-~ - ý -4 - 10 The Canadfan Statemn, Eowrnanvmfe, Mar. 6, 1968f Agricultural Calendar Thursday, March 7th, 11:00!623-3348 for appointments. ak.n.--Central Ontario Cattiel Wednesday, March 27th, 11 Breeding Association Annual!a.m.-Central Ontario Cattie Meetings at the Rock HavenIBreeders Association - Com- Restaurant. Luncheon, and imunity Hall of Maple, Keele getspeaker. ýStreet N.. Maple, Ontario. Thursday, March 7th, 8:15: Wednesday, March 27th, 12 IP.m.-Durham Federation of noon-Durham County Safety Agriculture, Department ofCouncil Rally - Tentative date. Agriculture and Food, 14' Friday. March 29th, 1:30 Frank Street, Bowmanville. !pin. - 3:30 p.m. - I.O.O.F. Saturday, March 9th, 7:00 Hall, Orono. H. Wright. Fert- p.m.-Durham County Junior ilizers for Cereals. Hay andý Farmers Annual Banquetî Pasture. Blackstock Recreation Centre.! Saturday. March 30th, 9:00 Guest speaker. A. G. Bennett, arn.-Provincial Junior Farm- Director of Extension, Ontario ers Curling Bonspiel, Uni- Department of Agriculture versIty of Guelph. and Food, Toronto. Tickets Saturday, March 3th, 1:00 available from Junior Farmer; p.ml.-Provincial Junior Farm- Directors. ers Bowling Tournament, 677 Monday. March i lth, 1:30,Woolwick Street, Guelph. pm.-Durham County D.H.1 Monday, April lst, 1:30 p.rn. .Amembers annual meeting - --Durhamn Beef Improvement Department of Agriculture' Executive and Directors meet- and Food, 14 Frank St., Bow- ing, Department of Agricul- manville. AIl dairy farmers ture and Food, Bowmanville. welcome. Thursday, April l8th-Hol- Tuesday, March l2th, 1:30 stein 'Plane Trip - Chicago p.m.-Durham Farm Manage. arca. Visits have been ar- ment Course - Members only -, ranged to Curtis Bedn Department of Agriculture.ý Unit, Elmwood Farm.,Brso and Food, 14 Frank Street,: Farin and a commercial unit. Bowmanville. Speaker, H. Tickets $45.00 each. Contact Nodwell, Agricultural Engin- Don Budd, Port Hiope; on eering Extension Specialist. Welsh, Bowmanvllle. ni Tuesday, March l2th - On- 'J tario Bull Sale - Herefords -, at the Hays Sales Airena, Tra-ý BETH.ANY 1t' falgar (5 miles north of Oak- ville), ai Wednesday, March 13th Mrs. Percy Stewart, Mr. 11:00 a.m.-4-H Club Leaders, and Mrs. Neil Stewart andý Spring Meeting, DepartinentI their children Cathy, Cory, cf Agriculture and Food, Bow- !and Jeff rey, of Peterborough, znanville. Mrs. William McElroy of Wednesday, March l3th, 1:10 Bridgenorth have been guests p.m.-Central Lake Ontarioi with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conservation Authonlty - Land White. use committee meeting. Mrs. Percy Mantle bas re- Wednesday, March l3th- turned home from Ross Me- Ontario Bull Sale - Ail other morial Hospital in Lindsay. breeds - at the Hays Sales Mr. and Mrs. Reg Palmer Arena, Trafalgar. Sales to and family of Peterborough commence at 11:00 a.m. eachivisited with Mrs. Ina Palmer day. ; during last weekend. Wednesday, March 13th,ý Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rajsl:i 6:30 p.m.-Durham Farmers' aire spending two weeks' holi- County Co-operative Banquet. days in Hawaii. Orono United Church, $2.25 Cliffard Canr, Roseville, per person. Meeting at 8:00 Mich., spent several days with P.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. Friday, March lSth. 1:30 ý Her many friends are wish- p.m. - 3:30 p.m.-I.O.O.F. Hall, jing a speedy recovery to Mrs. Orono. H. Wright will dis-1 Wesley McMahon who is a cuss fertilizers on corn. i patient in Civic Hospital, Marcb lSth - l7th-Anlntial Peterborough. Meeting and C o n f e r e n c e, The Ladies Good Luck Or- Junior Farmers Association of ange Lodge hed a progressive Ontario, Memorial Hall, Uni- 1 uchre party in the Orange versity of Guelph.i Hall on Friday night with Tuesday, March 1th, 1:30 seven tables of players. Prizes r p.m. - F a r m Management for high scores went to Mr. Course. Department of Agri- and Mrs. Emery Smith; sec- culture and Food, Bawman- ond prizes to Mrs. Gladys ville. A. O. Dalrymple, speak- Malcolmson and D o uglIa s er. White. Lewis McGill won the Tuesday, March l9th-K.A. lucky door prize. S. - Annual Meeting - Eastern Mrs. Alex McMaster bas Breeders. Guest speaker, Mr. returned home from Civic Ferrin, Director of Administra- Hospital, Peterborough. tion, University of Guelph. 