16 The Canadlan Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 14, 1969 IMacDuff Ottawa Report Constitution ai Sit in A élaÉh between Justie Minlsten Pierre Elliatt Tru deau and Premider Danie Johnson of Quebec pointe up dramatically, at th, Canstitutional Conference the differences between Ot tawa and tbe French-speal Ing Province. Ail sessions of the Con. ference but one, were oper ta the press. The ail-sceini eye of the television cameri carrled the discussions, thE colour and the lengthy speeches, across tbe coun- trY. Canadians as well as niembers of the press were prnileged to st in - for the first tume - at a Federal- Provincial Constitu t i o n a1 Conference. They saw delegates after a long day, dnopping off bi sleep, or dozlng fitfuily, un- aware that the camera was focussed on tbem. Canadians were able to watch the bright humor ai Premier Joey Smallwood enliven the pracecdings. They saw and heard Premier W. A. C. Bennett of British. Columbia flashlng his famous sxnle almost con- tinually until fb became ine- some. They learned wby newspapermen have fre- ,quenbly neported that Mr. Bennett "clowned bis way" througb a conference. They saw Itbaah at first bond. Only once did Prime Min- ier Pearson decided ta step In quickly and close the- doors and shut off the Scame ras. That was wben the *viganous excbange between his French Canadian Justice MInister Trudeau and Pre- mier Johnson bbreatened to ,,get out of hand and wreck ziegotiatIons. As. the thnusts and caun- ('ter tbrusts bebween Trudeau ,and Johnson became more poinbed and barbed bbc dip- lomatie expert Mn. Pearson sbepped In and suggested it *was time for a coffee break. Me also pnaposed that bbe *Canference go behind ciosed doons afber bbe coffee break for a "working session" un- til the naon lunch-boni'. Thus the Prime Minister avolded what migbt have developed Into a sbowdown and a very awkward situa- tion. *Mr. Trudeau bas been hailed among fellow Que- beckers as the logical man ta run for the national leadership of the Liberal party,f£rom Frencb Canada. Mis chances In such a race couhd be considcrably en- hanced or weakened by bis performance at bbe Cansti- tutional Conference. He led the rebuttal of the Quebec Government's daim fan special status for Que- bec. He warncd that special ipawers for that Province icouhd undermine the position of Qucbec Members of SParliament at Ottawa. The lsituation cauld lead ta, the final separabion of Quebec from Canada. He suggested the answcr tothe canstitutional crisis was not more power for Quebec but beter Quebec Irepresentation In Pariament. Premier Johnson rejected such arguments. At anc point In the [ce wrangle the Premier sou u- to blunt Trudeau's s, iel gestion that Federal MV ed rcpnesented the people hc Quebec, by deluberately ýe, scnlblng the Justice Minls t- as "the memben for Moi k- Royal". He left no dot he was lmpiying that an1 n- from that wcalthy ai n could bandly presume g speak for all Quebcc. 'a Mr. Trudeau retorted e addréssing the Premier iy bhc member of bbc Ici - ature for Bagot. Is As the excbange grt .e mare hcated it was appE ie cnt to those in tbc con f 1- ence room. that for a bri Il moment Mr. Trudeau bi "haost bis cool". This . ýr bigbly unusual for the Ju: 0 Ice Minister, anc of ti 1- caimest, most nelaxed mg S an parliament bill despi tbc daily tensions ai n strains. Some of bis sui f porters - and they were nun craus - warnied that he me have damaged bis "imag( r ta same extent. à- But others who are lh S admirers suggested that M *Trudeau had shown hinise ready ta fight wben th gauntiet was hurhed ta th floor by the Qucbcc Premie Trudeau did not back awa' nather be plunged In whc, perhaps a more expenience and cautious politician 1: tbc Federal field wauld hav backed