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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1968, p. 12

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12 Th@ Canadian StatesMan, Eowmanvile, Feb. 14, 198 munidipalltles ln ou ra, as an urbanlzing reglon. This ler, isundefined.lutIi , opinion they deliberately are keeplng contrai of lands adja- Whi'by" Ne May r G ves cent te Toronto. If they event- lrewe wl have the social Beneits f R gion l Go t. roblems that they have in Beneits f R gion i G vt. he .S.,andI want no part "My responslbllity is to say what I think and ta provide information te the peopleI At Rotary Club' s Luncheon represe~t. inkdIt Is yput His reasons fcr urglng the day. I wlll go 'oack and share "Another reason the prov- it te the test, or require It ta' formation of a metro-reglonal the ccncerni you have felt lnin ce must look at a different be considered. govenniment for tlis area with reading over the last three structure cf government Is the "When you have decided the four burroughs, 1. Ajax, Pick- years o! the great unrest in financlal necesslty. Twentyl validity of my opinions, en- ering, and Pickering Town- large American chies. "This years ago tbe Incomes of all courage that action be taken uhlp; 2. Whitby; 3. Oshawa, is not divorced from the sub- municipal and provincial gov- in your best interests. Op- and East Whitby Township; 4. ject I will talk of today. Tt ernments amounted te one- portunity knocks, but it is Bowmanvllle and Darllngton Is net a racial problemn but a third of the income o! the 1 stili necessary te open the Townsh1p, were given by social one.fdea gvrn nt Tda door, Mayor Newman re- Mayor Desmond Newman, "The structure of govern- the Income cf the munîcîpal- minded bis listeners. here on Thursday. Mayor ment for governîng large cities tics and the provincial gcvern-f George Vice, a past presi-, Newman's address wau given bas failcd, and there are prob- ments Is greater tban that of dent, moved a vote of thanks at the BowmanvIlle Rotary lems ln the relationship of the federal government. We to Mayor Newman for bis In- Club's luncheon meeting hcld these municipal governments sec this ln the Constitutional ormative address on this Im- at the Flying Dutchman Motor ta those o! the state, and of Conference. portant subject. President AI Inn. the state ta the federal struc- "The amount of money be- Witherspoon alsa exprcssed bis Edward Samuel, lntroducung ture. 'ing spent by the federal gov- personal appreciation te the the guest speaker, said that "Sceing what bas happened ernment is less than that guest speaker and prosented Mayor Desmond Newman Is ln U.S. cities we can recognize spent by the provinces and hlm with a gift as a souvenir the president and general the creatlng of a similar entity municipalities. Economic pres- o! bis visit ta the club. manager of an Ajax company in Metro-Toronto. Tt has been sure bas maved fromn a strong The birthdays of Tom Cow- engaged lni electra-plating for a magnificent and successful federal government te a weak- an and Hub Hooper wcre cele- the aircraft and electronics In- expesiment, but the danger er one. brated by their fellow Ro- dustries. He aiso spoke of lies ahead. Tt Is vitally im- "We at the municipal level tarians. M. A. MacLcod and Mayor Newman's career ln portant that It be containedare part of that. Tfle emerg- Mayor Newman were the wIn- municipal government as a ln its present boundaries se ence of a strong provincial ners of the hockey draw. memiber cf Whltby Town that Its government wlll still gvrmn aî o etrGet rsn ttelnho Coucli He was eletedbe apale f dalig wthstructure. This cannot corne meeting were Reeve Annie Oke, Mayor cf the recently enlarg- problerns which would be1 about with weak municipali0 Councillor Leslie Coombes, ed Town of Whitby last De- similar te those we see in ýýties incapable of providing Councillor Keith Shackelton, cember. large cities in the U.S. 'services that the people de- 'Dr. Charles Cattran, Chair- Mayor Newman sald that "In Metro-Toronto there are 1ad Frtî emstsckmno h ulcSho befoe tlllg te metig 2000,00 s 3000000Peele.the financial base n ecessary, Board, Mrs. G. Edwin Mann,' what hie thinks Is the future Always a city of that size con- and at same tirne continue te D avid Preston, Don AllUn, all for this area he first wanted tains enough for d ynamicý ensure that there is ne lack o! members o! the Public School to explain wby be holds this change in re-develepment for respense ta the people we Board; S. R. James, Secre- opinion and ta express bis a base for free enterprise. o!hePbi bellefs. «'I am not suggesting limita- ý ftePbi "First I believe that as tion o! the economic future o! 1 The solution is a reason- School Board, A. M. Tbornp- thogbtul anaian eah o Otaro t a ityo! ,00,00,"able structure whesein munici- son, Supesvising Principal o! us, wbether in public office Mayor Newman said. He. palities can operate and serveloa Puic chlsL.A or ot shrethereponibllt sronlyadvcae h crea- botb needs. 