W The Canadlan Statesnian, Bowrnanville, Feb. 7, logelat itnewr nbet attend. Mrs. G. Adcéck. only sister of the bride, was an r i, i j konoured get Chinese (CeIebrateci Start or New Year f4000 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wdi combe, Waterloo, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Widdlcombe. ~ ~ Recent callers at the Pres- *;~~ cott home were Mrs. Wilfred ~ ,~. ~Bowman, Enniskillen, Mr. and ~.Mrs. Herbert Prescott, Rgr ~ Erin and Anita, Maple Grave. .~ ~ Sunday visitors et the Presott home were Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan and Doug- ~ las, Oshawa; Sunday efter- noon callers, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baker and boys, Brook- A week ago Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adcock en- tertained et their home with a birthday party in honour of Mrs. Adcock's grandfather, Mr. Norris Roberts. a resident of the South Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle. Although he has reached the advanced age of 92 years. Mr. Roberts il still healthy and active. Mrs. D. Adcock wishes ta Sremind the members of the t . Messengers and their mothers Sthat the meetings are held on alternate Tuesdays. There was e meeting this Tuesday just past. The Hampton Honeymoon- er's Doubles Club sponsored a bus trip to Toronto on Sat- urday evening and attended "Gone With the Wind", hav- ing dinner at a restaurant, and really had an enjoyable evening. Mr. Robent Scott, Grand IPrairie, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard on Friday ~ ~. lest. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chat- ten, Brighton, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Aibin Cie- mens, Bowmanville, s p e n t Ken and Lillian Chow are proud of their Canadian spoke very littie English. Now she is quite at home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. born sons who speak English and Chinese and are as with the patrons of her husband's restaurant, The Olmn Satra n.adM adept with chopsticks as with forks. When the young Lotus Gardens, Bowmanville. Ted Chant went ta Malton Mrs. Chow arrived fromn Hong Kong as a bride she -Oshawa Times Photos Airport to say bon voyage ta their daughter and son-mn-1 bnought the food e "tip" in the law and two daughters, Mr.1 fonma of a proportion of the and Mrs. Jack Carter andE food received. Each donor ex- daughters, Toronto, who de-1 pected ta get a gift of food panted on a three week tripc of equal value from each ta Jamaîca.1 other. Consequently, much Mr. and Mns. Jack Newton,1 food was passed along; eggs Wayne and Brian, Mn, and from an aunt might travel Mrs. Ralph Newton, Whitby,j from a niece to a cousin and were Saturday evening visi-1 . . . . .. .. .a grandmother's pudding might tors with Mr. and Mrs. Perey find its way ta the home of DewelI. a second cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell LANTERN FESTIVAL visited on Sunday with Mrs. The Chinese New Year con-Ge.Wsn Lnsy tinues for at least two weeks R ec en tl1y the following after New Year's Day. Now, as ladies, Mrs. J. Smnales Sr., iancient times, it ends with Mrs. Elmen Wilbur, Mrs. L. a Lantern Festival, a feast of Clemens, Mrs. A. Blanchard, light during which lanterns of Mrs. G. Wilbur and Mrs. P. ahl sizes, shapes and colors are Dewell, attended a quilting at ... f777,the home of Mrs. Jas. Smales strung fnom eveny possible J. saa vantge pint.Mr. and Mns. Fred Gilroy, The Dragon Is the traditional Oshawa, visited on Sunday symbol of Chinese royalty. For with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer the Lantern Festival, this Wilbur. mythical animal appeans in a Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, fanciful