2The. Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Feb. 7~ Clerk C redit s R With Lowering T Cierk-Controllcr Robert L. Byron lni prescnting bis Tex Report for 1967 ta Town Council at the meeting in the Council Chamber on Mondey evenxng emphasizcd tbc neeti for a dligent andi aggressivc Pr'gram of tax collection. 'Reasons i support af such a program include lower cost of temporery borrowing anti a higher credit rating assur- ing that the municipality paysj the lowest possible rate f interest on debentures," he stated. "Our current rate of inter- est la seven per cent on tem- porary borrowings. The etidi- tional one per cent faîls fer, sMort of the administrative costs incurreti as a resulb of tax arrears. Lexity on the ]Part of municipal tex collec- tors encourages some persons Acadent Round-Up On Tuesdey et 5:45 pm. there was e two car collision near Kendel. The drivers of the cars invoivetiwere Roanti Batbem, R.R. 1, Kendal, anti Thomas Cowan, il Southwey Drive. There wes about $200 damage to each of the vehi- cies. Constable J. A. W. Schultz, OPP, investigeted. * Two cars collitiet on bbc Taunton Roati near Hampton on Sunday afternoon et 3:301 o'clock. The drivers were Dianah Dejager, R.R. 1, Bow- znanville, anti John Morrison, IRE. 2, Oshawa. Damage ta each car wes approximatcly $600. Constable G. Kozak, OPP, wes the investigeting off icer. A car driven by Alfred W. Jennings, 201 Ontario Street, Cobourg, anti another car with Mon Fai Cbow, 68 Duke Street, collideti on Saturdey on Ontario Street et Nelsan Street. Damages ta the two cars amountedti tamarc than $100. Constable Don Ander- mn investigateti. On Thursdey evening mninor damage resulteti from a coli- lision between bwo cars neer the Durbam Counby Fermers Co-Op et Orono. The drivers hIvoiveti were Gerelti Duval, manager of the Co-Op, anti William Hoy, Kendel. Con- stable D. Martin. OPP, in- Vestigateti. At 8:10 a.m. on Thursday acar driven by Joao Car-i valho, 1054 Shaw Drive, Tor-E onta, wcnt off No. 115 Higb-« wey et Kîrby. Damage to Mr. Carvalho's car emounteti to approximately $300. Con- stable T. Holdaway, OPP, in- vestigeteti this accident. In enother accident on Thursday morning a car dri- ven by John James Ballentine1 sbruck bbc C.P.R. overbeet i bridge et the wesb endtofai town. More than $100 dam- 1 age wes sustaineti by bbc vebicle, but the driver was flot injureti. Constable Ander-a son investigeteti.7 i DELOITTE, PLENDER,1 Chartered Ai OFFICES IN MAJOR C PARTNERS: GORDON W. BURT R. W~ Asaoctated Firma In Unîti 4"reat Brîtaîn And Other The Wor PHONE 721 OSHAWA SHOPPII OSHAI'! to defer payments on ac of taxes ta, the point% bhc errears af taxes bec an immense burden and risk danger ai loss ai perty or busines. Mr. Byron elso seid even more important ii cffecb a record of po collection bas on those must eveluate the mi pelity for some reason. "Compereti witb pre yeer, tex collections in substantially improve such an extent that ta rears of current leviez i their lowest point since1 the Clerk-Controller stali Progrcss for the lest1 years is indiceteti by tbe lowing: Tex Arrears (as 1Council 1Heurs (PROM PAGE ONE) ! for a tcrm of anc ycarJ iJanuery Ist, 1968 to Dei 1 ber 3lst, 1968. The Police Associet proposels ticalt in part the following. 11.Sela f(e) The annuel selary4 Ffrst Cless Constable to increeseti 30 per centJ $5,820 to $7,566, an creese ai $1,746. (b) In dîtion ta regular wages a shift dufferential of 15c per hour anti 25 cents bour be paiti for aftcrr anti nigbt shifts worked. "Other metters prop were a meel allowence] able under certain irc stances anti selary ta be1 weekly. Also a request $20 per week for attendý et tbe Ontario Police Coll "2. Annuel Leave:' weeks after anc yeer, Il weeks after five ycars, four wecks efter 10 ye 3. The number of ellc, statutory holitieys to, be creaseti from nine ta 11. "4. Clothing proposai addition ta uniform suppl (a) Two pairs of boots ycar anti repeirs to sa (b) Corporation ta pay clcaning uniformsaet thei of one pair of pents a wE two tunies per month, ari