12 The Canadian Statearnan, Bwmanvlle, Feb. 'T, 1968 antic, aong with westr vocais by Dave Walton c0f Bowmanvilit and accord..n Solos bY Gary VanDam cof Orono Chamber Elects Pntpool.d New Off icers for 1968 the presldency cfthCam Orono Chamber cf Cern-I presented a slate cf officers support cf everyone and ineroe held their annual meet-lwhich« was approved by the would do everything in his ing I the Onono Odd Fellows meeting as follows: power to make 1968 a succes- Hall on Monday, Jan. 29th ini R. Hazelden, president; H fuI year for the Chamber of the form cf a banquet and Hoenscb, vice-president; R: Commerce. social evening. Sixty-five bus- Dickson, treasurer; R. Forres- Tht banquet was catened te bands and wives were in at- ter, secretary. by tht ladies cf tht Orono tendance. Directors: Messrs. S. Math- Rebekah Lodge. Harvey Partner, president, er, G. Simpson, F. Storsber- Tht financial report eut-, chaired the meeting, assisted gen G. Watson, P. M. Lunn, lined the activities cf the by Stirling Mathen, master cf1 Glen Tennant and H. Partner. Chamber for the past year In-, oeremonies for tht entertain- j Sterling Mathen, chairman cluding the promotion cf a ment. locf entertainment, provided en- finewcnks display, and a Cen- Teh nominating committet' tertaining moments wlth bis tennial Sheppers' Mall held on tht main street cf Orono. In the matter cf The Chamber completed tht year wlth a deficit cf close te The Election Act R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 118 $300.û0. RETURN of ELECTION EXPENSES and amendments thereto Statement cf election contributions and Expenses on behaîf of Alex Carruthers ln respect cf tht Provincial Election cf Ontario 1967 in tht Riding cf tht County cf Durham submitted by bis Officiai Agent, W. K. Lycett. Alex Carruthens RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS Mattnials, Postage aud supplies Advertlsig - Newspapers Radio-________ __ Committee Rooms, accommodation and telephone expenses $2,022.03 $2,022.03 $ 768.39 741.57 114.75 397.32 $2,022.03 Statement of election contributions and Expenses on behaîf of E. R. Lovekin in respect cf the Provincial Election of Ontario 1967 in the Riding cf the County cf Durham submitted by bis Official Agent, D. C. Lamb. RECEIPTS Income EXPENSES Rentais, Committet Rooms, Halls ______ Supplies, Postage Printing, Posters, etc. Advertising - Newspapers ]Radie -- Photographs Telephones Casual Labour______________ Bank Charges and Exchange December 1967 Bank Balance________ Cheque te Port Hope Liberal Assoc. Transfer te Durham County Libenal Acct.- $3,717.42 $ 220.00 658-25 631.93 348.77 238.50 24.68 131.80 1,095.00 3.95 $3,352.88 $ 364.54 250.00 114.54 Statement cf election contributions and Expenses on behalf cf Douglas Moffatt in respect cf the Provincial Election cf Ontario 1967 In the Rlding cf the County cf Durhami submitted by bis Official Agent, F. M. McLellan. RECEIPTS Collections Member Donations Other Rentais- Services- Advertising Transportation Goods Supplled EXPENSES $89.00 290.29 900.00 $1,279.29 $ 64.25 17 1.48 893.02 10.00 140.54 $1,27929 OBITUARY W. G. COLLINS Followlng an lllness cf1 months, the death cf Willlar George Collins, aged 74 ytar! occurred at Memonial Hos pital, Bowmanvllle, on Mon day, Januany 29, 1968. Son of the late William ai Annie Collins, he was born l Toronto wbere he received hi -education. In 1916 he marrieý the former Sarah Templetoc who survives. Mn. Collins had resideda R.R. 2, Newcastle, for ti years and, before movirl there, llved at Scarborougl where he was self-emplcyeda a cartage agent for 25 years Ht retired seven years ago. A member of Westminstei *Presbyttnian Churcb, Scar boncugh, he was an elder o tht chunch when In Scar. bonough. Ht was also a merr. ber cf Tht Genenal Mercei Masonlc Lodge No. 548, A.F.