1 0 he Canadian Stateeman, Bowinanvifle, Freb. 28, 198 iwWl Lucky Winner of Kinsmen CIub's $1,OOO Investment rpT;ern-o stax-LD r'eo --Dln B yd B r 5 4 e. . F e b r u a r y ' 1 8 -dh o c u r d- Cairtwright C uni es: N,ýSut ua Cartwrlght Township Coun- 1968- 5-point program to: allow him to expand fis bus- , uc at-on npOt h a nhr7î cil met on Feb. sth wlth all Council requesting: 1. Balance lness of seed cleaning. This 'A. *' r KimIV mierbers of Counil in at-l0f street name signs for Caes- request was approvied. ... WstMaiyWeMr- TtfrrEflMtDn- tendance and Reeve L. S. area 2. Council's guarantee The roads superintendent . . rdWlla.moethdeasdwsor f Malcolm in the chair. Ithat Caesarea Post Officeipresent.ed petition forms for Swing Dance aiy tPri iI tc o Cartwright Volunteer Fire would not be removed, 3. tha t final subsldy D.H.O. and thev yet rceSut iaTi-si.SewsteduhW Dept. were represented by oni ask for a retest of were compieted to be forward- * ma. Susan West.o h aeToa n uh Fire Ch.lef Scott and three pluin In Lake Scugog; 4. cd at an early date~CnsaTno-CheryIDnmr n h ote members. They presented PaU council consider the grav- 1968 salary schedule and duhe fttlt r n their 1968 budget estimate 0flellflg a nd possible construc- wage scale discusaed for a Junior Blrion ac. Ms rn etj fSa $4,242, whicb la $12 more than1 tion of a private lane at Scu- brief Urne. A letter from the Fiesta TangoDieBo.grv.MsHadnlstb. lest year. Council tentativelygog Point and 5. that council roads employees asklng a rleWlo at-abr n er l n a raisedy approved sanie. When asked 1 encourage "twlce - summerly" o 40c per hour plus O.M.S.I. Gusar.Lyn Wlowr.M.ad r.Haie il they would corisider extend- patcblng of roads and streets. P and Sic k Benefits was not GlendaTennat aLidt aes}adn ing any stand-by aid ta Man-' The Roads Superintendent dealt wlth but will be discuss- TnFx-Bni alw ,vers Township, replled tbey bavlng arrived, roads bils ed eit a speclal meeting of GenThe ..SA. u sfrbt would consider It only when were presented and approved Thursday evenlng, Feb. l5th. se 0f.ssw :MssSzAay er nth adn that township had equlpment for payment In amount of On the question 0f procur- ase Burartes aw tSegav.Mr n and staff that would warrant $5.272.50. A special commit- lng ravel for 1968 this town- aNoerm a Nri htyMs.Hrlglte pn taklng the place of Port PerrY, i tee for roads purposes was sblipgacepted an extension of Mra n rchePotyar tOawo adte which serves as stand-by, sat- named, belng Reeve Malcolm. the tender of the United Coun-Mr tnC Isfactorily for Cartwright. , and Councillor Gettins. 'tics for the crushing of neces- HngpenoTher n iedfo Im t2 yreened fAco ants i an ee E-as rdes ett resent ary gravel. Application for Igaohrsetftes yar.h peetdfrpyetad 1Camp waspeetI rsn a $12,000 Roads Suppîementary Sunday, Marchà d hr pi,16,Ms adn epprovied, Including a $50! to Roads Superintendent. Mer-1 for maintenance work was thl eirsodfgenSenior awod dlaim fromn Bowmanvll lin Suggltt. a certificate show- 1 also carrled. Bhereon dane.Th rno Srlvn retre