pea jacket twice per ycear "5. Sick Leave Pay: To eccumulete, et bhc rate onc anti a - bal! deys montb. Upon death or1 mination ai employment balf af such credits ta peiti. (b) A Constable inju: in performance ai his du- shaîl be paiti bis regular ary for a maximum ofi yeer with no part ai bis ery effecting bis accumula sîck leeve. (c) The estte a police constable ta rc in addition ta any other bei bits one yer's salery." Later thc same evening N"egoiting Commitîee ivitb representatives of Lo 74, Canadien Union of Put Employees. D. R. Lînd, representative ai C.U.P.E.v issisteti by Gardon Sell and Mathcw Marchant, Lo 74 members, witb the presE HASKINS & SELLS ýccountants CANADIAN CITIES T. RIEHL C.A. R.I.A. WATERS C.A. ed States of Amerîca Countries Throughout >8 -7527 [NG CENTRE ?A 1- ed_'ýi;cJ' - . - eèmd mot lgicwouxlti c n etr 100,00mtion by DpuT y Co Reneeéyw1ui nothing to do with Mr. Ok's ment i hm," Town Clrk By-1 "The engineer stateti tht It was receveti anti fci a e no h remoal etheCobUrted hoi ws "r on satthi Mr to go town the valley insteati Runle, secondeti by Councillor I* Q-T. SWEEPSTAKES 1 because he Unitti Countes "Do ou think Mc Okeîof Martin Roati, Deputy Reeve Coombes. Reeve Oke, second-;WNAQITFR -FodIthcrtatrod uecehate Coussniluhatiotkn fovrtheol d want Ibis apo tentRna l oittmted by Councillor Dykstra, i Roill§ Ro0ce. Just slip your naine tt our (shhh!) Ballot Box! assesin funtios fom al ati b prparti t tae ~ Councillor Robert Dykstra moveti that e letter fromn the, U E A ES E I L municîpalities in the two tbree yeer course?" Maynr saloi that tiuring the lest Cauncl af Christians anti JewsSA E P CI Hobb ased."Doyouthik ronth it bcd been suggested b. receiveti anti fileti, anti this' î Councillor Coombes stated we coulti ask Mr. Oebb that Roati 57 go town fartber was carrieti. tha M. kebat wrkd ex olecor" Cunilorwest. "This would not be fair Council tieciedtit donate 1 967 CHEVELLE 1966 FALCON here a number of years. "I Dykstre inquireti. 'as It would have ta came back $150 ta the St. John Ambu- think he shoulti have been "We woulti be crcating an-,ecrandsnetabtWvlne. Tiwsmvei y MALIBU 2-DR. HARDTOP 4-DOOR SEDAN Imatie Deputy-Clerk," he atit- other job if we shoulti ap- erley Roati. If you want furth- Councillor Sheckelton, second- V-,uomtccutmfcysanrd cdl. point Mr. Oke. We are nat'er information I suggest you eti by Councillor Nichais, radio. Lic. K2926. Was $1595 DeuyRee udeak creatiig another posîÀon nowie your provincial repre- A letter from Mrs. Victoria!I Lic. K9061. Was $2788. NOW ONLY.........$--- 1477 snaie lx Carruthers. Frank regartiing tiamage caus- NWO U 2 8 1 it were suggcsting that the bis present job plus the two M.PP.,", Councillor Dykstraecd ta ber properties duc to 116 O TA 1 town let Mr. Gebocrs go. "He functions thet the Town Clerk ativiseti tbc delegation. sewer beck-ups lest yeer anti 1965 PONTIAC PA964IE N UTOMAC OR is ting fine wark. I stuck has mentioncti," Mayor Hobbsi Mayor Hobbs stateti that be asked for same settlement In I 2-DOOR HARDTOP "327"l V-8 engine, automatic, by Mr.- Oke, I felt he titi a saiti.! understands No. 57 Is to b. regards to re-imbursement to V-8, autometic, custamn radio, power steering, power brakes, valueble job. He 1dbt because Deputy Reeve Runtile saii a Development Roadti t be ber for the money she heti to'1 of Counties Council. He wcnt it looketi as if thrrre were anlI bndîcti by the Ontaria Pro- spenti as a resuît. poLrie. er8ng86 oW er brek.esiecu 15tom .radi ls po$r1indws there as an Assessment Ofui- underground malvement. "Tvincial Govcrnmcnt. Mr. Vice It was pointeti out that Mrs. Li.J78.Ws$9~Lc.K65.Ws18.c m e ceteDcputy Reeve stateti. call for a recartict vote," heireplieti that Mr. Carruthers Frank hati appeareti before NOW ONLY -----------$19915 NOW ONLY....... Clerk-Controller R'obert L. stated. i hadtitlt i hm Roati 57 will council about this lest year,; Byron stateti: "The recom- The recordeti vote was as only cost the municipality 10 anti as council bas no author- MORE THAN 50 OTHER USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM mendation ta appoint Mr. follows: Reeve Oke Nay,i per cent. Iit. In this regard she wes tolti IGebocrs Deputy - Town Clerk Deputy Reeve Runtile Yea, '"I have been trying for tbrec ta go ta the PUC about IL The' relates specificaliy to two Councillor NichoIs Nay, Coun-,,veers ta contact Counties PUC referreti this matter to. factors: 1. That be would be cillar Dykstre Yea, Councillor i Council. 