& A.M.. Tht dtceased wasa past president cf the Toron- to Cartage Association,a former secnttany cf Dentoni3 Softball Association, Toronto, and a chanter member cf Wex- fond Lions. Surviving, beside bis wife, are a son, Stewart Collins of R.R. 2, Newcastle; two grand- cblldnen and two great-grand. cblidren. The funeral service was htld on Thursday, February Isi, from tht Morris Funeral Chap- el, Bowmanville, and was con- ducted by Rev. J. S. Gilcbnist of St. Andrew's Presbytenian Chunch, Bowmanvllle. Dur- ing tht service a favorite hymn was sung by Mrs. Gilchnist. Temporary interment was In tht Lang Vault, Orono Ceme- teny. Bunlal wlll be in Orno Cemetery. Among tht numtrous beau- tiful floral tnibutes, evidence of tht esteem in wblch the de- ceased was held, were those from The General Mencei Lodge A.F. & A.M., Toronto, and Orden cf tht Eastern Stan, Toronto. Palibearens wene Messrs. P. Jones, W. Slater, C. Fisk, R. Kent, J. Gerrard and C. Beattie. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT Week cf Jan. 29-Feb. 4 Incl. Admissions --- -_-------82 Births-l malt, 3 female 4 Dischanges ------- 81 Major operations 14 Minor 0operations 28 Emergency tneatmnts---68 Vislting heurs 3-8 p.m. daily If you're planning to modernize your home, here's the place to begin. Medernizing your home can be a delightful experience. Home improvements can do a lot to help make your way of living better than ever. But before you start to modernize, you should take care of one thing f irst: your household wiring. If yeu begin your modernization programme by re-wiring, almost everything about your home will suddenly seem better. You'll have ail the electrical outlets yeu need. Your appliances will perform better, and you can add ail the new cnes youre ever ikely to need without the annoyance cf everloaded circuits or blown fuses. Re-wiring will let you take advantage of the new ideas in household lightirig. Wîth decorative exterior ighting you'Il be able to enjoy patio living on pleasant summer evenings. You will, in fact, be epening the doors to the joys of ail-electric living, including the quiet comfort cf electric heating. Start modernizing your home by re-wiring. THE HYDRO FINANCE PLAN will let you re-wire your home right new. Call a qualified electrical contractor for deuails, or ask your Hydre. àMS.471WKFP os- nd ln his rn at as rs. tr- ir- n-ý 'r iTimely Income Tax Tips by A. K. Miller, Publie Relations Officer Taxation Office, Belleville This income tax celunin has ditional information. But be dcaim full capital cost allew- been prepared by tht Belle- sure te supply any Informa-lance each year se long as you ville District Office, Depant- tion requested as promptly as1 own tht building at tht end ment of National Revenue, possible. ;ocf the year. Tht cost cf land Taxation. Tht questions used Q. What are tht vanîcus cmr- is not subi ect to this allow- are common cnes, and tht an- cled and uncircled numbers on ance. swers usually stralghtforward. tht return used for. Should I Q. If I receive an advance However, unusual circumstan- be concerned wltb them? fnom tht Canadian Wheat ces sometimes alter tht an- A.Ninr -hs numbers ore s taxablee swer. If your question isn't a.sNo, igre hse nBo om ardab ensti oe answered here, on in tht In- as they are used in our con come Tax Guide, phone 968- puter processing only. Also A.You i she ordIthue it in 642 i Beleill o wrteavoid making any entries in hh you ncom e orttyar 6424 in Bellevitheerorhwritet w National Revenue, Taxation, htc.untettQ.htc tthiMyou re dIere . 