ag bulance for indigent service. lng completion of a six-year I The C Ierk was instructed Figure SkatingClbsshw tesMr.KnSth(an Correspondence recelved In- roads building course with alto write Harry Kelzebrlnk nagradelfprrss fOaooMsDnRc- cluded: A resolution from the score of 87%7. regardlng access fee prior ta asagra da Township 0f Hamilton oppos- Ernest Swain sought coun- road being reconstructed. CL aadian RailA(ury) 0 al Ing the County School Area cil's recommendation of a Meeting adjourned to Feb. sCanation Figuren (Goi)fBareadaon Systemn whicb wes recelved ismaîl property severance, to lSth, 8 p.m. -oties.r ný and flled, frorn the Ontario vv-Tireames., rs Wn ad 3 ept f HAmltFrance -l he ast week, itwas announeu at LDon Brooks was from ief t to righ~t, Past Presiuent Bill Kîpatrick, rast ~A Vpeeesdb w and Budget Forma, to le com- D a 'în ton .cfooI d. th winner of the $1.000 Ki Investment Draw. He is President Ralph Whyte and President Roy Woodward.! Ms01.3ITUde pleted when appropriate. 1 eehligtewlo eceu ln ih htda Vlt Requests for membership hw eehlig h ecreceu, aogwtMRohbie PobgrPhy C. A. MCFDEenl rthr a isoe affiliation in several organîz- DMrs. Hardliing devoormtinted ber. y te ations were ordered filed. Re- arllnet on Public Shool fnw ormation reuest d.b h Dimes, held recently truh Following a sotIîea e n questa for cbarity grants also ail members peetadM.tevlaeo apo mlCifr lxn ordered filed. Olpri t esetaidrMr Moved by Mr. Tink and sec- X in sen et IreceUd I1 t stht vig of ampon d Clifforassd Ala nde caynfml. Seatne Anotice wes recelved from Qyeontecar nded by Mr. Werry thet Mr' to report $1,58.53 bas beeni Haspital, Torontoo rdy rae n a ebro the Ontario Municipal Board Moved by Mr. Werry and S. Worden be appolnted as r ollected. M rs. Blenchard' February 16, 1968 regarding a public hearing ta seconded by Mr. Cralg that Darlington's delegate to the 1 1 . would like to thank ail tý,e Born in FeneloTwnbp Tefuea srvc ws be held eit Il ar. of Wed- te accunts be pad as lsted.linterm Schol Organizatin I I ladies who braved the cold he was the Son aa ede ttMce uea nesday, March 3th, 1968, In Moved by Mr. Worden end Committee. W U Eih n om o b- R a cN and icy streets and roaé.s 0f (Kinghorni McFade fBw oe lnsy t2pmJn Port Perry Council Chamber secanded by Mr. Crelg that Moved by Mr. Worden and make this possible, akolmanville and thtlteAx-7. evP.CBrn.asr to consider application for a Ross Metcalf report back t, seconded by Mr. Craig that f~. 1__ thanks to ail who donated ander McFadye.Mr Mc fOwod ntdChch Queting Order re By-Law No. tht Board with another prce this Board pay Its membership Ths h epd cîeî r Fadyen hd reale n Ptr- cnutd tt evc. T m 1149 to establlsh the bound- for the averhaullng 0f several fees ta the Ontarlo Scbonî i il, Pi CSEa re M EVPG. Chanti borough for tht eat2 er oayetmmn a cries and the area of the planas In the varlous schools. Trustees' and Municipal Coun- r Mrs. ElJ 111t i rea er il Mrs. . Chente wa Township of Cartwright, Ap- Mýoved by Mr. Creig and cillara' Association. iPige