1. To have a Parker, a member o! the Dur- or nt, har th resonsbilty tronly dvoate thhamn County District High of guldlng society on the path tion o! other metro areas that forrn o! gevernrnent large o! self-discipline and self- would previde for m o re enoiigb ta provide service School Board; George Van government. 2. In this tîme people equal economic, cultur- which otberwise rol etab in ge , CMsnagr:y Van o! doubt and dlfficulty we al, and work opportunities. affosded. 2. To sekte en George ViceMsMolyVn niust accept the responsibillty "An Instance o! thîs xvas localness ln this structure se stone, Mrs. Edward Samuel, o! creathng confidence. 3. the implication regarding edu- we can guarantee response to Mrs. Ian Smith, all o! Bow- Anyonemancanmae acaton n te mit Reortonthe people we serve,. manville; Reg Geen, Robert Any ne an an ake caionin he SithReprt n jNeil, bath of Oshawa, and Ted difference and evcry man Taxation. I am opposed te "For tbis we must have a Campbell, Leaside. should try". the manner in whicb this is be- reglon compatible and wl1thj Mayor Newman referred to Ing donc, but I arn using It, as certain assets. This reglon the speech hie had made ln an example te show that the bas such affinity. During con -OG cITq Oshawa recently regarding the government knows o! tbe sideration of the amalgama-G '.)kULTJ formation of a metro area ta need ta stabilize educational tion of Whltby and W#hitby Include Ajax, the Village o! opportunîty. Township certain studies re- (Intended for last week) Pickering, Pickering Town- "As Canada and Ontario sulted in eus taking a look at Mr. and Mrs. G. Bernard sblp, Wbltby, East Whitby m0v e through prosperous the entire area," Mayor New- and farnily visited wlth ber 'Township, Oshawa, Bowman- times, this is the time te be man said. He then îllustrated brother, Mrv and Mrs. Eric 'Vill1e, and Darlhngton Town- consciaus cf cconomlcs. Tt is bis !ollowlng contentions with lGallagher, Nepthen, on Sun- ship. possible'ta, be an economist ln a large dlagsam of the area. day. '«I bave been asked my prosperlty, but the opportun- "We !ound that the area be- moivsInnskngthspro-, ity does not exist in advers- low the green line will be a Ms. and fMsl l en- j ,posai. I wll answer this te- ity. lntensely developed in the daysden and famioy wr-Sn- j Corporation of the Township of Darlington NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the closing of part of the original road allowance betwcen Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington and providing for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council meeting to be held on Thursday, the 7th day of March, 1968 at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime thereafter wil consider passing a by-law to stop up and close that part of the original road allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington, known as Martins Road and Iying within the limits of the Canadian National Railway. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington proposes at the saine meeting by thc aforesaid by-law to authorize the sale cf the said stopped up parts cf the original rond allow- ances to thc abutting owners. The proposed by-law and plan showing the lands affected may be seen ini my offices in the Township Hall. The Council will hear in persan, or by bis or ber counsel, agent or solicitor, any persan who dlaims that bis or ber lands will be preju- dicially affccted by the said by-law and wbo applies to b. heard. DATED this 6tb day of February, 1968. Walter E. Rundie, Clerk. next 20 years as Metso-Tor( ta now Is. Oshawa wlll ha developed .ta the narth a east. Whitby, Ajax and Pic erlng Townsbip wlll be p o f thîs intensely develop area. Bowmanvillc and Daý lngton will be semewhat e larged. "How can the rmunicipalîties relate te ea othe.r? Pysically, almost pe fectly,"' Mayas Newman sai He spake of the importance watersbeds, and enumerati those that serve the muni. palities In the area. He e plalned that thls Is most Ir postant ta engîneers and d velopers and causes the lands ta be rclated. "This is why I suggest( there is this great opportunii ta form a reglonal goveri ment with fous bosoughs give lacalncss. The boroug. would be Ajax, Pickerin and Pickering