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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1968, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvflle, Jan. 31, 196 83o d D a e o n a o ri e d c t o r g a Hn Comic Books on SmokincrO e Rtrmn Distributed in Schools Koun iha Alsn h Cancer Society Advised th( anda Lgo, rmetMbersntt1 the Ro a C E fa itfor teBado geea eetin of the port was given by its chair- vertisement had been placed anhiwfeHeBomn BarChran ethck BomavieBn ch of the man, Mrs. Syer. The report in the Canadian Statesman ville KinsmianCuPrsdtsomdehersnttn r Canadian Cancer Society as of the Sunshine Group was under the heading -Informa- Roy Woodadadbsl eonto fMs lto' beld i the Lions Community presented by its president, tion" giving two telephone ~.RbBwavleRtr Cetr ast week. President Mrs. E. R. Thompson. who numbers that can be called Club Presidnt lWte-tehsia.Hsîa dii Clarece Bell presided, and said that 1,126 dressings had for assistance from the Can- spoon and bih iePyls taorBradHle pk the meeting was opened with been made so far this year cer Society. Bowmanville LosCu r-o r.Alsnsfn ok the Lord's Prayer said ini by the group. Mrs. Thomp- Aerdscussion it was sident Bob WiliM sadbsevtotoutndbit. unison. son also said that any ladies moved and adopted that the wif Ruth, Imdaept H ealdta h a In the absence of the treas- who would like to corne 10 branch continue this adver- President Carruhr n i tre bntenwbsia urer, Mrs. B. D. Tillcock, who the Lions Communlty Centre tisement for four more weeks. w1fe Pat. lm a icag fbt was unabie tb be present, any Friday afternoon would If in this plod calls for New member fteBwwsfrs uiada n Mrs. W. B. Syer read the be more than welcome. assistance are flot received manville KiwisCuLrete-ryDprmnadth satisfactory financial state- President Clarence Bell an- the branch il place * Ibis Macauley, JohnWie e aoaor.M.Hle pk inent. nounced that Joseph Whit advertisemeintiilanother sec- Nixnigon, and aeAI-o e in es frsos. The Publicity Chairman, more, Toronto, will be the lion of the paper, it was de- strong were as nrdcdbltadbrhlflest Mnr. George K. Ward, report- guest speaker at the next cided. President Bell was b meit cdtatcml okso sa-meeting of the Bowmanville also asked to look mbtbePeietBehwloeo the bosptalbe pinte edta oi ok nso-Branch of tbe Canadian Can- matter of baving a Cancer Cares. asba md mnyf ed Ing had been placed Ihe cer Sciwbicb will, be Society telephone number ~ the special gussjiiosot local scbools. She also again beld on March 2tbh i the histed In the Bowmanville ' the membersand terAfn itfocb eia e m p asi ed hat fil ns nd Lions C om m unity C e n t r e. part of the Telephone D irec- gu s s I m ed a e P t Pr - t ff w s a o re e v d b literature are available for Mr. Wbitmore is the Cam- tory. g"4 sn rt ersoeafMs io.D.AlnB er ganizain s n d o tb rs n p aig n C h air nan fo r O n tario P resid en t B ell th an k ed '"'~~ of th e clu b p e e t d R s y v s e a e t e p e e t . to nee te d h i n f o r ati n in t be a n n u a l C a n v as s fo r e v e ry o n e fo r a tte n d in g th e î , î~J c m n p s r s d n i n 1 M s l i o n b h l co n cto w t c n er a dFunds for Cancer Research m eeting. A fterw ards tw o ex- '" 4 Bi Jew ell, a d B l ih :oài b c d c o s the figbt against Ibis read and bo assist patients wbo ceedingly interesting films, ihecwt disease. bave Ibis illness. "The Million Club" and Last year, Pine Ridge School inaugurated a