I;J-~~r~.-',, Dri~iern~à4 \AfltI~ B 1' dorsed this opinion.~5 t TeCndinSaenaBwnnvle e.2,16 Lirr PresenI7tIedIII~ T W ih BookHarvey Malcolm. deputy- C ler,-50h niIversoIy reeve of Manvers townshipj and member of the United LONG SA L Counties of Northumnberland and Dlurham Council. also~ Mr. and Mrs. F.EA 1d tr !M Rbr t thought new legisiation had~ er, Bowmanville, rJm;M n r e idMs been brought in too suddenly. 1 Sawdon, Kenneth adRusl.EhlKdGowoMr He thought each township IPantypool. were Suni ii n rsFOSlh o- should be allowed one repre-1 ' 'mn iewer udyge sentative on the new Bor.of their parents,Mr ad ftemis He asked for an opinion re Mrs. W. Rahm.Ga orpr rWle the United Counties, Or sepa-, Tyrone Park Boad(d aekrtre oefo Sration of the two Countiesý use of their rink Fîa v eollHsia atwe on this issue to allow for bet- i ening when they sposrdamc mrvdi elhfl ter representation. broom-ball game,eatedlwngnapndctspra Wilfred Richardson. Man-' versus west end oc tevl in vers counicillor, also express-' lage, with the west l n M.adMs ei age ed his opinion that Durhamý ning. A skating prywsad Ser, Bwavle should be treated separately, then enjoyed, mus! yr-wr udyspe usso from Northumberland on this' cords and loud speakr h h oas Isu.evening was very od h'M.JckJhsn saa Lawrence Malcolm. Reevel ice excellent. Hotcholt.M W.JhsnJaevl. 5of Cartwright township, ex-i hot dogs and pop wr h eeSna usso hi pressed dissatisfaction overi refreshments. Jhsn the legisiation and said -l*,. very pleasant eetj Mn red fMs dt hope for happy landings $ honoring Mrs. AnnieHte-Mrh ihhrased e when the Counties system lys 85th birthday oni na, oevinMmra optl finally cornes back to earth." was held at the homeo n CU>5 aiswi eto Former Warden Mernill ~ nd Mrs. Roy Maynar.ToeMrh1 ttehm !Ms VanCamp, Cartwright, thought.-'i prese nt were Mr.adM D each township should be as- Harry Hatherly anr. nDvy sured of representation. I' Toronto, Mrs. Frank HteiMmra optl ody Other questions from the~ Glen, Richard and adfrtetet floor wre from WallareMiss Beverly Hathly nd flo ee fo alc'frîend, Lakeview. M.Jc'N" Pitt, Principal of Darlingi.onl ~ s'HtelNwoniipo- ~ 'I~IIC township school; Mrs. Earl Htel, etn 4Argue, Grandview Sch ool tea- . ed his mother butculntb cher, and several other tea-1.. present owing to iles;as ea.u Yesterday afternoon, a brief ceremony took place in Bowmanville's Libraryi chers from Cartwright, con-', Mr. and Mrs. ClareneHt-Shik ie when two young men presented a book "Meet the Mormons" to Librarian Mrs. M. enn ece' ttsi hs the new regime; Harold hs present satdonta Middup who accepted it on behaif of the board. The young men, Eider Leather- Hooten, Fairmount, relating - ' lveiy turkey dinn.Mr.dvceIgzhaopoeîs*t wood, le! t, and Eider Monson are students at the Brigham Young University to problems at Crestwood! Hatherly receivedmayue haahodnreirmgdsse f ui gifts, cards andi ttr Who are dedicating two years of their life to missionarv work. Leatherwood is School. !:*: '.A buffet supper va evdArnwe reac nttt i from Utah and is studvin g civil engineering. Monson cornes from California and Frank Tom, Area Superin- 't9f Oii nqeham uaa, ha ensuyn uiesamnsrto.Te lnt eunt nvriytendent o! Secondary Schools. 