11 Station Street, Belleville, te b ocused afor dpareal srîed in September. She was Ontario, for fret advice. ob usdfr eptmna worklng before marriage but purposes only. aye Q.has net wonked since. Can I Q. hee houd txpaerQ.My wift's uncle is unemn- daim the full married exemp- write te find out when be wîIl ployed and is living wlth us. tion cf $1.000 for ber? What receive bis refund or if bis Can I dlaim him as a depend- dots she do about filing a ýretunn was properly complet- ant? neturn? ed? A. Not unless he is mentaily A. Yes, if she neceived ne A. Don't crdinariîy write or physically infirm. If he is, income after your marniage anywhere, to do se just del- you can dlaimn tht amount you you may claim tht full mar- ays tht prccessing cf a return actually spend on his support ried exemption cf $1,000. It on refund because it takes up te $550. is only income she neceived staff from these operaticns te Q. I purchased a rentai pro- after your manniage that affects answer such letters. Tht De- perty part way through the your exemptions. If your wife patment dots give prienity te yean. Is capital cost allowance is taxable on had tax deducted refund returns and any delay nestricted to tht period In tht fnom ber salany, she must file experienced will tîther be due yean 'during whicb I cwned ber own return. Her exemp- o tht volume cf retunns being tht pnopenty? tiens are net affece b e received or tht need for ad- A. No. You are entitled to.manniage. Annual Meeting of C. of C. Planned for February 28th At tht meeting cf tht Bow- l and that tht C. cf C. wiîl con-, C will net pnoceed with tht manville Chamber cf Com-tibt$20nuay towardsl addition cf two more necep- R meii.e IIeIU in th1e Lionls -tclslage news -ai a Community Centre recently, maintenance. This was sec- Male.MaGeo rpotdwie n- James A. Bell and Don Mii- onded by Mr. Milligan, and that the painting of a long Miss Karen a ligan were appointed as the carried. range van would cost about Grant Wade w~ amembers of a special com- A letter fromn Clerk-Con- $200, and it was agreed that Saturday ever >mittee to name recipients of troller Byron informed thelthis should be held in abey- the Ice Follies. x- the Citations of Merit to be C. of C. that council bas ap-lance until the new executive Mr. and Mr: eawarded at the annual meet- proved the request of Paneli is elected. Mr. Syer said that caster were of ing of the organization. Ads, Oshawa to install wastelhe will obtain prices regard- Sunday, with d President Wilfrel McMechan' receptacles with advertsing.1 ing the cost of benches for Carroll Nichols presided at the meeting, and It was agreed that the C. oflthe business section. Dinner guest: other membens present wene EMT.EaMis Inez an iMr. Bell, Mr. Milligan, Don kM l Is IIos Inrisadi« MacGregor. Ralph McIntyre, V d LRnikyfnarsto tR. G. Lawton, W. B. Syer, METNI L aissi naso rthe immediate past president, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompklns mas, there were none here at toi Toronto on f t and Mrs. Peggy Frank, the ieft last Tuesday for a vaca- the corner by the B.A. Gar- Mr. and Mr kn secretary. tion In Flonida. age, or on the back street. were Sunday vJ r- Mr. Lawton movedi that Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey Since New Year's there have and Mrs. Cha: In Mr. Syer, Mr. Bell, and Glenn of Port McNichol spent a few been none In that area - no girls, Orono. t.Lander. a past president, be days recently with her par- wonder gas is being stolen Sunday cal], in the members of the Nominat- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- regularly from scbool buses and Mrs. Jlm A 9- ing Committee. This was sec- ton. and private cars parked Out- John Adams of 10 onded by Mn. McIntyre, and Sorny to, hear Mrs. Cecil sided at night. Yes, we have Mr. Jerry Ac carried. Robinson of Orono, a weîî beard that someone breaks of Toronto, 1- A letter from Robert L. known former resident of our them with snowballs, etc., but Adams, Tinai ,e Byron, Bowmanvjlle Town district, is a patient in Me-' if Orono and Kendal have the Malton. - Clrk Conroler, nfomedmorial Hospital, Bowmanville. kind that are protected from M.adMs ;the Chamber of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. Percy Both- such things, why are we not were among t >that the town now qualifies well of Fraserville, were sup. entitled to sometbing similar? the Ice Follies Dfor the Equalization of Indus- per guests, recently, with Mr. A trailer and its contents, Gardens, on Su r: ria Oporuniy Pogrm. