Social & 9ÇersonaI I1 Phione 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. James Martin, and her skating partner com- Paul and Wayne were Sunday peted ln pairs figure skating guests of Mr. and Mrs. ClIffard at the Olympic Games. Grodall, Burllngton. A poster designed by Susan 4r. an d Mrs. Robert Green Humby, daughter of Mr. and and Robbie of Oakvllle were Mrs. Mark Huxnby af Burllng- weekend 'visitors wlth Mr. and ton, was awarded first prize Mmr. Engllsh and Roy. in the "Conquer Cancer" Mrs. Joyce Bingham and poster contests ini bath the chlldren. Toronto, spent a Burllngton and Hamilton Units week wlth her parents, Mir. of the Cancer Society. She and Mrs. Gardon C. Martin. received a plaque and a Mr. John (Nicky) May- cheque for $50, and the prize berry, Upper Canada College, winniflg poster is ta be used ln spent the weekend with his provincial campaigns of the gandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. society. Susan's grandmother, LRoenigk, King St. West. Mrs. H. T. Humby. also of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Burlington, Is the former Reta Mir. Ivisan Munday and Mrs. Roenigk of Bowmanville. George Brown attended the At the mornlng service ln funeral af their cousin, Mrs. Trinity United Church last Howard Wood, ln Sutton on Sunday, the follawing officers Monday, February 26th. were installed: Elders, H. R. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter, (Bud) Moses, Dr. A. Harris, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. A. D. Jackson, H. Hammond, Carter, Myrtie, and Mr. Bob Keith Shackelton, Ha rr y Carter and son Wayne of Locke, Harry Davey, R. Oke, Windsor were recent caîlers Clifford Trewin, Jack Hold- with Mrs. Agnes Carter, Sec- stock; Stewards, Mrs. N. Os- ond Street, and family. borne, Alfred Allun, Gordon With the weather improv- Barrie, Eric Barr, Ray DiII- Ing, many readers will have Ing, R. Hendry, Forbes Hey- weekend guests or wil b land, Alan Lobb, K. Mackenzie, visiting out of town. Please Don Morris, Mrs. Kyle Squair; remember we appreciate re- Trustees, L. C. Mason and Dr. ceiving such Information for K. Slemon. this column. Dial 3-3303. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frank, town, and Mr. and Mrs. How-C a k i r y ard Forder, Brooklin, recently attended the Ontario Associa- tion of Real Estate Boards An.T B uy Books nual Conference held ln Toron- ta at the Royal York Hotel.' Mrs. John M. James spent For Juveniles the weekend ln Montreal witb her granddaughter, lutile Sus- In a repart ta the Clarke anne James, wbile Susanne's Township Library Board the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joh nE Librarian noted that the James, attended the Quebec Library now contains a total Winter Carnival ln Quebec of 3410 volumes. 0f thls City. number 916 are In the aduit On Monday and Tuesday of non-fiction section, 1526 ln the this week with the combina- fiction section and 968 ln the tion of mild weather and the juvenile sections. appearance in stores of newI During the month af Janu- hais and other spring merch-j ary circulation reached 1271 andise, one could at leasi have which is a drap of 38 irom the hope that the worst af the 1previaus year. The Librarian, hard winter weather was over. Mrs. Robinson, reported that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lau, the drap ln readersbip was ln Toronto, were weekend guesîs the juvenile sections. Adult cf Ms. au' siterandreading during January had bober-in-Law. Mir. and s increased over that af 1968 by Johnny Seto, Janice and Bon- InveoftedplnJ- nie, Concession St. East, and jnview of he rap RoinsJon