4-H Club Wednesday, Manch 2th- The Bethany 4-H Girlsi Quinte Branch - O.I.A. dinner Homemaking Club "The Tutti mneeting, 6:30 p.m., Brighton. Fruities" have begun their Wednesday, March 2th, 10,new project 'Featuring Fruit a.m.-Regiona! Weed School,lin the Menu", with Mrs. Ontario Government Building. IH arr y Ryley as leader and Lindsay. Mrs GIenPetnassatO Tuesday. March 26th--Dor- Ileader. oPrsocassantCO een Hamili, Home Economist, OfficerS elected were Miss bai Lindsay, will be in the Depart - JiII Wood, president; Miss - mnent of Agriculture and Food Wen dv Preston, vice-presi- r Office. Bowmanville. Caîldent1: 'Mr.. John Neals, treas- r týLm£, rgCE REDUCTION In OPTICAL or %WFOCAI SALE S WEEK ONLY III COMPLE BIFUG4LS YUUR CHOICE ... l<RYPTOK ULTEX FLAT-TOP o e Q THE MOST OIITSTANDING OFFER IN OPTICAL HISTORY To .veryon. aend .nyone who needs or waart Bifocal Glasses: lite.s the most e.niaticiial *ffor of .11 fîmes. For THIS WEEK ONLY yeu can buy the finest National Br.naled frst qual*y Bifocéf lenses complot. with lthe frame of ycur cholce et thé. ONE LOW PRICE of $19.50. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FRGM Chocs. lthe bifocals that you wa',t and clyeu noed for VOUR special require- menti. Select frorm a wde aisor'tmmnt offtremes the. one dosigned esp.cialty for your faite, personality and facial contour. King offers the Lowest Prc.î .and the Hltlt QuaIiE'y et one low prie*. Wom't you compare. . ,. . comparss' pfoyse. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY. MARCH 9, 1968 GLASSES WITH SINGLE ISION LENSES . -... 51111 NLY s13.95 17 Bond St. East Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. 2nd Floor 9 iaym to5 p.m. Friay ill9 p.m. Oshawa, Ont. Saturday 9 - 12 noon Closed Wednesday We fill aU P.S.I., Ocullats and Optornetrlssa Prescriptons at the arne low prices. rep- Iber Pal Ani Kal La( Co< A hel( Ha: ran Sm: mnal Peston demonstrated poe measuring of bulk and liquid, f onds. The club is sponsnned by the Bcthany Womcn's Insti- tute. World's Day of Frayer The Wold's Day of Prayer was observed in Bethany as a joint meeting of Anglican and United Chunch Womený and held in St. Paul's Churchl an Friday afternoan. Mns. Harnld White, presi-i dent of the U.C.W. hade change of the service. Othersý leading in the devotinnals.ý scrîptunc rcadings and inter-! cessory prayens wene Mrs.' Thomas Jackson, Mns Noell Wood, Mrs. William Piercy.j Mrs. Harold Thompson, Mrs.1 Ina Palmer and Mns. Lcvif McGill. Mrs. Carl Pantenus gave aý talk on the prognain themeý "Bear One Anothen's Bur-' dens." Relating ta the parahie! of the Prodigal Son, whichý xvas one nf the scripture les-, sons, Mrs. Porteous saidi "This panable was perfectlyîý tindenstandable for aur day: and age. It portrays a very1t human stary of family rla -;. tions. Thene is always ioy! aven the sinnen who repents.ý and always fnngiveness. Gndl canes for individuals. So- turnes today the church i, cniticized, but the chunch isý made up of people. The-V chunch is what we make it.s iOften we fail in oun nesponsi-1 bilities as church members,v or as Canadian citizens. The ie panable of The Prodigal Son.' the Father's fangiveness oùf his wayward son, is a chaI- i lenge ta all the world. that we should know and show il fargiveness. Love begets love.a Our times are penilous; prnb-ýC lemns secin overwhelming; ye' t(I these are days of opportun ity 'e for the Church ta be a guiid-ýýa lng light. We need a deepen- c ing of our Faith. With them help of God's indwelling b, spirit, we cao be all that Godi 0: requires of us. He alone c'arn d give us peace and serenity. i Let us learn ta bean one an-iS othen's burdens." i Mrs. Thomas Jennings and, c Mrs. Harold Sandenson sang' b "Jesus Thou Divine Com pa-.' ion", accompanicd by onganist il Mrs. F'rank Fry. n The offering was rcceived, Pl by Mrs. Herb Coppins and, J Mrs. William Phillips andi 13 will be used in the work of 1tr The Women's înter-ChurchlJ c Council of Canada, IL Panel and Press Conference Feature Liberal Convention Port Hope on Saturday had at least two firsts left to right, Russell