Driver McGuire and Ross McComb look on with approval. cognition <of cttnigsr Dtba oo n The Service to Patients re- The meeting was also bold "'Wbat is Cancer" w e r le Education Program for ils students and it is being Each student takes 40 hours of in-class instruction vicluo heb i 97 oo fMs lio.Alr vice Vo the Bowmelvhle Ki-ngî te Hospital Staffin continued this year with instruction being given in and eight to 10 hours of behind the wheel driving Special greetig ee~ ad h at etbMs Orn td nsthis e Ford Ile to the school by MacDonald Ford instruction. Afler passing Dept. of Highways driving tended to visitigKwnasMroiloenshm.Lb Paicat ~pronmt Action anishnin ky eft nt Zeplymn dengadatot iswf teltJhTw oa Patcp t nof the vehicle hast week. Les MacDonald, presien of that many of themn have found helpful in obtaining living in GranvnusadAmnsrtrHle rsn: (FROM PAGE ONE) tecom" anigth esat l +f toCed Mrs Amen aflisondatiwiths iftPae s e c o ts odnPre,3,Peietoth o.Instructor Bill Bail, whihe Assistant Instructors John Vice-President o p e a c C o testSel on P rke , 31 Pr side t o tii co - e he reen, " he B rre Kiw nis Club an bis wif- Ot ersa'hoin.Club,*w pany, told the Statesman that he spotted the A the Isli" "The Wearing of Jr Jacques, oftehnrSrs io ro4 The O o o P u l c S c o l fi n in t h e e a s t e n d o f t h e m a in b a r n a n d im - t e roc s efni", e M ai"L eTa yoh eer s eBs norl v ngein hedtheir annual speaking IRocksinf Aden", Highland ' h au her Mss Ssai contest on Tuesday evening Mediately rushed to the telephone to phono Wnu i est y ee in Laddie" "The Scobtish Sohd- a member of h WibyK:1rg im eki h rn ntdf er", and "Cock o' the North". wanis Club, adbswf liowr r.Rs tv Cburch wben finaista of the fr th. f ire aepartment. At about the same Ct The M.C., Presîdent Mavin, ' AnnWes Mrhnntho scliool compebed i both a time, George Brown of Bowmanville was also H I 1 ~ . . u c introduced four young dancers' the Wbitby Clb(n i n ad isVlaGyr Junior and Senior division. A trigi h lr.H a ee h r o e d c t S. J h n, h uEhSuanStWesthelaScMo wfehooyyW fair crowd was i atendance. trigi h lrH a entefiefo Anne Gowans and Kathleen mount-OshawaKiasClb MsAlso 15ardu' Miss Cheryl Cornish was the. road. Mrs. Parker and three employees hiSt Jhn's Anlan Chrch el$100 short of $2 90m f) (1mby rs oArche Mcis R ae, ons aingo s. Aoli saradbswfan i o-o h oylVcoi op ehd thir annal Vesry $10 00, anew sytem o! Member o! th AdvisrutoDancing ro Mshool sh- rerts, Don MihIsKinsClba choofusngMo Junidivi I the to pee n-b Ken Russell, Cor Mostert and Wayne FIintoff meeting last Monday evening, voluntary giving to mission Board are: the two Church- awa. They received much ap- and bis wife Joa.'racadsh ae okps WaiLn f d rnf ell"Miss C r catthuedbrnthere otte85ha fthe church. The meeting, for the first lime iast year, Treasurer, and the lwo Lay ing of the Highland Fling and Ladies was pooe ibadohrseihzdfeI Wi18h wa Gresfenb is o-ttehed with Ib Fortunately, at that time, wbîcb was as well attended in actual fact we did contri- Members of Synod; Mrs. V. the Sword Dance. eloquence andwibyJcbohnCadandheUtd rs a rsne ihteas usua], in spile of bad wea- bute far more than this as Sutton, (represenîîng t he Ahglgto te eigMron, a P;s Junior ropby. Qîbers speak the cattie had not detected the. smoke above ther, was chaired by Rev. K. there had been several dona. Guild, A.C..) Mrs. L. LucasA bghlghtof he eenig. lic lng hi bbc diisi n ere Di ne them so there w as no