'sa* à p.m.. afterwardspcue ba ee tuyngbsies dinsrain.Teypant rtrnt uieriyasserted his belief that the& wey hoie tileslyeI rlieMsitsi after their mission is completed. While in this area, they wilI be calling on new set-up would be progressl graciously thankedMran d oeftinmnesa -homes, bringing their messageto ail who wish to listen. in the right direction. Hel r.RyMyadadhrseeau eln fteij1e assisted Mr. Carruthers in . fai ifamdtise answering questions from ihei nar' iday . Mrs . Mi culrdc ________Express __ _____o ____nfloor. "Education has im-1 r' brha.M proved tremendously in thelvnn ine usswr past 15 years. Don't condemni ' e'.v n ngdinMrs.Leli Untad Ms motn falra new ideas. Look Pt them with M.adMs ilimRbrsfM.yand ptn. Cnraua-wreohooghhttiimr ýRevampi1ng School Jurilsdiection amoepmii.Tor ~p cptinaten!dby1nyfre dsan nîhbrsRoyel ~also .cogaua and for teachers." Arcpin ted- ymn red n egbrws l nTrinity rec'ently celebratedhrbih- hiwaaconhhdwt Harold Kyte of Blackstoc'k,! United Church parlors last Saturdav afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- day. nwhaigsbtne(i-y D îscussed R ather H e tedly at epresenting the Cartwright iliam Roberts' Golden Wedding A esr.Teanvraycouple, who were ePigieewr eIadtmIter~hf Febrnryrhic qucklyhele hel iju) posed e systemnsollBmmnil for over 30 years and their present home is on Division St. Theyi went to Mrs. Alic Drw ave been implemented twol have one son George who is married and lives in Victoria, B.C. Their daughter, oM.Mri S oy n.Ccl N Bi-yaffen M anv rs M etin of atep yersI sfbefore last provinciall Ina, who came from England with themn when four years oîd, passed away in Mrs. G. Alldread, Ms 'M a ve s M et ng f ate ay rslelctinratertha ti1.9,36. George and bis wife visîted Mr. and Mrs. Roberts in October last year, but Goble.5-5 drawwswo weeks later. Thp epar Bethariy. 'iThe irror'Pliîa-, ,ssume greatpr respnnsibilt ' vEducation (on(erncd, School Boardq have flot bepni r nbet ep~eta h eerto.Tergf omr h eoal yMs rii art. ~ fMc tion of schooi .urisdictiofl in to meet diversified education-, "The net cosi of education,1 forced into this ilew arrange-! event was twvo plane tickets for a 21-day holiday in England. The bride and the Province of Ontario and ai needs. Rural sehools wil]' exclusive of grants and other ment as we hav'e. There wasi groom of 50 years ago were also the recipients of numerous congratulatory tele- i ail its iniplementations was have the same opportunities 'revenues, would be appor- flot enough publicity ras n crs n lvlyflrltranoens the point of sometimes heat-' for kindergarten classes orptioned by the Board amon tding the ri orntig________ _________ ed discussion at a meeting of slow iearning classes wher- ail the municipalities in he ngtheducnew cov nce ro - 1__________c i ratepayers heid ini Grandl- ever there is aneed. division, on the basis of pro- diction. We must assent Ouran r.APieOhw, view Public Schooi, Friday '"You are cooipiaining that vincial equalized assessment. ights and make certain we s eeStra vstr fM. night. ihis new legisiation has comreThe Board of Education tax wili have adequate represen-, Iheii Satwuad rdaYRvssiteobrsf.A opyex George Neais. (liairman of without warning notice. Ar-' bill woiîid be distinct rrom tation on this new School e .. Mrs. oss mcnrbetr. ofieclr ppo the Manvers Township Pub- tuallY it has been discussed that for municipal purposes. Board." Mrs. Russell Davey of Co- Mr". Perc Lunn has heeri a f0 Queten's University, King- hv h edmnspae lic School Anea