creation of paper and Oshawa, Mr. Geo. Pascoe, ..... ....cloth, manipulated by men Saskatoon, wene callens on concealed beneath its artificial Mrs. Jas. Hogarth. scales. A dragon dance through Miss Madlyn Wilcox and the streets. accompanied by a Miss Mabel Challis, Bowman- colorful blast of firecrackers, ville, Mn. and Mrs. J. B. Wil- . . . . .. .gongs and drums, marks the cox and son, Cobourg, were Sconclusion of the gay and Sunday evening supper guests colorful Chinese New Year ce- with Mrs. Jas. Hogarth. lebration.1 Mrs. Sid Kersey reported The Chinese version of the that about thirty relatives zodiac bas 12 animais that rule gathered at the home of Mn. ....successive years. The past and Mns. Kersey ta celebrete * ~year has been unden the In- with them their forty-fifth fluence of the goat. The new wedding anniversary. Mn. ~ ~ one wlll be ruled by the Alex Sankey, West Hili, show- ~ ~ ,nionkey. ed pictunes, and everyone en- Some Chinese believe that joyed a bountiful wedding S persons should not become be- uprsenved by the five trothed unless they share an daughters of Mn. and Mrs. à., :M -auspicious combination of Kensey. years. Thus, a young lady bonn Mrs. Wilfned Smale visited in the year of the rabbit should bier daughten, Mrs. Cowle, neot marry a bachelor, however who is a patient in Memorial eligible, who entened if e in Hospital. the year of the snake. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Luke The monkey which rules visited on Sunday with Mn. 1968, la credited with powers and Mns. Bent Ashton, Ton- to give health, protection and onto. success ta people by driving Mn. and Mns. Ron Luke, away evil influences, spirits Robbi, Terni, Lori and Cath- and witches. Communist nyn, spent Sunday with hien Gary, 7, Edmond,6, and Allen 8, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chow, Bowman- Chinese Premier Chou En-lai parents, Mn. and Mrs. Elmer - as baorn in the yean of the Hawes at Fenehon Falls. ville, are eager ta dip their chopsticks into the bowls of fancy food that their dad rnonkey, which makes him On Sunday Mn. and Mns.1 own buinessand unependvson. Mn. an Mrs.Archi AU made by_ pouning--hot- waten Sneryl, with Mn. and Mns. 1 D R H T A R a ven dried fruit. Hosken Smith, visited Mn. 'Mayyouprospen" is theland Mrs. Jack Smith et Boh-I DK u u ~ Ktraditionel greeting. 1 Iv£en FOR C4A1itablELS! ly s, "May ýOn StraM.adMs ________________ ter iii. Hamilton, visited You Need MOIST WARM Air 'vith Mns. Hancock's aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mrs. Bert in Your Home HAMPTONi Stevens. On Monday. Mns. Ethel Burgess and Mns. La- INSTALL THE REVOL&TIOMARY NEW Mr. and Mrs. Burnows visit-, venne Taylor, Tyrone, spent ed on Sunday with Mn. Bur- j the day with Mn. and Mrs. rws' mother, Mns. Amy Bur-! Stevens.I SPËlflg9ais * HUMIDIFIER lprguests.adweesp h ,a vi Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stewart, ýSunday with Mn. and Mns.I SI'Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. L. Harvey Thompson. The Only LOW-PRICED Humidifier Which Wili Deliver iBrandon. Lindsay, were ne-î On Sunday, visitons witb SUFFCIET M ISTRE ntoYou Hoe Al Wnte Log. cent callens with Mn. andi Mn.and Mrs. Clarence Tink SUFICEN MISTREino ourHoe ilWinarLog.Mrs. Kenneth Caverly. were Mn. and Mns. Irvin Han-- Mrs. Raymond F a rrnw, rel1 and family, Oshawa, Mn. A Completoly NEW IDEA in Humidification ýMarilyn and Gloria, visîted and Mrs. Don Goode and M Pleae Cu UsforDatols n Sunday with Mna. Blakeifamily, Lakefiahd, Mn. andi de Hart, Brooklin. ýMrs. Bill Dadson, and famiîy, Congratulations are extend - Peterborough. ONLY 3 4 9 INSTALLED ed te Mn. and Mrs. Sidney A waek ago Mn. and Mns. Kersay who this week are Onville Hindman and daugh- celabnating a wedding anni- tans visited Mrs. Hindman's varsany, anothen milestone in aunt, Mn. and Mrs. Gao. Tel- the busy cereens of tbis1 ford, Islington. 