with them attended the Lions ile remadrngmeRns o Slb atudyevenlngh els. visit the scbool, outlining the Satuday venig. services at the library and LIS Leonard Knight, C.F.B., recommended that the board Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, is approve an additional pur- spending tbis week with his chase of juvenile books for the parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. month af February. This re- Knight, Prospect Street. Leon-: quest was approved.r ard flew here, for the surprise. It was noted ai the meetingr visit wiih his parents, ta be tbai the provincial grant toe with hIs moiber on her birih- the library this year will only1 day taday (February 28th). be $650, wbere lasi year it hadc Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelly been $900. The total budget 1: and boys, Lindsay, were visi- for the year was set at $5,500,. tors Iast Saturday af Mr of which amount $2,000 Is to lKelly's parents, Mr. and Mrs. be spent on the purchase af e,5- Kelly, Liberty St. South. new books. Revenue is mader f turday evening, Mr. and up of $650 from the province, o»rs. R. Kelly aiiended the. $150 ln fines. etc., with theG Lions Club Ladies' Nigbt. On' remainder being requesied f Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. fram the Tawnship af Clarke. ri Kelly and sons were guests af -Times.0 and Mril. Edward Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ford- ENNISKILLEN or. Gale, Rhonda and Anna afi Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. Ru- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail, pert Byers, town, and Annette Orono, were Sunday evening and Douglas Hancock, Orono, supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. e were dinner guests ai Mr. and R. Virtue.s Mrs. Gardon Sturrock, Scugog Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry p btreei. Miss Anna Farder bas and family were Sunday din- a just recently reiurned from ner guesis ai Mr. and Mrs. F. Grenoble, France, where she W. Werry, celebrating their Baptist Churci Nelson Street Pastor : G. Gardon, B.Th. B.D. Phono 623-7621 9:45 am. SIJNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. "#WHAT HAPPENED AT THE CROSS ?" 7:00 p.m. Serie on Doctrine: "«YOUR No. 1 ENEMY" All Are Welcome 7REHOBOITH ChristianReforme Church Scutot Street MinIter: 1ev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D, M.Th. Worship Services 10 ar. 7:30 p.rn. 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday 9:15 p.m. "lEveryone WeIcome"' TRINITY UNI Minister - Rev. Geor Organist - Mr. Will A.C.C.O., FIRST SUNDAY IN1 11:1X #THE SEVEN WORD (3) Thy Son - 2:00 p.rn. - Young Pt 3 p.m. - Aduit Meml CHIJRCH 9-30 amn - Junior, lI 11:00 amn. - Beginner 11:2 0 - Priniary Sheryl Ashton-, Vie@ Pros!- dent Doreen Trewin; Treas-1 urer, Linda Reid; Press Re- porter, Sandra Werry. The girls were shown how to measure flour in different quantities, and how to make up their record books. Next meeting wrn b. held at Hea- ther Grilffln's, Feb. 28th at 7 p. 9 Mr. Rodney Irwin of Surn- merstown was a weekend 1visitor with bis parents, Mr. 1and Mrs. George Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet wcre Wcd- nesday evening supper guesis ai Mr. anid Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family were Sunday visitors wiih Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Howe, Beaverton. Miss Vivian Grawbarger, Toronto, Mr. Brian Grawbar- ger, Sudbury Universitywere weckcnd guests of Mr. and Mra. R. Lamb. Mr. and Ms. Dave Bath- well, Maple Grave, were Sun- day tea gueata ai Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Siainton. Mr. J. A. Werry, Mss. Grace