r.E olMs1aemn epraentcsaet escne yM.Tn htte Moved by Mr. Crig and sec- Tht world's top snowmobile at the end of the day. causes and to promote rnw R. Farw Mrs.jN The deceasedretdtthctPonMrpsTwnhp made public. Superintendent, Mr. H.R. onded by Mr. Werry thet the race drivers are scheduled to hr r pie1o aImbln a pr.saMs . MaN.h, Mrs. M s h r r r z s f r a l o ii g a p r .n a r o w,. a n , M ounte. iN orth utt E lllo t F n r l h a î e re s w r e A copy of second and final Moorcroft be authorlzed to letter from tht Ontario Urban compete In tht firat interna. groups. Here is e list of the prize Hall, Mrs. H. Balson, Mrs. E oe Bowmanvllei ni u-Sot oadRcadHre notice fromn township solici- attend conferences in Toronto and Rural School Trustee As- tional snow mobile meet at rMopr' Ew n al oe o ol i hr eel r.KySih r.dy tHoe, tL tos regardine pronerty loat- on Marcb 12 and 13, and soclation, requesting member- Mosport Park, March 9. 1w ad aremonez' .orctued ln.T hreeeln,î. E n, M rSmith, M da tHetteCmtckC kDula rwHy 1 i banked track should ae pizs fr h irt tr e u t M s . e, Mr. A ' Funeral H m , eer bo ogvo d S ot a d B vre ý..d an a road aîlowance and March 18-20 and that bis ex- sbip of thîs Board be recelvcd There will be races for ail prove ta he tht fastest In Cana- places in each race. For the trym, Mrs. E. Clemens, Mi-,Thfunrlsevc wshldSot ,tht Ontario Department of penses be pad thereto. and fled. types of snowmobie from 250IOde. tht experts predct. up to 250cc machines tey are Niddery, Mrs. Doris Wilbu- romtht ComstokFuea ..:,ducation's guide of "Rt- Moved by Mr. Worden and Moved by Mr. Worden and to 600 Ilccscterîng for levels f$30e eet set t~ fordtîptock anc $60 frand10:Mr.E ai M. Homean boMenril ospta organization of Schoo1 Juri-ecnded by Mr. Tink that the seconded by Mr. Tink that Mr. of expeîrience fram novicee a' vet tata 1 id;u o 0c, 6 nd$0:lr 9thl and was cndcd c p a m a d every ne s urged u 70cLtl od $ 7 ; p ami d who H ick an dI t rm n -dictions in Ontario' were re- Aministrative Officers of this Werry and Mr. Cralg be euth- litesm-roesoa rv-wohv e n seLd "elved and filed. IBoard be authorlzed to bire orlitd to attend tht Ontario eta tht s e-prafeoaldri.bring tht family, snowmoblle t 0c,$8 and 300. The across the pondin the 1ivingýi0 Eldon Cemeteryna J. F. Fisher, President of Mrs. P. Meirs when necessary School Trustees' and Muni- L pes r xece ago ýand barbeque. Tht treck bas 1 open race for stock and modi- farmerîy r \A/ee b Say.r the C.L.S.R.P.A. presented 1onassist with the flow of in. cipal Councillors' Association well over 90 mph et turnes., 1500 raîîîng acres around it for fe ahneyfaycaatyry e ae M r.edMb tht Besides bis niotr.htd-Wkofeb1-2inusv C o n e n t onenno rit o o nAId u r i n g thrd rn tsot t one n o t e i n p a t n t tt hres dp rziv e r3s0 f r m e G o . e r i a k h m e e a e d s u r v v e b y thar td m s s i n s - - - - - - - - -6 .c od....Mr..r...ha.p u s r o h i e f r-e c h c s t a rg a n i n t htv n t s h t s o d g e t in g to u c h t an d M r s . H J am s , i a e s r . n rs o m ai o Moe y r in n o h 2,5 n ahUN Dsfrm o tedy' vns d h g,4Iine (H)ofeLen IfBwan.