15 . . PA ER & SO Sworthy couple. A family, Mn. Lewis rdmaspn Le A PA K ER SO S igtheingwes held on Sun-î a week in Detroit, visiting 12KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-5651 d ay, wben a large number of; Mrs. Nash and han family, ne- 1tha children and grandchild-i latives of the late Mns. Cry- ren gatherad. Thosa who liva derman. educatton there and was mar,. nied et Columbus ln 1914. VO LckSupe Pecde A reaident fClmu 'PotLuc Sup er.Prec des most of ber Ufe, Mna. Nesbitt resided ln Bnooklin frcm 1.945 Trint y's C n grgatinalto 1965 and since then lied lived ln Bowmanville. she- Triitys C ngrgatonawas a member of Brolkiün iUnited Church. The annuel meeting of Trin- budget for 1968. On motion i tirlng service, to the Officiai Predeceasad by han husbWM ity United Church, Bowman- fM.Lenga, seiconded by Board. to the U.C.W., Sunday, In 1949, Mrs. Nesbitt is surviv- ville, was held ln the Sunday nod Lobb, the budget was1 School teachens and officens. ed by e daughtar, Mildned or School Hall on Tuesday a ven- aprved. 1 te the office staff and others Toronto; two sons, Jack > ing. Jan. 3th, with a congre- Alan Stnike. Superintendent, who hava contributed in suchi Bowmanvllle and William ,)f 1gational pot luck suppar et n eported on ectivities of the lange meesune te the work of Columbus, fiva grandchildre,ï 6:30 p.m., followed by abs Sunday School and expressed the cbunch. This was second- 'and two great-grandchildren0 Iness meeting et eight o'clock. tbanks to 49 teachers and ed by R. Hendny. The funenal service %ýa About 100 mambars attended officers for faitbful service, to 1 It was decldad, aften a short held at 2 p.m., Feb. 2, et 1 and partook of adehlclous buf- Mrs. S. Crago for belp with discussion lad by R. Osbornea, McIntosh - Anderson 'Ftu 1 fat style supper, witb attract- program matenlals, and to Mn. that summer services sbould Home, Oshawa. inter*~ Ive table settingsaend service Word for assistance and ln- commence at 10 e.m., lnstaad1 was in Oshawa Union Cerne? by Units 3, 6 and 7 of the struction to the teaching staff. of 9:30.* teny. Rev. S. J. Hillien af, United Church Women. This, Mr. Alvin Davis, Assistant Alan Stfike moved a vote ýBrookhin conducted the senv' social fellowship was graatlyl Recording Secretany, report-lof thanks te Mn. and Mrs. . le. ____________ enjoyed, and It Is hoped may ed on behaîf of the United 1Ward for their outstanding j be enrangad more often. Chunch Women.1 service te Trinity Chunch, for The devotional paniod was On motion of Mrs. Alan1 their fnlendly leadership and' conducted by the Rev. Geo Stnike and Mn. R. Hendry'for the hospitality of the K. Ward, with splendid con~ these reports wera adopted. 'manse. Gordon Elllott also gregational singing of a hymn Mr. Ward's reviaw of the added a tribute, and this was "' accompanied by Mrs. Keith yaar's work was extremelyi heartily endorsed by ail. Bilhett, and the raading of lnteresting, and ha axprassedi The Every Member Plan for Psalm 27, followad by prayer. thanks for leadership givan ln the Observer bas Incneased ln On motion of Arnold Lobb Sunday School, U.C.W., Youth.price from $ 1.50 to $2.00. The and M. Puk, Mn. Wand was organizations and the Jack 'excellence of this church pub.