difficulty herding them J. Fram p on who in is open- ions 10 mission work by j (Joanna Group, A.C.W .); ws Ihe t s in in o e 1ra jPresi e eh, ie o h 9 8, o re i o os Boyd (Florence Nighingale), ls songs by Ross Met- nl nbhl problem was prvent' ng address spoke of the great church organizations which J. Braybrook, (Marîha A.C. if ho ppard . inglyo eafo i ais SteveenSaSawyer en(Centennial deou Tesido.esTii. bigges pre ungiwereisiootfiin Mrs. iA.hca,,erwooppearedeweanrîngW*T)e specialPadoor, prizesalLmTh pecia Events),an Pal tpe them f rom getting back into tho barn out of country at Iis ime, not in "Oureach" shown on theca A.C.W.); Mrs. R. Betlesa il and ighland accoutre-lwere (The Ganaraska Foresîs). te sense thal we -tend tb slatement. Mr. HennIng said('SIunday Scbool), and oni e îs. mr. Mccablietan-d ayor, Wýhîiy Th huk Larry Lunn won top bonors the cold and Mrs. Parker was thoroughly think of missions in tiome tbal he 'frit Ibis syslem o! member of Anglican Young, 1ocewsmeoale n ticket, No. 194620 a dan mm o f In tbe Senior division witb bis e as ei h d t e l rg by V a Ho s sujet,"D. lbr Shwit hrn mog urow find hd ee vr sccssullatedmebes re:Mr .N.Lunciledan borneeor hlpcamongeiee arwoulaebu own a sttnfriendar trgt eol.badte adbeent-1 udecdwih iLunnigofMaorofB.i zer". Carol Chatterton placed hor at on. 12 foot oponing. and neighbors. Mr. Framp- ycar. very successful Sotih nedte adhi Bl Jwel second speaking on Vincent toasI members arc:g Mr.mN.neccnwithshis ftetlangso!gMayor oTàUBowmanviiîe. E. And-AGE ONac ___ __ __ __ __ r. F. Ho pe, M. . rc eraler. Mr. M etcalf's th r g a an Mer whe nowcomYunpebe hIbefirewereoncaultd of- rab Engiand as be did be feit a from tbe presentatlon o!fbbceerson, r .Hnig r .paoacmpanisl was Doug- millee. was inchreoa-acntiuonbIsget ersowl nsbip o aretefinlsto e r ageoneOct aone r. r greal difference in our gen- budget for 1968 by Mr. Hen- Ctbcad Mr. L. Parker. 1 apo.rneet o be beld of larkte vcrynar koA er osI15 be o! . c a r-le Reden15 eral attitude lowards the ning was that the "Parisb Auditors for 1968 are: Mr. E. Music for dancing was pro- was assisted by b te adcpe a os.Tc be hldinthcyryne accidot 5 ebyaIe om te rod- church and ils ministers, stat- News", St. Jobn's newly es- Dadson, one yet to be appoint- vided by Ted Tayior's Orches- members o!fbscmilc, nsntohev Ierdn. Heather Mcih speaking on enticide, * eVICe in g thal even among non- tablisbed parisb newspaper, idl Outrcacb Co-ordinator, tra, Ajax. During bbc Inter- John Wuite andKeNigo.lnabteTrt-Dmno .1ebelievers, tbe Canadian atti- not only keeps the congrega- Mr. L. Parker. mission a group of the Bow- Bill Mihowicbadrco akbr. TeMrho 4'LSD" and Bea DenBecker The sequel bo the fire story tude in general is warm and lion beller informed o! what Those attending bbc Veslry manville Legion Pipe Band's o!fb lb a the cbluîesbnea CarmnvMs wbo spoke on "Egypt" also Is one of friendis and neigh- (FROM PAGE ONE) friendiy, wbereas in Brilain is going on in bbc churcb, but enjoyed a delicious mid-meît- Pipers played for "The Gay M.C. An excellnprra SmuIbsfenonad competed In the Senior divi- bore joining forces to render stated In bis report that be had cxperienccd a more also is saving tbe cburch ing tea break sive by Mrs. Gordons", wbicb was enthusi- O! popular music o acn htseadtemmeso so.eeyassacposbeOf-6,200 bottles o! blood had widcspread indifference and money as il cosîs hcss to mail J. Frampton, assisted by siv asticaliy' danced