Bariondale, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Miss Betty Jane Werry, Enniakillen, w er e Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Sharp, Linda and Janet were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mss. Bill Mahaffy, Blackstock. Mr. R. J. Ormiston was Sunday visitas wiih Mr. and Mss. L. Ashton, Haydon. Mrs. E. Peitiier and fam- ily, Willowdale, speni Mon-g day wiih ber parents, Mr. and Lirs. A. L. Weasn. Mrs. F. Toms speni Satur- day with Mss. G. McLean, Bowmanville. Mss. F. Toms spent Sunday wiih Mr. and Mrs. L. Slemnon and iamily, Haydon. A famiy dinner pariy was held ai Mýr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens', Hampton, in bhonor ai their iaiber's birihday. Congratulations tb Mr. E Deepesi sympathy is ex- tended ta Mrs. Herbert Stain- ton and family on the passing of ber brother, the late Geoire Creeper, ai Santiago, Clfornia, (iarmerly ai Hay- al don) . iF Farm Insurance To Be Discussed At Kemptville "Farmers can insure iheir spsiug grain crops most reas- onably, especially when gov- ernmeni pays one-ihird ai the premiums and all ai tbe ad- ministrative cosis ai the prog- ram," says A. G.- Teskey, econ- omisi ai the Kemptville Col- lege ai Agricultural Technol- 2gy. He poiuied oui that csop Insurance, would be hall af the prograru an tbc Farru Insus- ance Day ta be held ai the E.C.A.T. on Thursday, Fcb- ruary 29, 1968. Mr. Frank Barnes, supervisor oi rseacn ncLundlerwrit1ng for the Crop Insurance Com- miission ai Ontario, will be one of the theme speakers ai the conference. In tbe marning, hiabllity lu. surancc will be discussed by Mir. Bian Greigsan and Ms. Bruce Gili ai the Co-operators Insurance Association, Ottawa. Ms. R. W. Andesson, will explain disasier insurance foi such ihings as fise and wind protecion aoi larm structures and contents. Everyone is cordially imvii. -fat.ier's bîrthdcay. Cagratula- wîll beIhel'd in the auditorium, tions ta Mr. F. W. Wesry. K.C.A.T. on Thursday, Febru. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Va.n ary 29, COmmnencing ai 10:00 Camp, Mrs. Wm. Van Camp, a.m. Please bring your own Blacksiock, were Sunday ev- lunch. Coffee and milk will be ening callers ai Mr. and Mrs. psovided. F. W. Werry's._________ Leap year is ibis year. Con- gratulations ta Mr. M. J. Hobbs, be bas a blribday. H Y O Monday visiiors wiih Mrs. World Day ai Prayer will F. Toms were Mrs. E. Page, be held at Tyrone Church on Mrs. M. J. Hobbs and Mrs. Frlday, March lst at 2:30. Grace Bartondale. Guesi speaker, Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jack- Nortbey. Haydon ladies are son, Markbam, wese Saturday inviied ta attend. aternoon callers on Ms. R. J. Sunday School session ai Ormiston. 1:45 and church service at .jMrs. A. L. Wearn was a 3 p.m. on Sunday. visitas wiih her sisies, Mrs. A fair crawd attended the bC. B. Wagg, Uxbridge, on card pasty and basket social Saiurday. held lu tho school on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Werry day evening. As Auctioneer and family were Sunday Steve Liptay was unable ta be guesis ai Mr. and Mrs. Tom present, Russell Tabb auction- Sobil's, Taunton. ed off the baskets, elght in Ms. and Mrs. Stuart Pres-1 number. ion and Mr. Kemp, Courtice,i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- were Sunday callersata Mrs.I LaughlIn and family, Black- E. Page's. stock, were supper guesis ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Down Ms. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy famIIy an Frlday. Happs, Mrs. Bertha Kinsman, Mrs. M. Olesen, Bowman- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Marris ville, ýpent the weekend wih Kinsman and iamily, Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Patta and family E. Kinsman, Courtice, wereland Mss. W. Martin. Sunday evening dinner guesis Mr. and Mns. E. R. Thamp- ai Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kins- son, BowmanvIlle, wese Wed- man in honous af i ile Lisa nesday visitors af Mrs. A. Kinsanns f i fit b birihday. Thampson. ICongratulations ta Lisa. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Osmond, Ms. and Mrs. Ted Werry Miss Virginia Osmond and Mr. and family were Sunday tea Blane Adams, Bowmanville, guesis ai Mr. and Mrs. Vern were Sunday dinner guesis of Perigoe, Bsooklin. Mrs. A. Thompson. The firsi meeting ai the Linda and Janet Sharp, En- 4-H Club was held Feb. 2lst n1skilien, spent Saturday with ai the home ai Sandra Werry their grandparents, Mr. and with 12 girls present. Elec- Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. lion ai alfices was donc by Mrs. F. Toms. Enniskillen, secret ballot. P re sd en t, was Sunday au r guest of Mr. and Mrs. Doyd Slenion TED CMrRCndiaMiy. Wayne Black- IITED CHURCH r., Newcastle, were spe ýrge K. Ward, B.A., B.D. guesis of Mr. and Mra. W. Blackburn and famly on Sat- liam M. Findlay, B.A., urday. A.T..M.Mr. and Mrs. Bou sshiton A.T.C.M.and familly were Sunday din- LENT, MA.RCH 3, 19Us ner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and o a.rnRay. Sympatby la extended ta )SFRM HECR SS: the relatives af the late Byron1 DS FOM HE COS* Creagh (farnierly known as -Thy Mother" George Creeper, Haydon), 'eoples' Memborship Clasi Diego, Calif., on Saturday, Feb. 24th. Resting ai the Mor- bership Clas ris Funeral Chapel. Service ln the Chapel an Wednesday, I SCHOOL 2Un. Crernation. Interrnedate and Senior Siemnon, London, Is quite . I Lori Ann Garrard had her tonsils remaved ai Memorialc and Kindergarten Hospital, Bowmanville, oni Monday.t sh su Puring the Scout and Cub father and son banquet it the Salvation Army citadel on Saturday, Jerry ?orier received his Queen's Scout award. Top photo ;ows the presentation being made by Mrs. H. Fraser, ;bstituting for ber husband who is ill. At rightîqi cautmaster Ernie Colliss and ai lefi, Keith Parier, ither of the Queen's Scout. A deliciaus turkey dinner vas served by ladies f the Home League and ta con- Courtice Guides Entertain M o!bers The Courtice and District been aur District Commission- Girl Guide and Brownie er for six yeass, gave a lare- Mothes and Daughtes Ban- wcli speech. quet was bcld Feb. 20 ai Mss. James Castie tben 6 o'clock ai Ebenezer Church. tbanked the Ebenezer Ladies Rev. D. Asscott opened with for the deliclous supper. grace. Mrs. Douglas Oke pro- Tables werc cleased and for poscd a toast ta the Quccu. aur programme Mrs. Ross Miss Diana Chrisil, Guide from Hawke enrolled cadets Miss 2nd Courtice Ca. proposcd a Karen Hawke from 2nd Court- toast ta the mathers. Mrs. D. ice Ca. and Miss Linda La- Arscoti rcsponded on behaif tursky, Ist Courtice Ca. ai aIl moibers. Miss Karen Hawke wbo Ailes a deliciaus supper was1 was chosen ta attend Hesi- served by Ebenezer Ladies, tage Camp, July 13-23 an Mss, Douglas Oke Intraduced Morrison Island fn the St. tbe guesis. Rev. D. Arscoit Lawrence, sbawed sîides af spoke on the motta ai bath Guides who aitended lrom the Brawnies and Guides "Be differeni countries and activ- Prepared and Lend a Hand" îles during their weelk a.i and bow these mottaes can camp. Miss Hawke was be useful ln aur cammunity. îhankcd by Mss, George Red. MAPLE GROVE The Maple Grave Home and days. Only a few are lefi Scbool meeting held ai