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton. the pnoperty of Josephine Bar- Mr. and Mn tralOpotunity Prgra. Furtber to the report of rett, was destroyed by fire, were Sunday vi: tosoed by Mr. Mac- the annual church meeting- nonth of Newtonville, Thurs- to with Mr. a: tron, seconde by lMr. Ma- At bis own nequest the name day night, leaving her with- Soules. iGeheat the nulymet- . M rJoes was dropped out shelter, except for the About 60 pe< inghma MoorHoelo from the Board of Trustees, stable where her plgs, goats took In the pot. Wdutchma Motor Hoel Ofly leaving these three: C. H. Lane, and chlckens are kept. A few the church, Su Wedneh wsdavnin, ebnuany H. E. Walkey and S. J. Lan- good Samaritans went out col- joyed the meal 28th. Theis was cared. r caster. The name of Mrs. Bea lecting, and secured another which followed, wa dciedifths at wneJones was added to the list of small trailen for ber. Others eral good felu flot available at the Flying Eiders, replacing that of Mrs. contributed food and bedding, rumored anothe Dutchman that the following W. Wood, who has moved to the Salvation Anmy in Port ing may be hel Wednesday evening, March Newcastle. The Board of Hope cooperated, as is their Miss Anne Ne 6th, should be booked. Stewards remains tbe same custom and a few necessary day mornin fc tact the Fn greD ocn those whose term of office ex- articles of furniture were ob- ber brother, Jir tand make Fy utchman pired tbis year, baving been tained. We only heard of this South. and akeplans for the din- ne-appointed. AIl other officers on Monday, but it does give The regular1 ner. Mr. Mclntyre will help are tht samie. ont a good feeling to realize ing of Newtonvi look after tbe ticket sales. Some of Our citizens are there are still people kind- beld in the S Mrs. Frank, the secretary, asking why we are not able beanted enough to cane for the hall, Jan. 31, wi waesesncetyofastAhent to enjtsoy the use of street welfare of others, whethen present. Presic Cole, secPnetiyon th Bo- ight hene In Newtonville, they know them, or not. Caswell openedi mbanil pePanning oparstowben we are payingfothm Mrs. Harry Stewart of "Stand Up Fo: fo the bspar o drseakrsFrom Hallowe'en utlr is-Kingston spent a couple of lowed by the1 annual dinner meeting on "Future Plans for Bowman- ville". Mns. Frank presented the following financial statement. Bank balance as cf Januany lst, 1967, $1,111.46; total ne ceipts 1967, $1,390.22; total expenditunes, $1,401.16; bank M. .a. balance January 13th, 1968, $1,100.52, no recelpts; expent- ~'. " ditunes to date $626.76; bank.. *'-' ...., &. balance January 25th, 1968, . ~ ~ ~ I5*~" $473.76. This report was ... adopted on a motion by Mn. Lawton, seconded by Mn. Mc- Intyre. Tht meeting discu.ssed the ,.