Board, chair- since the 1950 report of Jus- Tax bis would be calcuiated, Mn. Kyte reported having quilam, near Burnaby, B.C., pteti h eoiiHo-s0.atrsedn week*s ed the meeting and Pxpressrýd tice Hope. ;nitedand issud b te5 hîs concern in the new lcgis- '"At present there are ap-' uiiaiîeisit * etngtepM vstdb r n. Mos.nW M rpia. Ban vlle. b u h oliday Noatns oxMe.e wlin lation as outlined by Minis- proximatly 1 c0 h 0 0 etydn.Txs wnuld bel ttnddor" hvenhobecio,"hereîîparenetndrse l ont ope.The eetig Mr. Th nd 0f lwek. l-ford and son Douglas visited iKathv ,and Diane McCoy. wllng coilcte bythemuncipil- ta repre he ay or he n. nd Ms. lwod Wi- er arets.Mr. and Mns. Stouffvi.lie, visited Mrs. Percv ter o! Eduçation. thel Hon.ý boards to administer for sixAties and transferred to the proposed school area of Non-i'o fHxn erPic elnto dm fLk-MCyo audy Sunday Wiliamlaas. Doavis. milionpeole.Threrre moiollionEdcatoeopale.hmbeîad ad DrharGergeoBC..v1stedhersisen' sore sehosreonSueaycguettleMs.McCy Srund 1' think we are ail in favour o'ï many' bodies involved in thei Board of EduiCafion wilI is- counties;. He statedfutr Mrs. Marshall Chatterton. Ms ar ecrsetM.adMs ly co progness, if if is of the right'smepog1 .sueilondenues "We cannot change fhis new h Miss Karen Fagan of Mark-* Satundav with ràn Ms1n LmMs.B ab kind," said Mr. Neals. "This' "The significant fealure <if Infrmtin metngwa ca!-th ne cncptof duaton' ~Boards of Education wiii Bill; representation is ail we, ar spent the weekend with H-. Luxton and famlY, -BOw- Toronto. ed through the combincd ef- ai administration may be assume aipoet.asCnslage." hrs.gran0dCprt. ad Omnville. I Mn0 f he d farts of our Township Couil lsumimarized as follows: iabilities, co nt ra c ts and On motion of Blake Hunter1 Mrs. aF. .0.Jooe On SuChlliend Ay, en 0 fmlesothe s. Lary dhonne r Ton- CLOheS CriE INTr J School Area Board, andý "A school division with agreements of the former of Blackstock and Ray Stew- attended the wedding of het' held a dinner party at MiII- afler spending two weeks 1 Cleanlng fluids should ehnidol yeprst vi would ask yoî< to lister> cnunty boundanies will beý boards. They will organize art of Cavan, Hanvey Mal- nehe.Me oh han and broMnteocsinorh laaneadcide. eposoT.dlie Lth an open mind as we dis- established for each o! the 38, the .SUpervisory and adminis- colin was instructed te carry Miss Judy Defoe at Sacred JSilver Wedding Annlversaryean hlr. 1 cuss problermq pertinent ta admninIstrative counties, intrative staff and make othen the resolution o! the meeting Heart R.C. Church et Dela- i 0fMn. and Mrs. Onville Chahi- Me. and Mns. Eber Snow-1 our situation." cludin- seParated cities and, necessany adjustments. i to Counties Couricii "That waeadrcpina Srt- c fOoo den, Courtice, Mn. Bert Jeweil.' 5th CURS ANDI CUSPNCK UPI Reee iion1-lasipspketows~caedin heconty. "An interim committee wili we want a division of the rov on Saturday. Mes. J. DePaepe spent' Oshawa, Miss Mabel JewellISav ,biely of the liaison between An elected board of educa-1 coniSist of one repeesentative counties of Northumberland At Onono United Chu rch 'J'hursdav and Friday o! ,LBwavl],wr udy tCouncil and Schooi Board tion would have iurisdiction, from each existing publiic and yuhm inrsec aS nda onning service, Rex'.lweek at the Clapdon! home dne ussa n n and welcomed the large ga-,over both public (Elementary1 schooi board. high schooi Sohool Boards. 