away. The Qucbec Premier argL cd that bilingualism acras the country was not enougi for Qucbec. Tb wantcd mon powers. Mr. Trudeau suggestec that the Premier lay hi! cards on tbc table and statf specifically how mucii monE power. He said Premier E C. Manning of Alberta bac put a good question beforE tbc Conference whcn the. Prairie Premier demandcc early In bbc Conference tha' Canada be lnfonmed as to the limit of Qucbec's de- mands - If there lis any limit. Ncwsmcn quesioning Mr. Trudeau as to the reasons for the bltbcrncss betwccrt bbc Premier and bimself said It was wehl known that bbc National Union Party in Quebec was detcnmined ta destroy French Canadian poliicians prominent in the Federal scene at Otbawa. He said be bad flot been surpriscd by tbc sharpness of the exchange. Indeed, some of bis cal- leagues said Mn. Trudeau wclcomcd lb. He enjayed the verbal duel with bis po- litical enemy. The clash reflecbed tbc increasing ex- asperation of tbe Qucbcc wing of Mn. Pearson's cab- Inct by Premier Jobnson's Posture and policies. MManpowen Minister Jean Marchand. the Qucbec Lib- eral leader in bbc caucus in Ottawa, supparbed Mr. Tru- deau in bbe tangle. He bais let it be known that be is toying with the idea of ieav- Ing the Fedenal field ta enter the provincial political anena and do battie dinecthy witb Premier Jobnson. There is a maunting sus- picion among French Can- adians at Ottawa that Prem- ier Johnson, wonnied aven Eanadian eart Fund LNVASS onday B. l9th kNVILLE f 4E WTON VILLE9 ORONO February Ready to fi meet your inst SAMEB is representing Co-o] Association ln tht CIAG Is ou-ned and controll mnembers of the Ontario O)ntario Federation of Agri operatives of Ontario. TheA aeross the province.. . a re service . , . and over 280, ýction and service, pleasec M BLACK OWMANV1LLE 4 CA - I During Month of F B( ght ug- IPs of de- ster unt ubt M~P irea to by as is- :er- ief ad as ist- Lhe o", _M dILswr Is Lthe gooa oia ite Canadian characteistic ap- nd pears to lie in compromise: ip- doors wlde open and the n. Press present for most of the av sessions of such conferences. ýe" But when the hard bar- Igaining begins and delegates is appear ta be playing ta the Ir. cameras and the press as ifan audience rather than he getting down to resolving RoetSieheltebyinheavep t, he the difficuit problems hn RbrSpes, theltl oyi h bIepoo r. close the doors for brief seerns to be bubbling over with happiness and has an i y, executîve sessions. infectious smille. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. re The Prime Minister wbo Larry Spires, RR. 1, Hampton, and will celebrate his d bas had much experience In scn itdyi a.Hsgadaet r r n n International negotiations Is scn itdyi a.Hsgadaet r r n 7e well aware that much ca Mrs. Burney Hooey and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires, be accampllshed when the ail of Hampton, and his great-grandfather is Mr. 1-doors are closed. Problems Charles Scott, also of Hampton. SS can be resolved In private ______________________________ ýh that defy solution sometimes I ,e when the press lis present. . I The United Nations is a o oem. Ii 1d prime example of too much D a li g on C uIUcil is talk and not enough action ;e when action Is required. At a meeting of Darlington ing Boardbas presented at this eTownship Council, held in thelmeeting9 beapproved and I 411 ylTPTn Township Hall, Hampton on ado pted. bThIs motion was dMonday evening of last week s ede y Councilor Brown OBITUARat 7:30 o'clock, Reeve H. C. and carried. e WILLIAM G. ELLIS Muir was appointed Chairman On a motion by Deputy - d *FollowIng an Illness of four of the Court of Revision for Reeve Down, seconded by M weeks, the death of William 1968, and the other members Councilior Gibbs, council ac- G. Ellis