~. . . I successful Santa Claus panade held at the end cf November, and commended the Santa »;"' ' ~.......... Claus Parade Committee. It was stated that attempts to hold a Retail Merchants Meeting had been unsuccess-% fuI, and that the commîttee had published suggested store houns in tbe Statesman. It was neponted that the local Chamber cf Commence now bas 68 member finms and 162 indîvidual membens. It was stated that good cov- erage has been given by the Statesman, and it was felt that good publicity was gain- ed from tht meeting beld prier to the town election, It was suggested that such a meeting should be standard procedure for the C. cf C. in future municipal, provincial, and federal elections. The Chairman cf the Tour- Îsm Committee, Mn. Lawton, stated that he believes it wvould be impossible for the C. of C. to mamntain an infor- I T staff. It was decided to have Mn. Lawton ask the James Publishing Company the costs cf printing a brochure such Februasy the h te as the "Gateway to Mospotl'l President McMechan ne- We've warmed up February for sportsminded British Green, Le Mans ponted that after the request motorists with an exciting new array of sports Bronze. New sports strip made by him and Mn. Mac- aue ihwiht utmzeayCrao oko cin Gregor regarding Christmas faue ihwiht utmz n aao oko cin Decorative Street Lighting on And weve called it "Hugger" Month to cele- Sure-footed wide-ova behalf cf the C. of C. te Town brate. Join us and see what the shouting's choice of sporty wheel Council a meeting had been smltdwr n te arranged with council nepre- ail about. smltdwr n te sentatives and the Publie Newcolors neverbeforeavailableon Camaro the Sports Department, v Utilities Commission. It was -new Rallye Green and three Corvette colors: sonal customizîng touch decided at that meeting that the PUC would instail the lights supplied by tht C. cf C., m days with he and Mrs. Gt last week., latter and M cempanied Mn Stapleton to T the funeral Bingham, son and Mrs. ( whose sudden In Humber M on Wednesday j A small g 1people were ti home of Mn.i Wade, Friday or of thein se tday. Mn. and Mn cf Lakefield visiters with Bcyd Harris Sunday Mr. a Green of Wesl 9tht family par Mr. and M: of Port Hope evening visitoî Mrs. J. Ellioti With Mn. an mer and fami nlght wene Mi Gilmer and j Hope. There were school youngsti ride party, Sa' ln charge cf Elliott and Be Mn. and Mn were ln Toron ening, for tht Night at tht L tel. including Weekend gu and Mrs. Ray family Include, Ron Floyd an Toronto; Mn. . frlend cf Boit Mn. and Mrs.1 and boys cf 1 also dinner gu Your cornes] ing a holiday 1 amarolmakes ït month oftyer sBlue and Corvette Camaro Rally Sport and Camaro SS. uing that accents the Find eut for yourself how the "Hugger" got its nick-name-test drive one while the General i whitewalls. Great Metors Mark of Excellence Read Test is in full cevers: mag-spoke, swing at yeur Chevrolet dealer'sI rs. They're ail there inMA KO Naiting for your per- EXCELLEN0E ýh. Standard Camaro, EXCD E NC l&feren And m can pmmi AI yoiur ÇheADoet deaie new! kOTORS LIMITED."w', - ONTARIO BOWMANVILLE 623-255 1 er parents, Mr.1 *lin the Baptist Church at Pou- ýorge Stapleton. !ibl o it oe On Frîday, the BibleSoclety Hd ln 1111 held drs. Stewart oghac- heDitic ffc roroto, o atén'IPla M ee ing s located, tht Board cf Di- orntteated 1g ntos decided to change the cf Mn. Frank' place cf meeting to give h Gorn-a arcf iMn In Portr op many supporters on thte Hopefront an opportunity te a ,ideath occurred Ttsellgetsekri lemonal Hospital Tht Annual Genral Met-Tt ht er Revg sedangu s J ing cf tht Bay of Quinte Dis- McQuten, B.A., B.D.. D.D., iroup. cf young trlct cf tht Canadian Bible LL.D. cf St. George's Unitrd ritentained at the Society wlll be held this year Church. Toronto. Dr. Me- and Mrs. Arnold ue sapwrlsekr evening, ln hon- on Thursday, Febnuary 1l5th wQute ntstpweln spekerw Dn Grant's birth- ledge cf, Bible Society w< rk, after which Unit Leader Mrs. mnakes hlm eminently ablîto rs. Gerald Quinn H-. Wade conducted tht devo- be tht speaker on this bc- were weekend tional. Opening wlth a poem, casion. Mn. and Mrs. "'The Value cf the Bible", she Tht meeting will be one cf and family; on was asslsted by Mrs. R. Trlm, great nejocing, for 1967 was nd Mrs. Ainsley