50 that wc Basil E. LogbpizdTn Ohr.Ms. Lorne Phare. lthering of over 300 ratepay-I and Secondary) and Sepanate, board and Board o! Educa- may have more nepresenta- Ted Wil son. son of Mn. and Mr. Geo. E. Poilard was Mr. and Mns. Clemn Rahml ý ers. schools. S ep a r ate schooll tion. The committee, which tion from Durham Countv.'" Mes. Ted Wilson. mnved to the Oshawa Hospitali and childnen, Ajiax, and Mn.' Alex CaruthersM.P.P. oi-membes of th board illImaywconclusionblFrankheTom cMncJsion.aFnessTomsr.aJpatient.s sracpntint.raftery. being b aipatientietandn Mrs.. Ronald RaRa Durham County, cammented represent the interests or, sub-committees, will prepare said he Was willing to assist' in the Western Hospital, in the Memonlal Hospital, Kathyrn, Judith and Kevin, on the interest eveny rate-:separete schooi supporters forla comprehensive report pro- In promoti.ng Menvers town-' Toronto. Bowmanville. e guests Sunday evening________________________________ payer and parent shouid secondany school purposes. viding information about the ship's desines in any way he Mr. Gary Cooper o! Peter-'M. n MrMs. Julien DePaepe____________________________________________ hav@ In educational matters.: "The proposed boards wili existing systeni. This report couid. borough spent the weekend ivisited Mn. and Mrs.' Roger "The welfare of your child-i consîst o! 14 ta 20 members ýwilI senve as a document on Mr. Carnuthens advised fh, with his parents, Mr. and Demuelnare of Etobicoke on, ren and your community lis at:based on the1 total population' which the new Board t.o be1 îownship to study Weil theiMes. Cliff Cooper. Sunday. stake. nvstment in the cdu- o! the CountN or division. eiected for 1969 may base cost o! setting up two ad- Mn. and Mrs. Julien DePaepe Me. John Eddvean lias ce- i ~ cation o! the youth of toda 'v "The County Council will unitcd decisions and long; ministrative svstems for the visited' Mn. and Mes. Joe fîîurned home fromn the Me- .- is an investment in the fu- detenmine the county munici- range planning." two counties, Northumberland Wiloys and familv at Mount imonial Hospital, Bowmanville. i tune o! oiir country. pality or municipalities bo be' Me. Carruthers hoped the A Dra:- tin ondeein.ývil.Homne "The new Bill introduced nldd o hc e- e ytm wud b in]Y and objectively beforel -Hrdar In Parliament is that of Re-,' ber or members are to beabout savings in cost o! ad- >aking anY other demands Soesc organized Sohool Administra- clectcd. Coî,ci i nistration. He essured that and volunteered bo arrange aM a v r I< c C r ssA--StrsLO H S BKE tin lconcecos equaîity ofý "The Caunty Cuii ii Provincial grants would not meeting o! townshR edpC rod education fralyugpo sais e edsvstem b less. 'Instead or taking county representetives with pie across the Province nf on an assessmcnt basis. Government awav fi-ar. thel the Mînister of Education in' AI m M IN O:ntario. The new Board wii "Board members would be peorîle, it is throwing il, rightl the very nean future. 