~*di P R O J E C T I O N th t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the membership fet of $10 for wit.h the overal points winner! Kinsmen Club of Bowmen- George Mutton of the Bow- and Mns. Jas. Smales Jr.edlrbrghoeatns .- teOntario Association School taking home tht Mospont, Cup ville ta naise funds for needy mnville Kinsmen. femîly, shaw, vîsîted oc Business Officiels bt paid. ville. Moved by Mr. Creig and JSalest . an r. seconded by Mr. Worden thet Jas.e ls Congratulationsi _______ the Business Administrator be ar etnddtoLar Le authorized ta attend the School IAIYIM PÇ1O N Smales on rcceivirîg First S O Bus Sem inar in Belleville on The United Chur h Wome Mr A N D S A L 196 N 0 W .B. MovedbyMr. Woncien ~~~ T hetPa n edfor herch Feb v rue.HoptG e opeil r Hs a mp on h to Ton to kpad vic e d ou la n S e vi siena -D ~ L 1 6 r c sM ar di 2, 1968. m t t e h m f M s F aG o g îl e t s a s n r o u e a c m - G r. 4 M usic ex a i ntio n s. pricest h om.ofMs.F' patient in Bowmnville panied Mr. and Ms. Do Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith. 0 held titi ca0 f the chair, meeting, with Pres. Mrs. E ton friends will soon show Mr. and Mrs, Roland Eadit, Mr. and Mrs. Pautl VanEyk,: E EE f lII folowngcomitetreB. Killens presid g. Among improvement. Toronto.' Tyrone, on Sunday aflernoon. Teflongcmiter- tht items of business disc1I_ Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith' Udrtto porta were given et this meet- Onr Friday even ig Mr. and On Sundey Mr. and Mrs. asie Ma.c 3n1()Trnprato o sed was the need for gond Mrs. Carrigan adDulRo Luke obe er were Sunday evening dinnerTH ONA O BEFC TL M a r c h 3 l i ttet1) r port ie n by M n. u ed annd foouirlsaslaL sha w a, visit d atT eerMi, usecLA and Cethfyr vislse19 gutats with Mr. andM THrsC - ~ ask about '~utresrarms tee report given by o- eTrnt;ttvn fMrr OJ sHowa r istd Brtet, Os-j FAlîs and un th afsteno nil.M.RselOms mlBCreig. (2) Teacher Commi-15 YÇears to he sent Ir) Streetf cott home..f n r.Hws eeo Donald Prescott and family. l SSOIATON :'CENTURION 4.88 Contact your residenit representahive den. (3) Report on th~e new adnln;an h eeaa,visited Mrs. A. W. Pres- wtnt across ita Bobcaygeo oEriklesetSn esSlsAea rfla ~' EUIPMNTSTRAGECaunty School Board meetingefair alectrdt '1cWnStna feno.and took part in tht venied M5 1tîn EaUIMENTSTORGt'tewith ftMre.Thndom5t motles Snorth afeofonOakvillith T~nJJun eld 1n Cobourg an Febnuerv teMrrftr. h o. and Mrs. Jacob Kessler. sports et the Winter Cernival. .Smth J. C. aminaO. Mr dteen ogh newpt Amy adJakie, Bolton, visited Man r"'e Cat A C SHDO DR yler. Mr. H. R. Moorcnoft and p t th Prescott home on Sun- Mr. IoTornt ipCh at also rpre on Reports twointecuc alrs Th!dYM.ad Mrs. Kessier urday tvening Otome r rono Skatersf Entries as fol]os Far Eqip en ndthre.Worship Was conducted bv ner . .Pecttvst nd Mrs. Jack Carteran ls1-F Mesdames Wilkins, Ballard1 n n .L nsotvst rdCasi-HRFRS.......1 PBnge.Th w8sp6e ed