1 feel Bowmanvillc its insurance campany, anti the J a Commissioner ta teke Oabbs. Fry Yea, Councillor Coombes' shoulti have some say. We are 'compeny bas since turned i c This is necessary for a num- Ney, Councillor Prout Ngy,ispentiing a bremendous emounttiown the dlaim on bbc groundis __M ber of reasons. If I am absent Councillor Shackclton Nay, aio money for roatis. We shaulti that the PUC was not liable EUD fC I a Cominissioner for taking anti Mayor Habbs Yea. Clerk- have some say in how bbc ta make restitution as thbci FR D S A LE oaths shoulId be available. Cantroiler Byron announceti money is spent. Is caunicil damage titi not occur through OSHAWTA BOWMAN VILLE Many documents require such that first reetiing aof the B3,-: going ta gve this consideration negligence or ncglect on the09 eg commissioner, as- do eh Law was defeabeti by five anti make a recommendatIon 1 part af the PUC. 5 20 KING ST. W. - 723-5241 219 KING ST. E. - 623-2534 Comrnittee of Adjustment ap- neys to four yees. Iregarding a relocation of No.j Councillor Glenn Fry, sec-i 1 s Corporation of the Township of Darlington NOTICE OF BY..LAW concerning the closing of part of the original road allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington and providing for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council meeting to be held on Thursday, the 7th day of March, 1968 at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter will consider passing a by-law to stop up and close that part of the original road allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the. Township of Darlington, known as Martins Road and lying within the limits of the Canadian National Railway. NOTICE 15 ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darllngton proposes at the same meeting by the. aforesaid by-law to authorize tbe sale of the sald stopped up parts of the original road allow- ances to the abuttlng owners. The proposed by.law and plan showing the lands affected may be seen in my offices in the Townshlp Hall. The Council will hear in person, or by bis or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who claims that bis or her lands wiIl b. preju- dicially affected by the said bY-law and who applies to be heard. DATED this th day of February, 1968. Walter E. Rundle, Clerk. !, 168 5onded by Counciflor Nichols., '~L. & ... 9 th i !moved that council ask te egistration95thBirthday PUC to recansier the crcu-Tornty WiII Host ,egstrti*nacIe'. shwa Presbyteria Councillor Dykstra movedU i e h r Wm- a x A rre a rs teLk nai Dvlpet Tea n eeting of the, beserved. e seconded by Reeve Oke, and Church Women, U n i te d these sessions will be Thé ccount centage of Current Levy) crid Church of Canada. will be! Rev. K Harriet CrsiB w~ireCuret axe 1677 1 erA communication from the held in Trîi ty United Church B.D., D.D., the CPrîicia f, cornes cent; 1966, 10.98 per cent; Ontario Department of High- Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Covenant College, training J thev 1965. 10.31 per cent; 1967 Ar-o e fpro- rears one year, 2.47 per cent; à: ways acknowledged receipt of February 14, et 9:30 a.m. and, centre for lay warkersofe 1196, 3.6 pe cet; 165, .32a resalutian from coundil 1:30 p.m. Noan luncheon will United Church ofCanada.U 1966366per ent1965532agreeing to the following: 1. 1that per cent; Arrears two years, Transfer alter construction of s the 1967, 94 per cent, 1966, 1.57 the new highway from Scugog W itn esses Prepare )r tex per cent; 1965,2.01 per cent; Street to Martin Road ln pre-, who Arrears three years and over, paration of this new rond as,ý unici- 1967,. 