0jc sII~IL 1"M b." mieiected bienniaîiv and hold back in the local lap. Repre-1 ______H blflflLJ ci i i eei A NTti thetonshpsof eewnght. mn ! h ManseCmite.M rs~ township. She alSO is a patient in Memorial Hos-: L T X I T RO Manvers and Cayeu wete :commFnt.ed on the duties and mentioned that E. R d ia, BwanviI .Hc esigate as<neWard, Maii-' responsihtitles or the Churchlwards had made 30 donations malnv friends wish hem a QAT GLO vers xvouid only have repre-' Board ta the manse. Alto-' avený recent. years and the sppe'y nerovery. -- ~ ~ ~ fOu ~~sentetion two ycars ouf of gether a most iteîn g r-conitios an tins. n ndM on Jnoy v ucan sx"He strongiy recornrend- cgramme.o tis jus tate ritha stps e mplmened The tJ.C.W. made plans fanor an als rprîu visiter! their parents M.ad the xtamean as isand emchtownsthipother things a Sping Tea 1s nieiitioned assistance givn odeGln SEMI GLOSS extra anedinbeheld In' to Walter Urhanciewicz wheni SryMs .Gbsh, Board. May in the S.S. Hall. his hern was destnoyed by or e.T ihshsQAT GLO ualiLy Mr. Carruthers replied ta Talent money Is to b, the riee lest summer. b eenQUAiRTiI.GALLOpeNo the above query by saying main source of incarne for this 1Mms, Walter Neaîs nîoted Mresfeeing OO O*byno "Ontario should not rail he- yeam. Many and varied meth- that the Loan Cîîpboard was - s.Gibhs.2 668 8 hind other provinces. who ods o! raising this talent J opeel tced, fine fam- M.adMs ereAl have a d o p t e di this newi mney were suggeteoad t le ade sckMo sp r ad Mrs. M.Gaskin, Mn. scheme. The aId idea that 'Iti will be Intemesting ta !oiolv lisduig hIyaGadthan msLlodAidea n was good enough for' doesn't' the progress during the year. wheei chair had been loaned' Mexine were Sunda upeHI HLO SEOR &txW L AN holdwatn. e hve a fîl'AIl ladies o the church are'on several occasions. guests <of Mr. and Mns. Cecil1 UR GLO jr>un, nlrgeau cm-Invited to participate. Watch Senior citizens report was Alidreed, Bowmanvjhle. munities, crîlange aur vision,; the church calendar for furth- read by Mes. Hugh DeGeer. Mn. Herb Mermyr avie and not apply aur own selfish c norain.Alehn canha en pn tewekn ithhile,-.-.ý interests in our own luttle eO nefonmangepoosI 'AsTaeehoe aiso ttd planspnie he M e and Mes R.His 2e 8 9 8 empire." ta have Mes. Betty Kennedy.! had been sent to patients in and childmen. Represeutetive groups were Womnan's Editor o! CFRB.!inursîng homes.Mran s.rw Suh apeesent from the edjoininiglcorne ta speak ta us at aî Lest year's campaign for weil, Oshawa, weme Sunday, townships of Cavan, Ops,,dessert lunchean In the sprîng funds haci totalied $337.55. supper guests o! Mn. and a Cartwright and Darlington' o! 196,q. This shouid be a A Long Service Pin was Mms. Doug. Southwell. townships. very attractive event to look presented ta Mms. Earl Argue Tommy MeRoberts celc- cro H Hariev Catlîcant, Sprnn- forwamd ta.in ecntona hem many brated hi.s 9th birthday on' ville. cxpressed the opinion' Roll call and other business yeams o! wark in the argani- Saturday when he entetain-i i that -legisation had been too'being completed. the meetingization. Mn. Henry Jakernan'ed severai o! his little churns.1 LIM ITED 1 rushed. The peesent armaJ cbsed. The ladies adjourned' was also the recipient o! a Steven and Ted Bull. Orn IN ST W 53 board school systents are Lao the manse tri be wermly' simîjan pin, presented aller spent the wcekend w>h 95OKINGNST.LW workine, welI and there is noiJreceived by Mrs. G. Ward. the meeting. w,%hic'h he could Tommy. reason for changi..' DonaldiITea was served and a dellght- 'not attend due ta illness. Mr. and Mrs. K. Chambp-i- i Cathcart and Donald Lang, ful social hour !ollowed. There was a discussion re- lain, Mrs. T. McRoberts, Mr.