Mn. John Eddyvean in daughter, who returned from Pa 4.,.Orono, Ontario B H E O vice was symbolicaly af M mril Hs ta, nd vit tre weeks in Jmaica. Mr. P a s T ests Cas 2 - S O T O N . . . . .2 BU K T Nranged with a dish of ni c i dMns. Eddyvean, Orano. and Mns. Chant spent Sundev Class 3 - A ER EN NG S. ..2 PHONE 983-5030 ice,~~~ Mr. A. W. Prescott visited with the Carters. Mrs. Ber. h r-Iigr ktn KITCHENER - ONTARIO T h.tHO nonoeFigure S katingcerR En dR D B U L L S S EH E amal Jpense ea-up nd;Mn. Eddyvean on Saturday. tondele went with then ta. Club has beld two sets of tests Tedy ac 2he 10 .i COMLEE EEDNGSYTES -FED-ASYEQIPEN - IBTOE SLCS oMnoHumphey enawitt 0f sauer, i e n iackedbapa a Tht Board of Stewards DI visit Mrs. Fox, Toronto, wholthis year - an January 21 and usa COM LE EF EDNGS ST MSPE D.ASY QUPM NTRISTO ESLO T rt o a t beo enoa M eeknd bati u!Th e n ic Japatnese the chu ch are making pre.- is er g andd ughte n (Fe hu ry 18. Th t follow ng 1 ODER YOUR SILO DEFORE MAR. 31, READY FOR HAYLAGE. DONT PAY TILL SPRING Mrs. John Archer and femily. Christianity in Japan. di ttC . lgnnBwavilvsie n hv a s fsed teir respectie BLL S _________________________________________________inthe_ Mr End Mr. Dave atcheilmission tudy fo tht nuî ta l1 Mr n Ms ae acel isonsuyfo h ear. in Mvardi. and Mrs. Raymond CIapo tests. of Oshawa ivere Sunday even- The film str 1ip "One Haîf n nd rs FrnkPasotSatrdy eenng ing supper guestsaet tht home Ont Percent" was introduced Nr. atdeMrs. ral and Mn. Jray im Muler nd e ary 2î ensa, ac 3het1:0a of Mn. and Mns. A. C. Steph- by Mrs. L. Annis. Aften v,'ew-IMns. James, Oshawa, visiteci neIl, Oshawa, Mn. and M rlawe resce enson and family. ing it each member provided Mn. and Mrs. Elmen Wilbur, Edgar Wright, Betty andLa- FBatr iuelRndoe-Awtaou.fetie a eotandta h on ay e pI sart s oran enrMor. n htand Mns. Herli Waldjt, nence. Misa Heather Gniffi . niynW:t.Seeretary. C orp oratdio n ofJack Sith in es afo g v nquestion. Mem wjinth , spent the weekend Enniskillen, Mr. and Mi-S. J MES eKAT a;ainy nBWest.îs IMeoralHopial Bwmn- o ivdemitogrLISing s. ife ml.Mra xodadMln, nant Minr acsJMSMK MmnaHoptlBomntacansider three questionsi Mrs. Bill Cowle and Dlane, Oshewa, were gutsts 0f Mn-TrcieSut, Geretw, n Township of Darlîngton i ville. We wisb them bth a relating ta the film strip and'Bwavlea ~a~5td~ n.ta of Mr.tacie Stutt, Nita Talsrna i ((eertary-deaarer speedy recoveny. l t r r p re h i i di B w a vle iie n r .R n C e e st ep C n sa T n o -- T *ce .A R C Y N O T I C E 0 B Y .. L A c o n c e r in g t h eM . a n d M rs. W . G le n n ie T h t m e e tin g clo s e d w uth tv M n S a l o Snd r . C anliM.eEWa r- is bi th e y estr Ip rt . p ta a i u ! ; ~ I i a p ~ n a l b l s a wib finamn O h w , Se- e y n n p ei g t t e e i. re p n aur e n T iT t Gr ui e, B o nis .u îr Br neAn~ num er li k ow as To le's Ro d N rt r i- r ng an iliness of about five: O E!were visitos w ih Mrs. Jaz..r' ui Uy a. M k ss n . ning southerly froni a point therein 2150.49 feet months. zHoat.MisslMryui Mrs. m___uent Bornnin England, the deceas- INSTALL ANE Bowmanvjlle, viaited ____ - fromn the road allowance between Concessions 3 tri was tht daughter of tht'1 Hogarth recently.