by ncarly was provided b., rc e-tecmile r otgae Each contestant was pre- ers of beip i carig for tbe been collected In local clinics lack o! appreciation of bbc ncwspapers than to mail' eral other ladies of bbc churcli. everybody present. The pip- ow's Orchestra,Osaafu oRG.Ltn, a- sentei with a book. Jud.ges cathe came from far and ricar. since they began In Novem- cburch end ils ministers. church letters and bulletins, The meeting closed witb ers then played special waitz- The wînnerso!bcSoaer !bb Bwmnil for the competilion were Mr. On Wednesday, tbc animais ber 1959. Four clinics are Thus if we bad bbc lime a had been donc in the past. prayers led by Mr. Frampton. es for bbc entire Intermission. Dances were StuanDeosBacb !teTrno-- MacLeod, Area Superinlendent werc bcing looked aller in held each year on tbe flrst and strength to do il, rnany Mr. C. Evans, organ in- _________- -l Bealon, Wbilby, DnMra iinBn o i ef Publeicoo; Mr. Gibson. stables bbrougbout' bbc area, Wednesday In Fcbruary, May, wbo now do not reccive the stallation superVisor, statcd anbearlMa grnia fKirby CentennIal including those o! Jim Coom- August and November. sustained bclp tbcy need i hat the new organ whicb was man Plearcautha, o-c-peaon ~chooland Mrs. Rowe, prini-bes, Maurice Pedwell, Gerry Disaster and Individual terfibadi ieo cculdbb ntle atfO '-McDonald, Bowu 1 ,Drig 16 nCnd pa !NwovlcSbo. Brown, Pete Sikma, John Emergency Aid distress, would find it in bbc ycar should bc ready for in- eanJa A ..-Orono Ties Boeke and Doug Cunningham. Mrs. Gco. Forsey reporbed cburch. Ideaily, the way bo stalaion somelîme within wJcanS Several Newcastle firemen that eigbt adulîs and eight do Ibis would bc for more the nexl fcw weeks. The or- M e m ory n.' awJaand Shir JleLokrcossrpbd. !Ies slayed aI bbc farm tbrough- children bad been assisted lay members o! bbechcurch tb gan account Was shown Vo be wm, Bowmavh] on uilan483wec eyrprd out Monday nigbt tb make with ernergency food, clotb- take an active part In minis- in good shape with onhy (FROM PAGE ONE) NOM M EAPR - MylMaDndsaa.c es certain bbc blaze would no;Ing an bedding following terial work under the guid- $2,000.00 still Vo be raiscd t h nu spbl eah r n break out again. Mrs. Wmn. fires wbicb destroyed or se- ance o! the ordaincd minister. pay il off in fuIl. This, in leus upehahr n Rudell and Mrs. Douglas vereiy damagedi their homes. He called mmes teto spile o! costs going m;uci greenery wibb McKenzie tar DELOITTE, PEDR AKN EL Cunnigbam also sta.-#ed A furtber seven adults and 38 b bbce fact tat brc at-eti b igber than bad been aiiIan bows. The Bowmanvîhîe tbrougbout bhc nigbt, helplg cblidren were assisted through ctendanc sdo 0pr cenat patcd due to unforeseen cir- Ladies Auxiliary b bhe Rbar- PACK ~ I'A. make sandwiches and coffee our Individual Emergency Aid thîs year, aîîbough there bave cumsFloances Lginith Rals 5 YETAK for the men wbo were stiJi programme wîtb new and used bee ewpole migito.Reot from all organiza tr lrneKngîSce OC rEreSc o na t These cases were bbc churcb, stating that Ibis lions In bhc churcb were pre- president, as convenor, cateredCAAANCTE i o (.IC S AhI day Tuesday, Ibere was referred bo our Brancb by trend is baking place in most scntcd and approved, show- for the delicious dinner. PRNR a regular parade o! over 50 Welfare officiaIs and bbc churches aI Ibis lime and re- iflg that al bad taken part Bowmanville Legion Pipe They caer iheleshov tels and Fe Uirs Aidmarking