36 per ".ent. 1966, 1.51 a connecting link. 2. Transfer For Lindsay A ssem bly per cent; 1965, 1.64 per cent. Of the new connecting road ,evious The 1967 decrease of 6.19 per between the highway and 11967 cent front 1966 represents Waverley Rond. ý3. The re-, Advance preparatians foremphasize the importance nt ed to $53.398. version of those portions ofI the threeday circuit assemblvý the family circle and training ix er- Mr. Byron explained that old Highway No. 2 which are of Jehovah's Witnesses ta be! of children in the knowledge are at one of the reasons for reduc- ta remain open and ln use, held in Lindsay, February 9th, i and application of Bible prin- 1956," tion in tax arrears can be A omnctin fomlth and llth. are reaching cpe samaso obt ed. directly attributed ta tax Trent University, Peterbor- their finale. ing the spread of lawlessness. three registration. Tex Registre-ag.readn smnrt Jehovah's Wi t n eqsses iný The public address, ",Wii ýe fol- tions: 1965 flone; 1966 $14,. b edi ac a eev Lindsay have been busy cen-. God Intervene in Men's Af. sper-1462; 1967 $40,804. e n ie namto by vassing hotels- motels andifairs", wilI be delivered by Councillor Prout, secanded by private homes for accommo- Montague Mais, district sup. taton f teirsubissonon ounillr Combs.dations ta house the maylrisor of Jehovah's Witness. teaon of ther umissjofnTeBomnleCabrdelegates. Co-operation by te 1es at the Lindsay Cleit bosehaf o eparmet of Commerce through a letter local citizens has been warm' and Vocational Institute On WoThsemLcplos si. to counil presented tts dona. and friendly. :Kent Street West, on Sunday, Thde oculs ropousaicheck- tion of the Christmas Decor- Feeding a large crowd, suchýat 3:00_p.m. c l u d e c o m p u l s o r y d u e s c h e c k - ~~~~~~~~ a t i v e S t r e e t L i g h t i n k t o t h e a i i a t n h i o f r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pay after five years and four off thee eek vaatin wthtown, and pledged that the ence, is a gigantic task. Most -~C. of C. wiIl contribute $200 delegates will be having their, from weeks after 12 years, add Re- annually towards its main- meals et the convention's own * ecem- membrance Day and one other tenance. cafeteria. The experiences' to xitin nne stautryCouncillor Prout, seconded Jehovah's Witnesses have ac- tion's holidays, sick leave ta accu- by Councîllor Shackelton, quired in feeding large, wit mlat e th rte f ne ndmaved that a letter be sent crowds so smoothly, has of-: [aries: e haif days per month toa thanking the Chamber of Coni- ten been studied by city offi-i of tta of18 dysan hllmerce for this donation. This cials throughout major cities. ~5Y A 1 eteacmlto ob adwas cerriedoftewrd. Such methods YA fram on cessation of employment. A letter from the Depart- aeof neeti h vnt iJ in- "The Local requested anmeto Muiia firofradsse. -ad- automatic Cost of Living nvtdm beso ueltofTeceaisnter.il, 7 y, 53.1 C that wage adjustment, certain job atnted tmembrs 0f lcoun-a Tecnetoislwl cents security provisions, and week- A well-known Oshawa resi- Rundle, 8, and Charles Rundle, Saskatchewan. attend thSemi3r toannua lonprd hswsscne yf«-Mw per end standby pay of $20. Sel- dent, Mrs. F. W. Rundle, 10. .O h audyatronTrnoo eray2t.ReeAneOe n AIG -noon ery request was for an formerly of Darlington Town- For many years Mrs. Run- O b audyatronTrnoo eray 2t.ReeAneOe n carried. amendment to provide for $1 ship, celebrated her 95th birth- dle taught tbe Ladie' Biblei prior ta hier birtbday, mem- Councillors Dykstra, F ry, Mayor H o bbs reminded 1 / %oCCOUNTS posed per hour wage increase. day on Thursday, January 25th. Class at Ebenezer. She hasibers, of the famlly visitedý Coombes and Shackelton will council that Counties Council pey- It is understood negotia- Mrs. Rundle is the former beenfamwidow for il years. Mrs. Rundie at Hillsdale i attend, for a number of years bas hed HEUN cu-tions are cantinuing. Mary L. Worden. She was Herfiy consists of e son, Manor and on the Sunday A letter signed by J. C. and an EMO