Townshi] Whitby, Oshawa and Ea Whitby Township, Bowmai ville and Darlington Towi ship. "Such a metro-governmer could provide regional servict that none o! thase Include would otberwise have th economic capacîty ta do. Th provincial govenment bas wealth o! Information ln selz tion to such subjects. Thý Includes the report o! a Selec Comrnittee in 1965, the Ecc nomlc Councll a! Canada RE port in 1966, and a report fror the Ontario Associationc Counties". aMayas Newman warnedc adanger resulting from th~ Smith Report which recognhz cd the need for other metro aseas tao balance Metro-Tosor ta, but advocated that severs be cseated aIl west o! Mctrc Toronto. "This wauld mean the dedi cation o! aIl development cap ital In this province ta West cmn Ontario. This would b, completely wrong and mes unfair," Mayas Newman de clarcd. Mayas Newman pointed ou that the Smith Report bai designated the asea east o Metro Toronto, this is the elghi the bircis let yor f ingers do ffie walking through the YELLOW PAGES OBITUIJRY The death occurred Wednes- day, Feb. 7, 1968, at the Osha- wa General Hospital, follow- lng a very short sickncss, of Francis Harvey Farrow, 122 Hlllcroft Street, Oshawa. Ho was ln bis 74th year. A son o! the late Mr. and Mss. Thomas Farrow, the de- ceased was born Arrl 21, 1894. at Pontypool, Ont., and was maried. April 4.,:'923, ln Osha- wa. A sesident of Oshawa fo 47 years, be was emplcycd at General Motors for 39 years prior ta bis retirement ln 1961. Mr. Farrow was a member o! Local 222, UAW, a former member o! the Loyal Orange Lodge and an adberent af Simcoe Street United Cburcb. He is survived by bis wlfe, the former Hazel Vallant; a daughter, Mrs. George Simp- son (Beatrice) and a son, Carl, both o! Aurora, Illinois. Also survlvlng are two sisters, Mrs. Emma Tyslck ai Perth, Ontario, and Mrs. Ted Graham (Alice) of Cobourg; a brother, Harry Farrow o! Millbrook, Ont., and four grandsons. The memorial service was held at the Armstrong Fun- eral Home, Oshawa, Feb. 9, followcd by interment ln Mount Lawn Cemctcry. Major John Wood o! the Salvation Arrny canducted the service. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ballard, Columbus, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Ballard on Sunday, ta bclp celebsate Ralpb's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Apple- ton, Whitby, and Mrs. Pcggy Adams, St. Catharines. were also Sunday guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Ballard. Ms. and Mrs. Rudy Jammer, ClInt and Kurt. Port Perry, visitcd on Sunday with Mr. and Mss. Busrows. About 20 Brownies engaged a bus ta attend the Ice Follies In Toronto on Saturday. Thelr leaders and belpers, wlth mothers and fathers accom- panied them: Ms. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard, Ms. and Mss. Orville Hindman. Mss. Guest, Miss Sally Payne. To f111 the bus, Girl Guides and some brothers and sisters went along. Mrs. Douglas HiggIns and her son Ms. Jas Higgins, en- i uY iuiit; rubtsorivi. aa o visit Mvr. Everard Sander- onl- M M. Kellett, Janetville. sn rte fMs oga .nd Mrs. John Baker was given Higgins, who so recently lost ck- a surprise baby shower by his wife. ýart her Oshawa friends at the His neighbours are sorry to 3e oeo Mrs. Bob. Zybalo, learn that Mr. James Hanna en- Mr. and Mrs. John Baker Hospital. ese were taken totally by sur- Mr. Russell Ormiston, En- ch prise. Friday eveniing, when niskillen, called on Mr. and er- about 30 if their relatives and Mrs. A. W. Prescott on Satur- id. friends met at their home and day afternoon. of presented them with a set of Mrs. Dickenson and Mrs. Led door chimes for their new Trevail, Oshawa, visited on ci. home. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. x1- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker, Elmer Wilbur. n- Toronto, spent the weekenr Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Far. e- with Mr. and Mrs. John Bak- row, Marilyn and Gloria, visit- se er and were Sunday supper ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. guests of their parents, Mr. Laverne Farrow at Welcome. -ed and Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ho- ity Mr and Mrs. W. Loveridge garth, Claire, Joan and Cathy, ,n- visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pickering; Mr. Frank Blunt, to Johnson, Wednesday after- Bowmavle r n r.J ýhs noon.'B mavleMranMs.J ig, 1 B.Wilcox and Donald, Co- g,1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook, bourg. were Sunday visitors 1P Mrs. Lloyd Harmer and Betb with Mrs. Jas. Hogarth. Ist were Sunday guests of the Mrs. Fred Holroyd, Mrs. Bill ,n Smiths, Holroyd, Joan and