that cerlainly this is in rmany cburch activities Band Presîdent Bill Yeo pre- no limee for complacandencyt Aldand most bad contributeci sdcdand welcomned every- BURTRR.iWATERS C.A. U, SVNT other implements. As a resuhî,ScusadGie rtebepto!bccrb If generously bo the work o!foypeel eitoue 3/4SAuts0ad-Gureattr BhelheipatAfiheOtherh.Cheunterleat theroughoble 4 CONS the scene was cleared o! mucb area received First Aid In- we do'tscek bo do bbcth church bolh aI borne anditeohr Iteba al:- soltdFriI lie iiso mrc the ebrs, heamoke-baint- struction. A class was also work in His way we wil nol beyond bbc parisb. hswfMs ePeiet CHQIN d grain was cartedi away, bbc beld aI Clarke Higb Scbool. survive the test o! prosperîîy Our churcb's women's or- Albert Mavin o! Branch 178 i C R E Q M NareGf am o b c barn 'tom Slings w ere snpplîe d o t e a i at o s l nebp to e h r oftbbca a ad a eg o S q. ACCOUNTSfae f he a Ski Patrol at bbc Oshawa Ski On bbc promising sidc Of atya n h "nlcnMs a ,Ms d oi 623 3 0 yealw n thresnite egrfror hrhi h rch uonder h Agichano-rs. Man r.Ed oe PH NE 72 -7 2 clani u on n uryClub. Mr. D. Harvey isb the ide o u cucfsCucbWmn hc at-Peie th Ie Tartan Club, PERSONAL lAonut 1 dbunedina up erîycarmno tthrorm e fact that in spite o! low- matically includes a]] women and ber busband, redCleA_______________ OHW O A N S d eA no u t 5 t u n c o m p l e t e b b c h i a H o m e N us r s i g r a m . e r a t e d n e f i a c s b v o ! t e c u c . T s w s d n c b c R v J m s S . G c r s , There wcr 1-- TiM C ea n M . E. r m i d ab u th sa e o pr m b moe niy a d B a c 17 C ap in ani M s ---- -..ay-.sbouting! rnon ox-Dbtj 1mencaýIn' wO hsPial bds OstHOsPtal- Th BrnchIbose tceit eedale. deeconateti anti 10 pair o is particularly grateful tATe inrswr 1 e 5 s t h e al.p 4 I 1 Get in on the adjustable crutches anti three Rlckaby's Ltd. for their gen-, Elinr erc 1.boReofP S i Q.T. SWEEPSTAE« air rings were atidedti l meet erous donation o! wool for:ElAccidaboono!Bobîe1 the lnreasig dem nd fo socks mitî antiscarvs. Ti Burns' poems; 2. Mrs. J. L. W IN A QUIET FO RD - Ford n h e car a r v dq i t rt a h Ibese articles. înteresb o! Mr. anti Mrs. Gea' R u d I 'noe o b w eatflR U 0'e ulsi or n e m u s1î! alt B x G a d Oe Ï 1 Waer Safey Webster In tbc work o! Iis! o n -U~p ifowr arrangements from bbc 1Awartis were provitiet for commitbee is mucb appreciat-! b eati table; 3. George Hay- QUIET SA LE E I L Fresh M eats and Products On D lsplay Iswim classes elt I n Black- d. (FROM PAGE ONE) mens, bbc other fower ar-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Il Istock, Bowmanvlle. N e w- The President hankedthbb North near bbc North End rangement from bbce heati Thursday- Friday- Saturday castle anti Orono. Local swim- chairmen anti those prescnt Market, betwccn a car drîv- table; 4. Ernie Knapp, Jr., an 1962 MERCURY V94 CO V I Ail Cus o S EAK~ b. 9c mers who qualifieti werc spon- for heir efforts on beaf of~ en by Ahmad Fabcm, 135 attractive anti amusing flora 4-DOOR SEDAN 2D O E A A CtofSEKb.9e soreti at Instructor schools so Redi Cross during 1967. ShelRose Avenue, Toronto, anti a arrangement; 5. Glenn Smith, Cni pl ei STEAK ROASTS lb. 95e that bbey migbt become quali- expressedti he hope Ihat dur- pick-up truck tiriven by John a replica o! the fourth prize; Fully equippeti. MustC BLDEan SOR RB l. 9c fied Instructors anti work at ing 1968 more people coulti be Hcndry, 252 King Street East. 6. John Gibson, a titi o! Scot- be seen to