the here uow who would remem- East School, February 14, had ber Howard. He was buried as ibeis guest speakers siu- on Monday at Sutan. dents from the East and West Sympathy ai ibis commun- Scboois wha gave iheir speech- Ivy is extended ta Mss. Ethel es. Tbey were Kaihy Budai, Hindman, Ms. and Mss. M. Elizabeth Nichais, S t e v e n od rpyal erb Gaadmurpby, DenuIs Bamber, CooMrpayd asO brabrih- Cheryl Wright, Barbara Mc-mer, Ms.amtlnd s. ervloHlnd- Guirk and Donna Woods.maH ptnluhebsi These students wcre each pe the lormer's sisier-ln-law, and senied wltb a silver doil pre- the laiter's aunt, Mss. Loitie Ms. Marchand on behali o te Jackson, Hespeler. Thcy all Home and School. The ncxtatteded the funeral on Mon- meeting wlll be March 4th day. wiih a tous ihrougb the Mc- Ms. and Mss. Mike Johnson Laughlin Llbrary, Oshawa.! and 'Kellie and Ms. Harold Intercsied parents are asked Caoncy. Jr., visited their sistes ta mcci ai the East Scbooi by and husband Ms. and Mss. J. 7 a'clock. Huitchinson, Scasbasougb. Mss. Russell Gimblet e- Ms. and Mss. Harold Cooncy, ceuily entertained ber Sunday sou Rouuy, visied Harold's Scbool class ta a skating party mathes, Mss. Blanche Coaney, on Ice ai ber home. Supper ai Green Acres Nursing Home, was served aiierward and ahl Trenton, au Sunday. enjoyed It very mucb. We welcomc Ms. and Mss. The Scouts endcd Baden Sld Syle who hîve on Higbway Powell Week with a father and 2, just west ai Gravel Pi sou banquet, wibh a very goad Road. attendance ai Scouts and Miss Carole Greenbam and faihers. Constable Chaimers, Ms. Bob Wardell, Toronta, O.P.P., was ou baud and show- spent the weekend wiih tbe cd a film ou Higbway Safetv farmer's maibes, Ms, C. las schools, on accidents and Grecnbam. ways to avaid tbcm. Ms. and Mss. Rau Brooks Do't forget the Scouts' family visitedher parents, Ms. Paper Drive an Saiurday and Mss. Gardon Radman, mornîng. Little Brîttain. Maple Grave Cubs meci ibis Ms. and Mss. W. H. Brown week (Thussday), ai 7 p.m. and sou David wese Sunday visitors wiib Ms. and Mss. The U.C.W. World Day ai Don McIutyse, Peterborough. Prayes lu ibis district willi be M held on Friday at 2 p.m. lu 5r. Allin Snowden, ac- Maple Grave cburcb. campanled by ber sister and busbaud. vlsited ibeis maiher, Pastor Romeril's sermon Mrss E. H. Wilkins, Part Hope, nexi Suuday, 2nd, lu tbe Len- on Sunday. ten srles.Ms. John Aitchison and two Ms. and Mss. C. Russell sud chlldsen, Hollyrod. speni the family wese Sunday visiiors weekend wih Mr. and Mss. with ber parents, Ms. and Mss. Len Goodmurphy and lamlly. R. L. Wesiaway, Cameron. On Ms.adMs .P wlo theis way home ibey called on c ud o Mss. rcoP.swallawr their cousins, Ms. and Mrss al o hercuis s Guy Parklns and famlly, Whii- and Mss. Keiih Wood, Kendal, by. ou Sunday. Recent visitars ai Ms. and Mr. and Mss. Tom Lodge Mrs. Art James' were Mr. and and Miss Heather Lodge, Mss: Gerald Drew, Water- Bridgcnosih. were Su ndayi down, Ont., ber parents Ms. dinues guesis wih theis aunt, and Mss. A. Ayer, Ms. Michael Mss. Roy Van Camp and alsolAyer af Oshawa. vlslted their cousins, Mr. sud i Mss. Sam VanCamp and îam- Ms. and Mss. Harry Cook- ily. sou, Ajax, were Sunday callers ou bis father, Ms. James Cook- Sympaiby of ibis commun- son. lty Is extended ta Ms. and About 30 fiends, neigbboss Mss. Earl Spry aud family lu and the famlly ai Ms. and tbc passing o! bis aunt, Mss. IMrss George Carr, Maple Boy SenwIck. wbo was buried jGrove d . laatysr lu Bowmanville Cemetery îast pîed. heN.,paaty esur. Saturday, also ta ahi Otber lng on the approacb ai their relatives. 