Commlttee. He said 70 paid born in Darlington Township Walter E. Rundle and a afternoon following the birth- Barbera Vanderzwet, Mrs. he believes thts Is now becom- 4 CCOUNTS tfor and married in ber parents' daugbter, Miss Hazel Rundle; day, a family gatbering was Fern Allowey, Mrs. Lillian lng obsolete and some County ' ance home ta Francis W. Rundle in and there are tbree grand- held et the home of Miss Sellers, and Mrs. Charlotte Councils are eliminating fi. VVge 1898 and they lived in the children and nine great-grand- Hazel Rundle, Oshawa. A Clarke, residents of Hunt St., "MY awn feeling is tbet al- PERSONAL Two township until 1947. children. grandson, Robert E. Rundle, asked that e ditch running tbougb the central goveru- LOANS hree Five of Mrs. Rundle's greatij Mrs. Rundle lias one bro- who resides in London, Eng- along behind their homes be ment pays 90 per cent af tbe ___________ ndO S t grandcbildren are shown inIther, Morley P. Worden, living land, arrenged for hier birth- cleaned out as water from It costs, still the people are pey- rears. (0 the above photo with her. in Melville, Sask.; a sister, day, a trans-Atlentic phone runs Into their gardiens. Coun- ing, Mayor Hobbs said. CENTRAL ONTARIO wed FO PAGE ONE) They are from left to right,1 Mrs. Charles Found of Dar- cail, in wbich most of the fam- cillor Prout, seconded by Reeve Oke, seconde.d by TRUST & SAVINGS in- front of tbe main windows, David Coty, 14; Judy Coty, 17; lington Township; and other ily participatied. Councillor Sheekelton, moved Councillor Prout, moved that reeding magazines and glane- DebbieCoty,__14; Mary-Cla ire 1relatives in Manitoba and -Oshawa Times Photo tPubli Wo rksCmtered wth Countes Coeuncil tohelited OReATO 1 ing Up occasionally to watch 5? r ie ekd h power to act. This wes car- its EMO Committee, The ma- lied: the show outslde Ias r.Vae ce 5Th5red tion was carried. $322 h 'h "f Mayor Informed hlm that re- edCu11 Ptd per swishes past on T:m"pranS c h on 'H ip ppesnttinsesud'otbe A letter from Lamne Haynes Concalr Praut, seconded ime Sret.Bein tema anInefeciv asth radba benasked permission to instal by Councillor Shackelton, Ohw for e gray suit, thoughtfully wen- ffeir t P l c iitureiver the province.bee meters In bis taxis. He said omved thatth ebrip7352 rate ders throu'gh the maze of fic tune oert teIroine the charge for passengers by fee ln the Ontario Municipal Nus 'eek, tion bookshelves. Farther backir t P l ce i Mr. Vice contended that Mr. meter rate would be the saine Association be pald, and this' o eTus id a two high school students sit Carruthers bed said that Bow- as In Oshawa, thet is 60 cents was carried. Reeve Oke, sec-:ý9to33 e.ît a wooden table, taking notes menville could make a recom- for the flrst haîf mile, and 10 onded by Councillor Coombes, r.9tà (a) froni an encyclopedia into rln gf r :i i mendation, and that the prov- cents each quarter mile after movcd thatet mmesi! ct9t ýe of gray loose-leef binders. D a li.in alsisnceapproves finally, but 't tis, also 10 cents per minute fee in the Ontario Building a, lmdWueay - per Many people find the library su to the municipelities ta ad abaf o wîtîg îme Oficel Asocatin e pid ter- a pleesant place ta browse and The annuel Public Speek-1 first place winner was Miss decide wbcre ita ag.M n cilor oofwintmbe m oved and t s wsociatirnle p one borrow. To be exact, 2,642 ing contest of Darlington!Kathy Vice. She received a eskcci that council consider that Mr. Haynes be ellowcd be adults and almost as meny Township wes held on Tues-[ plaque presented by Mr. Ro- making e recommendation and to put in meters andi the neces- ured chlldren. According ta Mrs. day, January 3th, et the M.1 bert Craig, member of the thet It do so by wrltten reso-sryB- wfothsbpe-I W en Slti H lm k- uties Middup, the library registered J, Hobbs School. Mr. Moor-1 school board. This plaque lution. .sr 3-L- fo ----- - IhnSeetn Himr sel- 406 new members ln 1967. croft, Superintendent af Dar- was elso donatcd by the Dar- "The Counties Council will one The library's