occurred at Memorial of counicil were appointed to cepted the draft sub-division - Hospital , Bowmanville, on this court also. agreement prepared by the Tuesday, February 6, 1968. He Council then adjourned tai Planning Board for the pro-M Swas in bis 94th year. bold a meeting of the Court 1p osed Goldstein Sub-Division Mr. Ellis was born In On- of Revision. The meeting :of in part af Lot 18, Con. 5 tario and received bis educa- council was resumed at 10:15 tion In Solina, Hampton and P.m Bowmanvilie s<'hools. He bad On a motion by Cauncillor NESTLETONM resided in the Bowmanville R. B. Brown, seconded by area for 90 years, and was un- Cauncillor Richard Gibbs, the married. Township Treasurer was di-' Recent callers at Mrs. Lor- A handyman and caretaker, rected to trie romth 1967 ienzo Mountjoy's were Mr'. the deceased was employed, tax roll those amounts shown James Werry, Mrs. Grace the an thehResolution otheheCutBartondale, Mrs. Harvey Mc- thrtheugh he yearsh CourtGil and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dominion Organ & Piano Ca., of Revision as cancelled or re- I Canadian National Railway, bated under Section 131 of Werry of Enniskillen. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., the Assessment Act, and also Mr. and Mrs. Delton Fisher and the Bowmanville Branch ta delete amounts from the and Scott, West Hill, enjoyed of the Bank of Montreal. The rails of previaus years as1 the weekend with his parents, deceased retired seven years cancelled under Section 244! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fisher, aga. He was a member of the of the Assessment Act. adMr. and Mrs. MorleyU Anglican Church. Fseandrbruh, wr Mr. Ellis Is survived by bis Deputy Reeve Carl Down Sher, vScaror uh.wr close friends, Mr. and Mrs. moved that council agree ta Su ndviitrs. GatTop Arthur Constable and family the deletion of Item No. 5 M' n r.GatTop of Scarbarough. from Amendment No. 4 ta son accompanied their cousin,I The funeral service was beld the Officiai Plan for the Dal- Mr. Roy Corner, Pefferlaw, from the Northcutt Elliatt Ington Planning Area by the to, Peterborough on Thursday lFuera Hoe, owmnvileMinister of Municipal Affairs p an d visited MVr. and Mrs. Jim SFunra HomeBowanville, This was in reference toiJohnston. on Thasdoyr.Febmauary 8thwas and wascoducted by Rev. K. changes in land use, and it TM. rmn a meisto is wasa J. Frmpn fS.Jn' was decided that enough land J hrdy vstrwt i Aýnglican Church. Bowman- bas been designated for In- cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon ville. Interment was in Bow- dustrial purposes. Councillor MLean, Bawmanville. manville Cemetery. Russell Dow seconded the ma-J Mr. and Mvrs. George Sel- Palîbearers were Messrs. tion, and it was carried. lers, Collingwood, Mr. and Mick Dilling, Jim Callen, A. A meeting of Dariington Ms ereWnsr aln Blanchard, Ross Williams, Council was also held on trae, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mairs, Lorne Williams and Francis Thursday aftenoan. Reeve Mr. Jim Mairs and friend, Wotten. Muir presided and al] mem- Cooksville, enjoyed visits re- bers of cauncil were present cently with their.parents, Mr. with the exception of Coun- and Mrs. Ehi Mains. cillor Russell Dow. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davi- - STARK VILLE Deputy Reeve Down moved son spent Saturday afternoon Mrs. Russell Savery with tbat the 1968 estimates of thp with her mother, Mrs. Charles- ber daughter, Mrs. J. Both- Central Ontaria Joint Plann: Gist, Peterborough. well, Bawmanville, attended mn. and Mrs. Harry Mc- the Ice Falles In Toronto on wo£ H adLuithiie Tusa Satrda Mr. rmeFahs Hon y H a S Lauh Mr anvsitd huayst Satuday.Henry, Janetville, and were - and Handey wre reentls-T i f n Sunday evening dinner guests m tors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan ruaea u for * 11 ith i. adMs onBa Falls, Toronto.r cck Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, (ni O M te Sryt eotMs l Orono, were Sunday visitors n. L mm te airs was tak en to Port Penny - with his mother, Mrs. Stone. Hospital by ambulance on Sat. Sunday dinner guests with An Ontario For Trudeauuddswhhea Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tadd were Committee has been farmed speedy rcvr.Hrfml Mr. and Mrs. H. Sinclair, under the Chairmanship of Mo.i and MIrs. George Sellers, Cindy and Sandy, Mr. and Russell C. Haney (L-Durham),Co lhngwood, visited her in Mrs. John Sinclair and Don Chairman of the National Lib- hos pital and remamned aven- Couli, Newcastle. enal Caucus. The Comte ih ihhnfther, Mn. Last week Mrs. Morley Rob- is representative of ail areas Mai ns. Mr. Alhan Mairs re- inson entertained a graup of of the Province. turned with Mr. and Mrs. Sel- ladies and Mrs. Stone In Membership of the Executive ]ers and will be. spending banour af the latter's birth- of the Committee, in addition somne time with his cousin, day. ta Mn. Honey, includes James Mr. David Kent, at Stayner. Saturday afternoon Scouts McNulty (L-Lincoln), Deputv Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mains and and Cubs, about 28 in numbenGvrmnrhp oads oi Cannington, visjted his enjayed the afternoon tabog- Macdonald (L-Rasedale), Par- mother and were Sunday din- ganing and skiing and refresb- lianientary Secnetary ta the nen guests of Mr. and Mrs. M ments at Mr. Brian Caswell's Minister of Industry, Robert Norman Mairs. Miss Norma Hallawell spent Stanbury (L-York Scarbar- Mr. and Mns. Lawrence Mc- M the weekend at Mr. Llew Hal- ough), Chairman of the Par- Laughiin and Lynn visited Iowell's recently. liainentary Committee o n bis grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falls Broadcasting, D r. PauneI Fonder, in Part Perry an M were dinner guests at Mr. Jewett. Directar af the Insti- j Sunday. She was very pleas- EwartRobinson's, Sunday. tue ofCanadian Studies at1 ed ta seeL her gneat-grand.. Canleton University, Ronald daugh11ten Lynn walking for Spnauie,. Pickering, President the finst time. of the Ontario Riding Federal Mns. Harold Fleming and Libenal Association. Tim Reid, Miss Lois Fleming, LindsayM ielp yo* M.P.P. (L-Scarbonaugh East), Ivisited recentiy with Mr. and David Morgan, Port Arthur, Mrs. George Heaslip, and Mr. Executive Membher of the Port and Mrs. Reg. Ruskin and urnc n e S Arthur Luberal Association, Mns. Erle Ross, Scarborough, uranc needProfessai' W. M. Kilbourn or wCre Saturday evening dlin- York University. Toronto. Ter- nen guests. ence J. Kennedy, President, Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Bow-, m A leilHaltn Liberal Association, manville.,,sentThrsdy-t Jthe Incrcasing strength of Re Levesque, mlgbt sud- deily jump on the separa- tism bandwagon. Same French Canadian politicians Jn the Federal field feel tbat Premier Johnson 15 backing Into separatism wbile Rene Levesque is pursuing it openly and avldly acnoss bbc Province. Prime Minister Pearson and bis advisors bave tried bbc experiment of opening tbc doors and lettlng ln bhc press, Naw tbcy wiîl assess the results. Was It a goad move, or did t prevent more pro- gress being made than mlght bave been expected had tbe doors been clased. They willl weigb bbc advantages and disadvantagcs. Chuck Full of Laughier BE SURE TO SEE THESE NEW AND EXCITING s3291 Total Pnice for niaterial delivered on jobsite, One Loati Delivery-,... AUl taxes included Total price for matenial dellvered to cleaned site accessible by truck, with walls pre-fabricated. F.S.T. andi P.ST. Incl. 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