C. Honey, Durham's M.P., Marcel for this area during the founding convention of the Prud'-homme, M.P. for Montreal-St. Denis, Senator, new Northumberland-Durham Liberal Association. Arthur Roebuck, Dr. Pauline Jewett of Ottawa, formeri Phere was a panel discussion during the afternoon at Northumberland M.P. and Hugh Faulkner, M.P. forý he Lions Community Centre when those attending Peterborough. Panel Moderator A. B. "Peter" Schultz,! -e convention were invited to present their views is in the background. ind questions for discussion. Panelists included, frorn 't n. Regards, V. M. Gilmer. TIRE,) CANADIAN 10O30 Nanton Ave Vancouver 9, British Columnbia, Canada. Dear Editor: I arn a tired Canadiar I'm tired of the slob anc the mob; of the Yankee-bat. er and Bible-baiter; thE Peacenik, Vietnik and ever: other nik who thinks he car break the law and gete medal for doing so. I'm tired of newspaper- men Who dish up the new5 as if they were throwing swill to the pigs; poets and playrights who hav'en't prog- ressed beyond four letter words; TV producers who Inspire us by raking In the muck Instead of pointing to the stars and writers who continually dangle the bogey of Fascism in front of us whi]e dressing communism up like Santa Claus. I'm tired of fat-cat union bosses crying poverty while grinding their thumbs into the eye of the fixed income consumer; of pulpit pundits who preach as if they had a direct "hot line" to hýeaven and a divine mandate to dictate the political philoso- phy of the Church who proclaim 'love thine crne- mies" so long as they don't salute the Stars and Stripes! I'm tired of being the scapegoat for every 1las t punk who ever stole a car, beat up an nid lad'y or push- ed heroin. I'm tired of sup- porting families who've made welfare a way of life for three generations and Hip- pies who use it to support their cloth. Frm tired of polilicians who fawn as "servants of the people" in order to get hold of the national cash box and who then proceed to spend taxpayers money like a prostitute let loose at a perfume counter! P'm tired of kitchen com- rades who dominate "open line" radio shows and pink professors who try to dom- mnate our Universities. l'm tilred of an apathetic John Doe who seems to have spa- ghetti where his backbone1 ought to be. In short, I'm a tired Canadian with just about enough energy to sav: "O.K. buster. This far and no farther. Now get off my back - or else! Sled cand ptif.d ee Patricia Long. ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were heldý at Garden Hill, The twoý Younger children of Mr. and, Mrs. W. Legette were christ-: *.. ened during the services. *Several ladies attended the The second f irst for the convention was the press and television crews crowded into the staff room at Won ld D aorae wHlcho 2ference with guest speaker and Liberal leadership the high school. This picture shows them in action wria he l atMarden, Hili on idîidate Pierre Elliott Trudeau, prion to the large with Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Honey and the new associa-iRev. Martin of Gores Landing,' tquet. Dozens of newsmen, photographers, radio tion president James Clarke behind the table. was the guest speaker. The: - local ladies provided the rest, er, the secrctany and press, e é (d .t l of the program. porter, roving. Other mem- 0 0, A nuimber in the mmnv rs are Ann White, Ruth l e ers 1 il& clto attended the Loblaws' cooking, imer, Grace Smith, Betty etC sehool in Port Hope duringý n Morton, Norma Smith. Ottawa, and ail those Interested ia Grand March, In two big 'bags of grocenies were Mrs. H.[ athaleen Morton, Mannief February 26, 1968 the welfare of agriculture. circles, then the dancing White, Mrs. H. Muldrew and' chrane. Dear Sir: Yours truîy,j began, lasting until about Mrs. C. Beatty; winners nf' The Federal Goverament 1 Senator Hazen Argue. 4:30. The best ever, the cooked dishes were Mrs. R.