengd Acrotanes Okil.Tosc mp e P EVL lire, lheft and iabiityinsure large pont, on Fniday, August Mn. Allun dlscussed the Cre- O323 wain OSar Wesî woud parîcuanl lMexic an MH&CHPS5 ee.A inoepic 25ih, ai seven a.m., Ibalian mona Caille Show and Inter- 7565 - 728-7554 to Argentina. HADDOCK FisH STI 9c tie, h s loewppane ntinlmxhbiin.Hejad William A. D. Selby, C.A. .,Onlowremumlthat a pilot came ouit t the ihat il is veny much like the G. Edmond Burrows, CA. ship firsi and Il took more Royal Wintem Fair in Toronto. ______________ ihan bal! an hour with the The first few days il is eally OBITUARY assistance o! bwo tugs for the a regional show, then the me- C hi reo pr a C C MR.JH KUE O S.S. Cambria to dock.. maInder of the lime is devot- S.JH KUE O He gave a humorous accounit ed to the International Catilei G. EDWIN MANN, D. Mrs. John Kuzenko died CGA OVIN IRIeH o! the unioading wbich was Exhibition. The Hays Fanms' Chiropractor Saturday, Jan. 13, 1968 ln STUARTT IR accompanied by excitable own dsplay contained 22 bead Office : Oshawa Genenal fosita 0 shoutng b theItalians and o caille. Temi exhibîtons 15 Elgin St., con, o! Horsey St. lowlnga short, senbous ileýs. A P E PE..3 othens plus the barking o! In- in the International sboig Phone 623-5509 The former Rose Mazuk CrISSDT A EScisiv~e commands by the Ger- are from Canada andwlthe Office Hours: By appoinment wich, she was bora Sept. 211( man crew. United States, hie poînled nul.1 1894, la Poiand. Her parents, Jm u J M SFrom Genoa Mr. Allia look Afflerrndsr. Aln lft1D n taIwn h aeM.adMs - cout Organizalion, died ti rrtiIRTiFWTH 151CE il 14Gw many other products can You have delivered I n f or m atiti on~ residence, 47 Cburch Street, on ORANGES oi59c froth le your door ~Wednesday, December 271h.1 I oAtqsy Nts ihny u ne h r FOR ASSISTANCE MHe la survived by bis wife, wbo eimADî 24# 4 fr sh b o u d or*w h n ou n s d h e ?C A N A D IA N before thei r a rriage 20 ye :s C E L E R Y Ne. 1I191 a t# CA CE S CITY ag ws is ElaG.Ro ers TS.- Ne C. 1IMetAu. U S-4 Your Gln Ra Deiver Ma maes SRE hat o Phon e r 2-17daughier o! the le Mr. and 1BROCCOLI îuRck 35 c YourGienRaeDoliery an nake SUE tht yo Mr. M.Sye 6233177Mrs ChMres.oges.aOeieMsDRogers.MortOneu 1-s. J. Oegemna 623-2318 brother, Andrew C. Monison,1NR AC SiSDLC have a constant supply of fresh milk and dairy products on hand 1 Scolland, also survives hlm. ' ,B.C. APPLEs 6Fm49cý I nsu anceThe deceasediwas born aI DONALD A. MacGREGOR Perth, Scotland. He was edu- 4.Life. Auto, Home1 caed at Public Scoos and 52 Ring 5St .,Banvill hil e to SEIELCD ie Phone 623-5962 the university ha Came a OOKED HAM 0RZE ORNA With Meat Prices what they are today ..* Milk Canada ta work for the sum O z VCPKRANGE JUI and milk producti are an even better buy for your family'ssupyM o rg a g e s Dimerctoitet nothe ar u ý, ez7a of hahhynutrent.RA ITON . ORONO This was ia 1914 and wen ofhelty utiet.Phone 983-5115 war broke oui in Europe he Final Morîgage Funds immediately went ta Calgary LCANADAN.1 'RADEINZL Residences- Farms where he enlisted la a cavalry =CK1N40S I F O R H O E D E L I E R y * H O N E 6 3 . 5 4 4 4B u s in e s s P r o p e r t i e s r e g i e n t w h ic b w a s a m o n g 1 0 O I N I FObOEDLVR POE6354 he firaI units to arrive over- iL EL S2 ilTE KEITH A. BILLET?. o.». Mn. Mornison had a distin- Optometriat guisbed career ia the almy -ma 143 King St. E. - Bowrnanville and recelved many decoralions m Office Hours: By appointznent and honora lnciuding the Croix jo vm a G le R aMonir Telephone 623-3252 de Guerre presented ta bom BOWMAN VILLE hrdyeeng rmteatreecsesu- Dear Mr. James: Please, allow me space to, express my gratitude to the Bowmanville ministers for Providing the opportunity to start 1968 with a series of three prayer meetings. I'm glad that I could attend even though It meant giv- Ing up somnething that seem- ed more Interesting. I suppose it's not easy for an outside speaker to know what kind of audience he may expect, but after sev- eral years of experience it bas become clear that such