be apprecialed. Abeuy BAEadSOTRBl.6e local swim classes. Mr. W. W. Interested Iin taking, an active Only mînor tiamage was re- tish shortbreati, anti 7. Alberbl Lic. K15545. Was $1095Kt2l a 195. $108 HAMBURG------l. 55e - 2 lbs. $1,00 Bagnell, Chairman, anti bis part In the work o! bbc ceiveti by bbc two vehicles In. Hamilton, a tin o! Scobtisb 140W ONLY ----- $7 7 NiWOL . ~ POR SHULDR RASTlb.59c assistants gave miany demon- Brancb. Meetings are belti volveti In Ibis accident. Cos shortbreati. < 1kE rI LOIN CHOPS E OS - - b 9 strations o! artificial respira- montbly on tbc 3rti Monday table John Bird Investîgateci. After bbc beadti able was' 96 ER UR LONCOSlb. 69c tion anti distributeti Water at 8 p.m. AI 3:35 p.m. on Tbursday cheareti President Mavin book "INVICTA" SEDA44N BUTCOS--~l.7c Safety literature le, ares The election o! officers was there was a collision bebween over as M.C. for bbe rest o!f-DORHR q dTFu BT HPl.79 cools ant inhteresteti organîz- as follows: Presitient, Mrs. W. a car driven by Dawson Beck- tbbce evenig omn ihle Pwereippetak is. Flyeupei Boneless RUMP ROAST_______ lb. 89e allons. R. Spry; Vice-Pres., Mr. W. ett, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, and Legion Pipe Band then tbrill- i Geain76. BlakFsh50 i BREAKFAST BACON, alab 55e____-pis Women's Work W. Bagnell; Secrcbary. Mrs. a school bus driven by Mrs. cd everybody present with L ic. K 5756.Wa$13 84 BcNa(ig neir Mr.E. Rundile, Chairman, W. Wallis; Treasurer, Mr. W. Marvel Harper, R.R. 4. Bow- several numbers.NO OLY. Rlind Off our own Sugar Cured lb. 59c reporleti that a tobal of! 1,061 J. E. Ormiston; Phone Con- manvîlle on No. 2 Highway Drum Major Albert AIbi M R AR OCOOE FO kitdanti sewn garments venor, Miss Lintia Hibbon. just east o! bbc Maple Grove led bbe Drummers i n d, M R THAN 50 OTHER USED BEEF or PORK LIVER. . lb. 49c , were completeti by thbc nmm Chairmen:- Blooti, Mr. Harry Roati. Damage bo Mr. Beck- formeti a bal! circle. He then EXRASPCIL!bers o! ber commiltee during Davey; Dism~ter. Mrs. Gea. ett's car amounteti to ap- hati Drummer Derek Severn Cetra SmEIthAl!Favrs1967. This Is a consitierable Forsey; First Aid, Mr. D. proxlmatcly $200, andti here take charge for the exciti f l I Cen r E S ihAM . Flgai. ylincrease over the 1966 total. Harvey; Home Nursing, Miss was only minor tdamage tb "Dru mnmers Salute". At IeI d ii n b bs rils M r w , RN; L a u - bc b s hr ee n n ni o this pee tîo ieEU ____________ ...........__...... __gai._79_ whicb are useti for victlms o! board, Mii. F. Griffin-, Water juries. Constable G o r g e Major Don Brooks foliowed , Mc diater aI home anti abroad, Safety, Mr. W. W. Bagneil; Banicb, OPP, Investigateti. ahi the Pipers marcheti in anti ~f FEESH CUT FROZEN HALIBUT and SALMON 0",556 wlpes anti 5,924 swabs Women's Work, Mns. E. Since last Wednesday Il tey complletid the cirche witb EOD SALMON STEAK _________ b 10 were matie for bbe Blooti Rundle. minor accidents wcre Investi- bbc Drummers. O H W Tasfusion Service; 200 tri- The meeting then adjoumneti gateti by officers o! bbc Bow- AIl present wcre enchantedl S A AB W A VLI RALIBUT STEAK 1-.------ b. 79c angular bandages werc sewn anti rcfreshmcnls anti a social manville Detachmcnt of thelwith bbc band's playig of~ 520 KING ST. W. - 723-524129KNGS.E - 3.54 for Firat Aid work and Out- hour were enjoyed. Ontarlo Provincial Police. J"The Black Bear", "Road to I 1 ý .. . - ý . 'èlý

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