ý At their meeting Friday', troghit Mnite o Ani ____- n claimed! White, Mrs. C. Mercen, Mrs.' d at the home of Mrs. culture, Hon. J. J. Greene, aMran Mrs. Mac Irwin C. Beatty and Mrs. H. Thick- ir yeDorothy Coch- years ago increased the sup- Lakeland, Florida, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred son rr, Rleyoo, ndNom February 25, 1968 Wood were as hr rm M.adMs .Wshue eJlWodadNraport prîce on milk to $4.75 loteefo MranMs.RWshuer nith demonstrated how tii per cwt. and also provided a Dean Mr. James: home, as well as the Tamb- lof Bowmanville spent the,! ake a jellied apple salad. subsidy ta cream shippers of Thought you mightb ,ce Smith and Wendy , r.q mnm. .. %rinfo - , t biý :sum vi entsa jJuncu LUI buttenfat. The Canadian Daîry Commission has now announced that It will estab- lish a.minimum quota of 420 pounds of butterfat or 12,000 pounds of milk for the purpose of ellminating many thousands of produc- ers from receipt of any sub- sidy in the new dainy year, Apnil 1, 1968 ta Manch 31, 1969. Furthermore. the Dairy Commission's neview of quota applications for pro- ducers with quantities nf between 420 pnunds of but- tenfat and 1.750 paunds of butterfat and 12,000 pounds of milk and 50,000 pounds of milk will mean a bureau- cratic and arbitnary elimina- tino f many thousands more. This action arises from the Dairy Commission's mis- taken judgcment that its duty is to eliminate sinaîl producers by withdnawal of ahl government support. The small dairy producer is already leaving the bus- iness at an exceedingly rapid rate. Ini 15 years from 1951 to 1966 the number of farins in Canada with dainy cows felI by aven 50%. The pnlicy of the Dairy Commission will bring great handship to the lowest In- carne carners. Olden people, sinaîl farmers and othens who have endeavouned to supplement thein low In- cornes by dairy production will be fonced ta a still lnw- er poventy level. Initiative will be penalized, and social welfane roles will be increas- cd. Tt will condemn a whale industry, the creain shipper and the butter producing creamery ta hardship and tn the posslbility of early extinction, and the quota Is also against the whole course of governnient economic and w'elfare policy which bas been to increase the incarnes if low income earnens. It lentes what should be a fundamental night of citizen- ship, namely, ta share In the benefit of governmeat poli- :ies on a fair and equitable basis. In opposition ta the policy if the Canadian Dairy Coin- nission and hoping ta focus Public attention on this In.. ustice, I have introduced Bill S-34 in the Senate. I trust It will be given the sup- port of farmers, farm organ- iation, local businessmen IJiueLvsteU ln nearing a littlc accaunt of the Can- adian Taunist Club picnic held hene at Civic Centre, on the shores of beautiful Lake Morton, yestenday af- ternoon, Feb. 24, from your Newtoaville correspondent. Having been told ta bring oun baskets, we registened in the foyer. secuned our narne tags, and managed ta find seats at one of the long Itables, just as the Presi- dent rase ta give bis address of welcome. AIl rase tn sing "My County 'Tis 0 f Thee", jfollowed by "O Canada", Iand the B]essing, then eveny- ane "felI ta" and enjnyed a deliclous meal. most people shaning their vanbous dish- es of fond. It was aanounced this was the langcst ever, in attend- ance, some 630 being. pres- cn.The vaniaus province wene narned, and nearly al repneene, Ontario being thelagt number, 449. The "bucket" was passed for ex- penses. netting appraxirn- atelv $195. New siate of officers wa s announced, and as there were no further nomina - tions, were acclairned, with aur own Austin Turner ln- troduced as the new Presi- den t, an d bis wife Audrey ane o f the Board of Man- agers. Chnis. Gardner u'clated sev- enal amusing stonies. mo,-t of them fit for publication, but I won't take the time'. Then two singers fnom St. Petersburg, June Whecler, and Juanita Travis, wene Introduced, ta entertain musically. accompanied at the piano. by Margaret Williams, and aIl wene sen- sational. Someane passed up a request for "She'll he Coming 'Round the Moun- tain", so they obliged, first calling up Carlos Tamblyn ta the platform, to assist with the drlving - he acquit- ted himself nobly! Durlng the fun, my own husband. Frank, was spotted. and asked to stand and tell when was the last tinie he had told bis wife he loved her. His reply: 'Just this morning". was a bit of a fib. Frm afnaid! Anyway. they provided a variety of wondenful mnusic, end.ing with the *"Battle Hvmn of The Republic-'. :I1l îolnlne ln. and ruearly lift- Inq' the roof! The applause was deafeaiag. Everyone lined UP for the At Majorette Ban qudf HeId at Lions Centre n.The tables were attractively1George Muttn and Mn. Fan- [ddecorated in the Valentine; ning who acted as judges for themne and each girl neceived ithe dances. 