- appointad chairman of the and JihI Club. Ha placed par- I ication was stressed and main- meeting, and Alan Lobb was ticulan empbasis on Steward- bers were urged to, pantîcîpate namad secretary on motion of ship, Fellowship and extend- Inthis plan. R. Osborne, seconded by Owen ad plans and facilltles for Plans for extending servic Nicholas. Minutes of the Christian Education amongat In Christian Education were pravlous meeting wena takan younger members. discussad by A. Stnika and au nead. Thene followed the elaction Mr. Ward. This Is aomathin A copy cf the Annual Re- of Eldars, Stewards and Trus- that will naquira funther ..... pont waa availabla forn cdi tees. To the Session for a serlous consîdanation in the member. This containad a five year tarm the following: future. message from the ministen, ne- Harny Locke, Harny Davey, Aften this excellent neview ports fnom church organiza- Rusell Oke, Ciff Trewir, of accompllshments in 1967, tions, the financial statamant John Holdstock, Keith Shack- and plans and hopas for furth- and budget. Verbal reports elton, Harold Hammond, A. D. an service te the chunch and were thenefore short and con- Jackson, Dr. Alan Harris and community, on motion of R. cise. Russell Osbornne, Clark H. R. Moses. To the Board Of Dilling and O. Nicholas, the cf Session, presanted bis ne- Stewards for a three year meeting adjourned.FO ABTER EA pont, whlch was followed by tenm: Mrs. N. Osborne, AIf., ______A________DEA a mlnute's silence ln memory of Allin, Gordon Barrie, Eric 'ilUTT o 10 mambers namovad by death. Barr, Ray Dihing, Robent A YBTER UE A Dr. Keith Billett, Chairman Hendny, Forbes Heyland, Alan U.ITUAR E-E 'n' A cf the Music Committee, gave Lobb, Ken. Mackenzie, Don. MRS. ERNEST W. NESBITT: Seo a report on the negotiations Morris, and Miss Margaret unden a for the appoint- Allin for a ana year tarm as In failing health for the'nn met o n ganist. rapresentativa 0f the U.C.W. past yean, Mrs. Ernest W. Nas- Berwynn S. R. James, Chairmnan of To the Board of Trustees for bitt, Quaen St., Bowmanville, the Board of Stewards, gava a a five yean tenm, Lawrence C. a former nesident of the Co- Tlc c brief report and mantloned Mason and Dr. Keith Slemon. lumbus area, died January 30, .ucc sreof the Items undertaken Auditons appointed wera Ray 1968, et the Mamorial Hospital, M. DICK PONTIAC-BUICI< by the Property Commîtea Dillng and L. Dewell, and ne- Bowmanville. Sha was in ber LTD. during the year, such as the presentatives to the Oshawa 83nd year. l300 Dundas St. East, Whitbl painting of the church and Pnasbytery are Mn. and Mrs. Tha former Harriet Jane Phone : Bus. 668-5848 Installation of a new boilar. Chaude Ives. Richardson, the decaased was l Res. 623-7155 The financial statement was J. Forbes Heyland movad a a daughten of the late Fred More than 60-car choica. prasantad and explained by L. vote of thanks ta the Choir and Jane Richardson: Born Evary One with warranty. Langs, Treasurer, also the for thein leadership and un- et Columbus, she neceived barý r -- -4 --O--, 1After Our January, *BASEMENT IBack in Shape Iwith.. RESILACRETE PRO DUCIS *FIX(RETE I QT. GAI. $2.30 . $8.00 *$4@00 e $18u50 _____ MOISTURE BAR 1MASONRY SURFA 12-LB. PAIL $500 SILACLEAR QT. GAI. 5-GAI. 2.50w a i - es PATCI 12'/z-B. $5*00 WE FI 5-LB. PAIL ;13.o50 H(RETEI 30LB I FLOOR PLATE QT. GAL. $3.85 $2*9 $ 1 Corne in and discuss your requirements with our CONCRETEIi HARDN.ER ......QT. GA . $3.500$1Ob95v WALL PLATE OT. GAIL. 3.65 * ,09I sales personnel SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK! 3/6 rPLATE MIRRORS WITH GOLD FINISHED METAL FRAME Oshawa COURTICE 728-1611 Wood Products LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 'aALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON M h e 3011 x 48" $24-95 2411 x 60" - IIMITED QUANTITY I I I - - 1 5-GAL. 1 fluw a 0 revi i nair 35 $ DAL. 1 E - LIMITED QUANTITY