Judy, at- n. Mr. John Johnson, Oshawa, tended the Ice Falles on Sat- vlsited bis parents. Mr. and iirday. rtMrs, B. Johnson. Sorry to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd esreport Mrs. Johnson hasn't Jr., Bowmanvllle, visited on ed been as well thls past week. Sunday with is parents, Mr. '-e Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and Mrs. Fred Holroyd. hewere Saturday evenîng guests Leading Airwoman Susan a of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Holroyd bas completed suc- a- __________ cessfully bier nine-week Basic is Training at Cornwallis and is ýe e oratosia now at Halifax working to- Wek-R pr Radar Operator. Susan is the M Weely R port daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred of Holroyd, Bowmanville, and Week of Feb. 5-11 inclusive recelved bier Public School Of Admissions - 68 education -at Hampton school. le Births-3 maie 3 Congratulations, Susan, on Z- Discharges- 86 your success. SMajor operations -__-_-1m Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell 1Minor operations __ 36 and family, Downsview, were al Emergency treatments __ 76 Sunday visitors and supper Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Wii- fred Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fowler were Sunday OBITUARYcallers with Mr. and Mrs. e Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wray t CLARENCE WM. ALLIN spent Tbursday wlth Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane and boys, at The death of Clarence Oshawa. t William Allin, 80 years, of On Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. d Orono, occurred at Memorlal Ted Chant vlsited Mr. and f Hospital, Bowmanville, on Mrs. Geo. Chant at London. it Sunday, January 28, 1968, fol- Miss Barbara Muir, Court- -lowing an illness of three Ice, vlsited with Miss Carolyn weeks. Dewell. Son of the late Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Deweil Mrs. Daniel Allun, he was and David, visited Mrs. Fred born at Orono where he re-lCouch and Mrs. Samis, New- ceived his education. On1 castle. jMarch 25, 1944, he married Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon the former Myrtie Pearl Gil- and Judy, Courtice; Mrs. Mc- bank who survives. Cune, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. The deceased lived most of Harold Ashton, Enniskillen, bis life in Orono, except for a visited on Sunday with Mr. brief period when he resided and Mrs. Sid Kersey. in Western Canada, A labor- Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith er, he was employed at the attended the Ladies' Night at Forestry ln Orono for a num- the Masonic Banquet at the ber of years, retirtng 10 years Lions Centre, on Saturday ago. Mr. AUlin was a faithful evening. member of Orono United Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Church. Hie was also a mem- Milton, called on Mr. and Mrs, ber of the Orange Lodge, as Hosken Smith on Sunday. well as the Sons o! England. Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Somer- iSurviving, besides bis wife, ville, Bowmanville, and Mr. J. are a n only brother, Rev. Cecil Hl. Abernethy vlsited Mr. and T. Allin of Pasedena, Calif.: Mrs. Roy Metcalf one day last two nephews, Rev. Ronald week. Allun, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Yeo Rev. Gerald Allun, Pasadena, and famnily. Tyrone, were Sat-I and a niece, Ruth Meihm of urday evening supper guests Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo. The funeral service was Mr. and Mrs. Reynard, * held from the Barlow Funerai Oshawa, spent Sunday even- Home, Orono, on Tuesday, lng with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. January 3th, and was con- Yeo. f ducted by Rev. Basil Long. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, ITemporary Interment was in Douglas and Sheryl, were Sat- , the Lang Vault, Orono Cerne- urday evening supper guests tery, and burlal wlll be ln with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van- Orono Cemetery. Eyk, Tyrone. Among the numnerous lovely This Is a brief column, as floral tokens, evidence of the some Uines were busy, somne esteem ln wblch the deceased rings unanswered. but mainly was held, was one from Ken- because the extreme cold lim. dal Lodge. Ited visiting. Palibearers were Messrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pres. Sutton, F. Eddy, Charles Coop- cott, AllUn and Marie, Enfleld. fer, William Hoar, IRoy Patton called at the Prescott home on and Devltt Harnes&. Monday afternoon.- HAMPTON h BOWMANvI LLE running ail Overt low 1 KING STREET EAST BOWMAVILL

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