1. Most original ian edible place card favour, acJl tokr .So - Iwhen the Recreation Major-idance Canla Philips; 3.,»irth. * lettes of the Wednesday clas- day, Penny Almond; Effmin- * ýses held a mothen and daugh-, a tion. Bannie Ford. Mn. E. ter banquet at the Lions1 Reitmuller annived and show. Centre on Friday, Februany! cd a film of the local major- 16th. ettes for the nest of the even- 91After the singing of Gracci ing. IT A. Fanning, Recreation ewud lalket x -Dmecton, introduced the headj PUess aur thaaks ta The rtable, Mn. and Mrs. G. Mut- Statesman for the covenage ton representing the Recrea- given our girls in the past tion Committce, Miss Inenie' and also Mn. James who tank Ha rvey, Wednesday Dancel tinie out of bis busy schedule Teacher, Misses M a u n e e n ta came and take pictures of 1Martin and Patsy Blake.:ý the girls. ïderonstratos f the Wd-ý nesday classes, Mrs. J. Fow1-ý er, Saturday Dancing Teacher,' and Miss Brenda Henning, O IU R jSaturday demonstraton MRS. ELIZA B. SHERIDAN Aftpen a d.Foeiaus bufnt:Following a lengtby sickness, churperofs.Foh e rw sthethe death occurred Feb. 24th. chrg f h:das o 1te1968, at Hillsdale Manon of Imothens. Winners as follows:i Mrs. Eliza Beatrice Sheridan. î Door pnizeaw, Mrs. .J.w!- She was in her 83rd year. ley LckyDnws Mr. J.The former Eliza Beatrice Ford. Mns. B. Passant, Mrs. Vice. the deceased xvas a K. Piper and Mrs. G. Muttoi. daughter of the late George Mrs. E. Blake asked the; Vice and Catherine Wenny. following girls tn corne for-lShe was bora at Solina, Ont, ward ta receive gifts for seul- Atugust 29th. 1885. ing the most candy durîngý Mrs. Sheridan was prede- their candy sale. 1sf Katbyi ceased by ber first busband. Blake. 2nd Barbara Hennîng,ý Henry McLean. in 1922 and in Ird Janet Lovekin, 4tb Mi-'ý 1924 was rnarnied ta Thomas chelle Lamant, 5th Sharoný Sheridan, who predeccased and Judy Piper, ber in 1932. A resident of *After supper the rnm wasi Oshawa and district fan the made ready for the rernainderý past 60 years, she was a mcm- of the pnogram, and wc ex-! ber of Kingsview United tend tbanks ta Mn. and Mrs.' Cburch and a former member of the Independent Order of weekend witb the Thicksons. Foresters. Tbe high scbool students are! Surviving anc a daugbter, busy wth thein exams thislMrs. Lamne Arkley (Velma> week. of Toronto; tbree sons, Menvin Mr. and Mns. V. Peacock McLean 0f Oshawa, Ross Me- aitended the funenai of thei Lean of Ottawa and William late Mrs. Thompson, Keadal,1 T. Sheridan of Oshawa; cight an Saturday. gnandchildnen and five great- Mn. and Mrs. J. Quantrill] grandcbiîdren. and Michelle, Osbawa, had tea: The funeral service was beld 'wit.h Mn. and Mrs. H. Quan-iat the Mcîntosb - Anderson trîlI,1 Saturdav, Funeral Home at 2 p.rn., Feb. We are sonry to hear thatî 27, Interment was In Osha- Mns. C. Quantrili, Oshawa, a Union Cemetcny. Rev. L. broke ber wrist lately and Wý. Herbent, minister of Kings- Mrs. W. Beatty, Garden Hill, I view United Cburch, canduct- Durham Farmers' County Co-op, [E ANNUAL MEETING and -BANQUET Wednesday, March l3th_ at Orono United Church Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Business Meeting 8 p.m. Tickets $2.25 and may bp obtained from the Directors or at the miii office President John Knox, Vice President Robert Morton, Secretary Gerald Shackleton, Manager E. 1. Spry; Directors: Stan Allun, Ken Hen- derson, Everett Cryderman, Howard Quantrili, Ronald Bickle, Sam Turner. Entertainment and Door Prizes. Ho Roland Sloani got a Commerce Red Convertible Loanl and I bought a blue fastback with buckets@ htvrfl at rmcr Wh ameersu at, forom arsoigt wt cameras, hoats ooadlomgtt.. tha Bnkpln oa fo CANADIAN IMPERIAIŽBANK 0F COMMERCE - ~ - - - - -~ 1 ,iMothers Are Guests