___ and 4 and running southerly a distance of ap. late John and Mary Ann Colt.' 1 eMr'. Reg. Kersey, Ottawa, proximately 1249.51 feet to tht half lot line of man, She attended schooli1nc,,HUIIIE pnt an Pvenîng with is' said Concession three. Newcastle. The former Fior- _ ý p ~ a~ * paentIM.DndFIsERi sadCneso he.ence Maude Coleman and Mn. K ilE aensy. RahndlOWIs he imefoua 'N orm an W . Pinch. w ho sur-' Mnse.an Mr. W S. te n-h nk n ab u th Aa o e lI eS ri U 1h m nw e NOTICE 15 ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that r vives, were marrled 52 ytars: e NO MORE COLDS , son, Oshawa, Mn, and Mr%.; hnigaotteArl otli tht~~~~~~~~~ ~ Coni fttCroaio fttTwsi ousewîte. ber Interests. 19 STOP NOSE AND THROAT IRRITATION Mrs. Archie Muir, Courtice,i of Darlington proposes et tht sanie meeting,'bY r centreri around ber famIly, Mn. and Mrs. Stephè efe the aforesaid by-law ta authorize tht sale cf thet!home andi dommunlty. Befon*ei eRLEV RlSI NDSAPBawmenville, wereen Jeny, said stopped up parts of the original road cllow- comlng ta this aea, aie nesid- guests with Mn. and Mrs. Roy, suces to the abutting owners. ed et R.R. 2, Whltby. Tht de- REDUCE H[ATING COSTS Metcalf.Ban ceased was an adierent of the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ln United Church. 0 SE COMFORTABLE chard were Sundey dinneni Tht proposed by-law and plan showing tht Survlvlng, besîdes ber hua- guesta wrth Mrs. M. Marris,' lnsaece a eseinmofieband. are two sons andi one: Lindsay. la d afctd ma e tn n my ofie in tht idaugter. Russell of Oshawa Please Cali Us for Details Mr. George ace Ssk - TonhpHall. !Bruce of Wbltby. and Mrs. toan, Mn. and Mns. Archief CERESDA LE ThtConcl iîîher n ersnor1 Charles Rundle (Florence) of ONLY $ Os95awaTALLEDdinner Th oucl ilherinprsn r yhi Zo.ONYINTLLD igutats with Mr. and Mrs. A or ber counsel, agent or solicitor. a.ny persan who Tht funeral service was 34 -9 L. Blanchard on Saturday. IP dlaims that bis or ber lands wiIl be prejudicially held trorm tht Morris Funeral, Mrs. L. Clemens, Mrs. FER T L. mu affected by tht said by-law a.nd who applies ta edyoeb S n escn lhor, Mrs. . Dwell, E I L E A Chsa, el , and wae, on. BlaShor, Mrs. . nnisMns. A.NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO b. htard. ducted by Rev. John RoneielI. 1 A DhIU Mrs. R. Metcalf. Mrs. F. Interment wes In Bowman- Lie * P RK R SO J NS Pane, Mrs. G lbratn- PHONESAROFRIZR D A E D t is G h a o eb u ry 96 . ville Cem etery. ed th t U.C.W . Oshaw a Pres- N W A T EC S O L N E Pallbearers were Messrs. yeilmeig eda ECSL BOWMANVILLE Walter E. Rundle, Clerk. I Gary Plnch. Ernest Blake, fPHONE 623-5851 btriaieings ur h e malet 8-716375 liDouglas Blake, David Plnch. 1L IGSE E cently.1 __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ M ichael Neault and D n l 5 K N T .B o W MA N V IL L M rs. A . B lanchard, c a r Cl.mcan of tht Mothep' March 0_______________________