2Oib weddlng annlversary. The Sympatby ai ibis corn- iamlly pscsenied thern with a munity la exieuded ta the pale lamp and several other cousins af Ms. Howard Wood,! glus were received. The ev- wha was a formes sesideni of'ý enlng was pleasanily speni in ibis comamunlty lu himi younger 1 playing carda anld a micUl ie. clude the program, f ilms were shown by Eric John- son. Head table guests included, from lef t ta righi, in the lower picture, Mr. Parier, Scouimaster Colliss, Cub Sixer David Fraser, Cubmaster Clare Mutton, IChairman Harry Barileit, Eric Johnson, Scouts John 1Henry and Jim Geddes. Not shown are head table guesis Jerr y Parier, Richard James and John James.1 was enjoyed by ail. This cam- Crippled Children's Centre, munity extends congratula- spent the weekend at home tions ta the couple. wiih ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. or at the Door. Miss Tammy Rogers, ai Rau Rogers and two sisiers. 48's sugg. list 1.99 5"S - SUGG. LIST 75c WILKINSON BLADES 59c SUPER STAINLESS STEEL MISS CLAIROL CREME FORMULA Hair Color Bath Sugg. Iist 1.95 PEPSODENt TOOTHPASTE Sugg. Iist 1.19 CO)NTAC 1h roat Lozenges sugg. lEst 89C MI'S79C Honor Queen's Scout at Father andi Son Banquet NEWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL FRIDAYa MARC5 st.196 Phone 987-4284 - 987-4624 Tickets $1.00 Arrid Roll-on Deodorant 11/2. o. Sugg. ist 1.29 1.0o9 COLGATE 100 Mouthwash Sugg. ist 1.49 1 2 I.DA. Minerai Ou 49 16 oz. Reg. 63c49 GELUSIL TABS Sugg. Iist 2.25 ANACDand 16 ADSORBENT oo0sl6 Q.TlpsSugig. Iist 69C SWAB 90's 63ci 1 l W hite Rain Sha.-poo 12 oz. Sugg. Iist 1.29 99C ALEX. McGRE.GOR e DRUGS.e OSTOCO DROPS i50 c.c. Vitamnins Sugg Iist 4.32 5 KING St. W. - - PHONE 623.5792 The Canadian Statenman, Eowmnvtle, Teb. 2%, IM DBITUARY ' him ln the year 1960,, OBITUARYHe also leaves ta mourn on@ sister, Sadie Elizabeth Browzý ZOIN DAVEY BROWN Orona; 10 grandchildren and The eat of ohnDay seven great-grandchlldren. Brown ai Orono ccurred onI The funeral service waS Sunday, February il, 1968, in i held ln Orona United Chureki Memrial Hospital, Bowman- on Tuesday, February 13; ville. He had been ln failing 1968, and was conducted by health for the pasi year and the Rev. Basil Long. Tom. a hall. porary Interment was ln th%~ Bonion avemer tb.Lang Memorial Chapel, Orono 1878, an Lot 25, Concession 6Ceery ai Clarke Township, son af PaIlbearers were: Mess. the late Richard an& Eliza- Carl Billings, Reginald Suttoix beth Brown, he was cnsid- and Ivison Tamblyn, alilof ered ane ai the pioneers af Orano: Gordon Werry anid the Kirby-Orono community. Earle Brown ai Toronto, and Mr. Brown spent most of his Gerald Brown, Newcastle. entire life farming on the ManY beautiful floral trlb- Brown homestead near the utes, attested ta the esteem ti village ai Orono, wbere he which Mr. Brown was held. raised purebred H o Is t e i n Tbere were also donations Q; cattle. the Ontario Heart Faundatiant On September 13, 1905. he and the Crippled Children's niarried Ellen Tamblyn wbho Association. remnains ta mourn bis passing. Upan his retirement they took Up residence ln Orono, where e as oa ho was active ln communiiy ulCs oa activities and was a member of Orono United Churc. For Old Appliances Mr. Brown Is survived by througb his wiie, Ellen Tamblyn, and four cbildren, Marion ai Osha- S T A T E S M A N wa, Everett ai Orono, LeRoy C LA 8SS1IFP1EDS8 ai Lindsay, and Olive (Mrs. H. E. Milîsan), Orono. His Phono 623-3303 eldesi son, James, predeceas- ¶By. Popular Demand.. THE CLARKE PLAYERS present a repeat performance of "A Man For Ail Seasons" 99cgg f ist L9C1.29 1 1 Ferninine 1(01 EX Hopkins .1- ROBERT BOLT 1,059 PRESCRIPTIONS 5 KING St. W. PHONE 623-5792