fiction collec- lington Township School Areai lington Public School Board. not have any say. You should sel- tion ranges from a complete weloomed parents and frientis' Each contestant was pre- write the Department of High- A b o ut ateti erray of mysterles ta heavy ta this event.i sented with a medal donateti ways and make an appoint- aio novels by Thomas Wolfe andi The judges for the evening by Burley Bus Lînes. These ment ta meet Mr. Carruthers B a i eive Tolstoy. There is a substen- were Mrs. Rosevear, Principal medals were presenteti to the there, then you will get your B c z* e- tial reference section as well. of Saline Scbool, Mr. Mac- senior group by Mr. Frank enswer," Mayor Hobbs advis- <PROM PAGE ONE) fo In the tastefully-dcsigned, Leod, Superin t en de nt of McQuay andti t the junior cd Mr. Vice andi the delegation. Hall auditorium. This Is a the brown-brlck lobby stands a Schools, and Mr. Heath, In- speakers by Mrs. Audrey Councillor Leslie Coombes presentation ln the Rotary .*j- ~ l~' met bulletin board. To It are et- spector of Oshawa Schools.1 Reati. saiti: "Surely there must be. T r a v e 1 and Adventure ft C D I S iocel tached variaus notices Of Coin- The cight contestants of The Public Speaking in plans for e connection regard- Serles, and Sasha Siemel, a iblic munity Interest. Grades 4, 5 andi 6 were April Darlington was orgenized by ing No. 2 Highway and Road renowned traveiler and pub- LIMITED Lsay On the glass doors of the Muir, Kathryn Knox, JaneIMrs. Audrey Reed. Mrs. Thel- 57. Haw could anc be develop- lie speaker, wilI be the Coin- wes library the hours are stemped: Reynolds, Wendy Ayre, Kim me Gilbank, Mrs. Audrcy cd without the other?" mentator. YOU ARE SURE TO ... lers dally, 2-9 p.m., Saturdays, 10 Hewk, Jody Godfrey, JoeyiRosevear, Mr. Bruce Lush, Councillar Glenn Fry moveti This colored motion pic- oca] ta 5. Children's section, 3:30 Hills anti Rory Gibbs. Mr. Eric Barr and Mr. Frank that this matter be referreti turc wiil depict excltlng ad- * Warm a heart en- ta 5:30 p.m., Fridays tili 9 and .oyGbsfrmTrn McQuay ecteti as convenors to the Board of Works metin ventures ln tht. faniaus and * Srrisea hld Saturdays, 10 to 5.ryGbb ro yrn!for the schols n ~twn- nFebuay27th, meege Sothnse a cioun whanti Mr hug"HippiesAmeri, ancoMn- The librery is staffetid wh poeo "ipis ws hip A school choir from Carruthers be asked to attend try. The vast rain forcst, * Boost a morale Mrs. Middup anti Mrs. Grace pickcd as first place winncr. Wýest Meple Grove led by Mr. it. This was scneib jungles, and Indians of the * Light up a face Dorothy Pollock runs the by the Reiger Insurence Com- cal entertainmcnt during the Sbackelton suggested, that Mr. littie explored parts of *Mn ure cbiltiren's section, essisteti by pany anti presenteti by Mr. evcning. Mr. Moorcroft thenk- Vice be also invîteti to attendi Brazil wll be shown, anld* Dry an eye anc part-time worker, Miss Clae Shenk. Second place cd the jutiges for their de- this meeting. -The mover anti there will also bc seenes *Tcl u BonePolley, a high achool of SouthCouissti m Hospk cisions, seconder agreedt t Include this along the mighty Amxazon * clea fnnybon. sTe lbar s oulrwihon "Rts". Shrceiveti a: i n their motion, anti thls was River. Ease a pain oT-o-te rr s 66of hmplqedoeli yte e-carrieti. The film has been ac- ou-ftwer,16o tenpauedntdbyteDr Reeve E. A. Foster of Clarke cammcd by critics. It shows* Welcome a strangerV arOne dcr of he gow- ori.TohisplaueS proe-1 EustoUTownship bas been appointeti the customs and life of9 Oneindcaor f te row Bord Ths paqe Chaie-rman of the Northumber- primitive peoples far Inland, SHOW THAT YOU CARE ,- ing populerlty af books ln senteti by Mr. H. R. Moor-ChtadherclfucoumsSN TH E ! Bowanile:in 1967. the croft. land-Durham Board of Heaîth as l asheir colorfu l cueaEl H ET Bomnil:l o dfor 1968, a communication a eIa acnta oa library collecteti $850 in'over-f The Senior contestants were Jfrom teHat ntanuc celebrations due fines. from-ý Grades 7-8 et the M. J. (FROM PAGE ONE) heHelhUnt n.uc