audiences will likely be made up from the most faithful church members in the community. They are, therefore, not people who corne to seek salvation, but rather those who have found the Saviour and are pre- pared to worship Hlm. To them, entering a New Year Is an important step into an unknown future and they know that 'to place their hands Into the hand of God Is better than light, and safer than the known way." rhey seek to be inspired as they go to walk another mile on life's road. Those who came with this in mind have found what. they sought. They found reassurance that, though they may be of different lenominations, they are, in fact, members of that one Great Flock of that One Great Shepherd who knows them and gives themn eternal LMe. They were shown 0ow they can pattern their ves to become friends of God by exercising Abra- am's faith. And they were ýncouraged f or ha ppy bristian living because the hepherd's Voice is fanilliar ind dear to them. With uch inspiring messages owmanville's C h r i s t lans night enter the New Year dgrace, 1968 A.D. Compared with former rars, It seemed to me that he attendance was better, id It lncreased on succes- Ive nights. There is some- itng about this "together- ess" that makes you feel ood Inside. This Is indeed n exercise In what we pro- ss each Lord's Day: I be- eve In the communion of ints. This singing. pray- ig, offering, and listenlng together" Is in Itself an Up- 'CA CHOICE PEAS LIBO £FANCY TOMATO JUICE IGA BEANS WIIH PORK NEW IMPROVIO - ROYAL OUEST ORANGE JUI APPLE 09SC WERVE LSE STAFFORD F fisECECa! OR SeIalpEIy YORK PURE MEMiT ROMPF PIE CRUST M 1i WDEAL FAB3 DETERC L'ES BARÇ' COFFEI CRISE CkiEfKAT1 ROWNTREE'g COLONIAL BI QUAI DDEB INSTANT BE E iville lifting experlence. But surely, there could, and should have been many. many more ln this happy town to attend these meet- ings, and to have a part ln this New Year's Blessing. if only someone could maxe them see what they have mIssed! There should be no auditorium big enough to hold the whole Flock of Bowmanville Bellevers. I must make a confession: Ever since I attended the meetings for the first Urne on coming to this town ln '57 1 have dreamed of One Place where ail the town's Christians may meet on the Lord's Day, for Worship and for Instruction. I dreamn MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TINS q 39 ozIN 9 c 6îîNu 9 GRAD "À"69CS GRAD"A F E I G SEim A MED o LEMGlI 5 c ICE 3,,,,,9 9c PIE FILLER loz39c JAMS 59 c lîx lae3 I %ENT iM 1 .2 9 01RIE OC L!SSRTEM XÇnS499 CANDIES 3 c BOWMAN VILLE ISCUITS 3QUAKE9 QUICK OATS I40lR, surrounded by smaller ones whicb may be called "Porch- es". On Sunday monningl the church balls would cal all the worsblppers together to congregate ln the large central auditorium for com- munal Worship o! prayer. slnglng, offening. After tisl period o! Worsbip, ea,~ gnoup' wouid retire to, "ponch" for Instruction , Its awn minister. I hope you don't consider ibis dream too fantastic. I thank you for thls space and for lelting me say what many others may have wanted ta say. Sincereiy yours. Jacob W. F. Utvlugb& BATNTION IF YOU HAVE A COLD, SORE THROAT, OR THE 'FLU, PLEASE DO NOT VISIT PATIENTS IN THE HOSPITAL. YOUR CO-OPERATION WILL BE APPB.CIATED. B. HOLDEN 10 January 1968 Hospital Administrator L IGA T»blenit. chiekens aire pure i coinur, have allo 'r' psrtlcularly round ln thée109gand meaty i the tr 81 chieken dinner thitu tender, tasty and Iulcy goc Tmblent.e ciicken treet this week. TABIERITE-CAMADA GRADE A CHICKENGR UNYMR INDLSSlIE ~ BACO N FA65c COOKED7c OvRr firmns, ald j MET mioaoU. They min M 7 'Dd. Have on iGA SWIFT PREMIUM CORNED ti PIC B FEF ~ ~. lu PEPSDENTs[liN MOU lT HWASH ~45c SANIfARY NAPKINS KuIEXSL 89 BISCUIÎS3 1175cu BLACK DIAMOND - Woff 49r OLO CHEESE t 9 UNCLE UNS (SER LONG RICE m. Tins 42 01. NI, (ý l' i , îzw IGA Foodllýoi IAFoodil ~ATTNTO VIALLR TABLERITE- CANADA GRADE "A"- EVISCERATED FRESH FRYING OR ROASIING 2.3 LB. AVG. 9 4b.. ubbu%.26 è%b, 1 10 January 1968 1

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