Mns. G. Ellictt and Mns. L. tht best year in tht histony ;port also jolned Clysdale, wlth neadings and of tht District. Over $12,000 rty. prayer. "Break Thou tht more in contributions was sent rs. Ray Hughes Bread cf Life" was tht clos- forward for worid wonk thau >were Saturday lng hymn. Minutes cf previcus ln any other year. Tht Branch- s wlth Mn. aud meeting were read and apnov- es alcng the Lakefront, Bow- ýt. 1ed, and Treasurtr's report giv- manvilie, Newcastle, P o r t d Mrs. Phil Gil- en. Roll cail was the pay- Hcpe, Cobourg, Coîbonne, etc.. diy on Saturday ment cf membership fees. Re- played no small part ln tht r. and Mrs. Jim port fnom tht Memnonial Gift splendid final result. Port family cf Port Committet was given by Mns, Hope Branch showed an ln- R. Farrow, but tabled until crease of 100%. Newcastle abu 7pe etifrain could be broke aIl previous records, and tes at tht sleigh- obtained. Cobourg showed an increase iturdlay monning, Tht Wonld Day cf Prayer cf over $1.000 over previcus Misses Denise Service here will be March Ist years. It is perhaps signifi- tty Skelding. at 3 p.m., and a cup of tea cant that ail these Lakefront s. Arnold Wade1 is te bt served at the close. Branches are among tht tari- te Saturday ev- iest Bible Society Branches eO.B.A. Ladies' Preshyttnial Meeting. Ftb. in Canada, some cf them be- Lord Slmcoe Ho- 14, will be held in Trinity ing establîshed as early as tht Ice Folles. Chunch, Bowmanvllle, com- 1835. It is thenefore doubly uests with Mn. mencing at 9 a.m. fitting that this District Meet- jTcmpklns and Sunsblne Committee are ne- iing should this year be heid ýd Mn. and Mrs. minded about tht gifts for tht ln Port Hope which shares nd son Gary cf Shut-ins on St. Valentine's wlth Coîborne tht hcnor cf Jrry Floyd and Day. Dates were set for tht being tht oldest branch ln the ton; on Sunday, annual annlversary and sup- District. Ralph Tompklns per in May and tht Good Fnl- Tht President cf tht District Port Hope were day service mentloned, with is tht Rev. John G. Klomps aests there. speaker to be obtained. An cf Brockville, tht Treasunen is ;pondent is tak- electrie floor scrubber Is te ýMn. Howard Whitney cf Pet- for a short time, be purchased te help tht cane-1 erbcrough and tht District not be any vil- taker. Meeting closed with Secnetary, who also resides in ppearing for a "An Evening Prayer" and Peterborough, Is tht Reverend Mizpah Benediction. "Heant Colin R. Rudd. iLee and Mn. Contest ccnducted by Mrs. G. Tht meeting will begin at xere in Toronto, Elliott, pnize gclng to Mns. 8 p. m. and it Is hoped there ring. attending Mîlligan. Social haîf heur was will be a good attendance. enjoyed by ail. 'All are Invlted. rs. S. J. Lan- dinnen guests, I.Mn. and Mns. s, Sunday, with Mn. A. E. Sym- h, and Mn. Jot f Toronto. lsbitt went back o Sunday.eaf s. C. H. Lane visitors with Mn. aries Gray and X l )iSio ers with Mn. Adams were Mn. )f Halifax. rlams and Scott Mn. Donald ---- and James cf Melville Samis those attendingi ;at Maple Leaf înday. rs. Jack Elliott sitors in Toron- 1[DB boan have helped thousands of umafl and and Mrs. Wray znedium-sized Canadian businesse to enlarge, or oplt cf ail ages inodernize their fadiities to mneet tht demand for -luck suppen at thergosadsrîe.Prao nIBla a unday, and en- hergoandsrce.Prpsa Bbnea al, tht pictures help yeu. Ask for our bookiet, "A Source of Finanl- Jand tht gen- cn o aainBsns" lowship. Itis igfrCnala um ir such gather- I Id next month.f rsbitt left Mon- fr a visit with 1 iS RA montly met-DEVELOPMENT BANK ;unday Schooi TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES th 25 members ient Mrs. J. TORONTO, ONT,: 250 University Avenue -Telephone: 368-1145 with tht hymn, or Jesus", fol- Lord's Prayer, a 0 s a p r, e t( ri i amaro dealer a " ': 1q